The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1908, Image 2

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Roll of States Colled by Mega
phone AnW Uproar.
Nominating Speech Made by Senator
Burton Taft'a Name Starti
Whirlwind of Enthusiasm.
Chicago, June 19. For president of
the United Statss, William II. Taft, of
Taft on tho flrt ballot. Taft by 702
votes. Taft br the unanimous choice of
tho convention.
Such is the record of tho culminating
day of tho llcpublican national conven
tion of IOCS, effected amid scene of tu
multuous enthusiasm, and after a nerve
racking continuous session lasting near
ly eight hours. With tho president
named and the platform enunciated,
there remains only the nomination for
vice-president to complete the momen
tous work. Last night the wholo city
was given over to wild exultation in
honor of tho new candidate, who-tt
name goes echoing through the country.
The picture within the walls of the
vast amphitheater as the prcsidentlil
candidato was named was one truly
grand in its magnitude. In front, to
tbo right and left, below and above,
the billowing sea of humanity, restless
after hours of waiting and stirred from
one emotion to another, was in a fever
of expectancy for the culminating vote.
The favorite sons' of other states had
been named, save Knox and La Kollcttc,
and now on the rollcall came Ohio.
As tho Huekcyc state was reached,
the tall, gaunt form of Theodore K.
liurton, with student-like faeo and se
vere black, clerical garb, advanced to
tho platform to nominate Ohio's candi
date. He spoko fervently, with the
singing voice of an evangelist, which
went ringing through the great building.
The elose of his speech of nomination
was tho signal for the long pent up
feeling of tho Taft legions. Instantly
the Ohio delegates were on their feet,
other Taft states following, while the
convention hosts in gallery and on tloor
broko into a mad demonstration.
"Taft, Taft, W. 11. Taft," came In a
roar from tho Obioans. Megaphones
seemed to spring from concealed places
and swell the Taft tumult into thunder.
A huge, blue silk banner bearing tho
familiar features of the statesman-secretary
was swung before the delegates,
awakening a fresh whirlwind of en
thusiasm. AH semblance of order had been
abandoned, and the delegates were n
maelstrom of gesticulating men. The
guidons of the states wero snatched
up by the Taft enthusiasts or borne
undor by the storm of disorder. The
band was inaudible a mere whisper
above the deafening volume of sound.
For 10. 15. yes SO minutes this uproar
was continued. It was a repetition oft
me seene oi ncunvsuay, wucu iuc uaiua
of Itoosevelt brought the convention
into a frenzy. Hut there is a limit to
the physical resources of throat and
lung, relays had not been established
and at last tho tired voices died down
to a hoarse shout and subsided.
This lull now gave the opportunity
for the speech seconding Taft's nomina
tion by George A. Knight, of Cali
fornia, bis big, round faco beaming
forth on the sympathetic multitudo and
Ms splendid baritone voice going forth
like the tones of a great chureh organ.
California's tribute to Taft was brief
nnd fervid. Now there was andtber
lull in the Taft movement, white tho
remaining candidates were placed in
The secretary was powerless to make
Ms eall of states beard abovo the deaf
ening elamor. Seizing a megaphone, he
shouted the roll of states: "Alabama,"
"Arkansas," but his volco was swal
lowed up in tbo mad uproar. Gradu
ally, however, the curiosity of the .mul
titude conquered its enthusiasm and It
lapsed into silence to hear the result of
the call. A hush of expectancy hung
over the assembly as the call proceeded.
Hasty summaries showed that Taft
was far In advance. When New York
was reached the Taft column totaled
47. Ohio carried the Taft total to
511, or SO more than enough to nomi
nate. HUH the call went on until the
final result was announced by Chair
man Lodgo:
"For Theodore Roosevelt, 3 votes;
for Joseph II. Foraker, of Ohio, 10
votes; for Charles W. Fairbanks, of
Indiana, 40 votes; for Joseph O. Can
non, of Illinois, 58 votes; for Robert
La Follette, of Wisconsin, 25 votes; for
Charles K. Hughes, of New York, 67
votes; for Philander C. Knox, of I'enn
ylvania, 08 votes, and for William II.
Taft, of Ohio, 702 votes."
