The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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NO; 1i
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' "'I
1 .
jltflitli Grade Palters Arc
Host in County.
.Margaret Wlcit and Pre J Lucas Win
' ' Honors of lliclr Cls-(lraduat-
liiK ILxcrclsca Saturday,
The llcml schools have auolu
Idciiumsiriitcd their efficiency. The
'eighth untile has passctl Ilia couni
examinations with flying colors,
winning liononi for the local school
syHteni. Hitch year the eighth Kr'I-
Of all schools iu the county are re
quired to undergo a county exam
liiatlon, tiiut is, 11 set ot questions
sent tn lv the county Ktihcriulcii
ilcut Kcpofti have (tut been re
ceived hy the. Ilcml school front
County Superintendent, Dinwiddle,
who cinls the pleasing word that
the papciH of the llcml scholars
were the best of ntiy submitted
U has been lea rued' further that
ilvcr the county many scholars
failed to ihim th6 examination, hut
: here were mi faUtlres among the
Bend pupils, nil paiMmr with Rood
Margaret Wlcst and Fred Lucas
won the honors of their class, hav
iiiu passed with averages of 05 5 6
olid 01 6 respectively. There
f re cH' lit scholars in the clas as
ollows Murgarct Wiest, Fred
Lucas, Lawrence Smith', Alice
Caldwrll, Kenneth Minor, Orphn
, Wright, Claude Vandcvcrt, John
Sathcr Mki Maud Vnttdevcrt In
the teacher of this grade..
Illjtlith, tirade Commencement.
The flint graduating exercise
cycr held in ilcud will lc celebrated
next Saturday evening when the
eighth grade of the ISeud public
schools will tender a pleasing pro
itrain In honor of their advance
from the grairimar uades into the
jiigh hcIiooI. 'The program will be
as follows,
I'mn.i Kdlo Mr. I. C. I'orlm
ti;M - riiill Law rcuc Smllli
' I. inc.. In'. Oration nt Cvltrshurg
1'ied Lucas
l.wav -Uiiii ..... Alice Cnldwcll
i'.a Kenneth Minor
trading Never or Now'..Orpha Wright
lw-Our Country. Claude Vandevert
(?ta 1'iiltiri' John Sathcr
VhI Solu MIm .Marlon Wlet
Adore , C. K. Unison
Kciimrka Jir V. C Coe
I'lCMUtalioii u( Diplomas.
Dr.e. V Menlll
Violin Solo MIm Iva West
The exercises will be held iu the
Lara Hall. No admissiop charge,
tind ever) body is urged to be pies
cut WILL tap okbuon.
floutd Will llulld Line through Tills
Section to Portland,
lvicli week brings interesting
development:! lit railtond news. Tiie
latest is the announcement by
IMwm Gould, "jiathfindor for the
ocean to ocean railroad" ambition
of his brother, George, that the
Gould Hue." would be built not
ouh to San Francisco but alio to
Portland. lfor 11 year or more it
has been believed that the Goulds
were behind the little line running
from Keno to Likely and known its
the California, Nevada ci Oregon
This line is being steadily pushed
lor ward to Lakevicw, mid the gen
crul belief is that Gould will enter
Oregon at Lakevicw and cross the
Mate northward to Portland. Thnt
would bring his line directly through
tills section and would insure trans
portation for llcml and the llcud
The fact that Hurrlmau officials
have suddenly announced their de
termination to build into Lakevicw
at once would lend strength to the
thedry that Gould would enter
Oregou at that place. It will un
doubtedly be a race between the
two systems to sec who can occupy
that territory first. The Portland
Journal sizes up the situation ns
Announcement from a member
of the Gotild family that the West-
" ' T
eru Pacific Knllroml company will
hulld into Portland, Oregon, was
received today by The Journal from
Han Francisco. The news is taken
to mean (hat the railroad from
Reno to Likely, known as the
California, Nevada & Oregon, long
regarded n a Gould line atld now
under construction toward Lake
view, Oregon, will be extended by
some 'convenient route Into the
Willamette valley and Portland.
