NEWS OFJHE WEEK III n Condensed Turin lor Our liusy Headers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Rotumo of tlio Lot Important but Nut Lois Intcrottlnit Event of tho Pait Wook. Hrjan l working hard In rminltn hi ntiy. The Mania IV hn tit Tnfwhn have iiiihi work with I.HfhJ men. The N'mIIuhhI IMnrHtlminl iis-telittlim ItHt ll'Jfrtl'd lhlillttl Spoiling, llntrv Orchard' ilrMli HUitmirn has I ri'tt runtMUlml In lift) llupf Imminent, Mnoy ww tJmhh' to avoid pmkllil linn nrc NpiwurlHg Ih "drv " plaeos A ( In tho korhiir of llntavlu raufil I hi' droit Ming uf about IMK) per Will. Wheal Im I'nttern Oretpin hm.I WhiIi In,.'"- -..IfrrlH; m ilama f..r r;TTr i i iir , i-'i. ,M " . heavily, am the CouhiiiU I'aiilico it isr or ram. rnilirly tied up as the result of depre- I...r.l i arson tayt I ho literal uprltlNg lation roiitmitlrd hy relghiliomtls in I .U I l.ut an rh of tb .lap A way tram on the Coalmila I'aelfic anew ietry over ItutMia. wa attacked on Friday Hihl, umn K...HH-V.11 .imlr. that k Mill ,MtllJ,,,,f "" T,,rmmi '' ercw In cv Vk II i. I m for w",l,d running the train hack lo tie -air nf hi, hunk oh kU rowing I ""'"H arid escaplng A f tlraa trip. I Inttc it Keneral movement of . Itfoopt from Mctiro City lo Hnrth. ac- i mint Xri.iM.llw AiilraN n mllrw.l rordluK to ne reeeived here, and Inin ilk ki HrM. ami rwrnalHwl rein'oreemrHU are Miik ri4i-d to umn i.-r . an.i np nan ut; koihr li.rri-r he Mibil. lUilriiad Mill ili-lxv mlnrtioH of .l.' a kh at piwllili-, hoplHK that a imI of truffle 1m tk fall May ra I r ihrm l avoid It fHtiroly. ti..w I'otler, of Kew Votk, U ! rii.U'ly ill W or k hat leMW oh the itiemoln of tl.r Utr ex I'retMlent Cleveland. d"ttdlmri Ih Khi drowned aetrti prfont I'ive Irtcbet uf rain (ell within an hour. ( in. jjjo plant the tatiett Fourth on rrcril All ordinance Kke(niiiK the U) Mill be Mnclly enforced Marry Dtchjtd Mill likely lie im-lrit- ne fur life. In tpile of hit ex prrttrd detitc to Ik executed I'retideHt KiMitetelt refuted In In terfere hum the execution of a nruro whu had ki'lrd hit )ounier brother It it lirlirnl the Mexican revolu tion it praclk-ally elided, at the limif rrrlionuit hac UKcn to tlic inouu- unit Actual tettt Mill he nude to deter mine the liett hrandt of cheMiiiu to- tiari'n (or the War dcpartiueut to fur- tilth the imy. Ihrcc prrtotit Mere killed ami a hurt hy a paateiiKcr train on the nu I e plmiKiiiK through a burned liti.lKr in Ariaona. native Imtiiiett firm In I'Jiuim urd ihr American (tau t M-tak miii ;..... u... ,.nd a fticttt Mith American ill t fullottcd I "iir prrti'iit Mere killed and three ten. utl) iigured l a dynamite ex i...i n in .San I'raneikco It it he ilrrd ii be another idol aeainat J. T (i..iUKhr b the Kraft nun 'the I'.maina electinnt pad ijuiet I) with no need of troopt. it MtllniK China should build one r .ilmad into Manchuria. Mittioiiariet tay America It to li'amr for the Japanetc nur care. It ulro.idt report butluett generally isood iIuiUkIi aomcMhnt lct than tail li.friior Cuminimi, of Iomh. w ill reiKii and return to the practice of law 1 lie treatury deficit for the ftKtil year )t ciidniK will be the Urged in )cars. A trnmp wan arretted at Hood Rkrr who Mat found to have about I.ihmi in cath in lilt raKKf'l clothe. It it Kt'irrally admitted that llryan Uill be the Democratic nouiiiiee for liretiileul, but a I'mlit it expected on iic-prriilcnt. Mexican rebel are reported to have from 4.