The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 08, 1908, Image 2

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Bold Rubbers Hold Up Train Closs
to unburn
Pittsburg. Mny 1. Two trnln-
RUPf RPSK nn UK ffintrart Wltll robbers, who evidently boarded the
ruci neaia uii ma ouiuriiLi nun Now Vork nml st Loult cx,,rt.M( on
nirirln Itinrnnu itho Panhandle rnllrond of tho Ponn-
uiouiui mtuiUGj. sylvnutn system, nt tho Union Sin-
AIDa DnrUhiruHt.
Convicted llsnknr lulls Wirt Hecur
llias Am HlmJ-it
San' Frnnelseo, April 2U.J. Dnl
mil llruwii, view president nnd limn
ngor of tho California Hnfu Deposit A
Tnut company, who Is unilur nun
touco of IS mouth In Hun Qiilnlln
for omboxxllng securities h'UI I"
truat by tho Trust Company, today
alack to 820,000.
Ilooa lllvor-At ft mooting of lho'KBVO information to K. J. I. Ilrvton.
ftliin In M iUv h-ttitn Ihnf fruits lnft
lot 10:80 toulght, ten minutes Into, Lka County Hss Opon Wlnttr and Hood Hivsr, Union Increases
nrrimrn rn ,..,, . ,. overpowered tho express messenger tariy sp-ing.
IEFUSES TO TESTIFl IN COURT nd?otaw",h fourbn"CMP:l Ukolow-,Ai,tor tho most open
(money nt yet unknown. Tho rob- ,nlor ,nn uuthenstern Oregon hn. Uooil River Apple-growers Union r(,c,t,r of tho bank, which will add
swor Qj
uory was commuted nenr walkers ' vip"Ju una secwun ia now noiu yostordny, nml largely attend- , , ooo 000 to tho fund for tho tie.
Al.o Doclln.. to n- ? "I?.0- ? , ZT .LZZ ", """B n iprinR mot insure wwllh cd. n re.olutlftn won pns.ed Inerrn.- ', llo ., ,, lnoU , ,.,
aitlona and la Uo- . country about 11 miles wist of llio . i . l .. . .. JL'" U"r"!l: U.' ,nK ,Ml' cn'"tM gU,ck of ,1,n WK""!' receiver nnil to Assistant District
astionsand la up. . country about 11 inlles west of tho ,,a,i Wlor m tho thormometer In ,. frnlll .,,,,, . uannn ti,.,' Attnrn.iv Hoir l!ook. which Iiml tho
br Court. "V . .,. . '. couuty register n tompenituro ,. .... ., ;....'. ... ...... 1,lr...-t nt cumini: 1.,, llretou to decide
i no iraiu, uuu ui lue losicsi ou Ii.iIow lero nml mixti of On. tint mivi.i ur .nn iiuriMinu ui nrrci -", .,,,.. . ...
tho rond. which Is not scheduled to bn my ipdnK-Hka wrather nronl Sd 1,,K coUl tora0 ' u "k l" "" to" Kl l)?r; ulJ,',U1vV.L.t I
stop between hero and 8toubenrllle..Th.'r S t, L ?!, ' ,lV.,, .' euro of the rapidly InererslUK npplo Iniy. tho CnruuKto IJrlck W orkia tul
. April SO. Patrick O.. was brought to u sudden hnlt by nud ihl. moiuui nwnv A r., ,. , ,rm 'f " v"" IH'twoon $C00i)" "'J" .wor?." " B lr' ', k ",,"1
Abraham lluot wcro nn cmerKcncy slcnnl from tho bell .,, ti, ,.., ..' .V.V .:, ...; "d IC000 wna auh.crlbed nt tho Pru" ,or luo """ u' "'
i - . '( u twi... i ..! i .- .. . . itintiirnrd
San Francisco
Calhoun and
called to the witness stand In the cord, and when William Laffcrty,
Ford trial today. Uoth refused to tho conductor, went forward to lenrn
testify on constitutional grounds and tho troublo ho found N. Hoshen, tho
wore sustained by Juugo LAwior. Adams Express messonger, bound
After Calhoun w-as sworn ho waainnd gagged In tho express car nnd
asked by Assistant District Attorney
"When did you como to San Fran
cisco aftor the lSUt day ot April,
Calhoun I decline to answer.
