The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 15
i r
prook County mul Port
land Capital Is Behind
the Enterprise,
Tnkc into Own llunds Extension
ill Nond from Slimilko (0
Hcud and Priiievllle,
ALL VH.I. ASKI-a TO lll:l.l
Subscriptions to Preferred Stock of tho
Company Will l(o Taken mid I 'ay
luent Accepted tlllhcr In Cash,
Labor, or Material.
The Plan lirlclly Told.
Portland want trade connections
with Central Oregon.
Crook county uceds railroad Irani
Will unite anil build line from Khan
iko to llenil anil l'rlncvilte.
Will come via MailiM.
Cooperation ol all nceileil,
Suhtcrlptloti will lc askrtl of rath,
labor 011 construction, timber for
lira ami bridges, anil supplies for
men ami tram.
Payment will I made In preferred
lock i( the roiniMiiy hearing 7 r
cent. Intrtrst.
KimiI to be known a Ccntiat Oregon
Railroad Company.
Titcd of waiting for the large
companies to build a railroad into
Cciitrnl Oregon, the business iu
tercsts of tliis county ami of Port
IaihI linvc taken into their own
hands the project of building a line
Into tint icctlon of the Mate, and
the long lime dream of railroad
transmutation will undoubtedly
noon be realized. The line that will
open tint vast inland empire of
Central Oregon to a wonderful de
velopment it to lie built from Shan
ko to Bend ami Priucvillc by way
of Madras, and will branch nt .some
suitable K)Int touth of Madras,
one fork ol the branch running to
Rend, tic other to l'rincviile. It
will be known ns the Central Ore
('on Railroad Company. A pre
Imlmiry sutvey lias been run from
Shunlko to Ilcml and the project is
known to be a feasible one.
The Srst step of n semi-public
nature to net the ball n-rolliiig was
taken nt Priucvillc last Thursday
afternoon when T. M, Baldwin, V.
A. Iloatli, C. W. Klklus. V. P.
King. P. ForcM, G. M. Cornell,
and I). lf. Stewart of that city met
Rnscoc Howard iimlC. M. Rcdftuld,
general manager mid chief engineer
rcsK.ctively of The Deschutes Ir
rigation & Power Cunijsiny, mul
John Stcidl of the Central Oregon
Development company from Haul;
L. Krdcrud, secretary of The Bald
win Sheep and I. ami Company
from Hay Creek, A. C. Sauford of
Madras, George O'Nell of O'Neil,
nml C. N. Khrct of Redmond.
Messrs. Howard and Rcdfivld pre
Kilted much financial and engineer'
lug (lain ami the project was fully
discussal. At the evening session
those present adopted the follow
lug: "We hereby endorse the Cen
tral Oregon Railroad project as tire
scntcd by Messrs. Howard, Rcdficld
and Stcidl nml promise to aid It in
every way within our power. We
hereby recommend it to the citizens
of Central Oregon and urge their
full support."
The Central Oregon Rnllroad
Committee was then formed with
T. M. Ualdwin temporary clialrtuau
nml C, W. IMkins temporary secre
tary. A meeting of the committee was
held nt Priucvillc yesterday, Thurs-
day, June 95, when other represen
tative from the county were Invit
ed to become members of the couf
miltee nnd" plans lor taking sub
script Ions to the preform! Mock de
cided UX)II.
The men behind, this undertak
ing proK)se to bttitil the roatl with
capital from Crook county and
Portland Portland merchant and
capitalists have agreed to subscribe
a Millklcnl amount to make the
project n succcsti If Crook county
will give it reusonuble support.
It is promised to take subscrip
tious to the preferred stock In thin
county, taking in payment fhcrrfor
money, InWir, material or supplies.
In this manner a heavy subscrip
tion from the county is possible,
and will be of ns much value In
building the road ns money. Money
Is not too plentiful, but there is an
abundance of timber for ties, cul
verts nml bridges; there nrc many
teams and men who can btiilil
grades, nml there are many sup
plies of food for men ami teams.
It is ii"t promised to ask dona
tions except for right-of way; for
all subscriptions from this county
preferred stock lciiring 7 per cent
interest win ic given. 1 mis a.
man will not be donnUm his time,
his labor, or his material, but will
lc getting an equivalent therefor.
