A EU ' . m OF THE WEEK V (n a Condensed Torm for Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS Rosumo of tlio Lett Important but Not Lais Interesting Events of tho Pail Weok. Virgil dnrln, who played hall with Hut ('Mriign Nationals it tut Now York Ulntit, a itrnil. The first stenmor frjim Honttlo this nmttoii lmv reached Nome, after a hard battle with llin Ice. Harts will lie held noit year under the umpire of tlin If. H, Hlgnnl Service lielmin balloons ntul aeroplanes. tlnivrr police wnro enjoined from Interfering wllli rare track gambling, uu.l biiukiiiaklug la carried on freely. Tlie American niiln has overtaken nnd passed tin' (leriiiuii mnehlno In tlin New York t Paris race. They are imw crossing Siberia. .In mm ,1. Mill ana the crop prospects fnr Ike year utti good, and na tliu crop will mil he nn onuiMnlly lure one, it will bring I!""1 1 prices, i: il. Ilethel. tlm Kngllsh editor nr rssded fur seditious utterances nt Heoul, kna npologired for tlin publica tion, and say tin wn misinformed. Mm. Mary lUker ICddy says that 1 H r i n ( the sl yonr new Chrlstlmi Nelrnt-e elele hnve been fnrmoil at the rut uf mm eery four ami one half hus, A federal grand Jury In New York lias iKillrtnl t tin beads 11 f tlm Now York fatten HxekaNge and tlin Manila Paper and Fiber Manufacturers' Ann olntlen. An litiglith r alitor l mi trial fnr ic llt tun It)' Japanese authorities in Co-rea. Ilatana authorities do not credit tlir tumor i( 1 well-organised intur rrciinn A dining car will be added In the A A C train between Portland ami Seaside. Governor Dawson, of Wctt Vir Mitiu, ha a well-developed cate nf tlilieti'llttills. 'Ihr transport Shrrinati will lie luarautinrd at Anuria. She hai iiiIIhh mi board. Marry ami Kvclyti Thaw have be cine reconciled, lint Thaw nun I re main in the asylum. A runaway aiitntiinliilr Jumped off the dock Into the river in New York ami drowned four persons. ' It 1 estimated that the spring cleanup in the Tanana iliitritt uf Alaska will reach m.ooo.oao. The rirr have begun to fall at Kama City, anil it i lielievetl all slangcr from the HimmI it patted A Veiictiela war vessel fired on a Dutch ailniK vrfl ami tHik from thrm all mail nut in rrKiilar mail sack. I'uur thonaanil of the aullan'i trtnii arc in revolt. A Seattle man wi rohhril of $10, oihi by ickHxkrt in St. I'aul. HulMMtic tlaKUe ha inailc il appear ance in Caracm, Vrucucla. Senator lUitey, of Trxaa, i rernv riiiK frm hit attack of brouchitit. Samwel Goiiiprr. preaiilcnt of the Anipflrt. Keilcration of I-liiir, it ill in ChicaKo Frederick Arthur Stanley, Karl of Derliy. ami rx-Kovernur Kneral of Canada, i dead. American warship arc Ktlicrlni; at San HraiicUro. preparatory to their trip around the world. A Southern Pacific gatekeeper com mitted Milcldc liccnme Ilia Kate had accidentally Injured a woman. The German kalier cordially re ceived the American amliaiiador, Da vid Javue Hill, and talked with him for half an hour. !(cv. S. C. I.aphain .iy women are wornr than men in itipportliiK per niciou fada, iiiclinlini: free love, lie knya oratory It taking the place of the ("impel in the modem pulpit, and that oi'ial condition arc much the tame at lioforc the flood. Tnfl lender claim lm will receive 701 vntra on tlio first ballot. Tlinw will remain in jail liocnuao o ' Imlia tku nayluiii nttrniiunt, ItiindliiK KiiKllali ateol nminifacturori dtmy tlm Htory of u now truit. tiiifTriiKtte of nil nations ura to joiu In 11 mounter purndo In l.oiulon. Tlm Hritlah Coliimlilnn Kovorninrnt lum decided to deport 1,000 lllndut who nro pan peri. ltnpld pro(-rcsii la liolnjj iiinilo on ro iinlra to tlin Nortliern l'liclfle rondoed In Montana, Utah di'innernti lmvo Initructod tliolr dclixatca for llryan, but paid u tributo to Clevclanil. llallroad cnmmUalnntra of flvo atatea met In Clilcnco to decldo on lomo uni form inrnmiro of doing away with the '.eadly rade croaaloRi. IIUIIQATION FLUME DE8TUOYED Hood Hlvm atrnwbnrrln Pnrlih for Want of Wator. Iliiod