The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 19, 1908, Image 1

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J. Fl
vol. VI
NO. 14
- , -
fjllps over Ilde of Canyon
4 onto Rocks IJelow
Wovcu-Yenr-Old Sou of C. V. Allen,
Living North ill l.nldlnw, tin n
Narrow lUcapo (rum Death,
I'liil, the n-yciir cihl miii of C. W.
Alli'ii. who lives on 11 nmcli five
ii'iIU'H north of I.hIiII.iw on the l)e
chutes nver. met with a remark
able tititUeiious mcident Monday
nfteriioon He slipped over tlic
edge of the canyon mid fell a dis
tance of 60 feet. striking' on n rock
shelf and mlliiiK (" t'herc to the
w.ilet'x edge. iilHitit 40 lect fnftlicr
Dr Cue til llctid was culled mid
fbuiid thui tl e lint had sustained
concussion of the brain, had'a bad
ly In ufied buck, mid the back of
IiN w severely cut ' While
the injuries tire wrloiii the doctor
wv.1 the lxy will recover
AUnil noon of tliatdrty Mr. Allen
notucd that the lad was missing
and hud not iwcii seen for sonic
time lie Minted to icarch for lilln
and follow cd the boy's tracks to
Oic canyon's edge where It was evi
dent thnt he had slipped over. The
father descended into the canyon
and found the boy lying atthcedijc
of the river in in unconscious con
dition. This was between 3 and 4
o'clock in the afictnoon Mr Allen
hurried home with the injured lad
and at onrc 'phoned for Dr. Coe.
At the place where the accident
happened there is a sheer, perpen
dicular drop of 60 feet to a tock
!,hcH twlow As stated above, the
tad strmk on this nhclf and then
tollid 40 feet further to the edge of
thy itvcr. The wonder Is that he
won u,ot instantly killed by the full
tlrnJ School District Molds Annual
Meeting and lllects Officer.
At thy minimi school meeting of
Ilciul district No is held last Mon
day. I)r. C. V. Merrill was chosen
director to succeed himself and I..
1). Wicst was elected clerk. The
r-chool board for the ensuing year
will be cnmiioscil of Dr C W.
Merrill, Dr Coe and John S,tcldl.
The retiring clerk, Attorney C.
S. Benson, rend a report which
bhowed the following receipts and
VnU on lisnd at time of mnViiiK
Uilmimml icrt fi 'I
H.....I iH.trlrl tax. rtilllltV
ml stale sciiuot ninn i,n
IWo'il (mill rale Mil and tttltlun 77 30
jtce'd (rum all oilier oiircci.,., 16 Ni
Totnl 54i5"
I'ntd (or ttwolier' wik f"KS
I'adl lor fuel nnd school mp.
pile ; 4" "3
I'uld (or tepilt nml liuptmlng
Hiimitd ami junltur work.... lujo
t'rtid (or new school house nnd
alio 1 ' it
Vrtdl on principal nnd lnliirl o(
IhiihI nnd warrant,... .) 17
I'tilil (ur Iumimiiw H u
I'iiM (orclerk'nwUrv .. '5
;. , .. ... i Vi.iiili..
erl 76
Paid (or bull rout, lyiHwrituiK. ,
ptlutliiK. leK'd crviC9a, utp. , . 35 ib
T0l.1l ffUToif'
IImom o( dlktiiirciiioiits over
receipt 'VSI
,!... It,,, liirhliliM llllllltlllL ll( Hcliool
lioii.elu McOlllvniydUtrltfl nnd lluUli
lug HpttulM room In llcnd wliool Imild
lug. Ititlnmtcd value ofnehoothoiuc
.uiul grouniU tix
lUtlumtcd vulue o( school fund-
lure and apparatus xi 00
Amount o( linuirrtiice on hcliool
Iioiihc and other property .. . fiici 00
Avenue monthly wdnry of tvnclt-
ers.. 65 f'S
Nimtliur or person between ""ratid
twentv yenr o( ngc re!illUK In
the district Nov. 15. 7. 77
Number o( tcuchers employed dur
ing the vcar '-";." "
Nuiiibcr of school hmmc hi the dis
trict ,......,,. mi 3
Numlier o( school liouiea built dur
ing the year, ..' '
Totnl iiiiinlicr 0 1 library books on
tin ml , 1 ,.'.... . 100
Total iiiiiiiIkt of library Ixxikt pur
clinked iluthu! (he yrnr 00
The remit shown nu unplcnsnnt
deficit of $1054 While this Is
unpleasant nevertheless the money
has been expended for n good pur
jKis. The deficit Is due to the
iiulldlng of u school house in the
McUillvray district, finishing 11
room in the I lend building and In
creasing the salary of tcachcri when
no provision had been luude In the
tax levy to meet Mich expenditures
The Income of the district from
district tax, county school fund
and Mate school fund aggregates
approximately J6000 for the year.
