0 j i 1 4 NEWS 0F1E WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Headers, HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A rioiumo of tho Lett Important but Not Lai Interesting Events of tha Patt Wak. A Jury lint boon secured to try lluef mill ilin chmu hn begun. 'I'lio Arlintisa lltipillii.citii Mlnla "invention tiiiH declared (or prohlbl tlmi. An exploding liollnr tulia on ft llrlllsh battleship Injured (Ivo mull nuverely. It In prnrtlcally certain ttml Ail mlrnl Kvnnn will rotttrn to tho (lent at Hun KrniicUcu, Four expeditions nro en route to Wentnrn slates to look for fossil of prehistoric ntilmnl. Chinese, authorities nm maxlng great preparations to wulcomo llio American battleship fleet. Young KIiik M nil mi I of Portugal, will tut cloudy Kuunlril when tin Kill o nttunil tliu opening of tho urn , A collision between limited trolley cum near Detroit caused tho dmith of eight inuti mill serious Injury of (our miior. A llrltlih lorpoilo tiont destroyer wn run down anil sunk liy n scout nont niui mi tik during nlKlit mnneu vers. All hands escaped except tha fliKltliHT. Tho editor of I .a Qucstlono Ho dale, Ihr nnarchlal paper aupprnsstd on recommendation of tho prrahlont, will ho Indicted by tho grand Jury of Palerson, N. Y. After several year of warfare with I ho atreot car companies, thn city or Cleveland, () . haa acquired control of all Ita lines, and carried nil passengers frco for ono day In celebration of thn wont Vancouver, II. C, -had a 170,000 , lr In a tain and door factory. Tha sentencing of J. Thorburn Iloia haa been postponed for 30 daya. Admiral Evans haa changed hit I mini and will not retumo command ff tha fleet until May 6. Richard Croknr aaya thn enmpalgn ngnlnat gambling It all wrong; that nr itseir it but a gaiublu. China hat mndo an urgent protest against thn extension of Jnpanett Itifluvnce from Corea toward China. Over threri wnflii hnvn linen innnl trying to tecum a jury to try Abu lluef. and only nlnu lurora havo boon aecured. A Hungarian anarchltt haa boon I arrt-stod In Colorado, after being fol low rd for 10,000 mllea by Kuropuan detective. A man In (Iran Vnlloy, Cat., play rd burKlnr lo frlKhten hla father. Thn father believed It Matt a burglar and shot hint dead. Art collector! of Now York hnvn discovered that for yeara thoy have been systematically swindled by an art dealer nud an artltt. Thn visit of tho battleship fleet at itanln llnrbam wat a dlsmnl failure, I lie prople teeming to earn for noth Ing but to mnki) money. Several 'hundred striking mlnert In I'enntylvnnla have returned to ork to an vn thn iiilim from pormn neut dealrucllon by water, J, Dnlioll llrnwn, cx-bnnkor of Han Krnnclico, line pleadod guilty to tmbuzxlomonl ami beiin tentoucod to IK monlha' Imprltonment. Ho will flrtt bo turd as a wltneat ogalntt two othera. Mexican troopi nro moving to the Ountemala frontlor, Mnro than 3,000 preachora In Cal Ifortiln ulll apeak against race track tumbling next Hundny, A BiirKn Bnnornl of tho navy It having great success in troatlng con numptlon with mercury. Two baga of vnlunblo mnll from tendon, worth 1000,000, vroro atolon In Now York or In trautlt. Ambatandor Towor has given up ill Ilerlln homo and will start aouth with bit family Immodlatoly, Han Francisco ahlpownora nro cut ting freight rntea to tho Orient In nn attempt to drlvu out tramp titoam ors, A city rauncllmnn of Georgetown, Wash., wns nrrostod for keeping his plnco qf business, u uuloon, opou ou Sunday, Local option which gnea Into ef fect Muy 1 In MiiHtuchusuttH will throw about 2,000 snloou mon out of work. Lntrnt roporta of tho sinking of tho Ilrltlah crulHer lllndlntnr ploco tho totnl cnsunltloa nt flvo (load nud J 3 misting, Kxtrn pnsaon'gor trains nggregnt Ing nhout 260 conches will bo run Into Ran Frnuclsco during tho bat tleship visit. QUtAIErtT IN HIHTOMY. Oreat Qonferonce to Ue Meld at White House In Juno WnsMnKton, April 2H, When Prosl ent KooiHivnlt cnllt to onler tho opening session of the great Whltn llnuso