THE BEND BULLETIN VOI. VI IIBND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. NO tfi j IT MEETS WITH A FINE RECEPTION AH Arc WlllliiK to Help ' (in I Id Local RnllVoail. ' AKIi SliCUUINU lflUT-OJ-VAY Madras nml lrlnellle lluslneaii Men Tike II11M ol the Project with Atucli .col A Wjrlit-nf-Wny lnn I Now In the Field at W111I;. Ida Week' Developments. IWrUvpme Ms ol the ljt week til U'Knl In lit. Central Orrnoil Ititil limil CHUMtliy ore moit ptomlsltig. I'llitetillr IxulnrU Mini hae InWcn Ixilil nl the iliu' with A willing hand nml announc that they wilt stay with It to tin vnil. RmvmiaKliig rirU limn Madras ntc In the ef. foci that lite farmer hi lhl M-clloii arc enthusiastic ccr the undertak ing nml will l "II in tlielr jmwer to hrlp Ami of course Hcnd will do IIWwim- A ilghtMil-way man U now winking lielwccii Maittn mill l.amiiula. I'tclimliiar)' organization ami work In connection with the Cen tral Oregon Railroad Company, the road iliitt Ih to 1)0 liullt to Hciul uiul rrincvillc by Crook county and j'orlluud capitul, is going ahead with pleasing progress. Much enthusiasm is ling developed and everything now points to smooth sailing for the enterprise, I'rinc villc men bnvo taken hold of the project with n willing hand ntid arc pushing it along, while rcj)ort!i Ijpin MadraH arc to the effect that everyone in that section is very en thusiastic nnd the farmcrsand busi nctt men throughout that part of tie county will give the railroad nil the supirart they arc able to give. The work is getting under headway. At the meeting at l'riucviltc on Thursday of last week, those in at tendance elected an executive com mittee coiiiK)scd of T. M. Huldwin, of Prlueville, chairinaii; A. C San ford ol Mndrns. mid Roscoc How iird of ileitd. This committee has set the ImiII n rolling and arc push' the pielimiuary work, Right-of-way is already licing secured. The company has V. A. Wytiti of Toledo, 0., in the field in charge of this work. He is an experienced right-of-way man and it being very successful. At prcv cm lie is securing right-of-way between I.amoutu and Madrns. Within a short time a surveying crew will be put to work to locate the line out ol Shnuiko. The pre ilmiuaiy line surveyed by the Co lumbia Southern for an extension from Shoniko to Ucnd was cateful work nnd is a very satisfactory line. The company expects to use this Mirvey, which will save con siderable time and work. Not a hitch has developed in the work of building tills line into Crook county, (yvcryouc is fulling in with the plans outlined nnd me only too anxious to help. That the Mock will be teadily subscribed by Central Oicgou people is confident ly believed. The people of Central Oregon are in just the right frame nt inlntl in tnki; hold of tills work. and Portland sees the necessity of gelling a ratiroaa mutt at once Citn this section of the state. ''Con ditious ate ripe for the success of the undertaking. AN HLUCTKIC I.INH TO IJUND. Reported that Construction on Such a Ronil Will llegln about August IS. All electric railway project that will cover the five counties of East cm Oregon has been mapped out by Hhc Wasco County Electric & Power Company, s.ys the Oregon la't. Pious have been made to commence actual construction of a trolley system aoo miles lit length during the fall, ft is believed by the promoters of the concern that work will lc begun not later than August 15 The company was incorporated 011 May 15, with a number of I'ort bind men in the directorate. .Since thM time, agents have been work ing Id- (iiiuticc the company and mutters have now progressed so fur, they sov, that n lavorablc out come of ptcscut negotiations is ex peeled whereby one large iiyndle-ile will take the $15,000,000' iwiki Issue authorized by the articles of ncoriKiration. (loud Hacking Promised. The bonds will be 6s and will run 30 years. They are first mortgages upon the physical prop erties of the company. Men high la financial affairs of the country are said to be the prospective pur chasers of these sccuritiesaud when this backing is. secured, Hie pro moters of the company say there will lo clear sailing abend and the development of the' Interior Oregon couutk's will be assured.' The contract for tlic construction of tlic railroad has becti let by the Wasco company to the Portland Construction Company, n corporn- lion just lormed, which will attend to the engineering dclnllo. The road. a iilanueil, will lc built south from Condon to Possll, Antelope, Madras and Ucnd. with brunches to Howard and Dayvillc. (Continued 011 kc H.) REDMOND IS PROGRESSIVE Men and (toys Put In a Day Clearing, Plowing and Puttlnr In Shape the Now School Grounds. KunxiONP, June