The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1908, Image 5

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I'Mtur diiuM returned Momliiy
from trip to l'mlltiiiilk
If you .ire luMng your Mile have
It icp.iiied by l.gut. the shoe iniin.
.Hlriuvk'iric.i, ortmui Mtnd cuke
nub 15c ill tliu Mutrig building
Mia. Ilcrtiit is enjoying 11 vialt
from 11 (liitiKhlor whu Uvea in .Suit
M. (',. Co rirtivnl in Hand lust
uVuiiliiK l)' " vimii with hit biolher,
lit. I'. C Coo.
J6t Hitntei hiii) luinlly returned
MoiiiIh iioiii 11 Visit to l'oitliiuil
mid Hood Kim.
Mr. Mini Mis. A. M. I.m.i ic
tiitnid .Siiudny liom a htuiiic mid
pleuMir uii to I'oitlnml.
WhiiiuiI (firt or woman to tli
geiieinl housework in miiuII fnuiily.
Intuitu Mt Hi in olhee. j oil
q- r
Mrs. W K I nwnoii In tnkln.r
!wowlIw, visit with relatives' nt
I1I.1 llltlc KohMoc. who has been lit
1 1 n... j. ,.r 1.1- . ...i....... 1 -1
li..n i 1 . . . -...VI. in uvwiit ui inn KiuiiuiiiiHcr mint:
i.wini, umiii, nun in tlic meantime hM 'winter. "Ilillv" Ih m
now in
111 I. , , .. . ,iii-i rtimii. jiiiiv 111 imvv ill
W K is inioylng himself "Until, ' charge uf it W,y ranch about 30
l miles from ar.-ows.
I'otind -Two bunch of keys,
also a Hut key. Ownms enii linvc
sniuie ty culling and pitying tor tins
not lev.
olhee h going steadily lorwuid
under tlte auitviviiiuii of Ilruitor-
110111 Ilriw.
Koaco Howard, John Stcidl and
C. M. Kedtkld went to l'riucville
TlinrMtny umiuiug to attend to
liiihinvM muttei.v
Shoe rcjMiirlug dutii? with neat
IICM Mild llMtCll jy, the
hmnemnimker and cobbler. At A.
I.. Hunter's old stand.
John I. Johnson has finished up
the loom in the rear of hit building
in line shut, tor a kitchen and i
jwintitiK and iweriug the other
lour downsuli hhjiiis ucd as 11 residence.
The bcHt booster for nny town is
'I INiuil brush In the hands of an
expenenced p.ilntcr. me help
you boost N I. Wiimitit. Painter
and 1'iipei hunger, 'lend, Or.
Dr. C. V. Merrill has Kent nwny
the iiecetkary bonds for approval
by the pohtollke department. He
vxiwtttt to have the (HMtollIre moved
into his. building about Jnly.i.
Mra I, If. and Mt.s. It: I. Uc
Culm lift ThurMlay mottling for
silver J.ake when: Ihey will visit
uitli Mrs. Ralph Spencer. Mrs.'
Sjieucer may return with them foi
a ibit at Iknd.
Mra George IlroMerhous and
children icttiruultto fiend this week
idler a visit of MW.vrul mouths in
Mintievitu. Mr Htosterhotts met
ilium m Portland where they "took
in" the roefeMivlv
Itcinciultcr the strawberry festival
111 the Mutix building tonight.
The Indies of the Library Club will
icliitildiug of tint (.. O. I serve hemes, cream and cake
The city council desires to pur a lot on'whlcli to erect In the
future the city'ft buildings, such dm
fire house, jail, etc. Those having
lots for mite nhould confer with the
committee, either C.'H. Ileuson, J.
N. Hunter or 'Chits. I). Rowc.
Ivlectiou is coming. The trust
needs the rii6ucy and 'the price of
wall paper will go tip. ' hftvtt over
.too Kampie piittenis of all the latest
designs and shade, ike thtm !
fore you buy. N. I'. WitfOuu,
I'uiuter rind Kipcrhattfter, lleud(
IJ.A Jlaldwiu, one of the pro
prietor! of the Unidwiii-Sleurns
raiich,"accomauied by Koy Hani
iltou, arrTvcd from Portland Mou
day. Mr. Ualdwiu could remain but
a few diiyn nt the ranch, but Mr
Hamilton will spend the summer
Uncle John Hiscmore while walk
ing alone, the Mrect Monday,
stubbed his toe and felj in Mich n
manner that he broke the bones of
his left hand, makinc, a very pain
liu only IV ii dish. The fent fill iiiiurv. It was near the bank
begins ot 0 o'clock. ., ( 1 and Uncle John was Inokiift across
The ball iramc nt Ked.uond taut lh h,rt'1, !,mI l1"1 "ol "olicc " raihC
Jstiuday between Redmond 'and,; u ,K
I.nmouta was caily the fustcut
k'aine played hereabouts this .season,
and the n-Milt was another victory finn the past week or 10 days look
for Redmond with a .score of 7 to j.