Of this amount 1 13 .16 has already
been paid to the dixit let. That
leaves it balance still due of 8H6
;.!. Dedtictiut' the tirchcul deficit
ol $U.V1-66 leaves 831 8H 011 which
10 tun llie school until tuxes arc
again payable in March next. As
11 matter of fact there will not lk;
that amount, as there Is always
nunc nu utuouiii 01 taxes mai are
not paid. The deficit will have to
be taken care of by the next tax
There has been considerable dis
cussion in favor of hiring an
assistant principal who could teach
science and German, buying n
tubratory equipment and establish
ing a complete high school course. It
fs agreed that such actioi would be
an excellent thing for the Ilciul
schools but since it has bccii shown
that the district's expenditures are
exceeding the receipts it is not prob
able that the new grades will be
established until later. Final action
on the matter will be taken by the
new board.
Captain Jack's Hand Returns.
After 30 years of enforced ab
sence the small remnant of Captain
Jack's band of Modoc Indians at
the Quapaw agency in Oklahoma
arc to be removed to the Klamath
reservation in Oregon, where their
friends mid relatives live.
The Modocs remaining in Okla
homa arc but a mere handful 'of
the baud of 317 lusty braves who
were taken from the Klamath reser
vation to Indian Territory in 1874
right afler the Modoc war. Hvcr
since their arrival in the southwest
these Indians have been longing
for their Oregon home. Of the 317
only 49 remain and to of these
have round their way back to Ore
gon, leaving only 39. As a matter
of fact, only 17 of the Indians
originally removed arc livlni'.
There is a pathetic story of genuine
homesickness which has resulted
In the depletion of the band.
Klamath Halls Republican.
You Should Know This
Foley's Ktilucv Remedy will cure anv
caw 01 kidney oV bladder tVotililc that (
not bcyoUd tile tench ol medicine. No
incillcinc can tio more.-w. w. aicrriu,
Til II alwvc illustration is n view of the Pilot llulte cnnnl of the Pewhutcs Irrigation & rower Company's system,
TliU enmd Is 30 (ect wide on the bottom and Is completed 31 miles, long, with miles ot finished lateral-. Au
other cniml, the Central Oregon, 44 (eet wide on the bottom, is now completed sS tulles eastward to the old
rlcr bed. A stave pipe or syphon, i6jo feet long nnd costing, carries the wnter across the depression of the
old river bed onto lauds surrounding Powell Duties, in which Motion a crew is now at work completing construe
lion ol the Central Oregon canal. When finished this canal will J 45 "dies long. The length of these two main
ennals, with the laterals, sub-lntcrnls nnd farmers' ditches, uggregate over 315 miles of waterways, and additional
inilcLgo 1 being built from week to week. These two canals, with a third and still larger one to be built later, will
reclaim vMo acres of land. There hn been patented by tho U. S. government to the state 38,403 acres of thesis
lauds ns reclaimed, nnd other applications are now before the department for
A. JV. Drake Enjoys One
''"on the Mediterranean,
Mistreat Tlielr Animals and when Rc
monntratvd with Kcply "An Ani
mal Mas No Soul."
The next morning, J awoke
early and lying in lied looking out
over tlic sea, witnessed one 01 uic
most beautiful nunrilca I had ever
seen. One hears much about the
wonderful colorings of the Mediter
ranean waters. Well I can testify
that it is all true and more so. 'That
morning Aurora came over the
tons of the mainland mountains
with her cloudy steeds and r'ctmue
and headed straight for tmj,1 wtiile
ttib oncoming light 'cuMcd ' the
shadows over the water changing
itscdlors every moucnt, and in the
background appeared n fircy halo.
I felt like rouMiiK the entire hotel,
but as I had, so to speak, a re
served seat in my luxurious bed, I
feared (0 lose a moment of it or
break' the spell. I do not now
wonder that the ancients in these
regions had their imaginations
keyed up to invent gods and god
desses, and all their fanciful myth
ology. Taormina possesses many inter
esting structures of the Saracenic
times and the Middle Ages. Among
them is an old suppressed convent,
now used as a hotel. It has a
beautiful cloister surrounding a
square court containing a garden,
and on the back side i a terrace on
the rocky cliff overlooking Giardin!
and the ocean, There arc in Italy
a number of these old monasteries
converted into hotels. Where the
old simplicity is maintained they
are quite unique. With a little
cell for a bedroom and a candle
for light, foreigners feel quite
romantic in their mysterious old
buildings and enjoy the novelty,
imagining themselves back in the
olden times.
