LOCAL BITS. An o pound buy wuh Imni to ,Mr. mid Mm. Oliver Johniou latit Saturday, Milt Young ii,IV fctt fui 'Hnrrls Mirg. Or , (or it muiiuiern visit nt the old home, Wntitfd CS(tl or woiimn to do general hmjicwork in nuisiII family. IikjuIio in tills ollktr toft . KherllT Hlkliu win t lleud Wednesday utti'iiiliiix to ilt,.i) mut ters cnuiicotuil with IiIh oftkw . Thot. Tweet Itflt Tuesday foil 'Chicago mid other Eastern oiiin, He pluus to In K'"ie utuiit two lllOlltllH A ll HniiKM has bonulit (lie Chus. Cottor ivdduucc including seven acres of laud lie will move in nt ouec. Kohcoo Howard, general iiiniiu ver ol the I). I. it l (Jo . i uuk liii; n httiiorM vimI to I'otUuiid mid other outside M)Iiiim Mr. mid Mr. Italph ShrrwiKxl enmc In from their fiupi in tlir IMcuHani Khlite nt'iKilxirhiiAd to at tend the pluy Wednejduy uiht. Chriktlnii Kmlenvnr tonic for- Sunday cvcuIiik. May lis "Home MNslnii AtHokit for ChrUt. Isu. 60:1 1-32. Lender, Mr. Walker. I nm now HewitHl to do all kinds of sho icptiriiiK. HriiiK in , your work and give we n trial At Hunter's old Mntul -John I.koat. H. Taylor, a telephone tnuu from Condon, wan ih Henri lt Krxiuy looking of er thin .section I lecmc In from t'rlttcvilfe with II. C KM. The beat boonlcr lot any town d u paint britxh in the Iwn.ls of mii cxpttteucwl punter I.et me help you Iwoxt N I'. V)liKK, Painter mid PniNrhniiger, Henri, Or. Chester O. Murphy, refatec In bankruptcy, gjvVi notice that the first meeting of the creditor! of Martin V. Tmliiy will I held in Portland on June j. The schedule filed riUclotes uafcois Aiunuutitii: to Soo How About That New Suit You Are Going: to Buy ' Of counfc j on want the best you con get for your money the kind that fit the kltul that wear 1 he kind that lvc you rill round satisfaction. I have just that kind and an umuBiisU.lluc to select from. I.et me show you the new, up-to-date styles. -rntisi. .' .''tr-.fJ r ' w vmiuv - 1 ' ncv. w 1 w m-J ' 9 EDESCO TAILORING SYSTEM Acquaintance lead to Beflcr IJuJorfetnUtliiiy. B(Q cr Gnyii WW It lilitrt V I'anit&o xclusivo agent for tho ;6 perfect fitting Hnp of Tailor Made Garments for Men -t " - &L4:i& .''. -s ' . -t . .. ! Qeiieral M6rcltttUlise j:' V BEND, fti. 4-m 4 ffi.itr Remember the lecture ' at the church tonight. It. 1'. Zimiacr man of the Aiill-Snloon Lcntruc will give rensoiiH why Crook county Hhnud go dry. His lecture will be illustrated with Mcrcoptlcon views. Free to every tjody, ( Jacob W, ' I'k'terkotii a hustling young farmer in the Plcusiiut Illrigc neighborhood, whs n bundicis visi tor in lleiid Wednesday, "renminbi: oyer night to attend the pla'y "The JlccMtlck Sktile" This olucc ac knowledges a pleasant cull. Election Is coming. The trust needs the money and the nrlec of vnl jiHr will go up I have oyer 300 .sum pie patterns ol nil trrc Inlust dcslRlisuiid, shades, ike them'be fore you huy.N. I'. WitllHrtt, 1'uititer mid Pnpcrhniigcr, Demi. Coiigrcwmiin Ellis linn recom mended the appointment of Dr. C. V. Motrtll nit postmaster at lleud. Ah a inilKitosiimn'H lecoiiunendn tioii iiracttUHlly icttles the mutter of appointment, lir. Merrill will uu boilhterity he lUnid'tt next post master. " It 1'. Zimmermen of the Auti Hnloon Lengtn will rive n lecture at the church tonight; ill (which he will hhow why the saloons should he put out of business. The lec ture will be illustrated by Mcrcoptl con views AiliulHsiou free. Let cvur one attend ' Mf and Mm. J H Wcnnndy left Welne.sify morning for IMiib isbiun, Mont.,1 where Mr. We iiuudy will look after the ettntc of hh eraullinothtr, Intely deceased, Mr. Wennmly havhij; been appoint ed ndmiuUirator ortlie estate. In their ulwencu II. J. CTverlurf will have charcv ot the stnKe office at llend. 