The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1908, Image 5

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    frVT - -
v . .
Mr. mut MYH.
A. M.' Kara left
tills nun Hint;' for a IjiihIiichm
visit to
l'ortlnml. i
l'nuik West wan n caller lit Ilutul
' Wediiortiljiy ami Tlturmliiy from IiIh
Wiiuted GUI or womnti to'do
it.M..riil tiikiiMftiufSi'l' ifti utiinll fi.itl,
wii..iwi.1 tit nil..... .i.i.ntj .
Inquire nt tttN ollkrc, toll
Mr. I'. K. Hmltfi and koiih liave
"moved out to the mill at Glut after
xpendliiK the hcIiooI year In Jlcml.
l'oiiml--Two bunches of fccyr
rIno a lint key. Owners can liaVe
Maine by cbIIIiik nud paying for this
Mlhs Ruth Held left Thursday to
upend the mimmur with her ulster,
Mm. 1. I., Tompkins, at Hood
, Mflw Vura Mnckey left Hand
Thiirnday for Svdro Wooley,
Wash., where she jjoci to visit her
Mm. S. C. Culdwell returned
Monday uftcr1 liavhu; itpcnt several'
ween ai rortunil anil other out
slilcjpolnts. K. lf. Smith Hxl to build a
Iioiims duiliiK thu Mimincr on the
lot he recently pitruliuMid on east
Iromvood avenue.
Mliw I'cjirl HiuhLmm went to
Roiliiud Muuduy to upend the sum
mcr with her parent, where Mr.
liiuhtowcr it iuitallluK a sawmill.
I am now prepared to do all
kind of nIioc rcKiiriiin Hrltig in
votir work ami cjve me a trial At
Hunter's old MamJ. -John I.koat,
Mr, and Mr. Joe ihintor and
rhildien loft Thursday. moruiiiK to
atteml the Kosc l'c.ttivitl at l'or timid
and will later visit at Hood River.
V. J. O'Connor Mat rented the
llatteu cottage and will occupy It
w!ooii as Mrs. O'Connor returns
from I'ottlaud. She is expected
home in a few day.
, Oeo. JIoblM has a contract to
f vicar i.o acres of land for John
Ryan on his up-river ranch and to
plow Jo acres' of the tract. He is
now nt work an the contract.
The best booster for
a paint brush In the
any town Is
hands of an
Have you eyer tried one of my
'.'Fit Well Shirts
Ifyou Jmvtn't you don't knew
what a 'renlly, comfortable '
good fitting .shirt is. Solid
comfort in every one of I li dtia
And you enn-got any kind you
JJ i
Work shirts for 50c ,
T? $ u
the best made for $250
Better come in and see thoiline;" I carl glV6 yon any sizb
at any
t" ?p
. '
Oieral iyierchai(,lise
f 4
cxcrlciiccd painter. P,el inc help
you boost.N. 1. WitiLhit, I'aluter
and I'npcrhanjjer, llcidv Or.
N, 1 Welder, K A. Hntlicr and
Win. Orcutt, Woodmen of llcnd,
went to I.aldlnw Wednesday even.
liiK to le present at the Inltintioii of
aworal new members at that place.
UUhop l'addock, Episcopal
bUhnp of KaMeiu Oregon, will -hold
services in the Ueifd church morn
iiiB rfiiH evening 6n I'rldny, June
is. Kycrybody cordially Invited
The C. 0. 1). CO. lias com
menccd the rebuilding of its office
which was destroyed by fire several
week's into. The new linilillm ...ill
i.. ..... ' .... .... .."...
uc iiiniuhi mi exact duplicate oi llie
old. . .
Mrs. I'; (i. Horbcsniid Mrs. Carr,
who have been visiting in IJend
with the brother,, of Mrs, lforbu,
Clms. StimhurtntiKli,' returned to
their home at Portland Sunday
Miss Maud Ynudcvcrt will leave
about the 1 2th of this mouth for a
visit at Portland mid other western
Oregon (mints. Miss Marion Wicst
plaits to take a simitar visit later In
the .inmmer.
Misses l'crn and Dollie Hall wore
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Law
sou in llcnd last Sunday. A good
ly part of the day was spent fishing
on the river nbovc town with very
good success.
The regular scmi-anuuat election
of officers oftie K. ofl. Iwlgf
will Ik." held next WcducMlay even
lug. It is desired that all local
Knights take notice nud bcou hand
nt that date.,
Mrs. W. 1'. Vnudemt and family
moved back to their ranch on Little
River Tuesday nftcr having been
In llcnd during the school year.
Little Dollle licrliu accompanied
them for a visit.
J. I. West, drove to I'rlucvillc
Tuesday morniugvith his daugh
ter, Mrs. Orn 1'oiudexter, who had
been visiting here a few days
They were accompanied by Mrs.
A. A. Aldridgc.v
Mr. and Mrs. John Sleldl gave a
very plcastint dinner party Monday
to the teachers of the llcnd school
and in honor of.Miss Rcid who was
soon to leave Html to spend the
summer nt Hood River.
