3JTT" i'h 111 irilriiiC.").ii . Vl.' . wi rf ..I f-m vrn,v,n,-;Jn w lin If "0 . m iii w 'i !. THE BEND BULLETIN 1 'Tor every mnn a square ileal, no less and no more." CHAKU5S D. ROWIJ KDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATIJS: One jrsr ... SU monlhi. ...... Thtte months.- ..Ji.J . .So FRIDAY, JULY ty, 190S. Since 1110 53109118 of Bcud have been closed by decree oT the voters, there have been three or four cases of drunkenness reported to The Bulletin. A most pertinent ques tion is, "where did these tucn pet their liquor?' - . Well, it is Taft and Sherman vs. Bryan aud Kcru, ntid the people wil decide whether Bryau's uu Jytag ambition to sit in the White House shall be realized. If the Commoner scores another defeat shouldn't it be "three times and out?" The harvesl time is here and the ... 1 Tatte-ofthe mowme machine is now heard in the hay fields. In spite of a cold and backward spring, common from ocean to .ocean and from Canada to.the gulf; the "Bend country will liarvest.a very satis firqtpry.crpp. " The Bulletin publishes an article this week bv L. D. Wiest. clerk of thc"Bcnd school board, in which he calli attention td some of the ad vantaged possessed by Bend as a location for educational institutions. He very properly points out that a school, besides possessing efficient instructors and equipment, should also fi'ave a suitable location, as en vircnacnt, hygienic conditions, etc.'; are oCntmost value. Few localities can equal Bend in this respect, pos sessing as it docs a healthful and invigorating climate, pure water, a great amount of sunshine, superb scenery, and unlimited means for jJUtdoor recreation. The school beard is completing arrangements for the teaching of a full high school course when school opens in September. The Bend teachers have amply proven their ability. Parents throughout this section can choose no better place than Bend to send -their children for a high school education. throughout a goodly portion of the West, and campers from distant parts of the state arc acquiring the liable of spending a few weeks each summer aloui: the Deschutes. All arc welcome. Thctc is one precau tion, however, that everyone should observe, aud that is to sec that no camp fires arc allowed to spread and thus set the timber nfirc. To be sure the Bend country is never visited by such destructive fore.t fires r.s rage in sections where the underbrush is heavy, but a fire in the timber here does much damage, -.tatcments to the contrary notwith standing. That is the opinion of two experienced timbcrtnen ex pressed to The Bulletin. A fire gets to running In the needles aud pine cones uud.oftcpitinies, where a tree is covered , with a goodly amount of pitch, the fire eats into the ba.se of it and cause's it to fall an easy victim to the next high wind. Down it goes and a monarch of the woods is laid low and several dollars worth of property destroyed. The creeping fire also damages the young trees. Campers .hould be exceedingly careful to see that their camp fires are put out and not allowed to spread. We can not be too careful in tbat,rcsjcct. "the resolutions adopted by the Arnold Irrigation Company at its yearly meeting urging the next leg islature to enact a modern .water law calls attention to a very impor tant matter. Oregon needs an effi cient irrigation code and the wel fare of tb,e state demands that such a measure be passed at the earliest opportunity. Previous legislatures have refused to enact "o water law in line with present-day ideas and needs. This refusal 90 the part of the lawmakers should cease. The people recognize the importance of placing on the state's statute books a law that, eventually will make titles to water as secure and certain as titles.to, land; They intend to Iiave,,su,cu, a law. It is quite gen erally conceded that the adoption of a modern water law would be of inestimable value to everyone con cerned and would assist greatly in th'e development of the state. Then why should the legislature refuse to enact such a measure? There is no good reason, and a proper water statute will undoubtedly be enacted by the legislature that convenes next winter. Judge UIUs. MiJrai Ftear. Our newly-elected county judge, Mr. H. C. Ellis of Bend, assumed the duties of his office last Monday, and for four years and a half he will be at the head of the county administration. Four years and a half, because by an amendment adopted at the recent election, coun ty and state officers will hereafter be elected in November, aud Judge Kilts successor will not be elected until November, 1912. Judge Ellis was elected after a very spirited contest, carried on through the campaigns preceding both the primary and general elec tions, and the splendid victory he won in both was a flattering testi monial to the high regard in which the people of this county hold him, and to the expectations which they have of an economical and business-like