Prohibit Tips and Cause Strike.
Cherbourg, Juno 10. Tho agents of
tho North German Lloyd lino bavo for
bidden the Jockworkera in their cm
ploy to accept gratuities for the trans
ferring of passengers' baggage from
train to steamer at this1 port, nnd conse
quently tho men yesterday refused to
handle tho baggago of the passengers
who eamo down town from Paris to
embark on the Kalior Wilhelm der
Crosse. To get over the difficulty the
company requisitioned the services of
tho ship's sailors', and the baggage was
bandied without delay, j
New York Congressman Nominated
for Vlco President.
Chicago, June 20. Taft and Slier
man. Tins is the ticket of the Re
publican party, completed yesterday
as the Republican national couven
tion concluded with the nomination
of James S. Sherman, of New York,
for vice-president, amid a final roar
of tumultuous demonstration. Again
the vast assembly was swept with
wave on wave of wild, exultant
clamor, as the multitude, realising
that at last the work was done and the
record made upon which the Rcpub
lican party goes "before the country,
united in one last, mighty outburst
of enthusiastic tribute to the men
who will bear forward the standard
in the struggle now at hand.
Another inspiring picture was pre
sented yesterday as the convention
named its candidate for ucc-proi-ilent
The enormous throng had
waited through an liour of oratory,
sweltering in the heat-laden atmos
phere, packed, as before, into solid
masses of humanity, with only here
and there a few vacant spots in the re
mote gallery the delegates in the
broad arena below, the bright-luted
lilies of femininity in the circling gal
leries, and over all the en eloping
folds of Old Glory.
From the outset it was distinctly a
Sherman crowd, with galleries al
ready trained into choruses of Sher
man songs and an invading host of
Sherman marchers starting the
echoes ringing with a huge portrait
of the New York candidate Among
the early arrivals on the floor was
Speaker Cannon, only yesterday a
candidate for president, but today
here and a pillar of strength in the
Sherman movement. The widespread
affection for the old wartiorsc of the
party was also shown by the crowds
of delegates purging about him to
grasp his hand ami bid him welcome
The preliminaries were brief, and
at 10 30 the nominating speeches for
vice-president began, with a limit of
ten minutes to each speaker On the
call of states, Delaware yielded to
New York, and cx-Lieutcnant Gov
ernor Timothy L. Woodruff mounted
the platform for a glowing speech
placing in nomination Sherman a
New York's choice for the vice-presidency
Now- came a surprise, as the
venerable Cannon, with his Lincoln
like visage and shaggy heard, emerged
from the Illinois delegation, and.
stepping to the platform, was yielded
unanimous consent to second the
nomination of Sherman
Such a picture of sturdy, homely,
plain American citizenship as Cannon
appeared, as he advanced before the
throng, which .rose to do him hom
age, has seldom been seen before a
national convention. His face was
beaded with sweat, his collar had
melted to a rag. which hung limp
about his neck. His vest was thrown
wide open, exposing a crumpled shirt,
and the sleeves of his black alpaca
coat curled up about his dangling
cuffs to his elbows as his waving
arms emphasized, his ringing words
for his colleague and friend, James
S. Sherman, of New York.
From the outbursts of enthusiasm
which greeted every mention of Sher
man's name it was plain that the mind
of the convention had been made up
and that the decision was only to be
Now began the vote, taken amid
confusion at first, which increased as
the totals climbed upward to the
nominating point. The result was
never in doubt, as the totals of states
were heaped one upon another. There
were scattering votes, but the great
body of delegates swelled the total
of Sherman until it touched SM. With
keen appreciation of the effect of ell
max. Chairman Lodge announced ik
result, reserving Sherman's huge total
until the last:
"Vice-President Fairbanks gets one
vote; Governor Sheldon, of Nebraska.
10 votes; Governor Curtis Guild, of
Massachusetts, 76; Governor Murphy,
of New Jersey. 77 votes, ami James S.
Sherman, of New York. 818 votes "
After this the floodgates of wild en
thusiasm were let loose, as floor and
gallery joined in a pandemonium of
demonstration for the nominee
"Taft Is American Dauphin."