O'Qara In the month ot May,
1806, did you tell Frnnk A. Loach,
superintendent ot tho Mint, to pay
to tho defondant. Ford. J50.000T
Calhoun I decline to answer.
Judge Lawlor ruled that Calhoun
should not bo required to answor
any question which, In the opinion
of the court, might servo to connect
him. Innocently or Kulltlry, with tho
alleged crlmo for which he and Ford
havo been Indicted.
Whon Ruet was aworn ho was
"Do you know Tlrcy L. FordT"
Ruet I decline to answer unless
all tho Indictments against mo are
dismissed, In accordance with the
agreement I had with tho District
Attorney and the Assistant District
so frightened thnt ho could not giro
any connected report of what had
hnpponod. Except that both of tho
robbers wero whlto, the express mes
songer Is unablo to gtvo nn Identi
fication that would aid tho secret
sorvtco forces ot tho railroad com
panies and tho city nnd county de
tective force, nil of whom have boon
called out to work on the caso.
No Attempt Mads to Prosecute Turk
Who Muroered American.
New York, May J. On board the
steamer Koenlg Albert, which ar
rived hero today, was the body of
Bernard warkcntln, president of tho
Kansas State bank, ot Newton, Kns.,
who was shot and killed near Dam
ascus early In April, whllo riding on
a railroad train. Mrs. Wnrkent In
and her son Carl accompanied tho
Attorney, known as tho "Immunity ,ooay.
contract," and on tho further addl- cnuio unpaicnca announcing
tlonal ground that n man cannot be 'ho shooting, said that It was done
foodlng wns required, stock itouernl
ly finding excellvnt rnngo during tho
ontlro winter, and tho end ot winter
finds sufficient teed on hnnd to tldu
tho stock Interests through n hnrd
winter, oven If no hny should bo put
up this season.
On tho desert sheep men hnvo re
ported an Ideal winter, with Just
enough snow to furnish wnter for
stock, and with plenty of feed to put
sheep In excellent condition. As tho
vast desort lying east of Oooso l.nko
Valley Is tho feedlngground for tho
thousands of head of sheon thnt con
stitute a largo portion of tho wenlth
of l.nko county, n winter llko tho one.
just ended means an addition to tho
profit column.
Since tho now year began thero
has been but little rain nnd nrnctl-
cnlly no snow. Crops of every kind
were put In early, nnd nlrcndy there
Is nn excellent growth In everything
that deponds upon spring weather.
,m. witness against himself.
Manuel Recommends Reforms
and People Cheer.
Lisbon, April 30 Tho Portuguese
Cortes reassembled today, tho
eighty-second anniversary of the es
tablishment ot constitutional govern
ment in Portugal. The royal mourn
ing for tho late King Carlos and nis
son was suspended for the occasion.
King Manuel was respectfully greet
ed by the people.
Kins Manuel proceeded to the
Cortes, accompanied by many digni
taries of tho state and escorted by a
atrong guard ot troops. The floor
ot tho chamber was tilled with dep
uties and the galleries were crowded
with a brilliant audience.
His Majesty slowly mounted the
tribune that bad been erected for
his use. His address, which he read
In strong and fuil tones, was a most
pathetic and at the same tlmo a
practical and vigorous discourse, cal
culated to win the sympathy ot the
people. Ho toncbed upon the trag
edy ot February 1, when his father
and his brother were shot down aa
"the cruel disappearance ot my fath
er and brother."
by a Syrian who occupied a compart
ment on tho train adjoining that In
which Mr. Wnrkcntln was seated.