administration under him That Judge Ellis will justify these expectations his friends con fidently believe and predict. Upon assuming the duties of the county judgeship, he has the confidence of the citizens of the county in his ability and integrity. While the duties are new to him, his business and legal training will enable him to soon familiarize himself with the details of the office, and to conduct the business of the county in a manner which will reflect credit upon his administration. In this work he will have the backing aud assistance of Commissioners Bayley and Rice, and under the present county court we predict .1 business like and economical administration of the county's affairs, with fair and impartial treatment of all sec tions of the county alike. HAS A FINE LOCATION. (CoutijmeU from page I.) alist find tlicTtunalo, the Deschutes and the numerous ditch banks n rich ficl'dTor their pursuits." As in all irrigation districts, Bend has numerous homes 'surrounded by beautiful gteen InwnU to which the natural juniper midline add an additional attractiveness. On tie count of the lumber autl otlier in terests its population is decidedly cosmopolitan, being composed of people from nlmont all countries as well as nil sections- of -the United States, thereby giving the .student a great opporcuuity to broaden his geographical knowledge, As in all western communities the people of Bend are social nml linspltable. Besides its home facilities Bend has Sunday school and preaching ser vices every Sunday and Christian Endeavor meetings during) the school months, lodges of different secret organizations, a free library ntul reading room and no saloons. Transportation Like all Central Oregon towns, Bend has no railroad, but as fur as stage lines arc concerned it has be come a veritable hub,, being direct ly connected with almost all points in the central part, of the state by the following routes: Bend to Shaniko via Redmond, Culver, Madras and Youngs, daily. Bend to Shaniko, via Powell Unites, Priucvillc and Hay Creek, daily. Bend to Rosland, Silvtr Lake and Lakcvicw, 6 times a week. Bend to Laidlaw, 6 times u week. Bend to Crook, once a week, to be commenced in a few weeks. A uotictblc fact in connection with this subject is that its con necting roads are never blocked by snow drifts or washouts and practi cally devoid of mud in the near vicinity of Bend. Hygienic Conditions. The greatest importance -of all in connection with an educational institution, are the sanitary con ditions. If Bcud lacked anything in other conditions it would more than counterbalance such short comings by its favorable hygienic conditions. Not only Is the aver age monthly temperature moder ately uniform, but also 011 account of the sea and mountain currents of air the exceedingly high aud low maximum and minimum tempera tures and the cyclones and bliz zards of the Middle West and the hot suffocating nights of the At lantic states arc unknown here; neither are the dangers contracted from the moist beds along the Pa cific coast experienced here. On the other hand comfortable and re freshing sleep can be expected dur ing the entire year. No fleas, and the disease-carrying mosnuito is almost a. nonentity. The sky be ing uipstly char, the student is con tinually buoyed" by the cool aud in vigorating 'atmosphere from the Cascades. In connection with this subject is, , the cScccUcut water of the Deschutes, irom which llctiu receives its vyajer supply. Not on ly is the water of tiic Deschutes free from nil alkali mid other dctri- ! mental proertic.s aud equal in pur ity in all respects to the Bull Run .supply of Portland, but owing to the wonderful tact that the lies chutes river never raises or becomes low, the water is not only always iMirfcctly clear but also never be comes contaminated by foulness from a low condition or by wash ing rublugc and refuse that gath ers along the bank. In short, the health condition of Bend is con siderably above and the death rale considerably below the uverage throughout the United States. When considering all these fav orable natural condition.-; we arc iiot in the least .surprised that the Bend school (.practically in its infancy) stands at the head in efficiency of the schools of Crook county, but on the contrary if it did not surp.ss the rest of tlse schools we would be prepared to say that our system would be lacking in some respect. Rav. ?. v7. Williams Tistlftos Rev. I. W. Williann. lIiiiitlttKton, V. Va.. tMtilies n follow "Till i- to rcrtitly that I ucl I'olcv's Kidney IWm cdy tor ncnoui cvltnutuou aiul Vldney trouble, ntul am free to wiy tlmt l'otcy'i Kidney Remedy will do nil tlutyou claim lor If C. W. Merrill. I)ruj;i:it. Wanted. Man and wife to work 011 ranch, Must be first-class cook, Por furth er information call at The Bulletin office. it . r Prom the present time until cold weather puts astop ?to it, the tim ber along the uescuutes win oe vis