The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 08, 1908, Image 5

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'I I" hum f lli. i lA'imll noiiiiiIm
JJOlnl I'n st il .
IIukIi O'Khiw In ittWinliiiK i
huninc uumcrs t l'iuiill this
If vou nre luim-iy for xowl lend
ing Mill ciin nlw And I at Hit
nwt tUtut
John SleJ'U kft lor I'riueville
W'ttlueMny la M-rve m jtifor it the
irvMtut term uf court
Tl V IIIV HtOIIlt Will ItHVf iu fltut
Miipiitent of Hfwlicrrtet thin mmmmi
Saturday ur Muiiany.
H.I! DuviM i baiMluir hed
foi liis nuioninhih- 011 the ir til
hi lot fii Wall Street.
J 1 WMt h in a lot of ihkv
fiiliiluite, lonnNth.K tif ittm IwIh,
mnttrmnfii, uprtHMH i-lmir, ttc
JUy Urolrr and Si U'ilHumn
lull WidiivMUy muming fur Su
ktiw whirl tlirv willloiik fur woik.
Lsdlc who re in need uf ft ntw
hat Would examine tin- very1 itrtt
nd ntum-live one nt The Meruit
Co ' tc
The l.tdint' I.thiury Club will
liolil nttuthtr mI ol homcitudr
cNiidim iirxt Saturday oMeiiioon in
the J I U'et lurmlurv ntot.
Mux Kichnrdwn went Wt to the
HiKhUnwr .Smith Co. Mwwill at
Git ThurmUy, whetv he will trutk
fat 10 days or two week.
W K C-.k of CuKer, demo-
Ctatic cnmlidnte for county ncluiol
aupcriHtciulriit, w in Item) Tin
day aiid U'vdncMtay looking ufter
totitimt tuatleia.
ChrbnUn Kndravor ttervictt nxl
Sunday, Slay 10 Subject: "In
our work and in our ly" John
5. 17; Heel o. 10; Pfov 17. it.
leader. Mm. i. lUtette UIIU.
IMwaid W Jndy. of CttJwwbm,
Ohio, in iitiitK with M. C. Miller
at the Three HUter much, being
an old school male of Mr Miller
He 1 hImi lookiuKover Iheootiiilry
and will undoubtedly invent in
A. M l.ara invited a number of friend to a ; o'clock din
ner TueMlay evening. Alter the
terviuK of dinner tin teuiaiiidcr of
the evening won very jiwiMHiHly
jwhi, tn a late hotir, in -ocml con
! vttMlioii.
A. C. I.ucas haa the Iwlhft about
inMalleti in the Pilot Untie Inn. He
hni two fine, huge jirocUlu tub
and the town in which they are
pLieed nre larye and roomy. It i
n ; improvement to that jh.
lai hontelry.
(1. T. Cullibau left Wednesday
for Union, Oregon, to make ill
future home He haa purcliaMd hii
mchird there from f)r. Merrill and
will try his baud at fruit fainting.
The Uulletiit wither Mr. Callihuu
sticceiw in hi new home.
Win. Orctttt Iiai opened a reatau-
rant and bakery in the Steele build
ing, aud will carry a lull supply of
' bakery good at all timea. II is in
stitution will 1 known ax the M
W A. Itakery and Keniauraut
Read lus ad. in another column.
General Malinger Howard re
ports thut work on the I). I. &. 1
Co. canal nt Powell Untie Is pro-
igriMiug'tapidlv, the canal now lie-
iiug completeil hevoud the tinge
station. A crew of aS tenuis and
y ni.-it ate at work, and couth itct-
ii(l iimm turee nines 01 cnnai uur-
1 ing the xif t mouth.
C. K, NI11U011 of Algotin, Iown.
iurnved 111 liuud Monday aud will
luudouhtwoly lor.iite lieru an lie it.
Iwell plenKnl with what he finds
lie 1a a Inreruiiuer lor several peo-
Ijile fioiu his home who will conic
mm locate 111 iienn nun viciuilv
Mr. Neilhon's rutairt Is favorable,
ruid it uudotibtedly will be.
