The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 08, 1908, Image 7

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Are linimro mnttrra which (ha akin, liver,
kldnrys and other organa cannot take car
o( without lirlp.
I'lmplcs, bolls, cctrms unit other cruf
lions, Iom of nptlt, that llrril frctlng,
blllutis (iirm, flt u( Indigestion, dull head'
din ami many other troubles sr due to
them. They am rrmovrd by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
III usual lliiiM form or In chocolated
tablcta known nsOurantnbll, HWdosrsll,
l. ,
"' ''
tlnna In Ilia Itorrnrrt,
Hewitt I sen that (Iruct, tin
Inaiiriiiico itgi'iit, In murrled.
Jcwctt Vcs, mill his marring It
case of tlm Irony of fate.
"How In Hint)"
"Ho ilhln't know until nfler he wm
innrrli'it Hint thu woman In tlu cnai
carried n lot nf lift Insurance, nnd
now ho will hnvri to keep iii t lie pre.
milium on her policies." Ilnrper'i
Niilhlnat Im Thl. I. In.
Prison Wnnli'ii Wc try to give every
"", Habitual
it nn
Kiy op
Of KltfOlU
it; j,
itcli (nalilw one to
II ! I I
i o hffi niul DuSrofijntnii,
Invratnr Wlinl'a your hlrn In wanting
to tmy that trollty Una) It doeatt't row-n-t
with your aialriti, ll'a inrrrlr a
Hallway )laglialf-Wrll, don't you ,
luppot wa want to ilo our owu fardlng)
rmihtiiu Miirr.
"They've cumr to blows, bstrn't they)"
sakrd the iinJrialird rrporlar, who wai
trying to furc hli way to Ilia ernlar of
tb rrowil,
"Vra," snanrrril lha tall man, who
null J srr Ihr two dlsturbrrs of Hi paare,
'That out of Vm liluwa, an' Ibtn tlia
olh.r. hut thit'a all Thar' hain't bran
lick atrurk yll."- Chicago Trlbuna.
drtrt kn4nl(iaa
I linbits dmiy m )m avujknu) to nn
I itiiti may lie rutliKil liKKn.edVitli
lilllifl llfl I'lnt'-I.e tllMlflllil II. 11 ill I met nL
Inmate work with which ho la familiar. ,11- . ' "......, i " ' t... . '.i
.1,1 1.1 1 11 1.1, TI It'll II IllillVII, llll'IU UlllH
iinliirc mid out to supplant the nutur
l functions, wIi'k It limit di-iiond ulti
mutely upon proper tiourislmu'iit,
Wlinl'a your trruto?
Niiw I'rlaiiiiiT Im
lliith.ft wilt fln1 Mra, WtnatnWa OnnthlDg
I'M up Hi I' ilti'm-lr liiMlurlblrlill4ie4
duilug ili l.. thing i.uU.
Ul.irlr In III Itttii,
Unci Jrrry I'fMiln Ihraw down hla
awapapar In dlsguat.
"I tar," h a III, "aotnrhody tiaa Invent
d an eulon that hain't got aoy ain.ll to
It, Why, blame It, all I rat uluna fur
la to ill lha amall of 'anil"
Another C'uMtiitaluM CuatlMall
"That wall In Wltcnnalii," rainarknl
Mr. Qul(py, "la roarlfu again, thay aay."
Mia Qillqlfy turilfd pair,
"Mayha It mean Ibla I Imp," aha gaaH
ad, "that our rook la going to Iratt ua
I aaw hr nritrlinilllng har trunk thl
morning I" Chlragu Trlhuna.
