The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1908, Image 6

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    "r'WT":i'rwwair t
Strong and Steady
CttAITmt II. (Continued.)
At lire o'clock on the afternoon of the
day after Mr. Unnmd'a death. Mr. Drum-
lib iikjuiI entered the house, which was on
the upiHwlte side of the street from the
lore. Thin was the supper hour, mul
t.PIer was ready upon the table.
A single fiance wit suiBcIcnt to shdw
that Mr. Drummond was not a man to
indulge in luxurious Urine- There was a
piste of whitebread, nit in thin slices,
k small plte of butter, half n pie. nnl
plate of cnVe. A small pitcher of milk,
a bowl of coarse brown sugar, and n pot
of the cheapest kind of ten completed the
preparation for the errtilng menl. Cer
tainly there was nothing extravagant
about these preparation!!; but Mr. Pnim
tnimd thought otherwise, ills attention
nil at once drawn to the cake, nnd In
stantly a frown gathered upon hi fare.
"Are you going to have company to
tiight, Mr. ltrumraondV he askrd.
"Not that I know vf."" answered hi
vife, in some surprise.
"Then why is It that ymt hare Hit both
Je nnd mke on the table?"
The cake Is u cheap kind."
"No cake l cheap, Mr. Prunimohd. I
tale it you used egg, butter and sttgar
In making it. You are probabljr not
ware that all these article are very dear
a- present. I ntll tliey get lower we neiM
net bare rake, except when company la
prrwent. Take ivijr the rake. It you
plrane. You can save it for Sunday even
og." "I am afraid It wilt be dried up by that
"If It l dry. rou ran trara it. I hare
continually to check you In your extrava
gaut taste. Cake and pie. Indeed! If
jou bad jour way, you would double my
household expense."
Mrs. Drummond rose from the .table,
and meekly 'removed the offending cake.
Jtixt then the third and only other mem
ber of the family entered.
'ITi l Joshua Drummond, the .only
sou, now eighteen year of age. though he
looked scarcely more than sixteen. lie In
herited hi father's meanness, but not bis
fiugality. He was more self-indulgent,
and, though be grudjed spending money
for others, waa ierfertly ready to spend
as much as be could get bold of for him
Orer Joshua, Mr. Drummond bad less
control than orer hi wife. The latter
gare way meekly to hi unreasonable re
quisitions; but Joshua did not hesitate to
make opposition, being as selfish and self
willed as bis father, for whom be enter
tained neither respect nor affection.
In silence be helped himself to bread
and butter, and In due time accepted a
piece of pie, which Mrs. Drummond made
larger at the expense of her own share.
I'lually Mr. Drummond remarked:
"I've bad a telegram to-day from Wil
oughby." "From WHIougbbyr repeated bis wife.
"Iss't that where your cousin, William
Conrad, llvesT"
"lie doesn't lire there any longer. He's
dead. The funeral is to be day after to
morrow." "Shall you gor
"Ye. It will cos me considerable; as
much as fire dollars or more ; but hi was
my cousin, and It Is ray duty to go," Mid
Mr. Drummond, with the air of a man
who was making a great sacrifice.
"He waa rich, wasn't beV asked
Joshua, becoming Interested.
"l'robably worth a hundred thousand
dollars," said hi father, cumplaceutly.
"I should think be might bars left me
something," said Joshua.
"He nerer saw you, Joshua." said hi
"Joshua stands a Letter chance of get
ting a legacy from one who doosn't know
lutn than front oue who does," said Mr.
Drummond, with grim pleasantry.
"He leate children, doesn't he?"
"Oue child a boy. lt me see. be must
be fifteen by this time. It's likely I will
b appointed bis guardian. In the near
est relative."
"Will be come here, thenV" asked
"Very probably."
"Then I hope you'll lire better, or he
won't stand It."