Mrs. M J. ..Morrison mid Mrs.
John Steull entertained the tuein
Iwrs of the Roynb NeiuhlKirs lwlee
and a few Invited ytiestrt Thurvlay '
alteriioou in the lode.c rooms. A !
C. S. Hudson and wife of Canon
City, Col, have been in Mend dtir-
iui; over the town and country
with a view of locating in business
at this place. They were very well
pleased with what tluy found, and
Mr. Iludwin nays that lieud his an
ideal totvnsitc. Mr. Hudson is
cashiei of the First National Iisuk
How aro you fixed on S CREEK DOORS
mosi (iciii'.imui lime wa reMiriei 0f (ja10M rjjjy
by the ladies present.
,,, ... , . , . . 1 here was n bnk ruiinwav down
. II WilHiii nrrlvcnl . town Wn t Wwlllewlay mofIlinc.
We.lueMl.iv cveuiiiR.; after ,A ,, ,ml j,nil bewi Urn-en to
I town by Mr.s. Cnl ljaton wns stand
jiiiK before the Sather store white
1 Mr.s. Union wm .shoppuiK. with
' yomiR Dick I.ueas in the ri hold
lot; the horses. Suddenly Uiev
its a Deere
Urcaue It
mmliirlfll tiV a fOfCS of
ktlllnl nlow iiPorU wlioMffliial
iSintinl Imi f.ililiil III nnv OlInT liloiv fne
i.iri' It ttm sotlil 'Micro nm msny itlflcrcnt
ntiiWmur iinivii. I'lClK-liilinlne Inlxi 1I10 ln-st. yet
l.n fitrt rrmiliui lll'll tlirCC JOllU DfrO tllOWN BfO
In uiui to ono of nny nilcr kind. TI10 Jalm Uitio 1bc
tnrv. tin- lifurti lii Dm world, turn out cAerv yiar tuoro
pluia una .uiy live oinur iacioiios coiaumm.
Slainidard of the WMd
Fof Over 60 Years
Tlio I'loniir I'low Makfr, John Deere, nuulo Ida llmt ttrel plow by
haii.l from tint bl'ulo of u tow In 1KJ7. Tlio flrtt klidi of ktcft! ndlisl In
llm liiliwJ buitea wna rolleil fur the Joim iwre plows ry j imam
Wixxlii. vl I'ltuburr. lit ll. Ami ev.-r wneo iiuiia uryi
li.wn plnnnl.iviii. Imuii tin wuv mid ui.slnlaliicd tlio Irml In Uils
errat nai'-nnt Imltiatry. U It nny womler tlint tlio farniera of tho
..... 11 . .. .1... ..... ill. m ..Iiki... lllf lfA n
Worm I Kl n'M'llfir SWIIll III luo iiuuumi iiuu., - -
uecro -iv s kirmi. ... , , ,,
Wom.ilo over 1000 tyli of plowi, coch at good aa It
can l Iiwde, tlie beat tlmt lmtlna ami iwrrt l ciUip
uirut cuit produce 'Wo mutter uuini your iieeuatita
be. wo can sutnuv tucut iiviu uui nui,
K n IIOKi PORK or KAkll are any good to you, why don't yoii
net those that are the MOST good to you? .
Nowii'dnys there's nvny of knowiiiR (lOOO PARM TOOLS
before you buy them every time. I carry the p.eod kind.
a, .ivl :lara
General Merchandise
"-"B-ErrvID," '-'
started away at a dead run. Dick
sawed nt the reins with mi (lit and
mam for a time, but .seeing that he
co'uUl make, no Impression on the
runtiwavrt, 'jumped from the rie.