The Syrian said ho was examining!
nis revolver nnd that it went oft by
mistake. Ambassador Lclshman, nt
Constantinople, reported tho shoot
ing to tho stato department. Ho said
assuranco hnd been given him that
tho Syrian would bo broucht to lus-
tlco If tho net proved to bo ono of
Carl Warkentln said today that
tho man who killed his father was n
Turkish Prlnco and that Mr. Lclsh
man told his mother that It would
bo Imposscblo to prosccuto him and
advised her to say no moro about the
From his remarks It was apparent
that Mr. Warkcntln wns of the opin
ion tnai Air. Leisnman hnd not done
all that bo could, and he Inthnatcd
that charges would bo odKcd with
the stato department against the
Small Run In Rcgus Rlvsr Csuies In
Grants Pass Two million steel
head trout eggs were brought In
from tho Otdenberg hntchery on tho
Illinois river, and wcro expressed to
uuenos A) res. south Amrrlcn,
moving wlihlu flv.i minutes nftor
tho Hocrctury announced thnt sub
scriptions would bo received. It Is
tho purpose of tho union to build nn
nddltlon to Its nlrendy large wnro
house hero which will contnln tho
cold sturnge pUnt.
Eugsns Mill Finds Rsllroxd Tariffs
Hsv Doubled.
Salem J. M, Shelley, of Kugenn, man
sger of the Eugene. MUI & Klovstor Co.,
ass protested sgalnat a rtccnt rslsn of
arsrly 100 r cent In tertaln loea)
freight ratrs In that part of (tin stale,
lie eneluses a shipping reeelt showing
thnt he pay a ratn of S3 cents per 100
pounds on wheat and oats from Vlugrne
to Yoneslts, 41 miles, wblfh rste, he
says, Is exeivulve, unjust and unreason
able. Prior to January I, 1907, the rate
was H eonts. The rate for n little lung
er distance, as, for Imtsnce, from Ku
g.n to Itosrburg, Is now 31 cents,
whereas the former rnto was IS cents.
This Is an Increase of oer 100 r cent.
The railroad commission will Invrstl
Lsmblng Puccsful
linker City Tho sheeprnlslng In-
in' dust ry Is ono of tho Important ro-
enro of tho agricultural department. "ourcr of Hakor county, nml tho
Tho eggs wore closely encased In Ice- heopmcn havo ronsun to rejolco this
boxes for tho long Journey. 'rw,r because of tho successful lamb-
THO rixlilnir rimsnn nn llni-nn rlvur I 'K iwnnuu. v.umiminin nniu uewii
so far has lienn unnrnMlnhln tli , ' IHOSt faVombto throughout tho sen
of fish being exceedingly light nnd ?on ftml ,ho P;rentago of liws hns
at present the ocnl F shormen'a ""'. " 'R
Thnt llrown'n Information relating
to tho whereubouts of securities
which will give $1,000,000 moro to
tho depositors Is believe. I to bo cor
rest wns vquchod for by Cook and by
lllrnm Johnson, uttomoy fur Drown.
They expressed themsolve as san
guine thnt the receiver would secure
possession of tho property, which Is
Western Pnclflc stock of tho value of
1 1,000,000 nt par, and In another
yenr or IN months tho stock win
hnvo n dvflnlto market value,
Drown also gave up Hit cipher
code book used by himself, Walter J.
Ilnrtnett nnd John and James Tread
well, This code wns secret nnd or
iginal, each of Its owners having a
copy, Cook said unheslmtlngly that
It contained the key to lelturs which
had been In possession ot Drown, to
Oarliiiyiun express Wrecked a
liuilt. Muntdiiii.
ti ginusr Klllsil nnd Firsmsn Ivrnblf
feCslUtU t'HilitUif VikM
Work of Mbbuas.
