The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1908, Image 5

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    r '
-... mi ip inn's.
. ...i.,i Ml n i'i.
Kcuiember the Catholic IndicH
socliil tomorrow evening.
.' If you arc loilng your nolc have
it tupnircd by Legal, ttic nlioc tiinu,
Horn, to Mr. nutl Mr, J. It.
'.SawIIIII, on Monday lttnt n bonne
'U: 9f llouutl boy,
, Wanted Girl or woman to do
Kcni-ritl homework In nuinll family.
Iniiiircnt tills office, toft
I'oiind Two bimelici of kcyn,
also ii flat kry. Owners can Imve
Mime by cnllitiK mid paying for tlil.i
Shoe repairing done with iicnt
ncss imd diipntch by Legal, the
tlinriicriimiikcr mid cobbler. At A.
, Hunter's old stand.
' Llmlscv Hlsemoru nud'two buiii,
of Kort Klumntli, nrc In Ilcud visit
ing their father mid grandfather,
"Uncle John" Slscuiore.
' I'rof, K. A. l'ord county school
Miocriutciidcut elect, was in Ilcud
Tuesday attending to business mat
tcr.i u mi calling on friends.
Mr, nud .Mri. A. M. I.ura nud
Max Kicliardiou returned Wednes
day evening frourn liiisliim trip of
about to days at .Silver I.ake.
Atriiugctticiit have been made
.with the Ilcud ball team whereby
they will con i est with the I.uldlaw
term on the fourth at Laidlaw.
Dr. Coc reports thai the Allen
Ixiy who took the to-foot fall down
the l)schutoi canyon near Laidlaw
Inniweck is getting alone nicely.
The Ladles' Library Club clenrctl
10.15 from their Mrawberry social
Inmt Saturday night. They wish to
extend thanks to all who helped to
mnk the event a nttccvM.
Millard mid CarlyleTnplett have
Ihtcii scpairiug the cro"swalk at
(lie corner of thepoHtofficcaud from
the Lam to the Mutng corner, a
much needed improvement.
nud rlrnwbcrrlcs in
building tomorrow
tec ci earn
the Mulxlt:
The Redmond ball team will be
In Hcnd Next Sunday to cross Hats
with the local nine. The Redmond
team haft been playing sonic Very
good ball nud nu Interesting gome
Is promised.
J. S. Williams, the new lumber
man who has leased the Muster
sawmill, has an ad. In this insue
which you tdioutd read. lie will
treat you right and will supply you
with first class lumber.
i Mrs. Grant has donated id finely
bound volumes of the "Message
and Papers of the President!" to the
public library. They nVc Very valu
able books for reference a u'd hlMori.
en I study, mid make a fine addition
to the library.
The Hcnd orchestra will give a
dance In Lara hall Saturday night.
As It will probably be the last dance
of the season by that opular musi
cal organisation, those who cujov
dancing to good music should plan
to attend. Tickets, 75c.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Head and
diiiightt.r, of I'riucville, came over
to Ilcud Wednesday to visit a few
days with Mr. Head's nephew, A
A. Aldriduc, and to enjoy an out
ing camping on the Deschutes
The two families are now camping
about six miles above town.
Rev. Mitchell will preach morn
ing and evening next Sabbath.
June 3R, and regularly every other
Sabbath. Subject for 1 1 a. in
'Home a a School." At p in.
"Socialism nt the General Ajuciii
bly and between Here and There."
The sitecful music will be "Simple
Camping and fishing parties have
already !eguu to go through Rend
on their way to up-river points,
and the number who thus take their
minimi outing motuiK's to be as
large as usual No better place for
n few weeks' vacation can Ik: found
than along the upper Dcpchutcs or
beside one of the numerous lakvsui
its head.
The Indies of the Catholic church
will serve Icecream, strawberries
and cake in the building
tomorrow (Saturday) evening
You may order either a dish of ice
cream, or one of strawlcrrles, or
one oficc cream and utrawlwrne
combined and the charuc will be
only 15c. They will begin to serve
at 4 o'clock.
The local Knights of Pythian
have decided lo make a big im
provement hi their Indue room
Two ante-rooms will be built in the
rear of the hall mid the hall p.t
ercd throughout. New station
will Ik- made and platforms for tip-
officers put in When the work is
comuletcd it will be the best I(xle
roirn in town.
Theodore Tweet met with n verv
painful and .vliat miitht have been
a latai accident at tlic J. V u
Co ' sawmill Thursday morning
He was working at the planer,
when a chisel which wus lying 011
a nearby .shelf or table was jarred
off by the motion of the machine
and fell into the fly wheel of the
planer. As the chisel struck the
wheel, it was flung forward like a
shot from a tttin and struck Theo
dore a glancing blow on the right
temple, indicting a .severe cut m
which it was necessary to take
several M itches He will undoubt
edly be laid up for several days.