"I'wir John I 11 wua kind anil
forbearing btiatxiuil," aohhtMl tha vrliW
u w on hor return from the funrral,
"Y," aalil ayiupathlilng urlglf
bor; "hut ll' ill for th beat. Vou
mn at try nml comfort youraelf, my
dear, with thn thoueht Hint your tins
hand li at peace at lait," Hkelciiy
1)1 U. ""J""; ! "'V Uiplaiir tl
I (it jiinaions, wIik iiiUM dcix
1111111111 IllKMI llriwilif rinnriv
nnijitr ,.f0rts,oiHl nfclit tiunp, gciu'rolk
lojlijl it. 'jctiejieiul cjjactii, qIms
imy tlio i'lutiiit'
Pig SriJi Co. oniy
d d d
Mnlnrln In due to linpnrltlci nml ixiiitonn in the IiIcxh! Inntenil of lielnR
Tlcli, um nml healthy, the circulntlon han become Infecteil with f;erm of
dUcone which ilenttoy the rich, ml ciiriucle thut furnlnh iiourinlimcnt nml
itreiiKlh to the body, nnd reduced this vital Huld to nuch a weak, watery
condition thut It In no lonj-cr able to keep the lynlem In health, or ward oil
the coiiutlrnii dUriiAm ami dinordrrn Hint naanll it. Ti In.. ,.f til
led connmclcn taken the color nnd j;lov of health from the check, nnd wc
d w Mruily, n-Jjulur nrii lv pilutlLa
lnWAn r. ncrvro.f -Aw.j.f m cb.mix,
iii in.. ionaja
liiii.. loiiaUa hpviiui.n ft
.r.l. fcA,llill4, nllr,JOoM
lr,l. Mulling. i
t'flr. lit! M no ai' Con
MM t. r.l.
ri'f. VMk AMU4.
Uimtl JIM.
iliMI MA,
joi r.lHir
a..lot. .na
0nlrl ami Vm
Lartf.n.1. Jim-
Lars AMrndanr Attnrrd.
"Ami now, hoya,' aali the trnrher
with a mild rrprljnnnil, "I auppota
there In bo wny nf getting you to at
tfinl achiiol In cold wrnthrr."
"Dere la one wny," apoke up tha bis
boy In the nil Junior.
"And whnt wny la tbntr
"Why, move the aohnol house orer
the Inke nnd slrv us akntci Intteud cf
familiar alien.
Church I at the public aerrlre
ronimUalon hn recommended aid
doorn on the rnllrnnd mm.
IJothnm And will they expect to
lec pale, nullow fneen and wnnhed out, chalky complexion nmoni; the first hBTC ""' "'"f'1" "fnmlly entrnncu" orer
attnaanklnaaiaajkflLfaal.ia.i'A II.. a, . I i i a . a. . l..... i ...l .. u ui. a... ...
........... ,.n ... imuiiiiih. inu .nilinrill IB a irenerul avnlrill e l aenar. nml n . "riu mukvn niau-wiiau.
the IiIixhI Inrcouien more heavily loaded with it. Kcrun wc have niorcncrloui
.uid coiiiplicntcdnytiiptouin; the Impuic blood having its effect an nil parti
cf the Ixijly. Ihc a.etltc fails, dlKeatiou in weakened, chills and slight
lever aicftwjuent, and the nuffcrer lonen energy and ambition because of a
constant tlied-out and " no account " feeling. The lack of necessary nour
ishment and healthful oualitien in
the blood cuusen lioila and ubscenses,
skin affections, and in some cases
otci ami nlrcin to break out, and I "" i"im tir an4ltamt Mlm.g-1
nouictimen the patient in nroatrnteil I n. "n KUt,it " '- !' I Vrm h Aiirunntai roint or vi.
with n spell of malarial fever which
tuny leave bin lieulth permanently
Impnlretl To cure Malniia both
blood puiificrand tonic are necessary,
in order to remove the cause and at
the same time build up the system
fiom its weakened mid run-down
condition. H. S. S. (s the medicine
best fitted for this work. It Is the
most perfect of all blood purifiers, and
the purely vegetable ingredients of
which it is computed make it the
During 1100 I wat running a farm oa
lha MImImIp( ilt.r arU twtamt Mlmpftg.
Btln! villi Malaria thai lor a ;.r I wat
almotl a ihrlal ik. I trinl a numUr
U nu4lln iKomnxivJM at Moot put In
.(, chill cuftt, anil Malaria ataJlcatMS,
hut aclhlog 414 ana any goo4 uotU I Ugta
la um S. 8. 8. Tha raaull waa thai allrr
Itklng II far ahll. I waa aa wtU an4
tlrang at I aatr wat. I hara sat tr tU a
chill tinea oaf lha tllghlrtl aynaUai of
Malula. I bop. U1 U UotOlMt
Vf any ttpriana, atvi with thai n4 U
flaw I It. Ihlt iMtlmanlal, knowing that
8. 8. S. la th h-l itatif It Malaria.