Dutto, Mont., Mny 2. ICftstliiiunJ
DurlliiKlou trulis No. C, duo In llutto
nt II 10 o'clock tonight, was diii.
mltvd nbout u lullo west ot the
Norlhoru Pacific station nt ill
o'clock. Tho explosion caused ton
first or helper ongluu to leave the
rails, but It plowed nloug fur a tow
hundred fo without turning uver,
Tho second viikIiio crashed liilo the
bunk south ot tho track a tow car
lengths from where tho explosion
livery person on the train tui
been nccouutnd for excepting l"m.
noer Dussey, of tho second otigto,
who Is supposed to bo burled undrr
his locomotive. Curl Muugo, who
wns rldluic ou tho blind buussss.
.... . ... . ... .. i - -
wnom iney wore wriunn oy imnncii ,,,. , ., ..l,, . .i... ,.,.. .,
tnl I rS Ts.s.l witlla Tkit Inlhirs ntlll
now In the snfo ot tho District At
torney's omco.
Chlsf Amustmsnt for Nsvy Whlls at
bai ta Uarbsra,
Bnntn Darbara, Cal , April 10.
There wero no fixed features on
Santa Darbara's entertainment pro
gram In honor of tha Atlantic bat
tleship fleet todny, tho oITlcers nnd
timbers under which ho was burlsd.
Ills arm and leg wore bruksa,
Klrumau tlrorgu lililu, of tho stcosi
vugllle, was tmdly scalded.
Doth wero hurried to tho hospitst
In tho police patrol, which was st
tha scetio of tho wrick, as qulcklr
as possible after tho men went ft
celved In tin. city. UmmuiiuUvp N,
3tuo, In chnrgo of Kugluwr ilus.y
uiul KlruiHsn Utile. Is lying ou lit
side ninth of III truck.
Tho mall car. which was right be
hind II. was hurled oh Its slilu and
badly wrecked. A cold atorsge llta
car was noit to Urn mall car, and It
Union Is dovntlng Its tlmo to Invos
tlgatlng tho river from hero to tho
mouth for tho reason of such short
age, as at this tlmo last year thou
sands of pounds were being shipped
awoy dally. Tho officers for this
year nro: President, Henry Hudson;
secretary, A. Aubcrry.
excellent condition nnd tho
nro thriving wonderfully.
Many Cities Will Be Represented.
Portland,, Oro., April 30. Great
est Interest has been aroused
throughout Oregon, Washington,
and In fact the entire Northwest In
the Portland Rose Festival, to bo
held hero the first week of June.
The following cities of Oregon,
through their commercial organisa
tions or business mon's clubs, nave
arranged to havo floats In ono or
morn of the parades: Astoria, Sea
side, The Dalles. Hood River. Van
couver, Wash., McMlnnvtlte. Dallas,
Albany, Salem, Eugene. Klamath
Falls and Grants Pass. Medfard,
Hoseburg, Independence, Hlllsboro,
St. Johns and a number of others are
still considering tho matter. Lowls
ton, Idaho, will send a beautiful
float, so will Dawson. Y. T. while
Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and nny
number or otner communities win
bo represented by decorated automo
biles and vehicles.
These cities and towns havo each
raised anywboro from 1500 to 1000
to defray the cost of their respective
floats, and these pieces will bo typi
cal of tho principal Industries of the
communities represented.
British Destroyer Sunk.
Harwich. England, Apr.i 30. Tho
IlrltUh torpedo destroyed Gala wns
cut In two and sunk early todsy oft
Kentish Knock. In tho North Sea, by
tho scout Attentive Tho torpodo-briat-deslroyor
Itibblo also was In
volved In tho collision nnd returned
to Sheerneas with two compartments
full of water. Tho flotilla was en
gaged In night maneuvers when tho
nccldont occurred. Englneor Lleu
tonnnt Frank A. Fletcher, of the
Gala, who was In bis bunk at tho
U1UI 1VUVIU .iJ umhu;m t.m w. ,
wont down with tho vossel.