' fa
,,fl ,,nr'
Mm. F.ftfcs will be at Rcdmold
with (i full stock of millinery on
June ii, 12, 1,1, nud at Ilend the
15th to (i)tli Those (U'slriutr goods
in that line will do well to like ad
vantage of this opportunity,
Tin Rev J. Anthony Mitchell
writes to The Jlnllcllii that the
lioth Cenernl Assembly of tin
PresKtcriau Church, held at Kan
mi City, whh a very succcsful
iifmlr. Koo ilelPKiteu bttinsc prcMMil
Klet Hon is coining. The trust
need, the money ami the price of
wall pjper will go up. I have over
300 sample pattern of nil the Inti'M
designs nud shades. Sie them Ik.-
forr ou buy N. P. Wmuim.
I'dinti r ami PterhNiiger, lleml,
The Hulletiii acknowledges .re
ceiptofavery interesting bulletin
entitled "Dry P.irming in fdaho"
and wiftteu by P.llas Nelson, form
erly 01 Htnd but now holding thf-
Ip6sitlini ol lirigatiouist
Uiilvtisity 01 niaiio
Hxm-i uncut Station at Caldwell,'
Ifcl Hatvoreu 1ms received
ne)U'i- from Register Moore at The
DiiINi thtit the ' Commissintier of
tlieCiiiiernl Laud Office has n (finned
the decision of HeCeihber 6, 1907.
whkh drcislon 'ns in favo or Mr
IIhIvkm!U in it con lei t brought
.Knt his desert laud entry by S
C. Caldwell.
Mi Maldwin nud Mis Hamilton
of Pdiilaud have come to up'
residence on tins tract of laud known
ms (he HahlvvitiSlenrus ranch.
The will build cottages and will
umk liual proot when they com
plte the renin red time oi residence.
The ladies were accompanied by
MiH Kershaw of CIevl.uuJ, Ohio,
who if visiting 111 tho-Wcst.
CIihs. Pmdlev was a business
visimr in lieml ThurwUy from the
raiiili near .Roslnnd Mr. Puulley
rviMirts that h has rcnuesud t!'e
stale dairy and food commiMioncH
to Come in and examine his dairy
herd and the cotumusihitier is ex
pected to arrive in a fesv days. Cer
tain parities arc cirauliiing reports
that the herd is diseased and Mr.
Piudley has taken this means to
prove to the public that the herd is
111 excellent condition and the re
jMirts nb.M)lutcly fhlse.
Weilnesday a case was tried in
Justice O'Connor's court in whiqh
Dr. I L. ScoReld brought suit
avaiust A. J. Tuney to collect a
bill of ?J.oo for professional serv
ice. 1'iie drfciiilaut presented a
counter claim against the plaintiff,
a bill that had been assigned to
him by his brother. Dr. M V
Turlev. He also alleged unpro
fessional services. The case was
tried Ivforc n jury, which returned
n verdict against the defendant for
the amount of the plaintiffs bill
and costs, orn total ol $55.10,
tiumcy Oreetiuun appeared for
tin" plniutifr and Attorney Myers,
for .the defendant.
lira. S. love. CMremont. N. II.
0ttlas: "Aljo4t yr iM I Uwalit two!
InHtltf of. I'elcn Khlavy HemeUy. It
eutod me at Mvcnt ewe o( klilney
trtHibk ai cvtnd ,vir tiandine. It
evrUlHty I n '' Jf4! mrKciH, and I
I Niwrtlly wwoiwcim tu" C. W. Mor
rill, DiuvgUt.
Strnycd or Stolen.
Prom Hightower-Smith mill,
lib xe faced chestnut sorrel gelding,
(our white feet, weight about 000.
White gelding, grey hocks,
branded T on shoulder, weight
about 1050.
Notify Hightowcr-Smith . Co.,
Gist, Ore., or Max G. Richardson,
Rend, nud rereiv "sin n.vir.l
k PHillc Hone Unlfflent Is prepared
cirrosly tor the necdt ol horiemen and
rtnehmea. It Is a powerful and pene
(rating liniment, a remedy lor emergen.
ctes. A soothing embrocation (or the
relief ol pain, and the fxrst liniment (or
sprains and soreness, Uncqualed lor
curing the wound? ami Injuries ol,
UAKOED WIKB anS.f.or .healing cuts,
abrasions sores aiJ .pulses, Caclllc
llorsc Llnlniemns Tully guaranteed.
No other Is la tnoJor liclplul In so many
way 1 1 It fills to satlily, n t autliotliC
ill dealers to relund the purchase price.
Imnnrlt a rar ftnii, fcviiury art it
XriiHl' "''"" ton, lunburn,
V.'.n,.'f ' " 'otr a dalnt.
clinging oiiar excluilprly it, own.
fniec bo Crt. iooiiTncr At Oh'joouib
Ulclith (Iride Presented n Very Inter
entitle Program Saturday Night.
The first graduating exercises
of the eighth grade of the Rem)
miblle school, held in Lsra hall
last Saturday evening, was a very
successful affair. A Koodly crowd
was in attendance and the class
............I ...1... .