Itlvcr, Or., .Juno 10. Olnnt powilor wiu aiiccratfiilly uaod Hnturdiiy ulKlit In 1111 vlTort tu cuiuo the griiwora ciimnsliig tint rnrinera' lrrlyatlnK (.'oniniuy tlio loaa of n Inrgo portion of their ttriiwlnirry crop, Dlajjruiitloil Inbiirnra am euajmctiMl, About I CI) feet of flu mo on a Mil lit 1111 tlin went aliln of Hood Hlver win deatroyeil, nd tlio water In the lily Irrigating ditch la shut off. As a rrault, tlin crop of two-tlilrda of tlio valley, about 400 neroa, la without wa ter until such tlmn as tlii flume can be repaired, which will tako at tk Iviist istliunto tliren ur tout days. Tlio growers stand to loss nt least 10,000 crates of borrles, worth $30,000, and If the ftuiuo ennnot bo repaired befnru Wrilnesdny, the loss will bo far greater. Tliu dnumgo to tlin dltek will not amount to mora tlmn (S00, Tlm point whera tlio ditch was de atroyil I liluli on a lillltldo. The inembera of tlio company alata that It must )iit vn tnken contlderabln work and tliren or four Imua of powder to tirtnluet such disastrous results. Thla is the ditch from which all of tlio wa ter Is taken to Irrlgntn tlio big straw berry crop on tliu wott side of the nlly. Although 2i men wera hurried to the seeim uf tlm trouble ns sihiii as It was known tol ay, It Is rstlmnted that It will tako three days, working day and night, to retHilr the damage. The Flood Itlver berry season Is now nt It height, and nu wnler to sustain the plants and ripen the berries dur Ing the present wnrm weather will cut iImmii the yield to almost nothing. Per the past few days from five to seven ears of berries Iiuvh been shipped dally. Ah investigation stnrted this after iioiih by M II. Nlekeen, seeretary, and A. (' Htaten, manager of tho eom tnny, in mm efTwrt to determine If ! slble who the dltek ilentroyers were, developed the fart that the nnlio ui the skols was heard two miles away from the smt where Iho ei plosion took idare. ami that it oeeurrel alniut 11 ti'rloek. Ileyunl this, nothing Is defi nitely known. It Is said, however, that the officers of the company have under suspicion tereral men wiinm iney uan in ineir employ last year, and to whom they refuted to give work this summer. SMALLPOX ON TRANSPORT. Shsrrnan Report by Wlrelet and Mutt bo Quarantined, PorlWnd, June 10. -Wireless dl patches were received Monday by The Uregnnlnn from the trnutport Hbcrinan while at sea that there was smallpox nn bosrd. The Hherman Is bound for Portland from tho Philippines with the Klrst Infantry, SA5 men In alt, un der command of Colonel Mcdonlcal. llefore tho vessel reached Honolulu a navy mnn returning died of the dis ease and was burled at sea. Two dajs ago an enlisted man was taken 111 with smallpwi. The two men were In dif ferent parts of Iho ship, so tho whole vessel is considered Infected. This means that under the quarantine regu lations each of the UH2 men nn bosrd must tie vaccinated and quarantined for H days and the transnort must lie fumigated. This protest necessitates disembark ing all the men, and owing to the lack nf facilities at tho Columbia Itlvcr tattoo, tents must lie sent from some of the army hs!s of tho district. Col onel lingers, in commanu, rears wmv since the men have just returned from the Orient, camping out In this cli mate will be Injurious to their health nnd he has requested tho department In have the trnnsHirt with all on lionrd sent to tho quarantine station nt Hon Prancisco. What will bo done In this matter cannot yet be known. The ITrst Infantry Is en route to Vnneouvor, where It will bo stationed, succeeding tho Fourteenth Infnntry, which was transited a few weeks ago to Manila. Refuse to Cut Salaries. Manlln, Juno 10 After many ex tended nnd npporcntly hopeless con ferences, tho Insular Commission nnd the Philippines Assembly have finally nrrlved at an agreement upon the gen eral appropriation bill, which, It is be lieved, both tho coinmisslnn and tho assembly will ratify. Tho compro mise mensuro appropriates 10,800,000 