The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1908, Image 7

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    I i
What is Peruna?
Is it u Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic,
or is it Both?
Bomo pconlo call Porunn a fjreat
catarrh remedy.
Whleh of thcio peonlo nro rlfjhtT In it tuoro proper to call I'eruna a ca
tarrh remedy tlmn to ctll It a tonlo?
Our reply It, that l'oruna U both a tonlo and a catarrh remedy. Indeed,
thero can bo no offeotiial catarrh remedy that It not aho a tonlo.
In order to thoroughly relievo any caio of catarrh, a remedy must not only
navo a ipeolflo action on tho inucom membranei ofTectejl by tho catarrh, but It
oust liavo n general tonlo action on tho nervoui lyitem.
Catarrh, even in persons who nro othcrwio strong, U a weakened condl
t on of some mucous membrane. Thero mmt bo lomethlnff to strengthen tho
circulation, to glvo tone to tho arterlci, and to ratio tho vital forcci.
Ferhapt no vegotnblo remedy in tho world hai attracted 10 much attention
from medical writers ns IIYOBA8TIB CANADENSIS. Tho wonderful enlcacy
of tlili hprb Jim been recognized many yean, and ii Krowlnjf in iU hold
mjm wto woman jiruicMion. wnon joineu witn UUJJK1JB nnd COPAIBA a
Irio of medical nents i formed in Teruna which constitutes a ipeciflo rem
mi umun mm in wid present naio 01 mouicnl progress cannot bo Jm
proved upon. Thli action, rolnforced by ouch renowned tonic a COLLIN
U make thU compound an ideal remedy for catarrh In all iU ita;ei and location
u uio uuujv
From a theorotical standpoint, therefore, Feruna ii beyond criticism. Tho
tuo of Feruna, conflrnu thU opinion. Numberless testimonial from ovary
quarterortho earth furnish ample evidence that this Judgment la not over
cnthulatlo. When practical experience conflrmi a well-grounded theory tho
remit 1 a truth that cannot bo shaken.
Miinuf.ictiircd by i'crunu Drug Miinuf.ictiirinK Co., Columbus, Obfo
Something to Amuse Baby
A funny In color calUI "Jlnilo Uook"
nt I II1X l anir mother andln nam ami ad.
diM aflwr lln ami ! frwn lwafwin-1 ear.
tuna of 'llHl.Titi IVkm llucai. ilh
In iUbim, AOdrrae l'atA Cuu4 Ik a a Co., Oak.
Tommy- "1'iw, what It tin Chines
Mr. Tucker"! don't know. It used
lo U Mr. Wu, but be' quit."
la moil painful.
Gives Initanl relief.
Removes Ik twlnfc.
Cnlllnat III Atlawllon.
Mr. Mngrrlong I bad a ytiear adren-
ture tbla afternoon - -
Mia it Muir (wllb a twlft glanre at
tb clock) Ynu mean leitrrday after
noon, I prraiime.
Noold roiccxIjIn iiicrrly liecntmc the flesh it illscnno! nt tlint pnrttc
ulnr apot; it thin were true niiiiplc cleanliness nnd locnl nppllcntloim would
lienl tiiciu. Whenever ft norc or ulcer rc(nnc to heal readily, the blood I nt
fault; thiN vital fluid In filled with impurities and poiaotis wlilch-nrc heln;
coniitnntly dlHchnr;ed into the place, feeding it with noxious innttor and
Irritating n,1(1 Inllnniln the nerves dud tissues no the orc cannot heal.
Tltche iuinuntie.1 In the blood tuny be the remains of noiue constitutional
trouble, tlie cllcct of n dchilitntlun' cll of sickness, leaving disease jjerius
in the nystctu, or the nhsorption by the IiUhnI of the fermented icfuse matter
which the bodily clinnncln of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause
may ha hcrrdltnry, tho diseased blood of ancestry being handed down to
posterity ; hut whatever tlie cause, the fact that the sore will not heal shows
the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment. There Is nothing
that causes morn worry and anxiety tliun nu old sore which resist" trrntmcut.