Arawy, MUa. B. It. COWLKT.
"Vou aay thrre'a no inch thing aa mil
iar? Than thrrr la no auth thing aa a
gaa malar. Yrt you are paying out your
good monry for H,'l frrt of gaa rrgla
ttrrd by a marhlnr that iloean't eilat."
"Certainly i ibrre la no aueb thing aa
I Obviously, Hid object of nil incchnn
Icnl i-kk Ix-nters la In Imllnte tlio movt
inillt of tins hniid In hentlng the eze.
Ho fur, no mcclinn
Icnl jKiwer tins been
iIi-vIhiiI which eunls
the hniid lientltiic.
In thew so-called
ei;i;-bc)iters the pad
dlcn, liiatend of bent
Ins the ejcif, Reni-r-nlly
rctolru In n
circular pntb. which
Mtlrs, but docs not
beat the ofg.
fjou-iiKAiru. Tlio m-nn-st np
lironrh tohnmllient
Inn In nhown In nn esrg-henler lllim
tratnl herewith, tho Invention of a
WIncoiinIii mnn. In thl appsratu thn
bentor does not revolve, but la operated
back and forth, obtaining. Ixith Ibe ef
ficiency of tht hand beater and the ra
pidity of thn machine beater. It Is
held In one hand nml oiierated by tho
other, nccompllnhluj- the elm-tent bent
I nit of the egg In n very short space of
nntlermllks Ire Cream,
If you have never tnated Ice crenm
nindn of buttermilk there Is a moat
acrecnble neiianllnn In store for you.
To n pint of buttermilk add n pint of
qrenni nnd hnlf n iMiund of lump siiRnr
which hns Ix-i-n rublMil on lemons until
well flnvored. After putting this mlg
Hire Into thn freezer add the Juice of
two lemon-., Juat ns It Ix-glns to freeze.
When scrvlm; Ire cream In cold
wenther It Is nlci to pnrw sroiiml n
pitcher of hot chocolate or cnrnmel
an lire, to lx- pounil over It Just ns it
Is en I en. This saurri Is sometimes
iH-rved In tiny cups. Into which the
"IHmnful of Ice crenm mny be dlptted
on Its wny to the mouth. ladles'
lie Ko your uiarrlnce was n failure)
Klie Oh, 1 don't know.
lie Why, I thought you bad secured
a dlvorcor
Hhe-1 did.
He-Well, don't you call that a com
plete failure)
Hue llnrdly. You see. my partner
made nu Ba-lgninrnt nnd I received n
very nent sum as a preferred creditor.
H Oh um er I be your psr-
Hah I!!!
rentes-, nnu nnrest of nil tonics, -
0. S, 9. goes down Into the circulation and removes every trace of impnrity ' FITC"ri.'i?,ioI5
or )olson, and at the same time given to the blood the hcalth-sustainlng qunl-, KiW fiT-rrVuticniSuuVrM
Itlca it needs. It curen Mnlarln thoroughly mid permanently because it ii".w.ii.Uwi,kMui.i.i,huaj
removes the genus anil jMiisons which produce the disease, and while doing
this tones up and strengthens every part of the system. When S. S. S, hns
cleansed the blood the symptoms ja.s away, the healthy color returns to
the complexion, the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entire health
is renewed. Ikwk with information about Malaria and any medical advice
who believe in quality
On from Wuhlaaloa.
"I had n letter from n constituent,"
ssld Concreasmsn Nathan Wesley Hal
of Tennessee, "who asked me to for
ward to him. as quickly ss possible,
tho 'Rules and Iti-culatlons of Con
gross.' Ily return mail I sent him n
photograph of Joe Cannon. If ha un
derstands the game like we do, ha will
hne uo trouble In seeing Hint my nn
swer Is decidedly to the point." Buc
vas Mncailne. '
Cream Puff..