(100 lo 7.00(1 men under arm. A tornado in South Dakota did im nieiitc il.unaKC lo cropt and hiillduiK. and another in Miuuctota killed seven pertont Iilipitio leaden have been ftttiilyiuu the Hiiinu doiitim.. They will vitit oilier iiiIK'Iih of Kurope before re , .KW.'V ..(. -. ,..- -ri.A.. - f.r. ir'im in. under the ..utplce of the Aincricnii Mr deparlinciii. , ,,-,,,, , , Sir Irauk J Gould li uiiin for divorce Ceiitralia. Waili, vvn swept by a -i ....... A... . ' , Drperalc fiKhiu coutiuuc be- tvvecn faction in Tcrila. McxIcjii rebel have captured the town of Vickcn. The Koveriiiiicnt lia trni iroiina iirvnu expresses nericci commence. i . . i ' lllllt PC Will lie (lie IJCIIlOCratlC IIOIIII- . . - -. - - :;-, ....... tiec for president, Cleveland was burled In Princeton cemetery" with simple ceremonies and no military display. MA88INQ TROOPS, Mnxlcnn Guvnrmnent Prepiirlntf for Extenslvn Involution, M P.iso, 'lex, June .10 I Ifircn htiiidrrd troops have .irrivrd In 'lor rrou in protect llmt illy from the ex peeled atUck by revolutionists, ml llir Americans are preparing to tcnil llirlr families to the Stale for safety, nioriling lo report brought here last n'Wln liy passengers on the Mexican Central It u icportcd thai the rcvolutinii 11 have attacked I lie village of MjI.i moro. Coaliuihi, nlioiit IS mile from lorrroii. ami have occupied llmt town. Ollicial advice relative to sending troop to Torreon my with thr force already stationed there tin town U "iniprcuiuble" III flillilial.lln titer., la r,.it jiln. -.I.I.. alarm among cilircnry, and guard 'numbering from to in H.t soldiers In a ingle (ulrol are continually patting through the streett. A great many rxira 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e have heen sworn in lo do guard iluty. Information hrnuieht here last night liy passengers in the incoming Alex iran Central tram it that all (indues ami approaches to Tnrrenn on every road except the Mexican Central have been burned The Intern imiui line nut of Tor- rron, on which is Incited the town of Malauioios, repurleil lo he in the hand of r evoliuli.nit , hat tulfrreil Jlmine. Htlilll it dill tn lie Mill ill the handt of retoluiionittt "UET YOU MILLION." John W. Qatnt Wakn Up Slow Old llllnnli 1 own. St Cbarlet. III. lune JO- Jhn V Galea the "Het von Million" man. Mho founded the home in tint villaxc for Iniyt, in here vr tier da v. and Mhat he Hid duriujc hit thort tta hat left the lwn icaapinK There Mill he no other topic mentioned here for the next U month Kpitomifed here it Mhat f.Mtrt did in about fiv hour t Kitted hit old mother Out ithavrd by the Iomii bather an.) k'ae him a $10 uold oiece Threw thonert of quattert and half itollart to the ttreet Irayt Wat run home bv a curiitut erow.l ItouKht a line H.wk farm fur Ka.OiXi ami araxe It to an old friend IteKKed for "dear old 4 cent riKar" and tmokeil it lilittlully Yelled at the ton of a friend to come and jo to Kurope Mith him and took him atonx Left for Chiraxo at It to U iiiabt Mith Mr CTatet and the boy, after one of thr i;reatrtt d.tyt of hit life (late and hi wife Mill tour Kurope in an automobile Worl Ico Pack Known. Seattle. June 30 I'irtt to reach Nome of the fleet which tailed June 1 Ma the tieanuhip Victoria, Captain I'orter Mho it the firtt home, arnvina; htt Hiicht The ateamthlp britiK newt of lie momi ice ever known ih ItehniiK tr.i tinre it ha bem navi gated bv white men, and Captain I'or ter it authority for the statement that vetteli of