5333tffc it. '! ft - C---- 4 BY MISADVENTURE FRANK --- CttAPTHtt XVII. (Continue.) I frit ai If the lU)or hid sudJcnly sunk away from under my feet; but I was too ol! to let It be eeen, nn J ukl as calml) s I civil J; "Well, sir, go on. You have not come hrtt simply to nuke that statement. 1 presume? That' one charge; but mark me I" he mM, pausing to put his finger to the side of liU fat noe, where he kept It as he continued; "Mark met it Isn't the only one more than one w.tnci to be pro duced. Thens'ii another charge charge more serious than stretching rope cross road ujwcttlnx you." "And pray what charge Is that, Mr. Hat?" I asked with pretended Indiffer ence. iA criminal charge. We reserve It re aped for Mr. Lynn Yeames feelings. Here's the fact we can throw will Into chancery, and ruin Dr. Awdrey, If we make facts public. Lynn Yeamc does not wish to tirocml; Air, eaiircs does. J?o do I. To meet Ijnn" w.-die.s we will abandon proceedings" once more he laid lil !ubby finger on hi stubby note, "on rendition." "Tell me straight out what you mean by that." I said. "I meanour side ahanJons procee.1 lng wrlttrn guarantee and all that siirt of thing; you on your side pay over in terest on money left In tru for Mist Flexmore. Awdrey professes he has no right to money glre It up to f.ynn, who has. Loses nothing avoid scandal saves reputation. There you are." "Hare you anything more to add to this proposition i" I asked. "Nothing eicept this tay proceedings for a week time for you to arrange with Awdrey, and glre us decision. One week 'rora to-day you understand T" "Perfectly well; there I no necessity to keep you waiting a week for a decis ion ; you shall hare It at once. On behalf of my client and ratseJf, I refusa to bare anything more to say to you. Ict me say In conclusion, you pettifogging rascal," said I, rising and giving free rent to my anger, "that If you could prore your crim inal charge against DrAwdrey. I am the last person In the world who would com pound a felony, but (he first who would take measures to punish the man who did. Uet out of my house!" He got up on bis little legs, gasping and stammering, dropped bis gloves out of his bat, got purple In the face in picking them up, gasped and stammered again; but quickly made bit way through the open door with his small blue eyes In the- corner, for all the world like a pig bolting past a drlrer. Mrs. Yeames de scription of me or her son's, for I had no faith In his standing out. bad evi dently been not nattering, and he bad thought to find in me a shuffling scoun drel of bis own stamp. ciiAirra. XVIII. .This event gave me no little anxiety at first, but It wore off when I came to comrldrr It calmly. I could not believe In the man's statement respecting a crim inal charge In reserve. It was not likely be would keep bark the stronger Induce ment In leading to a oomprom.e. As for bis witness to prove that Awdrey had been Instrumental to my delay, that was nothing; he could get s many witness of that kind as be chow at a pound a head. No; It seenied to me nothing but a mere attempt at extortion, got up, probably, by Yeames, his mother and Ilaz, who thought, very likely, that I should be rascal euougb to stand In with tbeni. I Mattered myself that I bad shown llax the folly of his "proceedings," and that I should neither se nor hear any mere of him or bis criminal charges. And this belief was strengthened when two days later Lynn Yeames appeared In Coneyford, and bis mother returned to her cottage. He Hcnt the very morning of his ar rival to Dr. Awdrey, and In the after noon I snw them going along the High Btreet together, I,ynn with his arm linked hi Awdrej's. Tbey were going towards the farm to see about some alterations and Improvements that had occurred to the doctor in the other's absence. I fert sure then lliat the Intimidation scheme was abandoned. Nothing occurred for several days; but n Friday, the 'JOth of March, Miss Dal rymple called upon roe. Kbe was as pale as a ghost. Her band trembled In