London, June 20. Most of the
morning newspapers and the weeklies
which came out today printed edi
torials on President Roosevelt's tri
umph in securing the nominatlun nf
Secretary of War Taft for the presi
dency. The Daily Chronicle says
"To save the life of his policies, he
loses his life as president It is an
interesting phenomenon." The Daily
Graphic describes Mr. Taft as an
"American dauphin," adding: "There
is something Napoleonic about this
creation of new dynastic legitimacy
under the Stars audStripcs."
Hearst Gains 100 More.
New York, Juno 17 In tho exam
ination of 1SS ballot boxes yesterday
William It. Hearst made a gain of 100
votes in tho recount of the disputed
mayoralty returns of 1005, now going
on t.croro Justice inmlcrt
Nino bun-
dred and thirty-six boxes hnvo been ox-1
umlned so far and Hearst has pained .
327 votes. There nro 1,012 ballot boxes
yet to bo examined.
2,000 on Full Time,
Omaha, Juno 17, Two thousand shop
employes of tho Union Pacific Railroad
wero yesterday placed on full time,
nncr wonting snort timo sinco Janu
ary 1. At Union Pacific headquarters
It was stated that other departments
which woro cut down a fow months ago i
will be augmented about July 1. I
Water Soon Ready for 20,000 r crca
of Arid Land.
llermiston Tho dnm of tho Uma
tilla project is practically complete nnd
tho distribution Is Hearing completion
ns rnpidly as men and teams ran do the
work, lit u few weeks nearly all the
men who hnvo bcou employed on the
project will have departed mid ono of
the largest mid best Irrigation scheme
in tho northwest will bo in shape to
water 20.000 ncres of arid laud. J. T.
Whistler, chief engineer on tho project,
has already left for l'ortlnnd, where h
will open nn uuiee, having resigned his
positlou with tho United States recla
mation servieo.
I). l lleuny, supervising engineer
for tho reclamation service, hns Milled
that ho expects Secretary James II.
Oarflcld hero to visit the project nlmut
July ir. Ha will doubtless mnke a
tour of inspection of tho vnrlous proj
ects and his visit here will doubtless
result in helpful suggestions to the set
tlers. Ho will be tho guest of tho
board of directors of the Water Users'
association while here.
Turpentine From Old Stumps.
Astoria Dr. Hawley, tho govern-
moat forestry expert, accompanied by
II. (1. Van Ihnen, made n trip to
the Walluskl district to examine some
land that had been logged off and which
would In) desirable farming IhhiI if the
Ktumps could bo removed at n reason
able oxHno. Dr. Hawley found one
stump, estimated to contain four cords,
including the root, wuteh lie salil
would contain at least $15 worth nf
turpentine. Other stumps and roots in
the same neighlMirhood would develop
in proortien. The .intern used in pru
dueing this turH-ntinc is a very simple
one, but to be wed to advantage there
must lx sufllcient stumps in a vicinity
to warrant the establishment of m plant
as it would not be profitable to bring
tho stumt and roots to a central plant.
Dr. Hawley will receive from tho Wal
luski in a few day samples of stumps
ami roots with which he will make
careful tests at his laboratory at the
Clatsop mill.
Artesian Water for La Grande.
a Grande Considerably more than
100 taxtavers of this city have sltned
A ttitlon to tho eity council to have
drilled a trial well in nn effort to And
sullielent artesian water to supply the
future needs of the town. That arte
sian water is obtoinablo has been
proved by numerous (lowing wells iu
nl mo-it every trt of tho valley. One
was urineo iasi year inr iae u. n. &
N. Co. in the yards here that was a
decided success. Another has recently
been finished on the hillside west of
town, where the surface of the ground
is at least 100 feet altove the prin
eiiwt business awl residence section of
the town as It Is now built, and In
winch the water lacks but two feet ef
rising to the surface. These and many
other examples have caused the Hwple
to nope that a supply or pure water,
at least for domestic needs, may be
obtained at considerably less expense
man ty bringing it irom the moun
tains. Trainer Goes After New Methods
University of Oregon, Kugono The
associated students of the University
of Oregon will send "Hill" Hay ward,
Oregon's famous trainer, east this
summer. Hayward will take six weeks
In the nle summer sshool, perreelliig
himself Ih the most approved methods
ih training anil physical culture, ami
studying the I .est forms of gymnasium
apiMiratus and equipment, and will
also inspect a .large number of the
most prominent university and other
gymnasium of the Kastern States.