lvvcr since the Western' Pacific
was projected to the Pacific Const
It has been believed that tlic Gould
twoplc must do more than merely
trip San Francisco to justify the
construction of so large a mileage
through the numerous mountain
ranges between Salt Lake mid the
California const. The road bad
unniiy oceu commenced wueii tin
little lino running from Keno to
Madeline, with a survey to Lake
view, changed hands under cir
cumstances that stamped the trans
fer ns a Gould purchase.
I'.vcr since that time it lias been
exacted thnt the Western Pacific
would break into Oregon. The
news that It lius determined to do
so was. anticipated a few days ngo
by the Hnrriman lines, which have
included Lake county (u their
scheme of railroad development in
eastern and southern Oregon A
week ago the chief official of the
Southern Pacific IncorpaVated a
company to build n line Trom An
derson via the cast shore of Goose
lake to central Oregou. Yesterday
Oregon officials of the Ifarrinun
lines lucorinrated another company
nt Salem, to build a short stretch of
road between Lakevicw ' nnd the
California line. These develop
ments have come in succession with
startling suddenness, and in the
nature of bolts out 01 n clear sky
The public had no expectation ol
such serious moves on the railroad
checkerboard in Oregon and north
ern California
The reason now Ixrcomcs plain
1'he decision of the Western Pacific
to immediately begin construction
cf its Oregon extension was no
sooner made than the Hnrriman in-
icrcsts became advised of it and
quick action was tieccssiry to get
trategic 1 he ouiclals
of the lfnrrimaii lines have lo-t no
time. It is said the result means
another railroad building contest'
like the north bank race, nnd the
Litest contest is for transportation
control of Lake' county and the
Harney valley.
Pleasant Ridge Items.
Irrigating nowa-day it the most
common empto) incut for the fanner.
All seem to be etiicmclv busy soaklm:
up the ground previous to seeding till
Strlerrlontc nil nicely In bloom
and prosper t arc favorable for a very
piomUhiK crop in due oon. v
We notice the Weuamly daee aathry
put throitKh l'lcuiuiil Ulrige tncM: dnji
are cry crowded with pascngcra.
The l-vlle' Aid Society will meet at
the Kchoollioute on the ith to do ten
lug for Mr. Lock) car, who lim been
crv III for the pait ccrat week nnil l
uiiiUr tho cure of Dr. Coo. AHhottgli
eouvalenchtg ct her recovery Is not ns
tapid n we would like to tec.
)r Coe lin nUo 1mcii utninoucd for
lUnlel Cternhalgli, Hr., who bus teeu
ill more or le. iluriue the tt winter.
Prof. J. A. Tliotiiioii, who relileat
PltuMiil Kldge, b"lng the owner of two
fine farm In that vicinity, ami who dur
ing tiie pail your has Ih'uii Micccifully
eiiungeiUii the pttblie chool woik nt
l.iilillaw. lut jut icccitjly refutwl 100
a inoiitii iu principal of the Prliir
yllle Hililic ivhoot. Hnthcr than
ae lit 111 l.'iuo, the Laldlaw peojile
hac swcllal Ills aalury alioc Lut car'
10 11 coiitldcrahle amount and the pro
tehir tut accepted the consideration mid
will romnlii engaged nt Latdl.iw for the
ensuing, sear. Wow lull to congratulate
the people of Midlaw for their wonder
ful iichtcsetucuU anil wish the other
neighboring public school would now
follow suit mid try to make themselves
equally n hcllttpilpped, Then West
ern Crook would hooii he taking the
lead In the cdttcntlnual work. Prof.
Thompson emigrated, from the tnte of
Mtchiuimu year ago, where he had been
actively engaged In hi chosen profession
for years, lie holdii n tnte certificate
from both state hi which ho ha taught.