mine. "Oh, Mr. Keene I" she exclaimed, "what Js the meaning of these rumors'" "Sit down, my dear," said I, guessing what she meant. "Hit down ; now tell me what It U you have heard." "They nay that Dr. Awdrey prevented you from arriving at the house In time for Mr. Flexaiore to slgu bis will. A man has confessed to being employed by him." "I bare beard nothing about that. Have you beard anything else?" "Oh. yes, yes I They say that the med icine be gave me to admluister to Mr. KJexmore was" she hesitated a moment, and dropping her voice no that It was scarcely audible, said "poisoned J" I started. This, then, was the criminal charge liaz bad hinted at. "Who told you this?" I asked, when I bad overcome the first dash of aatonlsh went. "Mrs. Case-by atme to tell me. She thought that I ought to know." "I know what Is In your mind," said I, "You do not wish Awdrey to know I :tY BARRETT -----. what jou hare toM me. He under no pprrhenslon: n lawyer knows how to -cop a secret when It suits him. Leave he matter In my hand, and by to-morrow turning you shall hate news of some lnd good news, t feel pretty sure." I lo.t no time In seeing Dr. Awdrey: on my way to his house 1 settled how to let. "Well, Awdrey," Mid I when we met, "how Is the world us tig you?" "Pretty tnueh the same as usual only more so," he s-Ud with a laugh: and then 'n a tone of perplexity he continued : "I mn't quite make It out. I hare received three letters to-dty asking for my ac oiint, and all three have employed me only about a month. I suppose It's a po lite way of telling me that I am, not want ed any more." "That's It," said I, "and the reason Is that you are accused of throwing me out of a g g. and poltonlng pojr old Flex more." "What!" he exclaimed, knitting his brows In astonishment. "It's a fact. The rumor Is circulating. You'll lime none but your pauper to doctor at the end of the week." "I'm glad of It." sild he, "if the rest will l!ten to such nonsense as that." "We shall have to take measures to disprove the 'Jiarge, doctor," said I. "Then don't lose any time 'about It," said he. "Poor Nurse ('ertrudel" he add ed tenderly, thlnktng doubtless of the af front he had received being offered to her. Then In a lone of vexation be ask ed, "How long have you known this. Keener "Well, I heard something about It more than a week ago." "Why didn't you tell me at once 7" "Ilecause I thought It merely a scheme to extort money. A man named Itax spoke about It. He tells mt he Is a friend of the Yeames family." He went off at once to find I.ynn. And not long afterwards I caught sight of the pair in the High street. Lynn with his arm linked through the doctor's, and a look on his face that seemed to bldpeo ple observe that he still believed In Aw drey's Innocence. While I was looking after them, a colleague clapped me on the shoulder, and sa.d in a low voice, nod ding toward the two: "Which Is the Judasr ."There ran be no doubt about that," I replied, "unless Judas be too good a name for I.ynn Yeames." "I am not so sure about that. Keene. I dou't like Awdrey's quiet, long-suffering, martyrtib manner. He's a clever man ten times cleverer than Yeames clever enough to make a big venture. If I had to Judge without evidence, I should ac quit Yetmra and hang Awdrey. And I beliete If you could only clear your mind of prejudice " I would not wait to bear more of such fustian. I hid no patience. In due course I made a formal application for the post-mortem examination of Flex more's remains. To my astontshmrnt I learned that the Inquiry had been already demanded and accorded . the examination was to be made at once. "I.ynn assures me, and I believe him," said Dr. Awdrey when we next met, "that he has .ceu oppo-ted to his mother's ac tion from the ery tx-g.tinlng. He could not with any delicacy tell me of her pro ceedings. He himself Insisted on llax quitting his mother's bouse." UHAITKIt XIX. The examination resulted In this: Whether accidentally or otherwise, enough of a noxious substance had found ,ts way