"When I require any ad rice from you,
Joshua, I will apply for It," said bis
Josbua Inwardly hoped that his father
would be appointed gusidlsn, for be hop
ed that In this erent It would mske a dif
ference In the family living; and, beside
If bis cousin were rich, he meant to whee
dle himself Into his confidence. In the hope
of future adrantage.
Jacob put off going to.Wilfoughby III)
the morning train on tliilny of the fu
111 ral. 'Hie next day, therefore, he start
ed, taking with hint In his valltm a lunch
of bread and meat tied up In a piece of
brown paper. Shortly after hl arrirul,
lit called at the bouse of mourning.
"I am Jacob Drummond of .Htapleton,
(he cousin of tbe deceased," lie explained
lo Nancy, who opened the door to admit
him. "In iny young relative, Mr. Con
rad' son, at borne?"
", sir," said Nancy, taking an In
ventory of bit features, abd deciding that
be was a very disagreeable looking man.
Mr. Drummond was ushered into the
parlor, where be had a little chance to
look around him before Walter appeared.
Mr, Drummond rose nt bis entrance.
"I suppose you don't know me," he
said; "but I waa your father's nearest
tirlax nUties."
"Mr. Drummond. 1 bellere."
"Yes Jacob Drummond of Htapleton,
You have probably heard jour father
ak of me?"
"Yes, sir," said Waltei.
"I came a soon as 1 could after get
ting the telegram, I left my business to
take care of Itself. I wanted to offer you
my sympathy on your sad bout."
Mr. Drummond' word were kind,
though the reference to his sacrifice In
leaving hi buslncM might have been as
well left out. Stilt Walter could not feet
a grateful as he wanted to do. Somehow
he didn't fancy Mr. Drummond.
"Yon are ery kind," he said,
"I moan to be. You know I'm ynur
nearest relation now. I truly feel for jou
In your desolate condition, and though It
may nof the right time to say It. I
twist, ytljoii I hope, when the fdueral Is
iiu'roti will avoniiany me home aud
shire our humble hospitality. Mr. Drum
mond join me In the Invitation."
"I bate not bad time u think of future
arrangement," said Walter; "but I thank
)ou for your Invitation.'
"My son Joshua, too." said Mr, Drum
mond, "is longing to make your acquaint
ance. He is older than you, but not much
lancer. Joshua I eighteen, hut he will
make a very pleasant companion for you, me hope that you will accent my In
'Thank jou. Mr. Drummond; I will
consult my friend about it."
"I wonder mm- much I could venture
to ask for board." thought Mr. Drum
mond. "If I am bis guardian I can fix
that to suit myself. A hundred thousand
dollar would make me a rich man. That
is. I could m ake money from It without
injuring the boy.
Mr. Drummond asked a few more ques
tion about Mr. Conrad's sickness and
death. Walter answered them, but dM
not think It necessary to apntk of hi
tosses by the mining company, Mr. Drum
mond wa a stranger, and not a man to
Inspire confidence. So Walter told a lit
'tie a be could. At length the visitor,
baring exhausted Inquiries, rose.
"I shall be here to-morrow," he said.
"I shall return to Htapleton after the
ceremony I hope you will make up your
mind to go bark with me."
"I could not be ready so soon," an
swered Walter, doubtfully.
"I can wait till next day."
"That will not be necessary, Mr. Drum
mond. I shall hare no difficulty In mak
ing tbe journey alone. If I conclude to ac
cept your kind Invitation."
Mr. Drummond shook our hero's band
sympathetically, and at length withdrew.
As he went down the avenue, he took a
backward glance at tbe handsome man
sion In which his cousin had lived.
"That boy own all that property," he
said, half enviously, "and nerer worked
a day for It. I've bad to work for all
my money. Hut it wa foolish to spend
so much money on a house. A third the
sum would hare built u comfortable bnusj,
and tbe rest might have been put at In
terest. If It turns out that I am the
boy's guardian. I think I shall sell It.
That'll be tbe best course."
