Strong and Steady By HORATIO ALGER. JR. -H!!! CIIAPTIJU I. "This U nlc room you're got. Wal let." "Ve, you know I ara lo tay here for two ycam. nj 1 might a well be com fortable." "IF a good deal Ixtter than my room twice an big, to begin with. Then, my carpet look as If ll had come down through several generations. Aa for a mirror, Pre sot a sevrn-by-nlne looking gins lhat I hare lo look Into twice be fore t can see my whole face. Ai for the iMtlxtead, it creak so when I Jump Into ll that I expect etcry night it'll fall to pieces and spill me on the floor. Now your room la splendidly furnished." "Yea. It is now, but father furnished It at hi own expense. He wild he was willing to nd n little money lo make comfortable. Thafa more lhan my father aald. He told me it wouldn't do me any barm to rough II." -IVrhapa he'a right." aai.1 Walter. "Of course, I don't object to the new carpet and furniture, but I shouldn't conlder It any great hardship if 1 had to rough It. a yon call It." "Wouldn't you? Then I'll tell yon what , wr'H do. Let' chance room. You can ro round and board at Mrs. Glenn's, and I'll come here." ' "1 am not aure what my father would think of that arranjrement." aald Walter, smiling, "I thought you'd find some way to crawl out." ld Lemuel. "For my part. I don't bellere you'd enjoy roughing it any better than L" "t don't know," raid Walter; "I're sometime thought 1 shouldn't tx rrry sorry lo lie a poor boy, and hare to work my own way." "Thafa very well lo iy when you're the on of a rich man. ".So are you." "Yea, but I don't get the benefit of It. and you do. What would you do now If you were a poor boy J" "I enn't aay, of courae. now, but I would co to work at something. I am ure I could earn my own Urine" "I suppose I could, loo, but I shouldn't want to. Borne people are born laty, don't think so?" "I'erbapa you are right," antwered Walter, with a aralle. "Now suppose we ojen our Ca-ar." femuel Warner wa a plraiant looking boy of fourteen, the son of a prosperous merrhant In New York. Walter Conrad waa from a amall country town, where hi father waa the wealthiest and moat prom inent and Influential cltlxcn, hvlng a bsndaome mansion bouse, aurrounded by extensive grounds. Nobody knew Just bow rich be was out be was rnerally supposed lo be worth two hundred thousand dollar. Mrs. Conrad had been dead for flv year, so that Walter, who waa an only child, bad no Immediate reUtlon except his fattier. It waa for this reason, perhaps, that he had tn sent to tbs Essex Classical In stitute. Htlng a boy of talent, and well mounded In I tin. h waa easily abla to take a high rank In bis class. Imue! Warner had become hla Intimate friend, being in the asm class, but inferior to him In scholarship. Tbey usually studied their Latin lessons together, and It waa owing lo this circumstance that Lemuel made a better figure In hla recitations than before Walter came to the school There, that Job's done," aald Lemuel, closing his book with an ajr of satisfac tion. "Now we can rest."' "You forget the Itin exercise. You koow the doctor expects each boy to nrlte a letter in I-atln, addressed lo his frlher, not leas thsn t weirs lines In length." The boys started on their new talk, and finished by nin o'clock. Lemuel's let ter waa written with a brilliant disregard of grammatical rules, but It was consid erably rerlsed In accordance with sugges tions from Walter. "I're a great mind to send my letter home, Walter," said Iemuel. "Father eipect oe to write home erery week, and this would sare mo some trouble. Ilesldes, he'd think I waa getting on famouily, lo writs home In Latin." "Yes, if b didn't And out the mis takes." "That' the rub. He'd show it to the mlnUter the first time be called, and then my blunders would be detected. I guess I'd belter wait till It come back from the doctor corrected." "I expect lo hear from home to-tnor-tok," said Walter. "It Is my birthday." "Let me be the first to congratulate you. How renerable will you be?" "As venerable as most boys of fifteen, Lcm." "You're three months older than I am, then. Io you expect a present?" 