The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1908, Image 6

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' f
Strong and Steady
t'HAITKU Ml. her hiiihaml. "That Niy mM n shawl n
Walter went up lo Ills room, and hast- fortnigkt ago, when akuip In the st-ire,
liy ranked hi Inink. Up Ml wronged I ami pocketed the money.11
and outraged bjp Ih unfoumted charge j "Who wild I dkl?" asked Jotliun, 1M
Hint had boon made ngnlntt Mm. Win. Ijr, though ke looked n little pale.
I n-gaed. should Mr. UniMitnoml t read- ' 'Tit woman who bought It of joti vn
I v deride thnt lie had cheat! blm out of In the store linUy."
Inr dollaia? He Mi iImi he" could Mot. I "DM eke know- my name?"
villi any spir-retpei-t. mtwm any Miwt
m Irr hip same roof with n mutt who had
ih n wor opinion of lit
Il wmi not Korry HmI hit pnwspMtpat
nt an rml. Ho hail olHiHl mhmp
Vuowlptlee of I ho ilry fx.N lmliiwM, ami
l.i knv Hint liN pnKr wpp? wwtlh
I 'orr than hi Nmnl. Tltpti. aitln.
thuiicti Im wat not irtUiilr aUxit Hv
ii Uixurloinly, ihp fart' at Mr. Drum
D'nd tra mi uueotHMonly lHr tbat Np
C. it HoiiM-tlmp lone fur oiip of ifcp abtin
u. lit ami wi'll-tivoinl utooN ivhtoh Kp uI
t hntr yimtil lipforp him at hoop", or
r''i at lii lioanllnc htp hllp a pupil
i ilir Knps ClaKTil InMltntp, Up wat
1 kit's ht trunk, whpn n mpp vm hpanl
c th stairs anil hi door wm oppnp.1 by
Mr Dmimneail, ruftsMcrably to Wnltw'a
Hi- fnrt U tint Mr. I inunwMI. an
rtu:ii.ns wlMt a mlMakp h Mil ntniip.
m .1 Jo-bun wa ttip rml rttlprit. Mt
t i ho hail kmip nlttfpthor loo far. ami
I rpal'ml that lp tttmht hp KPrprpI) pph
t .i-I h Walter' frSpmU in Wlllouh
I It. "kip It wa Jjt mSW tbat
iiirpr miht. aftpr all. rprorpr a ftw
- - -
m ) thprefotp it wax bPtler to Ip on rtnl
t rnw nub him. Mr. DrHmawml itptpr
n. nod, tlKTpfMP. lo iihkIIMp Waltpr, ami
frdiice him, if pwtliks to remalH In hit
hivjp and rmptoy.
'What nio jau doiac. ConradT kp aak
f' on piitprinR Walter' tlHtmUr. "Sure
l you are not coins to leave in."
' I think it 1-pnl." iwld Waltpr. tHkV
"You won't nkem ! bear mallee on a
oint c: the little mittakp I battt mitlo.
r art all liable to mielaket."
'It n wmethins mere than a mkt
take Mr, Drummoitd. Wlmt Iwd ytm
mtii In me to julify )wi In mioh a d
den charse of dithomtty?"'
"Well, Conrad. 1 .j mittakrn. I tkall
lie clad to lave you voaie bark to thp
torp it hcforp."
"Thank you, Mr. OruiumonJ. Imt I
liarr decided lo pi back to YIII0113hby
for a uliort tlinr. 1 want to runult Mr.
Shaw about thp future. It I limp I
formed Minp plant, a I nball proUitdy
bare to earn my llrlnj."
"If you hate made up your mind, all
I have lo ay la that my bumble dwelling
will be ever ojieu to receire you In the
future 1'erbap, after a abort vlttt at
your old home, you may feel inclinrd lo
return to my employment. 1 will sire you
a dollar a urek. betide hoard."
Mr. Drummond looked a if he felt
that thlt was a macnlticent offer, for
which Walter ought 16 feel srateful. Hut
our hero knew very well that he ijtild
cummaud better pay eleuberp, and wiu
not particularly iniprewHtl. .Still, he with
ed to be polite.
