The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1908, Image 2

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H ssfllTs-l i -n n i - .ig- -sfe . 1..- -xj - a-3' ;m i-i-tc n )il,tStijJMsaxllitW
Atlantic Squadron In Sight Two
Hours Off Astoria.
Excursion Steamers Saluto Warship
.,They Round Tillamook Head
Color Dipped In Reply.
Astoria, Or., May 31. From every
point of vantage on dunes and head
lands between Wiltapa Harbor and
Tillamook Head yesterday the pa
triotic people of the Pacific North
west waved their welcome and fare
well to the battleships of the Atlantic
fleet as they steamed up the coast.
Ten thousand throats cheered the im
posing pageant of the nation's naval
power; hats were flung high in the air
ana tears streamed uown tne taccs
of many spectators Jin an excess of
patriotism, as inc imposing wc 01
monster fighting ships rounded Tilla
mook Head ana came in sight of the
waiting multitude
It was a magnificent tight, such as
the Oregon coast hat never before
witnessed. In the lead, flying Rear
Admiral Sperry's blue two-starred
flag, was the Connecticut, the splen
did type of the navy's latest fighting
macnincs. inc. vessel mat icu inc
squadron on its historic voyage from
Hampton Roads with "Fighting Bob"
Evans on the bridge, still stood a,t the
head of the column, which was made
up of the following ships:
First squadron, first division Con
necticut, Kansas, Minnesota, and Ver
mont. Second division Georgia. Nebras
ka, New Jersey and Rhode Island.
Second squadron, third division
Louisiana, Virginia, Ohio and Mis
souri Fourth division Wisconsin, Illi
nois, Kearsarge and Kentucky.
Accompanying the, war vessels was
the hosoital ship relief.
As the fleet rounded Tillamook
Head at 11:30 in the morning, the
battleships, which were steaming
abreast of each other in a straight
line stretching to the horizon. swung
nto a single column, the flagship lead
ing the van, and cruised within two
miles of the surf, affording a splendid
view to the spectators on shore. A
fleet of excursion steamers crossed
the bar earlv in the day and greeted
the battleships off Tillamook Rock
with a volley of whistles Eaeh ves
sel was loaded to its capacity with ex
cursionists and their cheers were
added to the noisy salute. The mos
quito fleet escorted the war vessels
northward of the Columbia River,
when they returned to Astoria, when
the war vessels left the excursion
craft behind, the battleships resumed
their portions steaming to the north
abreast of each other.
As the snuadron steamed along in
perfect order, each vessel dipped its
colors in acknowledgment of the loud
acclaim from the excursion craft.
Black Hand Angered Because Efforts
to Extort Money Fall.
New York. May SL The refusal
of a wealthy Italian physician to com
ply with the demands of Mack Hand
criminals for money resulted fn en
dangering the lives of 100 persons
yesterday, when a bomb was exploited
in the tenement house at 316 East
Eleventh street A number of per
sons were injured and the occupants
ot the house rushed into the street In
panic, while doors and beams which
had been twitted out by the explosion
tumbled all around them. The lower
part of the house was almost com
pletely wrecked None of the injured
was dangerously hurt with the excep
tion of Tony Lambirro, who was
crushed bv falling timbers and in
ternally iniured.
The exrloion occurred when most
of the occupants of the house were at
breakfast The bomb had been placed
in the rear hall, under the stairs The
stairway was almost completely toft
atvav. every door on the first and sec
ond floors was wrenched off windows
were b'own out, and platter and
beams all over the house were shaken
down I ambarrn was on the stairs
when the exotosion occurred. The
others iniured were struck by flying
timbers in their apartments.
Big Deal In Oil Land.
Los Angeles, May 21. The biggest
oil deal in the history of California
has been closed by the purchase of
1,200 acres of oil fields in the heart of
the Coalinga district by the American
Petroleum Company for the sum of
2,OOOOno. with the excention of the
Southern F-icific holdintrs this land
represents all the undeveloned ground
in the brst part of the Coaltnm field
Early operation and t the oroduction
of an enormous auantitv of nil are as
sured, as the" American Petroleum
Company is capitalized at $10,000,000.