the returnitiK fleet cannot be expected on tchrdulr tune Hnlr condition have ehatiKed radically mce thr Victoria tailed The Vic toria arrived in Seattle with t pat tenser and SMO.AOO in xold OftSeer and pavteiiMer of the thip deerlhe the vovaae let and from Vome a an unnreeedenied bttt'e M'lh lee Cirett berg which drifted front the Arrlic oceiu lait fall, and are frnaen in the llehnui; ten. packed a high a the -.learner' Mack, were found in tit feet of water Expoia Royal Grafter I.itbnu, June 30 A mat mcetiiiK orKanired by the Republicans ami pre tiilcd over bv Ilcrimrdiiio Macbado, the Kepublicmi lender, yexterday, tMvted retolimoiM demaudiuK a Ik onfti nivettlKitioii of the advance if money to the royal family and the inimv! of public fund during the rcKime of the late Kiiiu Carlo A strong force of police turrounded the meeting place, but there was no interference with the tnenker snnir of whom were inott violent in their expreinii No untoward incident took place. Cloudburtt Flood Home. lleatrloe. Neb, June ,10 The Hone , ....-. .. iivrr hi hub ihiv.- in on iiii.iiiici ihiii- , VW cnstA by a iwo-lneli rainfall ' '" ."'' nredulUllpH 1 1 placed at teveu iuche 1 he roe here vvni very uibleji, ami wnier i Iriitininir over Wet Court street for i .......i i.i.i.. i'ii.... r 1 1 : i.. , ever-il block TI Irty familir in a, Inlianiloii their home Trall'ic over the Union IMcifio 1 abandoned, water runuinir over one section of the track " ' depth of cluht feet 1 . . Sherman Improve. ucvciaiiu, y , juue an v-oiiRrcsn , -.. cm- - i. . ... ui lames n -mcrm.iu cuinuiuc to ,!,, ..r.l, 1I c1,t ,,m,.li Cnml-iv . F ...... .. t-' -......Mj. there ha been no change made hi the plans for lilin to leave the hospital not later than next Wednesday. ,''" '" 1 1 Irty fainilie in a.vtty of lelieraii. the cenc Inw - hiiitr ttvclion were comnel cd lv recent rot in I'er n. the si NEWS ITEMS FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. NATION'S DtUT INCREASED. FORUES 18 VICE t OVERNOR. Lnrj'.er by 9.1, 703. 704 Than It Wn Ono Montli Ao. VHliinnl(in, July 3 'I'tif Itiimtlily nlHli-liii'iil of t lit- piilillc ili-l.t mIi.iwm Hint Ml the i'Iihii' uf himlncM .limn .'10, IIMIS, I hi' di'lit, I I'M eatli in tlm tri'ntiry, miii.iinlc.l 1 1. IliRH.UK.IiHI, M-hlfli It nh InrreMM- Im rnuilHiri'il with .May 3, IIHiH, f I,T!S,71I Tim dht It t iilatrd an fnllurt. iHtwri'tt biHrlii dnht, S(l7,.103lOj ilfhl mi whlrh iiitfrxiH Im rt-Hncil lliei iHHlutltv, l,lil,iini di'ht iH-arbiK no lnlorr.1, l!il.0.1Htl'i total, Mij7,- liun.liri. Tlil HiHiiiiiit, kiinttir, iIih-h not lii H:jM.UH,W in eertlflrat and ttPMKUr.v hiilHt iihIImniiik whleli ur fllHt ll,V Mil I'.pilll HIHIHINt llf I'Hull lll'l.l in Ih.' irrNtiiry fur tknlr rndPHilitlnii. Tin- rnh in Hi.- treatury I elNMlfled u f illown: l. old rtwrve fundt. tl.Vl.OOO.lMHl; tru-t fuH-l, H.lrlW.tlS'tPi Keneral fund flNMI2.!0i In HMtlonMl mnk .l...Mill..rlM. IiW.SIIUIIi In PhilipidHo itriry. f3,Hl,7Slf I..UI. l,MI7i.V.'