1 4 At n taectiuii o,f the board of directors of the 1'ioneer Telegraph Sc Telephone Couixinv held in 1'rinevillc recently, the following oflicer.s were elected for.the ensuing year: 1'rcnMeiit. V. H. Oucrln, Jr.; first iec-prcldcit, Chin. S lidwlirds; second viec-pruiident, George W Nohlcj asitnnt sccrc- - C L' um b C 1 . - OREQON op-'t. Hrrarrf;f.i- rasa, .. t : ri ? 1 L LARA uf yiV'.'l Tfiginmi'i-.iiniirf 11 tary, P. O. Minor. The election of the other officers wan postponed until the next monthly meeting ofj the Iward. ,Kcccnt ptircliMcrs of Ucnti pro ncrty ore J. II. Hetm, who b'oiritht; lotH i and ir, block ay, P. P. Smith, lot 4, block 37; W. II. Phlllipi, south half of block 39, The ball name at Redmond Sun-, day ended In a detent for liciid, the Hcdmond Iwy.s wolloplnj,' it to the lleud aKKrrgatiou to the tunc of 12 to 3. The first half of the ntnc it wuh nip and tlick but Kcih'joud finally took the lead. There were no spectacular p!ay excepting when the Kcilmond liorl.s(op caught a hot liner, then quickly doubled to second' mid then to first, putting out three men. The presentation of "The Decs trick Sktile" by local, talent Wednesday eve ititiK wan a H'cat success. A larec nuuicuce war. in attendance and everyone nccmed to enjoy heartily the endeavors of the actors to pk-aie them, rht various jiuts were taken with abil ity, and everything passed off smoothly from the rive of the cur tain until it dropped nt the close.' The net tecdipts from the play amount to $-10.55 The Ladies Library Club have set nside $$0 with which to pay the librarian's salary for the next five mouths. They have also author ized the expenditure of $10 for new bookn. At n meeting of the club held Thursday a vote of thank: way extended to all who nttended the play, for thuir patronage and sup jort and especially to those who lieljcd in the jlny. The ladies state that they would be much pleased to have everyone visit the library nod draw books, thus get ting a return for the patronage they have accorded the library movement. The party of men from Iowa Who came in to look at ditch land were very well pleated with what they bow. , Two of them ltouuht laud and the others will return in u short time and also invest They were looking not only for laud but were ready to consider other good investments. Kdw. Johnson, cash ier of the Farmers Savings Hank at Sexton, Iowa, who was one of the party, told The Bulletin that if they were satisfied with matters here some 35 or 30 families from his home section woujd locate here. And Mr. Johnson was. well saUsficdr The result will be an Iowa colony, in thft vicinity. W. II. Staats has had great Rood luck with that setting of egs which he. hau sent- in from Cali fornia Out of 63 eggs he secured 48 chicks that arcsroi)gnud lively. Considering that the eggs were shipped over 1 son miles, the last end of the trip being over a stage line, that is a very good showing indeed. The chicks arc from thu- poultrv yards of J. V. White ap CalWtorrn, California, and are from I the celebrated Xr.pp strain, o White Leghorn's. When tne.se click feuch the laying age Mr. Staats will probnbly ' Ik winning nil prizes I lor the lwt egg producers in the cotiuty. At least, that is what he , is figuring on doing. ' Mr. Karl J. Wright and Miss 'Fannie Oshoiii were married Wednesday nt high noon t the home of the bride's im rents at Cul ver, Judge Culver ofiicintiug After the cerenjony the gusts sat down to it somptuou wedding dinner, to , whieh nil did justice. The bride and 'groom left the sanM afternoon for Portland and Inter will probably I take- 11 trip Into California, after wliloli Mr. and .Mrs. Wright will Iratttitn tn llmiH 'Phi vmiitLf i-.inikli. ....... ... ........ ...,,......,... are both wall known here and have numerous friends, IinrJ being the popular nnumgerf the Hotel llend. J 1 lie untie iiaa ivtivicM ncmi about two yen 1 3 and has won many menus for hurselt by her true womanly qualities. The Bulletin extends congrutuhitious. Chronic Constipation Cured One lw sufTcr f runt chronic euMlpa tluu I In danger of iwy ncrluus all inuntH. Holev'it Orino' lativc cureo chronic coitttlpnUmi iu it aids di;eiktlon und kthmlliitcD the Inn tun I ImjuuIh, rv storing the iiuturnt uctlou of these orguns Commence taking it today and you w'HJ foci U'tter nt.unec, l'olcy's Orino wutlvu does ,nut imnscntc or gripe and 1a pleasant to tut; c. Kcfuse ul)3lltutc.-C. W. Meit), DrugKlkt. . V V Acents Vanod. Vautei, nihil' to npiKiint ub-ng;nts,o ill WirV- for k l.lri'o limber unl lilinljor cpinimuy; lllwral coiitiiilsstons. 516 Ko(tl-J Vvte for II. C Kills (or county judge, i.rfiTT 1 im ihi ,i ni( 11 rTurwr j'riftf I ... .0. 1 0r. Clarenc'a Trua Wilson onVVo'Aaa Suffrago. The (jiieon I not whether the women linvc a right to vote, but it i whether we ttnve n right tn compel them all to vote n the dictation of n very imall minority of their own nuniher Hl cerUlu the vrtt majority of our women do not wlih the ballot. The laws for tlic protection AT women are improving uteadily with t1a yenra nnd .every tn.- tercit of hers It a well SNfc-KuniiK'da that of any nun. , Jf you wUli to irotrt 1 1 1 nenuoi wuiuji, aik yourten toonv, t!6e my wife want to vole, doci my aUter, dots my inpttier claim it to be Iter privijvge if they do not, wlni right hate I to couicl ihem to do It by uy ballot? 1 Hut It Is said ve iii'ed the ballot ol woman to aid it In government, flut is it exitedieut? Will vx-letv lc inioroved by the eraulinx of the ImUmI to WAmeu? will the ln;ttcr clcii'ent of women come to the front nt )llllrnl workers nnd fill our ofTicet, or wilt the worMC Which it the better element ot women? The quiet and nttumiug qureut of oiirhomet, our mother, titlcrt, wives mid sueet heard, or will ixtlltlc xs controlled by tho clutnsoincri This It not an untried fViictliiicnt. 1'our ttatet have kIvcii the Imllot to wvmau unconditionally, and after Jo year of woman' voting, poli tic has not arrivadnt Ilic moral itaudard of ciurown ktatu, in Wyoming Colormlo, Idaho or I'tali. Hut .you ay, "There ore not at many women as men In Vyoniing." Yes, Wt in Pull women are au plentiful that icveir or etht of tlisin club together ninl kVtt) one hut baud between lliein, ami with thit num erous coniKiuv (hey Up nut closed the mUmju, or closed the brolhclt. Or prr vented gambling dent, or purified poli tico. Indeed, there ure not four ttatet in our I'nloii where x)litics ft to cor lupt at ill the four state wlicrf women vole. It it a Mil picture where a man, for the toke of office, tolls hit integrity, but It is a sadder, mil a common tight, in the Mnlea where women vote, to ice wotAcii tell their virtue fur officet. CAN AlVKSrrtCIKlCIKriOKNTS. I can give ittfclfic incident with name, tdaccs nnil datct, where women, desiring to be 'atatttnut cotihty elerkt, ctr,,arc vent from the candidate offiic tn th nolitlcat l-ovs to there oiler her all t Uie tliriue of tiiau, who. but for poli tic, wobbl not lie alloMeil in enter tier liuin. J11 every woman' auffrajee tlate, the proverb hat had a double cmpliatls thai "Politics make ttrauge compaii ions." If vpu with to prevent such com! it tout in Orceon. vote "So" on the woman tuffrage amendment on uue itt Serious fVesults Feared Von mav well fear scriout retultt froirt a eoiih or cold, as pneumonia, and con tumpihili start wills a cold. 1'olc)' Huuey and Tar cures the mott olHliutte cnuhsor coldt and preventt serious re tultt. Kcituc