HAD CATARRH v Pa i p,$ jiiiiii CONGIUSSMAN MffKISON "I Imv inn) Mtrrnl botlWa ol I'rruiu and I frcl frrallv ticnrfltftl Ihrrrhy from my (atanh of the head. I feel rncouragrd to txdeve Hint It I u It a aWt tltttr longrr t will b fully able to cradKalc the diifavc of thiity cor' Manding," David MccVUon. OTIItlt ItCMAItKAULE CURtS f r. Jacob l Invl, (lalrna, Hlcine comity, Mo., wiltra: "I liavo trti In bail titalih for thiity ivcn yean, and after Inking twelve Imttlri of your I'm una I am cured" Mr. 0. N. rtrron, I3J Houth Main Hi., Council llluffa, Iowa, writta: "I cannot toll you how much good Corona ha a done me. CoiuUnt ron tlnrinonl In my Hot 111 U tell on my health, ami I felt that I wi gradually breaking ilnan. I tried tevmal rrinnllra, but obtained no Mrinauent rellof un til I took 1'eruna. I felt bettor Immediately, and Ave bottle rcitotoJ mo to complete health." A SINrmr. RtCOMMCNOATION. Mr. I). C. I'roi'er, lliao, Allegan Co., Mich., wrltee: "Two yean ago I aa badly eflllotod with catanh ol tho itomarh. I had had a run of typhoid fever, wa my depleted, I could find nothing J could rat vtlthout canting dlt Lrrtd and our itomaoh. Finally I ramn tn the ranoluilon that I had catarrh of the itomach, and irelng 1'etuna adveitlicnl, began U tako It. It helpod me aoon, and alter taking three cr four buttlta I vtaa entirely cured of ilumach rouble, and can now eat anything," Meoufatured by the Pcruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbut, Oh!o. Javentl laHrane. Taw, wby da we bate to pay for Ik wattr wt u7 W don't have to buy our air." "Ttit only akowi, niy on, that you bav MTtr bad to pay a gat bill." I'xl Allen. "It'a a mytlrry to me," laid UnrliAI bo Spark, "that Henatur Ia Kollelte, I wbfn be a rvunllng ip the mn Ibat control the money of lh rounlry, forget to Include Mr. Hetty tlrrfn" S.S.S The most important part of the huiunn nystcm is the blood. Hvcry iuiis clc, nerve, tlaaue, bone anil alncw In dejicnilcnt on this vital fluid for nonr isliinciit nml btreiiKth necessary to maintain them in health nml enable ench to perform the different dutlca nature requires. I.vert the hcait, the vcrj' "engine "of life, receives its vijjor nnd motive owcr from the blood. Since o much is dependent on this vital fluid It can very readily be seen how nccc-iMry it is to have it pure nnd uncontaminnted if we would enjoy the Messinir of Rood health. Had blood is rcs)onsible for most of the ailments of mankind; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities, humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that tho blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from n pure, frcah stream to a aour, ncrld fluid, which forces out its Impurities throuRh the jwrcs nnd I'latuls of the sic In, A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the llcsh. Often from n very Insignificant bruise or f even ncntcli or nbrnsfou. If the blood was pure and healthy the place would lieal nt once, but bciuir, loaded with impurities, which nro iischarj;cd into the wound, initatiun nnd inilniiimn. tiuti nre act tin and the sore continues. Had blood is also responsible, for Anacmln, Holla, Miliaria, etc ; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish tlic nourlNhmvnt mid strength required to sustain the body, and n general run-down condition of health results. H. S, 8, is nature's blood purifier Mid tonic; mnde entirely of licnllmr, clenusinir roots and hctbs. It Kocn down into the circulation nnd removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison tint mny be there, restores lost vitality, nnd steadily tones up the entire system. It adds to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, and in every way assists iu the cure of disease. S, S. S. neutral Izcs nuy excess of acid iu the blood, mukiiiR it fresh nnd pure, nnd perma nently cures Kczcmn, Acne, Tetter, nnd nil otiier skin diseases nnd eruptions. B. 3. