p w HelpfHelp! I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor cttme to the res cue with a hoiilc of Aycr'a I loir Vlcor. The hnlr was saved t In gratitude, It grew lone and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold In all parts of the u'orld for sixty years. AWmiI nn ii a I ttM aaatl? tllftf m Sail fti iwlirf a .Hark nl mi.i'.a I ..I.I...I k, (il.it tu it'i I loir Vlim 1 iihl u i4 t mui I . laafci.tlfMt Latitat Mr" Mm W J llnuHM Win ma km riu wii 7TT A UJ.br i ..( 1-ew.ll. tit... 9 I yli Alt waauraaimara f XJI J ItltSllMMlU, A. Jm.Lj&l O tntuit rrcTKAi.C aaaraaiK3aaaasBaaaaaMnaas! I'm. "Wall," mi th rtilonir. h il tilt lawlnrr and roetr.1 Inward Ihr ihwr, "I fl IU llllllllllllt bij lf (HI f Imr mlvlr nut n( a mlrtit' ld rr-" My Urlii( liliHlf imilly mi thr out' Id n( tlif liallwr ill")" Ii uritlilnl (ft' tlm bluMtlf Into i wU'.ilr UJ cru. t(U Itorvpllnn, Th Ulhmm nmiiltiri tallirrnl rv thiilllrllr armuiJ lit jrnUI KTflr; of Vr "llr't 4 ninillilalr," htj tiiiinmr.1. tartly la our llkln'" At th unTrl;ii( tnii( It km irf"! h; all iffnl Itial a rary n)oyatl Unit WII In J. Tit CAtlT rit aittti 4f4 M ll AtM .! afffHI 1.wf'fl t?'MI ... in 4lmi !., Ull M l4 !! ri kni ai. M.1IW'-' oi' 1. kral BtXJ III " Mllkl Uiiibla I kS.f U.tllriNlllMN. Tit tktm off 4 c-4 M lr til Oe.W. I rt'- ' v aaoui aoutaa. in ti.t.H A.. . iuir. r St. 1 1 vim's Hall, INirtl.uid, Or. RattJant anJ 0y Scliool far CliU Catatogua nn iriuait. Food Products LIbby's Cooked Corned Beef There's a big differ onco between just corned beef the Kind sold in built and Llbby's Cooked Corned Dee!. The difference la in tho tnste, quality of mcQt and natural flavor. Every fiber of tho meat of Llbby's Cooked Corned Dccf is evenly and mildly cured, coolicd scientifically and carefully packed in Llbby's Grcal While KIIcIicb It forms an appotix inri dish, rich in food value and makes a sum mer meal that satisfies. For Quick Serving: Libby's Cooked Corn ed Beef, cut into thin slices. Arrango on a platter and garnish with Libby's Chow Chow. A tempting dish for Iuncheon,dinnor,supper RXLVvlLAH3aCiH m'MB- in wwn t wijjy 'I'm JM2: :Y M aVa7 7 S vrwaj fl" 1lttlul1 tooklf I- ' ,fova JfeJ TMtt t iftn rfl V"RjSE juiIk. FlMslJ LAbr MirfM cSrt2r"afcaBaw r rrxvfi'Jrt tt0IS&0 ArWNrWWNAM t'lHnftirlffi Oim imii Hiixiir mill tun i'UUh ln'iili'll luui'llur, oiii' liulf Ii'iihhiii mill, nun ili Miii't milk, lilt ' i'ilm llmir, oim lriiaHHiii ImkliiK mpiIit I line ii'iuly n ilri-p niii of lint Innl nml dip In m tnlilifiHHiiiflll nl ii tllni. ii a If frylliK iIhiikIiiiiiIm ii jnijr mhiii In lint Innl lU-nt mil) lln inHliiri' u.ll) lint Hi Irk In tln pmhiii U'lii'ii lirntn mi mm nliti' Uii'V will Inrn iimt. fry linmn nml lii) mi impiT In ilmln I in imt put Iihi nimi) In nl i.ihi'. iin limy imiat Imvi' iihiiii In turn ntcr. AImimmiI Irnl Ofttllll-Hl IIHTI'ly Mlfll'HM ltd' WHtlTl nllnuliil until la ii HMlwIllllli' for MMti. It la IIHIlll' of IIIIIHI'K of lM"t nlimilHl iikiiI. mi miiHt of HiHii'tii nrrla nnil, J iiiinn-x of rniKtlU' nwi Krmiml In ii HiHilir. Imlf