'Tattier promised lo give me a gold watch chain some lime. You know I hate a gold watch already." "Ye, and a regular little beauty." "Ho It wouldn't surprise me much to grt a chain for a present." "You're a lucky boy. My wntch is all wr, and only cost twenty dollars." "I dare say I should be Just as happy with a alitor watch, Lem." "I suppose you wouldn't like to buy, would you? If so, I'll give you the chance. A fair exchange Is no robbery." "No, I suppose not ; but It wouldn't do to exchange a gift." "Perhaps, if tny watch were gold and yours silver, you wouldn't bare any ob jections." "J dea't think that would altar tat case with me, A gift Is a gift no matter about Its alue." "It's the hard study, I suppose, that's dene It. 1 must be getting back to Ma'am Glenn's, flood-night." "Good night. Uin," Lemuel Warner gathered up hla books, and left the room. Walter poked the fire, putting some ashes on, so that It would step till Ihe next morning, and commenc ed undressing. He was Interrupted by a heavy step on the stairs, and directly afterward a knock resounded upon his door. Wondering who hla Isle visitor could be, Walter stepped lo the door and opened It. He was still more surprised to recog nite In the tisitor Dr. l'orter, the prin cipal of the Institute. "Good-evening, Conrad," Mid the doe tor "I am rather a late visitor. I was mat sure Nit you might be In bed. Hare you heard from home lately, Conrad?" asled Ihe doctor. "Yes. sir, 1 . received a letter a few days since." "Hid your father speak of being un well?" "No, sir." said Walter, taking instant alarm. "Have hare you heard any thing?" "Yes, my boy; and that is my reason foi calling upon you at this nnusual hour. I received this telegram twenty minutes since." Walter took the telegram, with trem bling fingers, and read the following mes sage: "Dr. Porter Please send Walter Con rad home by the first train. His father is tery sick. NANCY FOUIIES." "Do you think there is any dsnger, Dr. Porter?" asked Walter, with a pale face. "I cannot tell, my boy; this telegram furnishes all the information I possess. Who is Nancy Forbes?" "She Is the housekeeper. I can't real lite lhat father I so sick. He did not say anything about It when h wrote." "Let us hop it la only a brief sick ness. I think you bad better go home by the first train to-morruw morning." The principal shook bands with Walter and withdrew. When his tall form had vanished. Waltrr sat down and tried to rralixe the fact of hla father's sickness, but this he found difficult. It was a long time before be got to sleep, but at length be did sleep, waking In time only for a hasty preparation for the bomsward Jour ney. He was so occupied with thoughts of his father that It waa not till he wa well ou the way horn that it occurred to him that this was bis fifteenth birthday, to which he bad been looking forward for seme time. Tbs seat In front of Walter was for some time vacant, but at the Woodvllle ststlon two gentlemen got In and entered uin an animated conversation, Walter did not at first pay any attention to It. He was looking out of the Window list lessly, unable to fix bis mini upon any thing except his father's sickness. Hut at length his attention was. caught by some remarks made by one of the gentle men In front, and from this point he list ene dlsnguldly "I suspected him to be a swindler when hi first came to me," said the gentleman sitting next the window "He hadn't an honest look, and 1 was determined not to have anything to do with his scheme. Mining companies art risky things al ways. I once got taken In lo the tune of five thousand dollars, but It taught me a lesson 8o I wss not particularly, Im pressed with the brilliant prospectus of the Great Metropolitan Mining Company, li spite of its high sounding name, and Its promised dividend of thirty per cent. Depend upon It, James Wall and hla con federate will pocket all the dirldrnds that are made." "Very likely ou are right. Hut It may be that Wall really believed there was a good chance of making money," "Of course be ilffl, but he waa deter mined to make tb money for himself, and not for the stock holders." "I might hare been tempted to Invest, but all my money wa locked up at the lime, and I could not have done so with out borrowing Ihe money, and lhat I was resolved not to do." "It was fortunate for you Ibat you didn't, for Ihe bubble has already burst. There will lie many losers, lly tb way, I hear that Mr. Conrad of Willoughby waa largely Interested. He is a rich man, but for all lhat he may have gone in be yond hi means." "I am sorry for him, but that was reck less." "Yes, he was completely taken In by Walt. He's a smooth fellow." When the gentlemen left the cars Wal