"Thank you for yor offer, Mr. Dram
tnond," he sakl; "1ml I am not nvmml
to say. as yet. what I will do."
"I hope, sakl Mr. Dramnnnd, rather
embarraed, "you won't s"irk of or
little differeace to yojr friemlt la Wll
loushby "
"No. sir; not If you trbdi me sot to do
Ily this tiise the trunk was packed,
and Walter, locking It. riw from his
"If it won't be too much trouble, Mr.
Drumuiond" he said, "I will oend for
my trunk lo-nKirrow."
"Certainly. Why don't you wait till
to-moirow yourcelfV"
"As I am irady, I uuy as well take
the afternoon train. I will go douu and
bid good-by to Mrs. Drummond."
Mrs. Drummond had just roinc from
the kitchen. She looked with surprise at
Waller and her husband, wbosp prentice
in the bouse at tlmt bwir was unusuaL
"What is the matter" slip nuked.
"t'onrail is going home a short time
ou business," explained Mr. Drummond.
"I hate offered him Increased wy If
b.' will return lo I be store. I hope be
may deride to do m. Our bumble roof
will eter be ready lo shelter him."
Just at that moment Joshua, uncon
scious of the damaging discovery that hnd
lieen made relative to himself, entered
the room.
"Hello! what' up'" be asked.
It was the first lime bt father had seen
him since the dUeovery of ids dUhuti
esty. and bis anger wan kindled.
"You ought to lie ashamed to show your
face here, you young reprohate!" lie ei
dunned. Joshua stared In nmasement. ami Mm.
Drummond exclaimed, "What makaa you
talk so, Mr. Drummond? What has be
"What han bo doneV ejaetilattsl Mr.
Drummond, adding, rather u intra mat leal
ly. "Jle'a n thief that'll what b' dow.
Ir would serve him right if I sliould (log
hint within an Inch of his life."
"If you try It," said Joshua, sullenly.
"I'll hnvo you 'arrested for usuault nml
"Tnko tare, boy. or you may find your
tlf Ju custody for. theft."
"What do all these dreadful words
nwanY" asked Mm. Drummond, dlstresu
ed. "1V1I me, Walter, If you know."
"I would rather Mr. Drummond In
formed you," aald Walter
"I'll tell you, Mr. Drummond," said
".no: hut e iletetwru jou
'"I rowpmbpr now.'
"What hhuIp yim kppp tlp imiiipyV
"I ilMn't. I itnlliit lilt t'onrail timo
Into tbp Morp. atnl carp tbp tnoiipy to
him. Want hp ilhl with it. I tlon't Kiiop.
IVrhaps 1m forgot to init It lu tho ilntw
pr." ThatV a h Jtlni.t Dnimmomir M
Waltpr. tinfaly. "sml ytMi know it K t
think jtmr fatkpr knew it al."
"D )IW HMD to Mty t lie,-" Sotrrp
"1 MtHtMn't If 1 wnMi't oblhtPtl to; Imt
in my onn itpfp I am tvntppilpil to ilo
"What pimM I want of tap iwwpyy
iknwll JtMina.
"I think yon trantnt thp monpy to buy
lotlpry tk-kvts with." mid Wattpr. calmly.
To buy tnttrry tfrkptn wh f
"What iIoph I hit ntpaii, JoiimT" ile
um mM M fatber. Mpmly.
"lt'i a HpT miM JthM. unbhithlnsly.
"fan yot pnirp thlt t-hanrp whk'h )imi
bate m4 aavldpt my mm?" atkeit Mr.
lmBMMua4l. laenlttg to Waltpr.
( i tn. apiti niH ilij iw tw iiifcTt w
l mi. I pli-knl up thlt Iptlpr a ibty or
1 rau. bttl I am mirry to If oMitPtl tu
two since, and Intettded to cite it back to
Joshua, bttt it pcaped my mind. I wotikl
not bate expo-l kirn if be bad not tried
lu charge n with theft."
lie placed ht .Mr. Drummurul's kamU
I be letter already gHett, anuunlug tu
Jtmbtta that ke Wl drawn a hinnk. Mr.