con fnrmicn on May 1.1, thorn will bo gnth nred In tlin Kant ltoom of tlio Kxeeu tlvu Miinnliin tlio most nulabln naseiu bingo of in mi In the public eyn Hint linn ever unit In tlio history ef the United Htate. The governor of all thn stair have signified tlielr Intention of biting pre out at till conference, ami eneli will bring with him tliron men, carefully chosen from aiming thn loarnrd of hi statn, to act a advisors In tlin ronven lion. lloMt the governor and their advisers, ri'prniHintatlve of all tho I in porlnnt uatfonal organiitatloii, tlin wcl fare of whlth depend In greater or Ion drgren upon natiinil rrnoureoa, will bn In attemtanrii, ami further, the pre lilitfit ha Invited flvo special gumts, ehnann for their superlatlvn fltnei), to net nt "adviser at largo" to tho on feroiirn. drover Cleveland, thn only living ex I'renlitnnt of tint United Htatra, will, health permitting, be otii of thenn ad vlaer. The others will bn Wllllnm J llryan, who hope to bn president; An drew I'nrni'gle. Industrlnl king) Jamr J, Mill, rnllromi iniiiiarch, and .lohii Mit cliell, liiniter of labor, livery candidate or thn providential nomination this venr with the exception of Heeretary Tafl, Mhimn ilutle In I'anama will prevent at teuitanre, will hn there. Uioklng nt thn meeting purely from It historical side, it properly may bo said that never before in thn country' liMnry hne the governor of nil the state aMi'iiiblci! In convention for any putxjo whatsoever. Considered tlinjily as au eitoch marking evrnt thn confer once will easily take rank with nny a sombly of public men ever held In the clvlliied world, for at this meeting the entire government of thn United Htate, lb tun HrMins or that government head, will bn assembled at one time. If for no other reason, tkn publle will bn Interested In thn conference becausa of this fact. 8E0UHE8 FORTUNE. Senator GUte Half Million for Settling Ulg Ettate. Heattln, Ws.li., April IH. United Htstes Henator Hainui-1 Iile( of tbi city, yesterday was given possesion of a one half Interest of the John Hulllvan estate, valued approximately at 1,000, OIK), This end a litigation that ha ex tended over a period of eight years and which ha been nrullfic in havlnir thn history of tho Hulllvan family in Ireland well mum lu tun various courts or Ibis statn. Klgbt years ago John Hulllvan, a prominent citlren of Heattle, owner of one of tho biggest buslnrs blocks In thn city, and suburban ami rural proertles, died leaving no will. Claimants sprang from everywhere, although Hulllvan had nn relatives so far as known In this country. Henstor Tiles, who was a friend of Hulllvan, went to Ireland to Investigate. (Iravra were examined, church record seannod, and finally the trun relative nf Hulllvan worn located. They agreed to glvn Henator I'ilra one half of tlin estate to defend it against thn many litigants who worn endeavoring to so euro a alien of the vnlunblo property. I-Mward Corcoran and Johanna t'alll ghan, since deceased, of Dublin, Ireland, were declared thn rightful heirs. Hen ator I'llos' law firm will also bo reward ed as well nt the senator for bringing this fight, the most remarkable of Its kind in this sttte, to nn end. 81, (100 to tha Man. Heattln. April . P. T. Howe, bishop of the episcopal church for the territory or Alaska, who arrives in mo cny muay from the north on thn 1 ucatan, brings the first detailed authentic information recardinu thn big gold strike nn Nolan Crook, nt the head of tho Koyukuk rlvor Hlshop Ilnwit was in thn Nolan Creek ramp when thn strlkn was made and washed nut 4.100 pans nn the Olson claim with his own hands and saw pans washed nut thar ran an high at flhOO, Nolan Creek is only about 200 miles from thn Arctic ocean and them were only about 123 men In the camp when llishop Howe leu rnr tho outturn. The strike wa made at n depth, of about 1A0 feet and about f 4000 hat been wished by crude operations, and it Is estimated tho clean up nt thn end of this summer will reach tuuu,uuu. Catch