Into Flexmore's body to have de cidedly accelerated his death. The news spread like plague; within twenty-four hours every one had It, man, woman and child, without distinction of rank or sta tion. Ktery one went about open-mouthed to find someone to give the uewa to. A dozen persons wild to ihV : "Have you beard the result of the ex amination? Dr. Awdrey did hasten Flex more's end." "Then why Is he at large?" I asked. "Why bas no Marram for b.s arrest been Issued?" Tbey could only shrug their shoulders; but I could explain the matter to them Flexmore had nut been affected by tbe poison at all. The arseulc was found in bis mouth, It bad not touched the diges tive apparatus, and for this reason: It had been administered after the life had left his body. This was the report made by the autburlxed doctors who made the examlnat.cn. Upon this report no one could be ac cused of any crime legally, nor at the present Juncture could a charge be Insti lled. 'J list tbe poison had nut been given In tbe form of a potion, such as Miss Dalrymple had been charged by Dr. Awdrey to administer, was clear from the fact that It was found In the' form of a powdtr, and must have been dropped in my oid friend's mouth wben ids Jaw drop ped after death. Htlll, it bad clearly been given with a view to prevent any possi bility of a return to life and It was equal ly evident to the majority of people that Awdrey, who knew the contents o( the will to be signed, alone was prcsmn iblr desirous of preventing a return to life, for only a very small minority knew that Lynn Yeames also had a strong reason for making death sure at that time. Now, though there was no evidence to commit Awdrey, circumstances were suffi ciently suspicious to enable the Yeames party to contest the will. Hut I had (till 'renter reasons than that for getting at the tru'h of the mutter, and IWliu Ui wilt on the guilty, liven the (import ivo.ild refuse to take mrdlc'ne fr: th hind of a man with such n reputation. I went to work nt once, nnd determined In take no reit until I had secured the n ety of poor Awdrey nnd Nurse tier trtide. My clerk was a sharp, depend ble jomig fellow, "Now, Mr, Jones," sa d I, "1 am going to put )ou on jour mettle." "(Had of Jl, Mr. Keene," be replied, eagerly. "Is It this poisoning case, sir?" "Yes, It Is, llax, Yeames' agent, says they can produce the man who threw me out of the gig, and prove that he was ctitagcd to do It by Dr. Audrey. You must II ml their witness. In nil probabil ity that trlrk was unpremeditated. It was suggested to him by c.mim.tances, by a clunce meeting with the fellow who stretched that rope. Who might that be? It nns Jut such a diy as a iHMcher would like for wiring hare. Yeames had been doing n good deal of shooting. A poicher general use Is the price. Ilnlf or three can be more useful than a keeper to a qunrteni of n pound of llnsceil or oil gentleman on the lookout for game. A ,N, , n,m .,or (1r wn ,xfrt ,, man of that kind was the very one to milt r(.rr ,,,, nlllll.w ,, tl(, ,tl. his purpose. And n man who would do a , . ,. , .,,,.. job of that kind could be easily bribe.) '"'"" 0l,"?r' , , , . , to sear he was rmtilain! by Dr. Aw- Cor" lm"'' wl"' M In large drey. That man mint be found." AtimuiitM with run run fodders, linn n Jones was hardly out of the bouse be- tendency to produce n firm liuller. fore Mls Dalrymple came In. i When mUetl with oilier grnlns. n tx'l- "What are jou going to do for Dr. tor qiinllty of butler Is produced tlmn Awdrey?" was the first quest.on she If (ho corn wi-ro fed ntoiie. (Ililti'ti "l- men!, n by-product obtnlnot In Hie "I am going to prove his Innocence. I ( mniiufnrliir.. of corn stnreli nnd glu- ..