Drummond read It ttith no little auger,
for ke delettrd ttlprlpt. '
"i'ukaptty hoy !" he sakl. addretaltHt
Joh m. "I undpMaml now wkat became
of the hie dulutrt. 'I'kit det'idet me to tlu
ttlmt I bad intended tu ilo nmrr. 1
batp npHled )uu In ktiineMt long
eft)Migh. It is lime you went to work.
Next Meek you mntt go to work. I it ill
take yu into my store; Itit at I am not
sre of ytmr honepty. If I find you ap
propriating money to your own use, I will
put you Into a shoe skop and make a
shoemaker of you."
Tlil wat an ahtrmlng threat to Joshua,
who bad a footMi pride, which led him to
look upon a tradp as less retia-ctable than
the tnermnllle profession, lie slunk out
of Ike Ihhiv, white Waller set out on
foot fur Ihe rallnay station, thrre-uar-trrs
of a mile distant.
"(ilte me a ticket to Willoughby," said.
Kite minutes later he ttat ocrupjlng a
seat, or, rather, half a seat, for there sat
next lo him a brisk, energetic-looking man
of about thirty year of age. lie had been
reading the morning paper, but apparent
ly lie bad got through with It, for he fold
ed it up ami put it ! bU poekrt.
"Fine thy." be sakl. briskly.
"Yew. sir, very ," answered Walter.
"Some people are affected by the weath
er: 1 am not." pursued bU fellow trav
eler. "1 feel as smart one day as an
other. I'm always cheerful. I've got Iimi
mack tmslneM to ihi to awn. When a
nan's got enotigk to bosy himself a Unit,
be baum't lime to be In the dump."
'There's a gxl deal III llmt," sakl
"Of course there Is. I'mdi along, keep
moving, that's my motto. Are you in
"No, air, not at present."
"I'm in the suleicriptlim lieok laislnept
got au olfiw In New York. We send
out agents everywhere lo eauvast for our
IrtiMicatkMis. I.otM of money in It."
Ms therer
"Yew. I usetl to be an agent myself,
am), though I say It, I don't think there
are many agents that can get ahead of
me. Sometime I used to make twenty
dollars a day. At last I thought I'd like
to settle down, so I bought inrtnershlp,
and now. Instead of being an agent, I
send out agents."
"Isn't twenty dollars u day pretty large
for an agent lo nuike':" asked Walter.
"Yes. there are not many who do It,
but plenty make from (ne to ten right
nl'-nj. You look as if you would make
a good agent."
"What makes you think so?" asked
"You look smart."
'Thank jou," said Walter, laughing.
"I am afraid you won't think so much
of my altlllty when I tell you that I
hate lxn working for the last three
montlm for my board."
"Ij'a a slwnie. You'd lietler come with
u. We'll do' much bettur by you I ban
"I am going to consult Mime friandt
about my future plans. If you are will
ing to lull me a little or your ImisIuhm,
I will think of what you propose."
"I have willi me our lattsit publication.
It's going like .wildllro. Just Ilia thing
lo please the people. I will show It to
Waller Iookcii wiin mieresi twine im
new nciiinlntance drew out from. a car-
iwtliag. which he hail Ixnoulli tint sent, ft
gpod-sizwl parcel wrapiHil In brown pa-
wr. Intylng It, lie prouueeu u milky
octavo, In flashy binding, and abounding
In illustrations, lie opened the book and
turned over the leaves rapidly.
"It's stuffed full of Illustrations, you
ttt,n said he. "The eiuenn of tht pi
turr ahuip wn nhditrly p-ltor-moii!
lie lidded, dwelling up in tlii Inst word by
way of pittih.t,s, hit! wo'ip going to
I make It pay. The mile will bo liitmetisr
I Our nsm nlrvotty In the field rvisiit re-
1 nwrknldo sale.'
1 "What's llu title of llii' lunik?" askpd
I Walter, wliu had yet been uunlil to do
I termlne this point. Iy reaton of Hi rapid
turning of llii pattes. '
" Scene In Whip l.iiltdv' V Include
otlirr cottntWe Is-slde I'ntrittiii', nn.l
we've made Isvuk that'll sell. Most eterj
family ulll want oup."