n itrnni of nil of ImTUH niit mill fniir ilropi of nil of lilttr nl- IIHllllU Mil IM'II. Hllll kn'i1 " 'I1" ilriHwIni; aliiml In IIkIiII) uiirnl k'litM Jr WIumi wnaliliiK iir ii lluli of tlm until Into tln IhiihI" hihI iim na mi. Iti'Htliii: tlm fmi it llli It. MNilr unit I'riinv lii.ll I um. Hiwk ln riia of mi'II iikiv"I irii:t''a III nnliT In nncr iitrriilitlil. Ill tlm iimriiliiK aliiumr uiilll iri'fiiily tmutiT. jthi'li rtiiinii atiila nml allr In mm cll I fill of dicppiil innii' aticnr. rill III "IihiII pliira. Tlm lirillira aliotllil lr niHirly ilry Ciiiit mIIIi it Kixnl lilwiilt ' ilmiuli. mlliil fl la It ullh n Imlf cupful nf almtiil nwpli' attiwr mllcil mrr II. Iidki' In it ijiilik ot ni nml wine ttlili "nttni. (iHtmrnl Wwlrr. A llltlc IHII HiriltclolW aJirlllK Hli'll rlim la mtHiil water Ti liiNkc u lnliHiMnfiil of any aleHHl-eiiikiHl rlcl.t In put at nl(lit lulu h elxaaflll of ttatiT ami let Nlniiil tililll lunriilMK. Tin' lliiili la then llHinxiiilil) Mllrntl hihI airnliieil rt. Hie water In'Iiiic ilrink na "nhi n mm 1,'elK nut nf ImI. Tllla iimikIIii my ! taken etery limrnli of Um j cur. aixl innlmil.liill) Iin vlr tuea l.rmiHi alirrlirl. Siiiiii' nil Hie JuVro from Mx leimma nml olio lnrtti nraiiife. Put Into till" Hie Kralitl rlml of the ermine nml of three of the lemona ami M It xleep fr nn Irnur. Slmln In h Imk. Hjieiic lutf Ihla twrtl. Hitil tun eiiM Kraut l In I ii I Mik'itr ami mm pint water. Mix well met put Into it fnvarr. 'him until friiFin. Mfk ami let It flaml for mi hour ta'fori' iwrtliw. llui, lo aNte I'le Jnlera, III linkluc any klral nf Jilley pies nfiir icrtilwc tlm pie rrnily for tlm oti ii. take a atrip nf miwtln rloth ..txiiit an ItM'h ami it half tthlr, wHhk imt of iM water, nml put It Hi-miml n'ae of pie, om-half im pie tin. awl I e of tit Julee will mil out III Um mill When ilmie lift tlm chitli rlKMt on the pie. It.eoi.iii t'uatnnl I'utlalliiu, (iral.il 'rlml and Juice two leumii". nm litnc" nip auicMr. four In-aptiu liililerooua cum atMrch. Hllr tocelher tint Hilil ttt'n lartte cih IhiIIIiiiC tvnter 'nml a lHlilerNHiii Imlter ami let Ml until It tonka cliatr. Add yolka of three . laally the tti'll-lH'ate- tthltia atlrreil III "HI. When cold arrto ttltli tliiiHtl cretun Allle anoee fitUe, Stir lllln turn cupful atteetewed HHh amnv mm teHaHNiuflll hnIm, Cienni Imlf up hulier ttlih mm cup MUtar ami Imlf eilKaHinful mil. Kent thla ttcll Into llm npplc aHUtv. HihllUK mm vup mliiiH r ciirraulH, nr IhiIIi. iiiImiI. ami htih-twt in limlc l.iiat of all atlr In one pint Hour, llnkti III n Imtf III alntv (ittui. Ilrnttn llrltr. Klltv upplea line, criiuihlc jour hnwd nml put u In) it nf crump In piiilitliu; illali, llieli n layer nf npploa. .'prlnUIn ttltli cltiiuiiuuii mid ciirruula. t'niitliiuo until uii lmvo niimuiit ruinlrcil, then drop lillaVf hutlcr lion' nud there mi tup. Add a little tvnter nud cook In slow utcu until hrottn. Iliiar In J ii ilue i:.. llollcil ckkh tthltli mllioro tu tlm almll urn f i cull. A pant ' 111 Hluk III wiUit, Htnln Ck'Ka "it Khiaay ntul HiniMitli