Hayward wilt be away from Oregon
for a couple of months or more, and
will have charge of the training ef
Dan Kelly and probably Forrest Hrnltli
son for the Olympic games. lie will
neenmpauy tho American team to Lon
don. Normals Furnish Teachers.
Salom One hundred and eleven
teachers will have been graduated
from the four normal schools of this
state when the normals close this
month, Iteeommendatlons for the
graduation of 102 wero rnado by the
executive board of tbo normal school
regents Monday. Nino wero graduat
ed from Monmouth in February.
The graduates are divided among
tho different .schools as follows: At
Drain 14 will graduate; at Weston 21;
at Ashland, 28, and at Monmouth, 39:
...1.I..I. Ill. .!.. .AA ,l...,l
Willi;!., fT.u. tuuvo nwu nv.u ihiiuu.vli
in February, makes a total of 48 grad
uates from Monmouth. Monmouth Is
ono of tho schools that received no ap
propriatlon from tbo legislature last
Self Supporting Normal,
Pendleton. President French of tho
Weston Ktato Normal states that if tho
school made tho progress another term
that It has during tho term just closed,
tho Institution would be self support
ing. If tho norma.1 had f.00 studonts
Instead nf 200 tho inenmo from dorm!
tory rents and othor fees would mako
the Institution absolutely self support
ing and It would cost tbo state nothing
to maintain It.
Sells Ranch,
North Powder II W Polen has
lust completed the sate of a inn acre
ranch near town to Robert Stark-
weather, Consideration eLOOO,
Lincoln County Makes Good Movo for
Higher Education,
Newport.- -Lincoln county marks an
other step forward by providing a high
school for tho young men and women
who hnvo just graduated from the coal
ition schools, Tho county court has
Issued an order giving both Newport
and Toledo mouey to establish high
school courses Immediately, though tho
question ns to where ttie school will
eventually bo located was left to popu
lar rote two years hence.
Kveuts hnvo been coming thick and
fast tho past two months on Ynipilnii
bay. Tho organization of a eommer
clal cluh was almost Instantly followed
by vote to establish n high school,
and at the same time a largo influx of
capital caused largo changes nf hold
ings nf property ntnl promoted building
In Nowimrt tilt now some $20,000 of
new buildings are under way.
Grants Pass Farmers Double Their
Grants Pass The tomato industry
of Rogue River valley has made rapid
strides, particularly since the ecctPMi
of the cannery last year, and the
smalt farmer ami berry raiser have
found it profitable to set out idle
laud with the young plants This
year's acreage will be double that of
last year, and it is anticipated that
it will increase iu like manner for
several years, for the reason the can
nery has a capacity to take all the
growers can produce for the next
five rars; in fad, it is understood
that the company will contract to
that effect
The plants do well here when
planted in rows five and U feci
apart, and plintcd in this manner
they will usually produce from tn to
lit tons an acre, and find ready mar
ket at tio a ton for canning purposes
The necessary expenses for harvest
ing and marketing arc JJJ an acre
The tomato plant, if properly culti
vated, will grow from fosir to five
feet high, and cover a proportionate
space Visitors who have lixiked over
the field where the matured plant are
laden with fruit, have reinarkrd that
they looked . more like trees than
vines. During the picking season
which opens in August ami extends
through November, men, women and
children are employed to harvest the
Owing to the soil and rank growth
of the plant, many find it ueeessar)
to prune the vines after they have
bloomed, so as to divert the energy
of the tree into the fruit instead id
vine and foliage
All raisers use racks. This keeps
the fruit clean, holding the vine off
the ground and preventing rot. It is
estimated that tSMM can Ik realized as
a net profit upon each acre.
Cherries by the Ton.
Cove It is estimated that, with
the nrw cherry orchards coming in
this season, not less than too tons of
cherries will he shipped from here
and require twice the number nf
picking and packing crew of last sea
son. .
Wheat -Track prices: Ctub, b8e per
bushel; red l(Hlan, feOe; hluestem, Dm;
Valley. 8Se.