Italian Robhara Tlonn, Nov., April 28, Hervante Davis and Hnlvatoro Luhano, two Ital ian eonfldenen men now held In thn county jnll for robbing n countrymnn of 1000 In gold nfter drugging him, nro now believed to bo the same men who committed similar erlmea In Ban Fran cisco at Twenty ninth and Mission streets, securing $1.10; Han Jose, secur ing M0j I,os AngeleH securing 1000, and Victoria, It. 0., whoro 1400 wat stolon, L. Dondern, I,uhano'a partner, waa taken to Victoria for tho Inst trimo, but Luhnno escnped. The Infor mation enmo from nan rrancisco Hevere Rtorm Inn; FngUnrl London, April 8. A remarkable bile rant, tho worst experienced in thn south of Knglnnd alnce 1881, continued prac tically all over tlio united Kingdom throughout Friday night and Saturday until Baturdnv midnight. Telegraph and telephone sorvlco vVnt dlsorgnnlKcd and railway traffic hat boon seriously do layod. Knorinout damago hna been done, especially to tho young fruit crops. PROCEEDINGS OF t-'nu, May I Washington, May I Tlin lioiisu ipeilt nil of toilny'H hchmIoii Iti eon- sldorlng mid passing, paragraph by paragraph, under numpuiinIiiii of tho rules, tho Hiiiidry civil appropriation bill. Ah Ihu outcomi) of u duter- mined effort to strlkn from tho bill a restriction prohibiting tho employ- muni or noma ncrvicu employes in any dnti-ctlvo work other than tlio guarding of tliu president mid thn running down of counterfeiters, which wan vigorously opposed by member of tlio appropriation com- mitten, tint limitation wat agreed to and tliu paragraph adopted In sub- stuntlally Its original form. Objection by democratic members In pursuance or tint minority fllll- buster, to unanimous consent defeat- ted the itiissagii of n bill for the printing mid distributing of 100,000 copies of n special report by the do- partment of agriculture, describing diseases of cattle. l'..t.ltlt,.f .n tint, 1 f II. ,.,, It (infflllf,,.,,,, ,.,. ,. ,, ,,(,7 BVII-. iitu today, Henator Davis, of Arknn-1 shs, moved lo illschnrgit the commit-' leu on tliu Judiciary from tho fur- ther consideration of hla bill, "for thn suppressloii of trusts, pool nnd combinations In trade. " Ho spoke for about two hours, rending much of thn tliiut from n Ivnewrltlen state-I ment which lie sill il he had prepared -.,,.-... In advance, "that no liitermiemtu lniii!uniti in In hi ow-Htio his llns on this occasion," a thing which he said "'mote today. In addition tho ape he had never done before. Clnl mesango of tho president urging DurltiL- hi siioeeh hn rnntiillr ile-'n noiiiiced tho trusta, fommended the nnouier cnnpicr oi oennior wnr president' recent monnnge outlining '.' speech on tho Hrownsvllle nf- measures for relief, spoke of tho m- mov.nl of the motto. "In (1ml Wo Trust" from tho coin, nnd declared that John I). Itockefellcr. the Htnnd- aril Oil Co 111 on nv .mil J Plernont Morgan should bo Indicted for tren-lho win Hn nlso mild his respects to I he press Thursday, April 30. Washington, April 30 Consider ation of thn aundry civil appropria tion Mil was returned In tho house today Tuwnaend of Michigan of fered nn nmondinenl Increasing from 160,000 to 1360,000 tho npproprln- volts four-bnttlcihip program failed tlon for enforcement by tho Inter- In tho senate, Just ns It did In tho state commurce commission of that house. Tho amendment for four bat clause of tbo Hepburn net directing tlethlp waa Introduced by Senator tho commission to cause to bo mndo Piles nnd tho fight for ita adoption examinations of tho accounts of In- was led by Senator Hoverldgo. Twen teratatv railroad to dctermlnu wheth- ty-throo votes were cast for tho In er that law la being violated nnd to creaaed program, tho number largo muke public the result of such ex- )y lining mndo up of recently-elected nmlnntlona, After a debate lasting aenatnra Fifty senators voted to tup four hours tho amendment waa port thn house nnd tho recommenda ugrecd to. (tlon of tho nennto naval committee The house disagreed to the senate for building only two