Italy Protests.
Rio de Janeiro, May 21 The min
ister of Italy has delivered to the min
ister of foreign affair a protest
against the conduct of the coffee
flantcrs of San Paulo, who oblige
talian labnres to become naturalized
citizens before they will employ them
Ruof Again Etcapes, but Now Trial
Will Ue Pressed.
Snrf Kntncleo, May 132 Unable to
agree, after being out almost -M hours,
tho jury In tlie ease of Abraham lluef,
charged with offering a bribe to former
Supervisor Jennings J. Phillips, wa dis
charged at S o'clock last evening by
Jiulgo Maurice T. Dooling. Thirteen
ballot were taken, and the jury stood
0 to 0 from the outset. At no tngo was
there a chance for an agreement, the
credibility of tho witnesses being the
main point upon which the juror di
vided. The failure of the Jury to convict will
not alter tho attitude of the prosecution
as there are numerous Indiotmontt peud
lug against ltuef, on one of which ho
will bo placed on trial ns aoon as the
stato ean make Its arrangements to that
end. In view of this faet the board of
supervisors today appropriated $70,000
for the continuance ot tho craft proso-
lteauming their deliberation's yester
day morning, the jury was railed into
court at 11VI5 n'eloeK bv JudL-e l)oo-
ling, but asked tho court for more time.
The request wns granted and they re
tired. When 4 o'clock arrived tho bailiff or
dered tho courtroom cleared, as Judge
Dooling had decided to send for the
jury in a short time, and there was a
destro to avoid any demonstration on
the part of the spectators. As a result
attorney directly Interested and the
members of the press wcro about tho
only ones in attendance when the jurors
filed In and took their places in the box.
Foreman Penny arose, and in response
to tho question of Judge Dooling said
it was impossible for the jury to ngrce.
K.ach juror, was then questioned by
Judgo Doohng, and all agreed that they
could not "arrive at a verdict. Judge
Dooling then formally discharged the
Edwin Gould Make Announcement
for Western Pacific.
Los Angeles, May 2: Edwin Gould,
pathfinder for the "wean to ocean"
railroad ambition of his brother,
George, announced that the Gould lines
will not only reach San Francises, but
they will enter Lot Angeles and tho
ports of tho 1'aelfle Northwest, through
Portland. Mr. Gould arrived today
from Texas in his privato caro "Dixie."
Gould is a director of the Western
Pacific, and make the positivo an
nounccmcBt that tlitf ocean to ocean
Gould lino will be consummated with
the curly completion of tho Western
Pacific into Han Francisco, and that the
lines of tho Goulds will also bo extend
ed to Portland in tho near future.
Further, Mr. Gould declares that the
Pacific Coast wilt bo the scene of the
most extensive railroad operations ever
For ma ay months it has been rumored
that the Gould, interest have been se
curing options on rights of way along
the coast from the north shore of San
Francisco bay' to Kureka. The North
western railroad, which ends at Wlllets,
Mendoeiao eoonty, Is supposed to lo
the property of the Southern Pacific and
Santa Fe jointly, hut lately It h.vs been
reported that' part of tho right of way
between Willets and Kureka bo been
found to overlap other claim, and liti
gation was tlreatened.
Sixty Killed and Hundred Injured In
Collision of Trains
Antwerp, May 22. In ono of the.
worst railroad disasters that ever oe
eurred in this country a great number
or passengers, the number being esti
mated a high as 00, wero killed today,
and nt least 100 seriously injured in a
collision between two passengers trains.
Tho trains were running at a high rate
ot speed when tho crash occurred. They
eamo together with great force, throw
ing the ear from the tracks and piling
them up in heap of rums. Great dif
ficulty was experienced In releasing
tho imprisoned passengers. Twenty two
bodes have been recovered, and search
for more is boing mado In the ruins.
The collision occurred nt Contieh, six
mile southeast of Antwerp. Ono train
wa bound for lirussols and the other
was going to Llerre. Threo coaches of
tho latter train were crushed into kind
ling wood. Tho accident, which it
thought to havo been due to mistaken
signals, took place on a crossing.