Itev. Ifr. IKckvy writes that lie
will lie in lleud oil uct Thurxday,
HTi'Liv, batunlay mill buiidny,
LMnv I.t'i5.i6-i7. On J'ridny, May
i, at .1 p. in. he w.mtu nil chil
ivdren to be present for Instructions,
Hilar rehearsal and organization of
. ..?.. ii.i.. - ...... .....
illisi limy v.iiiiiiiiiiuu)u ciass,
Tlierc will be two Mass on Vri
ylay nud .Saturday tuurtiittB nt 7:30
, o'clock 1 on Sliuihiy nioruiui; Mass
.atMaiuliq o clock. More com
kplete nnnouiiceinents next week,
Sarlons Roiulto Tunrad
iM limy wll fenr criom u-milH from
;-ii i-oiikIi orrolil, t piiettiiotiln 11ml con
kuiiiiillon Hlnrl ultli n i-olil. 1'oU'v'n
5 Jloiicy and Tar cmc tliu most olistiimtc
roiiKliHor eold mid prevcutn serious re
iuU. Kc(ilc eiiMltiitci, Q, V. Mor-
, Jill, DriiBBlst,
Clikkin dinner .Siliuliiy, Mny 10,
ut ,M W. A Hcbtiuirant, only 35
ci nts
Rf ut purchaser of ditch laud
are Nullum II llowinaii, 11 forty;
Mia. KiiKenl.i Ilonuett, 1111 ui;lily;
U. It. T.irbut.Mii elulity; nil lyluj;
hImiiii four mile cmt of Heml.
The Merrill Co. hns 11 fine lint
of benutifiil Hpriug and Niiuiinet
IihIm lor the ladies ll.ivu you
mule your aelrrtimi? If not,' do
10 before the beat ones are lakuii,
l'red Sheiwood was In town
Mnnitnv niter tutnlwr to Im iihmI
lor flumes and chrck Ixixes 011 the
ttheiwood liios. farm He mtys
they will have In about 100 aaea of
Ohis thia year.
The lteml bsll te.uii will leave
tomorrow afteriiiMin for I'riueville
for a return guuie with the I'riue
ville tniya 011 Sunday at i:,o A
ilaiire will l given for the enjoy
mutt of the lleud visitors 011 Stui
day night.
Mrs. I'rnnk HimKihi in visiting
willi Iter patents at Cottage drove.
where she will upend the nuuiaier.
Mfs. Hodftou lias lieeu in rut her
MMr health and it is hod that the
change of climate will cause an im
Iercy Walwr Im recently re
ceived four rose bushe of a fine
v.niety from an IC laiem nursery
He turned them over to Miss Cole
man, who will 4et them out herr in
town ami see how well they will do
111 our Western climate.
John II. Hull. ex-United Stale
district attoMiev, came 111 from
PoitUnd Sunday in company with
the Sbevllnt. He came to attend
to hgal lualtcra before the present
term of of court at I'riueville, and
to reprcaent the C. 0. U Co. in a
CMf or two.
M Us II awl Caldwell, who hat
lettdtog Willamette University at
Salem, has lieeii honored by being
chosen jjiteen ol May Much in
lereat waa taken in the chootiug of
this year' a May Que-n Mis
Caldwell received 1600 vote and
won over her ueiret coniK'titor by
Mm J. O Johiiktmi ami d.iucb
teiN, Mrs. Itoyd and Miss Helm,
will arrive in Hem! soon They
will reakrt in their rcsidcucent llend
until hoiutes can !e built on the
JohiiMtou ranch when they will
lake tip residence there preparatory
to uiakltit; final proot on their
illicit holding.
C. M. Redfiuld was recently
taken itite ill at Shauiko with a
severe caae of tousilitis, where he
had gone to meet Mr. Howard 011
hi way in to llend. Mr Kedfbld
was removed to The Dalles in order
that he might receive proper treat
ment, nud is now nuking rapid
strides toward recovery.