The llutte stage station, located
just midway between Ketlmoml and
llcud, la becoming ijulte popular ns a
slopping place for bath stages ami
freighter. This is III a central location
and thcru Is now some talk of locating 11
poslofiicc. We think this Is n very practi
cal Idea. Also much cnterprlc'cou(l le
had In the way of sturtlng n towpsitc
here; us it lie directly on the rnilrbad
survey and lu a good fanuliij; district.
Slntldcr Are Being Spread
AboVt H. C Kills.
Uslne Desperate nnd DlrtiMclhodsto
Defeat Mr. IIIH Voter Should
Kot tlo fooled Thereby,
t t
News lias reached llcud within
the last few dn vs that most malicious
and slanderous lies are being told
over the coiiuty ngniust II. C. Kills.
These storiesjirc absolutely without
louminiioti nun are merely tiie iat
ricntions of a mind so low and des
picable that it will Mop at nothing
to accomplish its ends Of course
the object in view Is to discedit
Mr. I'.llis before the voters, hoping
thereby to defeat him iu the race
for county judge. The man or men
who are responsible for the spread
ing of these reports know they can
not defeat II C. Hills, iu n clean
and fair contest, so they stoop to the
ilirtv work or tpreadlng slanders
against him.
How do the voters like suJi tac
tics as these? Atld what do they
think of n clique Hint carries on u
campaign by such methods? Do
ttiev want to elect to county office
men whose stock in tra Ic consists
in the ability to get out ut'd spread
damaging and scurrilous lies about
the man whom they wish to defeat?
The Uitltctiti is certain that Crook
county votors will stand (or no such
tactics as the opponents of Mr. Ullis
urc using, and to show their disap
proval will give Mr. Kills the larg
est vote ever cast in the count v.
Iu view of the fact that such
stories are being- circulated, The
Bulletin would warn people against
paying any attention tojlieut what
ever. Tliey are absolutely grounu-
less and malicious. There arc only
a few days remaining before elec
tion and the 'men who seek Mr.
Kllis defeat will put forth their
most strenuous efforts during that
time. Hence The liitllctiu again
urges that 110 credit lw given to any
of these slanderous reports. Mr.
Kills' recprd is open to the world.
There is nothing in it that needs to
lie hidden.
(liven I'roper .Medicine.
Heie's a story that's too good to
keep. One of the men who arc re
sponsible for the above slanders
.started his low stories against Mr.
Kllis iu a saloon at Madras. At
first those present gave him the
"horse laugh" but finally, upon
his persisting in such talk, six 'r
eight of them took after him and
ran him out of the saloon. He
skidoocd like n scared rabbit and
took refuge in the hotel. Later
after the Madras men had had time
to think it over and get real mad,
they started to the hotel after the
fellow but he made a rapid "get
away" nnd sneuked out of town.
That's good work. Such a man
should be run out of every town
that he visits.
Interesting Program, with Local
Speakers, Rendered at (list.
GtST, May 35. The temperance meet
inn at the school home nt Oist Saturday
esc wa welt attended, there being a big
crowd out. The meeting opened with n
song, with Miss Nellie 8eroggius at the
organ. Mr. Ilurnert hcroggiu was the
first speaker, lie spoke upon "Liquor
and lis Ittfcct." Mr, l'ulliaiu was the
ucnI speaker, she said iu her talk the
way to get rid o I a mad dog was to cut
his tall oil closa up back of hi ear.
Mr, l'ulliaiu is on interesting speaker.
Johnnie Kdwanbj read a paper which
was Interesting and well written.
Sonic people here predict that Crook
county will 00 oted dry by n big ma-
j"l!!y:. , . .
w. 1. s.oiigieiuu, I'uiuiiuiuc lorBiicnii
on the tieiuocrattc iickci, was at uisi
Saturday eve. lie took it) the meeting
nnd made us quite a talk.