. k"S. HRaiMil whlrh therr ari drmNnd llil.llltl oiitataitdlMK amiHiHtfHic tn I.IIT.7(M,M12. whlrh leave, m rath 11 a tire oh hMHd of .T4l,.1174et3. Treniury fleporl, Va-lniiKi'n, Jul 3 -From the treatury tiandmiint. the lucal year Jut chord hat lAen tr.t tatitf.ietory Slitf aUjut the middle of Octolrr Ut, when the period ( money ttrm Kenc tet in, and the contequent dc prru.n in butmett bean to he felt, ihert ha been a ronttanc fallinR off in government revrnurt up lo thr month jut c'oted J' or June a tur p'ut it howu of iiratly Imkhi.immi Tint (ait. however, it not iifttunrant. at Jane i utifailmg'y a turplu month InrKfly due to the (act that it it the rhin month ( the Ateal ear. when jpprn.iriati'.n Ktadually reaVh th pmnt ( exhauition 'I he month n( June, I1MI7. thowed a turplu o( ap pr'.xltiifllel liti.WNiiMM, and ever) iimeilinK June (.r many yeart patt nnt ihown a larne turplu. Navy Yard lleiumn. New Yolk, duly 3. VmlH4My wa rt emj.lut mrHt day at the New York Havv-vard All lite me who have In-eH on (uttonrth hwI h large Humlirr of Nil illtlnfMl iM.-ehMMlen were put to wutk, the MppropriatioH fur the mrp.e m eomiai; HVyllal.le at Ike Ih'kIhnIh of th Hew ficl year. Thlt re employment dnv it roiNfhleHt with the te'.utR to work of mnnv ih rkaHlet at other pivortiHient plaHt I'rom how on the aetnal work nn the new battbtklp IMorida will he nitie.l rNpidlv and the A.IHHI inrn rmploynd in the rNtrurtloH .leirlnient of the Hnvr-vard will hav nil the work they ran ih. Captain on Anxlou Seat. Va)niiKt.n. July 3 Two captain with the Inillethiii fleet in Sail I 'Van nn-.. wt'l prnbablv be retired by the board of rear admiral next Friday The Itoard will meet Thurtday to decidr upon the men to be placed upon thr retired lit. a'dl Mill forward lit report to the trcrelar) ol the navv the f ..How inn day The report will he oulilithrd at onec, to relieve the anxiety of thr oJRrer I'pon com oiiUory retirement under the per ton nel act. Marvh, 3, IttMJ o(Krer are alloMcd three-fiuarter tea pay "f the next rank above Yankee Colony U.itt Germ. Yalpara . duly '2 Au)uto Durxml, lr.ler of thr rereHt ninwfHl revu lutloH aiiamtt IVrii, ha arrived hero from Iqiopie. Chile. He av the IV ru viau itovetnineMl in witdeadiuic fnrij;n InplnloM; that thr Intt etretlon Ih that rouHlrv were fnUirird HHI that the l'iiv erniHi'HI in iutroilMrlHK ImIii l'eru a ttnrMi uf the jtroHtoitt ilnHer by oh- vertlHK that country intn u Hk eiilouy. Federal Troop Ready. San Antonio. Tex. June 30 Of ficer at Kurt Sam lloiittou are kept potted iiMin the proKret of the so called revoliilinn in Northern Mex ico, but have received no order to make any preparation to nmreh to the border The oiisensu of opin ion aniniK them 1 that no federal troop will be needed Qarfield Sail for Home. Honolulu. July 3 Secretary of the Interior Jme Gnrtield, who ro ceutly came here on the battleship Alabama to iuvitii;atc the coiuiuer rinl and iuduttrial coiulitimi in tbetc U'aiiiU, tailed for Sail l:raucieo late vetterday on the protected crultcr St I.otiU Shah Proclaim Amnesty. WatliiiiKtmi, Juiis 80. In a further ello't to reMor tranuiiillltv to iln City of Teheran, the cenc of the linh ha proclaimed n Kt'iierul amnesty, neenrd- Inn to a eabWr.iin received last night by General Morten, the "ersau mlii- itlcr. fc n , . nnotovelt Refuses Pardon. Washington, July 3 lbert llrown,, ... ... - . ... . ronvlelxil ci.vKrnl mniillii. ..... ..f I .11 I muro. i je.irs ot iiize. win ws - ....,...., ....... ,.,.