MlllstuftV Ilran, M per ton; mid
dling, tSOM; shorts, country, 4tSJH;
ritv. SS; wheat and barley chop,
Itarlev Feed, HH per ten; rolled,
427.SOrntM.80; brewing, 2fl,
Oats No, 1 white, 427.50 per ton;
grav, 27.
May Timothv. Willamette Valley,
$17 per ton; Willamette Vnlley, ordi
nary. 115; Kastern Oregon, lS.ftO;
mixed, $10; clover, III; alfalfa, fig;
alfalfn rnonl, ISO.
Dressed Mont Hogs, fancy, He per
pound; ordinary, 7e; large, 'fie; vonl,
extra, Ht ordinary. fl7e; heavy, Ce;
mutton, fancy, 8($l)r.
Hotter Kxtras, Site per pound; fancy
Hf, choice, 20c; store, Me.
Kggs Oregon, 17i(J7IHle per dozen.
Cheese Fnnpy eronm twins, Lie tier
poun.i; run rream triplets, wej full
cream Young Americas, Mr; cream
brick, 20e; Hwfss block, 18e; llmburger,
Poultry-Mixed chickens, ll(&llje
per pound; fancy hens, 12c; roosters,
up; rryers. KigniTo; lirniiers, iri(fl17p;
ducks, old, Hie; spring, MfTOOJe;
geese, fi(iT,0c! turkeys, alive, ItHffllfle
for hens, HtfJlrJc for gobblers; dressed,
1 1 (nine.
Potatoes Old Oregon, 1(71)1.10 per
hundred; now California, 22c per
Fresh Fruits Ornnges, fancy, tX2!i
fTM.75; lernnns, M(it),lil strnwborrles,
0e(H!L25 per crato; grnpo fruit. $2.75
(7i3.2.1 per box; Imnanns, CCe per
pound; cherries, $1(77)1. 23 per box;
gnnspberrlrs, fie per pound; nprlrots,
tltf)L2.1 per rrntn; cantaloupes, 2.7i(i
3.23; blackberries, S)lf7r1,C! per crato';
peaches, D0ctl per crato; plums, tl
per crato.
Onions California red. $l.fl.1l,7S
per sack: Ilormitdus, t2 per crate: car-
tic, ll!l20e per pound.
Hops -1007, prlmo nnd choice, GtfJSIe
per olds, 2tf7)2a per pound.
Wool Ilnstcrn Orecen. nverncro best.
0(79139,0 per pound, according; to
shrlnkngej Valley, 10(f7jl21e,
Mohair Choice, 18QpI8ic per pound.
Republican National Assembly Meets
Willi Groat Enthusiasm.
Chicago, June 17. Amid scenes of
stirring enthusiasm, tlm Republican
convention of I00S began Its dellbera
tlotis at noon yesterday Is tho presence
of an assemblngo estimated at mor
than 14,000 people, with the sounds uf
patriotic nlrs alternating with frvniled
shouts for Itootevrll, Taft nnd the oilier
popular heroes, the first tocsin of th
coming struggle from the graceful ora
tor of Michigan, Hcnator Julius Caesar
Hurrows, and the Initial formalities
which started this momentous gather
ing Into motion. Thn opening session
lasted less than two hours, and was
less notable for the business accost
pltshed than for tho opportunity It nf
forded of seeing again this stirring
picture of the people assembled from
every corner of the country to select
a candidate for president of the United
Hlntes. The actus.! ork of the day
was quickly accomplished and at night
the various important committees on
credentials, platform, organisation, etc.,
were preparing for tho mure Importaut
business to enue.
Labor Men Offer Radical Plank and
Employers Resist.