New Outbreak In Haytl.
Port nu Prince, Haytl, May 22In-
cited to Insurrection by Soptlinu
Marl us, the rebel loader, a serious anti
government outbreak ha taken place
in tho southern part of tbo Island, Strong
force have been sont to the scene to
suppress the uprising, but fear rfte on
tertalncd that before tbo troop arrive
the insurrectionist will havo solzed a
number of cities, following tho selzuro
with massacres la rovengo for the sum
mary execution of a number of promi
nent anti-government sympathizers In
this city last March.
Favors Opium Conference.
Tolcio, May 22 The Japanese gov-1
ernment ha signified it intention of
tplning America in the latter's efforts
to secure the calling of an international
opium conference.
Secretary Smytho Praltet Compulsory
Dipping Law.
Portland. Secretary Dan P. Smytho,
of tho Or? mm Woolgrowor association,
passed through Portland recently ou hi
way li Salem, whom he represents tho
third district of .Oregon at tho annual
meeting of the state sheep commission.
Mr. Smytho says the wool clip this year
is as largo as usual, and that tho wool
Is of exceptionally fine quality.
At this sesslou of the sheep commis
sion tho eastern Oregon men intend to
take some radical nct,lon to prevent fur
ther encroachments of Washington
sheepmen in tho Wenahn forest reserve.
.Mr. Stttythe, x tio is extensively en
gagsnl in sheeprHising himself, is em-
pnatie in praise or tiio ottnpuisorv tup
tdug law iased nt tho last session of
the legislature. He snys Oregon sheep
are now practically free from disease uf
every kind, and tho wind is of a much
higher grade than in former years.
Ilio nilinlinstrtlon nt Washington has
favored tho woolgrowvr in the Kver
green State, to the detriment of Oregon
stockmen. Ju-t what action mill be
taken Mr. Km the was not prepared to
say. but ho thinks the commiwion villi
make recommendation that tho for
estry department nt tho national capital
will not daro to overlook.
Sheepmen Gobble! 00,000 Acres as
Overflow to Forett Rtterve.
Pendleton Ono hundred thousand
acres of fine rango land has Just been
leased in Haker county by Morrow, Gil
liam and Umatilla county sheepmen as
an overflow range from their fercat re
serve allotment. The land Is logged
ofi timber land, and lie in a strip 60
mile in length between Austin and
Pleasant valley, in Haker county, and
belong to the numerous lumber com
panies of that district. It st as teased
for flvo years by Dan P. 8m the, of
this city, and A. K. and A. Kmythe, of
Arlington, William Smith, ot Arlington,
and A. C. Whittier, ot lUkcr county.
Tho sum of IS ,000 was paid for use of
tho tract for five years. Over 50,000
bead of sheep will bo held in the terri
tory during a portion of tho summer.
it I well watered ana contains nne
Hslt InHTlmber Land Buying.
Klamath Palls. J. W. Alexander, of
the Weyerbaeucr Lumber company, Is
in this city on business for hi com
pany. He state that he i not bore to
buy timber, but that ho expects to buy
when special induccmonts are offerol.
There is but little movement in timber
In this section, and none Is expected un
til after the presidential election. While
the priee of farming lands In this see
tlon has increased In the past six
months, timber land has decreased from
$1-50 a thousand to 75 cent and II.
However, thoso holding claim aro not
worrying over conditions, as they feel
sure the slump in timber I but tem
porary. Whipping Up on Tule Contract.
Klamath Falls. It I stated here that
Chief Knginccr Hood ha given impera
tlvo order that the dredging on the
marsh or the railroad grade most be
rushed or the contract will be forfeited.
The contract consist of a grade four
miles along across swamp land, now rank
with tules, ana the agreement now is
that crew must bo worked day and
night in order to throw up tho grade
at the earliest possible dato In order to
allow It to settle and dry before the
track 1 laid.
Open Reserves June I.
