The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1908, Image 7

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Don't Poison Baby,
pORTT YEAJIS AGO almont ovory mothor thought hor ohild must havo
1 PAREGORIC or laudanum to mako it oloop. Thoso druga will produce
cloop, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP PROM WHIOH
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho ohildrou who havo hcon killed or
whooo health hao boon ruined for lifo by parogorio, laudanum and morphine, each
of whioh io a narootio produot of opium. Druggiats aro prohibited from Belling
oithor of tho narcotica named to ohildrou at all, or to anybody without labelling
thorn " poison." Tho doflnition of " narcotio " is : "A viedioino which relieves pain,
and produces sleep, but wh ieh in poisonous dosesprodueds stupor, coma, convul
sions and death. " Tho taato and Bmoll of inodioinoB containing opium aro disguised,
and Bold undor tho namos of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrupa," oto. You.
Bhould not permit any medioino to bo given to your ohildron without you or
your physician know of what it is composed. OASTORIA DOES NOT CON
Pro moles DiHejIbnCK-rifd
Opium. Morphine norrlistnL
nor a i Alt c otic.
Anrrfff I IVrtvdv forfontftri
I lun . Sour SU)uxh.l)Uirtri
Worms iLotMiMnminTnu
rarSinJc Sljrartrf of
Kssit Copy of Wrapper.
Inr Trouble,
'My hu.lMitd bid an awful lima col
inline llisl itrli," Mr. UkIIii m
seln MI don't prrtid to umlrratsnd
liw trm, tut I berd Mm ssjr that I
foff b rould x lh twHifjr he hid lo
llarner Hhi lb man's wais."
Tho Free Premiums Given
toir.Hurrtu rwu
"20 Mulo Team" Horax, Itoraxo
Hath Powder, Violet Doric Tuleum
I'owilur, Ilorlc Spanglo, Italic Acid, i
Itornxald Soap Powder, "IM Mulo
Tram" Simp, Queen of Horax Soap,
Ilomxalil Laundry Soap and "20
Mulo Team" Soap Chips !
Sara In r.r.fullr illfl a Win I Km. MOST
VAilll.TYandtlwwIarT lli l-AltCIWT VAI.l'i:
for th numWr af Carton Tl of Ki Wni'P.r.
miulml F.ihI fur 40 p..lllulflnJal.loiu
Ihsnlrf orr 1000 a)lllr V.e lit. away fret. I'.illlcCaaH Herat Ce.. O.llaad, CaU
ii&ijg0Mm ' -.
.bo' w -Ukir x:-
M; Ai.nnioi.jrcitfi.iiT'
r Atc(flW lVrrarabnIcr,li
1A 8 slnjIlallnhefhoifaniflci'uU
tnb ""iiUtt'SioMrliinaJIJorlid
IWiT UTuranfr rTumVr i1 VocJM
'"frl L iM-i liwinT-
More Converts
Every dny In every year
wives aro giving up their
Powders and turning to K C,
which lias stood so will the
finding out that
costs ono third the
whero near K C
better, purer, more
20 Ounces for
boara tho Biguaturo of Ohas.
Letters from Prominent Physacions
addressed to C.ias. 11. Fletcher.
Dr. J. W. Dlnsdalo, of Chlcarto, III., nays: "I use your Castorla and
AdvlM Jta una in oil families whara thcro are cblidrcu."
Dr. Aloxander E. Mlntlc, of Clorelnnd, Ohio, says: "I havo frequently
prescribed your Castorla and havo found it a reliable) and pleasant rem
cdy for children." '
Dr. J. 8. Alexander, of Omaha, Nob., Rays: "A medlcino no valuable and
beneficial for children at your Castorla U descrtcs tho hlchcst praise. X
find It lit mo everywhere."
Dr. J. A. HcClclInn, of Buffalo, N. Y oars: "I havo frequently prescribed
your Castorla for children aud always tot cood results. In fact X uh
Casterla for my own children."
Dr. J. W. Allen, of EL Louis, Mo., sajs: "I heartily endorse your Cas
torla. I liaTO frequently prescribed It In my cubical pfactlco, and bato
always found It to do all that is claimed for it"
Dr. C II. (Hidden, of HL. Paul, Minn., nays: "My exprrlcncu an a prac
titioner with your Castorla has been hlchly satisfactory, and I consider it
an excellent remedy for the yotioc"
Dr. II. D. Henner, of Philadelphia, Vtl, says: "1 haro used your Cas
torla an a purBallro in the rases of children for years past with tho most
happy effect, and fully endorso It as a safo romedy."