! "What tirm do ton olTrp to aepHlV
i "Why, tin book sells nt retail at three
dollar mid fifty cent. Of thin Hie agent
keep one ilnllnr mill twi-nij-rtte cent,
i'retty bimmI, Isn't It?"
"Ye. I should think It win.."
m ,pp ytw Imx ml) to -ll fmjr
ipn mj um kv uu1 titnmiT.
jou rp
you iii ti ilo N'tlor than
It rwtlly dM seem ery good to Walter,
who couldn't help comparing It with the
mtsvmble wnget he liml receltitl from Mr
"I think that would ny tcry well."
tip said.
"Mutt paying lmdiip4 out," sold the
other. "Say tln wonl, ami I'll 'engag
jou on the spot."
"Whprp would jolt want me to tellV
"I shiHlhl like to have Jim gti Wett.
This nay disirk'l nre iwllj taken up.
It wotihl glte Jim a good chitiice t travel
and sop the world."
Now Waller wtis. Ilkp hkw other jmmg
tieople. In ml of now mvih, ami thlt iim
sidprntloli wat a weltkty one. It would
enable blm lo tratel, ami pay bis expenses
white lining so.
"Heller My the word."
"I ntn't say now. I mnt tee my
frlemlt HrM."
"Well, I'll glte you the numWr of imr
otfire In New York. When )m get ready,
report lo us tkerp, ami we'll Htt you in
ihe Mekl
To thkt Walter attlptl. ami akei sev
eral HHertkHw further, lo whivh he re
celteit elutmraglng answers. Tke sirau
eer gatv him hit curd, from wblek our
hero learneil tluit he kad made the ae
lualutanre of Mr. James I'lstber. of the
Mrm of I'lint V l'tttber. soh-criptkin pnle
llshert, Namwu street. New York.
"lioMiy." stthl Mr. I'wsker. ttmlially,
when Waller left the train for the Wll
kmgkby statkoi; "Impe to pp Jou again."
"Tkank jou," said Wallpr. "tery bkelj
jou will."
Taking bk rwrpellHtg In hit band, for
ke bad arranged to hatp hit trunk vooie
next day. he walked oter lo the koose of
Mr. Shaw, hit fathers executor.
Mr. Shaw was In hit olltee. a little one
story hulkling standing by itself a llllle
lo the left of hit boose, lie ttat Uitiljr
writ inc. and did not at once look up.
When he saw who It was, he rose up and
welcomed Walter with a smile.
"I'm tery glad to see yon, Walter," he
said. "1 was Just wishing ymi wrre hen.
When did you teste SlaptlonV
'This afternoon. Mt- Shaw. I have
Just rrarheil Willoughby. What progress
hate you made In settling the pstnlPl
"I ran glte you somp Idra of bow It
stands. There will Is- something left, but
uot much. After paying all debts. Includ
ing Nancj'. there will tertuliily I a
thousand dollars; but If yim pn" Nancy's
legacy, that will take half of this sum."
The legacy shall lie paid." said Wal
ter, promptly, "no mailer how little re
mains. I am glad there l enough for
"I honor your determination. Waller,
bill I don't think Nancy will I willing
lo take half of what Jm have lefl."
"Then don't let ker know how little It
There It a ilia nee of sometklng mnrav
I hasp maile mi aenmnt of the Ureal
MelrldiluH Mining ttck. of whk'h your
fattier held share lo the amount of him
hundred thousand ilollars. itt price. How
these will come out I tery uncertain, Isytt
I think w ctih get something. Snpjsite
it were only & l"T ". 'bat wouki
make flte tliouwiud dollar. Hut It Isn't
heM tu it Mint on that."
"1 shan't make any account of ihe min
ing stock," said Walter. "If I gel any
thing. It will In to murli more than I
"That Is the lit wity. It will prevent
"How long Is-fore we find mil about
"It Is wholly iinrerlnln. It may lie six
months; It may be two year. All I ran
say Is that I will look after jour Inter
ests." "Thank jou, I am sure of that."