- .., , a quarrel over n girl, was hanged in the jail yard today President Unote ,vclt had refused to May the execution f'roilclnnll! Appointment for Philip pine Announced. ' Vnliiiintni, duly Hy dirrrtliin of Mwti'tHry Taft, th bureau of liimilur Hffnlr Iiim uiimiuiiro'l tli fluwlii up HilMtiient ihhiIh by tho pfli(it; Vlee niiveriKir of tko I'lilllpplnw, W. Cniiitirim I'orhw), of .MinxwehwM'tt", lion u iiietnhrr of tlm 1'hillppiNn eoiotniNiiori. To be moMhor of th I'kllippltie eioii miwioa aixl aeereUry of flnanre and Juttieo of IIih I'IiIIIiiiim, (Iregorlo AretmtH, of .Mmiils. To l.e tHHoilwr of tk I'liilliipine eommlMiiiH, Nrtvtim (lilbtt, of IihIiiihii, mid HafHel I'mIihii, ii imtlvo of the I'hlllppitiH itlaml .Mr. I oth- I now on hi way to the I'lilteil HtatM nil liiavn of alnieiieo tout i t-iwelod to nrrivo lit Man J'rsuiclwo oh the taiHer Korrn on July 13. lie l a native of MiltoN, Mat , U 3H ynar old, n ym cm I Miii of ilnlph Waldo Kificr ah a tut n llHrvard KrHdunte. ilo baa hern treretary of roMimerre and jwiliew on tin. I'Mlljipltie eoimiiioii for year and rtielmtl Ih orynnlidiii,' the 1'hilippiHe .lnoirtitietitii ytciii. Meir. ArrHHtn aNit I'abtut are I'bil- ippioe nativi-. Tbt fonuer, jnritt of uiarknl ability, held ofllee utt.ler Akui hnIiIo during thr iHiirrrrtinn. liHir trrrrtiry of Juttiee hh.I a member of h roHret. Ho Iih Ihh'H (.(tlieftor Ri-Heral hhiI Htlornej Kttneral there. Mr 1'aliHH, n ura.luate f the I'ni Vffnlty of Haato Toma. in .Manila, a Ma li lli lawyer and Htlitieal writer for HewmT, hot tervml in tho uiwembly a m mrtnUr frHN ('nvit t.rovinre. du.l! (llllHTt. of Tort Wayne, lad., lawyer, formerly Male neHator'niid lltu leMNMI Kovrrnar of I Nil ia Ha and a rep--vettlalive from the Mate Ih eonxrew), ha IrrN h Joilye of lint inttasee is the rhilippiHM tiaee Hepleiobfr, 1M4. ROADS DOING WELL. Commftsloner Lane Receive Encour aging Report. Wathlngton, June 30 "Return Keucrall) from the railroad thou that thote road not denendent utmn coal, tieel and lumler induttne have Keen Uoiiir very well recently. " aid Cumuiittiuner liiie, of the nitertUle commerce cottitniion t.Mlay. "Ol courte they have not done to well a latt year. Generally, they have de cided not to make any reduction either in waxes or in rate of freight affecting the next three months, which i an indication that they be lieve that butiuet will keen ut. "There are some curious thim? alxitit prevailing condition." contin ued Mr Initio. "I'or instance, the I..?- Iiih Valley the other dav cave us a report of the earning tor the five month of the present calendar year, together with imilar reports cover iiiK the preceding five years, and the h'M'ti thi year wa larger than that of any other year during the period indicated ' The prospect for large crop in the Wet i extremely good Rail road men do not expect normal con liti.'n to Im? recovered suddenly, but look for steady improvement "The railroadt mutt spend money in mamtaiHing the roadbed and equip mem of their linet in order to meet the demand of commerce, because they are mot sertoutly embarrassed when tl ey are not able to handle bus- ine olTeretl them, and there Ic no doubt that there i an abundance of money in the United State which ran Itc secured for leKitiniate railroad investment This was hown by the floating of the l'cniuylvanu bond is sue "The railway rate act i admitted bv cam'id railroad men themelve to have been of inestimable value The enforcement of the "Um1 again! re hitiitK and our tenaetoiu purpose to stop dUcrimiustiou have held them up to a conformity to the law that i without precedent." Keep Neutrality Laws. Washington, June So The state tleparli'ient today received a telegram from Governor Campbell, of Tcno assuring the Federal Government that the state of Tca will do all in her power to prevent violation of the neutrality law as a result of the reported revolution in Northern Mexico l.a Vaco, which was attacked on Thursday, U directly opposite Del Rio, Te. Acting Secretary of State Adee yesterdav sent a mescac to the voveruor of Tcvaa asking that he use every mean to prevent any vio lation of the neutrality laws in con nection with tho disturbance along the Tcas - Mexican border. The Meicin kv eminent has requested this noerument to lake Mich precau tionary measure Pincbot Coming Wet. Washlnijton. .Inly 9.