The merchants of Portland nrc
nml have been fully alive to the
great possibilities mid the value of
trade to them of the 60,000 square
miles of territory in Central Oregon,
an empire lying idle waiting develop
ment, If it could be given railroad
transportation The) arc also fullv
alive to the possibilities of the pre
sent railroad activity In the south
ern part of the state which, if con
tinned, will mean that the trade of
this section will go to Sau Francisco
They know that with n north and
south Hue connecting the important
centers of this county nml running
into Portland thry will gain n great
volume of business. If the supKirt
that Crook county can give to this
proposition is given, Portland mer
chants will subscribe to the bonds
and the road will be an assured
The business interests of Crook
county and Portland feel that suf
ficient time tins elapsed wailing the
building of such n railroad by the
present existing lines without re
sults, nnd going on the principle
that ' God helps those who help
themselves!," arc taking steps to
build it themselves.
The opportunity is herewith pre
sailed to get the long wished for
railroad into Central Orugon.
Your earnest cootwraliou is re
quested. Notice.
As I nm to close my business on
or before July ist, nil those who
nre indebted to me will please call
and settle their bills nt once
Suvkrt UitniNrs.
mmmf ftftywpcMhi
p ffS ?- jfL&i PhP iHyiUlafo - ?
THIS illustration shows plainly a field of sugar beets near Ilcml in process of Irrigation, with the water running
through the furrows These beets grow to perfection In the Ilcml country. Samples of sugar beets grown
hereabout nml scut to the United States Department of Agriculture for analysts showed a high per cent, of
sugar one of the highest of nny beets ever nnnlyncd by the Department. The beet sugar industry will some thy
be n prominent one In this section,
All other root crops, ns well ns sngnr licets, do excellently well lit the liend country, A farmer living near
Kcdmoml, who has lmd much experience raising hogs In Iowa, says he can produce better pork oil root crops and
clover In Oregon than with grain hi Iowa.
At the left side of the illustration Is shown u field of standing grain,
Bern) Schoo Ranks with
Fiest in'Centrnl Oregon.
Science and Herman Teacher Will lie
lingaged for Coming Year and Lab
oratory Uqulpment Bought.
The Haul public schools arc to
be increased in efficiency, and n
complete high school course will he
taught hereafter, beginning at the
oK'iilug of school next September.
A teacher of science and German
will be added to the faculty, nnd
two additional grades taught. This
will give the Hcud school a is
grade course, ami will make it
equal in efficiency to any school In
Central Oregon.
At Its meeting on Saturday
evening last, the school board de
cided to equip the high school with
chemical apparatus and to open a
course in ucrmau and science,
which, in addition to the courses
previously taught, will raise the
local high school to a first grade
school or equal in grade and cfii
ciency In every respect to the re
quiicmcnts for county high schools
White this step will afford scholar
who desire to patronize the Ilcml
high school nil the advantages and
opportunities afforded by any other
high school, it will also, by the
provisions in the union high school
taw, exempt the district from the
county high school tax.
The lxwd has called for bids to
finish another room on the second
floor of the school building. The
Increasing number of scholars nod
tht- adding of the new grades makes
the finishing ol this room necessary.
The board also has engaged
teachers for the ensuing year as
follows: Principal, Miss Ruth
Reid; grammar grade, Miss Maud
Vnmicvcrt; intermediate, Miss
Marion Wiest; primary, Miss Nona
Master Mill Leased.
J. S. Williams, formerly of Missi
ssippi, lias leasetl the I.inster saw
mill for one year, and will begin at
once the mauufttcturc of lumber for
the retail trade. He has purchased
Mr. Cluster's stock of lumber 011
baud and also the logs In the pond.
Mr. Williams iptciids also to open
n lumber yard at Powell Duties at
the stage station and will keen on
hand there n complete stock of dry
lumber, rough and finished.
Mr. Williams is an experienced
lumber man, having been engaged
111 that business in the South where
he now owns two sawmills, besides
quite an acreage of limber. He
expects to dispose of his Southern
holdings and give his entire atten
tion to his business In Rend.
Asks Ucnd to Send over Largo Dele
Ration to Help litem Celebrate.