let saw on of them had left a morning paper lying in the seat. He picked It up and examined Ihe columns until his eyes fall upon the following paragraph , "The failure of the Great Metropolitan Mining Compiin) proves lo be a disas trous one. The aswts will not be suffi cient to pay more than fire jier cent of tho amount of Ihe sums In tested by the stockholders, possibly not that. There must have lifca gross mismanagement somewhere, or such a result could hardly have been reached. We uudcrstand lhat the aflafrs of the company aro In the hands of aaslgnees who are empowered to wind them up. The stockholder in this vicinity will await the result with anx iety." "That looks rather discouraging, to be sure," thought Waltsr, "I uppo father wilt hue a ged deal lint I'll tell htm he needn't worry about me. I shan't mind hlng poor, etru If It ciimc to that. Aa long as he Is left to me, I won't com plain." The time 'Kissed until the cars stoppei. at Willoughby station. Waller Jumped over a fence and took hla way nenxs the field to hla father's house. Ity tlu road It would have been a mile, but It waa scarcely more than halt a mile by the foot path. He went up the pathway to the front door and rang the liell. The door wn opened by Nancy Forbes, the housekeeper, whose name was apiended to th tilf gram. "So It' you, Master Waiter," she aald. "I am glad )ou are home, b?t It's A sit J horn you're come to." "I father rery sick, then?" asked War trr, turning pale. "My dear child, your father died a eight o'clock this morning." CHAPTKU It. Thla sudden announcement of hla fa III' r'fl i1lh tra rrnt fthork to Walter. llie news atunnrd him, and he stool. pale and motionless, looking into tut housekeeper's fare. "Come In. Master Walter, come in and bar a cup of hot tea. It'll make yoi feel better." Tell me about It, Nancy; I t can't think If true. It' so audJen. Tieu was he first taken sick?' "I didn't notice nothing till last night Just after supper, ltlchard went lo th poitotlice and got your father's letter. When they came he took 'em Into nil li brary, and began to read 'em. There wua three, I rememler. It wa about an hour lr.r t w.nt Intn ihe room lo tell hint the carpenter had called about repairing the carriage House, ttnen I carao iu, there waa your poor father lying on ths carpet, senseless. He held a letter tlgot in M. tian.i I vrMntril for heln. Mr Itrler. the carpenter, and ltlchard canu In and helped me lo lift up your poor father, and w sent right off for the doc tor." "What did the doctor eay?" "He said it was a paralytic strok a very bad one and ordered him lo bo put to bed directly Hul It was of no um. He never recovered, but breathed his last thla morning at eight o'clock." "Nancy, have you got that Utter which my father waa reading?' "Yea, Master Walter, I put it In m pocket without reading. I think there must hare been bad new In ll." She drew from ber pocket a letter, which ah placed In Walter" hands, Ila nad It hastily, and ll confirmed his snv plclons. It waa from a lawyer Mr. Con rad had asked to make Muiiles mpecf ing the Great Metropolitan Mining Com pany, and wa aa follows, "William Conrad. Esq.' "Pear Sir I hare, at your request, taken pains lo Inform myself of th pres ent mansgement and condition of lh Great Metropolitan Mining Company. Th task hs been lesa difficult thn 1 anticipated, since th failure of the coo pany ha Just been mad public. Tb mamgement haa been In the band of dis honest and unscrupulous men. and It U doubtful whether the tockhoIder will be able to recover anything. "ANDUKW HOLMES." Walter folded up the letter, and put It Into hi pocket, He felt that this tett-r had cost his father his life, and In lh midst of bis grief he bad rery bllfr thoughta aboil the unscrupulous man who had led bia father lo ruin. Had It len merely the losa of property, h coull hare forglren him, but he had been d prlrrd of the kindest and most Indulgent of fathers. "I should Ilk lo are my father," h said. . An hour later he came out of the dnth chamber, pale but composed. He seeuied older and more thoughtful than when hi entered. A grrat and sudden sorrow ofteu has this effect upon the young.' "Nancy," be said, "bnve any arrange ments been made about the funeral?" "No, Walter, we waited till you came." "My father had no near relatlve-i. There is a cousin. Jacob Drummond, who lite In Btapleton. It will b necessary lo let him know. It will