"Now, a to your plans. You were at
Ihe Kstex Classlrnl Institute, I think'"
"Yes, sir."
'(What do you say to going back for ft
year? It Is not an exensite school. You
could stay n year. Including expense, for
the sum of five hundred dollar."
"It would consume all my money; and
a long ns I am not going lo college, my
present education will be sutliclent."
"As to consuming all jour monrj'," said
.Mr. Shaw, "let me (y one thing. I re
ceived many favors from jour tntjier,
iseially when n young man Just starting
In IritalmtM. It me reMj- lliem by pity
ing half your minuses fur Ihe next jear
at school."
"You are very kind, Mr. Hhaw," said
Walter, gratefully, "ami I would neeept
llmt favor from you wwiier than from any
on; IhiI I've made up my mind to lake
care of myself, and paddlo my own
(To lie continued,)
"lit1 Isn't twreoilliisly rluvor, Ih he?"
"CIbvit? I Hlioiild miy not. Why,
If mi Idt'ii should get Into Unit follow':
head you could bcur It upluali." Kmi
am City Times.
In employment)! nijulrlng qulckiuiis
and duxterlty of tlw IiiiikU tvoincu an
far tuoro vuluablu tltau meu.
1 krrr-r r I .! n V ' uH
fi?v vi "r
A llntulr Nut it 1 1 Hunt.
A Mlawrl subm-rllter of I'll rut and
lliiiin forward it dehv for n luwuy
und Inevpon-dvo Imru, iiml In dem-rlli
Uue ,,, Mi "Many small runner.
'iH.nllryii.i'ii. fruit nml triirk. iinmwt
Uttu, w w Utf (W, ,lrtrn ,,.,, H,
IMU.NT tl.W.
tlnwH UMlHlly plltdltliisl by llii' i.iier.
I send Hie pin ii hero lllusirHliil In Hi'
hn' that It will U of Hlllll' lite: to
lliots whdilitt: n hiiihII tmrti. It I lv
"I feet ihi tin' ground Hlnl illvldiil H
tliinvn (n tht' Itioir diin. Tho nieit xhoit
I lieil fur litds. u wagiHi. Irnggt'. or
h sIhi, mihI nm'tliiut simply at a
pluco to stort' nmiiuri'. In stmio of the
ruldcr Staiet iIimits should ! pro libit
for the hitlt nml sielbly tttw artt
tliMm cxti'mleit tu Hie it-l ling. The
ttrtii'tiiri' i ion fivt nt tW i-avet ami
ft'lirteeil to sIMeeti fet't III front. The
Mt It rkMiritl uver eight fct't Hlaite
the grade line. Thlt prmliht ampV
"tomgf epHiv for bay ami rough fcl
ami the two feed roo4iit are ample fn.
groin ami bran. TIh may If rhaircd
or mit, at detlrttl. 'I lee miler wall are
hoarded up mihI ikiwti ami Isxttemtt.
Tho nsif should lp mvernl with mmie
rat Iter tight mnterlnl mil oter eight
IikIip wide, ami this It turn niteritl
with any uf I lie priari'il rtHirlng folt
miw on the market. The Imtii bat
been built eviTal limit at h prbf
ranging frtHii U to iW, ami chii In
iHillt wmiii' rbiMper wIhti' imtlte Itliu
Ur It ul. When mtitly(pttlutii It
will iimki' n very gissl npifarHiiif I
wits prniupti'il to Biilimlt Hip skolrti
from M'tiTiil nrtlclet written liy suit.
scrlbiTM stilting siiiull barn phut
never npHnrcil In tin' Journals, nml n
It Is very t'tlilnit thnt tliey ran only
pilhllsll such nrllcli a nro siihmlttitl.
t.v I
I'liSIK I'U.t,
(sMMlldy tile render nre mi fmilt nml
Hot list Joiiriml. I li'M'e Ihe lie
plan will Im fouml neful tu miiny."