of hIicII. Tlm hlicll of it frcali vfin Iiiih it lliui'-llkii Hurfutv. A IhiUciI vtiit ttlilcli Ih ilium nml drlca ipikkly jii tlm alicll when tiikcu from tho wukv pall la frcali, .tlniitr I'urriill. lU'iit four ckkh allKlitly I" donhlu holler, pour Iu mm cup of hot ninplu alrup, HtlrrliiK U tlm tlnif, t'ouk until thick, cool, nml mid mm pint of thick rrcmu lKnto:i ntllT. Tour Into it nmld nml puck lit wtml pnrta of Ut nud hiiIL lAit Htiiud tht't'o Imura, NtlKUTrallona. A 8m)ikIiiii with n Holtttlnn of ono lrt niiiuiuuln to ten purta of tvnter la aiild to brighten tho colors of n failed car pot. STATE CONTROL OF WATER. IJm. (,... ...I.. I .1 !., M lln.r Paper Prnsentfld at Mnt Mealing of Oregon Slain Ornngn. Hr Ji'li'i II ll. Mini KnalftW. KONTINUHIl lltDll I.ANT WIII'.K ) Iawii of Other lit ten. ,, ,. it . i- i urrgoii, nnaniiiKiim aim i uinnrinn linvo tin nonrral vinter nvt or im.uw uiiiuhi, wrlirii alnte, CnlorHilo proflleil dy Um inUtnkra of ('iillfnriili. I, liter Wvn inlfiK timl Sfi.lirfmkn ililmitiil lliwra wlllrll Imvn Lren atnkeii na miMlela liy other tntea. eirent Hint liiHinl iriil IfttlM of till) wrly rlKhta nr inailr !)' Ihc rourla In trail of hy nppolnleil Imnnla, na In I line atHtea The tvnter Inw ilrfenlnl liy imr Iritlalnturra of IIMS nml 1(H)7 , folliittnl rlnwlv the Inwa reretitlv rn- artiil Uy I'lnhlilnhii, North nml rlniith ' Dakotn nml (Iklnhonm. The Cminillim Inw Inia lirmi iirrlnrml liy reiliition of the Anierlriui IrriKHtien t'oiiKraaa to Iin the heat of Ita Mini on lliin r.uiti iiftit. All ilieae iim.lern latta wre liuiwi! I U.r,li the ttntrr lavta of Italy, wblrh have devehii thniMKli reiiliirlea of exirlriire The Orrjtoit h tiw lark f iiirreilent, nml ahotihl profit liv the ,....-. i.,.,.. ,.r ikeu 1. 1 her klatra anl 1 I cmiiitnci ArumenU Affaltiit Btato Control The water rmle prrentel to the latt !e;llatiire provhleil a romprehenilve ayatem nf til lea to ttntrr nml for pro- trrtimi to veaieu riitnia inrniiKn i.." iMintriil of illveraiuna fruni puhlle atreaim. The len'lliiK nrKiimenta liV ( the etieinlea of thla Mil were na fol- lowai That tlm Mate oftlrer In rhnryo wouhl have the aiwrr of n rJir; that th liiinlen on tnxaitrr woiihl l.o ex ' lenive; nml thnt the Hppoliiimrni oi an iinllmiteil tiuiolier nf walrr iiinatrra wn the lml of u uiarhlnn to control the Hilltira of Ihr atatr. Thr ennlly eeary to rnforcu tho irel law wna that no rllit lo tlm Har of puhllr wntera ahotlM therwfler heroine veateal rxerpt hy ilirrel Krnnt l..m Hih iMle. Tke vrrat imwrr mm plalnnl of waa the authority of the atalr rHKlnerr to refur any nppllaatlan wklrh ilwl not rofiforaa with thr Inw. Th kim the hill witknut any mruna of rnforrlpK it wouhl have the ame elfrrt na ilrfeatiHK the lilll, wbirh waa thr rr tult ile.ire.1. ' I'H.Irr thr ti'oNwel law, no ,tat rontrnl rmil.l Iw had until Ike ilrtrr mlaalion iv tar rouria oi nn imni, ruchta to the ue of walrr from a gitrn Iream. Therefore, mm water maater n.uM lie apimiMtnl HMlll aurh tlwr.l Theae atljuJlrattoita will lie llnal. a eark Imaln romra