battleships, nmendment to the District of Co-) The debntn on tho battleship lumbln nnd pension appropriation, amendment lasted three days to tho bills nnd sent those blllt to confer-.exclusion of nil other matters. It ence. wa begun by Henator Iloverldge The usual point of no quorum wat with nn eloquent appeal for tho sup raised when thn house reconvened port of thn provident and tho tugges today on tho motion providing thnt tlon that n larger navy might bo thn house go Into committee of thn needed for war. whole for further consideration ofi it..,i, AM ,- . -. the sundry civil appropriation bill' ,, "0hnn oflJnJl',ri "", . ',nV0nrn under ih., flvo minute' rule. The ""'? " ? ? ' "d"'d dour were locked nnd tlio roll cnllcd on the motion, which prevailed u..i.in..in a ,n in Th i-- month. Tbo commlttfo declined to UtoMuli?i$thlUm LnT "'Port a bill which would plnco these Lr.ni rni..Hnn ,"l"lleloran. on tho same footing an ser- K Th. house public land, committee ' ' 'T.L0.n"8... ! .? ..l' today dlscuMod MondelPa patent " """ " f - land-grnnt resolutlonr which wni In- racJ," "',. ,.. ,. , ..i tended to follow the Fulton towU''tTJ.rilJVVK tlon. In view of tho bad fnlth of f n ,$Z,uol t'r ' M.h thn lumbermen, the commltteo was L'V?B.l-?i";1 overwhelmingly opposed to reporting .u"rw "tfl00 ,ho Tucannon tho meaHure, especially If tho tamo end can bn nccompllshed, without legislation Wednesday. April 20. Washington, April Rhnrp Wllllnms today gave tho re- publican majority In the house nn opportunity either to permit or to refuso lo permit n vote on tho Bto- vens bill free list. InP he cm? o clever " ,u" ,!nd aatrrlcnl .perch ho Ill laaesjiai imil ai aIIIaa I usai '-"..'"V -". " ."'"'J1.:"'. ? uiiiiiiuu miu iii'iu ii iiijw iiiu mr lowing petition to Speaker Cannon.' bearing the tlgnnturen of 164 of tho 16G Democratic senators "We. the undesigned, represents ' " " "' '" 7 ""'l.'.'' ' !.. " -I.i . i .. T i Uvea In congreaa. request, ench for ' "'" . " l ' ua' Y,VA v. . . i ,,"T. hlmsolf. nnd each for each of tho "h. lVrkln. na MeCtimbcr for h;r othera. that you recognl.e ouo of us. rltt.inent? of yMtnrtlay, ud twyvraU tr ' you prerer, aomu ither mpro- ", . .i r. i. t ntniue, to mov.i to dlwUrgo tl.eiwi" r,l' on MonJn' CDiiiiiillteo on wnya nn.t treniiM from further consideration nnd lo suspend oVaVy' other till VU.. e.ect thn rules nnd pnaa tlio Stevens bill, hn'f eeTlt P " " ,M,,,t,r " ! Mr. Dalxe'll. of Pennsylvania, of-' fered nn nmendment to tho sundry civil bill upproprlntlnK fl'.000 for (he establishment of a national nrt gallery In tho Smithsonian Institute. The nmendment was rejected on iw.h.i r nn. point or oriltr. WaHtilngtou, April 29. The aon- ntn'iind hoiiBo confereoq on tho nrmy bill reached nn ngrnomcut tonight. Tho aennto confereea receded from tho nmendmont raising 'tho pay of oWcerH on n perrentngo basl.i, In atom), u Rchcdulo wiib ndnnted In creasing tho pay of MnJor-GonernU, lirlgiuller-uuiiemlH, coioneia, i.ieu tonant Colonels, Majors nnd First MoiitcniintH K00 per nnnuni; Cnp InliiH. ifiOO nor venr: Second l.leu- tonnnta, $300 nnd endcta $100. On thla echedulo, tho nnliry of Mniiir.ruttu.rniH will bn 1S0D0 nor annum; Ilrlgadlor-Oenornls $(1000; Colonela $4000! Lioutonnnt-uoionoisiu is in me uuoresv oi kuiu urvr $3500; Majors $3000; Captains $3,- and Jowolora. CONGRESS IN BRIEF I 400; first I.litutotimitt, 12000; ace "'"' Muutctnanta, $1700 nnd cndeia C0O, Tueiday, April 20 Washington, April 28- Ostensibly considering thn eundry civil appro- prlatlon bill, tho house devoted most of He limn today to Hpoechnx cover- nig n wide rango or subjects nnd concluded tho evasion by giving nn nttontlvit hearing to tho president's special mesango. Although nearly every member hod read tho message In tlio newspapers, n largo number remnlucd In thnlr seats, carefully following tliu words of the rending I clerk. When tho portion of the rnesnngu referring to the mulll-mll- iionnirv "wiioso son is n fool nnd hit daughter n foreign princess" was