The funeral was orer. Mr. Drurumond.
as Indeed his relationship permitted, was
one of tbe principal mourners. Consider
ing tbat be had not seen Mr. Conrad for
fin year preceding bis death, nor during
that time communicated with him In any
way, he appeared to be very much orer
ceme by grief. He kept his eyes coreted
with a large white handkerchief, nnd hi
movements Indicated suppressed agitation,
IN felt that this was a tribute due to a
cbttsln who bad left over on hundred
thousand dollar. When they had return
ed from the grave be managed to hare a
word with Walter.
"Have you decided lo accept my offer.
and make your home beneath my humble
roofr he asked,
"'lVre has been no time' to consult with
my friends here, Mr, Drummond. I will
let you know next week. I thank you at
any rate for jour kindness."
"Do come, Walter," said his cousin,
twisting his menn features Into an affec
tionate smile. "With you beneath my
bumble roof, I shall want nothing to com
plete ray happiness."
Jacob Drummond went back to Htaple
ton Ignorant of the state of Mr. Conrad's
affalra and regarding Walter as a boy of
great wealth.
v When the will waa opened it was found
to bear date two years back, before Mr.
Conrad had plunged Into the speculation
wbieh had proved so disastrous to him.
He bequeathed all the property which he
did possess lo Walter, with tbe exception
of (he hundred dollars, which were left
as a legacy to hi faithful housekeeper,
Nancy Korbc. At the time the will was
made. It provisions made Walter heir to
a lurge fortune. Now It was quite uncer
tain bow things would turn out. Clement
Hhatr, the village lawyer, an honest and
upright man, whs made executor, being an
old and tried friend of the deceased.
With bis Walter had a long and confi
dential conversation, Imparting to him
what he knew of hi father's mining spec
ulation and its disastrous result, with Its
probable effect In accelerating his death.
"I knew something of this before, Wal
ter," said Mr, Kliaw, "Your father spoke
to me of being largely Interested In the
Oreat Metropolitan Mining Company;
but of tbe company Itself and tbe extent
to which be was Involved I knew noth
"I think my lather must tmv tveen
very seriously Involved," said Walter "It
tmy, perhaps, swallow Up tin vvhohv projs
" us hope not. Indeed, I can hardly
believe that your father would haw ten
tin cil In so deep n t tin t
"He had every cnntldenee In the com
pony; he thought he wn going to double
his money. If only a part of his propel ty
was threatened. I don't think It would
Imve lind such an effect iiihiii hltn,"
"I will thoroughly examine Into the at
fair," said Mr Shaw. "Meanwhile, Wal
ter, twpe for the lestl It ran hardly tie the whole property Is lost. Do not
be too anxious."
"Do not feur for me on that account,"
said Walter. "I nlwn) looked forward
to being rich. It Is true, but for all that I
can lear poverty. If Hie worst route,
aud I am penniless, I ntu strong, ami rati
wctk. I can get along as well a thou
sand of otlicrbojs, who have to support
Walter did not speak trustfully by any
nirans, but In n calm, confident way, that
argued a ronclousue of power.
"Ye," said the lawjrr, regarding him
attentively, "I think )ou are right there.
You are Just the tmy who ran make his
own way; tuit I hope you will not Ik
obliged to-do so."
"I nm young and strong. Nancy has
stit her liest year In'my father' ser
vice, nnd sh Is no lunger toung. It I
right that she should have some provision.
1 1 sides, my father meant tier to hate It,
anil l want lo carry out his wishes."
'Till I nil very generous, Walter; but
I am afraid It I Inomsldernte. It would
not be your father's wish tn provide even
for Nancy, however faithful she may have
ben, at the expense of his son."
"It 1 right." Mid Waller. "Ilesldes,
Mr. Shaw, t find that Nancy had laid up
six hundred dollars, which she had ilepos
llcd.ln my father's hand. That also must
las paid. If there Is enough to y It; If
not, I will lake It upon myself to pay
whenever I am able."