U'forr tbr emtrt, in trail of n.HManlly rerurrlnit. im undrr preant ri.mliliiin. Thr wntrr maatrr. Urn ap.intr.. will frsulalr the .Ii- . A farmer rito from Strs. a.k xrr.i.m. i f walrr la arrordanrr with irm for vartrtiea of apple, t.. plant ;i the drrra a. ren.lrrr.1 ami tbr riKhta. that locality. He "l'pld tA'l aa Krantl uwUr thr nrw law. TVrae injMrtnalion as follows: nw rickta will not lie aubjert to Htl-1 "For winter applea. try tie HalJ pntlM. no matter how lotia: Ihr drier win. Spy. Xarthwest (ireenin.'. H.U mlaalloN of tbr rarly ncbta nrr de i un Kuaartl. Wasjenrr and Grmc lavrd. aa tbrar riRhta will I romplrtr (Mldrn If yott draire a few rarly It" ilrMnnl ami rrrordnl whrH granted, applra. ji'attl Yrlluw Trauafjrrnt fkla ilrlrrmiMatiM of rarlv llitbta may I)uchra, (iratcnatrlit and Kin The take from 1 to '.'it tram, juilgiMK froai ii.rnicr apple are the cmitmerrMl ap WyominK'a rxrinre. where In yraw j,tr ,f weatrrn Waahtiutlon The bate been ronunie. iu rrrordlaic tbr ( ciprriinrnt ttalion has me kituwl tarrltorlal rijthlN umlrr the Mew law. ej.e 0f Hlth the Drlicious tt'J the Tbr avatrm of illvlillai: tbr atalr Into Kini? Da id aiple. They are -om-dlatrirlr, arrorliB to dmlnairr bai, paratitrly new, and miht succer.l re with oar or more wnir nurr . .Lux .if eark haaia. baa I wen ileotoa atral.sl m tbr on'y fralblr plan of protrrtiag Ihr Iatrrwata of all roa- rrriint. Tbr fee rhartfril la tbr ifraatiMK ' title by tbr atalf wrtr lalra.lr.1 wlthia n frw yrara to more I baa mrrt the t Id Ibr'alatr. If frnnrblara tit thr ur of ttatrr wrrr limilrd In tiltir, nnd ullimatrly a rbarnr madr for the of thU publlr rriurrr, the tnt water dettmeut rotiM, In time. Ik made to tlrld a large rrvrnur In thr alatr. Thr nwt of arlual iltatrllilltioll wa to hr horrir bv the rountlr ImnrNted. (IbirrilNK to thr bill on Ihr ground of r.t la falar mummy. It i like ole Irrl M lo Ihr nppruprintlon nf aomn il2onn annuallv to Llntaln a Mate land drparimrnt. whlrh i n vnluahlr aonrrc of inromr to tbr tatr. or llkr nliirrtlHtf to thr riwt of our imllce pro-' lertina for other proertv lhaH wnter. whlrh proteatmn aavea aimually to the ....l.ll. ILI...J iLllll lid A.klll publlr far more than It riMt Btato And aoverument ItecUmatlon, Oregmi ha -HUtOOn aerra of govrni ment IhhiI withdrawn from eatrv. pru.lmg rerlawallou by Ihr atatr under a,::a,rV."uar.:Lro,X.:.'arJl'o? all lrnuatr.1 land at the preaent time, or iirnrlv ttvlrr thr romblanl arwt of the. Khimnth nml I'miitilln Irrlgntiun proiert of the government. During the llrat month of ll(7 tile ainie mini ihniiii iiiiiiiuiikii um ante of witter right to thee derrt lniiil. niimuiitlii' to 4l.mi2.70n. The the ml Inurnment of Ihe legi.lnture. honing tint the leglalntlitn whlrh thev hml recommended for the protection of not I lor might Im cnnrtcii. llm Into the futlier of tlm scntliuent was really I now lit tlm deplorable position of i)M,e Webster, who, .10 year tv mitlmrialiig the mile of n commodity vous.. lftlj ,K,uen of "tho iKMple's SSnitrit Kisr.!'