-qilTaM Plnehot, eiiler or tne rorost service, left vvasii- iiiKinu Monday on his nnmuil trip over I the west. Ho will visit Portland in tho lnttor part of .lulv for two day nnd then go to Seattle llo oxpceU to mnko ii short stop at Spoknuc. Now Forostrv Appointors. Washington, July 2 Tho forest sorv- . - .: .... - . ----- ....ui. .. I..-...I.. 'P v A.,11,1 ipo niinnuiiee tun fniimvini' nimnint- . .uu.l.n ... ...... U....I tlitU.1.1 4. . W.....V, tloiml forest, Oregon; K. K. Ping nm Tony Locke, forest guards on Clear- water national forest, Idaho. REBELS ADVANCE. Apparently OoIhr to Loot Rich City of Torreon. Ill Paso, June 2a Kl Correo, the conservative daily Mexican newspaper of Chihuahua, in it iue yesterday morning, which arrived here last night, ha a story' that an army of a strength variously estimated at from 4U0U to vooo men It marching on Tor reon, one of the richest cities in the state of Coalmila The story, after reviewing the at tack on Vicsca tells of reported at tempts to rob the pay train of the Mexican Central railroad, and says that the country around Torreon which is so closely settled that there are stations about every four kilo meters, is swarming with armed men. mho appear at trie railroad stations with guns and cartridge belt. "These same reports," says HI Cor reo, "say that three bridges on the railroad between Para and Torreon have been burned, probably with the object of impeding the passage of troop into Torreon The incendianej a'o prulmbly selected Torreon (or invasion because they considered It a rich city to loot Among the re ports that we have heard i one which says that about 0O0 armed men, near ly all of whom are inhabitants of ranches, are said to have passed llorno. in the state of rjuhnfls n the Coahuila ft Pacific railroad, about S kilometer from Torreon whether the movement is direeti-.) iKaunt the government of Coahultn or against the federal government, no ne . able to say It is generally supposed the movement is not against the state, but against the federal gov ernment. One version say the revo lution i wholly against the state of Coahuila, that the Kovernor is not ac ceptable to the people of that state, tnd that he was forced upon them by the president of the republic "It is also said that a train of in fantry has been sent to Torreon from Monterey and a small detachment of cavalry Torreon, the town named by Kl Correo a the object of attack, is one of the richest towns in the state o( Coahuila There are six banks the Banco Minero de Chuihuahua. mean ing a branch there; a branch of Haneo Naeonial de Mexico; the Banco de Coahuila, the Hatico de Kueva Leon, ami the Haneo de Durango The Haneo I-agun. recently organized, has a capitalization of IGSOO.OOO There arc about 25.000 inhabitants. DEATH IN TORNADO. Minnesota Twister Kills Seven and Doe lmmene Damage. Clinton. Minn, June 29 A tornado truck this town at 5-2A n'rlnrtr t. tcrday afternoon, killing seven people and injuring twenty-five, some seri- outiy twenty nouses, a printing of fice and