Dr. J. A. lloarroan, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla la a splen
did remedy fur chlldron, known tho world over. I use It in my practlco
and haro no hesitancy la rocommondlnc it for tho complaints of Infants
and children."
Dr. J. J. MacVcy, of Brooklyn, N. Y, nays: "I consider your Castorla an
excellent preparation for children, being composed of rellablo medicines
and pleasant to tho Uusto. A cood rcmody for all disturbances of ths
dlftrstlvo organs."
yy Boara tho Signaturo of m
Boara tho
The Kind You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
!iu nnrnttnu IVrmlllvd,
The IVnn.jltranU rsllrtr hat rtrvntly
Kttrl miili-r in Hi various workahot
furbHilliu vrifnllj. In tltw of tlir itn
rnl rallriMd lluallon, why not put Ufb
iiiillfrt In llir mrutlrr ollift and nvall
our In rt.ry tlocaholdtrl -Wall Ktrrtt
Anulhrr llarUt.l lur It. form.
Tin- rdltor liHiknl Ofrr 111 uunuw.'rlpt
and liandrd It Ixirk.
"I don't Ilk your dialrvt," ha aald.
"Hill, dr." Mid Ilia lllrrsry plrnt.
isrllnl and IndUunnl, "ilmt Itn't dlit
lf( ! Tliol'a wrlllfii In Ibf rrforinpd
Hllnxr . . .
Mnth.rt wilt And Mr. WlntloV. rVwthlos
Sjrnil'lli Imii irlr I'HiMlurit.lriU'wr-n
luiluf lha Iralhlus i)u1.
(ilr Hint o Trnublr.
"I'ncln llntry, don't jou find It hsrA
work brlus us'iarUnT"
"Not at all. my boy. It's only net
ary lo U cunaarratlve sliout It. When
I fl an lnllblt crnTlwt for bl
plat of tinivn snd nt I slwsjs yield
to It." Chk-aco I'rllmne. I
that comes, more house
exorbitant priced Baking
tho honest and reliable,
test of years. They ore
price of powder any.
quality, and makes
healthful baking.
20 Cents
H. Plotohor.
(t,rni,War Virrlr,
Jack Wlmt'H the miitti-r. old manT
! You liHik wiirrli-d.
I Tom--Oil, Mliw Knlntlirflrt kee mi
i;unliiK fib' liBMi't proMiel yet.
Jnrk Hut you tidd mo you didn't In.
tend to lunrry her.
Tom And 1 don't. Hut, lifter nil the
time I've nnMed on her, I think Mho
uiluht nt least she mo a chnnee to re
fuw her.
Shako Into Tour Shoes
Atlrn'a freX-IUto, a tiwjr f or th. f nt. It mm
alnfuL swullen, wntnlnir, awMllnir f rU UVm
hMikMtuv. HuUl lur alt DnifftfUU ammhoa
!8m. IVm't aMMt anr aulailtuta. ttampU
I rlti:i- AJJrwt A. 8. Olnutnl. U Uur. N. Y.
(IrlUtiuruiihlmt lluuiMiir.
Ttiey cre reluming from the iprllloc
"Sir. SNnniKre," he aaM. "why did
you mli that ' word) You aprlled
lionor" vkiU' fi 'u'"
l know II." be nnefiHl. , lvIhe fel
Inc eaui orr uir nil at wii'f that I juat
couldn't set nUiag without 'u,' MIu
lis lay."
With nlilrli old. old atnrjr he won htr,
$100 Reward, $100.
ThK'lcrofllil ir will U lrtirJ to
lam tiialllicrolt allen.t onoilrva.lisl Uueau
that relanro liat brvu abla to Cuie in all lit
.tno. ant thai It Taiarrli. Ilall'a Catarrh
tin li tliaonu lotlllvniurunowkuowntoiha
ramllral Ir.lornll). Catatrli be lit a imooIiu.
ItutialUltrato. miulrraa t'onalitullonal lieat
luent Itall'tCatarrliCuroUialen liiltrntllj,
artlim tlirrclly U'xm lliblilatiilmuriutiur.
famioilliaitrni,llierb ilo.ttylngtbofiiin.
lUtlon ul Hi. tllcac, amtKWIiis t o tat cnt
treniitli by ltilMin .nptho roimllu'lunainl
muiint uttutolnilolhij tit wot. Tho pro.
Wlrtnt.bam in mitrti fMi In Incur ll ) mt
cri liat tlivjri'ff.rUiialliiiiilnMl Dollar for any
rata thai It fails to cuie, tl.nd for ltd ol
Ailiirnt) r J. CIIKNRY A. CO., Toledo, 0.
Holdby all1fiiiiBln,74o.