J3- Work was the order of the da) at the school house yes- tenia)- hy a goodly crowd from eeu In the morning until night. Not all got tlirrc at Hie early hour but T, U. Man- derschefd did and n large croud shotted up later. The men grubbed thcsagcbrudionthc whole Mock, school house half a well as the other; they trimmed up the juulirs and pulled the poorer ones out; they picked oil the scab rock, plotted, har rowed and smoothed the ground; they, the lioys carried oil the blocks and shav liiK Then a special school meeting was held and it was decided to buy the north half of the block, the south half having been alrrady donated hy the tottioite eouiMiiy, They nearly com pleted fcueiUK the whole block, the him- kx for the Same liclng donated by Diirel- or J. O. Hansen, It was surely a ene ol "KvcryUxly works but father." I'.ven the ministers, Mr. Lilly and Mr, 1iw thcr, came and showeil appreciation for the use of the iiool house for services by getting in and working with the best ol them. Ill the meantime, what were the ladies doing' Tney were gathering up thoe KmhI thiilKS to cat, that lleduiaiii! cooks know so well how to nuke, and making others. At the proper time they served these to the hungry cumtl. That they were up to the tuual high stnuilaid of ex cellence we con attest, for although we could not nttcud, owing to Mrs. Park's ulckiiess, kind neighbors brought us Miuplei., and "The proof of the tmddiug Is hi the eating," And now wc feel safe lit announcing that arrangements Iiiinc been nbonl com oloted bv the I'rosbyterlnus whereby n church will le built nml the town resi lience of C. N. I'.hret bonuM for n iwr- soiiugc until such a time as one can bo built contiguous to the church. Person ally wc never wanted to IiaMcii the time when there should be two places of worship in Uedmond, It probably means that we shall lmc rival cliurclics before we enn alTordltniid liefore they can lie well supHirtcd. The present plan of two church organisations with union SumUy school, nml union meetings served first hy one iitor then by the other, while it has Its disadvuntiiKes, wc think superior for n placu of this sire to the other one, which U contemplated to serve n larger population. fixtures for the Hank of Hcdmoiid Imvc arrived. Mr. Minna brought them In on Ids last trip. The cashier is ex pected hi before long. They have rented the Homo Hotel building and the expec- (County News continued ou page 4,.) AN EXCITING GAME LJend nnd Redmond Pluy Interesting Ball. I:ND WINS; SCORI: 10 TO 9 Sunday's (larno Was Ono of the Clos est Contests liver fought Out on tho Local Diamond. One of the moht exciting, hardest fought, and closest ball games ever played on the Hcnd diamond was that of last Sunday when the Hcnd and Redmond teams crossed bats. The Rend team has been playing losing games all ticason, while the Redmond boys have hud victory lurched 011 their banner ailcr every game in which they have engaged with one exception, Ruf defeat was in store for them when they came (o. Hcnd, the score, however, being a very close one, 0 to 10. The result of the game was in doubt ,o' le very cud'. When Hcnd went to' bat at the last half of the ninth inning Uic"scorc sheets showed a tic, 9 to 9. jxclcmcnt ran high. The rooters' nerves vfcre on keen edge. Johnson went to bat and went out. Welder did like wise. It began to look as though the game would be carried into the tenth inning. Then Slim Staats picked up the stick and luck, pure and unadulterated, ran with him. He fanned but Tctherow muffed and threw to first, where Ikklcr fumbled and finally dropped the sphere, putting Slim sale on the bag. Stcidl went to bat and with the first delivery Slim started for second and Heckcr crrorcd, letting the ball pass him. Slim didn't loiter there but was up and looking for third on the dead run. Red mond's center, who had backed up Decker on second, threw wild, clear over third's head, and Staats scored, giving the gnmc to Ucnd. iS.--H., r ,xx ' V ' ' - v 4 '.'jj. T IT I C- , X. WSs4 . Vm FBKBUPfcBPBBfcrJWBWPUsWslsW jCWBWLlssMkkLLLsttai GIST'S FINE $1,300 SOHOOL HOUSE DISTRICT No, 6t boasts one of the best school houses in the county outside of the town schools. The above Illustration show that their claims are well founded. This handsome school bulldlug wos completed on September aS, i7, the total cost, including furniture, amounting to f 1,300, Last year there were six mouths of school in the district, with an enrollment of 15 pupils. The uxcrago salary paid for the teacher was f6o per mouth. As yet no teacher has been engaged for thu coming year, but one Is desired. The directors of the district arc: C. L. Olst, chairman: 1 Levcrciue, R. M. Wright. J. II. Kd