.1. ;! ::: , rrxmxl rK' ,ror ," ,HT,;,i,,,n,ti,c viae llm expenditure of million of dol i ? the people, and answerable to the btr In tho Interest of future settlor.! people." Tho next stage Iu tho cry without niipmnrlntlni! n lnglo cent lallUntlon of tho phriibe was In 18S0, for ndiiilnlslrntlvo purpose. I when another great American, T'hco- Alrendv the atnto ha begun suit lIoro i.rUl.rt nlludcil to "a government ngnliiat mm of these ;"l'nJM ; of nn the iHHiple. by nil Ihe people, for of tho snlo of some 11IO.OOO worth of " ,"' , '. . '.. Tiin In iKiW I Inmlti wnter rights to Intciidlng aottlora " l"l ,"1- , llu' ' " lM ul '' ncoln where there la no witter to supply, nnd put the llulahlng touch and gave tlm false economy practiced may ultl . democrncy ita wutchworil. mutely rittult in n demand upon the Icglibtturo bv these aettlcra that their iinaeimti Critic lo bo reimbursed. In this mutter of j Huggln What baa beoomo of Fnu rei-biiimtlon by the stiito, or In any U,ga pullle or private reclamation, wo nro .MUBKnsoh, bo's laid up; ft victim trying to build n greitt structure of . imgoimii prosperity without ndequate foundation ' . . , . , . In law to support the structure. I Hugglus-I dtdn t kuon he eer play- nr....n.. hiw e.iiitrltmiil mnro tn tho ed the gntno. nielli eliiinatlon fund of tho United States' govoriiincnt thnn any other atato, nnd " return ot tins monoy uopaaus upuu, 'tlm finding of feasible prMret. Tlili liiviili' nut only thii fiMiilliilily of cuti '"mllllg tll llllitll. Illlt. flllll, lllfl W' ,,.,.. "f ',,.. ,. ' ,. vhiicm to the iiccifumry water supply. If elcar title to HiilllfiiTit water raiinnt li nsaiirrd In Hilvam-c, on arrount of our Hor law, thi'ii we should not roni nliiin bemuse. On-trim ' rlulitful ahum - ... - . . " " . . ... ; r linn rmnl I nut expended within HVUo Control. The rnnferenrn of itovcrnori now In iM'Ioii Nt Wnlilntoii, I). V., to ilevlmi oif plan for tlm nnnervnlloti of our ri'Mt IIHtuml fl'MJ leiil nniHiiii ii'PfjiKrrn win (iiiuiiiK'pn have l.ul little to my with re.i.rrt to tlm niinmrvntltm of tvnter on llir non I liavlKiil.le utreBina of the alntea. Thla l entirely n atntn prnlilein ami wo nlone mint he reainiilhlr for thr ne or nlnnm f thl norelty of life Any m-w wllry levl.fl liy tlila ronfrrrnee for iivrrtiment ruiitrol of naviKalile or Interxlnte alreama run nfTrrt Oreijim hut little. j The ronwrtatlon of thin crrat nat llMl traouree In the Interest of (nut or Hy rannnt only lie nrrumpllihe.l with Mt aarriflre or rt to the present Keriemtion, but to Ita (-feat henrlll rtlnl . lr Olt , if wr oalv "ill. II. . ..... t.lt..l.. .1.. ..If..m .1 I ni M''nirii ifitirn mi' n-i ' I I'reanlrnt llmwevell, through hla rrela-, iNstlmt ilenartmrHt. to niwlit ua In the framing of rrmMtnlilr water lnn. We aM. w M-ritentlf ilIar-XHnlf rK the wnrmtu.' of our worlhr K0"f. wl'0 una wru um mat ine ureal urtrer . tNlntv na to title to wnter. the whirl diiTerriirr of opinion anmnfi the nlileat wai,r nWyrr na lo whnt the water nw of thla atnte rrfilly In. nml thr vnt amoUnt of rnpllnl thnt la alrrmly