pesos, tho nssembly making n conces sion of nearly 1,500,000 pesos. Tho commission declined to nssent to tho reduction In salaries and tho consoli dation nf some nf tho bureaus as pro posed by the nssembly. American Horo Wlna. Paris, Juno 10 Thousands of Amer loons Hatiirdny saw W. K. Vnnder bill's liny colt, North linst. with J. Chllda up, capture tho (Irnnd Prix do Paris, tho blue rfhhnii event of tho French turf, which thin year was worth nbout 72,000. llenullful weath er fnvorod tho running of this classic, nnd fully lRO.OOO persons gathered at I.ongchamps to witness tho rnce, which mnrked tho close of tho Pari season. Kaw Rlvor Falling, Washington, Juno 10 Tho Knw I....- I Crilllnir Inil tlm Mtaanurl nt Kansas City continues to risa slowly. Tlio singo tonigni wns .iu root, wun n further rlso of possibly ono foot In dicated during Moudoy, from water now in light. ,. w .1 L'ir.a-i J NEWS ITEMS FROM WASHINGTON, D. C.j WILL RESION IMMEDIATELY. Secretary '.Tnft Plans to Loavo Cabl- " ,iot July I. Washington, .liinn SCO. Herniary Toft's resignation ns 11 cabinet oflirer will be received by President Itonsevell today. It will luko effect July 1. This wns learned Inst night following n con fer en re uf several hours nt tho whllo hours, nt which Sit. Roosevelt, Heere tnry Tuft, Hecretnry Hoot and Assist ant Heeri-tary of Htiite llnenn were pres Ml. After the conference Hecretnry Tnft was greeted by n doen newsHiper eorri-ipoiulinls who desired to learn of his plans. "The president wnnts inn to leave n ..!. ...... j clean sinie rnr my successor, sain inn .. ... .. ...... .. ...hi .-I... ... ... nm sceri'mry, hihi 11 win inne inr hi It-Hut ten days to settle all pending matti'ts in the war department. I have no definite plans tonight as to when I will leave Washington." Mr Tiifl liillioHled Unit It utwld be within it few days. He will attend the thirtieth nnulversary nf the Ynle class if "H, with willed he graduated. He will be in New Haven Monday, Tuw day and Wednesday of the coming week. Asked as In his views a the vice presidential iuetluu, the nominee fur the presblenev was lion eiitnmlltnl. He asked for the Intent news from Chi ragn as in who wnobf In- his probable niHtilHg mate. l'Kin llng told that there was a iMniirnt in favor uf Fair banks, he remarketl: "Things seem to be In a chaotic state In ChieNgit with regard tu the vice presidency " Poring the euofereliee at the white bouse aeveral telegrams were sent to ('hleagn and Mr Tnft intimated that he was eipeetlng resptieii from these nhirh wHld materially affet his plans for the Immediate future. LET VICE PRESIDENCY ALONE. Tafl Will Have Nothing to Say About It Until Nominated. WasniNgten, June IH. This state ment was i'sued from an authsritativo source yesterday: "An eiehange of telegrams over night belneen Washington and Chi csgo indicates that there will be no de vrltqioieHts, so fur as the administra tion it concerned, In the matter of so licitlng a candidate for vice president here until nfter the platform shall have been disused of and a nominee for the presidency ahall have been named." It is understood that the above state ment was Issued with the distinct pur H..e of avoiding complication nf the tlce prcsldrney with the presidential nomination. Reflection over night has only strengthened the determination of the war secretary to insist upon the in clusion in the Republican party pisi form of the anti injunction plank on the lines uf that telegraphed last night. . Therefore, a long telegram went for ward from the war department vester .day to I'm nk Hitchcock, Mr. Taft's 1 lilcago manager, instructing him to insist Unhi the anti injunction plank. Crops Worth Eight Million. Washington, June 10 Crops of 1P0S will be worth nearly f 8,000,000,000, according to figures prepared by tho ileMrlmeiit nf agriculture. It ft ei eeted there will be sufficient funds to mute the crops from the farms to tide water. In diocus'lng the outlook today, Chief Statistician Clark