Prank Hlkins, sheriff of Crook county,
was nt Ult today, juesuay, looking
after political innttcriC
There were some prospective land
buyers In the Gist neighborhood lust
We are iufonucd from good authority
llg. l
going loi'Ktciiil lie Columbia Soul
to Ileml wlUiiu tli- nest year.
JkIiiiiiIi' Morr rftnrni,S today front
fikliiiig tijiuiitlic Dew-little, lit report
having tjuo'l nick
Ale cVniilh ami Illllj Wilt of SlMcr
came over to atltnd tlu n etin Satur
day ctculng. 1
Prank Arnold and wif wnUJo HUUfrt
toijajr on Ini'ii.rv. 1
There are a g'x l waoy potato beln
planted in the
tlfst wiKhlMjhnxl
Pine w eat hi-r these iliiv.
Kcdniond Items
Kuniio.fD. May 34 Mr. Hopkins ami
family, late of Rook County, Nrhraka,
ure Irnllng now Mr Mojildn ritme tu
hII two teams ami will mm oiler the
blacks for sate.
Wp came near having an accident this
aiiarntuii iu our uimhi pile duelling
fire. There i plenty of wuod, but the
tilld wa lust in nne with tile wind and
what is lelt of the haystack, hence wr
were mute interested tu urttluu thai
fire out which we il id easily a it had
gilncil but little headway.
A week ago Mrs. Park wasagalu taken
sick and has been in bell nil the week
gaining strength very slowly, tihe is
under Mr. McLalliu enrv.
Dr. Ktuvll, hte of 1'ortlnnd, 1 stay
(tie here for the trrcnt watching for
developments. If indication are good
lie will locale hrtc ticnaanciitly. Mean
while wo suppoo he I ready to attend
ti professional calls at any time.
The Ladies' Aid Society met Thurs
day as usual ami got n wreath for the
c-atket for Prank Gla.
The many friend whom Mr. Trisler
made during her slay hero wilt be sad
dened to leant of her death which took
place at the home of her daughter in
Qttumwa, Iowa, on the 14th. She wan
recovering slowly from an attack of
typhoid fever but had a relapse with
fatal results.
Part of today wc hsve spent in mark
ing our ballot for the June election on
the inratuics proposed. I'crsonslh our
vote will be against most of the measures
introduced by initialise petition anil for
most of those held up by referendum
Kspecislly shall we 'ote for changing
the time of the biennial elections.
Hev. Pather Hickey has beci spending
the week in this neighborhood. Among
hit other good deeds was the baptism of
Jacob Carletou Iinmrle, the ceremony
taking place at 1'. T. Rclmond'.
I'ather Mickey had the mitfortune to
time a fall ami sustain rather severe in
juries from which he i recovering
Kobtrt Dsis of Sisters came over
Thursday to attend .the distiotition oi
the rcmiius of the late Frank Glass.
They were cousin.
Chris Hhret's, II. A. Kendall', and
Cecil Kcnvon's children have nil been
sick or nearly so with colds tticiutst
week but arc all recovering.
Tuesday morning we found nine little
Duroc Jersey nigs. Itight of them are
as bright arnew dollar and as spry, the
ohl piggy having laid on one and put
him to sleep,
Mrs. Lilly and her mother, Mrs. Car
uiclia, were over from Ctine Pall the
first of the week visiting iu Kadmoml
and vicinity.
The Kill game today between the Bend
nine and the local team refilled in a
victory for our boy by n very satisfac
tory score. The bait the night before
was also well attended and the receipts
made thelxiys feel good.
K. C. l'AKK.
g Good Ads Ice.
Tumaw. May :6. Por the news read
The.llullctiu; for the imagination read
the Chronicle; and then let even' good
true western Crook cititcu vote for
Kills of llcud for county judge.
J II. and I. It. Wimer and C. 11.
Siaugh were fishing Sunday and caught
alKtut j of the specklcsl bemitta, and
it wasn't a good day for fishing either.