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores nml Ulcers, Mnlarin, nnd nil sther diseases or disorders nrlsliiR from had,blood, Hook ou the blood and my medical ndvicc desired fiea to nil who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. PUTNAM Color more good brighter and faster colon than any other dye. One loo pack o colors aulc.wool and cotton equally well I and U Kuaranteed to give peitect result. Ask dealer, or wo wlU ae&d post f 2t ipo pacVago. w ilte lor vep booklet sow to dye, bUacl4and mix colors. UONROS DRUQ COUP ANY, Qulncy, LUnoia. I THIRTY YEARS" Congressman Mcckison Gives Praise To Pe-ru-na For His Relief Front Catarrh. . IttCOMMtNDS I'CJIU-NA Mlailalement, -rou told Tltrly that the man who lent me $10 Mould alwayi have flO coming. I demand an aolocy.M "You're right; I waa wrong. I ahould hare aald tho 110 would never be coming.' Kanaa City Ttuire, Queen Alexandra poee a tea aer vice of alxty plrcra, each piece helm decornteil with a dirfrrrut photogrupl which tlir took hrrwlf In Krutland. FOR 04JLJ DLUU1J Your 8. 8. 8., la my opinion, li good a mNUln ii tan b b4 It tlmptr cannol h Improved upon rim4y lo purity n4 twkh Iht tlooj nj to Invlforit o4 too up tbt rtltm. THU ipi log my tlooj ni bad toj I ai run down In htatlb, n4 bavin mh your mailcln blgbly adfiitlwJ I commtnc It ut. Today my blood It In flat condition nd my lotrI health It of lb bit. Am Utlng poll Hon t rlxtman for tartt cqnttrn hc, and If Iwainot In good phpUalcoDdltlonllwould b impoulbl for rot lo rUi tb plac. Your 8. 8. 0. hi I bttn of gnat xrvlc to m and I do not bttlui to gtv II lb credit It ottarvti. WM. P. VAUDYKK. It FUtb Strttl, Iltarir Fall. Ttnn. FADELESS DYES TeUpnnn fllrl' nnmanr; Couicltutloue Carrl alway tried' to o her lit) Nvr loit her temper -the w dlffertnt from lli ret; Carrl wn "rrnlrnl," wllh a vole of werlrat tone, And Hint li why .Ml Carrl hi a cot Inn uf tirr own. Portland Orrgoiilnn. )ul uf III II I in I'aaf. Hnniurl Woodtvorlh hnil just written "The Old Oaken llurkrt." "Nothing In It I" be muttered " I" read It ovrr and reflected iiion the prohsbl prim It would bring. Hut potlrrlly evidently found om llilng In It. For Hi lloaaewlfe, flom nrtlrit women who pride them selves In housekeeping; crm to forget Hint tho object of keeping lioiim; li Hint htimnu being limy be nccommodiited III It. Their sole Idea seem to (hi thli, Hint the housw may In; kept In n certain form anil order; nml to tlm perform ance of tbe form ami order tliey aacrl flee the comfort the bouse wn estab lished to secure. Alralnar nnit lllltln. Mr. Kidder--! tlilnk n woman's cltih, to lo stlm-ssful, alioutil nlm St some thing far removed from female uf frngp. Miss Hlrnng I don't agree wllh you, air. Tint should he Ita sole object Mr. Ktitdcf Vea, but If more likely tn hit tlmt otijert If It nlm nt some thing else. I'hllniielphln t'rea. . . I rend In a book of atnllitlca that the average oumn rnrrle, from thirty in llliriyuie uiiii-s ui unit on urr head." ", ... . . .,,,,. .each-gallon of the liquid. After fer- "And then he raUea the deuce If her I , , , ' . huibnud hifpiteu to carry a yard or two of It on hi coot ali-we." Poor lllil aupboelea. "Yea, John I getting quite a repa-jtrr. tatlon a nu actor. They gave him one of the leading rolea In a ploy at col lege." "John I Why, bin enunciation ta atro clone "Hut thl waa a (Jrrek play." Plevatanrt I'lnln Dealer III Crrillt ltniialrril. Dlngiiii Kbadboll, I bavrn't aked you for any