Mayor McDonald Is In receipt of
n letter from Priucvillc extending
an invitation to Bend people to join
with the county seat in their cele
bration on July 4th. As the Bulle
tin has said before, Priucvillc sent
over targe ami liberal delegations
to Haul's celebration a year ago
and Rend should return the favor
this year. The suggestion In re
gard to a float from Hcud is also it
good one, and Bend hustlers or the
Commercial Club should take ac
tion in this respect. Extracts from
the letter follow:
"I'rlncvlllc will celebrate on the com
ing fourth ami Iwing one of the com
mittee I am writlmr you to atk for
the town of Ilcml to join u in our cele
bration. "My particular part l the paraile anil
it hat occurcil to me that if you would
tend over a flmt ft wounl help out.
"We hae tsken the matter up with
the 1). I. Hi. 1. Co. tml expect that they
w ill be represented but 111 addition to that
we would like to ace Ilcml ei)d over a
eood representation.
"Will you kindly ipread the Invitation
ami uc your effort to gel the people
ami business men interested.
"Thanking you In advance for your
kindncii, I remain, Yours trtilv,
W. 1'. jilNfl."
llarrlman I Very Active.
An indication that promises the
extension of the CorvatlLs & East
ern at no far distant day is the fact
that forest rangers arc estimating
timber on the right-of-way of the
proposed extension of that road
through the National Forest. News
to that effect reached Bend from
Sisters this week, and indicates
that Harnman is undoubtedly pet
ting all loose ends gathered up pre
paratory to building into Central
A few weeks ago The Bulletin
reported that rangers were likewise
estimating timber in the vicinity of
Odcll on the Oregon uaslcrn right-of-way,
another Harriman project.
Reports from Klamath Falls arc to
the effect that work on the Ilarri
man line into that place from the
south is being rushed, and that the
line is nearly built into Klamath
Falls. All ol which substantiates
the belief that some definite an
nouncement will be mode within
the next few weeks.
No Humbug
No humbug claims have been made
for Foley's Honey ami Tar, the w ell
known remedy for coughs, cold ami
lung trouble. The fact that more bot
tles of I'oley'a Honey ami Tar moused
than of any other couh remedy i the
beat testimonial of its ureal merit. Whv
then riik taking some unknown prepar
ation when l'otcv'a Honey ami Tar costs
yon 110 more ami is safe nml sure. C. W.
.Merrill, Druggist.
Big Freighting Outfit Re
sults in Failure.
Narrow Grades and Short Turn In
Cow Canyon Were Chief Cause of
Trouble Other News Notes.
The freighting project between
Madras and Shaniko has been
finally abandoned, and the big road
train which has stood at Shaniko
for the past year will be shipped at
once to the Holt Manufacturing
Company at Stockton, California.
This action was determined upon
by the company after the recent
visit of an expert sent to Madras by
them, the report made by the ex
pert having been unfavorable. The
road train, which was sold to the
promoters of the enterprise under h
guarantee that it could be success
fully operated river the roads be
tween Shaniko and Madras, did not
prove a success on the first and
only trial trip made with it, and
the company organized to carry on
the freighting business refused to
accept the outfit. It was believed
for awhile that the Holt people
would make a second trial, but that
purpose was abandoned after an
expert had visited and inspected the
The difficulty in the way of the
successful operation of the road
train was in the character of the
roads, the narrow grades and short
turns in Cow Canyon making it
impossible to successfully operate
the train without the expenditure
of considerable money in road
building, and this expenditure was
not believed to be justified.
Close Quarters with a Bob-Cat.
Karl Abbott, the new forest
guard who arrived last Friday at
this place, started out to work
Saturday morning to run lines at
Sears flat, nnd near evening he
came to a cliff of rocks and see
ing a small bunch of grey hair
stooped down to look at it, when to
his astonishment he spied a bob
cat closely eyeing him in the crev
ice of a rock. Pulliug bis gun be
soon put and end to her existence.
Peering further iuto the crevice he
saw a couple of kittens which he
got out, bringing them home, and
which arc now at Head Ranger
Jay hillings' office in the Leader
buildiutr. The kittens, ns well as
the hide of the old one is prized
highly as trophies of his first day's
work on the reserve Silver Lake
Located Oil Claims.
1 he party of Madras pcoJKe who
went up to the I amonta neighbor
hood last week to locate oil claims
located 26 claims in all, spending
several days there staking out ana
measuring their claims, which
cover about so acres each. Sun
day T. B. Tucker and others went
up from this place to locate claims,
and it is reported that a number of
people in the I.uinonta section have
also located claims. The "rush"
was precipitated by the location of
the Madras Oil Company's first
prospect well on the west slope of
G r izzly. Pioneer.