C. II. Spaugh took a load of potatoes
to llcud last week:
Urecsy spells still continue.
T. A. lotiseii made u trip to Sqtmvv
Creek after $evl grain jostenlay,
John Stiles wua u caller at Tutnalo to
day. f
Max Kiohudsou passed through here
today going to llcml.
L. II. Koot made a trip to Kosland
lait week.
Many of our farmer arc busy seeding
and will soon finish up. There I a
great ileal of new ground being seeded
this) cur.
Respectfully Referred to tho Chronicle
The llend Bulletin and the I,nidJ
taw uurouicie are nt outs, we uo
not know what the Chronicle is ns
it docs not exchange with us, but
we do know The Bulletin is uu ex
cellent papcr.Condon Times.
If any person suspects that their kid
neys arc deranged they should take
Poley's Kidney Remedy at once and
not risk having llright's disease or dia
betes. Delayglvea the disease a stronger
foothold ami you should not delay tak
ing l'oley'a Kidney Remedy, C, W.
Merrill, DruHBlst.
(hat Jliufiitiin lllr rallro'! km
Expert Says Indications
Are Very Favoralije.
Morsel Stolen from WardweHCrumat,
I'rlncvllle Other Item of Inter
est from Central Oregon-
That there is oil throughout this
ection in paying quantities Is the
opinion of J. W. Ross, an oil ex
Iiert from Ftillcrton, Calif , win
wns brought here by the local com
pnuy organised to prospect for oil
in Crook county, says the Madras
Pioneer. Mr Rujss arrived tlu
first of the week, tincc which timi
he has been busy going over the
ground leased by the company,
with a view to locating the point at
which the lira well will be sunk
The point at which the well is to
lw sunk has been practically decid
ed upon, but members of the com
pany arc retiicut about making the
exact location public unttTotbef ar
rangements which they ire work
ing on have been completed.
Mr. Ross is an oil expert, of 23
cars, experience, and the fact that
he is unqualifiedly pleased with the,
prospect for oil in this section has
greatly enthused the cumbers
of the local company. It has been
known for many years that in the
Culver and Lamouta district there
were many indications of oil, and
that 'the government ecological
maps qf this section showed indica
tion of coal at many points, but
Mr. Ross is the first expert of any
reputation who has made a careful
examination of the district with a
view to making exploration of the
depths below the basalt flow of this
The work of drilling the first
well will begin in a short time, the
machinery having been ordered
some time ro, and an order hav
ing been placed this week for lum
ber with which to build the drill
tower- This tower will be 64 feet
in height and 20 feet square at
the base, and the well will be sunk
to a depth of several thousand feet
l "c"y, ' racr w " e
f bearing Stratum.
Morses Stolen at I'rlBcvlllc.
The Journal of last week says
that on Wednesday morning Ward
well Cram discovered that his team,
horses of medium weight, oue
brown and the other a bay. had
been stolen from his barn. Tracks
leading from the barn were followed
for, a distance of some 10 miles
north of this place where they were
lost tu the Blue mountains. A
force of six or wore men are in
that couutry now looking for the
A man named Young, who was
convicted of horse stealing iu
Wheeler county a few weeks aco
and was sentenced to :ctve a term
of two years, broke jail at Fossil
early last week.
lie was standing in the corridor
of the jail talking to his wife the
night before he was to be taken to
Salem and when the sheriff's back
was turned he ran through an
open door into tlic slteritt s oltice
and jumped through a large plate
glass window into the street. He
was badly cut about the face by
the broken glass. From Fossil he
came to Mitchell and over the
mountain through Summit Prairie
and down the Ochoco to the
Kutghtcu place where he spent
Thursday night last wwk. From
this place he followed the main
road on foot, until he reached a
point 'about three utiles east of
town. From that time until the
present there has been nothing
heard of him, It is believed that
Young Is the man who stole Cram's
Much Alonoy Changed Hands.