be beet to tele graph." I Jacob Drummond kept a dry goods store In the village of Htapleton. II had Ihe reputation of being a rery mean man He carried his meanness not only Into hi business, but Into bis household, and there was not a poor mechanic In Hta pleton who did not live bettrr than Mr. Drummond, who was Ihe rich man of th place. (lo b continued.) tntra-KHiblanalilr. "Wliatorer became of that plain fam ily cbIIhJ the Dewberry who used to lire In the little house at the end of the Innei" qucrlul the man who had Just returned to the tlllmcc afler a five ycnra' alienor. "Oh, they struck oil, atranger," re nllod llio old iwistinaster. They own n blK iiiiiiilm on the hill, throw ntito mol.llcn nnil their daughter Is oiigngi-d to n renl dukf." 'Mrjiup' Ami do they xtlll hnvo 'Pew bony on the ,'nte'nH they did wjien llicy llwil Iu the little house Iu (lie Iiino?" "Oh, no. Tlioy cnll thoinsclvoa Pit Ilnrry now. Dewberry sounds too J.lMlll." f'lmnifed, "They'ro not u loving n they worn when they were married InHt spring." "So; alio hug developed a terrible totnjicr." "Hut he used to consider her au angel then." "Yea; and now be wishes aha war on for aure." l m ou." "t"' ' H "v" L2!ryX ZIZ1 s-lJUht A Main for lh llnrn Unnrrvar, Whi'ti tho hurm atnblo oMi Into tho buggy room nut) It Is necessary to keep thn door onn for ventilation, I find that n aiunll gale constructed of light 'umterlnl I nn excellent iroteo ittoti against horse getting loose and liijurlnit thi1 buggies. The cut here with ahow a n light gate we hare In use Iu our homo bnro, It Is rery almplo In construction, but servea n very lm ortnut urioc. Were It not for this light Eiito wo would find It necessary to ketip tho door closed between tho horse stable nnd buggy room, thus shutting p(T eutllntlou. The gnto Is litugcd onto the rolling door with light strap hinge, explains n writer In the Prnlrle Farmer, m that when tho gate la not In use It swing ??fc "."k. iut atonic poo. around nnd fastens to the large door out of the way. For material In mak ing the gate wo use Inch'strlp of good plno for the horizontal piece. The up right piece ant light strip gotten out for fence pickets. I find a tight gate of this character a good thing to keep poultry out of tho barn during the sum mer months. Tb Cmlaur I'luK, If you want vigorous chicken and hen that lay do not overcrowd theiu. Forty or fifty In one flock are ufiV cletit. If you hare more than thla num ber by all means make a change, for your chicken are probably costing you more than they are worth. If you do not care to sell any of your bird then tart luto the chicken business on the colony plan. Plrlde your flock Into colonic of about forty fowl each and build house fur them In different part of the farm. For Instance, If you hare one heu house on tho east aide of the barn, put a no t lie r Ikiuso on tho west Ide. Then If you liaro enough birds put another house down by the calf lot awl anotherto the farther end oMhe barn yard. Adoxen different plneos will suggp-tt thetnwlve If you look for lo cation on your farm. If you have made a failure In railing chicken or your hena "don't amount to much," try this method. It wilt surprise and plena you. Your tna will Ut healthier, will lay better nnd will require In feed. The reason for this will be enslly seen when you hnvo once tried It. Chickens, or anything else for that mat ter, cannot stand crowding. Also the colony plan give the fowl wider rnnge and encourage the blrdi to hunt for tliclr llrlng Kxehnnge. llrMeliiic Corner I'osl. This method, while dimply devised, Is used rery elTectlrely In brneliiK cor ner posts. ' I'su a a brace u mIu iiluo or ten feet long, four or flro Itirhes In dlnineter and Mpinru nt both end. Fit one end of Kiln to tho sst hnlf wny between It middle and top and pliico other end of bnice on ir lint atone. Se cure one end of n wlro nround bottom of post, then take It to outer end of brace and baric to ixmt again, fasten ing nectircly. With n abort stout stick twist wire together until rery tight urriion or hbaciwo. nnd your bnico I touiplete, say Farm era' Itetlew! Till brace, cornea in lino with your feuco nnd by fniitenlng your wire or honrdfi to It prevents It from slipping slihm'iiyH. Corn M to rrr. Corn atover I used both ahredded and uiisliredded. Ordinarily tho cuttlo will wiiMto it consldcrnhlo qunntlty whichever way it la fed, Tho ahredded fodder la prepared because tho cuttlo eat a grentrr iercentago of It nnd tho manure I handled more easily. Fod der la ofteu fed on tho ground In tho open pasture field to (tare the hauling "f manure. There la a taring, however, In hav mdi!u Tit f Vt fnmS: ,$ -SS5-4. 