two churches were blown uow n. The tornado, which was unaccom panied by rain, started three miles north of the town, destroyed two farmhoues that were in its path and swept over Clinton, which is a place of about 400 people. A Chicago. .Milwaukee & St. Paul mixed train was jut pulling into the station as the storm struck the town and IS cars were blown off the track, r was also a passenger coach con taining 17 people. All were injured, among them Father Keavey, of Grace ville. Minn The two churches destroyed are the Norwegian Lutheran and the First Ktdsropal Telegraph line were blown down, but a soon as passible news of the d'satcr was sent to the neighboring "tie Soon help wa on the way from Ortnnville and Whcitnn. near by Minnesota town, on the Milwau kee road and from Millbank. S. D, which is but a few miles away. SAW MRS. GUNNESS. Two Witnesses Inform Detroit Police She Is Alive. Detroit. June 50 The Detroit po lice believe they are on the trail of Mr Helle (junness, of La Porte, Ind. who is accused qf wholesale murders on her farm near that city. Two young women Lulu Raymond and Grace Hcuson, whom the police bad in custody yesterday afternoon d evening, are said to have met Mrs. Gunncss since her supposed burned body was found in the ruins of her home. The police claim that the state ments of the two vomit; women con vinced them that Mrs Giinne is still alive They gave the names of other persons who are also said to know that the woman is alive, Collision on Elevated. New York, June 30. Two train on the Third avenue elevated ra'lrojd collided at One Hundred and Second street, and part of one train was left hanging from the elevated structure No-one was killed in the collision ,,, , eron were injured, though ...... ...... . .i ". ...n.. i. """" "u"v, "'"."' " "as a rear-end collision, both trains being bound uptown, when the fob lowing train crashed into the other, The colliding trains were going at a moderate speed. Deadlock Broken. Charlotte. N. C. June 20. Con- ........... T lit t-:. ..:.. ..... .! .VSIIIiail V XllVllli ll lllfllll- at o'clock Saturday night by a nn- sent to President Penna during bis visit jority of CO votes in the Democratic, to Brazil, which he had planned to state convention. Ijnake this year. .PRUNE MEN COMBINE Packers of Northwest Organize for Protection. FIX PRICE TO EASTERN BUYERS Settlement of Dispute No Longer bo Left to New York Exchange Alio Instruct Grower. Salem, Or., June 30. Heprese ntntive of all the pruno packers of the North west met here lat night and organized an association for mutual proteetloa nnd promotion of the Intereita of tbeir builnesit. The organization ia one that has long been desired by seme of the packers, but which could never bo effected here tofore for the reason that competition among tmekcrs has been too severe. In the season now About to open, the pack ers will work together for tholr com mon interests. The association wilt eontrol all too Northwest prnne pack. Among the packing houses in the or ganization are II. ti. Qlle It Co., Wil lamctte Valley Prune Association and W. C. Tillton k Co., all of Salem; the Koteburg packing houses, ownod by Olio - Co. and Tillson k Co., Allen's pack ing how, of Kugcnej I.ang & Co., ot Portland; JIaion, Klirman k Co., of Portland; French Packing Company, of Myrtle Creek, and tbo packing house at Vancouver, Wnin. The new association has formulated two forms of contracts which all the firms In the combine