Had the chisel struck him squarely.
he never would have lived to tell
the talc.
m y
A H k iL W mm
4 ! '&&.
3 TAHTMr. .KrtAlTi
a iivuiuu uuiiif!
sic h t .-ilward n of the evil
5'n- 1 ' caet by myriads of dan
"ir! y, -ins tapping the life blood
tit;i".i-r. Micro kills (be put-
sjtJiti the Itchlnj scalp.
giu Mtretotbebalr andstopt
It fiiV out. A tlnzle application
j;lcs relief aod proves Iti worth.
Save your hair before too lite.
Micro prevent! baldness. It U a
delightful dressing for the httr,
free from freest and sticky oils.
Aik y our druggist for free booklet
reTlo ocon
Every Six Minutes
A New Moline
Tho present capacity of the Molino Wagon
Works is one complcto Moline Wagon overy
six minutes.
The Moline Wnon consists of a hardwood founda
tion, with heavy iron and steel reinforcements. It
not only has heavier pattern WOOD-WORK, but the
IRON and the STEEL that doubles its durability is of
Extra Strength.
Steel against Steel at friction points
Iron against wopd where strain is greatest.
. Doublo bracing of Gears and Grain-Tight Dox.
Is it any wonder that farmer calls this Wagon the IRONCLAD"
Wagdn Book FrcSe
.i The Moline Company's Master Mechanic has wrlttett the
story of the "IRONCLAD." It is published In book form nud,
while they last, we will give them free to farmers who ask for
Moline Ironclad Gears and Beds
always on Hand;
Geiiefal Melxhatifdi es AM
Demand far lUcccdn the Supply at
Twin Tails A lromle of What
Will I'nko Place at Hcnd.
There has recently been an ojwn
mi! lo stile of a tract of irrigated laud
in the Twin Falls project in Idaho.
People came from all over the
country to be present at the open
tiiH, and the demand for the land
fat exceeded the acreage on s.ile.
A letter received from a resident of
that r-cctlon says:
"TlicrointMity otd of! In the first day
unit a nail fw.Tm) acres ami tlic co(r
are still filing scry rapidly tixlny, luitl
catlit) that the eomiMiiy will i-cll off
praetically the entire tyi.uni acres within
the next M days. Ill addition to thit
they Mill conic cry near clotinj; up the
reiimlnlni; acreage un the North Side
Irart. The comiunv would liaxctold
to or three huniircif thuuMinl ncrct if
they had had tt. .,icop!c rrUtrrcd,
dcK)Mttnn f1.375.1xu in ch or certified
check to cover the first payment indi
eating n demand fur fully 400.00) acre
NoiIimik to niiial this eer hapjiciicd in
this country.''
The Twin Falls project is bcin
reclaimed under the Carey Act, and
is the si tnc as that of the Deschutes
Irrigation it Power Company's pro
ject at Ilcud except that the rules
and regulations arc somewhat dif
ferent, those Kovcruinn the sale of
laud tinder the Iiend project con
serving the interests of the pur
chaser much more than do those at
Twin 1-alls. At Twin Falls the
lauds are bold prior to the construc
tion of the canals and laterals,
while at Ilcud 110 laud can be put
ou the market until the same is
watered and the laud reclaimed.
Under the local project irrigable
laud is sold for 40 per acre, while
the 11011 irrigable or pasture land is
sold at $2 50 per acre. At Twin
Kails the price is $40 joper acre for
each .10 ncre tract and no reduction,
although they do rcdiice the price
for non-irrlgable tracts after the
laud is found to be part non-irri-gable.
The Twin Falls company has
had wonderful success In opening
the country to settlers. The recent
rush for laud there is only att in
dication or what will some day take
place at Bend when conditions are
ripe. Many people who arc ac
quainted with both the Twin Falls
and Hcnd projects state that the
latter is by far the bolter of the two.
At Twin Falls, outside or the culti
vated lauds, .there Js nothing but
the barren sagebrush plains, while
here we lmwc tlie jUnTpers, pine
forests and tuouutaius to lend va
riety to the landscape. And the
question of fuel, lumber laud fence
posts always au Important due in
a uew ttmtntry is easily tolved
write!' "ThY la to eft tfV W,f Have
used I'o1ft"T Orlno LnxatiVti fdr clitouic
constipation, and it li rwe'i wlftbut
a doubt to be a thorough prartlml remedy
fdr tills (rdifblc.-'nnd it wUu.plcasurc I
offer Iny conscientious reference." C
W, Werriu, uruKgut.
here T t- It ml clim.ite Is ideal,
the find hrtiv. and the water abun
dant, uii'l iix a Colorado man, who
is well ncqu. Mined with ungated
lauds, rricnUv siM, "It ix the best
irrigation pni)et I have ever
seen "
liatky Auto, Ihrre Allies, Itllatcrcit
Last Mmi'iiv II II Da vies
sinned with a happy crowd com-
posvd of ,Nick Weder, Chas Stan
iiurrougli. M'-i A A Aldrich and
Miss Anna JiiIiimui for a visit to
his de-ert cIhIiii When alxul three
miles north nltuwii the auto bilked,
the niitoisti were obliged to trudge
back to 'otvu And now, Oh, my'
my leet are o sore.