11 ' -ii ing tho fodder shredded I t tne feed I taken utro of curlier nnd thero U Ireit ixNMiurit to leaching mlim nnd weathcrlnjr processr. Again, inuru feed win bo put In n smaller space, thu rcu.ulrlug leiw storage space. Whsl lleef Mf ThliiU t MUae. Ibn cuevesi attending the tup of !ai: In the da ry business has created sling" In thu dairy business much Interest among beef entile men. Ull... .... lal.MB M lt.tlllllt flMVt. I which I quite to the dairy ow In Ueeulim her dKrstlve aystetn III good condition. The name will be found true for the lcf animal. Twenty pound of silage ir day will supply all the bulk nnd water needed in a fattening ration. The other roughage may consist of either long fmbler or mlxust hay. the economy of using silage for fattening purpose Is well brought out by Prof. A M Koulo or the Virginia station, who has stated the following couelusloiis ' "There wa a difference of from .1 to ft of n jwund of grain per head er day In fnror of the silage red ntitie rror,y. They at.. HnMir.! out In-tter and liil yiyf ,,, f , ,,, r any discriminating market would cer-Mr V mj1 (p(,rr of ,,,,, tnlnly bring n better prim than the ,,ll.1(im,i wr,, v11i ,i1h iiwii rll,, (l, L. .fAH . . i ,. Ing the youngest memlsr. The great 'Ofthotl,wforni.f nngliag.. feA.IBrwUrniiMi(,r u i1r, n(( m iiic nnngp was enten wnn ttir iinii"i relish, nnd tin re wn nlMMilutely no Iom, whereiiN with the stoter the Iom amounted to Kin ht cent nnd with hay I til er cent. Where n large ntiiuUr of nnluint aro fed this would make n ronsldernble illffervncit III the cost of rullou, exwpt that the shredded itorer can I utlllccd to ndtantage for bal ding" Silage a It Is put up titdny I M ter than when the practice was first started Goisl silage of corn I mad, when the grain ha passed the milk stage and has commcitccd U glnie a lit tle Silage Is made also from sorghum, corn nnd cow pen mid pea vine. Ilaabl ltro4lMa "up. The double brooding cop shown In the drawing Is four feet s-piar and three feet high at rear, two nlid one half In front. It may be built of longu and grooved stuff or straight edge board one-half or three-fourth Inch thick. The hinged lid iliould have tits cleat each to make them firm. In mi., h ..u- ...inn - ... - ..r th- . Quarter by one and one-h.lf Inch .tuff. to Insure rigidity. Hi one corner, a. ahown, I the neat, four llichr deep nnd fifteen or eighteen Inche pare, a coo nil n j: to the stie of the hens krit Tlie tsurd floor, explain Ihe Orange Dot Mix naoon vor .Tit, 1,1 Vnrnirr. ! rvtrrml with wiliml V...... H....... .- ......... .... .-...-. up ann,t i-.wl miuI tirtnV iirii tti.ira ' readily supplleil through the door. I which preferably lift In front, at.ble credit Germany with 2S.MH. shown. Corn Learllnit Western Crap. The statistical burrnu of the Union Pacific passenger department Issue a itntement compiled from government report showing the rnlue of farm product In seventeen State west of the Mississippi In 1007 to have Ix-cn $l,00l,(KX),()0O Corn lead In proilue tlou, ts'lng valm'd at uenrly half n billion dollar. Winter wheat I next valued at I'.tsi.otxi.onri, nnd domestlr liny wn valued at only I'.'.OOO.OOO les Itye, oats, barley, nnd otntc follow In order. The report also show nn In rrease In llvo stock of 250 per cent sltico 1870. l-'ariu ."Vole., Alfalfa iuvd I now selling in many part of tho West for 10 to 12 centa a tiound. Egyptian cotton land produce nearly four time ns much per acre us that of thl country The Irrigated districts of Egypt com prise GrlHO.COO acre mid support 10,. 