will nse. Ono contract is that to be used in selling fruit to erstern buyers, and the other in buying from local grower. Tho porkers have determine! that they will ao longer sell according to forms of contract nut out by eastern buyers, but will dictate the terms of the eon' tract sr not sell at all. The new eontraet contains n numlxr of provisions favorable to Oregon pack ers. It give the packer unlimited. eboire in selecting an arbitrary ease of dispute where, as in the patt, "the arbi trators have been chosen from tho New York Km it Kxchange. The sew eon traet gives the packer the privilege of filling his contracts with smaller sizes of prunes if the crop produced does not contain the required quantity of largo sizes. It gives the packer the right to route the fruit in shipping. It exempts the packer from liability in case ship- tnfnt ' delayed by congestion of traffic It provides that In ease of dispute as to quality, samples for test shall bo taken from one-fifth of the boxen of fruit: that no allowance for short weight (hall be made unless It amounts to more than one per cent, and that in the counting test the size shall Incloda the seventh pruno and not tho fifth only, thus, that -i prunes shall ba deemed in the 40-50 size and not 45 only. The new form of contract with grow ers will be very explicit in requiring; growers to deliver fruit cured In a first elnt eiannrr, free from all burned or slack dried fruit. The packer is to ba sole judge of quality and there is to bo no arbitration in ease of dispute. The packer is to have the right to weigh hark to the grower any fruit slack dried or otherwise unsatisfactory. The paeker will not be required to take more of a grpwer's crop than 10 per cent ia excess of the quantity estimated in the contract, but the grower mest deliver all his fruit if the packer ile um ml it, regardless of how much it overruns the estimate. Arrest Divine Healer. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 30 The law- ngninst manslaughter ha been in voked to minlsli Charles H. Titus, a divine healer," who, it is alleged, permitted two of his stnsll children to die from diphtheria without medical attendanee. A third is very III with the disease. A warrant for Titus' ar rest was issued. Attention was first ealled to the case by aa undertaker from whom Titus attempted to buy a coftln for hi 2 year-old in by. He ad mitted that he had no 1 i it permit and Intended to bury the chill In hi yard. Curtatl Oil Output. Pindlav, 0., June 30. James C. Don nell, general manager of tho Ohio Oil Company, yesterday issued a request that oil drillers of 'the country curtail their production until a market can ba had for the present supply of oil. Ha says it Is Impotsiblo to build tnnkago for tbo production, nnd that there la being produced dally in tho Illinois oil Hold aloue in than 100,000 barrels. Life Sentence for Orchard. Itolse, Idaho, Juno 30. Tho ease of Harry Orchard, sentenced to bo hnngeil next Friday for the murder of cx-Qov- ornor Steunonbcrg. will be considered by tho state board of pardons Wednes day. In spite of the fact that Orcnant Is nnxlous that tontence bo carried out. It Is believed tho board will coiiunuto tho sentence to life Imprisonment. Deliver Gifts of Dead King, Lisbon, Juno 30 Tho Portuguese royal yacht Amelia left this week for ti. T...I... I....I... .. 1. ..l .u. ..WU UHUVUU) .1.V..4L. vu vui.iu .UD ;.4ia tl fo ;,ijt!f-WVitvi-svwieyWFaU s3rv.rr'' -23r4