Itvcry Bvmptom nugRtsia pollution
nnd disease the discharge, the red,
angry looking flesh, the pain nnd in
flaiiiiuation, nnd the discoloration of
Biirroundlng parts, nil show that deep
down in the blood there are morbid
and dangerous forces nt work, con
utantly creating poisons which may
in the end lead to Cancer. Local
applications nre valuable only for
their cleansing nnd nntlaeplic effects;
they do not reach the blood, where
the real cause Is located, nnd enn
therefore lmvc no real curative worth.
8. 8. 8. heals old sores bv going down
to the fountniu-hcad of the trouble
and driving out the poison-producing
mrini nml mnrlilit ttiatters which are
keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of impurity from the cir
culation nnd innkes this llfc-strenm purr, fresh and health-sustninlng. Then
ns new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, nil discharge
censes, the Inflammation leaves, iirsw tissue nnd healthy flesh nre formed,
and noon thc-corc or ulcer is well. 8. 8. 8. Is the greatest of all blood pur
flcru nnd finest of tonics. Just what is needed in tho treatment, nnd in nddN
tlon to curing thesoro will build up nnd strengthen every part of tho system.
Special hook on Sores nnd Ulcers nnd nnv mc.llcal advice desired furnished
free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA
NO, 31-OS
TsjIIKN wrlllnt- toadvarttasrspUaa
f r ail
ilaiulim till ppr,
tonic Others rotor to ronina n a irreat
Oress Grlmx- Ynu look If you'd
managed to (It In de iwlm eomehow.
Tuffold Knutt- Ytpi I'm a Eust 'rd
Boater now -C'hlcaio Tribune.
CITO . Vll Hun aad all Karroo !
'llu lrmh!lr rarnl tr '" Mta Ufiat
W. tut fur. r.lfl.f VliKKlltiiiml..4
irmUHti lir, IL it.KII, lL,UI Aicli rik, rtUHl'
KnrUI I'rajaalre.
Msd'hereon Hear about lb Italian
bank hreakln' In New York On cent
wii a' tbat wae lfl.
O'llafjeriy -Kwhet wu utJ Qarllel
NUoa) Talk Marred.
Prlend lal teldlng) Wber ar jou
going lo tnd your boneriooon, dear
Illoaliing llrnlc HI)' You muitn't let
my huaband brr roil atk tbat ijuralloo.
IMn'l jou know he a beekervrl
nflN it
Ir u v
I waat lo recommend S. S. 6. to aoy who at
In nted of a blood purllWr, and tipeclallr al
tamed? for loittaodobitloal ulcer. lolfTT
I bad mf leg badly cul oa tb lharp f die of a
barrel, and bating oa ablu woolen Hocking
lhep1acwlb4illypoWoaad from lb dp. A
Iitat lot toimed and for part ao one knowa
wbal I url(d wljh the place. I trieJ, II
itemed to me, evarrthlng I bad ettt btard of,
but I got no relief and I thought I would ha
logo throuih lit wllb an eagre, discharging
of on mr leg. At tail I began th ui of
8. S. 8., and II wai hut a aboil lira until I law
that th place wai Improving. I continued It
until it restored all the polioa from rujr blood
and made a complete and permanent cure of
th lot. JltO, XLUS.