wards, clerk. The school boasts an organ nnd a fine bell. As is common with many country school houses, the building Is nlsauscd for church purposes. Rvery Sunday at 2 o'clock p. 111. Sunday school services are held, and are well attended. Robert M. Wright Is superintendent and Mrs. Pul Hum assistant. Preaching services are held twice a month. Tho building, with Its white paint, neat appearance, and commanding loca tlon, lends 0 touch of prosperity to the district In which It sthuds, and proves that the people who built it arc progressive. The district may well be proud of its school. Hcnd would have but mighty little on which to brag by winning a game in that manner, had it not been that they played much better ball than their opponents during the last half of the game At the end of the fourth inning Redmond had Hcnd beat to the tunc of 8 to 4, and if the visitors had played as they should Hcnd would have had no license to defeat them. The game in detail and by in nings Is given below: KKUMONI) All R II VO V. Itckler, lb 5 1 3 2 ft Decker, i 5 3 a 3 a Miller, h-p 5 0151 Reynolds, !-jb 3 a a j a Tctherow, c 5 - l ' McCauley, ef 5 r 2 3 o K. Coert, If 5 o t i o V. Meredith, rf 5 0040 C. Meredith, ss .1 0043 45 9 " 7 15 IlKKD All K II I'O K Steldl, rf .....5 a o a o McKcynoMs, If 5 1 t 3 o Mctke. ef.' 5 3 ' I'ane, h .- 5 3 1 a Sawhiil, ab 3 1 a 1 a V. Stoats,'st .- 30141 Johnson, lb 51132 U'cldcr. c .5 o r 5 3 llrock.'p 2 0620 S. .Staats, p 3 1 o a I 43 10 ia id 13 Score by Innings 133456789 Redmond 033000019 Ilciill..' 4 o o o a a r o 1 10 SUMMARY. l'lrst Use on balls Off Ilrock 3, oil Reynolds r. ofl Miller 1. btrock out Hy urocu s, uy sisois 7, yy Kcyuniui 3, uy Miller 1. Stolen liases Prince Staats, Mctke, Johnson. Rckler a. Two Use hits by I'src, Johnson, Welder, Tethc row. Three base hit by McCauley. Double plays Itecker caueht fly and put runner out on second; Ilcclccrand Hcklcr at second and first. Hits of! Ilrock 9. Staats a, Reynolds 9. Miller 3. Umpire Davidson, of Ucnd. Notes on the Oamc. The Redmond boys play clean, sportsmanlike ball, and one pleas ing feature of Sunday's game was the entire absence ol wrangling and rag chewing. It's the common remark at ball games that you might as well (Continued on page 5.) f'(i ' V"f-J N- -. . t $? -.! K-- ' ARE DRILLING FOR OIL Will Sink to a Depth of 4000 Feet If Necessary. LAMONTA TilinP IS IN LIMBO Stole Watches from Merchant anil the Sheriff Now Has Him A On be Drowned at Paisley. Actual drilling commenced last Thursday on the prospect well which is to lc sunk by the Madra Oil & Gas Company, nnd unless Rnmcuuexpccted accident dclay.s them, work will be continued stead tly night and day until they have solved the question of whether or not oil exists in paying quantities underneath the wheat fields ol north-central Crook county. The Pioneer says the work is in charge of General Manager Ross, who has had 23 years experience in drilling for oil, and preparations have been made to continue the first well to .1 depth of 4000 feet if ucccssary, although it is confidently expected that oil will be found long before that depth is reached. A large drill tower, $ feet high, has been erected at the point where the well Is beijig drilled. Water is piped frofp one of the springs near there down to the camp, furnishing a good supply of water (or the engine and for all other purposes at the camp. A blacksmith shop has been put in for sharpening the tools, and the bellows is operated by the engine which runs the drill. A boarding house, bunk-houc and complete camp outfit have been erected on the ground, so that those who have charge of the work will be comfortably situated. The first prospect well is being drilled on land belonging to Oscar Cox In section 12, township 13 south, range 14 cast, on the west slope of Grizzly mountain. Arrested for Stealing Watches. The Prineville Tourual savs that Sheriff Elkins has arrested Jack Hagati lor stealing a numocr 01 watches from J. C Rush, the La- raonla merchant. It was last fall while Mr. Rush was at supper that some one broke tn the back door of the store and made away with a tray containing several bundled dollars worth of watches. The sheriff was notified and that officer has been on the lookout ever since for the guilty party. The first of the week Hagau came to town with one of the stolen watches in his pocket. The sncriit gaiucrcu mm in. 1 ue case against Eagan is very strong as the uumbcr ol tlic watcu lottna 011 him agrees with the number of one of the missing timepieces. Kagan is a middle-aged man and is well known iu the Lamonta district. Run over by Freight Wagon. Lost Thursday afternoon, while driving a