of tho agri cultural detriment, said: "Indications at the present time are for great crops. For eight years the American farmer has enjoyed unprcc dented prosperity and now tho ninth ....., 1.. M. li.F.iu.l I. .....Il.nll.. a.. 1 i-iom.,!.!, i.n.ira. . .. v I IW1II -. " 1 sored. Never in the history of tho ' l'nited States lmvo thoru been nine such years or lilg yields ami lilgu prices." Preparing Now Currency. Washington, June III The depart ment of engraving nnd printing start ed to turn out the new notes author ised by tho currency act of tho Inst emigres. Tho notes nro similar to the old l'nited Hlnles bank notes with ono exception. Where tho Inscription "se cured by iMinds of the United States," appears nn the old notes, tho follow ing legend appears on the newt "Secured bv bonds of tho United rilntes and other securities." Battleships at Honolulu. Honolulu, Juno 20. The special serv ice squadron, consisting of tho battle shlpstMullie and Alabama, which sailed from Sun Francisco Juno 8 in ndvnnco of the Atlantic fleet, has nrrlved here, one day ahead of schedule time. See relury of the Interior (lnrlleld, who win n imksenger 011 the Alabama, wns re ceiver by Oovernor Fronr nod other territorial and fedora! officials. Metcalf Qoet Homo. Washington, June 17. Sccrcary Metcalf called nn the President today prior to leaving for his home in Calf furnin lie will leave Washington late this evening, nnd will not stop nt Chicago for the convention lie said that he was not nnd would not be n candidate for the scnatorshlp or for any other office. Hydo-Bonson Case to Jury. Washington, Juno '.'0. Counsel for both sides lmvo nuulo their closing nr gumenta In tho llydo-Hcnson-Dluioiul- Schneider land conspiracy trial. Jus I tleo Stafford will ehnrgo tho jury today. KAISER GREETS AMBASSADOR. American Cordially Received at der ma n Court. llcrlin, June 17 The emperor to day received in audience the new American ambassador to Germany. David Jayne Hill, who succeeded Charlemagne Tower. T he audience was fixed tcveral days before Dr. Hill anticipated it, but the emperor's greeting was none the less hearty The emperor's matter of cere monies, llaron von de Knesbcck, called at (he hotel yesterday where Dr Hill was stopping, ami informed him that an audience with the em peror had been granted for today in the old palace, bis majesty coming in from Potsdam for the purpose. Three court carriages called for Dr Hill today, and, accompanied by hit ttalf, he proceeded to the palace. On hi arrival there he received a mes sage from the emperor that the pre sentation would take place in the garden which recently was planted in one of the palace courts. TEST CRUISERS. Maryland and West Virginia Make a Good Showing. Washington, June 17 Rear Ad miral Dayton today reported that the armored cruiser Maryland on a four hour full speed, forced draught trial off the California coast, averaged 133 I revolutions of her engines tier minute, and the armored cruiser West Virginia, under similar conditions, av eraged 13t m revolutions. Th aver age sjiced obtained with a slight ad verse current was Tt.ti and tt I knots respectively 'I he revolution may exceed those of the record of the contractors' trials, and opinions of the naval of ficials speak well for the work 011 the machinery of the vessels, which have been now in commission for three year. PROTECT TIMBER. Timber Owners and State Will Work Together. Olympia. Wash, June 1S Ar rangements have been made between State Fire Warden J R. Welty and D P Page. Jr, chief fire warden, for the new Washington Forest Fire as sociation, for co-operation in lighting forest lire during the dry season this year Mr. Page will put KM deputies immediately into the field, who will be paid by an assessment upon the big timber companies composing the association These deputies wilt be appointed state fire warden at large, with iower to make arrests and fur ther enforce the forest protection laws The state fire warden will is