"You're an excellent boy, Walter," said
Mr. Shaw. "I alway had roml opinion
of you, nnd I find It is more than deserv
ed. J honor jou for the resolution you
Imte expressed, though cannot quite
agree with jou utsiul the flte hundred dol
lar. A. to the drill, that must ! paid.
If there Is money enough to sty It. Hut
we can leave-the further discussion of this
question for the present. Now let u
consider what I to become of jou In the
nwantlme. You were at the Kssex Classi
cal Institute. I believer
"Ye, sir."
."You would like to go hark again, I
"No. Mr. Shaw, It Is an expensive
school, and while It Is uncertain how my
father's affairs will come out, I shoulif
not feel Justified In going t liens"
"I'erhap you are right. Of course,
yon cannot stay here, and keep house by
yourselt. I would Invite you tn my own
house, but jny wife 1 an invalid, and
bave to consider her In the matter."
"Thank you. Mr. Shaw; but I think
perhaps 1 bad better accept the offer of
Mr. Drummond of Htapleton. lie Invites
me to make my home at hi house, and for
tl.e present, perhaps, that will be the best
Nancy wa much troubled at the
thought of parting, front Walter, whom
ln had known from hi Infancy; but a
situation wa Immediately offered her In
the village, and Waller promised to lake
her a hi housekeeper whenever he hail a
home nt bis own, and tills comforted her,
although it was likely to be a long time
until then, since our hero wss at present
but fifteen.
He wrote a brief letter lo Hlaplrtou at
it I low :
"Mr. Drummond :
"Dear Sir I will accept the Invitation
you were kind enough to extern! to me, for
th- present, at least, and will (Vine lo
Slaplrlnn about the middle of next week.
You are Iho only relation of, my father
that I know of, ami 1 think It would Ik
his wish that I shmild go lo you. If it
should be Inconvenient fur jou to receive
me at that time, please write in at once.
Your resj-tfully.
In return, Walter received a letter
couched in the most cordial terms, In
which Mr. Drummond signed himself,
"Your affectionate cousin." lie wa de
lighted, he said, lo think that he was
about to receive, under hi humble roof,
the son of tils revered and lamented
cousin. He himself met Walter at lb
"I am delighted lo welcome you to Sla
pletnn, my joung friend," be sold, shak
ing his band cordially. "In the affliction
which bas come uxn you, let me hope
that you will find a haven of rest beneath
my humble roof."
Waller made suitable acknowledgments,
and proceeded lo walk beside Mr. Drum
mond to the house which he termed bum
ble. It did not deserve that name, being a
substantial Iwo-story house, rather ugly,
architecturally, but comfortable enough In
' 'That Is my humble dwelling." said Mr.
Drummond, pointing It out. "It I not
equal to the splendid mansion In which
jou have been accustomed to live, but my
worldly circumstance differ widely from
those of your late lamented parent. That
is my mii, Joshua, who Is look lift out of
lie front window. I hope you liny become
good friends, considering how nearly you
an related."
(To be continued.)
niinnor Ho tint celebrated jtoct mar-rk-d
Mr. 1'ciuicr, Urn horl-ntury
Ouycr Yen, nnd vomo of their wed
dltig prPHcnt were, cruel Insinuation!,
Ounner What did they irccolvo?
Ouyer Hlxtecn waste baskcta eiuUi
llabod with ribbons.
Fftriii Lntiiir,
Duo of the g rent cat problem con
fronting ngrlcttlttiro la competent farm
help that cniv be secured nt n ciuiipvii
sutioti proportionate to the net film
ing for tlu farmer. Manufacture,
mining nnd railroad furnish employ
ment to n vnst number of workers vtho
nfe iiiuler trained foremen ttmt their
wages nro grmttintrd according to tho
Amount of product they can turn out.