Chicago, June 17 After a session ef
a subcommittee which continued until
IXS0 n. m. the sulteammltlco nf 13
of the committee en resolutions of tlm
Republican national convention, to
which has liren referred the task or
preparing the final draft nf the plat
form, deferred until 10 o'clock this
morning (Inn) action on the anil Injutie
tion ptsnk. The principal struggle cen
ters iixin this plank, Senator Irfiiig lead
ing the flcht for retention nf thn dec
laratlon contained lu Wa.lo Hills' draft
The Taft forces claim to have the
advantage In thn struggle. They assert
that the apeintment or a sulienmmll
tee f 13 to consider the various cen
Irnverted planks was a distinct sHcress
niw point with prl.le tn Ike rscl mat
Chairman Hopkins had appointed nn
this committee nine men whn favor the
Injunction plank and four who are
npposetl to It The Tatl managers pre,
diet a favorable rrslt In the fell com
mltlee and In the convention, but ad
mil that their fight will be desperate
The opposition, still under the leader
ship nf Hpeaker Cannon, who directs
his forces from his charters nt the
Union league Club, Is tualttkt claiming
30 votes la 2S en thn full committee
and expressing confidence that when
the platform gees In the convention,
the elijectlonaljie plank will lie miss
Plank Will be Urged Upon (loth Na
tional Conventions.
Chicago, June 17, "Thn gospel ef
pees!" will pe preneee.l to lieth.
the Republican nnd Democratic na
tional conventions. Kvery Influence
will lie drought tn Iwar to have a
"good roads" plank inserted in Ik
platform nf each (tarty. This program
was decided upon at the first meeting
of the national peed roads congress
here yesterday. Secretary Taft was
heraldel ns the champion nf the move
went Timothy Woodruff, chairman nf
the New York delegation. In the course
nt nn address hefnre the gathering, said
he would use his Influence In promoting
the "good roads" plank. He said he
was bcnrtllv In favor nf geed reads
throughout the United fltates. Similar
expressions were given by others whn
A meeting nf Hip enngress wltl be
held In Denver. .Inly 0, prior In the
convening nf the Democratic nation il
couven! Inn. Arthur fl. Jackson, presi
dent of the coNgrees, resxl n letter from
the president, which wild In part:
"A few years ago it was n matter
of humiliation that there was so little
attenlioH paid to the reads; that there
simuni le a wiiiiiignees not merely in
refrnln from making good roads, but
tn let the roads that were in .txlstenci
become worse.
"I cannot too heartily rnngratulntn
our people upon thn existence of n lody
such as this, ramifying Into every sec
tion of thoj country, nnd lient iion
more eminently proper work nf making
the conditions of life easier nnd better
for tho peopln whom nf nil others wo
enn least afford to see grow discon
tented with tliolr lot In life -thn pen
plo who livo In tho country districts."
Gamblers Trapped,
New York, Juno 17. Three thousand
porsons gathered on West Thlrly-thtrd
street, nenr Ilroadway, last night ami
watched tho pollen make a spectacular
raid upon a gambling hniisn supposed
to bo pntrnnlred by guests nf several
uptown hotels, Patrons nf thn place,
all in evening clothes, endeavored to
get away by thn flro escapes, but wnro
confronted by dotectlvca who had been
placed nt every possible exit. Tho
managers of thn plnen nnd thn patrons
wero tnken to thn police stntlnn In pa
trol wagons. Twolvo arrests worn
Hundreds Din In Storm,
Tnkln. Junn 17 T'lflv Ct.Mnr. I,i.
hnvo been wrecked off thn const nf
Kniroshlma ami .1.1(1 nf their i, i...
boon drnwnnd, Tho novcrnor nf thn
province has requested nsslstnnco from
tho government navy yard at Sasebo.
American Auto's Progrots,
Nertehlnsk, Asiatic Russia, Junn 17,
Tho American motor ear In hn Mi
York to Paris nutomoblln race, passed
through hero nt 0 o'clock yesterday
morning. The Qennan car left at OiSO.
Iii)tiiii;tl(ii I'lnnk Is Ailoili2(l by
Nation.. Coiiimlllci!.
Fear That Taft MIrM Refuse to Run
If Plank Was Ignored Forced
Opposition to Accept.
Chicago, June li -The biggest
problem before the resolution com
iiuttcc uf the Itepulilii'Jii National
convention that of the imtpoird
plank iu the platform de.illiig viili
the iiitesiinu of the limitation ul emit
injunctions in labor controversies.
was disposed of at t A M today,
when, by a vole nf Si l In. with our
slate (South Carolina) ut tcmrdrd,
the full committee agreed In the
plank It was prcdiclcsl alter the voir
thai there would br no light on the
mailer nn the lb Mir of the t'oiivriitp.ii
when the full report of the committee
was made today.