Pendleton Sheepmen of Prnatilla
county have received nstlco that sheep
may bo taken upon tho Wcnaha forest
reserve June 1, Instead of Juno IS, the
date originally set. For somo tlmo
shcenmen havo been asking for the use
of the reserve on tbo llluo mountains
earlier than usual, because of the dry
weather prevailing this spring. Dan P
Smytho, secretary of the sheepmen's
association, ha receive! notice from
Supervisor Sehmltz Jbat admission
would Lo granted June 1.
Will Exhibit at State Fair.
Oregon City Tho board of director
of 'the Clackamas County Fair associa
tion ha authorized tho executive com
mittee to make a county exhibit at tho
state fair, which will follow tho Clack
amas county fair. The board appropri
ated $50 for premium tor Juvenile
exhibits, and reappointed' Thomas F.
llvan, (Jeorgo Mzolle and T. J. Gary as
a committee to direct the affairs of the
CherrylFalr at The Dalles,
Tho Dalles Tho mid-summer meet
ing of the State Horticultural loeloty
and cherry fair wllj be held at The
Dalle, Juno 30 to July 2, Inclusive.
Prize will be offered for varlou ex
hibit of eherrioi, and there will be a
programme eaeh day, R, II, Webber,
A. K, Lake, and O. R. Saunderi, tbo
committee, aro now busily engaged In
making 'the arrangement.
Bumper Crop Promised,
Arlington. Heavy rnlns throughout
this section of Oregon a few day ago
have added many thousand of dollar
to tho wealth of Ollllam and adjoining
eountle. The weather I warm and the
farmer happy, Kvery one predict a
.protperou year for thl part of the
Oregon Commission Atks Active Co
operation of Alt,
Portland County Judge and com
missioner of all tho counties of Ore
gon, nt well ns all tho commercial or
ganisations of the statu havo been sent
a letter by tho Oregon-Alaska-Yukon.
Pacific eommtssion In which the commis
sioners ask for co-operatlon In making
Oregon's exhibit nt tho Seattle show tho
f;rentet stato exhibition at next yvar's
dg exposition,
Tho commissioner ant forth that Ore
gon will havo tho most complete state
building nt tho fair, and that the co
operation of tho official In securing
thorough and attractive exhibit of Or
egmi's resource will bo Imperative.
Tho letter which has been sent by tho
eommislon through President Wehruiig
is tu port as follows:
"The expense to your county In col
lecting such an exhibit will not bo
large. Get a live man to take bold of
tho work and inith It, bearing in mind
that It I miality not quantity that It
wanted. After ymi have gathered your
exhibit wo will transport It to Seattle,
install and maintain It without furthsr
expense to your county wo will als
I dace an attendant in charge, and wilt
icep in close touch with you during tho
fair, so that your county will get nil
the benefit possible In the way of ad
vertlslng, etc.
"Tho commission I also having
printed a 0(5 page booklet 6n the r
sources of Oregon, which will be dl'
tribute! during the exposition. Two
page of this booklet will be devoted to
each county. Wo also Intend to show
by moving pletue the farm, orchards,
livestock, timber, mountain, streams
and everything of Interest In eaeh
wa must navo your neip ami co-operation
In the gathering of your exhibit.
If we were compelled to buy these ex
hlbts the stato would havo to double
its present appropriation, but with your
assistance we hep to carry out our
present plaus without asking for any
further appproprlatlon."
Pays Largs Inheritance Tax.
Salem. Tho second largest Inherit
anco tax ever paid into the state trea
tiry wa received recently. It waa
the tax en thh estate of Amanda Heed,
of Multnomah county, appraise! at a
valuation nf f IJS5.010 SP. Tho tax
wns 7,141.-10. The largest tax paid
was on the estate of Henry Welahard,
which amounted to M6.2tS.5l. The an
praised value of the Weinhard estate
wa but 1,351.007.02, but was left In a
lumn sum. while the Heed estate) was
divided among a large numticr or bene
ficiaries. Auto to Carry Tourists.
Klamath Falls Captain J. M. Mela
tyre, of tho Melntyrn Trnmporlatlon
cotHpaav, has purchased nn 11 passenger
automobile, and will put It on tho Hue
!tween Dorr! and this eltsr. A errw
nf men is now working on the road be
tween Harris nnd Kenn, getting it In
shoe for automobile service, nnd It I
rxj-oeled that the run ean be mado In
two hour from end of rail to this ity
Hatchery Superintendent.