IIimi'I ,eulrel I lie llnnlen,
Iii Miimiiier tin fnriner Iihm plouiy of
work on Imiid, nml work llmt iniist
Imto prompt iillcullon, but Ihi' work
need. it III tin gnrdi'li I liml will. Ii lie
should least m-Klii't. Ill IMjig ilepomlt
mi It, nt biist In ought to think no, nml
ait mi Hint lii'llef. It I I'tTliiln llmt
then I no iilher mrt uf hi en I In
work ui liniMirlnnt to the IiohIIIi nml
comfort uf'lil fiuully nml himself, nml
I ill' IILillllt Kltlllg llf l'Xlt'IIHl-M tthlcll n
boiinteoua garden Insure Ik n featun'
nlilcli nloiie wnrniiitH him In iimklng n
g.xi.1 gurdeii, no mutter wlmt other
work liuiliy en use him to defer. It I
presumed llmt ho Im by till time of
yitir Hindi' nil iieoiwirj' prepiifntloiit
for it supply uf fmlt fur funilly inw
during the enllre miuimcr, nml much of
tint prmlHluii fur n Niipply uf Hlnple
vi'KCtuhlca slioulil Iw (iiiuplcteil, but
there la IIiiiu fur much mure, nml It
wll) nut I my tu licglirt It.
Sllsril Mreedlnir.
In mixed br'tillng, ur eriisi breI
Ing, nothing I iieeoinpllslied beyond
tliu llrst criHM, niij'M it (.'olonido teler
I miry bulletin. While a few good In
illvldllilla limy Ihi secured, the tend
envy la fur the progeny In bit below
rutlier than iiImiu the average. A imiu
eoMilnctliig hi breeding In n Imptiug-
ard way Is contending with fearful
mid, groping lu the ilarl; follow lug n
lll-u'-iliwli. In it hundred your
ho would bu Jimt wliero hu stnrted. In
clileiitally Ihl la Just what wo have
bcuu doing In thl country from the
beginning, unit the reason why yw
luivo hu few pure brecilit of llvu atm'k
ami nre, after nil thlx time, Hen.llng
our good money acrotm tit water fur
purebred Hlreit which wo Hlioiild pru
luco ut home.
After animal Imvu been graded up
to a practical purity of blood, the
f uv wirM.r -
hi tin
""i' 'i" .. i
the imiro iteHili'iit llii'i 1l,, "h
the innrt ti Hit III Hull Hi'1 rfn'rl it
will uiilfiiriiiiy postei. geniial ewl
hnce of rurm. iitailty. mtU'ii n il
The same I, nf niur-w. Irm 'f '
Ilte Hluik. i'lie only eertnln inetlmd
..i".iilalii, tint ii lorn en standard uf ex
ivlli'iiee I li ierlsti'Ut br.idliig tu
ilrc uf Ihe name breed until me im
Ilte blood I olillleniled lllul till' I'ti'
geny utilforinly Hiwteipii"i nil Uhw !
slralile nimlltlpt of Hie imre breel c.n
Writnlitu I'lut.
It will soon be lime tu Inke youtu
plgt from the now, and lu wciiuug
I hem intuit enre will tie mivts.iry tu
Htohl stunting I hem or stopping Ibeir
gn Hi When iilsiilt three wivha old
Ihe joiing pig will Itegln I"' "'ik
iirtillliil fur food, nml a ielt slnilllil then
tie prtnldl for Hteni whore limy t nil
be oMxett unit glten u little fresli
milk- II take tery little at first -after
ittey Iihio once lusted the milk they
iiiii.v la eitllj en I lei I to their feed
I'urn sliould Is mifHtiiitly ke.t tu thlr
It'll ami the little pbt bate flee Mere
! It hi all lime. Mltk ur swill uliottld
li fetl tu them, n little nt rtrt. Mint
ittcren'Hil gradually dally. It will let
hfiierielal to glte them Mil Ihe frndi.