in j Veteil in thla Mate in worka ilriitnillng MjM,M (,, mr rtntrt, mnkr It nliao utly nrreary thnt Orej;on at nn ,.ry ,it. ulnre iih.ii her atntutr hooka n rumplrtr, ronrinr uml ilrflnitr rmlr of nw KuVerNiiK the ue nml ilmtrlhu tlltl nr water. atternrl after tho mrel- rrn ! of Wyomliiif, Mnho nnil Can M,Ht vthrrr titlra to water nrn na r .ma n. tlilm ti la ml (Irevnn'a aln. not M IHUrh of rommliwion na of omiaamn. ( (,, mnttrr, la beriimlnn nolorioui mWj. the iilalet of the et, where the i ,li Vfr ko n ami ue of water la nrrra .ryi HM, f jH-rttr.l is will crratly! rntnr, tN( wtlli-miat nf lomla alrra.ly rreUimeil, anil illwnuraKe rurtbrr itc vrlopinrnt of our RMut walrr rr uren." QUERIES DY FARMERS. - ., , i, Eaporlment Station Called Upon for Advice on Various Subjects. I'rwn lb W aMat tttatr di(. IuUman. markalily well witn om. yet your plant iiiK them would Ik more r es of an eNpenmeitt. I "The tUeliott of peaches in yom locality ia an uitdrcided nur A few L'nium rroorl auccr with the Al- , tt,4er, ,mj thi ia practtcally the only variety that ha lieetl rejiortetl i mio ((ku from vottr ectntl Yoll will nBVC practically Ho trouble in ur '' mK Rrape. kiiicc some of the lirt grape tte have arc grown over tlere " Crn. I'mIiiim n Trnrher. "Sol long allliv, w hilt vlaltlns In CuH, i a,. t. ,,i,Kiaure of ramtvlug M rrlcudahlp tvlt. the former pre. '' ' , , . , r -. n v-u,V,,.l Wt ' ' btlmid. 0.t. I. Katrttdn ihiiiih. nnoi .-. .. r-.i.-.. I "(icn, I'lilliut la llvliu a ulct. r clllilnl life on Ilia unprctcntloua tttuil ! try ,utto nt Itayatrnv lit take no. ,ntor,wl t .MitlcM, Imt devote himself " .! to the alniple nlTMlni of rural life III chief il mi re la 'In touching n little luiiid of tila utlglitkira' children to nsul t write, and he dcvotcii two nr Mmi , ,,, . , iUhK w,,,u, nt n,-Hl M " " l-'tl f l '" iMwn'r " a Mmol titaeher for n gnntt imrt of bH life mill In Ilia Inttor day Muds HHtlttfai'tlou t bla old profowilou." i..,,!,,,,,.., Ainerlcnn. I'roiltiet of Three 11 rent Mlnila, Although It wita Abraham Lincoln oybun: ihwU who made fauwuH the phriiae, ' government of the Hople. by the people, for the cople," Muggins Ho tloesu't. Ho aprolnwl his larynx telllug tho umpire how thing ought to De uoue. ralrtfnl Rltiutl ' The roynl court of Kniticu used to be great plnrti for etbuette. Isiul XIV. ODi.il caught n severe colli owing to I llm fnrt Hint on hi arising from bin bed one colli morning the lord of tho rhdinUT. trliofw duty It vran to Iin ml llllil Ilia alllrt, linplmtiol to he nhaent. .Sot one of tlm numeroua courllvra pnamt Iinil the coiiruice lo lralirea etiquette hy Immlliis the 'enrinetit to Ihr t-lilvcrlntc moiinrth. Iomloii Hcrup IlooV. Mothrra wilt fln4 Mr. Wlntlowa ftoothlnir Ifrupthn tat remedr V) U lot IktltcU' Ufa turliif tba tllilti( wt'&l. A tilt Illffrrent. Townr There' one tiling nliotit my rrlfr. Kim umkea u(i hor mind If ah 'nn't nfford a tlilnj thnt ahc docaa't nerd It. Ilronne HomrthltiR like my wife. only ihe haya It Qrat nud make ap liry ailod aftrrtvurd. I'tilladclpUla I'rcea. Ml, V'tna faa'a afwl J1 Krrrona IHmM nwrtnaftaatlr rf1 br tir. KlliM'a iirnu iVr. Il.u.rr. KchirirK)tKKItlrtaJttlUUKl 'rrkUM. llr. Ik ILUUnr, IjUMI Aftli HL, ILIU..!