-! n . u ii i . ,' cose. pnsliHvs n softer butler (Imn corn entreaty "fayt tS n m "".'rm " "-; t-l .l 9 . .. ' tSlIlt Hllld tills.. j.S tl.A oils I stilt rlfitlf Ix-t me help. Tel! me what 1 may do what dlttlculty thrre Is to otercome, come, and trut my Intelligence." "There's one thing you can attempt, at any rate," I snld; "the rnvnl employ. fst T YoilmM III,. altftllflMt lllfll tlllV had a witness In reserve to prove a crtm- nal charge agalnt Awdrey. That meant they have got hoM of mniic one to sweat itw, M'tiiister ttilnVH mat tin allow- to his admlnlste'rlng the (nrndi-r. Now nnrvn should n uttlclnlly stntnl. A- that some one must he of this place. If trotiotnera. It nH-nrs, are In the tints'! you can find out who It Is, and let mt of giving the value of the "prohnble know, I msy persuade that witness to prror" when publishing their observn- stand on the side of truth. Now, I must , m al,i1(Mlcll metronlogy lends .nli 7u . .v': . ,.i .' Itself more n-ndlly limn any other h.7Vf, reen,""., L tTnU I !" ",lh , cl-nc. to the evolution of devla.lons blm, Mr. Keene, she said tenderly. I . .. ,. .. ., "You may be sure of that," said I,' fnmi the mean n-iult. the weather fore pressing her hand. I "trm nave not adopted the custom We parted at the door, she going out f Hating the proluble error. Prof, way, I the other. I Kcbuitrr look forward to the time "Awdrey," said I, when I met him, when wenther forecasts will be novum "Miss Dalrymple sympathies with you." panled by n statement of the odds that "I am certain she does." he replied. the prediction will be fulfilled. Then. "Yes; and you may be certa.n of some- ,.rhan. we shall read In the weather thing else. If we get this affair settled ,, , ,,,,,, ,, MMrrow h rightly. ,ou msy be the happiest man lo , ,.3 p L , the world, or It will lie your own fault. , m What." said he. eagerly, "do you think ber feeling Is deeper than sympathy?" "I am ure of It, that's morel" I ex claimed. "Notwithstanding the doubt that hangs over me the feeling against me?" "There's no doubt In that grneroui soul," I said; "and as for the feeling against you. It's Just the thing to endear you to her. Urn let's get to work. Now, you have to tax your memory lo the ut most. Your happiness depends as much upon a clear recollection as anything. I must have an account of rrtrj minute ol the day Flexmore died." Then carefully we went over the eventi of that day lo the minutest particular, from the hour of his rising until he went again to bed. It was long Job, necea. tst.ng much discussion and verification, but we stuck at it till It was done, then we ate and drank and made merry si we could. It was nn effort to Awdrey, I had netrr seen blm in surh high spirits It was as If ten years of hard work and disappointment had twen taken off hii .nouwers. wniy now aim men ns isci assumed 11. old gravity, a. the thoughl perhnt occurred to blm that If he failed io prove b.s Innocence he must slip back again Into the Hlough of De..nd. I It was pn.t five when I got bark U my olfice. Tq my utter astonishment I found Miss Dalrymple walling there foi me, and with her a woman, Miss Dal rymple re and met me with, forced calm, but I could see that her fare was Itiithec u,lfti trititfii.li .till hmr .It, W,M .tifirlfil r..,M ........,'... ..-. --- ".. -, . - f l.n In. n rl, .mn. "IVIir. .nr.lv. I I have seen you before?" -.- -, .-...,-. -, ---., "I were In Dr. Ilawdrey' hemploy she replied. "To be sure. Now I remember you. Hi you have something to tell me, have you? "I wish to conceal nothlnk, for I havi nothlnk to conceal,' she said. (To bt continued.) Aerorcllnir In Orders, "How ih) you do!" exclaimed tho let ter rnrrlrr, a he K'rriitiil the auction eer." "I do nn I nm bid," answered tin auctloniH-r, with n (IcihIImIi jtrln. "Much tho mime here," rejoined th I, c. "I do an 1 nm clIrcclMl." The llonl Viirlelr, "Yoti rt-fuso mi!?" wuippd! the HttU count twirling Ida wnxed miiHtncho. "I do I" ri'plhil tho Meiislblo bt-lrw coldly. "Poor Klrll" "Yrri, I would be n poor girl If I hat you for a husband." Tlgcrn are Krently on tho Incrcaio It Uurmnb, owing to recent legal rcatrio Uoui on the carrying of arms. ling with excitement. iccicii ns wing niru in oiirinrrn ninirs, "I have brought , Mrs. Hates lo see you j H l " ciimmon Houtheril pmrtliv to said she; "or rather Mrs, Hates asked U nhoot