Taka Hall's Family 111 ta for eontllpatlon,
Work for I.lve liuiruTin.nt Roeletj.
Ill siuall itiitvn of imputation rhero
noiio hut the moiit general Inws gorern
It la uecessnry to form nu lmprore.
nient H(H,loly to look after the health
and well being of tho people, as n whole,
says tho I.ox Ant;elen Times. Tho Inws
of hycleiio must ho observed. Iloth sow
ers nml mirfiut' dratnnRe should be pro
vldtsl by tl0( peoplu ns ii whole, nnd
whero no city htivcriiinent exIstH this Is
n splendid work for a llvo society for
civic betterment.
No. aa-oa
II KN wrltlns to drtlfrs picas
lu.ullun nil. iajar.
Andrew (Virnezle'M Ilbniry gift
fllil'iliut filiiiot lo f.7',000,000.
The Ifitnl ihiiiiIht of iienwiii In re
ndpl of Htfilo relief In Indln ozeeiili
Iitilslnnn hn neveii tnlllloii nt-re of
swntnp Imid, whlrh am nt preiwnt lotu!-
fj' tlelenn.
'I'lK' Irrlunled illHirlels of Itirypl com
;rl fvM0,(XKl neres mid supmrt Wf
WW) praons.
It Im wiiijititnl Hint the, dew falling
In Himlnnd Is rfjtiiil lo flvu Inches of
mill Midi yenr,
(loveruinent exMrts are IrireKUgnt.
Illi: (u'liwet-il ultli Hie object of deter
mliiliii; It iToiioinlc vnllle.
The Chliiex have uiidertnken to
nirM thiflr foreniH, unit the iiilkiiils of
tho feletdlnl Rotoriiiin-iil hnve enKHKl
n Jiipniiese expert from Toklo lo net
ns hend hinsIit for the proponed nrlio)!
of forwiln nt Mukileu for n term of four
yenrx, with two ('IiIihw ns his uKslst
iimIk. I'rof. II. (. Jaekm of Hie Mnsnnrhu
setln IiiHtK'iiti' of Tie!iii(i!ift:y, hnn Nth
relnlncd ,' the .MiikwicIiii'm'IIh hluhivny
cnmtiilMihiu to imikc n reiMirt reeniillnii
the tclcphono sltuntlon wild iipecliil
refereneo to the prnetlmlilllly of n re
(liiellon In rntm and n higher dlldciicy
of rvlee.
".N'enliies J (luM'iitlnl on the links."
Mid I. J. Whlchuni, the pilfer, ut n
dinner In C'hlenpi. "At Hlilnrnttxlc
Hills oix dny 1 plnycd liellllid two
you iik nnd pretty clrln. ' Overtnklns
them. I heard (he ymincer any: 'How
ninny hole on this miirm1, AllecnV
'.Nineteen, denr,' acittl Alleen, 'Ineliidlns
the iHie In your txUliie.
Hlimiltnneoiialy with the orifunlutiloii
ff ii plciim Hitfll service In the French
Kongo, where the cllmnle innke Ixilti
ordinary nnd wlreleM telesrnphy Im
MNlble, It Is simoiiiiciil tlmt the Ilrit
lh piverniiient Iihh replaced the pigeon
post by wireless tclcgrnphy In Uitli the
linvnl nlid the eiilonlnl wrvlce, mid Hint
this jrror'i budget culitntn no niro
prlntlon for pIgeon.
OVonnell hnd gut it man off nt one
time for highway robbery nnd ut nn
other for burglary ; but on the third
ixvnukin, for stealing n roasting brig,
tho tnk of TfixNlwIpklng the Jury seem
iil too grent for even lilt imwern of
cajolery. However, he iimde nut that
Sir crime wns rnmmllleil on the high
em ilml obtnlnol mi ncfiilttnl. The
prhuiner llflcil up hl tinnd nnd eye to
heuven nod exelnlmed : "ilny the
Ixnl bmg ripnre yon. Mr. (iX'onnell
The rensun why the stomach nnd In
teftlliei do not digest tlieuiHelvc wH
oiici thought by Welnlnnd, it lleriimii
extKTimeuter, to !c Hint they defend
themfcchi by nntl-euz'UKs, or Mntl
ferments. Dr. Nnmlnr King of IIihIh
I'imHi now rejNirtn these iiutl-fernients
not to bo found, but Hint the mucin
present In the Inner hnlf of the enxtrlc
mucous inembrane reslits the dlgentlve
net Ion of tlw trysln nnd the gnslrlc
Juice. The digestive orgnns. therefore,
protect themselves by tho mucin they
The iMtftutntltiii of Jupnn to-ilay l
Just rilHiut .Us).()r. The cxitct tig
imi for ll7 nre not yet nvnllnble, but
the ivtlmiitcs Just putillhlieil lire IiiimiI
on Hie uveruge growth of the Inst thirty
yenrn mul miiy U tnUeu ns fairly nc
cunite. In each of the ivrlmls
for which figure nre shown, over the
post twenty-live ycurx, the pulntltn
has tniTCiisetl, roughly speiiklug, by
J.tKiO.XsX). TiMtny the cMlmiito Is
that then nre ltV.M7.-l t nntlve-Nini
JaaiK-ie In (he territory rulel over by
the M lUndo. 1'nll Mali (liuctte.