K. A. Sather'a black pony treat
ed onlookers to the fright of a
spirited runaway Monday morning
The hot: waa hitched to a bugiiy
Atid was sdaudiug before the store,
when it became frightened, pulled
ofTUs btWIc and daahed down t'c
street. After touring around town
at h lively gait il turned up the
alley leading to the Saltier burn, j
where it was caught. Practically
ho damage was done.
If mi) pcrwMi uiiett tlist their kiU
Hc.ift "ii- ilriniigcl Ibey huld UVi
fitlvy Kidney U-uilv a I once ami
not riV. ItaviiiK Hrinlu'j ! or ill
tle. Ih-l.i (jiMslln ili-tt.iv.i lroii;t-r
fiKilhold ami mI -IidiiI.I lak
inn t'ulfv h Kuliu) Hilii"ly.-t. V
Merrill. lriiKKi"t
(( oiitniiivd from ,n; c 1 1
mid In nut only anxious to, but will
Honti do ho.
"Have you looked into our wst
crpowcr possibilities," he was
further asked.
"Not extensively, but as I trav
eled up the river this morning I
tild .see that you have fine water
power. Of course n sawmill does
not need wnterpower as it can pro
vide ita own poucr by burning its
waste material, but your wnterjiow
er will be great with which to de
velop electric power for railroads,
manufactories, aud lor lighting."
Chooser, Site for Mill.
Mr. Shcvliu touched 011 twlliics
somewhat and staled thut the cause
of the panic was due to the general
extravagance ol the American peo
ple (luting a time of prosperity and
to the fact that Wall Street had
sold the country nil overwhelming
amount of watered .stock. He
stated that when the country re
covery from this condition, nud if
Mr. Taft is elected and confidence
is restored, then railroad building
aud all other industries will go for
ward with their usual speed. He
said that Ileiid was fortunate in
having so good n mail at the head
of the towriiite nud paid a high
compliment to Mr. Sleidl. He
sKike of him as "honest and
straight nud not nhotf," remarking
that x) many towusitu men were
either crooked or wanted to grab
everything for themselves. Mr.
Shevliu aud Mr. Sleidl have been
acquainted for years in .Minnesota,
and it was through Mr. Steidl's
efforts that Mr. S'lclln was in
duced to invest in the timber here.
Mr. Stektl also induced Mr. Shev
liu to locale his mills at llend,
which lie not only promised to
do but also said he would do all be
could to induce the other lumber
men to likewise build their mills
here. While here he chose a site
for his mill adjoining the 305 acre
milliMiid that can be made by dam
ining the river near the Win Staats
residence. The towusite company
owns this laud and is giving n null
.ilc free of charts to those firms
that will build and operate n sa
milt thereon, the company to hold
a free !ene to the laud as long as
it operates its mill.
Means Aluch to Kent.
Mr. Slievlin's visit to llend and
his final choosing of a mill site at
this place assures thnl Hend will
some day be the hendiuartcr of nn
extensive enterprise, with many
ieop!e and with laryc twyrolls
i'nrthernrre. Mr. Shcvlin's positive
statements regarding the coming
of a railroad and his close associa
tion with J. J. Hill, leads all to be
lieve thai the next few mouths will
see the liegiuning ol actual con
struction 011 a railroad into this
long neglected section. When that
comes there will take place a de
velopment that will make the en
tire Northwest sit up aud take
The Shevlin party came in in a
large automobile from Shaniko.
They left Tuesday lMoruiiig for
I'riueville where they stopped a few
hours and tbeti proceeded to the
Chronic Constipation Cured
One who wlfcr from chronic connlpn
tion i lit danger of many Mrioti ml
menu. I'oley Ortuu lAsai'te eurrif
rbwafc ron-.tftMt.on r il niili tlj;rti..ii
ami tieiulaU- tile liver and buwcU, rt
Uinng live nstuml action of ibetw
orgmit. Cominvtira taking il Ux!o and
you will feel better at otic. 1'oh-y'i
Orino Iixatiie does not uauenle or
jfH? anil l pleafant t take. Kefn
uUtitntr. C. W . Merrill, DrttgRint.