Aside from a few bruLes he was
unhurt. The team ran to Lytic
where they .straddled n tree and
were caught. The hack was broken
' State Kngiuecr IVewls was in
1 llend Tuesday evening on." his way
to the Columbia Southern segre
gation, where he was going to
i check over the surveying recently
done on that project and to make
.some .stream measurements
l stated while here that the suit of
the State against the Columbia
ISoutUeiti Company had been post
I fin.iajl fAr a klirrl it.... IFI.u.i
in' lift n w, k t.ii.v t MK..I
'asked regarding the prospects for
the pawnee of a new water law by
the next legislature, he replietl that
indicntious Hicmcd to be more la
i vorable now for the pa.suge of
I such n law than they ' wore two
years iiro. A pew water law is
iibudlv ueetletl and Mr.'Ja is very
,inuch in hopes that the legislature
will give the stnte a practical and
n:oderu statute in this regard.
IMvo Itenrs In Ton Days.
Uoscoe Howard and C. M. Red
field drove up to the 1'. Vaudc
vert ranch nt Lava the first of the
week, and Messers. Howard ami
Vaudevert engaged in the exciting
sport of hunting bears. The, firstday
they got onto the trail of a larttc
black fellow nud after having run
it for about to miles treed ami, shot
jit. Howard had gottoti behind itr
thechaeund "Hill" had the kill
ing of the first one nil to himself.
) lie only had a six shooter but he
finally bagged his game. It was
a large black one and so heavy that
the ' horse on which they had h
loadedi t gavo out beipre they
readied the ranch.
Tlie following day they again
put the bound on fresh tracks, and
uftcr another exciting chase of
several miles, run bruin up n tree.
.Howard was In at the .killing of
this one audyhad the, pleasure of
li.iiiiniii a brown beautv. Tuesdav
Lhe returned to .JJend bringing with
him the carcass of the brown bear
and the hide of the black-one.
Mr. Vnndevert is bragging con
siderably these tlaysover Ms uounu.U
3,-.- -V
.ill, 1. 11
Ifc ia an old fellow but a 'fjtld bear
do;;. Within the laM loddynlie
if7s run and treed five benrH, rill of
whidi were killed eitllur l,y Mr
V'an(tVcH, the Vandevcrt bovs or
AlK Howard
W. 1'. claims that he hd has
the best bear do in Central fire
gou! and thedok-'s record ofihe
mnt few day goes in upholSinfc
that cliiim.
Tuntnlo Items.
Tum w.o, Jmdi? 16 The wrm weather
of tllfe jMtnt rodiiji In itiakinx teRPt.iinn
HIO'' w rr'iur looLiilK fiy well.
T. A Intu .turn .1 for Kttamko txla
uftcr frdndt for Mr. Horner of Mhllaw.
I If. Hhol coantr tHiiofvlsor, iml
tlltuugll lierv to'luy frtipiX'titin the limit.
'A lireak In tli CiIimiii ditch will li-
Wfitme the walr Mug iml for scversl rvmlr ft.
J. 1?. Winter ami C. II. Spain;!! were
eninrtliiK 'at the fake on th head of
Tuuicilo Prldny, MatHrdny and Suinlny
rililii( hut didn't haire very jtxxl ur-ce.
Mr. l)err,fiiiiii tliewwMlmKMith of here
wrt ikitfiiK in Tuitmhi jenlerdiiy but
did not turry Joi.
Walter Hunt and flitter ami Mr. Ilcnt
!) "f Halcta, Or., tiKil In Tumalo
oue day Ut neck oh thlr. wtiy to hilxcr
ItVr to look at the cwuntry. TImv my
it Imt Iwcii a teal wctiHilKi!t the t alley
and evt-rytliiiix U Ur lieliiud,
Iralcltflw Hill uihIv the iea;Ie nm-atu
diU vrar a it lia never wremned U-forc.
They are prefacing for a larRe croud
Slid n ill try and nialce every one feel
Uliwl that they came to I.aitllaw to cclc
Inkling at (list.
.(Jist, Jane rj. Attorney C.recnit.'ii of
H4d pnd throue,li Git Sunday on,
hi way t Siatcm. . '
After Sunday arbool Sunday tli-
cliool a iuviltsl to the OUt home to
rat ice cream and cake. After ic cream'
wna wrvetl, the youiiK folks ita)el
game and ImiI a jolly kooiI time.
Mr. IIerIerttSnn;Bnaiiil MiM Nellie
tartrd for the .tllcy Ul week f ir a
dull with relative. '
Mr. Joe WilMtu and Ott Cob of Sutcr
were out ridiue in the Oitl iieij;hlor-j
ihkhi iixmy. .iiotinay.