.Mix to n smooth paste one nip flour
and one nip hulling water, then add
hnlf cup butter nnd place on fire. Cook
one minute, stirring utendlly, Mnnd
nslde and let cihiI, When cold break In
three egg, one nt a time, and lient
hnrd. Drop by large niixjufula on a
well-grenaed pan. leatlng jilenty of
room to spread. Hake twenty-five min
ute, In a sternly but not too hot oen.
Don't open door for this length of time.
When txild mnko rich crvniii for ailing.
I use one Urge cup sweet milk, halt
cup sugar, quarter cup dour, one egg
beaten. KHr orer the fire until It thick
ens nml flnvor with vanilla. Make
about eighteen puffs.
Chane for Ileformalloa,
Her Mother lint whst objection enn
you have to Mr, Do Bcndda, my dear)
I'retty Daughter Ob, he's nil right
In most rcn'Mits, but he has sir-h nl
surd Ideas of whnt n wife should be,
Ih-r Mother Oh, that doesn't cut
nny Ice. Your father wns tho same
wny when I married him, but six
months Inter he didn't have n single
Iden of his own.
Slilo '.la-lit aa Mrl'intocr,
Vulcan had Juat put four new bors
bora on the frrt of the Centaur.
"Kaalrst Job I ever did," he said to
tha byalnndrra. "He atood prrfrctly atlll,
and when I handed him Ihr fly brush be
krpt the flirt away hlm-Hf."
Making a bind-oni discount from bla
ntusl price, be stkrd Ilia cuatomrr to
drive hlmarlf fo hla ahop whrnrvr hr
nerdrd sny more work. Chicago Tribune.
Tlia lllajhrr Jlalhrmatlr..
Nlbbs Do you atippow; It's ever pos
sible to come anywhere near the size
of a man's Income)
Dlggs Yes; Just take the figure be
gives to the assessor, add to It the fig
ure be tells his friends and then divide
tke result by two and you'll have It
tsr enough." Illustrated lilts.
J! 00 Reward, $100.
Tha rradt'ioflhlsrap'r will b- j.1ra4 to
larniiatbrliatIcaitondrradVil dl.raaq
that aelenra baa brtn abl to cui in all I. a
awgee, and (bat la Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh
-U'ls the onlvpoaltlrcrura now known loth
nrdlcallrateruliy. Caurrh kn( rontiliu
UonaldUptM. rrqulrraa rotitilidtlonal tirat
n-nt n.ii. f- .... r-....i. .., .- ,.A ...
artlngdirwilr tit-un Ihablomlandmuroutaur-.
fa.otlha-ttm,thereb. U.t-ojlngtbfoin-'
oa.S',xbi .'r- andglvlngt tiaienti
atrrnith by building op lha ron.titu Ion and ,
utlttlog natmc In doing Ita work. Tha pro-'
tlrlnf. tl... ... mti.hl.lil.iHli..Huii .'.
- V 7 :. '" " i.iiiiitt.t.. uibiiici.ii,.
era hat they nr Una Hundred Dotlarsforanr
raw that It faila to cure. Htjil tor Hit of
A,l.!i'.", K. i CHIWEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
td y at drnggltu,7Je,
TUa Haifa faaliy 1111 for toutlpatlna.
A linn el Lark. (
Itufflen Old fellow, you look bine.
are you on the wrong side of the mar
ket) Trumbull Market be hanged! I
moved yesterday. The van mnn broke
IS worth of the furniture, I lost a fire
pound Itank of Kogland note, the gns
company held me up for double the
usual deposit, nnd I've lust been atim.
moned on a Jury. London Mali.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 limes esch day.
Does It send out good blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what (o
take for bad blood Aycr's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for CO years.
On f '-"tnrnl raa. e( had blued la a ilonl.h
Ilt.r. Tl.i pn-".t cm tilp.tMm. roiinreit
talMfaitr.. .ra tl..ti ab.rtl lata th.,
ln,l...l . I b.1 a l-mfti-il from th tMlr d.ilf
at nalnr Ini.Ml.-t Kr.n ll. tul -mu
wilb A;rt 111.. Inar pll.i. All aat.ubla.