ited by large numbers of campers. Almost every day sees two or more camping parties pass through Bend for a few 'days of recreation. -It makes an ideal vacation. The at tractions of the Bedd 'country in this Trout, Davis, Odell, Crescent, Summit, Paulina and numerous smaller lakes. Still another subject for the brush are the beautiful rock lined aud mathematically correct ir rigation canals. With Bend as the center the ge ologist will find extinct volcauo craters, lava fields, innumerable caves iniciummr one winu aim several ice caves), Walt, tand and porphyry in original formations and obsidian, pumice, etc., in the later, or volcanic formations. In this connection Smith Rocks and Crooked river canyon 30 .wiles north, Paulina mountains ijf'to ao miles south and the Cascades west. afford a rich field. Another- natur al curiosity is the Old River, Bed, formerly a large river but now per fectly dry, cut through mountains and lava and plainly leaving' both high and low water marks- on the rocks. On the rocks of .some of these canyons ore found Hteretinz Indian hieroglyphics. Both the botanist and. the natur V SrSxnY.Wuiuftr f When You Paint buildings, inside or out side, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use The Sherwin-Williams Paiht Call for color cards The function of tliekidnevsU to strain out the impuritie of the blood which U constantly posting through them. 1'oleyn Kidney tteiyedy make the kidney lit il thy. They will (.train out alt watte matter from the blood. Take ll Am m L' ill Mat tl anliul at nti.l la ...If make you wtlf.-C. V. Merrill, Drui!-1 (,oods and. Hardware always on .!. I linn. I .. """" E. A.-SATHER , i run L.inc 01 -iirocerica, ury r-- iiWiri a, i -i ,11 Delay in commencing tr&Uuent 'r a slight irregularity that could Jjavc Iieen cured nuicjcly by I'oley' Kidney Rem edy may result Jfl a serious kr'.ney disease. l'o!eyf ,JjJ(iMt Reincdy builds up the woru out tissues jw ateilKtlnn these organs. Commence takiuu it to- respect are beco'taiug known J day. C. W. Merrill, Urussist. A Complete Stock of Dry Lumber RoUgh, Surfaced and Moulded Always carried Tu 'stock. I have all sie.s of the following INCH COMMON HBAD BI.OCKS DIMENSION O. C. DASHBOARDS KUSTIC . v STAIR TRIJADS SHIPLAP ., WATER TABU-: T. & G-. FLOORING O. .G.,RATT1nS WINDOW CASING MQyiDIN,CS.V WINDOW JAMBS PKNC'tf PICKETS LATHS FOR IRRKJATINQ SPOUTS ti. f Bb.id-S1ianiko Livery & Stage Company J. II.,WI!NANDV. Prop. W. P, Kelloy. ARflnt, Shaniko, j , New Covered Stages between Bund and Shaniko , ALSO Livery nml Peed Stables t Shnnlko, Mndrns nml Ikncl. Wo run our rijrs to plen$e Iho public. Singes leave each way ovory tiny. Rigs to all pnrls of Ccnlrnl Oregon. Cnroful drivers furnished Special Attention Given to Express and Baggago, 1 ' ' .''.I'M' "" . .. iy A Complete Stuck oi 1 At Demi, Oregon. DRY Hough. Surfaced nml Moulded -LUMBER- At UcriU, Oregon, All Widths; Lengths anil Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHIPUAP ' JiUSTIC ' , " T. & G. PI.OOUINO Reasonable KADKD CEiUNO Lumber Prlro,- WINDOW. JAMBS Mheitd it I'rtCCS., WINDOW CASINO low Cost ao6dj HEAD BLOCKS Aojufcere 00 , . J O. O. BASEBOARD , 7 , Grades STAIR TREADS The Lands or ). WATER TABLE IbClJ. I. 4 1. O. G. BATTINS ' J' .r r Stock Mouldings ' . v thsc.b.1. to. P. . I). PATENT ROOPING PENCE PICKETS SHINGll'S ETC., ETC. r" L CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION.) APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, - OREGON " " UQf '-500 LBS. OP NEW I'TRNITURE Jl'ST RKIVEI) AND jooo LBS. MORI-: ON THE J'OAD. j arv.v in ami hajiinj! tii. ni-w BARRETT FLEXIBLE CURTAIN ROD Tliec rU arc linmrUlntvly ihIJuMaMc to wimlonn o( all uiilli MCS Atiil lliic. Tlntf iif lUCiiatlel fur fllir Url ur Jlrll Wcm. (.UuVurtniiH, Hair-SikltVurlnini. IMtirU, llttM-lliw, lhiiinr I'eiiunr. or I'ull Wliiilmv CutliiltiK (IkiumiI extensively M l'ill.m KImiii llol'l- cm. (no tbctj ntc cbeni onlc 13c. China and Common Tclcacbjics - 50c to ?J.o Suit Coses - $i.sa o p8.oo rrunks,, ?2.oo to ?3,oo Mnttressci S3.00 10,3.00 Chairs of all kinds. Bed Springs $1. 00 o ?5oo. Iron Ilcujiteads Sttofi.)' Ploor Oilcloth, ., 75c yd. Linoleum, 7) in. wjiitf 'f2.6o cr yd. Drcsjcrji, Mirrors, Etc., Etc. L-. A i MU'.lt SUTI.V 01 Lime and Cement West'Furniture Store SEE MR BEFORE YOU EUY ELSEWHERE. t CAN SAVE YOU MONEY.. . t r 'f ETttNO- j. S. WILLIAMS AT 1TIIB IIKNKV M.VSTKrf STAND ofVegon -Office wftli the Central Oregon Realty CoT Central Oregon Realty Qompany (flncrtciif tP.C, I). Drown & CoJ BEND, - OREGON nUAI.IJUS IN MM KINDS 01' r " Cental. Ogon Rfeftl Estate Timfeerjnd sert Laudd k Specialty If We buy or sell your latrft Ho hlotter where sittinjcd. Wc can sup ply you wjtlt atrrcJaaitfHaid at diiy time, tiill'otv.orvritc for farther particulars. ' innit m,,. HN IN BEND STOlJ 'AT THkiillXIT bUtt&.iivn fable alWtTrnipplietl wlllrthoiiest thst Iho-tovm-Binrds. Ntkti and Cwnfortable Rooms. 1)Wb. OtutboN . ...