sue no permit to burn slashing without -ending duplicates to the dcputie above referred to, and these deputic will have power to stop the burning if a pergonal inpcction convinces them that forest fire might result. The organizers of the fire protec tion aMriation control s.aou.noo acre of limber laud in western Washington and liavc been assessed I cent an acre for the season's work A half cent kt acre has been col lected in advance. There is. there fore, a fund of m.Oofl. with J It. MM) immediately available. The tat own 04.000 acre of tim ber land in western Washington, and a force of about 1 deputies will oon be put 111 the field and paid out of an appropriation provided by the last' legislature. Alaska Timber Burning. Dawson, Y T., June 10 Poret tires are raging near Minto and along Lake .charge. Fifteen miles of Can adian telegraph wires have already been destroyed near Minto, and for live tni'r along the lake Hundreds of square mile of valu able timber have been destroyed. The fire were set by travelers en route down the river in small boats. There have been over soo arrivals here to date. Georgia to Make Speed Trial Xay Yard, Pugct Sound, Wash., June to The battleship Georgia wdl sail for San Francisco Thursday morning, and incidentally will at tempt to break nil battleship speed records en route. The Georgia is the acknowledged speed queen of the Atlantic licet, but her officer are de sirous of ctabliliiug a record. Su taincd runs under both natural and forced draught will be made, and all record arc expected to b,c smashed Opium Commissioners. Washington, Juno IS. President Roosevelt has nppointcd three commis sioner to represent tho l'nited Stnles on the International commission to in vestigate the opium question in the Fnr P.nst. Tliov are: ThomaK lturko. attor ney, nf Seattle; nr. Hamilton Wright, of Mnlne, nnd Ur. Charles Tennoy, Clil neso secretary of tho American lega tion nt Pekin. ' Lumber Cases Decided. Washington, Juno IS. Tho decision of tho interstate commerce) commission In tho Pacific. Const lumber rato ensea will probably bo announced tho latter part of thin week. Tho decisions lmvo been written and aro only awaiting final review nnd approval beforo bolng mado public. GERMANY HAS GRAFT. Astounding Stale of Corruption Dis covered In Navy Yards. Ilerlln, Juno 1C How many millions has tlm (Jerman government been swindled out of by the recently dis covered embezzlement In the imperial shipyards at Klelf No ono dare oven guns. How many of tho vessels built nnd equipped in tho yards aro to bo rotinn 10 nciong 10 tne same Class a . .-. -i. ...' . 1 nil iiaiiiesnijis mini in jiussia wun wooden peg Instead of steel rivotsf No ono knows yst, nnd no one prob ably ever will. Tho discovery that two high official of the Imperial shipyards, and possibly a number of others, havo systematical ly Ix-en rolibing tho government for years has come as a terrible shock t the (Jerman people, who aro prjua of tho proverbial honesty tf their gov ernment onielnls, ami who have always contended that while fraud might bo found in America and Russia, all Ger man government officers would always bo found to coma up to the Roosevelt standard, and bo able to show a record as clean as a hound '1 tooth. It is Impossible to find out at this time how many officials are Implicated ot suspected; tho government even ro- fuses to lit It lecomo known how many people are under nrrett besides the leaders, Heinrieb and Frankentbal. Tlm latter is a multi millionaire, and It is some consolation to think that he will bo able to make good tho losses, tliouuli this will not heal the wounded (lermnn pride. The kaiser was informM or the ar fair Just as he was about to prepare his speech for the opening of tho Marl- time exposition here, ami was to upset by tan news thai he lounu it almost imtxmiblc to entertain the King and Queen of Sweden, who were bis guest at the time. He bat given orders that the wbolo affair is to bo lifted to the Imttom, and