Jk J o,u.kUM.rJ
m ra mnmn'imM9
mn viGCB.
cutBtr ptxretut.
"I nm so sorry that Mrs. li
moving out of the city. I shall mlw
her so niueji."
"Were you such good friends)
"Ob. It Isn't that wc were so friend
ly, but she tins the nicest set of flat sil
ver In the neighborhood ami I used to
borrow It every time I wanted to en
tertain "Detroit Free Tress.
oij:n all.
cutiop buch
: 1
r . NINfrt -rUJ-J
. '! HrM" -
S3 Ounces for 23 Cents
Mode from pure, carefully tested
mnterinlij. Get n can on trial
You never saw such calces
and biscuit They'll open
your eyes.
VMJLI'rHP! Hora at ail &MzJlP
'P'i'mcgo. ron cvgnv Xs!aBTs' k
rpnicr.o. ron cvgnv
uvlinrtt ASilar-iiiii u
msinsu-kfi wr irir.rnmiii
V W. L. Douolnm maftaa nu mtillm nioro -YTZft,
M-iOr world, limgauma iy hold
In )
.u Ani.f 11. ml "TTMl
il:.' ..-T"7.- "? ."----.-.
ftZy at armatar valum than mny ml -vift
W. L Douglas $4 ind $5 Oil) vdgs Shoes Cannot B Equitled Al An; Pile
?ir.,l'.,''P' W.I. n."asnaiaand illiiutnpad on bottom. Taste Nn
IM, MCkta.
latest speech has made th
hit of sny In your career."
said the flatterer. "I suprKMo you re
gard It aa your masterpiece)"
"Not necessarily." answered the ora
tor, "The fact you recite merely Indi
catefl an Improvement In public taste."
Washington Star.
A Choir ol ItTlla.
"Your daughter can como to ma for
her mualc lessons and cau do bcr prac
ticing at home."
"IM rather you'd glv her her les
ions here at home nnd hnve her do her
practlclog at your rooms." Houston
Keren hundred dollar skirt Is one ol
the Items In a bill for (tf.OM) for clot hoi
which Mrs, Howard Gould wants her hus
band to par as nrcesaarlra of life.
The "IVseock Throne" of Tenia la the
nioat eitrnvagnnt thing of the kin I in
thr world, lis nltitt is eitlniAtH be
tween ten nnd tUteeu million dollars.
You Can Gal Allan'a rooltri fRCC.
t Willa Allen S. Olmited. Im Itnr, N. Y for a
frvd tatmilu nl Allmi. Viuilk... li ....
twi-allng. linafollin, aching Iret. It makra
liuwur light aliuea eaty. A curtain cut lur
roriii.liiiiiowliig natla and bunliiiii. All drug.
I.tttolllu Uv, Hoti'i acooft any tuUtltun
II Diirudril.
English John and l'at were two
friendly workmcu, who were constant
ly tilting, each ouo trying to outwit tha
"Are you good at measurement)"
asked John.
"I nm Hint," said I'nt. quickly.
"Then could you tell nut how mnny
shirts I could get out of a yard," asked
"Sure," said l'at, "It depends on
who yard you est Into,"
Olil.Ka.lilnnrd Indlau I'addlnar.
Hent thrie cuj of milk In n double
boiler and stir Into It by the handful n
lialf cup of yellow meal, with whcli
hns been mixed a hnlf tenapoottfiil of
nlt. Cook for hnlf an hour, stirring
often. At the end of this time have
ready In a bowl half n cupful of mix
lasses nnd a tablespooufu) of bi.tter.
well beaten together, stir the milk and
meal Into this and add a tcasiKioiifiil of
man, cinnamon nml ginger, mixed nml
two eggn whipped light. Hent hard be
foro turning Into a buttered pudding
dish. Itnko covered In a steady utcn
for nearly nu hour. Stir welt from thu
bottom and then brown on top.
1Mb rttl VttAintK
afforded by o
Clean -Light
. . rnrni . c M. W ft A
J v
fftSTWV I ,'r7xV-i.
ftL. vl T-T f ljrr
.1 . ...