The full committee adopted the
statehood plank (or Ann.i and Nrw
Mrs ico, thus reversing the suIk-oiii
mince's action
At it A M. the committee ad
join tied
The vote nn the injunction plank
is said to have been as follows.
Yeas -.Malum. Arkansas, Con net
ticul, Delaware, Florida, (icorg.s Il
linois, Indiana, Kansas, Keutiuky
Maryland, Massachusetts. Minnesota.
Mississippi, Missouri. Nrbrasks. Nov
York. North Carolina, North Dikota,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Khr
Island. South llakola. Tcsas, Vir
ginia, Washington. Wisconsin, Wyo
miiig. Alaski, Aricona. New Mexico,
Philippine Islands. Potto Kko
Noes California, Colorado, lowi,
Maine, Michigan. Montana, Nevada.
Idaho, Nrw Hampshire. N.-w Jcisey,
Oregon, t'tah. Vermont, Wt. Vir
ginia. Hislrirt of Columbia. Ilswali
'I he votes of l.ouisian and Tennes
see were not ascertained when tins
bulletin was sent
Under the operation of 'he strict
secrecy adopted by the committer,
this vote is unofficial.
Dulliver for Second Place,
Chicago, Jhu l -(! A. M )-Srn
at'.r Jonathan P Dulliver of Iowa,
will lw Secretary Tail's miming mate
on the Republican ticket Ths has
been definitely decided in important
conferences tonight. I)rs,ite tin
rrntests of Iowa Itepublu ins. Mi
bdltvrr is In lie drafted, as his pro
cure on the ticket is rolisidrird '
pcralivr in order to wage sun
warfare with W J Itryan in the M ol
die West, the rrut and vita! battle
ground of the campaign
Yells far Roosevelt.
Chicago, June IN -The second diy
nf the Krpublican national cmvrn
tion brought the Ions) expected Koose
veil yell, a whirlwind of enthusiasm,
which raged within the vast am;r
theater nf the Coliseum for fnl'y IS
minutes, for a lime pcrsritlintf to th
limit! thr specter of a Itoosevelt stam
pede This demonstration wis de
ruledlv the feature of a day otherwise
notable for a stirring speech from thr
permanent chairman uf the ciiven
tion. Senator Henry Cain. I I ndur. - f
Massarhusrils; for much political
procedure in placing the convent!
on 4 smooth running basis, and for
final drfeal of the plan to reduce ihi
rrprrsrntalion nf Southern Stairs at
future national conventions
Probsbly the most Important art of
thr day and thr one having greatest
significance on the Anal result of the
convention was the adoption of the
report of the committee on rrr.ten
tuts, sealing the Tail drleation
practically in toto f thcrr had beri
any lingering doubt of the Tall
strength, it diaippearrd before this
decisive action, which lu rffrrt plsce.t
more than TOO delegates in the Taft
milium Ktpially Important and even
more remarkable was thr final ac
ceptance of this result iy the "allies"
without the formality of a dissenting
minority report and without carrying
the iiicsf.iii to the floor of the con
vention fur the open fight which ha
been long tlirralcued
Cut Out Oratory,
Chicago, June IH -An agrcenirnt
was reached tonight by representa
tives of the camllilites by
which I lie nritnlnalliig and seconding
sprrrhrs for President will be ma
tcrlnlly curtailed. This agreement la
that only the nominating speeches
shall he made for rnch candidate, and
Hint the long list of seconding
speeches which have been hitherto
announced have been abandoned
The speeches for Sccrrtary Taft
will he made by Theodore Ii. Ilurlon,
of Cleveland, and George A Knight,
Pass Up Dlvldonds.
New York. June 18 -Directors of
the f.:iko Kris? ft Western Kallroad
Company yesterday omitted the seml
nniimil dividend on the company's
preferred stock. The last semi-annual
dividend paid wns a ncr rent
Directors of the Cleveland, Ctiirln
nttl, Chicago r St T ouln Railway
Company yesterday omitted the scml
nnntial dividend nn the common stock,
A year ago 3 per cent was declared,
and six months ago 1 per cent,