reached them wat n storm of nn plnuso, equally loud on both aides of tho house. Mr. i.aKo( or Now jersey, made H'imii caustic remark concerning thn president, evoking upplausu on tho democratic aide. Other ftuvechea were mndo by Hen roscntatlvea Hitchcock, of Nebraska, Vreelnnd of Now York nnd llnmllln of Missouri. At 6:05 p. rn. thn house took n recess until 11:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. . .,,,.. .... .. . i wnsmngion, April in. i no pen- "Ion and District of Columbia appro prlatlon bills were passed by tho legislative program was nead nnn ''" Wl" n'nra, Hoverni meatnret or minor Importance nnd tho resolution f the house to give government aid cyclone auflcrcrt in tno aoutn were passed Tho resolution to extend time when tho commodity claute ' the railroad rato law thai! De como operative was called before the aennto by Mr. Klklna, but went over under objection from Mr. Culberson. The senate at 6:27 p. in. adjourned. Monday, April 27. Washington, April 27. By an overwhelming vote. President Rooec- Senator Ankcny'a bill Increasing pen- alona of Indian wnr veterans nnd their widow a from IS to J II per "" i Saturosy, April 26. Washington, April 25, Another day was spent by tho senate In considering tin nmendment to tbo naval appropria tion bill, but a vote was not reached at Ir ,' T ,1, .!- i.k.: h" fjir, f i I i i i, Prtlelwte.l in by a dozen mihrn J1"" "! nn aym ,'f vot' A """ ot ,l' -H-te moilo during ' J.v Indicated that the fourshlp pro- gram will be defeat.-.! and that the do . . . t . .... ""V". k""' "f '" .''""r.'" a "&L the improbability of war being forced Woshlncton. April 23. The actual In vestigation of tbo wood pulp and print- Wtttflffi" " utermTn,rwherber or not it U " Kd ,b- ,h',l'!,er,?".'f',7',',rff Publishes Association n comb nation In restraint of trade and niaintnlnnB a J"0"?10!. ?l,X, P "l ' i ' V .'. t " Htates, was begun today by h J"1? 'plated by Biioukor Cannon, whose chairman is Ken- resontntlvo Janlea K. Mann, of Illinofs, ami mo omer memners or wnicn arc Ilannon of Ohio, Stafford of Kentucky, Ilnnnon of Ohio. tSafford of WUconsiu, Slrumi of Tennosseo and Ityan of New York. Exchange Gold Bars for Coin, Washington, April 30. Tho son ato commltteo on flnnueo today or dered favorably roported n bill au thorizing tho superintendent of tho Mint nnd tho United States ABsay 'Omce nt Now York to reeelvo United Stntea gold coin nnd dellvor In ox- chunco gold bnra of enunl vnluo In 'nmounta of not less than $250. Tho( I ...... tl,.t UkII.,,1 llmt IUiiabI.IiM tan.l uiivu ivriiuf HALF IHdUiMIO KlLLbU Southern Siorrn Much Worse Thtn First rlcportad Now Orleans. April 27. Probably COO live lost, 100 or more persons fatally Injured and many times thla number fatally hurt, together with a property loss running up In the rait linos, is the record so far of a tornada that originated in tho west two days ago, sweeping Toxas, Arkansas, Louis ana, Tennessee and Georgia. It haa left a path of death, desolation and want In Its wake, seriously interrupted all communication between cities In the south, and brought about chaotle con ditions In many smaller towns. MUalsslppI, already a sufferer from morn than one tornado this year, has again borne tbo brunt of the winds and rains. Kstlmntet of tho number of tbo'o who lost their lives In that state plueo the death Hat between 160 and 175, with a thousand or more injured. In Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia the death lista are also large, with serious loss of lifo In Arkansas and Tennessee. Authentic Information is In mnny Instances lacking, owing to the crippled facilities for communica tion and the lack of tlmo to form any thing like an accurate estimate of the damago done In many sections. In half a dozen communities martial law has bcn declared, so terrible was the destruction and so helpless were tho stricken people left by the disastor. Horious (Unorders have occurred in some plaees, Including Amite, I.a. Looting and other crimes have been