lean kmIII they will drink up
at emit fenl Never feetl llltle pls
Miiy thing sour, or mi nnnii swill Hint II
will t am I In the tru-sgh and M'tir. 1'iitl
ttfrn till way until jihi see lhat tlm
sow I drleil up. tbon remote her nml
Ihe plan will U wenneil
IIUlrlliMlrt I'ertlllter,
IVrtlllvr It the life of the farm
The man who applies II gem'MHWly I
rewitrdttl liy larav ami Hue ern. but
the farmer who I
sparing wllli tbt
soil . rejuittialor
pay tke enalty
with ileereM si n g
cniM until ftv ill
cover that hi
ground I "worked
ml." Next to I be
lle of thl tmluable
niHlerlal l the mat
mil MIHI ita
ter of II alt'ltcM
(Ion. The leI reeillt are obtuliiitl liy
it etiti dltirlbiitton oter the gnmrnl. o
llmt all tmrtn will otitalii (be ImihMI
Where II I waltcred In lamp ami
heap. of Its tlrtue It liMt In
order lo nittHiipllsti thl uNrathHi lu
Ihe mutt appro ii! manner the v
IHiratut shown herewith ha boon lie
tentitl by a Vlrgiiibi genius, lie
claluit thnt It I the m.l cITeetlte nml
roiiimet of all the machine fur the
purp"pi nml It-side lids It I mpahlt
nf trry tine ndjiittiucut. so thnt the
amount of ferllllicr may be rcgulntiO
tu n nicety.
I'nllril tlslet I'oresi I. nil.
The l.'lllteil Sliltr I'lin-wt Servlfr
Itotv Im ndmlulstnitlou uver inure
than i5I.M"Mi acre uf land. Tht
i.i slightly iiHtre Hhiii olie-llflli of ihe
imintrj u tidal forested nren; the re
umlmler I lu the tiaml nf private
owner. Nearly all the t linker laml
of Ihe utiMpproprlntnt mblle itunmlH
Is mm- In the iimIhhihI forests. Thl
meMiM thai II It IfliMi protected
.igNlnst fire, theft, nml wasteful ei-
plollMthHi; liml It iwer to grow
aimmI ami store water I being safe
Xtianleil for all time, and llmt never
theles III. irtlllt supply of llteful uw
lerlal I open' III IlillllrillMlo Use when
ever It U wanleil.
t'orner 1'iitl for Wire I'enee,
This contrivance I Intendml for tlm
Httni Inneiil of n portMhle woten wire
feiieo ut Ihe end. Two mm HiiHtiil
fiOOII ttlllMril I1IHT.
tugether ut both tup nml lioitnni alxatt
four Inches aHirt nre set lu line with
tliu feiicii nt iiieli end. i'wo plecna of
me by four huh oak ant boiled on the
fence, lit) the form uf ilaniw, placing
unit on eaih Hide nf mi upright wire tu
present Hllpplug uf the laterals.
NUlm .Xlllh for Chicken.
Tliu Went Vlrglnlu uxperluntnt sla
llnu made it ('."J-ilay text tu delerinlini
Hm value uf tint xlilin nilllt im u ihlik
en feed, 'liny Mchiicd twenly-twn
helm nml fed them nklm iiillk with tho
result that they Hecurcd 1,'JII eggn In
till time. Another lot nf twenlytwu
liriiH fwl wllli iiiiihIi wet with wiitei
luld 1K1 egga In tho 12'J days,
In. inns hri d il
i'IUKST, AOi:i) 100, riNDS
L0T3 0V J.AUCIllU IN I-IIpla
IAMI1 J t lliltlllltN
Ihi tun think Hut ul I'M Mil will
(hi able lo s-e wlltioill sii Iii. Ii s, hum
i merrj niiimteiiti u funny jam
list Intith mm lomtly the end man nt
t mlnslrel show ?
i'mihhi J i MojiilkMH, of iSib'wg'N
liH all of tie He h vtawnu nml
Ni'tlte, be slet'lst well Mod hit Mi(tlle
It giHHt Ills laugh I like Ike Hrt
welcome ieHl of sriwmw llutmlpr.
ration M.'jitlkah wai horn In Kmm.
lurk, fmtuij Cork. Ireland. .May X.
jmw. He came tu Anterloa tnty
tear n. ami fnr many year after
'III Nllmtmkm to the trlellMMSil wat
IMtkHieil In .New OrleMMa, Ijiter he
wat ret lor of h mtth In llradfont, III,
At one time be whs MPti nf rtt n
sshp hlki1i of Sew Orlran. Ill
gn how eter. vtat Ngalnst him. lie
rt-shle with tin' family of Mrs Ito-Jtm.
il'Nell. whom lie has known lnt' IMH.
rmiiiitMAN Acrivr. at bvi.