Mr. Wrxhl, Mr. 1'iehUaml Will and
John l'ryrear are ImiliUitj; a ditch from
the main canal to put water on their
There isayoune lady in the t'.Ut
lieiKhborhood that toys he i liable to
pick her trunk any day. Now1 What
this mean you can guct.
I.ouU McCtllUter UdoinK Mine re
repairs at the head of the ditch on
Sipiavv Creek this week.
Mr. Ilurklvard and Henry Shoemaker
.ire tmildliie. a diteh for Mr' McCulley to
put wuter on his dctert land near (list.
At the annual school uicctlne Moudav,
II.. rMr. WHght wns re-elected director ntxl
tv.l. ir.l....lM t.i. M r l rl. l... l.l-
T -
Every Farmer
As well as every business man should j
have a bank acjpunt.
WrW? . v . .
'Because: ur mon?y is wier In tlve bank than '
jjrjy.wnerese. t ., , .
paying yaur biJJ by check is tin.
simplest aixl most convenient method.
Your chetit becomes a voucher for tiV
debt it rfayr.
It gives you a better standing wjtk business
Money in the bank strengthens your credit,.
t A bank account leaches, he! pit and encor-
Mges you to sav. .'. .. .
This bank docs all the bookkeeping-.
... . . Your bank book is a record of your business.
To those desirfng Banking Connections with a well
established Bank, we extend our services.
Tlie Centra! Oregcm Bahkmg (
Trust Compatijr
John Stcldl Lumberman ami Timber OwnA.
U. C. Coe I'hyaiciau ami Surged'.
H. P. J. McDonald Mayor of Demi.
E. A. Sather.. Merchant.
J. U. Hcyburn .'..'.: , . . Cailiier.
Ma ,,,, iihi.;.',.. .m.-m1 ... .. ,i ,.'niamanill
I .
I I,
1 '
. "Mm,
t , if :....!
n. JU V-A. lUUIVll(.ill
".Miov i ii ytnr ku
iKittlea oi l'olcy'a Kidney Keulexty. It
cured me of a severe ease f klilticy
Itronlile ot everai
, certalgU'Unjtroui'
t years atuiKliug
I. eooit men
I heartily recomiilewrt it." C.
ood medicine, ami
W. Jler-
W. R. Ward, of Djcr.burK, Tcun.,
write- "Thia la to ' certify that 1 have
ued l'olcy'a Ortno Laxative for chronic
couatipatioti, ami it Iim piiiveu without
a ikmbt tn be u tlmMiueh tiracticnl rcmcily
Utr thit trouble, and it ia with pleasure I
offer uiy cotiKiciilious reference "' C
W. Merrill, I)ruKRlt.
Watch This Space
Next Week
Notice to Water User
Il.'giuuiug June :o the hours for
sprinkling or irrigating from faucets
and hydrants 'will be from 6 a. tn.
until 12 o'clock noon. The water
company has found it necessary to
make and will huve to enforce these
hours to assure sufficient supply of
water for fire protection.
'When You Paint
buildings, inside, or out
$tde if yqu desire the
very.bcst Vcsulte it the
least expense, you
should use."
' " --: f x
' Call 'fur .
- color cards
aPull Lliio of Qroccrles, Dry
uoods and Unrdu-rc nlwnys en
J. t West's
Furniture Store.
Central Oregon. Realty Company
(Succeuor to C. I), nrqwn & VcjJ
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty s
1 Wc buy or sell your land ''no matter where situated. "We can sup
ply you with any class of laud at any time. Call on its or write for
further particulars.
I T. V """"' ""' m""i
i u
Sruli anp
II ATI is i;
Hotel Ben)
Bond and
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Ratbs. Good Rooms '
TiTlpniHcnt Tradc-
Always Keer.'cd
L'J . J u
---r i i , js
tqnote you the .following prices on good
dry wood in, my yards, purcltoel- to
pay for delivery. '
t6 inches lo'iiiy f-
$3.00 d C?6rd
i 16 iuc&es loun r
rjione to me w hen t j ou wiiut wood. t
won'Mlost'vou a-thhrgitViihone to
Importer nud Dreedtfr oi
" ""pure BRED
"Poland China Hogs
Blafck tan6h&iisCh!cken&
. j YounctpckfoVSale.
.'v :- you
Will ttijoy reading The Bullet n
It will IH.I.ASK, IJNTI'.ktAlN in.
INSTRCtV vou. SnterilMf now K
There's NEWS in TUe Bullettfc.
I rill, Uruvfist.