000,000 iersons. Owing to a prolonged drought In In din th productive area of wheat land ha shrunk from 0,000,000 to 5,000.000 acre. In four year a pair of ruhhlla could secure a progeny of nearly 1,600,000. A ilno rabbit produce ns many na set en families a year. Many important drainage project nn under wny In thu nmrsli In m! in j,oii Ulnna, which will ultimately make II a great agricultural country. A dnlry train which recently went out from Lafayette, !ud colored f00 miles on the Motion route, nnd 4,000 lcnplo heard the Iccturci which wur delivered from tho' ram. It Is CHtlmnted that if tho cnttlo ship- pera of Iown aucceetl In mablUhln. their claims ngulmt tho railroads for excesslvo shipping clmrgca In C'tlengo they will get back fully a half million dollars. BOMKTinrlO FOR KVintYUODY Good opMirtiiultlcH for electrical tin. riortnliliiK In Hpalu tire reported. riio Federated Malay State prodiix f ,,; ,,,. ,,,,. ' Ol (III, There I a hacienda, or rhiieh, In ,f1M"'P?w. " !. ' '""" l"" l'rlHB WW rrr-. Kite day I n Chinese national hull, day. An expert f'hlncwi kiln flyer will eaally keep six or even eight kite g.. lug ou one atrlng. f ' n po Japan exported n lllllo over $,(HiO worth of human lmlr llm total crt wa valued nl t)0,(MX) In Hhki. ,rge ipiantltle are made Into wig trla. A rery crcdltnhln exhibition of nrl ental paintings, both tmslern atxl an clout examples, wa held nt thn India Kverniiient schid of art In Calcutta child I eleteu month old, Consul Orncy nt Tslngtnu warn young men against going to China In tin. )0i of tludlug profitable Jm Any )outig iiimii who Is willing to work will, he says, find te!er opirluul(h- every day In the large Ainerlenn rllle A new process has tn-en dlisiivemt In China by which ramie fiber (evomr a soft fllasso In a few minute. A ! eompnny has lieen formed to prepare the nlasse for general use, and the first shipment will stain k mndn In Kuropr. The Muntelpal Cbaintwr of Par, llratll, hss revYtitly authorltiil a re duct Ion In the tax levied on traveling Mtctmcn, The reduction will he- ef ( fNfT, , Jn ,( imt rut nrW tax amount to lxit fit), with addl tlonal fee of about IIH. 'Hie penalty for evasion Is confiscation f sampc and a heavy fine. Tlie Orleans Hallway (Vmpany of Frnnce recently Inauguratnl n new 'lMtn de luxe, fonslsllng of alt new I "" " wily feet long, or six I '"', ,, " . ""' now ,,n,UM ?n V'0 b V " ."'""""V ," truck with triple axtetree. giving great moothttr In running, Ttiem are two smoking car furnlahrd with writing table and tiewipaper and w rl(llcla. Ttin highest authorltlea place the r tal number of year elapse! since, In the light of the beat geological evi dence, men first appeared upon earth at 2h.t,fXX). Of thla, 7H.OH0 belcuig tit the prcglarlal eporh, l(s,i)00 year ti the glacial cj"ch and the protohlatnrle ami neolithic, lO.tmo jiara to thn last namel ept.lis, and tl.C'O year to the time elapsed since the U-gllinlng of tho hlatorlc perhnl In Kgypt. A recently publlahnl statistical re port gives the number of "diploma lOilralpliilla1 In the world aa '.KHXI. Of thrsa Hurot.' has I03.3&. Tlie ta "which," sny the Frankfurter ' tung, "ahow the table to he Incorrect, for th Medeelnlsehrr Yahrbuch give . Gennauy .11,113 physleluns, of whom iioe-iiiiii are --mnm. in nil inn Inrge cities of Germany there are two to threo physician to every thousand Inhabitants, while In Herlln there aro about five for every four thousand " An extraordinary niklltlou haa Iitii inndo to Hut exhibition of Inventions In Herlln. A shoemaker named Weg tier, living In Strnshurg. tin m'tit In a clock of the grandfather nhnt-i, nnir ly six feet high, made entirely of straw. The wheels, jiolnter, easo nnd etery detail am exclusively of straw. Weg tier ha tnkru fifteen year to construct this atrangi piece of mechanism. It ke'i erfet time, hut under thn niwt favornblo clrcumslaueea cannot last longer than two year. Umdon Globe, The most curious railway In thn world I built on lev. It I laid bviween Cronstadt and Oratilcuhnuu, ami I In un only during the winter its suc cess ha suggested the construction of a similar winter railway between the two Important nnutiierclal centers, K rem en tch ug nnd Ekntnrlmxdnr, which are united In summer by tho steamboat trattle along tjie Dnelpi-r river. Thl ineifns of ronimiuilcntlou I closed In winter by the Ire. A cost ly, niundalMiut Journey haa lo be mndu between thu two towns, though they ib) not lie fnr apart. I 'inter the now Korean forest law a thu forcHU will bo rlnsslfled In Dmr kind, according to tho stntus of their owner, Theso four rlasaca aro lints- Vlnl, Htnto, public nnd prlvnto foreaOi. Thn iiilnlster of agriculture, roinmerco nnd Industry may work out and order tho preservation of such forvHlti iim may bo necesuHry for the prevention of land- !,,1,,,M, tt( M,i r' 'n,nt ,,,,n; Ister can also prohibit tho rutting of forest, the destruction of which would Impair the scenic fenturea of placed of public resort or localities noted for conic attractirsoe.