-. IU U'aa t'raellral. "Yount limn, you write n cood denl f poetry to my datiRlitrr." "Vm, air" "It tnkra a practical mnn to aup port a wife." "Wrll. It'a thla wny. I hntre to write her an occnalnnal letter, and I'm -,, huay at the office that I ju.t copy the poetry to fill In." Thr explanation was satisfactory. KxchanKr. Deafness Cannot Be Cured tr Wl airllrallnni, aa thty rannot rnrh th dlMtteil p..rtl'i u( th car. 1 ker ' I. my "in waytoror dalni. ami that Ii br remtltm tlunal ranii-tln. Iiralnnn laraui"! tiy an ln flarardrunilltlon of tbt tnnrom Itnlasnlth pirara ninmiiDU ono. hihiuhi iihi.ii m. KuaiamlanluM. WhnitiUtut lalnBaBie.1 oubaaruinl.lnoiimtor lB.irlictbfr. las. "! when It la rntlra-ly rlaartf, latnmll Iharriu t.and unlralbfndammatlonrn bJ Utnnut ami thl tuba rtttoml to tu normal condition, brarlnr "III brtilrotdlorrtr. I nlmtraiea outol trnarr rauint by rwarrh, wbtrhlanothlns bat an InOamnl condltln ol ,hW.flw,n,l,,i.V,,."utn;".lBnd,r.l tMlsr. far any tairol iratnit rrauinl byratarrhj that ran nl iruri ey nail wajario -urc. own iui rlr..r...r J CIKNEV ACOTeWo0. aM If PmatUta 7&r. Ta. Haifa Tauilly Illlt for fonilltllen. Trouble. Nan Fo you like Arch In do ;-ouT I alwata thoucht him Jut the I" Hit M trTrmlnatr. Kan Wrll, hr'a rrrtalnlr a mare lad) like than you art. tod deal WHEN YOU COME TO PORTUHD AltltANGC TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS l'AHK AND ALDKRSTS, A New and t"lrrn Kurrpean lloL calrrinsr fartlruUrly to Suta pw!- A rtrrd jlr for tadlm VWMnt thr rtlr k l I" alwtPUia crnlrr. IUt rrwoiuUr. t'rea Una. . L. Clint. (Ute cl Twtaii KrJel) Urj. BORAX FOR FRESH SWATS Froah moat, ilustctl over with row- dorvd borax (which is now prepared of oxtrcmo finonoas and purity and white as hiow) and rubbed in ns you would pepper anil salt, will keep fix-sh much longer. All that is roquireii ii to wa.h he meat before cooking. KEEPS POULTRY SWEET Dead came, poultrj. etc., can be kept sweet for kent sweet lor weoxa u: iy rubbir.ir them well with iKJwdurtii Ivorax under the wintjs, legs, tnil and placing a little in the mouth of the bird. I oral aiaati aal4 Wrll tr 94Htr naaln taa Th frtlai Projieoalty. "How doc ilra. Slelgb get on in the clubr "Oh. she always come up to the scratch." "Of eourae she does. Tbs Ilaltlmore American. cat!" f'f.TJiWV w.WV-MTgTCTKl Tho Kliul Vint Iluvo Always Hought 1ms bortto tho 8isnuv ture of Chus. II. Fletcher, nml hits been ninilo uutlcr tils iiorsounl hiipcrvlsloti lor ovor SO venrs. Allow no ona to dccolvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations ntul Just-nH-i;noil" aro but Experiments, anil endanger tho health of Children lixnerienco uealnst lCxiierlineiit, What is CASTORIA Oaatorla Is a harmless Htibstltuto for Castor Oil, 1'nre- . &orlo. Drops nud 81101111117 Syrups. It is l'lcusnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nnrcotlo substance. Its neo Is