150 Rarr Street. DrooUjn. It, Y,
Color moro atooda brig htar and faster oolors than any other dye. Ono loo package colors cdlk. wool and cotton c
and la guaranteed to alva parfact raaulU. Aslc dsalar. of wa will aaad peat paid at too a package, urita for
Eowtodys,blaol4ndmloc4r. monmox DXUO COUP ANY. Oulaey,
'lli irntU llrhurr,
"lmiiiP(iuri'b!o nr the rubuffn tlint
llio Iii'Iiit of tint r, tlic Hfoki'rn nt
li-r liarlty for lliclr hiiITitIiik brollnrn
iiihIitk"," njiIiI n Sow York clinrlty or
vmilKntluii dill -lit I. "A friend of iiilne
ii Mi'tliixllnt inliilittcr In n nnmll went
cm town, tolil mo Hip other dny of IiIk
lNnt ri'lmff, n not iiiiklntl one. Untir
Hie I lit ollico of llio liK-nl tvi-oklr, the
iiiImIhIit wild to tho iilllori
"'I mil NollcitltiK nhl frn Kcntlrmnn
of rclliKtiirnt ami Intrllluciicii vvhn l In
illru mill of a llltle reiiily inoney, but
who In, fnr too promt n man to innke
IiIh HiifferliiK known.'
"'U'hjr,' exrlnlmeil the editor, iinali
Iiik tif) hln cycalinil', 'I'm the onl chnp
In the rllhiKe who anawem tltat li
wrljill'in. AVImt'a tlilM Kwitlenmil'a
n nine)'
"'I reKrel,' unlil the mlnlater, 'Hint I
nm not nt liberty to dliflono It.'
"'Why, It niiml lm me, nlil the edb
lor, 'It In me. It's me. Niirr. Ilcurrn
prober you, (inraoti. In your gool
work.' "
llnrtii'l I'rnan lllin,
"Tint m-t irrarbr joii Imiro la n
prrlty wlilawnkr ymiig man. Un't be)"
"ipp, Kwix rllil on prravnln wlifn
evrr)loly tla I aalp." Clcreland
Peculiar to Itself
In atlrctlon, t'rojKirtlon and combination
of Ingrrdbinta,
In tli proccn by which thrlr remedial
Tallin ara extracted and prraerTnt,
In enrctlveneaa.uaefulneia and economy,
Curing tli wldeat range of dlieaiea.
Doing tlie moil good for the money,
Hating. the moat medicinal merit,
Ami lli grrateat record of enreir-
hood's Sarsaparilla
In uiuat ll'juld form or In chocolateC
tableta known at Sara at aba. 100 done 11.
-Auntie, M-lut
doe Irony
Auntie It mentis to any one thing
nit imvin the opposite, like calllug a
rnlny itsy n fine dsy.
Owrgle I think 1 understand you,
nuntle. Wouldn't this be Irony! "Aun
tie, I don't unut a nice bjc plee of
In n country church one Sabbnth.
aa the congregation uero'rlalns for the
tlrt hymn, an old Indy entereil the
liiltTli at the asm. time. She held up
ier hand, exelnlintrts: "Kci-p your
arst. lArnU, ye nreilun nrlae, though I
jsto come li"- 1ihdnn likpreaw.
$100 Reword, SI 00.
Threa.leraoftlileirwlll b eleaied to
leatil li.atlbei la al lean ono dlTadVj UlacaM
baliclMiroliaabrcn abl to cul in all It
laaet. anl thai la Calauh. Hall's Calarrti
l'uililtionirpnltleuronow known lo tb
meJIcallralerullr Catantt be tu a mntlttu.
llonalOUeaa. rrtiifra rotiiuluilonal lital.
man I llairaC'aiarihCuial. taken Inlernallr,
acting ilirectlr u-wii Iheblomlaudinueouiaur
taraullhiem Ihrfebeileil'ojrluglbofo in
ilatlon of lb itlwa.c, anil glelng I tal eni
atrenem iijr bunniue up in con.ltlulou and
aaaUilnf natorolmlolng Ha woft. Tb. rro-
rdeioia net ao miirii uiih in iia tirtiejw- halt ika (laa It h.4 .t tnll. k. f . .
ihvi i'iiti v tiai v4 lVMaiIU( mHJ
raa thai It fail lu cui. . Beod for Hat ol
Adilf eaa 1 CH K.VKV A CO., Toledo, O.