money for a hng time, have 17 Hhadbott No i ynu never aVd me for any money for a long line. You alwaya wanlrd It for "Juit a ily or two." Tbat'a wby you're not going lo get any thl tlm, niniiiM. Air reel a utile Ilk toow, doetn't lit Cblraio Tribune. tmarnnr af fh lladlmeat. MWbr a lngulr lo-iklng rooBttr panel" aald the eminent pb)lrian, "Counlrrpane!" eirUlmeil hit wlfa, "Yet you are aoi-poi'l to be one of lb grraUtt (ulborltlr In the country oa brain dltea!" "I fall to r the ropnect'on," "Tbat'a a erair quilt, joa ninny." l!ae for Old Tin. Old tin la put to a vnrlely of ue Por Inatanv1 cheap tninka nre covered with tin from illncririlnl tin cant nnd other utemlla, the tin having been flrtt cut to dealreil alio and trnlgbtrnet and amoothed out. There are alao con- Uvrm In dirferrut part of tho country which mskti a bualueM of removing the tin coutlnn from old tin can uud trap tin. Weekly Touch, "Poor lllruml" aobUM Mra. llnrxl npple. "He s rites hi collego life Un't a gny aa It la cracked up to bo. Ho any inmo parts of It are very touch hiK." "Illnmrd If I don't agree with him," rhurklrd Mr, Ilardnpplr, a be greased his boots. "I notice he Is always writ ing tnuchlnc Icttvrs for ten or twenty dollars." A Snrprla. Tenrtier Preildy I-'augle, you may give the Oenuiiu name of the river Dnmitie. Pretldy Dunno. Tearher Donntil That In right I am glad )ou huve itudlcd your leason o well. Preddy la sunrlcd, but keep still. THEMENTHOKNOW intJurcniuK .na-Mtt't UUULII ilj ur A&,HU0 SLICKERS. SUITS AND HATS are the men who have put them to the hard eit tcsti In tho rough est wcathar, Oct the original Tower Fish Brand mads since 103d atalo me ro Tnr AiHwa ItTON. W t PNU No. ip-oa tJIIKN wrllln; toadveitUsraptoa luaulliiu till paper. mm . rc -i n f i v A fJ J JT. f" n r f v tsm 'rrrrnla Dual l'alllnir, An Ingenious I'eiinsylvmilii ninn tin Inw-nled 11 iIiihi pun, provided with n hinged cover, which enn U held In n completely ripftieil K)Nltlon while I ho dust nml dirt are being swept Into It nml firmly closed nftcrvt nrds, tv tlmt the pn.11 enn bo cnnllyrarrled about without splllligthe content. W h e 11 closed the cover re In upon the lot- hvirt paw, torn of the pnn, tlm bottom nt thli point being slightly mImiI, presenting 11 bnrrlcr to thu line dust In thu pnn mid preventing It fall ing out when tlm over U lifted. A spring nttncheit to the cover M-curcljr hnlda It In either an ou or cIommI I altlou. I'reirrt Ina Orana: Jalrr. While ornnxi-i ore ntlll In market a tore of ornugo Juice tuny I put up for In 4I. k . .....h'. n.ni.l. t.vl t , iv .,, iiiv Pllllllll!.! I, IIUIIIM wnii . I km ret, plenannt cord In I la made from Hm? Julco of the our ornnge. The unual formu,a ta , niM irw. p,ona of wntw , onp f , Ju ,, . .),,.. I three pound of white augur to mentatlou. bottle nnd lay aalde for n few montha before lining. Por tho un fermented Juice, allow to each qunrt of Juice a pint of augnr and a cup of wa If very our n little more fttigar may tie rrquirct. iiring to a gcxxi scum bottle hut and teal. Cora and rolatoe. Wash enough tuedlum-alzed potatoes for dinner and put Iu a large kettle. When tho iiotatoe nre nearly done put In roasting earn, with outer htuks and allka rcmoreil, but with a thin layer of Inner huik tied nl-out the ear. Steam tilt done bimI wrre nt once. The pota toes wilt hold Hie com up out of the water. If xtra work la going on, th.t kettle may be hung, gypsy fashion, out of doors, tiood for picnics also. Pllltn at Crack la Wood. White tissue paor la tooK-d and perfectly softened In water and by thor ough kneading with glue trunaformed Into a paste, and by mean of ochers (-arth colors), colored as nearly ns p.u lble to ttto