Powder Magsxlns Ixplodss, Killing
240 Jspantst.
Toklo, May 1. Admiral Yoshl
matsu, commander of the training
squadron, reports that an explosion
occurred In the stern mattatlno of
the cruiser Matsushlma at 4:08
o'clock this morning whllo anchor
ing at Maknng. a harbor on tho Pes
cadores Islands. Tho Matsushlma
Immediately sank until only tho
bridge was visible. Efforts at rescuo
by boats from tho cruisers Hasbldato
and Itsukusblma continued until 9
a. ta., saving the lives of HI men,
lucludlng some officers. Tho major
ity of the officers wcro saved, and at
tho time of tho Admiral's report tho
cadets numbered 68 out of a com
plement of 300.
Tho sons of Daron Chlnds. vice-
rammer or tho foreign omco, and
of Prlnco Oyama, field marshal, nro
among tho cadets who It Is feared
aro lost; also Captains Name, Yosh
morl and Yasblro. Tho cause of the
explosion Is unknown.
Fruit N'ppd In Dous'ss
Hoseburg Dauglst County froltgrnw
ers are much concerned as to the extent
of tho damage caused by last night'
frost. From some Mictions the report
comes that the ears, iieaehr, ehrtrlrs
Ortgon Cllr Rosa Show. I nd other early fruit will bo a tiitnl
rtrairnVi ritv a rr.n..n,n,. ..-'loss wbiie in other sections tlin growers
well under wny for holding tho sec- V"1" Bnfb,B ,0 I"y A11!1 ,""m"ch
ond annual show of the Oregon City """"age they have suffered from U.I. se-
men bcliia largely allowed to pursue
their own ways. Many uf inn tatter i was iuativd into kitunm u.h!
went to Los Angeles to spend tho Following th fish car was tho ri.
duy, nnd will over-stay their Ioavm, press car Only llio (runt trucks of
which expire at 1 a. m. Mho express csr llt the rails. 11m ,
Tho amusements offered tho bluo! baggage cur also reitmliiwl on iU ',
Jackets In Santa Darbara nro natur-itrsck. '
oily rather meager, owing to tho alio Tho general theory of the eipfe.
i. tho city, and consist largely of siou I that the d)Hamltn was plac.
Rose and Carnation Society, which
will tako placo In this city during
tho latter part of May or early In
June. Committees have been un
pointed to take charge of the ovonl,
Track Laid to Dorrls
Klamath Falls Track hying wns
completed on tho California North-
and strawborrr-growers have been eastern to Dorrls yesterday This now
asked to make exhibits, nrovldlne town Is Just south of tho Oregon linn
tho berries) aro rlpo when tho roses nnd 11 mites from tho steamboat
aro In full bloom. Tho official color landing on the Klamath river. Reg-
of the society Is mission Dink, adapt- "lar train service will be established
ed from the color of tho Mission .Mny 1.
rose, the first to be brought to Ore
gon. Local business men have been
exceedingly liberal In donations ot
premiums. Tbo show will probably
bo hold In the armory.
Wheat Track prices? Club, IMc
per bushel; red Russian, 82c; blue
stem, 87c; valley, 8Kc.
Dnrley Feed, $21. B0 per ton;
rolled, 127028; browing. $2fl.
Oats No, 1 white, $28.60 27
Washington. May 1. Commandor
Tanlguchl, the naval nttncho of tho
Japanese Embassy, said today that
mo regular complement of tho Mat
sushlma. was about 335 men and that
on her cruise she had about 60
cadets aboard, mnklni; a total of
415. Ills cablegram, ho said, Indi
cates tnai about 175 were saved,
which would mako tho loss of oftl-
cers and men nbout 240.
Must Usllsst Track
Salem Tho Oregon Rallrond
Commission is nrnrlillnff Ihn Orttprin
" -. w. n '. . .. , .1
Electric Company for tho purpose of..'" "V1' ""' .-" ... ..