I mi. Ilraekell tt hm I 'Mine nt Ihe
lleslaoer of Ihe llefl.
ilte Swaaipwult Ua again ruane Into
Ihe limelight beewu-e of Ihe fad tbat
I lie dittlgu ha he favoml by Ike
I'll I ted Mlnlet natj lo retilsoe mime of
Ih" refiil ih-l(ii in Muall ll. tiy
.! lloktlMI I'isst
I'mi4 llnsoketl. I be original ib-tgiio
if tke ikiry, i till bale ami hrty.
llo'iMh he I t jear old. and be ite
t4e almost u Htuek hIIiIIm to Ash
ing a eter
In fair wmther he nally kaU Ihe
iliti of shore rubor who put off from
King' iM-nrli etrry iwirntng. He still
relnln lit skill, and among llie joungor
Itthrruicu there I ntwnj n plewmiut
rltnlry lu see who can get a many
1ti a 1'upt llrnrketl.
I'lflyslx jeur ago t'pl llrnrketl,
then ii young man of SU. had built fnmi
hi own deshtiis (be ibory tthbii has
ilH-e made SwNMipseolt famous
The ibry Itu'H In le was Ihe "lat
lnHk." n tssii doatlHg mw, n hard
hosit to row, n stow sailer him! wllli
n strong Imiltmllon lo "lurn turtle"
wll lean warning I'retiuent i-mmIIii
.Hid Ihe skmnees) lu Met I log bom nfler
hat lug a gol mirk led lo hit ileslro
'or a safe ami lMtr Milling ilorj
Always rm (be lookout fr a dory
l.illlt on new line, be rnnie Hen olio
down tm Ibe "tt" ami friHu It be got
III tdens
After dntwlHg km piie lie met with
n.i linexiertri dlrrktllly mi iMte cured
In build kikIi n "freak" rrnfl, but Hnal-
v J a uot Kmiwllim irnkl Nie wiuibl
iy It.
Tt.) frame having been m up ami
mi tly p'Mllkeit It whs seen that Ihe
mm' craft Iwd rw titer h Marrow Ndtom
ami very umii.t bilge, which was
emmib lu n llierman's eye in stamp
her H h falliire. liven when Mulshed
alst the gtMsl line were seen, tery few
hut wImi agreeti that Ike now boot whm
ii mi wny tspml u ihe "laimlreMk "
llnweter. t'Mpl. Ilrackelt Iwd i-wlt-donee
lu Ida ImmI, nml she wii en
tereil In nil Ihi rail's nml niado g.wd.
An eitrly Ijh of Held gun, tvlllt ft
eurliiit whii'ilmrrnw mount fur mphl
and coitienleiit tntniiHirt.
t lllttlii t'oiler Musplcl
"Dn jun iippinio of Hie (Jri'it
drituiiiY" lniUlreil Hie studeut.
"No." iiiiMWcied the tnaniiKer. "nut
If It hIvcm Huiiio uf Ihivo rtillege boyn
their Ideas of what In iixmi( and luiw
tu laliiiit lu it Ihenler." Wusliliiglun
IllliiuliiK III Mpeed.
"Of iiiiirMu, jiuir friend tlrnphter Ii
rather fast."
"Well, hu Isn't ua ulnw a hu looka."
"No, nor n Hltity iim ho ii.ivm Ii!
ilelita." Philadelphia Pros,
When Home iiconlii sneak tn vim.
your reply hIioiiM bo "Hit I lm" For
It'll ulwuya a Juku.
WKk WrefvYtetrrt
M ' sJr
L'lO'itsiii'iVn'jJiiijins-iiB) ii"wos ,r.,n.