four-horse freighting out fit near Madras, C. J. bondquest fell in front of the heavily loaded wagon, which passed over him, breaking his leg nnd inflicting other very painful and serious in juries. He stepped down on the trout wheel wuen the horses startcu, throwing him tinder the front of the wagon and pulling the front wheel across his arm and leg before he could extricate himself. With rare presence of mind Mr. Sond quest caught the wheel ns it passed over hira and threw himself out from uuder the wagon before the secottd wheel reached him. The wheel passed over his right leg, breaking it below the kntc and bruising his foot very badly, then over the fleshy part of his arm which was very badly bruised al though no boues were broken. Two of his fingers were anight by the wheel and the ends of them very badly crushed. The accident occurred about three miles south of Madras, and it was fully an hour after the accident before Mr. Sondnuist was found lying in the road, too badly injured tit m-ive himself. He was found iv the Rend stage, and the passen gers fixed a place for him in the ttom of the stage and made him .is comfortable as tw.ssibte until they could get him to Madias, where he was placed under thecari of Dr. Snook. Pioneer Water at 71 Feet A Y. ILint.i was in town last Monday from his home near Trail Crossing. He brought the good news that water had been found on his place at a depth of 71 feet and that the supply is apparently in exhaustible Mr. Hanta has been hutilitit! water for his stock and for. all ranch purp-es for the past ri years as it was generally supposed that water could not be found in the locality in which he lives ex cept at great depth, which would necessitate a heavy expenditure in sinking a well. Mr. Hanta says there appears to be a large stream of it, a- they arc unable to lower the water appreciably tn the six inch hole by steady pumping. The water is cool and palatible and will prove a blessing to Mr. Hanta aftcr all these years of water-hauling. Pioneer. Paisley Uabe Drowned. A sad drowning accident oc curred at Paisley "lalt Friday after noon, when little I-reddie Alexander Farra met bis death. There is a small brook running through the grounds about three feet deep. The little fellow, aged about three years, had been playing in the yard, as usual, just a moment be fore he was missed. Search was made and after some time he was found in the water, lodged in a wire fence crossing the stream. The child was dead when taken out oi the water. He had floated about too yards, passing under two wire fences and was badly disfigured from contact with the barbed wire. The little fellow was buried Satur day at 3 p. m. from the Methodist church. Lakeview Examiner. Changes In National Forest. The Goose Lake and Fremont national fprests have been cpnsoli datcd and the whole will hereafter be known as the Fremont forest. It has been divided into several districts and a head ranger will be put in charge of each district. A district on the north, with head quarters at Rosland, has been cut ofT from the Fremont and added to the Blue Mountain national forest, under Supervisor A. S. Ireland of Prineville. Jay Hillines will con tinuc in charge of the Stiver Lake, district. Oregonian. dold In Northern Lake. Quite a number of prospectors arc now in Northern Lake looking for cold, and a number of local people have caught the fever and are planning prospecting trips. A "gold excitement" may be expected at any time. Silver Lake Ore gonian. Dairy Industry Qrowlng In Oregon. Secretary V. L. Crisscy of the Oregon State Dairy Association has already for circulation the report of that body for the past year. It is very much the most comprehensive report which has appeared concern ing auy dairy meeting on the Pa cific coast, and Mr. Crissey will furnish a copy to anyone interested, upon request. Oregon has grown, wonderfully in J fruit, agriculture and general industries, but dairy iug holds the record for greatest increase, dairy products having risen from a value of $5,oqQ,ooq annually five years ago to $17,000, 000 In 1907- A Revelation It Is a revelation to people, the severe cases of lung trouble that have been cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. It not oulv stop the cough but heals and strengthen the lungs. L. M. Ruggles, Hensnor, Iowa, writes; 'IThe doctor said I had consumption, and I got uo better uutil I took I'oley's Honey and Tar, It stopped the hemorrhages o.ud pain in my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet'-C, V. -Merrill, Druggist. LADIES! You should have your calling cards printed at Tho Bulletin office. The latest styles. I Are you going to celebrate. mmmmmmi m