Inducing that company to hnsten tho ,M luff"r"n' ? B0 ,,nr ,on:
ballasting of Its lino between j-wrl. middlings. J27.60; shorts, country,
land nnd Salora. Tho commission has ' ":." -' wnw nnu onrl"'
.! (,. . I,,,.... ...In., 01100. 127 GO.
that It Is Informed that tho work ofl .Hny Timothy. WlllnrnrtteVnlley,
ballasting has been discontinued nnd ,..17 per Inn; Wlllnmetto alley, j nr-
that la Its present condition tho rond Hinnrr, ., r.nsiern wregnn, si ,.nu;
endangers tho lives of pasiongors. mixed, $16; clover, $14; nlfnlfa, $12;
"What aro you going to do nbout ."If""'1 "" $20.
It?" Is tho question propounded to I Dutter Bxtrns, 27Hc per pound;
tho Orogon Electric mnnngornent. ' fanpy 'CC fholco, 26c; stnrn, 16V4c
The tone of tho loiter lndlcsto that! Lggs Ixss nnd commission off,
the commission will do something. '". " ,7C n,'r '"pn-
flying horses, shooting naileries and
a largo variety of mtch-penny affairs,
brought hero for tha occasion.
Dancing on tho canvas-covered ns
they dnnca with each other. It I
no easy task to provide partners for
1000 or more dancing sailors.
For the officers today, there was n
garden party ard In tho evening a
dnnco. A number of luncheons and
ton parties on tho battleship were
given to tho Junior officers.
directly ou the Mils, hut It Is Impos
sible to say wnetner a tlmo fus or
some sort of percussion cap was at
Ticu-iirii in mv .'imtisiKi. I lliwe woo
phnltun, tho ocean boulovnrd, each ,aw tho flash rgreo It enino from tht
V..-IKUK, in iiip umr I'lc.urwijuu irn-intiiiiu siu. ui iiip uses,
turn of tho bluejackets' entertain-1 The dynamiting Is pelleted by tht 4 ..m... ... .ntn, I, l.i.w.1- ,m.i . , .... ,,.u .v.talj ... .. L.k. .
(VMV. UV -,VV,l, t VMJW .. MUt,V,, .fltl', M ... W .1,1, -lln tit IIHJt UVIN J
however, nnd when tho available seeking revengo fur being ejeettd ,
supply or eligible girls gives out .from n train.
Lxpress Messenger J 11. Valentin
was seriously bruised, being bsdlr
cut by a flying grenado. Ills eicsp
Irom diMlh In his car Is considered
Tho force of tho explosion
terrific. According to tha crew of tfj
Iho first engine Ihn engine was titled v
bodily off tho track. J '
Large Sslling Vessel Prcbsblv Lotl
Off Northwest Costt.
Vlotorla, II. C, April 23. The
simmer Tees, from the Vnncouver
Island coast, brings further Informn-
Attorney Jsroms Chsrgsd With Ff
vorleg High Flnitc'srs.
Now York. Mny 2. Ilefum Cow-
mlssloner Hnnd. who Is hwrln ctl
Hon concerning tho wreckngn recent- deuce on charges against District At-
ly washed nshoro near Carmannh,!",rm,y, "owe, Franklin Pl-rce.
Strikers Attack Funeral
Seattle, Wash., May 1. Ilrlnglng
word of tbo arrest of Troadwell of
30 strikers for breaking uo a fun
eral and nttemptlnn to mako away
with tho corpse, tho steamship Dol
phin arrived In port this morning. A
popular young man among tho
strikebreakers wan accldently killed
recently. Tho funeral procession ex
tended for many blocks, making n
very promptly If tho company does
8sloon Issue in Marlon
Salem County Clerk It, I). Allen to
day completed eheeklnc upon the signa
ture on tho Marlon County local optien-
petltion and found the petition to he in
due form and signed by several hundred
more voter than tho law require. The
saloon question will therefore bn sub
mitted to the voter of Marlon county
.luno i. a mere win no no iiiiui on 'L.'...' .V. ..;.' ..
any of tho county offices and there is n.imimn; new uniiinrniH, Deii.c
no Inteest In any of the stnte contest peTn r,,n,in,,: wt. fiHe psr pofinil.
t -. 1 1 ii ii p-r
26 it 4 60
per pound.