suotuiuies. u. v. cr rill? Druggist. Por State Senator. To the people of the 17th Sena torial district of Oregon: Uc.spccc for your intelligence and desire to serve your .best in tcrc&ts, impclls me to 'declare ray platform. I believe the Statement No 1 plan is the only practical way to accomplish tlic election of U. S. radiators by the people, aud is therefore the gateway to all other 1 national reforms The people of Oregon arc entire ly competent to elect their repre sentative in the U. S Senate. Ore gon livestock breeders, Oregon fruit growers arc world famous. Oregon's resources arc uusurpaassed. Let 113'ruakc Oregon the greatest state for ood roads, good schools, pure foods, honest weights and measures, honest political methods by intelli gent, systematic co-operation. I.et us advance every interest. Push 1 for Oregon, l'ult for Oregon. C, Sl'RINtniK, Democratic candidate for State Senator ,.Jtm a 1 V feSCTW-?attHJ to mamm L----r.-S5 ssss When You Paint buildings, inside or out side, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use SHERWIN-WlLUAMS Paint Call foV ' ' color cards E,. A. ATgR A Full Line of drocerlcs,. Dry Uoods and Hardware always on Hand. f A fcV men's washing wauled, Axna Stkbw. jC; lC& iMi I - MllHUtU .I.! 41 mlttM fiKKaat, Every FaVmer IB IB B (J Why?, BGcalSe: our n10nJis safet in t! bjink tun anywircre else. Paying yo'ur bills by check t the simplest and mtist convenlntjme;iiod. 1 -YQur check bec5mi a voucher for the debt it pays. k . , ' It gives you a, bolter standing with business 'men, ,. . . Money in the haul: strengthens your credit. ' A bank account leaches, helps and eucour , -ages you lb siive. ; ' 'iTlti.s bank does all the bookkeeping. . ' - , Your bank book is a record of your business. To those desiring Bonking Connections with a well established Bank, We extend our services. The Central Ordgom Banking (Ufa Trust Company jl Dinearons: Jehn Sloidl I.utulx-noan ami Tfttibtr Owner. SV. C. Coe l'liyaMan awl Sargeon H. P.J. McDonald Mayor ofllcnd. E. A. Salher Merchant. . d. B. Heyburn , '. Cashier;"' I , A FINE LINE OF Rocking Chairs RANGING IN PRICE FROM 1 $1.50 JUST ARRIVED AT J. I. West's Furniture Store. TO REPUBLICAN AN OVERWHELMING majority of Oregon's ot era by rc;istratk)ii haw formally declared tha t trsey believe in the principles of the Republican Party. Let them now show that they are honest by voting in accordance with their declarations. The Orogon election conies before the Republican National Convention. Let every 'Rcjiiityicati voter in the Sec ond CotiRrewional District uphold the honor ot the Republican Party inQrexon and strengthen the iullit cuco of Oregon's dulegatian hi the National Conven tion by voting for II. M Cake fur United Statas Sen ator amlV. R. K1.1.IS for Rpreaentati-e iu Congress. If cither of these Republicainiooiinees fail of election the primary election system will be discredited and a return of boss rule will be invited. The good name of Oregon's voters will be smirched und Oregou's dele gation tothe National Convention will be placed in a humiliating position. For the effect it will have on the, November election it is imperative that the Repub lican nominees iu the June election shall be elected by nn ovcrwheluiiup majority. As a belevcr in the prin ciples of the Republican parity it h your duty to Cm at the polls Jttue tstraud vote for CArus aud Etus, r Second Congressional District Reptiblicait Ce'ntral Cdnmittee E. H. FLAQQ, Sec'y fHfi J 1 I.' hi itSTjat. .iSijav i-. ,As well as every business mnn should have a bank account. i M 1 s M L'f Kl n s.7 to $5.00 mumiimoihiiiiiiiiiiiiii niajr OF 1 s ' I a 1 1 k&SBS&SXSZIZSSSS&iSI1 9UJMWMM33S VOTERS V. E. WILLIAAISON, Clim. ".in .mi I