that nil the guilty ones are to be punished, no matter how high their standing. Rumors to the effect that eertaln high officials In tho nsvy department have received their share of the stolen funds have so far been found to be unfounded, and are not generally be lieved. S AVE BRITISH BABIES. Mrs. Bertrand Russell Conducts Pub tic School for Mothers. London, June 13. Hundreds of poor mothers in Iondon are deeply grateful to the Hon. Mrs. Ilcrtrand Russell, who was formerly Mrs. A. Pearsall Smith, of Philadelphia, wbote school for mothers in tbit city hat proved a great success. Mrs. ItuMell com menced her ambitious scheme in a ttY small way first there were nightly classes for mothers who were allowed to bring their children and who were Instructed by Dr. Dora Hun ting bow to properly feed and clothe their little ones, ihcse Classes imme diately became very popular, but Mrs. Russell, who was often present in per son, soon discovered that the mothers themselves were at poorly fed as their babies and to remedy this the changed the night classes to day elasics and provided a substantial dinner at a price of 3 cents to those who could afford to nay, while those who could not were fed free of charge. The mortality of children in Eng land Is appalling when compared with that of America, but thanks to the splendid example set by the two Amer icans, Nathan Strauss and Mrs. Rus sell, whose experiments have aroused widespread interest and caused many men and women of wealth to coma forward with offers of help, the death rate among children lets than IS months of age will undoubtedly go down. Takes Terrible Revenge. Yenlce, June 15. A double tragedy vAAntU- asiV t.!fifA In a trnvelinc cir cus giving performances nt the town nf Mestre, a short distance from here. Among the performers were two aero- imiis, a mnn imiaciii ami ui who F.mma. A rieh man nbout town had f.a.M in InfA trttli 4hA taller nnd had liegun n liaison with her. Accidental- Iv Itafaelll Uncovered nis who a un faithfulness nnd planned a terrible re venge. While his wife was performing her dangerous acts in the flying trapeze under the roof of the circus tent, Ra faelll suddenly cut the rope which held tho trapeze, find tho young woman fell down I"" the sand of the arena, dving. Her lover rushed to her side, and while ho was holding her head on his lap kneeling at her side. Rafael!! cleft his head from behind with an ax and then calmly surrendered to the police. Slaughter of Innocents. Paris, June 15. Owing to the ex treme rigor of last winter and tho willful dettructlon of song birds, Prance is threatened with the extinc tion of hit larks, finches nnd thrushes. Professor Corcelle, of Chambery, has addressed nn appeal to the public, warning them that If farmers, game-1-eepcra and poachers continue their conduct thev will soon have extermi nated nil tho small birds In the coun try. As proof of tho necessity for legislative measures ho declares that thousands of larks nre killed and sold at 0 cents n dozen. Adopts Secret Ballot. Paris, Juno 15. Tho Chamber of Deputies Saturday adopted nn amend ment to tho voting law which practl- .11.a . I nfTdar ill A RAarAT All rtllll lt IB - VIIVs l"V W..VS-SJS? trallan ballot system. Thero has been ' much complaint of the ssvtera ot marking ballots In public. This has enabled tho big land owners and man ufacturers and political manipulators to excrcisa duress on tho voters. BROUGHT TO TERMS Corporations Lose In Struggle to Rule San Francisco. MUST PAY WELL FOR PRIVILEGES Board of Supervisors Exacts Reduc tion on Gas and Telephones and Rent fyr Trolley Franchises. San Francisco, June 1A. The annual struggle between the city and the cor porations has just come to an end, with an unexpected victory for the municipality. The members of the board of supervisors, who represent the city in the negotiations with the corporations, arc for the most part business men and lawyers. It was thought that their sympathies would run naturally