thnde of the woo.1. To the paste calcined magnenln Is then added and It 1 forced Into the cracks or bole. Thla cement attaches Itaelf very firmly to the wood and after drying rvtalmt I Li amooth aurfnee. SclentlQc Amerlcnu Sapper Holla. Scald a pint of milk and add to It a half cup of butter. When cool, add a yeast cake, stir until dissolved, then put In a quarter cup of ugar, one beaten egg nnd seven cups of ilour. Do all thl enrly In the morning; knead and e-t to rise until nfteruoou. About 3 o'clock roll out, mnko Into rolls and ! act to rlso until n Imlf hour before sup per time; thru bake. When half Vae, brush oter with melted butter. Blenaa Knar. Slennn cg? us servt-d nt rextrturnnli are prvfwrvd In thla way ; Slice n hmf dozen hard-boiled eggs ntwl put n layer uf tlR'iu In a buttered dish. Sprinkle with grated cheoM", add another layer of eggs and more chtve, and no wn tlnuo until nil are used. I'ottr enough white sauco In the dlsli to thoroughly moisten, cover with buttered cnunbs and bake ten uiluutes. Serve In tho dish tn which they wero baktxl. 1'ollea t'hrra. When left-over eheew grows dry and hard, don't throw It away, but grute to a powder. I'ut aouut tn a bottlu and save to serve with soups, Jtullun fash ion, or cook with umcuronl, or ndd to acullopa. Thu test of It may bo beaten soft wllh u fork, seasoned with mus tard ami cu.venno nnd reduced to a pusto with a little vinegar. This Is lino to sprend ou sultlm-u or crackers or for sandwich Qllliii;. Svreellireud tn llainrklna, Iliauch two pairs of swivtbreailH, ami when cold chop very tine, removing all bits of skin or gristle. Hub smooth with a gill of cream and then whip Iu grad ually tho beaten yolks of two cRgs. Sea eon with salt nml pepper and beat un til very light I'ut the mtxturo Into greased rumcklns, set these In a pan of hot water and bake uutll "set." Serve In tho ramekltiA. Splco Cake, One cup of brown sugar; one-half cup of molusses; one-half cup of but ter; one-half cup of sour milk; two cups of Hour; tho yolks of four eggs, beaten light; one tcaapoonful of soda, dissolved In milk, a teneixxmful, each, of clnnnmou, nutmeg, cloves and alb sdIco. Mix well and bake. uaac J ClreaMtfanflal ISvKtenee, Blr A. Conan Doyle, nt tlm Author' Dub Chrlalmna dinner In f-owlon, re lated Hint In America aoma cwloritl Moplc were keeping tho featlvnl of ( hrlatmna nnd they were: told to hang up Ihclr atrxklng nt night. One poor fellow hnd no atocklnga, nnd he hung tip hi trotiiera. In the morning he wna naked whnt he had got. Ho re. plli-d: "I gura I got a man, for my pant are gone." Woman Itnllirnr Worker. m In tho Kouth of Prance one ma ee, At tho little wnyalde MAtloii. women ntlendlng to the lgunU of the half ilrnc en dnlly trnlna; while tlie rompiule regularly ectmomlw nt the level crow ing hy cinploylrw fvnmlo labor. The htiabnnd can be acen at work nt Ida vine upon the hlllalde, while the wife wnvca the green fine nnd keep the chll dren quiet. Detroit .Vewa-Trlbtine. When Mr. Carrie be became the didn't quite forgt; flhe took tier low, iwret vole along, and ba It even yet. Hut If hubby'a Jutt a little alow o aniwr to ber rail Hb ran Jar blm with a volet tat crark tbt paper on tbt nail. Chicago Tribune. Too I'lala. "Norah," a!d her mlttrn. "I don't mind It If tbe policeman on Ibe beat drop Into tb kitchen one In a wblle of an evening, but I object to your enter taining tuch ibabby and dUreputable looking fellow aa the on who w there laat nlgbt." "H' all r-rlght, m'm." said Norab. "He's m plain clo'ea p'leecem'n." I.lalilnlna la South Afrlra In South Africa, where thunder storm are terrific, lightning often strlkea tbe bed of Ironstone, end blue flame, sometimes firing