-uruicTitwnTiiiii.Titn m lummauMJiini rawmm m ivunrrra
G. Springer and wife jwsseil
through Ikml Monday on their
way to Lake and Klnutath counties,
where Mr. Springer goes in tlte in
terest of his candidacy for state
senator. He secured the democratic
nominiitiou for that office aud is
now making a campaign for elec
tion as mi "out and out" Statement
No. 1 man. The common opinion
keems to lie that Mr. Spriufecr will
carry Crook county and will poll a
good vote in Lake and Klamath.
Don't read your neighbor's llul
letin. Sulrilve lor it yourself.
Every Farmer
As well as every business man sh m' i
have a bank account,
Because: Yowr money 's ' ln l ''
anywhere else,
faying your bills by check n,
simplest and most convenient nvi' !,
Your check becomes, a voucher f .-1'
debt it pays.
It given you a better fttfludtag with business
men. .
Money hi the IMk strengthen your cred.t
A bank account teaches, helps and cue "
ages you to save.
This bank does all the bookkeeping.
. Your bank book Is a recod of -your busm-i).
To those desiring Banking Connections with a well
established Dank, we extend our services.
The Centra! Oregon BGiikSftg !&
, Trust Company
dalm SUhii I.nmbcrnMn and TiiW Cwner.
U. C. Coa PhyaicUn awl Sartop
H. P. J. McDonald '. Jlnyor o Tlend.
E. A. Sthr MerclutK
J. 0. Heyburn Catlmr
0 IIVUU1V wv,lt IM W
Svv I
1 sd$$0$k
For Ladies.
You know what it
is. I
Thoroly well made.
The very best of
Strictly up to date.
" i'',i;'l''lmTCft-"r,'1,rrt'T?!r"Ty
OCKing :,
$1.50 to $5.00
J. I. Wesfs
Fmrmture Store.
'T'Tnili""rrITfTn'"" T I -wnn'WTMTwpfp
Va llUTM:r AMT
?& iKNVKurr nmr
arc but outward slens of (lie oil
Oonc In secret by myriads ol dan
Jnili" gcrma wpplnz lite lllc blood
ol the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes tho Itctilae ccalp.
elves lustre to lbs hutr And sto-rs
It (nlllnj out. A single application
elves relief and proves Its worth,
bave our hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness, t Is a
iKllEtitful dressing for the hair,
free from grease antf sticky oils.
Ask ) ourdrugilst forfrec booklet.
- 'I
E flf
9 The above .stylish suit U or
Navy Illue 1'atiRtim, latest style
Kiinotm slcuye Jacket, IMoatwl
Skirt, neatly triuiiuol with black
silk braid.
Price $25-
The Palmer Garment
will fit vou when vou
put it on and it will lit
you just as well when
you lay it aside at the
end of the season.
If l cannot suit you from
lli "Palmer Garments" I
have in stock, I can show you
the full line and order any
thing vou may select.
Centra! Oregon Realty Company
I nucccMor w v. u. urottti cc to. j
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a, Specialty
' We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply' yotl with any class of laud at any time. Call on us or write for b
further particulars.
...... . lA'T.rM.l..!
I would be pleased to have you come in and see 1
just what the "Palmer Garment" really is,
General Merchandise
"The Best Store"
BEND, .-:. . 0REC10N
wiraff y w iwit wtiiw-wwiiiiiifrifTiiwp-iTf ' mil 'iinwiiu wiihi ffHf Hi
Shop .sn
lUTllti IN
HUOtl O'KANE, Prop.
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Qopd Rc,ois
t,V " Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
MtfTfcTrt in M llTWg TW
Harness &. Saddles
RobeS and.
Harness Oil, Complete LIup of
Qcticral Strap Work.
Importer aud Breeder Qj
Poland China Hogs
Black Uangsfjan Chicken
VounK S(pck for Snle.
For gate,
IIquso and lot, block i, lot 3
Beud towusite. Ouly 730.00.,
Apply to Millard Triplctt, Crcswell.