60 per box;
fnncv, $2; chntco, $1,50; ordinary,
$1 zr.
Fresh Fruits Ornngen, $2.60 3
per box; lemons, $2.76 Tf 3.60,
Cattle Dost steers, $4 7676;
medium, $4. 26ft 4.76; common,
Cheoi Fancy cream twins, 16'te
per pound; cream brick. 20c; Swiss
blk. 20c; llmhtirger. 224c.
Poultry Mixed chickens, 13c per
lb; f.mey hens, 14tff!4'.4c; roosters,
old, Rr; fryers, lb., 20c; broilers, lb,
22"4T2Sc; dressed poultry per
pound, 1c higher.
Potatoes Select, selling prim, 70c
per hundred: Wlllnmetto Valley,
(Hiving- price, 46c per hundred; Knst
Multnomah, buying price, 66c;
Olarknmns, buying price, 66c per
lloby Daykln. who Investigated the; ';, ', ,"',, " ; ,;LZT.k.Tn Iva
,i,mi,i ., ,i,o .,, imM i, ;."",', '"'; !?"?, 's lis
.0 .-,,, (, tf V VVIHIIII n-sr-
now. There was neither slime nor il...
bnrnlclos, nothing of tho growth! .,;.. .,., ... ... ,,,.
which soon ncctimulntes. ...i... ..",'" .'. "V.1.. ,M.r lwJ"l
Slnoo tho finding of tho wreckngn I, 'V" ' "" i"..""""..'.'"; "7, reported, a largo amount j " tT . i !.,r,i !
m,miv i... UM.u n... ...,i ""nr" """ " lisil nnd secured in-
....,.. .i... ..,.... i, i .....i Onlonp Job trice,
that tho saloon question will be. tlsat J J?I,n"!rM,l "lVlng price $4
center of much attention. P"r. hi"1ro: fe.rltc. 1 Re p
Appii-n Cl'iri;i,
of empty ensos, whisky enses nnd
others, hnvo benn found In the vi
cinity of Nltlnuk. Stanley Wood, n
limber cruiser who enmn from tho
vicinity of Nltlnnh, sold thorn was an
ununiinl nmnunt of theso oases re
cently washed nshoro.
Daykln says tho wreckage seemed
positively to Indicate that snmn Isrsni
SMlllntf unssnl m stilt, ns !.!. . . I
""..V?r' """" "r " ,mr" """moot until MoihUv. when 1... i.r,.M
(mi wim insnsier. i...i ... ... ....... .,''.." ::..'.' :.
Thro Irnnks fniin.l nn Ihn ,n.L. " """ "' "" l ' r jerilllie S invel-
weTtwd'of" Cnrmnn'." Po.t To S ffJ'iW'T 'Trfi
of the usual Amorlnan pattern, wood ,"" "' vMLrJZTJ,,V,tltr
covered with tin, Thoy wore broken
nnd empty.
diriment. Instead ho chILmI Mr.
Ilyan before tho grnnd Jury and for
ever barred the road to pros-Tiitum "
Mr. Jornrno agreed lo submit the
evidence privately lo tho Commis
sioner, with tho understanding nal
Mr Pierce shall not he ullowed lo
roAd It.
Mr. Pierce asked for an ndjnura-
Rebsls Set Fires,
Victoria, D. C. April 30. New
was brought by tbo Empress of In
dia today of a scries of disastrous
Umatilla Short of Teschers
Pondlcton Umatilla county
schools nro facing a toncher fnmln.