reported, but those Instances have on tho whole been rare. Heveral plaees have lasued appeals for aid and In Mississippi Governor Noel has been asked to provide tents for the homeless. The tornado bat lasted in all a period of nearly two days. It waa Thursday nlgbt that damage by tornadoes travel log wat first reported from points, in Texas. This was followed during the next 24 hoars by similar reports from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. Last night Alabama came within the flight of the storm and to day reports of serious damage by the wind in Georgia have been recorded. Utter misery of every sort waa found today at Purvla, Miss., bv relief parties. Despite the fact that of the 2500 iahab tanta which thla little town boasted yes terday morning, there were only 000 to day, still there were not rufficlent ac commodations In tbo wrecked village for even the wounded. Negro mammies and little black children lay wounded and triples under the broiling Southern sun. Home had broken bones, some were part ly crushed and other had been wound ed by sticks and splinters. These unfor nnatea were lucky if tboy bad a blanket or wrecked couch to rest upon. There waa not enough shelter In the town to protect them from tbe sun and many of thn wall which remained standing had no roofs, and by a queer freak of the tornado many of tbe trees which had not been uprooted had been snatched off a few feet above tbe ground. The grove of plnea waa muti lated in sneh a manner that it appeared as if a gigantic scythe bad swept through tbo grove about 23 feet above tbe ground. CRUISER RUN DOWN. Liner St. I'aul Hmuui Into Warship During; r owatorm Southampton, April 97, Tbe Ameri can line tteamer St. Paul, which left Southampton on ber regular voyage, bound for New York, thla afternoon, in a dense snow storm rammed and de stroyed thn nritieh second-class cruiser Gladiator off tbe Isle of Wight. The first report stated that from 20 to 30 of the Gladiator'a crew had been drowned, but later Intelligence reduces the number of camialtie, Tho exact extent of the disaster, however, cannot bo accurately known until tomorrow. No ono on tha St. Paul waa killed or Injured, but tbo bodies of Steward Wid gory, Writer Cowdry and a Maltese steward, Debras, all attached to the cruiser, have been brought ashore; one otBcer, Lieutenant William O. Praves, who attempted to twim to land, It miss ing, and eight injured have been taken to tho military hospital at Golden Hill for treatment. It la believed only a few others are unaccounted for. The Gladiator was bcaehed and her crew took to the boats. She is one of the class of vessels designed to acrve as rams. She Is 320 feet long, has a speed of 20 knots and carries a complement of 450 men. Convict Murdernrg nf Hlnrfu. Oregon City, April 27. After de liberating 13 hours, the jury in the ease of tho State of Oregon vs. John M. Dickenson, William Dickenson, John Dickenson, Karl llansier nnd John Itlley, charged with the murder of liar nnn Singh, a Hindu, nenr Boring, brought in n verdict convicting J. M. Dickenson nnd his son, William, of mur der In tho second degree nnd tho other three boya of manslaughter. Tho pen nlty for murder In tho second degree it Imprisonment for life and the penalty or manslaughter is from ono to IS yean In tho penitentiary. Troops to Central America. Mexico City, April 27. A persistent rumor hero has it that tho cruiser Al bany, which Is to carry special Ambas ndr Ilucbnnan Knrlnuo 0. Creel to Cen tral America, Is to land armed parties ahbuld condition! in tho southern repub lies warrant tho move Official confir mation ot tha report could not bo ob talned. PRtSIDtNT WINS DAY Senate's Action on Naval Bill is Practically a Victory. GETS TWO BATTJESHIPS AYEAR Declares Thla Place United Stntee In Front Rank In Regards to Naval Progress, Washington, April 28. Two bat tleships a year It what President Hoosovelt aays ho has accomplished through his fight for hit naval pro gram. Had ho been victorious In