Take llall'a raralijr I'llli for conitlratlnn.
Couldn't II Nnaublek.
Mrs. hn Style 1'rc been aendlnc
Mary to a fnxlilonablo aonduniy, but
alio (lixwn't swin to cet on very well.
Uncle Jerry No? She's a pretty
bright, girl.
Mrs. De Style Oh! suo's bright and
very sensible, but '
Uncle Jerry Aht I pirss that's It.
She's too sensible to be nlTivted by It
Catholic Stnndnnl and Tluic.
Ta Ulti .' Uhancra,
"Oh, the iwrnv of It I" sobbed tho
fair uinld. "I mm ulcht I reftimM Mr.
Illsnk und this morulne his body wu
fouml In the rler."
"Poor fellow 1" murmured her clrl
friend. "J suppose he vns afraid you
mlcht ehnnco your mind."
Farm or Business
foraale. Not particular abuut (oration,
Wl.h la hear from OWNtR only who will
eaiiinrrct lu Mrer. Ul rlc. ilaacrlp
lion ami aiai wnen poaacaaion ran
hail, AiMraaa,
tX HOtB AT ALL VJlHaw JT f H Jail ' B
sEr'nicf s. ron cvxnv ' a mkml ..J it
urunrta Af vuvvsmi w
,w tnui?B$XUio, 93.OO mho
maasMan wr inarnssiiiii
- rnari arty ocnae ntmnuraeliirr m th .
JRir world, bmomumm ,hmy hold rAr"C
mhapo. fit bottar, war lonear, and
iQ arm of oramlor valum than any otttor ct.
7 alliui Ci lha lm,,. C(a91
W. L Oouclas $4 and $6 Gilt Fifoi Shots Cannot Bo Equalled Al Ani Pike
&ae,t,AIJ'riOS. W. I. IVviTaa nam M pile Is atamrad on bottom. Tntae JY
yl ."f "' 11 aho dialrra riuiwbara. HkeM mallM (roni fartory to one art of I
atad CMalaii frr m ant edlms W, 1 nil lltl lkb, Hrucl
For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of crit, cour
age, strength. How Is it with
the children P Arc they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Aycr's Sarsapnrllla. You
know it makes the blood pure
nnd rich, and builds up the
general health Irr every way.
Th thlMrMI rtnnnl oiIMt hm rM
livaMli tinlaia lha Iwiwali ai tu pti't r.Htll
lion, A tlu(Lll lll.r !. a foal.d lutiau.
bl braalti. rontHMlal l.iwi Cortartll
Ih.cabr alvlt'a laiailvadn.Mof Attr'a
J'lIU All rRlalla, autar foal.d.
Jk '
aU4 br i. O. A jr Co.. Low.ll, Maa.
aim Kanur.aiurtra or
Wuulil Aak Ko Merer.
tr. Vlek-Kenn What do you tuppot
joii would do If you were to meet tb
foot killer?
Her lluaband -I'd tell Mm I wai tb
man h waa looking for, all right. I bar
Juat glren nnlera lo hare tbat new addi
tion lo the houie torn down and built
again eiartly aa you want It.
itotbart will And Mr. TTIniloWa rootblo
jrup Ihalat mnrdr to ua lur lilr cIl'IUio
luring in UatBlug tM.
Thoia llrar Krlrnda,
Nan Tbla la Jar' latrat plctur.
Don't you think he look belter la profll
Iban In a front rlew7
Kan Much belter, dear. It doean't
bow hla bald apot.
General Demand
of tho Well-informed of tho World baa
always been for a almpU), pleasant
and efficient liquid laxative remedy of
known 7aluo; a laxatlvo which phyal
clans could sanction for family uso
becauso Its component partly are
known to them to bo wholesomo and
truly beneficial la effect, ncccptablo
to tho system and K.ntlo, yet prompt.
In action.