Oregon City .W. II. Smith, of Park
place, ha len appointed superintend
ent at the state fish hatcheries at Wal
Iowa and Ontario.
ApplesSelect, S-M per Ikix; fancy,
2 choice, fl.30; ordinary, I.M.
Potatoes Select, 70. per hundred;
Willamette Valley, Se per hundreds
Hast Multnomah, 65c j Ctnekamas, S5e
pr hundrM; sweet, C'c per pound.
Fruits Strawberries, California,
l-r.O01.Sfl per crate; Oregon, 10
iJtic per pound.
VegetablesTurnips, 1 per sack)
carrot. I1.50A1.75: beet. II.SSi par
snips, $145;. beans, wax, lL"4(Ttil.TjC
per pound; head lottuce, 35e per dozen;
artichokes, COe per dozen; nsparagus,
7Se per pound; egg plant, 23(fi30c per
nound; parsley, 2fie per dozon;,poas, Oi0)
7e per pound; peppers, 20c per pound;
radishes, IB per dozen; rhubarb, 23c
per pound; spinach, 8Ce per crate.
Wheat Club, 80c per bushel; red
Russian, Sfl'je; blucstem, 01c; valloy,
llarley Teed, li5 per ton;
siwvraa; nrewing, sku.
Oats No. 1 white, I27.CO per ton;
gray, 427.
HayTlmothr. Willamette Valley,
117 per ton; Willlametto Valley, ordi
nary, llfi; Knatern Oregon, 18.fi0;
mixed, till: clover. tUt alfalfa. 12i
alfalfa meal, $20,
Dressed Meat Ifog,,faney, 80 per
pound: ordinary. 7ffI7Wc: larce. Oct
veal, oxtra, 7V4e; ordinary, 7e; heavy,
Oe; mutton, fancy, 10c.
Duller Kxtra, 2-le per pound; fansy,
23e; choice, SOe; ttore, lOe,
Poultry Mixed chickens. 13(?5Ht)por
pound; fancy hen, 1P(iQ15c; roosters,
old 0e; fryers, dozen, $1; broilers,
dozen, I.SnfflS; dressed poultry, per
pound, le higher; duck lfliTWei geese,
ftOej turkoyi, alive, 1718e; dressed,
Hop 1007, prime and eholco, 6(7$
Olje per pound; old, l(7$2e per pound,
Wool Eastern Oregon, average boat,
11(7?! Be per pound, according to thrlnk-
age; valley, 1012e.
Mohair Choice, 18($18V4e per pound.
Sliuut Down Oarmon mid Uurn Cars
-Little Girl Klllec.
I'lcwdmid, 0., May 20 The most se
rloii violence of tho street our strike
whldh has been on hero slnco Sunday,
occurred '-. Iakowood, a suburb, last
night, wlmn four men were wounded
with bullets, one ear burned and an
other partially wrecked.
Trouble had boon anticipated, and the
first ear to Clinton carried no passen
ger. When It stopped before a railway
bridge, a crowd which had been lying In
wait, leaped from hiding place and
opened tiro on th crew and guards,
Guards W. (1. llame and John Hwauto
returned litis fire, mot than 30 toots
being exchanged.
While the shooting wa in progress
iho crowd grew to nearly a thousand.
Another car arrived and Its erow Joined
In the fight. Uasnlluo wns poured tin
tho second ear and It was burned lo the
trttek. Tho Cleveland pollen woro no
tified, and 00 olilter were sent to the
reseue. Tho first enr, riddled with but
lets nnd window broken, proceeded ta
the nam.
An earlier disturbance occurred In th
downlowB district, when Yalta Wotkln
son. a little girl, was hilled by '
while attempting to cross tho street.
A soon a he resllied what had oe
eurred, tho inotorman speeded tho onr
several block ahead, whore tho pollto
wero notified. Tho conductor then left
the car and sought refuge In a near-by
drug store. A crowd attempted to
reach him, white other attempted to
catch tho fleeing car. Tho police ar
rived just in time to save the conductor,
nt whom the mob was yelling, "Lynch
him lynch him."