Mniiiifncttircrn and trnuiorlfltloit cor
pitntloii nro cnpltnllxcd and the In
vestment Is required to cum n lived
dividend for tho stockholder, The
oArtillig nro expected to exceed tho
dividends, oicr.ttlng cm-iic Mid fixed
chnrca to croato n attrplua fund to
nmdtiet nffiilrs In omergeucles nnd dur
ing panic without stopping dividends,
Tho farmer I compelled lo coniiRde
it tin open market for help to conduct
In iigrlctiliurnt operation. While the
former I delighted If Ills Investment
ivturns n renHoii'ttili profit. In lias no
t nurse If Hit atiii' result nro con
ducted nt n to. The manufacturer In
timer of stringency to protect
stockholder discharges a part nf III
force, reduce their vvnge or run til
plant on shorter hour. Tho farmer
cntt only protect himself from exorbi
tant vrngc by the purchase of costly
Irtlxirsavlng machinery.
The world move forward nnd the
higher cost of lit lug, the Increase In
tnluo of farm lands nnd the higher
prl e of ngrlcitltttrat product will not
wk.ii revert to old low standard. The
farmer will not find cheap labor of
fered In the market except by Ineffi
cient employe.
Agriculture Is annually lievomlng
more of n huslnr proposition nnd the
stiindnrd of labor advanced on the
farm. The farm laborer must under
stand modern agricultural machinery
and how to opernto It to obtain employ-
Mont Machinery Is too exxnlve to
be trusted with lncxerlenm! npern
turn, and the man who can skillfully
bundle modern farm Implement I In
demand on the farm at n wago scale
that trill compare favorably with the
emplovr In Industrial enterprises.
Kartner nre now practical business
men nnd the majority of them keep
txsik on farm operations nnd know the
amount of their profit nnd to mutual
ly. I'nrmliig n a profession I becom
ing more nttrnctlrr and diversified and
labor need to tx more skilled to meet
new (i mil It Ions of agriculture. The In
ducements nre potential for young men
t.i qualify as farm laborers and the
field offer n brilliant proect n
any other profession. The farmer Is
not so much In quest of cheap latsir
rtllcleut help nnd Is willing to pny
vtnge senle proportionate to the ability
ami proficiency of the Inlmrcr n nn ti-to-datu
farm hand. !Mtall' t'nriner.
t'sirrylnsT si Trunk Im lliiKKr.
To carry n trunk or nny bulky Ar
ticle In n mini 1 1 buggy, make n frame
out of tvvvi pUs-e of one nod otio-half
by two-lneli Henntllng Hght feet long.
Villi n tMrinl ncrirrt the end a shown
In A of tho niwjmpanylng Illustration.
IMnou Uio frco cimIs beneath tlio wnt
ami under Uio foot rest In front, letting
tho frame extend tx-lilnd tlto buggy. Tho
truiiK or iox, explain rralrlo Knnner,
ran then bo placed on tho end of tho
friimo Mdnd tho sisit of tho buggy. It
Hliouhl ho tleil on,
Katie Vnrtnualr I'resrrveil.
Kgg nro tu-cHomil In many other
wayK hosldcH cold Htorngc. Often tho
preaorviitlvo I effectiil by oxcludhiK
tho ulr by cniitliiK, iverlni or liniuer
(lni tho cgM, soma material or itolu
tlou being used which may or iitity not
Imj a germicide. An old domestic meth
od I to pack tho egg In out, bran or
imlt;. another comdHtH In covering tho
eSK with llino water, which limy or
limy not contnlii salt. In Oernmiiy
Hterlllzutlnti 1 iffcctcd by placing In
boiling water from twclro tn llfteen sec
ond. Sometime they nro treuted to u
solution or nlttm or salicylic mid Dili
er ini'tlmd consist In varnishing with
it solution of iicrmnugutiato of potash,
tarnishing vtllh collodion or sliellnr,
packing In 'nt dust, presort lug In
wood nshe. treating with n solution of
boric nclil and water glass, tarnishing
with vaseline, preserving In lime tta
ter, preserving In a solution of water
glits. Tho last three method linte
protrd vtost successful. Infertile egg
wilt keep much tx-ttcr than fertile- eggs
by ntty manner of preservation
,er farm lrmlucta,
Alfnlfa ttns mi unknown crop n few
year ago. Now It Is que of the most
reliable ami profitable of Texas crop.