brtldlbjs, are alleged to play about such Ironstone outcropping two or three Sours after a storm. I the Terrlula Woman. "Sly wife." growled Kadley, most forgetful woman." "Year mildly Inquired tbe polite vis itor. HYea, she can never remember In the morning where I left my pipe tho night before." Philadelphia Tress. A Slow rroeeaa, "Wigs went out this morning to clean off the snow." "Yes." "Every two minute he'd run In the bouse to warm np." "Did he clean off the snow!" "He finally cleaned off the little that be hadn't carried Into the bouse on bis feet." la ! U( A so. Cardinal Wottey bad fallen. "I waa trying to dodge an automobile." be explained, "and a roller akater rsn into me." Tbe historian, however, with lingular obtutenes. have persisted In placing tbe blam on Henry VIII. Chicago Tribune. i STIFF, YES? g. nk WET AND DAMP CAUSE LsIlW & SJ COLD IN THE JOINTS A C i ST JACOBS oil Jm i 3? TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT SbiH jULB ul VfS ONCE.REMOVESTHE STIFF- MaBJMB 2 Z NCOS. PREVENTS ITS JWF H S S RETURN. TOO. FINE FOR MlBVV WM mT x BRUISES, SPRAINS AND fv Vi2J SORENESS. Jt iSP c Price ajc and 30c ' "" W laa 'mmmmmpmwmw0: mmmmwm 1feAU!J 'iaM5""X10 lTSZt.. -.1 u SHOtO AT AIL micro, tor cvirv MCMBirt orTHCTAUILV. MCN. BOYS. WOMEN. MISSED AND CHILDREN. SX2 W. L, Douglma mihi mnd Hm mora "Cti mwfmSS.&U. 93.UO and 3.SOmhoB -. . rAsui mny oiho mmnuaoturf tit th .. Xewartf, bmoauma (hy Hold frtai") mhmprn, ttl bmllmr, wemr aipaJV mna KsIV "eo or LMre vmtua than jturoAararrs. ' aAoaa A tha world to-dav. W. L Doucbs $4 tnd $5 GUI Ust Shoes Cinnot SoM br lb tt tlwa draUt. ?MTbu. tUivu bat4Caui(rMloaiJftdanaa;' MI-lfAITTIIIV. U- I tV. I ikwjua nam ana pne lot tn lo auy a Tlimro la Only Onm "Br am That la Laxative Bromo Quinine USED TUC WOHLB eVCH 79 eJRA BOLD IM BlfC' BAY. Always remember tho full name. (or this signature oa every box. We Trust Doctors If you arc suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known ail your life. Your docior knows it, too. Asklilmaboutlt, Tnn mtiil took w11 fir 11 eAr4Um ef Mir ilr M imooO. l'nii lhi la dallr rltofi ol th U,lt, nturthrm proved! ftis lhtnth4, ruiMlna? htrl. tHlmiilir, baa a. .If.MiMlA. Afr4 llit rrhUnv h lur irarfi IffHn AtAnt 11 bl Atk Aft l-tlttar lltr t-llll Artret.il a'l t(Ubl. Tl, ton It ! tnl at Ixdtfm. M KadabrJ.O Ar C.. Loll. Mm jfluers I !! I ! jm A aiaa.rirvri er nm nooa. aoue cise. CBUT ptaotAL. ttnllrrlr Mnprrflnnaa. "A word to the wls- Is snfflrlent" remnrked the nun mIHi the quotation habit. "Wrong ngaln." rejoined the contrary person. "A nord lo the vtlse I unnec essary." CASTOR I A Tor Iufcuie and Children. Tho Kind You (lave Always Bosfht Bears tho of Ct&ffi&&&4 Elgnaturo tc I'nrle Allen. "Some men," muttered 'Jncl Atli , Spark after the tiresome speaker bad t down, "remind me of an old watef I mill that" running with empty hoppers. Their wheel keep on z'lor, but tbey don't turn out nny rrltt." rioalait- II" tarldrat. Tbe famon ball player wa look In, through lb sporting column of tb i newpper. ! "t ee they've quit mentioning me," h said. "I may a well Ign." i 1'pon doing which he cecured one mor 1 mention 'o tb nerpper. U! I0TEL MOORE FH OPEN ALL TIIK YEAH ClATSOP BUCK SUSlSt, BttMl TUC Director tb bb trrlblc I tit i. Hat aalt bat a a aa I CLIFF HOUSE JKraiSKK mm H natlap- Eltrla urata. baa pailtn. Kleclri tlrkt. riro I "' alae sad ateu bU X1 flDCanUil aaddriTf. KafdaB per lay. 0--Splal nu by U ak. I VAX. J. HOOt(. 1-roprwto Bs Easilted At Ani Piles uaUel Jt" '""!J k nT trt ' " ort-l. V. i. lio UU luXbCMrwcktva, M it nampaa oa ooiiom. -a-r nm nanaiuui. Quinine" Look 25a, I W tsjeeH vmarrrwH iiumLtr w s U X. . Ssatam' 1 H ' JcxriirVa SJLrU