to the vetted interests and that the local service companies, which suffered heavily in the earth quake and fire, would take advantage of the situation and make up from the public what they lost in the fire That is exactly what the corporations tncW to do fliey said so openly, and ar gued their right to do so, but a ma jority of the board stood firm for the taxpayers, and the city witnessed a most encouraging example of com petent government Pressure from every possible ave nue was brought to bear on the super visors to force them to yield to the de mands of all the service companies for higher rates. The gas company want ed an increased rate, the water com pany threatened famine unless it should receive a IS per cent advance in rates, the telephone company re sisted to the utmost, and the street railroad company ran cars without permits, seized franchises and at tempted to bottle up the traffic priv ileges on Market street, when the su pervisors stepped in and completely blocked the game. The gas company asked for an in crease from 83-ccnt to SI gas. The board conducted an inquiry The gas company promised to turns jts books over to the supervisors for inspec tion. This, it afterward appeared, was a bluff, for when the supervisors asked for the records, the company refuted to produce them until prac tically compelled to do so It was then discovered that improper charges had been made in figuring the cost of operation The mask was pulled aside by the "business" board and the gas company got an 83-ccnt rate. sn investigation into icicpuun: rates resulted in a general reduction of from IS to 23 per cent. The water rate was placed at the same tigure as last year, with a slight increase in the allowance for hydrants. The trol ley franchises which the United Rail roads attempted to appropriate were withheld. PROSECUTE ENGLISHMAN Editor of Paper In Seoul Is Charged With Sedition. Seoul, June 16. Y. Mimura, the Japanese resident governor of Seoul, appeared as the prosecutor of E. T. liethel, a British subject, who was to day arraigned in a British court ap pointed under order of the privy council Bethel is charged with spreading sedition by the medium of a newspaper published in the Corean vernacular, and of which he is the proprietor. The court includes Judge F St Rournc and Prosecuting Attor n y Wilkinson, both of whom were specially sent from Shanghai by the British government at the suggestion of Ambassador McDonald at Tokio. The prosecution said that it would prove that the publications in Bethel's vernacular newspaper was largely re sponsible for all the disturbances in Corea. M. Mimura asserted that the Corean government exists only sub ject to the direction of Japan He further said he believed there were 30,000 troops now in Corea, and that half of the country w s disturbed. Consequently the public tions were creating a false impression regarding; the real intention of the Japanese gqv eminent, increasing the difficulties of the government and causing much bloodshed. C. M. Cross, a lawyer of Kobe, who is defending Bethel, asked for a jury trial, which Judge Stf Bourne refused. Gold From Alaska. Seattle, Wash.. June 10. Tho clr.imthin filv nf Seattle, which ar rived in port early this morning from boutnwcsicrn Alaska, urougni me. first shipment of gold from Fairbanks to reach Seattle Dy the SKagway mut In nit fttir lirmtt.lit nhriill St. hOO.OOfl, the greater part of whuh was consigned to Dexter Morton & Co., bankers of this city. Another largo lot was liui.uuo, consigned 10 mo Washington Trust Company from the W.-itliiiu-lnii At.-islr.t limit Its branch at Fairbanks. The gold came up the Yukon on the Prospector. Cuban Patriots Amuse Tnft. lF.l.tnnlnii Tittl 1A HMQ-rr-.- llUIIIIIJtll.Mt j. .-1 wv... .,. Taft laughed today when he was told of a further report ot preparations or revolutionary uprisings in Cuba based on the proposed withdrawal of Amer ican troops on or before next Friday, -rsssrjus:- asrastSKTirs-r rxzvi-