it tut not Ix-cit long since the onion
wa produced only In n few short row
for family use Now Ho onion crop I
one of 'IVxtt' l"et advertisement. The
effort to rttlv for the market me
dlrlnal plant tcguu vtllh one enter
prising cltUcti of (Irn.tsoii County only
n few your a en. Now this lint I !
lug taken up mid will ho carried on for
all It I worth. The 111 I growing
longer, mid the price of cotton and
other farm product are better Until
they used to ho. mul the matt with the
hoe I growing moro lmlreiiilcul The
lugnr N-et I now MMg tested Cob
rndo hold first plaiv In the priiietloii
of .cct sugar In the Culled Slate.
with -t'j'J.T'rjJUH) (Miunil of sugar from
tiVvir.n.'vTsl nm, while Michigan and
California nre iloscly matched for see
ond ploro, producing Ittft imMio and
litl.tKs'.UK) umd. rcctlvrly The
sugar Ns'i crop In this country Inst
year brought teV).tns.
The present year will t an luiir
taut season fr experiment vtllh the
sugar li-i In Texas, ,ct the test l
made under n pmI isimtltlnn n I
slblo. There Is rrnlly no doubt n to
the result In loculillc where the soil
I of the right density and quality
I,mid that pnsluce tine rrn of beet
of the ordlnnry variety or the "biggest
turnip In the world'' nre quite sun to
break it few record In sugar N-et If
given n fair test.--lalVctoii New.
Imirnsel OMeke) l'ns
The diagram shows n roiivetilrtit wny
tn make n eooji for the pmittry ynrd.
of which the speelnl feature I It disir.
I'ns-iire n box of Ms right dliucntlm
and naw n bote, d. In one end. 'llien
strengthen the Isix with narrow lrl
of wins!, b e, on each side of Hie hole
lllMiilisa issi rim a (twi
ll r. This net ns a gnove fur the
diHir, n, to hllde In Ttiu ymi hare a
stldlug ilmir, which iih'iis and stmts
with the greatest ens.- The front of
the isp 1 Itirliimst with lath, or Mr
nm strip, placed '., in ,1 In.-t.e.
unrt. The lop ihould le ctivereil with
n giMsl grade of nsilltig wpor to mske
It wnterpriMif. A np of till ert
should W '.' to 24 feet long, pi Inches
deep nml not less than 'Jli Inches hlgti,
whllo 2 fis-t would l ttter.Hlchri'
Moiietire. Ill Knrm nml Hume.
I'srui llliils,
'Hie horse I mini's best friend, lliere
fore ho I deserving of n friend's treat
I'on't forget that the bftrnynrd nm
nun I tho best all-round fertiliser you
etui obtain.
Pasture make the rhenpeat hog fcit
on tho fnnn and clover make the Isxt
hog mntlire.
Ooti't let monej- act ns a piidhx-k on
your heart ntnl shut In nil the klmlm-N
nnd hnpuc.
Tho animal that ha n full, bright
eyo I apt to Ito InttlrJiy. Aud n niol1
iiomv Is another Indication of health.
Talk over with the gixst houwwlfo
nil the undertakings of tho fa nil, Hliu
will hare muiio gissl advice to offer.
Tho burning of straw nnd stalks, eg.
ecpt In w,clal case, I n wasteful pmc
tlce nnd ha no place In Judicious fnnn
Ins. Ktcry fnnn nliould have n pair of
wall-, lit I tho only way fur tho
fanner to know exactly whero ho
Htiiml In hi buying ami tolllug,
Fnnn machinery put In repair before
tbn tlllUV HltllHmi IMUMIH lllliflllM in,,...... I..