In supplying that demand with Its
excellent combination of 'Syrup of
KIks and Kllxlr of Senna, the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along
ethical lines and relies on tho merit,
of tho laxative for Its rcmarkablo
That Is ono of many reasons why
Syrup of Fli;s and Kllxlr of Senna Is
Bltcn tho preference by tho Well
informed. To net Its beneficial effects
always buy tho gcnulna manufac-
lired lir thn Pnllfrirnla Vttr tJrrnn Cn
' "a uUla0 i-nuiorniu HE syrup uo.,
only, and for sale by all leading
druKKlats. l'rlco fifty cents per bottle
oii:n- all tiii; yi:ak
Dlrectlr Mill beack oirilaaktai
Ika araaau Hal aalL halka aal
CLIFF HaUSF earfUUIag. llecre.
Haa patlar. Ilrctrle llrkla. lre
ORFQnH" aaddihea. hea faeda a epeo I
uncuun ., ... i.., . u ... ,(,. i
lfc- atttal altalBM t.Jat
line walk
nrii xprciai raira or ikr week. 1
I HA.t. -. MlMllll -ntflioea
ThU trade mark
nnd the won
Tower in tho
button! dlitln-
) oulih iKIl high
'Uivjini iu 900a
, . brand
m RHhatltut.
ha ioilJ, lUa.
liin. Hail.
equally wa
' W-re
Y& Ajk.S
1av4 vV k
T V a. J 1 v
Ml aaLa 11 (I aa 1. ..
m u Bpfaaaaau v fi u
O ?JLvy JligBK Jo
ri aaVaaa;' yfafaav a
XfSlKmWw i
Land Worked for Hundreds of Years
811II Deals Oura.
Tbat American farmeri and promoters
t agricultural Induatrles are rather
lax lu grasping llielr opportnutlM, sml
are In danger of being outgeneraled In
the markets of the world, unlen they
Improve their methods, Ii tho belief of
Moan James K. Itussell, of Columbia
University, New York. Dean Itussell
was recently a visitor at the state col
lege, and during bis stay there ad
dreraed an asaembly of tha teaehnrs of
the Inland Kmplre, who were attemllig
tho teaehtra' Institute in Pullman. Ilsla
tive to the problems juit mentioned, be
aid 1
"Thirty years ago New York was
lending butter and eheeno to the In
Hon markets. New York butter and
rheeie were ruling out similar prodaets
from Ontario, and other parts of the
world. Juit thirty years ago Denmark
began to think she could make butter
and put It In the Iondon market. The
queitlon waa, How could ibe overcome
tha lead that New York already had in
the London markets! She sent men to
London to study out the ground; to find
what I.ombn wanted. Then she set
about to givo them the required product.
"Denmark is a country of poor soil,
whleh hss been tilled and overworked
for a thousand years. . Nevertheless, the
Danish population annually sells in the
market of London 135,000,000 worth
of butter. In 100.1 the entire United
States exported only 11,004.000 worth
of butter. In addition to the vaet quan
tity of butter mentioned, Denmark
tends out one fifth sa much pork as wa
do, and just as many bones; and cer
tainly, we should lead the world in tb
breeding of horses. In the meantime
the Danish nation has taught the hen
how to work. Four hundred and fifty
thousand dollars worth of eggs were ex
ported by this country In 1875, and in
1003 this export had reaebed a vale
of 8,092,000. In the last ten year
Denmark baa taken 18,000,000 worth of
eorn from Iowa and Nebraska, via New
York, whleh ahe baa fed to Danish cows
and pigs, and then placed the latter In
the Kuropean markets in successful
competition yith similar products from
"I aald a moment ago that twenty
years sgo tbe eompetltor of Denmark
was the Stat of New York. In these
twenty year tbe Danish people have
increased their exports from $1,000,000
to (40,000,000. In the asms twenty
years farm values in the State of New
York have decreased 1 200,000,000. In
the last fifteen years Ontario has outbid
New York in tho same way in tb
cheese market. Twenty years sgo Now
1 York companies received Canadian
cheese and put the New York stamp on
it io jiit one cent more in tbe Knglish
market. Today tbe New York farmers
are sending ther cheese over tho Cana
dian boundaries, nnd paying two cents
per pound in order to sell it at all."