Tho state arbitrator took up the tsk
of endeavoring to effect a reconciliation
between the strikers and th Municipal
traction company tarly last night, and
remains.! in session several hours.
Tacoma Planning for EnUrtalnment of
Many Stranger.
Tacoma, Wash, May SO .Wednesday,
May 27, th day on which the full bat
tleship fleet will parndo In Tacoma't
harbor, will be reserved for vlsltort
from out ot town, who will be given
exclusive freedom of the nation' big
fighting machines. This arrangement
will give those net living In Tacoma
tho first opportunity to visit the battle
ships. Tlio general committee uwtor.i
this precaution necessary because of th
great crowds ot eopla coming to Ta
coma from Oregon, Washington, anil at
far east as Idaho and Montana, some of
them for a single day only,
In Tacoma they expect to find special
advantages, for from the high bluff
surrounding Commencement bay d
lortning an Immense natural grandstand,
hundreds nf thousands of visitors ran
be accommodated with a perfect view
of the spacious harbor. William Jones,
chairman of the general committee, says
ho is advised that thousands are Miming
from Seattle to view the parade ofxlhn
fleet, owing to the superior advantage
enjoyed In Tacoma. in eonsemisnto of
llin eirMle.l rush, fha stoamsniii lines
and tho eletrrle and steam reads run
nlng Into Taeoma are preparing to
handle Immense crowds. Mest of the
eitiet and town adjacent to Tacoma
are preparing to send their school ehll
dren hero on masse, and members of
Iho Grand Army nf tho Hepublle, mill
tnry ami other uniformed organisations
nf this and adjoining state will bo la
Taeoma May 30 to Join with tho forces
from tho battleship in paying honor to
the dead of two war In a memorial day
parads that will be without parallel In
tho history of tho Northwest.
Suspected Mlttlon of Jap Steamer to
California Coatt.
Ios Angolet, Mny 30 Immigration
officials wcro notified last tonight of the
arrival of a mysterious Japanese
iteamer at flavlota, In Santa Ilarbar
county, Tho vessel carries a large
crow. When tho captain attempted to
land hi men trio authorities prevented
It. An Immigration officer will invest!
Tho Immigration authorities at this
point telegraphed tho official at flavl
ota to ttotaln tho vessel until nn Invest!
gallon could bo made. Tho steamer had
been seen off the coast for sovornl days,
which fact led the official nf Oavlota
to tolcgraph to thl city for Instruc
tion. It I thought tho vese mav
eontaln Chinese, who nro trying to Innd
In violation of tho Immigration laws.
Reduce Convention Ratot,
Chicago, May 20, In making ratea
of Vi cent a mile for tho fil.rlners1
convention In tho Twin Cities, the Wis
eoniin Central railroad ha set an ex
ampin whlah undoubtedly will be fnl
lowed by other western road. That
tho Interstato commerce eommlislon Is
tnklng keen Interest In tho squabblo of
nte roan ovor convention rate nnd
would like to see tho matter sottled I
evidenced by 'a statemont mado todav
by a member of thnt body who declared
that ho thought tho roadu woro hurting
Troops 8upprest Rioters.
Toklo. Mar 20The rioting nt Han
kow, which boonn 10 day ago, ha been
suppressed The damarr in nrnnurt,
Inflicted br the rioter amount to BOO,
000 yen Many persons were ktlltd ov
Cniiiirossluiial CoiniiillKiiis Aijrun
on Soiilflc Aiiroirliitli)ii.
SUM) $650,000 FOR Mil I III IS
Washington Delegation Highly ClatMl
at lletull-Uselest Expentot
Aro Stricken Out.
Washington, May M The ootifn
nice i-utimilttec tin the sundiy civil bill
)rsirtly agreed to give fM).Hi to the
StMlltc rtpotitrim. I'"ly Ibouwihl d I
hut wilt be cut off ftirin lite e.prn s
tif the goteiiHeli Ixtard, wWli is r
duces! tu litres mtrmbcr. ami umntrr
cstutg fratui nf the K "" r
lubit ate eliminated. 'liter c w no un
in 4 lie AHiMtprhtllott for buildings 'r
the Alaska, Philippine ur llastaii c
Intuit, lite GSHifrivmc rrwt will be
agreed In today. The coiiipioiiiiK is
highly Mtisfactury It) the Washingi-ut
dclegatKHi. ..