The town is supplied with water
by a little stone aqueduct, built
over two thousand years ago, which
hugs the cliff in a hand cut recess
and leads to a fountain in the
square or piazza. It is a pretty
substantial irrigation plant and
may well boast that "men may
come and nru may go but I go on
forever." Jt happcus, however, to
be the young girls who come and
go here nnd they come nnd go all
day long, making n very pretty
picture with their tall earthcrn bot
1 .;is - S -s. " N,'7-
3 -j?
tles gn.cdully poised on their he-ids.
just u
ill the
uldeu times.
turns at the
spout j
they exchmiKf the Kossip o the!
day, ..ti. as,-very family is rcp-e ,
sented there M-verdl times 11 duv,
there is no need I- r u newspaper,
The tourists are always attracted
by the scenes at the fountain, but
the maidens are graceful nnd know
it, and woe Ik- to the Kodak fiend
who fails to first make his bargain
and disburse tun soldi I
It was week and the'
town was celebrating. Buildings '
mid horses were decorated, fire
works going off uud the people
throwinv confetti mid rolls of col
ored ribbon paper One could
scarce own motttu to spcait or
laugh but it was filled by a hand
full of confetti. We got our share
too, but took it in good part ns
everyone had to The saints over
here must be highly edified, lor
almost every day is 11 holiday duty
celebrated by some one firing off
strings of mammoth firecrackers 111
honor of n patron s.nnt, whose day
It happens to Ik.
Leaving Taormina with its bright
flowers and sunshine, vc returned
to Palermo via Messina and the
northern coast, through historic
country and beautiful scenery all
the way. It was n holiday and the
roads were filled with the fantasti
cal Sicilian carts loaded down with
people in festive attire.
These carts arc exceeding in
teresting to foreigners and arc a
feature of Sicily. Huge two
wheeled affairs, carved, ornamented
and highly painted with bright
pictures illustrating scenes from
the Iliblc, church history, myth
ology, great battles, operas, kings
and rulers and every subject imag
inable. Whether it be a city dray,
a farmer's vehicle, or garbage cart,
it must be decorated like a picture
gallery and the horse or donkey
decked out with gorgeously mount
ed harness and plumes that would
make a circus procession look like
five cents. The saddle of a dray
harness will sometimes weigh 40
pounds, with its brass or nickle
figures that stand from one to two
feet high and arc surmounted by
metal flags or pennants that flop
or revolve like weather vanes with
eacjh step the animal takes. Not
withstanding thisextraordinary out
ward display, the Italians are a
cruel race and mistreat their ani
mals. The horses and donkeys of
southern Italy arc generally small
mere ponies but the way they pull
aud tug ut enormous loads would
make our horses ashamed of them
selves. The Italian has a proverb
that "a good stick makes a good
donkey" and he certainly believes
it. It is nothing unusual to see a
donkey hip high to a man, hauling
a dray with a load four times his
own bulk, but some way or other,
(Continued on last age.)
"-s-x-; .
r CH.
ff)U PPnflDPQQ I Nfi
W CompJee New Court
Mouse Next Winter.
Clmo Their Places of Dullness on Sun
day nt l,nkevlcw Other Items
Gathered Par and Near.
Work on Crook county's new
court house is proressin rapidly
nml the structure will be ready for
the interior finishiiK this fall. The
Jiturnul says:
The first essential in n building
of this size is good stone Douglass
& I'hillips, the men who have-the
stonework in charge, spent heveral
das in the quarry ut the top of
the grade west 01 town before the
actual work of getting out' the
stone bcuan Several men ''were
busy there cleaning o'ut the foot ol
thequarrv, that K throwing out
the fragments and uncaven pieces
of Monc so that it ' would be pos
sible to get at the very bottom ol
the stone column that stands in a
perpendicular position After this
had' "been done a quantity of black
powder was placed beneath these
columns and several tons of good
stone were blown out at one shot.
By this method the stone taken
out is in much better condition
than is possible under the old way
If it is possible to find columns of
sufficient length, Mr. Douglass
thinks the stone steps can be made
of single pieces. This would re
quire a slab about 14 feet long and
14 inches wide. Many pieces have
been taken from the quarry already
that are eight or nine feet long and
of sufficient width for the steps
Contractor Shipp has the speci
fications for the big clock that is
to be placed in the tower. The
"train" or mechanism of the giant
lime-piece will weigh 1500 pounds
The four dials with plate-glass lace
for each will total 1500 pounds.
The weights will add another 1500
pounds and the bell or gong that
will chime the hours will weigh
5Q0 pqunds.
When set in position the time
piece is guaranteed by the manu
facturers to run within one minute
per month of the exact time of day.
This fact alone will prove a great
convenience to the people of Prine-
vine. The clock will be the stand
ard Seth Thomas make. When
installed in the tower it will cost
somewhere in the neighborhood of
Saloon Men Will Be dood.