Consumptive Mads Comfortable
I'oley'a Honey ami Tnr has cured
many cai of Incipient consumption
and even in the advancel singes affords
comfort and relief Kcfii-eany Initthe
HcmuIik- Pole v' Honey and Tnr C W
Merrill. Dtui'si
Csi. Hi Whir
np n " -jib
When You. Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
tolor cards
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
(loods nud Hardware nlways on
llnnd. - '
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claimo
Ttiorubushoraof Wchstrr'a International
Ur UiialirMirMlhorniifflily ro-olltotlnoei
Mclloaary alUitfotliaVIt 'Mi, In ru-l.tbo Kviu
Ur UnatirMiRsI Ibornlmlilr nvclilutlnoerv
ilotall.anl attly cnrlcbot In own part, with
tlio purixiM of lulaptinir It to meet (bo larirer
ma MVcrvrrtyiuircitKrnuorauQtuertcucnv-
Wo are of tbo opinion 'that tbl allceatlou
iMt c uailr niut nconratelr ilikvriljLi tho
irork tbat.has ln arcomilllust and tho
tuost cloaihr anl nccurat
irork that has lieen arcoi
ruiiilt that bas broil reAvlieJ. '1 ho Dlot lonarv.
ns It noir atands, has Uvn lliorouiihljr rv-.
'Jllcdln everr detail, has txvn enrrrvted In
ttto fanrer anil coyurvr rvqulrviiwnta u
wry part, and U alinlnitly adapted to incut
lanrer and ccyurvr rvquirvuwiit ur a
Keneration which demand moro or xiiulnr
phlloloulcAl knowlolifu than any iroiiaratiuu
mjii ma Ttorm uaanvi
t In o
h( that In tho riitiiroaaliithaniutlt
liat th Ttorld (iiuourcontaliioit.
(is icriia ixxsiio
1 1
a ix I
Icrha tiocdK-Mt to mid that vro refer
dloUuliary In our judicial work ai nr
no MHiicst nutnoriiy lu acctirney or do mil.
Ion i a
will bo trio aourve ot constant rvturotmj.
l r
ourles o. Korr. etui ;uk. ,
. John dam
;.tahtw J.fCrtlB.
UlAuua u. iiimu
tot abow Ttftrt to TTEBSTEn'S .
lonal at tho World's tlr, tit, Louia. ,,
' ipclinjiijxi,K, untrre;
apRutapiBbb, rMM.
Every Farmer
As well as every business man should J
have a bank account
Because: W mney)s safer in the bank titan
anywhere ejse. ..
'Paying your... bills by check is the
simplest hh?l most, convenient method.
Your check becomes a voucher for the
debt it pays; ,
U gives you a better Standing with business
tncn. r
Money in the bank strengthens your credit.
A bank account leaches, helps and encour
ages you to save v
This bank docs all the-bookkeeping
Your bank book Is a record of your business.
To those desiring Banking Connections with a well
established Bank, we extend our services.
The Central Oregon Banking (Sb
Trust Company
John Steldl Lumberman and Timber Oruier.
U. C. Coe Physician and Surgeon.
H. P. J. McDonald .Mayor of Hcnd.
E. A. Sather ......Merchant.
J. B. Heyburn Cashier
Watch This Space
Next Week
j. I. West's
Furniture Store.
MriiMinn'tiiTiTiwiiffWMiiiiBii-rtIii ifciMMMpnririH MiiMiiiiikwiawiiinn tfffli
Central Oregon Realty Company
(Successor to C. D. Brown & Co.)
Central Oregon Re?! Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty S
1F We buv or sell vour land no matter where situated. We can sun- 5
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
further particulars.
llvriis in
Hotel Bend
- Hlioil p'ICXNB, Prop.
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reser,ed for -Transient Trade.
' u ". ; ' '" ' '
, 1 ii Li.i .l I t
I quote yoil the following prices pit gocxl
drj- yood lu my y.jnl, jwduuer td
pay (or ttcllverj-. li
i?RY bi.oc;k WO.QD !
16 inches long ' '
l3.O0 t Cord
," 1G Italics lg. . ,
$!i.25''a Oord '
Thone to mc when you want Vtiod. It
won't ctwt y6it anything lo 'nlfcrtiK to
E.,ff. PARK
,Jtuporfefcand Brecdsrc!
rii'Urf.HiL'-. rv "
Back Lanksfinii Cliickeni
Young Stock for Sal$.
:, .w, ; ' ...
Will enjoy reading JVUe Bulletin
it 4n laijXa KHTisr.iwN ,nv,
INSTRUCT Vou. Subcilbe uowi
Yhere'ii NEWS in The Bulletin