Nevada Eaacutlve Killed by OveAwork
at Eslra Sstslon,
Kino, Nev, May SI "I don't fcir
death I bate dune my best, i am
tired ami am ready to go. Good-bje"
Surrounded by lilt wife, three tons
ami a daughter, Gotcrnor John Sparks,
ctmscHHit tu the last, sank la death at
S.JO jf-stcitky motHtttg, after uttering
the abotc words.
The IIIhcm whkli culminated in Ihr
gmrrtMM s death wat dtleclly due t.
t.verwort, and nirtotts strain attend
ant upon the extra ichkw of Nevada s
legislature laic UK fall
Mr Spark Mat born m MUtistippt.
August W, Mil, ami came lit (hit Male
Hi MU4, engaging IS) ttokratMttt(. Mr
impel large cat lie ranch in Nevada
and Texas, at well at a laivrc HUn
plantation in Texas He was elected
rhicf rartumc m 141 am again in
lixri by large HUjtKitlr
Idrtiirttatii Governor I) S Dkkrr
sun it now governor of Nevada. He
came In Nevada eight start ago and
went tu fk in a mine at Cherry Ti"
Philippine Assembly Needs a Month
. Mora to Flidtli Work.
Manila, May M. The statutory tmw
fr the adjournment nf I Ik IIhhmwm
atsrmhly bating arrived with the work
nf that body incomplete, Gotrrmir-(irtt '
cral Smith hat called a motttlt't extra
Ktsion. I'rtar lo the adjournment id
the regular xttsm, the radicals ai
trmitrsi In present a resolution fa tor
ing immediate independence, hot vtrrr
headed off by the conservative under
the leadership of ('resident Ostttcn It
is brlieted ihaj the attempt to present
ihc reviluiKHi will be renewed during
the extra session
The lhilippinc rommittsun Imi re
lected the assembly bill providing f -r
the teaching of the various I'llipnto di
aleclt in the puWsc school, and h-"
substituted a mil creating an iutiitut
fur the study of these dialed
Mamwl OiKsom. a member of ttf
assembly, Iws been appointed delegatr
to the navigation conn rest, to be In Id
at St Petersburg lie will tall tomor
row, arrnmpamed by hit secretary, The
odorc Kugeri.
Sues to Recover'Graft.
Sail I'ranciscn, May M Joseph A
Sullivan, a retired capitalist, wlm owns
a llck nf stock In the Uitkcd Hail
ways Investment Cwmnany, today he
gan a tuit in equity in the titctT
court to recover the $oooon l'Atrk
Calhoun, president of the United Had
roads, is alleged I" have paid, through
Tirey 1- I'ord, general counsel for Hut
corporation, to Abe Hucf for the pur
lote of influencing the ttijierMMiri to
grant the company a trolley francli-f
Interest on the above-named amind
and costs arc alto demanded by the
plaintiff The complaint alleges that
the mil it brought in the Interest of .ill
the stockholders nf the corporation.
Contplrator May Hang,
Deer I-odge, Mont., May S3. Will
lam Hayt, a convict In the state prison
here, wat lotlay found guilty of firtt
degree murder in killing Guard John A
Robinson in the cotiric of the tenst-
Unnal priion break In March,. George
Kock pleaded guilty two weeks ago nnd
wat icntcncctl to hang June 15. Hayt'
defense protcd lie had not Inltl n hand
nn Robinson, but be wat found guilty
of conspiracy. The jury recommended
hanging Two others are charged and
arc yet to be tried. These arc C, H.
Young niul Orell Stevens,
EIrIiI Perished In Fir.
Chicago, Mny 23 Although eight
men are believed to have tierlshrd in
the fire that dcilroycil the Wintermsycr
box factory yesterday, only two bodies
had been recovered at midnight when
the search was abandoned until tomor-