them for the table, and III some see you. Hhe desire to make a full Htntes the hunter kill them In great cvuimunlrntlon of all she knows." I number at their roosting plnn. A I bowed lo Mrs. Hates, who sat rlgldlj government expert aiigge.l that tb-i in her chair. Hhe was a middle-aged ier- ,.Bitwnr, inoveinellt of the boll weevil son with a fare like a hatrhet, and a Uslj ,, )OW, fr,ctnPj ,y ,P knK f like the handle of It. A hard, rold, lon t)J ,,,, ,f ,, ,, M,,)W,, , ,M, wiKnauof the raggy kind, and Just dub jtJ)e w , enough to think herself sharp. I . .,'., , . "I'm glad to see you. Mrs. Hales." naM, ",uch WMiMiy frimi the member of s??'-s-7'k - - W1I. fe VV' V ' X m S VNAsVwVWV Mtutnl imul tinn n lnnU'iuy to mnkn A soft tmUrr. pnivliliM llm iihmiI In Uh hi lnrKt nmouut. If fiM In tmly im- " " '"'. "Utter fnta my mir- n,n'- " ! vnluublo mllkstltmiln'.liiK ' tl run be 'mil to prevent lln formation of excessively hnnl fnta In winter. The only illsitilvntilnge In Hie """ ' ' , ,, ' I1'"" '" innismr linrry nuyurr, uni versity of Mlniicsotn, lilil In Wrsllier IVreensllnie. People hnr learned by experience In MnVf "ll"vnnce for ermr III tli pre diction of (ho Weather llnreiiii bill '""' Keeptna; a (earn ! Most farm gain are heavy, nnd af ter a little time they sng. When tbey get this way It taki-4 a atrong tunn to ohmi nnd stmt one. Hern Is a remedy, (let n wheel, either big nr Utile, ttom an old piece of mnchliiery. lid bolt It to the front end of tlio gnte ooon vac run an uui now wiictt. Ill such a war that Hie rnln ulll tie np,j ,v,. N(w , IIQM, r,, ,, , , ,. , , .. . . .. ... ... ' ' " " ""Vi-r-snves your IMtl.-ncc. your l,nrk' "'"' ' Knte.-N. U. H.. In I irm " Home. lliililn. Kllleil fur lm..l In I lie Sutilh. A lullllou robins were kllbil III Umls latin during the winter of llKiT-.S, the orTender Ix-lug men and boy who shot them for food. While they nre pro ,.. ... .. ,, ,,. . mo rtuuuuuil wiriii-n. kiiiiiu ,,- Ij. Trusilnllnsr Trees, In Iterue llnlvenwllr, nrcordlng to another foreign coiiteniiornrjr, there la n practical article of general Interest on transplanting plants In full follagu nt night. The results of wimo cxiwrl merit by Itounult would mnkn unnereic aary the ru.tnmnry triiiisplnntlug of de ciduous tree In the full or winter He tin found Hint tree may bo trims planted In full follngu In Mny or June, with llttln or no Injury, providing the process Ih curried on nt night. 'I'll I lull been ilcmoliHtrnted to tho eutlru sntlHfnctlou of aomn of tlio most prmif Itient hortlculturlslM of Franco. Ilrevvrry SlorU I'reil, Dried browerH' Krulns rank close to bran In feeding value, containing n llttlo moro protein and fat, hut not qulto no much carbohydrates. It Ii claimed Hint In 100 jioiiiiiIh nf HiIh feed thero nm 15.7 pouuda of protein, ,10.3 pound of carbohydrates nnd 5.1 pound of fat. Malt sprout and dried brew ers' grains are vnlunblo cow feeds, cn peclnlly the latter, Hproutn nro rich- wm est In protein, but not much relished by rows and should lie fed only In lim ited iiinntltlen. Wet brewers' grnlni are apt to Injure the quality of the milk. The lVlarinm tif (lie llee, We ninrrcl nt what we call Hie veil doiil of Hie hhe bee, yet there Is on, thing hhe never leitrti fniin etpetleiice, write John lliirrmttllis In the Atlnntlc, nnd Hint Is Hint he Is storing up honey for the use of num. Hhe could not learn llila. Nvniise such knowledge Is nut tiiHrssiiry lo her own well being, Neither doc she ever know when she tins enough lo carry her through the whiter. This knowledge, again, Is not lmHirtniit, (lather and store honey ns long ns there Is nny to he had Is hor motto, and In that rule she I safe. rniiilnlliiit nml Point, The stntlstlcliiii In the Department of Agriculture) of the I'nlted Htntes t-s tlnmtes that In HK'tl the populallou of the country will l-o ,1tMsi.rin). To sup ply the requirements of this number of Miip!i will iirceHsllnle the produrtlon of 7(X.lx.K bushels of wheat. l.'iVi, (iKUsNl bushels of oats, a..VM'"t. bushels of corn, '(Hl.tK'O.liKI Inns nf liny , nnd cotton, tobacco, frull nnd vegeta bles In proortlon, Thl will necesl Inle bringing umlr-r cultlvntlnn all nddl tlounl IWi.Ctxi.tso aires of laud, and II M .. !........ I ,1. ...... ,. 1.. ,JUJ IHI,I . I estimated Unit we time only 114,1 HXV (HHI acres avnlliible for cultivation. Inseet rvllH Sirlnsl,inril Mnse, Among the riirlous Insects of the Mnlny Peninsula Is one called lh" lau lent fly, which Is remarkable for II sudden leaps, made without the aid of It wings. It wn only after the first specimens of this queer Insect wrro carried to liudiui for examination, that It was discovered that a curious projec tion on the front of Its brad, a kind of nose with a crease In It, was the leaping organ. When hcnt hark under tbe abdomen and suddenly released It sent the Insect flying, A llco.l U'hllenash. Here Is a well rrvoiumetided white wash : For 10 gallon use 2.1 pounds of coinmnii lime slaked with Willing water; .1 ixiunits of clean wish! ashes; 10 pound, of mellM lef ullfflW, 3 isiunds of rommon , and .onr-halt l-nmrl of glue, dlssolvnl. Add any dry mineral paint lo color, such ' burnt urnlM-r. yellow ochre or mineral red jus nu none no, ami npppiy wnue warm, keeping It well stirred, The aherp leM. As a rule there I very tittle inol lure In the shecji eii from the sill nml themselves. Hhrrpmrn say Hut by heavy iKildlng. pnrllrularly at Hit beginning of .Hie reason, the straw will absorb all the urine from the sheep without there being any softness or rotting of the straw, and the pen are' often not rlraiiH,! more than once In l season wIHhiiiI Injury to Hie stock Sprnflnsi frull Trees, All fruit trees should lie sprayed while dormant, with lime, sulphur and salt, a n preventive of Han Jose scale, lo destroy the fungi. It Is nlso cla'tn eil Hint till preparation Is n gissl fer tilizer, am! ulll help lo Lrro the trees healthy Quite n number of Inserts at Inrk only dead or decaying tree, nml these form n breeding plnre for ninny other varieties of Insect pests. tllsieslril IVrllllier., Miimire I simply mnterlnt that have hern softened and ilri-oliiiMiscd (dlgesl ed) within the ImhIv of nn iinlninl T.i I apply aurh raw material n bran and llnswil mini dlreetlv to the soil would le of no ndvnnlnge, tiotwlthstnndlng Hint they nre excellent ferllllxer. ihejr value lielitg liicreiiHnl by feeding to ntock. farm .News nnd ,n.a, Uncle Hnm received II 1,000,000 last year for public land of all kinds. A gnrdriirr nt Tarnma. Wash., last season marketed $7o0 worth of celery from nun acre of ground, The explosion of n rrenm separator nearly killed Karl Adnni nnd hi moth er, living near Trrmiclfiiti, .Minn, w -, ........ Calvin I), lingers, of Iron Hirer, Wis., has Imported from Itnly twenty bee. for which lie pnld $5 each, Kniporor William of (ler.nany en ' flf U.n .inch and cavalry horsm'to ,1,1 , thn most beautiful niilimiln ever seen In thin country. Night rider In Tennessee who were arrested for tuirnlng lobneco tlieils nml suimiiiiik in armeru were set rreo be. cause n Jury could not bo found lu the count to try them. FarmliiK I" New Mexico tins born given n greiit liiipelm during the pint few yearn by tho work of the fun. Jr.' i ..... ..'.I nna iruu iiuni. m ailAttibh NO ULOVBIt. fotilbllllni ( l' Huccmiful Orowlh In r'l rn lartn Mr II, T. French, ll.rM-lur l-Ulm Kiflinsnt Ills. Hull, StlWvW. Mtioh Ititerist l Ii nil inanlfritctl In Ho hillillll v nl yroftliiK Kisnes ami i lovers In the a-rtlun nlsmt Mumiw iiinl oilier i u omol Northern Malm, 'litis nutlet is dl sverla Interest at till nine, (or many new settlers are ioiiiIiik mi" llili- aUt fr in lb older stales, whrre tlin-o nop ociiitllnla very lliiH)Miilit pnlt ol (ami pioduo I Ion. (lur ri)rUnrn exteidt over inveral stnsoiiK nml we tliouiilit it mlf lit be of profit to m inn to know what Ii being iblie III tills illlectlotl oil tlio experi ment slkllim form Wo have iimlrrlaken lo nlsbll'li a redlnir nl elovets ami m",- tui tion of the faun nml lintrwltli give a brief account ot the retulu of t ur wotk tltlt lllst the tmst rraton- Ijist April we plowed tip ten sorn nt land on wlilih wlintl wss Kf"1" ' war lirfots, stnl fillr-l It fur Hi m by lisitosrliiin twlro with a fine toothed smoothing liariow, Wo then ad brsidiNsl the following mixture, cov ering six acres, leaving the tmtattre. tin, III Inter, on account ol the yruund being In a lowir miiIiiii of the field and too we In so k. 10 -uil rwnmon il f U e. S jjiMt AUikpsluvvr HliMlii-sliaid l i Mi", Mt.Uw f..eu. I lwiMl IUilh If srM. to i-m n4t llmvihr. 