Last Sunday was the first "dry"
day in Lakevtew iu the history of
the town. The fact that the move
ws voluntary on the part of the
saloon men is very commendable.
The saloon men held a meeting
after the election and agreed that,
since 'so many people were opposed
to the saloons, although not in
sufficient numbers to "dry" the
town or county, they would close
their saloons at t'oclock a. m. and
all day Sunday. The new regime
went iuto effect Saturday night nnd
not a saloon iu the town was open,
and their curtains were pulled back
as proof of the good faith of the
movement. This movement will
do much to suppress the evil effects
of the open saloon, and from now
on every provision of the law re
garding the liquor traffic will be
complied with. Since the saloon
men themselves have volunteered
to do this there is no doubt about
their sincerity. Examiner.
Farmers Are Smiling.
Rains have been general through
out Central Oregon during the past
10 days aud crop prospects are good.
The Madras Pioneer says that
every farmer you meet these days
has a wrinkle across the middle of
his face extending from ear to ear,
which he calls a smile. The cause
of all this hilarity is the greatly im
proved crop prospects throughout
this sectiou following the heavy
rain Tuesday afternoon, when for
nearly three hours there was a
steady downpour. The rain was
general throughout the district, and
the slow steady drizzle soaked down
into the the ground, doing thou
sands of dollars worth 6f good to
grain crops ail through this section
One farmer said the grain ap
peared to grow three or four inches
in a night, an a result ol the rain
nnd warm weather, while another
who bar. passed practically over the
entire district, says that the pros
f cts arc good for another big crop
this season. At any rate there Is
general rejoicing al! through the
district. '
100 Allies to Whiskey.
The Dalles is now the only sa
loon town on the O. R & N. Ry.
in Oregon. Shaniko voted "wet"
and will be the1 nearest saloon town
m the north of Silver Lake. Travel
tog west from Silver Lake the
thirsty citizen will find no licensed
.suloon, ahir July 1, this side of
Coos county, and should he veer a
little to the south and miss Coos'
he would have to journey to Hono
lulu or Hongkong to quench his
thirst, for Jackson, Josephine, Cur
ry and Douglas counties have all
Iraardcd the water wag6n. The
nearest saloon town to the south is
Lakevicw, 100 miles away and on
the cast, Burns, 150 miles distant.
Thus tt will be seen that it is at
least 100 miles from Silver Lake
to the nearest whiskey and no
railroads! Surely, Mr. Harriman
will delay no longer Oregonian.
Malt Man Uurned Letters.
Geo P. Lee, star route contract
or from Paulina to Suplee, was be
fore the federal court in Portland
recently charged with having tam
pered wjth the mails iq his posses
sion. Lee Irecly admitted tnat tie
bad destroyed letters that bad been
viven him to mail but gave as an
excuse that he had earned them sq
long in bis pocket he was ashamed
to mail them, hence destroyed them.
In view of the natural weakness of
man relative to letter 'mailing, it is
believed Lee vri gef off with a.
small fine
Shorter Notes of Interest.
The Prinevile band has. prdered,
new uniforms and wtl have them
for the fourth.
Lamonta beat the Prineville
seconds on Sqnday, Tune j, but it
took 1 1 innings to dq the work,
says the Preview.
A ton qf leaf tobacco bus arrived
iu Prineville forQeorgeStorckman,
the clear maker, says the Review
Storckman will start a cigar factory'
at that place.
Professor P. C. Fulton of Madras
has been elected principal of the
Prineville public school for the en
suing year to succeed Professor
Blancbard, who goes into the high
school faculty.
J. H. Beckley, a rancher living
62 miles southeast of Prineville,
has bought q Buick runabout. He
made the trip from the Dalles to
Prineville in nine hours and burned
only five gallons of gasoline.
The Review reports that about
1000 trout of exceptionally good
size were taken from Ocboco Sun
day by numerous fishing parties,
who were scattered along the creek
almost from town to so miles up.
On last Friday, when the stage
was a few miles from the stage sta
tion between this place and Ros
land, one of the horses fell and
broke its shoulder and had to be
killed, says the Silver Lake Leader.
Two ranchers in the vicinity of
Plush are planning to pump water
from a lake to reclaim quite a tract
of sagebrush land. The water will
be pumped into reservoirs and theu
used as needed. They are install
ing a 1 6-inch pump.
No Humbug
No hunibuc claims have been made
for Foley's Honey and Tar, the welt
known remedy for coughs, colds and
lung troubles. The fact that more bot
tles ot roicys iioney ami i or are used
than of any other cough remedy is the
best testimonial of its great merit. Why
then risk taking some unknown prepar
ation when Foley's Honey and Tar costs
you no more and is safe and sure. C. V,
Merrill, Druggist.
Hand us your suUalptiua,