T1 " ' SC,,00,
Al 8:30 the class entered the hall
to the strains of a march played on
the piano by Mrs. V C Porbes,
and took their seats 011 the statre.
which had been prettily decorated
with cut flowers, lings and manza
nftn for the occasion, Miss Maud
Vandevert, the teacher, then p-e-seuted
the class to the school board,
after which President John Stcidl
presided during the remainder of
the excercises. The nrocrara open
ed with a pleasinir niano solo bv
Mrs P. C.Jforbes.
Mims Margaret Wicst was the
first rncmber of the class on the
program. She read a well written
claw hiMury, which told many in-
tercsting" features of tlic school
work of the class during the past
year. This was- followed by an '
esay on ' 'Pompeii " by Lawrence
Smith, in which he told of the early
history of that ancient city and its
destruction by nit eruption of Ve
suvius. Pred Lucas then recited
"Lincoln's Oration at Gettysburg"
in a pleasing manner: Alice Cald
well followed with an interesting?
essay 011 "China," and Kenneth
Slinor told "How Our Constitution
Was Made." Orpha Writrht then
delivered n reading. "Never or
Now" Claude Vandevert read an
'ssay on ''Our Country," and John
father prophesied in rcgaad to the
future of the class, in which he had
its members doing great things
witiiiu me snort period of to years.
Miss Marion Wiest then favored
the audience with the vocal solo
and responded to an encore. At
loruey C. S. Reiisou gave an ad
dress in which he touched on the
benefits of education. Mr. Stcidl
then made n few remarks, after
which followed the presentation of
diplomas b Mr Demon The
program closed with a violin solo
by Miss Iva West, who likewise re
sponded to an encore.
Much interest 'was shown by
thoe present and thespcatars held
the close attention of the audience
during the entire program. It was
a pleasing event and one for the
success of which the scholars oud.'
teachers should be congratulated.
You Should Know This
llv' Klducy Keiueil)'.ill rurc auv
caw of kidney or Madder trout It that u
not lyond the rencn of mitllcitic. No
madicme can ilojiiurv.- C. W. Merrill,
JVhcn You Pamt
buildings, insidtyor out
side, P yoti desire the
Very "best results atlhe '
lenst expense you
should use
' The
. Call -for
color1 cards
&SteTCwWpxf Fix f
A Full Uno of Orocerles, Dry
Goods nnd Hardware always on
Hand. . . vi t
Haud U3 yOtjr subscription.
Every Farmer
Your check,
debt it pays.-
: It gives you a better standing with business
Money in the bank strengthens yo)ir credit.
A bank account leaches, helps and encour
ages you to save.
' This bank does all Abe bookkeeping.
Your bank,x)ok Is a record of your busiucss.
To those desiring Banking Cdnneclioiis with a well
established Bank, we extend our services.
The Central Oregon Banking 3b
Trust Company
" " "
' m DinECTons: ""
Join? Steldl Lumberman ami Tinier Owiicr.
u. C. Coo k riiytlcian ami Surgeon.
H. P. J. McDonald '. Mayor of llcnd.
E. A. Sather , A Merchant.
U. B. Hepburn ,...., Caihier.
Rodking - 1
Chairs I
L ' ' -i 1
4k tv " FROM 4 W,
r $ 1 .50 to $5.od 1
1 : J. I. West's I
I Furniture Store. J
rrtiinim HMmnWin n 11 mniiiwjrTtiJi n H Pnii humm hu him i i i h1 "T
L-"" lmmm vmmnvA.-mHjnaMmvmmmAniwxwnMmiMXaJKwk wawiitiimt
Central Oregon
-." (Succestor to C.
r ?Iti. BEND, -
Central Oregon Ral Estate
Timber and Desert Lads a Specialty
1f We'buy or sell yojir land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply you with any class of land nt
Hon: i.
HUdli O'ICVNE, Prop.
Sample roojw in connection.
New House, New Furniture, Keasduable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved
v . )i '. m ,
I ((uote you the followiiiu; price oa rock!
dry wooil in my yanl, purchaser to
vy folellrcry. '
DRY fil,0Cfi WOOD
1 j 6 inches long
$3.00 ix Cord , ,
16 inches low , .
$2.25 & Cord v'
Thcbe to'me when you want wood
nltolie to
As well as every business man should
have a bank account.
Your money- is safer in the bank th-m
ijH i
Paying your bills by check. ids.. .the
and most convenient m$hod. 6
becomes a voucher for the a
Realty Qompany
U. Brown it Co.)
nnv time. Call on us or write for
Bond and
imltTTmglliiwm.w ! aiw wnn'
for 'Trjtnsient Trade.
Importer aud,J5repder of
. Polantf cWina Hogq
Biiick LanKshati Chicken.
x Ytttiris Stock for Sale.
Will enjoy reading The Bulletin
It' will WAStf,s RNTKRTAIN. Mk
INSTRUCT you. Kulxcrilw nqw
There's IEVS irt TUc Uullstta.
" I
won't cost yon aiiylliiii); to 'nliohi
F U. 'OA?jf Eft