Us guarantee It destroys "Worms and allays Foverlslmess. It cures Dlurrhasn and AVI ml Colic. It relieves Teothlnir Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food regulate tho Btontaclt anil llowels, glvlnir healthy anil natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Frlcud. The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought Bears the QlaZi&c5&i In Use For Over 30 Years. tx iHT.ua hsmio, if auauf fTsiir. NtwisMsiri. Truth and Quality 'appeal lo Ihn Well-Informed In ovevy walk of life nnd aro wmcnllnl to p4P tnanont succoaa and croilllnhlo atand InK Accordingly, It la not claimed thnt Hyrup of Mk and Kllxlr of Henna la tho only remedy of known value, but ono of many reaaona why It Ii the boat of pergonal and family laxative la tho fact that It clean:, sweeten and relieve tho Internal or?an on which It acta without any dohllltntlnB after effect and without having to Incrcato tho quantify from time to 1 1 mo lt act plrawintly nnd natnrolly and truly n n laxative, and Ita component porta are known to and approved by physician, a K I free from all objectlonabte ubtance. To Ret It beneficial effect always purchaso tho genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia FIb Syrup Co., only, and for silt by all leadlnK druggist. tlnran'l Alnar Kollnrr. Urrnurf some men get over a frnco a.ifely ttltli a lomliil gun It la not nl- ; wnya aafe lo naiume that they won't ! e"ln' " mnf heel to settle a bet. Washington Tost. To Drl In Mew She. Alwayaahakeln Atlen'a foot-Kai, apovdsi. It rurea hut, awrat n, arhlnf, awollen (eat. urn eorm. Inrowin; nail and bun loin. At tltrt((lilaarnl i!im ilrin, Jftc IJont accept myiubatlli t. famileml.eIKIlLr Addrnas Allen B.O. mi ttl, Lo llo,N. Y. One of the Drat Indications that a ... , i... i ...i.n .!. it. .-J girl Is In lore Is when she look mad ,j ,onll r) n ,nt face wjen ,,, "" '"'' hear" tbr men BUU.V-(1. -V- tSSJ f 4Wj?Z2,rfs JT (MtedtrzeM' "THK SCHOOL OF QOALIli" Better each year, and larger. We now have two floors 03x100 feet. Thorough work tells the story. It counts in the end, and we admittedly lead In this re. jSTjrrtrX: A. P. ARMSTRONG. LUn ttlndtul Tenth anJ Morrtoo Ponljnd, Orcoa C. Gee Wo Tk n Vw.n rtlUbl CHINESE Boot and Hub DOCTOR A UM nana a lut nw? vi " I.. il. a .'1 hrria. 4 i UlA .S at if 4ir.vrvf a4 I ai i2f-J ibjioii c vorll llaao4r Ns Mercury. Poiian or Drvti Uxd-ltc Cuor Without Oacralhn.crAlthauttlAldef aKnlta It niaiirM U C' la art. ArtbB. La a. rhnil. tlamatla. inua.. r01M ItcMlllr. 'ma,h L rr KiAaar lrwi lr alMilort MantwjwJ. IbI llulin aol All frlai Ulmm A SURE CANCER CURE JutlRtcclvcd from Pallnr. Oliva-Saf. Sura andRctlatle. ir ion abk am irrrit itrrr pkjiy. uiiJiva auu UASuUrtji'it. CONSUUTATION I'MBC ttroacaABOteall rrltrerfriroibUka4rtfr. lar Itu-lo tralajq Mat. TniTO OKKYloCHIMllkMrlllCirrEOU. laintbi.C'or UcwiiMia. JnliaU.0r e Onteo. 1'laaa &lnlk ThU Patvr. I ( P N U No. 28-OS I VITIIKN wrllluc to ilTcrtlar ploaa II liirulloll till paper. Signature of c0m?z& Jtw if&Trv??2art ItviKat'i iMttw.r3T53z&mmi.vsj.m I