having four ships authorized at this session, tho United States could havo dictated terms of disarmament to the nations of the world. This rtnteme.nl, made tonight, fol lowing tbo pnstago by tho sonate to day of tho naval bill, calling for two now b&ttlcthlps, Is understood to ro vcal tho president's source of strength in the naval fight which baa been waged so strenuously. Furthermore, two ships this yenr with the promise of two ships each year lo follow, which tho president has accepted as a bona fide stipula tion on the part of the senate, means simply a program which will place tho United States In tho front rank of naval progrcislon, but which falls to place It In Jhe position of dictat ing a cessation of naval aggression. That tbo president, on tbe wboto. Is pleased with tbe result of his ef forts with congress on this subject, was made manifest tonight; that he firmly believes In the ability of the United States to dictate the naval policy of tbe world In the future, though overwhelmingly outstripping us In naval construction. PRESIDENT TALKS STRAIGHT. Warns Congress Against Abuits of Judicial System Washington. April 28. President Roosevelt this afternoon sent to congress a special message setting forth In tbe strongest of terms the necessity of Immediate legislation strengthening the anti-trust law. Ha reiterates his well-known views as to the grave danger to free Institutions from the corrupting Inlluenco or ereat wealth suddenly concentrated In the bands ot the few, and urges the Immedlato passage ot measures similar to those he advocated In hla former meseago on the same snb- JecL Such legislation, he says, will be In the Interest of both the decent corporations and tho law-abiding labor unions. In this connection, he sounds a warning to the labor lead ers who have objected to tbe inclu sion of labor organizations In the anti-trust law amendment, and says plainly that the exception of the unions from the operation of the law would render tbe measure Invalid. A strong effort has been mndo to havo labor organizations completely exempted from the operations of the law, whether or not their operations are In restraint of trade. Such ex emption would make the hill uncon stitutional. It Is not possible wholly to exempt labor organizations from thn workings of this law, ana tney who Insist unon wholly exomptlnit them are merely providing that their status shall be kept wnouy un changed, and that they shall con tinue to bo exposed to the action which they now dread. Obviously an organization not formed for nroflt should not be re quired to furnish statistics In any way ns comnleto ns those furnished by organizations for profit. More over, so far as labor Is engaged In protection only. Its claims to be ex empted from tho anti-trust law are sound. This would substantially cover the right of laborers to com blno, to strike pencenbly and to en ter Into trado agreements with em ployers. But when labor undertakes; In an unlawful manner In "revent tho distribution and anle of the pro ducta of labor It has left tbe told of protection and Its action may w plainly in restraint ot Interstate trade. Cut Rates to Orient. San Francisco. April 28. With vlow of driving tramp steamers from this port a radical reduction ot freight rates on flour nnd grain for over-sea ports, such as Chinese nnd Japanese, Is to bo put In effect Im mediately on all principal lines run ning out of Snn Francisco. It la agreed among the shin owners tbnt tho rnto on flour win ne reauceu from $3 to $2 for shipment from this nort to Hongkong nnd Japan, and that the rate on flour from this port to Slngaporo will be reduced from $t.75 to $3.50. Anti-Gambling Campaign All.nnv V. V . Anrll 28. Govern or Hughes this nftornoon Inaugu- rntml what Is hnlleved to be a cam paign of Bpccch-maklng In several ot tno largo cities ot mo siaio in support of tho anti-racetrack gam bling legislation which will probably tin h.A fnnttirn nf tho extraordinary session which Is to convene on Mar 11. t