Showing the superiority of Kuropean
methods of education in comparison
with Araortcan education, Dean liussoll
"Wurtemburg Is a small German
state, a little larger than tbe Inland
Kmplre of Eastern Washington, and
having a population of about two mil
lion persons. Thirty years ago Wur
temburg began to realixe thst her pop
ulation was beginning to dwindle; tbat
something had to be don to maintain
ber Integrity as a state. So she set
about building up a system of schools
for all the people; that would help the
toy who wished to be a carpenter, a
plumber, or a farmer. In the same de
gree, according to his needs, as they
would assist the youth who desired to
uo a lawyer, an engineer, or a phy
sielsn. Todsy Wurtemburg has a uni
versity giving eourses of worldwide
fsme; technical schools, weaving and
manufacturing schools; two 'hundred and
thirty industrial schools in towns and
villages; schools for metal workers, and
workers In tho textile trades; schools of
art, of agriculture, of preparation for
household management; and numerous
farm schools, and high schools through
out the state.
"Wi-rteml urr- n aliln ml nMe
larger than the Inland Empire of East
ern Wasn.ngiou. support ju taea .h
stitutions, with an inromo of ten dollars
per head of population. What would
American think, if la-addition
to supporting agricultural colleges, they
were asked to support Ave hundred
technical and industrial schools for
overy two million of population f This
is what is being done iu the small state
of Wurtemburg and from the point of
view of American citizen, today it I.
almost inconceivable; tho contemplation
of which must lead any American eltl
ten to infer that hi country has much
to do and loarn bo fore it can success
fully compete with the old country In
tho products of Industrial education."
Answers t Queries
Or J. U AahVxk. WuMntton EitWnun'. SU
tlon. rullman.
Uavcrford, Pa "Is it considered
that hog-ralslng is practicable In the'
northwestern part of the United
Statest" H. W.
"It Is probable that thero is no place
in the Dnited States whero the prices
for pork products average as high as
in the Paclfle Northwest. A condition
of significance, too, is that the people
of this region are not sufficiently alive
to the necessity of their mooting the
demand for pork products. Thoso who
are in tha business are making money.
Conditions ara Improving, however, for
at tho present tlmo we note a growing
tendency among farmers to pay more
attention to this business. The Berk-
sniro ureea is preferable, In my
uimuu, nuiiuuKii mo turoo oerseys are
making soma headway. At the expert-
ment station we have about concluded
that a eross of these two breeds would
bs 'bsttcT than either on br ltiM.'
Owing lo the great niiioiint of decoin.
Iil wgi'tribh- innttor contained Jn
Ilrnzllliin wnlers, which cnusos rnpld
di-tcrlorntlon of thin steel, tho hull
of the new illspnleli boat (Juannhara,
built for Um Ilrnxlllnn (lorernment. Is
constructed entirely of browo. Agnlnst
this metal, says Popular Mechanic, the
corrwlvo action of the Brazilian wnters
has no effect, nml, nlthoiigli more cost
ly, both In material and construction,
the vessel Is much llghfpr than If built
Jf steel or wood. Tim propeller shaft
Ing nnd propeller nre nlso of hronzo.
I The brownish ol which appear In
old hooka nre reolly due to the ravage
of ImcIitJii. any Popular Mcchanlrs
TIih tiny destroyer Is Mpcclnlly fond of
atnreliy tund-rlsl nml Us projmsatlon is
promoted y damp. It has liei'ti well
understood that damp produced discol
oration and dw-uy, but the share of th
mlrrobe lu tlie oiierntlon hns not hith
erto been suspected Tiny fungus or
mold Is responsible for gray nnd black
marks uKin old pnjicrs. In spotting
Ihe siirfnre the fungus helps lo break
ihmii Hie fplirlc nnd hasten the process
of Its dettractlon.