4 I'WlKtt UM niM.Ua Ml !. 'litis nude In Kiuiiil ul tlio mlxlnrs prr rre, Tlio tisme or I tin field wss sown to Ilia same combination, at IIim lAiitii rnlM iMf sir, viri-nl elslil ,, 0f Uirn seed was added to the I . . . . ... ... . mixture In place ol tils alslke clour and timothy iced. No tiurte orop was noon with the grass tnlitute. And her U nhife man farmers rnakn a mistake, by sow, lug wheat, oats or lrley with lh girus or clover. It Ii lh eipetltnce of the bl farmera now that It I not wlie to sow a crop of (tain with the telling. The morn tapldly glowing grain crop lakrt the inolitur a ray from the tender grstt, and clover plant, and whn the grain U ent the hoi inn burnt three Undsr plant np. The wild oat which I o abundant In the toll of till locnlltv I quit enocgh of a nurse etnp, nnd in attention should be given to cutting this out of the way when It reaehee the proper itnge. We cut two crops of wild osia from our field, The first crop mid n fair yield ol hay. In cutting the wild it the mowing nurhlne thould be eel , Wh ooh no Uinl II will no! ul U.. , Th , J , , h f ,,, M ,Mt .mln(sl, ,. ... iUnd of clover and ol all the grsa. ... . ... ., . ... .1,1. , ,i,u es teat them. Much of the clover l.wuletl out -.... r-- .-- ..-.. ,.. .-. ..... vv lut season making n grosth on foot high ot more. Unleti Isit season was nn exception ality favo'nbl one Ibetc I. no rmton why olovrrn nnd grssirs should not ! grown In the hill lands In till section. Ilia yield ol wheat will mil U let when the farmers Insrn lo inow lb crop which leitorn fertility, and Ui Jxx.lbllllles of diverilfitxl farming, "HI' ' a an Important factor, will " Kfny iirtngwieneu. VAHItTlEa OF FHUIT. Waihlngton Profanor Msksi Hludf of tsth HtRlon tlf J U A.kUV. WuKIssUmi HUI. rWW, During the snt yrai numeton In quliles have come to the Hint college depatttnent of hoitUulture asking unr tlont which generally can he. summed tip In the on question! "What Vlndt of fruit will do bent where I llvrT" This olits of qulilrs ha gl'rn the stiff of thoilatoexpeilinent itntlnu conrld erable trouble, slure, an tinted by I'ro fraioraTliurntMir, head ol tho tlrptrtmrnt ol hortloiilliue( unless Urn itnft insrn- Ixrt know eiaotly the ollin.tlc and mil cuHtloii of the region from which thi 'I"""" r"l' erronwnin inioriiinuoa may lie given, trading thn neeker .'or In formation to plnnt tree not nl nil minuted to til. region. 'Now wt Imvn rolvrd thn problem," laid riofritoi Thinner, recently. "I)ur lug th last ymr we hnre made a cart ful mrvey of the itaU with reference to the particular varletlri of frulta which nre adapted to noli region. We hire olatildrd the llitn Into Western Waih Ington,' Inland Valley.,' nnd 'Upland Valley..' In thli Hit I Include! p plt, ienri, oherrlct, pearhri, nptlooli, jilumi, tntpberrlci, prune., blsckl-er-rln, Kocieherrlri, currnnti, strawlxr rle. nnd mil. Karlr, nitdluin crly Bna ,nl" vnrietlei nro given whete It u i iivt-..uijr, tvu tiiiiuiii nine ii. is lusii 3' v., ? i , b. j fc f ' lii(iilrert now, nnd from n dorvn or no llitn "AiHithor exnerlmint wo liavn In hand Ii one In which wo have tolectfl slxty-flvo kotmI vnrietlei of apple from the eight hundred or to vurlotlo In thi mnie oxprritneni ntntlon otiluM, nmi ' netiilliiK two vnrietlei ol racli ol H( iilxty.flvo vnrietlei to ten funnorior Jr,"V!ow0" ot Wajhlniclon. Wo with ,0 .d',lorlm' 11'y,l,,1,,.Pr,in"l!,lh?.! " ' '"i'0"11 ? ' P"r le"l region In which It Is tried, nnd In thU now ,,, of ,, n Ull ieBloD, K