When the meiulx'rH of the Ilrltlsh In
stitution of lklcctrlcnl lingliuvrx paid n
visit of IiihkvHou to northern Italy
Intely, they wero InteriMled In ft device
IKtsI to protivt the overhead tnuiiunlK.
Hlmi Hue of nu electric traction sys
tem from lightning dUchargv. The
device couslstn of Jet of witter, which
form it Hrumnciit "earth' ut the Mon
W'gno generating htatlnn on the Vjiltcl
lluit line. The cleetrle realstiuiro of the
Jet was wild lo lie Miitllclcnt to pre
vent n serious hw1 of current, while not
tiHi greit to enable them to serve fo
protivtloti iigiilixt lightning.
It Is said that "ihikik bllndncKs" In n
liorao Is (iiuseil by "wolf feclh" two
small Hiindurf teeth Just lu front of the
first upper prc-molitrs, ono on each Hide
of tho uppor Jnw. An authority snys
Tho 'wolf teeth' do not cnuso ejo dl
etiM) or any other hnrin, nnd tisunlly
nro not dlncovorwl until tho eye riUcni-c
iiptH'itr. Tho eye trouble Is 'periodic
ophtlinlmln' (moon bllndnctd), which Is
hcrtHlltnry nud Incurable. Thousand
upon thousand of horne suffer from
this eyo dlsenne. yet hnvo not n 'wolf
tooth' In their hciuK Tho ltnortiuit
mutter to rtMiiemlKU' lu connection with
HrliHllc ophthnlmlii Is not Hie signifi
cance of tho 'wolf tooth, but the ue
rvxslty nml liiiportnni-o of rejecting
from brcisllng operation all mulcted
with periodic ophthhlmtc, Or cataract,
which results from repeated utUcku,'
"tes." growled old Itoxley, ",MnWs
over liilervlewcd mo last night Htuptd
fclhwj no sense at nil."
"Ah!" exclaimed Arunim, "then you
won't havo him for n sonln-law?"
"17 Wlmt hnvo I lo do with It? The
idea of his coming to nsk me when the
girl and her mothor nro sfltlsfled. If
bo hnd any sense ho'd know that set
tied It." rhllndelphla I'rens,
Ilrnnri! Tnrtnrr.
"1A, you Jutt otlfcht to harx twird
tow Mln Capsicum Islkrd the oilier day
wh.n sha wss rral mad. You don't know
what you rnlnwl,"
"What dhl sho say. Jmj?"
"fJrscloiis I You don't etpwt m to ssy
tlie dreadful tlilnjrt she aaM, do you?"
Kulrrlnw a flrmurrrr.
"Talk about the superiority of mind,
orer tnatlrrl" Mid the argumentative
bosrder. "It's Jutt the other way. If
you want to lie tore not lo forget a thing
you don't tnitt II lo jour mmory. Ywi
tskr s pnrll snd s l'p of paper snl
oiske a memorandum of It."
I'.trrlKn nml Ilnmv.llr.
Ills Wife (rending) I see they had
a bread riot In Hpnln recently.
Her Ilusbnnd Ycsj nnd we'll hnve
one nt home soon If there Isn't an Im
provement In your biscuits.
kwM LH W.ji
There is an evaporation from the body uoiu on continually, day nnd
night, through the pores and glands of the skin. This is nature's way of
maintaining the proper temperature of our systems and preserving the soft
ness and flexibility of the skin, nnd so long ns the blood is free from impur
ities no trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause
becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must be expelled, nnd
coming in contact with the delicate fibres and tissues with which the skin is
so abundantly supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, nnd the
effect (S shown by Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and skin affections of various kinds.