Gave Birth to Thrco Calves.
George Kmery got a cow of Jim
Honham of Summer Lake some
time ngo nnd last week she gave
birth to three as nice calves as one
would wont to see. The cow is a
Hereford nnd the calves are all
marked like the mother, and can
hardly he told apart. It is uot
often a cow has triplets, and more
especially nil of them alive nud
husky fellows. Silver Lake Leader
Better School for Madras.
At a recent election the voters of
the Madras school district uuani
mously voted to odd the ninth aud
tenth grades to their school course.
The move is in line with progress
siid the voters will never regret the
11 tion inkeii.
A Great Strawberry Crop.
The Hois! River News-Letter,
under date of June 2., says that
the strawberry season nt that place
is drawing to a close and to dale
ilie shipment of thoe luscious bcr
ries had aggregated 66 cars or
about 40.000 crates,
A. It. Grant Will Stand Trial In Fed
eral Court at Portland.
Deputy United States Marshal
Trrry, accompanied by B M Mc
Coy, sheriff of Sherman county
arrived in Ben 1 last Sunday and
placed A. II. Grant tinder arrest,
leaving with him for Portland Mon
day morning where he will stand
trial in the Federal court for tLc
emk-zzlcment of post office funds.
The two officers had in custody
N. Thomas of Ashwood and Calvin
Morris of Paulina, who will like
wise be tried at the next term of
the Federal court Thomas was.
arrested on the charge of havintr
poed as a special agent of the gen
eral land office He appeared at
Ashwood, anprnached a man by the
name of Jake Kasser and told Kas
er he would cau-c him to lose his
lands if he r'id not pay Thomas fo
protection. Thomas Dxst' demanded
$fi,ooo but finally dropped to $t,ioo
Kasser wrote out two checks to pa ,
the Si, 100 and gave them tr
Thomas Later he notified the'
banks not to pay the checks, swore
out a warrant for Thomas' arrest
and Sheriff Elkins took the man in
to custody.
Morris, the prisoner from Paulina,
is in trouble for sending improper
matter through the mails'. He sen;
a valentine to a girl at Paulina,
who took offence at what was writ
ten on the valentine and laid it be
fore the postoffice authorities, whq
promptly arrested Morris.
Tumalo Items.
TUMALQ. June ! Bright warm day
after the beautiful rain of last Saturday
are boottiug the crops along.
Thomas Arnold and wife and daughter
Mrs. Tert Hodson, stopped in Tumal
vesterday homewsnl bound from Bent'
where Mrs. Hodton made proof 011
desert claim.
T. A. Jensen returned) today fret
Shaniko wl;cre lie went after freig'-t 1
Mr. Horner of I.aidhw.
' A serious break in the Gibson dit'"
week ago last Pr$dav, washing t I10V
140 feet long ami fet deep accord 1",,
to reports, lias compelled them to but!
considerable flume.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Winter ate dinner
with Mr. ami Mrs. Spninhour last .Se
ll ay and I gue from all reports thry lis '
something good for dinuer.
I'. V. Su Utter ami mother made a bu
incs trip to llcnd yesterday.
Reports from Clovenhlc country ar
not very promising for a large crop th
year, owfttg to the backward spring.
C. L. Wimer made a trip to the Squaw
Creek country today.
Dr. Coe of Bend passed through he r
Saturday having been to rite Sisttr
Inklings at Gist.
HIST, Juue 22. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn
Arnold returned froui Bend today wher
Mrs. Arnold made proof on hrr devr
Prank Arnold and wife returned frou
Matehs today, bringing back some ver.
nice trout.
Milt Roberts was at Out today H
reports that his baby is some better
James McCall received a letter tola
from his daughter in Idaho statlug tin
she would be here the 1st of July to
him and if she likes the country she ns
locate here.
Dan VanWinkle of Sislers, has tb
contract to carry the mail over th
mountain to Lower Soda from Sisters
P. M. Phillips was around with bc
Will Ilurkhard, Henry Shoemaker an
I M. Phillips veut to tho countv ea"
Saturday on business.
Dr. Coe was called b'phoue to tl 0
Roberts' home Saturday morning, Mr.
Roberts baby being very sick,
Rer. I.owther made us a pleasant ca'l
Friday on his way to Tumalo,
Ralu! Rain) Beautiful rain! Who says
It dou't rain In the Deschutes valley?
- & - flM?W&.