"TMC Dlrrcllr a tk bratk aTtrlMklar I
C a Mraa. Hal tall balba sad
IMlrr llnllQC aarlUUIag. KXraa-l
w,, . ....ww.. U- fl,T (,f fl,-,fmtw I
nr ta pariara. urctria lltkla. tln
-" Blar aS tlraai br.L. II..
riRfOnU" aaddiltra. Kra f ga a tr.
prr day. M-fUp-ntil nm by IS wrk.
I UAH. j. Mount. lrprWr
C. Gee Wo
Tb nil laiiwa rtlUbl
Root sad Bub
!t nU a llf td
mui.aiwt Wrta.aad lalbas
Mf4twMilM4 I al-
" miiiiiiitJKoaa
food thai Ali.nrti. (litnr..
Klnur should not be kept In n store
room or pantry where there Is cooked
fouls, as It aheorh odors. Ignornncn
of this fnct nccounts for ioor brend
oftencr than nu Inferior ininllty of
flour. Arllclt-n of fiMxl that nr made
of gelatlnu or of milk should nlwuys lie
kept covered, as both milk and gi-liitliip
arc literal scavengers of tho air nnd
absorb nut only odors, but germs. Nei
ther cheese, cabbage, fish nor baked
bonus should ever be I nit Into the re
frigerator. They all leave nn inlor of
which It Is dllllcult to rid the refrig
erator, and I hey iiIbo flavor the food.
Do Good While You Mar.
It Is a good and safe rule to sojourn
In every place ns If you meant to
spend your life there, never omitting
an opportunity of doing; a kindness or
speaking a tnie word or uinklug a
friend John Rnsklii
N klrrcwy, Plna e Drags Utrd-ll Caa-a)
Without Otratbn.nrWitbuilncAidf aKtaf
II runilM. ta lr Uu.rb. AMbwa, Laaaw
rbnMl. Kh.n)ltwa. toblm.
(imvb U..r. XMhi -' Mrnli-nt
ttmi ItMlifi. aaJ All llti.l. VUm
Jatt Rtcarrad from Peking. CXUa-Sal. Sara
ir ion AB15 Art.UTKn. por-T dcljit.
iillaVu aru ua.SotiobH.
li 9 eaaaiH r 1 1, arl I I ernm ptoa blmak a4 alraa.
lr lmUm trvm.
tei4irMtu..CVr.llorrlMa. iwoUi, Ontrm.
ria ka TkU rarr.
No. 1834
filler writing; londartlarapls
roiniMn tnia patr.
T SlnUe HmIiuiiii l.unf,
Drnlu nil tho oil from n large can of
salmon, pick It over carefully and re
move all bones. Heat together four
eggs until light, ntld a cup of bread
crumbs, a scant cup of rich cream, nml
the Juice of one lemon. Salt to tttxtc
anil add n good dnsh of cayenne iHpicr.
Mix tlicso IngredlentH well together, put
In baking dish, cover the dish mid bitko
for thirty minutes In good oven.
w 'JMir-tfn
slrallallfej irKlbodandRrfiii
I'uilue Cnkr.
Twiethlnls cii butter, ouo cup sugttr,
ono cup sweet milk, third cup chncid.ite,
meltiHl; hnlf-cup nuts, thrcu eggt,
wlilteti nnd yolks heuti-ii sepurntcly.
Two nnd n half cups Hour, ouo heaping
IciiBpoouful baking xwi!cr bcatcu into
tho whliHsl whites.
OrniiKo lliuirr.
Mix together tho Juice of three or
nngea, tho grated ' rind of one, a
Binnll cupful of Biignr, a tnhlcspoonful
of butter nnd tho beaten yolks of two
eggs. Cook over n slow tire, stirring
constantly, until clour ami as thick
h 8erv cold.
IVomolcs DiiiralionOw riii
ncss and IVstTonlilns ocittgr
OpiimiJ'Iorphinc nornacnI
--a-aB taBaaaanaasBnaaBBai
urAnt 51SixwW
Apcrtect Rr?medy forCoTOflft
tion i aour aiunuai.uiaiiit
Worms rom-ulsionsJ'Otnsa-
ncssfitulLoss ofSleep.
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