These impurities and humors get into the blood through a deranged or
inactive condition of the system ; the members whose duty it is to carry oil
the waste and refuse matter of the body fail to properly perform their work,
nnd this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by
the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisons generated within the
nysvcni, uui jKjisons jium wimoui,
such as I'oison Oak, Poison Ivy,
Kettle Knsh, etc., enter through the
open pores jnd glands, nnd so thor
oughly do they become rooted in the
blood that they nre ever present,
or return nt certain seasons of cacti
year to torment the sufferer. Salves,
washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skin
diseases. True, such treatment re
lieves come of the itching anil dis
comfort, nnd aids in keeping the skin
clean, but it does not reach the real
cause, and nt best can be only palli
ating nnd soothing. A thorough
cleansing of th blood is .he only certain cure for skin diseases. S. S. S
a gentle nc'tinp, safe blood puriher, made entirely of vegetable ingredients
of the forest nnd field, is the proper trcfttmcM. S. S. S. goes down into the
circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and
purifying the blood, nud curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies
to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin'nnd
all other parts of the bod v, and rids the blood of any nnd all poisons. S. S. S.
cures Kczcnin, Tetter, Acne, Salt Klieutn, I'oison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash,
and all other skin troubles, nud cures them pentinucntly by removing evcy
trace of the cause from the blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any
medical advice desired furnished free to all who write.
Teeth With or
Without Plates
Failing Bldg., Third
3 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays 9 to 12.
$5.00. Both Phones,
: tvtnv
tW'Pniccs. rort tvtnv 'P
t2p Mr. L. Douplmm mnkma and woH mora "Esti
, ihnn any other mmttufaoturvi' In .
Jfrjr world, haqauata ihoy hold rAtrir "eSt
atiapa. tft hoUmr. wear Ion gar. and
jtCSf arm of uratar valuo than any othar wrrt,
ahoaaht tha world to-tiav. fe
W. L Douclis S4rwJ$G GUI Hit Shoai CMt
W,Juy,?r W,UDviUtBamainvlrtltUaip4oabolwn. Xke Wo Sub.tliula.
tyXnt?aataU?T"UT ltaa "WlZ afty&SSfaJaTbaZr
Is 'a constitutional dlieato originating In
Impure blood nnd requiring conttltutlonsl
treatment acting through and purifying tha
blood fur Its radical and permanent euro
The grcateit constitutional remedy Is
HoocFj Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolntnl
tablets known v Snrtatabs ICO dotes SI.
Natal and otiVr local forma of catarrh
are relieved by Catarrleta, which allay In
Qammatlon and deodorize discharge. 60c.
thX XtLttt
Attrj all tb
0i ivl ffirdi
Cnmfort mmtftf
on- in daft Hi
for a. alMplnf
mm lrohlpnrtm.
I'ltaa. nftt fttft
will not wll tt
th Timmtl i iJl tw lii t'hoitlm
iwrt h tt n ril rrvt4 for arm.
HLXQia tQUXth 10XtXAJfcAM.rUf,W T.
The col.mir. i,f lirmt Itrilsln bars
nearly Us) tun more srea than fbt
rnollipr country. Krsnr eighteen times
snd Uermsny Ave timet.
riTp ft. Vtmt tntf anil an Xrmo DVatt
lilo tTmM r turm ir Dr.'a dnu
kirti ivrr. l--mirrlUin:llrl VKU.a-14
-.r.Mlta.Ur.Jl.11.; n-,IL,(IIAre!iAL,l'linnVa.
I hart ui your 3. 3. S., tartac and faQ,
for UU put two jriti. wltli tha mult tit It
entirely rtfUrrJ rat of a form of Ecuna
which aj doctor wai utubla to cure. Mjr
armf, lower litrct, aad. la ftct, the blrtnt
portion of mr wbol bodr was ailrclrd, aad
when I tint tran S. 5. S. tbt Itctjln. etc,
w.j went, but I coatlniKd tt rtntdy with
tbt rtut that the cry. Ilchlcr. eruption eo
tirc'r dluMKrtL I think a (real deal of
jovt mtdxise, aal hart recommended It to
other with cood retails. It U Ihe bt blood
rnediclrt tctir, and t can csnKleotiootlr
recommend U lor tha curt cf all tloM aad
tklo afecllotu. CIIA3. U0KSIUA5.
Wheeling. W. Va.
Oiit-of-ToMn People
We can do your entire Crown,
Uridge and Plato Work in a
day, if necessary. Positively
Painless Extracting Free when
P!ates or Iiridgos aro ordered.
Sensitive Teeth and Hoots re
moved without the least pain.
Ten chairs. Only tho most sci
entific and careful work.
20 Years in Portland
And Associates
Painless Dentists
and Washington Sts.
Painless Extraction 50c; Plates,
A and Main 2029.
it Eittalld At Am Pite
I MKtfl
H jMLaLWTi ilk. o
w JffrfuitWr.