I It. I.jdeUker, the English naturalist,
calls attention to the observations of
It. I. I'ocork on the significance of tho
rants on lion culm an Indicating the
close relationship of lions, tigers and
leopards. On lion cubs the pattern of
tbe marking Is Intermediate In char
acter between the stripes of tbe tiger
and the nm-tti-i of the leopard, but In
clines more toward tbe former. East
African llous retain more or less dis
tinct traces of these early marking
even when they reach maturity. A dis
tinct tiger like feature of the lion cub
Is n white patch over the eye, which
llsnpjears In the adult Puma cubs
show n pattern quite unlike that of the
lion, tiger, leopard and Jaguar.
At tbe recent meeting of tbe Ameri
can Association for the Advancement
of Science, In Chicago, attention was
callol to the Interesting fact that tho
work on the I'anama Canal Is changing
biological conditions In Panama, and
that ItM completion will enable the
fresh-water fauna of the Atlantic and
I'acllli- s!oes to Intermingle. Undoubt
edly many marine animals will pass
from ono ocean to the other. Thus a
pvnuaucnt change of conditions will be
brought about, which may or may not
listless much practical Importance, but
Its scientific Interest Is very gtvaL la
view of these facts, tho association re
sol red to urge upon Congress the neces
sity of an Immediate biological survey
of tho Panama Canal cone.
The report that the Oulf Stream now
runs with greater speed than formerly,
und Its Influence on the time required
for the crossing or tbe Atlantic, fur
nishes tho theme for an article by Dr.
Ilrennccko In tbe German magaslne,
Uinsbau. Dr. Ilrennecke analyzes the
climatic and geographical reasons for
tho existence and continuance of the
Oulf Stream, and points out how tbe
change In the wind currents nnd the
density of the atmosphere all affect tho
life and jvower or the famous current.
This Is chiefly dojvendent, Ik jiolnts out,
on the location ami areas of high and
low pressure over the mm. A series of
carefully made reports over n long
iverlod or time by the German Mnrlno
Observatorlum seems to Indicate that
the Gulf Stream now moves uioro rap
Idly than formerly.
A Itaulil Cuunlcr.
ft in ft ..... .... ...l. .... ,.
I 11 ia iii.i i-.trij uiv iwiu iruTiii till in-
cffccttialucro of liiKuunhi cures at 7
years of age; Hint Is tiy a youugstcr's
exrverlenre, as the loulsrllle Courier
Journal records It, seems remarkable
I euuugli to ijuote.
I The father of tlie lad, who was alwut
7 years old. was a ptiysklan, and when
tho child found dlltlcutty In getting to
,",.,, 7,." ' .," 7 ...
I ' " ,cl1 T "" " will soon
n,t -'0" t0 ,eft ,K w,l'- "Vou begin
sleep, was ready with advice.
nnd count slowly up to ono hundred.
and then another hundred, ami so on,
und U'fore you know It you'll bo sleep
ing. Try It to-night when you go to
Everything remained quiet that night
until tho father went to retire. As he
pai-sod tho boy's bed a irttlc voles
plHit ;
"Yes, my boy."
"What coiueij after trillions?"
Hut the wakeful youngster's query
was not answered ; his father had vau
tshed Into bts own bedroom.
Thru tha tlum-rel Oairil,
They wero having tho usual family
quarrel. As was also usual, she could
not convince hltu that alio know where
of she argued.
"Didn't I go to (school, etupld r una
"Yes, dear, you dhl," he replied calm
ly. "And you cumo back etupld."
Tho Ilouemlan.
Wheu any ono feels good, It Is not
becauso ho has good luck, or takes
medicine, but becauso he la young.