..... ....--, -,...- , .mwih'J n
the niH'ket. When It I rnit nu-m. in '
tho full I a lietter tlmo for n-jxilrlng. '
own trouble
to think nUiiit.
I.lttlo thliigH on tho farm amount to
a much In tho end n they do In nny
other btiHlnisw, yet tho farmer it a rtilo
doe not pay ns much nttonUon to de
tail na does tho city Imiluom man.
iKii s iwiirr
The lllllll Wild kll'IM III trnnl.l.... ...
... " ' , " "J5""i wicriion.nrwiliioumiAlilorKslla
hlmrsdf Ik. ter thought of than ho jikCfcW.
who hurdeuH !ih nolghljor will, them .KaWAY
'Jlio llclglllrH IltlVl tho r OVVtl InnthliM ' A ITT?r nAIUnm mine
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's (lino to net! No time
to study, to read, 10 experi
ment! You want to save your
lmlr, and novo It quickly, toot
So moko up your mind this
very minute (hat If your hair
ever comes out yau will use
Aycr's Hair Vlcor. It makes
tho scalp healthy. Tho hair
stays In. It cannot do any
thing; else. It's nature's way.
The best ktnd ot testimonial
Cold for ovsr stair ysais."
M, Ms4rJ V rr V-.. lJO,ls
MWL t. RHtlMllltfl si
catm rrcTog.ii.
Oiul ijuuMintrt-d
Every umen goOtunleetl
Clow - 1jM DurubW
unit tut pm rsr !
, 'I" .j ijsavi ittri-tAr-
The lralMirrnr4 Iss,
I'leass give uie two bills for my
hat, one for $10 fur my hustMiiid and
for '-'' to show my lady friends."
Mrggendnrfer lllsettrr
and Quality
appeal to thn Well-informed In ntery
walk of life and are ssentlal to per
manent aucces and creditable stand
ing. Accordingly. It I not claimed
that Hyrup of Hgs and Kllxlr of
Henna la the only remedy of known
value, but one. of many reason why
It I the best of personal and family
laxatives I tho fact that It cleanses,
wretena and relieve tho Internal
organ nn which It act without any
debilitating after effect and without
having tn Increase the quantity from
time to time
It act pleasantly and naturally and
truly as n laxative, and It component
parts are known to and approved by
physician, a It Is frco from alt
objectionable substance. Tn get It
bonitflalal effect always purchasf) thn
genuine manufactured by thn Cali
fornia He Hyrup Co, only, nnd, for
ale by all leading, druggists,
Farm or Business
frsl. hot art i' steal -tk
Wuhlahssr nm OwfitM nlrxhaill
MilUirert lu tjr (,i iw. lcrii
(Ml Sft'l il.ii hn issmuiui its l
lis.1 Aal.lrs-.
L tuirwiit; tsi in uu, n. t
oim:n auj tiii: i:ak
THF itir WMk stsiiMiisr
IkS SMS. list Ult lllk, ul
I Cliff house sitfcuir. u.eer-
nt Ksa Darlsr. r.lslru llfkls. His
"' sltrs ss4 it.sst sral. Vis wstka
wriLiiuri i.ii,. ii.i.. i f.i..i sin.i
.r Jr. T-Hprl ialr la wtsa.
iiAn.rf, muuiii I'tovrtsiura
C. Gee Wo
1hs .l ksos l.llsl.U
(tool tnd Herb
llss iss4 a Ills slulr ,l
lottlsss.l lisilis. sl ill last
tn. iUKotsis-1 n. I. slf.
Is in llis uil4 blswvnJff
K," M'(ury, Poisons erDiuiallttd Us Cure
A atlRE G Attorn nvirr
Juit Rtcslvcd from 'skin, Cnlna - Sals, Sure
If tt csnsol csll, vttll. fur .siHon blank as4 li