Considerable good Crook county
mouey has gone over into Grant
county as a Result of the tacts
which came to a dose last 'Week
The officer boys and Jo "Combs
brought a couple of liar'scs to the.
races which seemed to be winners.
Masters and Wade Hampton,
Grant county stoclc, earned 2,000
for their owners in two "races be
sides the several idc bets made on
twth. Last .Baturdnv it was esti
mated that .not less than $20,000
changed hands as a result of all the
races, Monday, Wade Hampton
was' sold to. A. Uedell of this
city at a consideration of something
like $800. Wade will figure a
little in the races this fall. Princ
villc Rcvicv.
Say Conviction Was Just.
From our exchanges we Mote
considerable controversy Is caused
n Crook county over the convic
tion of cx-SheriiT Smith for bttrnine
-x-Congrcssman Williamson's
shearing plant. The reports op
(war to us very conflicting, and
ooks to us that much influence is
'icing used to make out that Smith
is n raartvr, and was convicted un
justly. How the jury could have
brought in a different verdict, from
ivhat wc have been able to glean is
beyond ourvcompTebcosu?a.--Silvcr
Lake Leader. '
Taking Pictures of Birds and Animal.
Herman T. Uolmati and William
Finely, who arc touring this part
of Oregou collecting photograph
nnd data of the animal? and bird
life, arrived here Wednesday even
ing from Sbauiko, just ,a week
after starting from Portland. They
are making the trip in a White
touring car especially equipped for
their work. They are provided
with a number of cameras and are
prepared to photograph running
animals and birds that cannot be
posed at close range. They will
expose more tuan 1000 dry plates'
and will cover a range of subjects
from landscape to every variety of
bird life.
These gentlemen arc gathering
data that will be used in articles'
to Outdoor Life, Outiusr, Sunset
and the Pacific Monthly. Prine
ville Journal.
Wool Clips Arrive.
A Vale paper says that the wcol
clips have begun to arrive in that
city, aud estimates that fully two
and a half m!llion pounds of wool
will be stored there this year. It
is feared that prices will be low
this year and many of the growers
in the Vale coitutry will hold their
wool until the market bas become
settled before attempting to sell.
Shear 25,000 Sheep.
The Baldwin Sheep and Land
Company has just completed the
shearing of 25,000 head of sheep.
They are all owned by the com
pany and were clipped in 17 day
by the power shearing plant be
longing to the company. journal.
Tired or Conditions In Illinois and Will
Come to Crook County.
The following letter received by
The- Bulletin so clearly shows the
state of mind of many Fastern peo
ple aud their determination to come
West, that we gladly print it. It
shows that people have thetr eyes on
Crook county. The letter reads
ft so. III., Mj6, tooS. EditbrTln
Bend liultctiu. He ml, Oregon Dear
Sir Will you kindly cnd uie a few
coplrs of jour publication. I am com
ing to Oregon next Octolicr, and do 11 n
kuow where to go. It is very hard b
lecidc. but I think I shall come to Crook
coiyity first. It seems to bo all right fur
tannine, siocunming or dairying w
arc having about the l st weather
here you ever saw, cold yet, frost the
tth. iust. Prozc potatoes, melons
aud all garden truck. It has been to
wet to da any farm work for nearly four
weeks, all low laud is now ilooded ami
na corn planted yet Itccrtaiulv is dis
couraging. Iwvoi couiluc to Oregon
last fall, but I could not get rid of me
personal property in time, but nest fail
I shall certainly come.
Your respectfully,
II. I). Pkxstkkjian.
Colds That Hang On
Colds that hang on in the spring de
plete the system, exhaust the nerve,
and opeu the way for serious illness
Take Foley's Honey and Tr. It quick
ly stops the cough and expels the cold.
It is safe and certain in results. C. W
Merrill, Druggist.
Hand us your subscription.