Dosplto tho fnct nor.rly every
district In Ihn rnnnfv lina linan
formidable showing of tho strlko- forceil tn rnian Mm miinrv nt its $3.60 tfM: cows. best. $3.75 ft 4:
breakers. Notwithstanding this dls- teacher frnm xr, tn tin nr mnnih (common. $3.25ft3.76: calves. Hff
,... n.. .n. ....,.. .t c. 7 . --"- y- T" ,--",. . - - ... . .
jii.., mo onmuio uiucKcu mo pro- u g dlfllcult lo secure Instructors ('
cession In forco and nearly captured .for tho spring tortiiB. Tho boards Sheep Rest wethors, $flfl!6.50;
llio body. nro now vicing with each other in'ewos, $5r6.C0; spring lambs, noml-
their efforts to mako contracts this,""1
Slsmese Revolt.
Paris, May 1. Tho Tomps today
pubiisnos a special dispatch from Hat
far In advance for tho fall forms,
New Milt fp Albany
Hogs Rest, $6tfM.26; medium.
$5.7696; fodders, $6.25ft6.60.
Hops 1907, prlmo and choice, 4
Cr. por pound; olds, l?lo por
conflagrations at I'eKin. invoiwnB ntambang, a town of Slam, In tho" Albany Work Is progressing rnp.'btind.
iubs ui uwa ... "- -w -w ... .riuubu ,uu.o ui iiniucuco, najnoB miy on tno now planing mill Of M. Wool Fnstorn Oresron
dlarlsm. Nine fires took Place In as that tho town Is at tho mercy of the J. Cameron & Son. at tho foot of best 11 CT 16c nor pound
many days at tho end of March and natives, who havo risen In revolt Forry street. It will bo In operation to shrinkage? Valley? II
early In April. Dynastic rebels woro.and aro threatening tho European In threo weeks. In addition to plan- eordln to mialltr
mr.mmmi .Mnnn. n n. Bnn vnnis rn. -inn trnnnm mi n.nn . . .MK. ...... .l. . n. ,,. l. . i -'-. - -.-. ..
wua.uv.u ,-r--..-.-, , .......,.... . ..w,, u,u ,uuu,- Ui auuniiiuii IJO mill will DO COUIO-1 nhnlra
clent to insure protection. jpod with woodworking machinery. Ipooad.
Jurv S'lll Inremnlste,
8n Frnnelseo, April 29. The be-l
ginning of the fourth week In tho
work of selecting 12 men to try Ah-
rsnam ituer nn ono of tho 117 In
dictment returned ngnlnst hi in by
tho grnnd Jury, chnrglng tho former
polltlcnl boss of Snn Frnnelseo with
bribery, finds Iho Jury still Incnm
pleln with nlno men In tho box no
eepted nnd sworn. Ono of tho ven
iremen oxnmlned todny did not know
whnt tho word accomplice numnt,
whllo nnothor wan rhnltrngnd hv Mr.
Ilnnoy on tho ground thnt his mnml
rhnrnctnr wns such thnt ho was not
fit to bo a Juror.
cnmpHiiy for half it ihy and ihsfl
turtiod Iho InvestlgMlloii Hsnlnit
threo or four small Independent leo
rompanlos that tho Amerlenn Ire Co.
wanted lo smash, nnd Hint he ad
vised that Indictment bo returned
ngnlnst them.
Seek Aid Frnm Jspan.
Pokln, Msy 2. JniKin Is fnclng
sorloiiH slltintlon as n result of tho
boycott Nrlslng from tho Tnlsu Mru
Ineldeiit, nnd Is seeking tho mipport
of (IroHt llrltnlii to put u stop lo tho
hoyrott by Joint representations Tho
JnpillKHut nilthorltliM hum nttrlhtllO
I no growth of tho movement to the
imtlvo press, which In without con
trol nml which hns boon conductlnR
n cumpnlgn lo iiinko cinuiriillv known
fin lo Wn.k lo fisvs Mln Iho Chlnoso side of tho incident.
Johnstown, Pa April 29. Under ,n,"y. iu)M '"" Vlcurny of Cnnlon
Mle arrests were made.
orders from Pntrlck Olldny, prosl-
ueiii oi oisirici io. a, novernl hun
dred striking minors of tho South
rorg uoni uompnnyf returned to
chiefly responsible.
Snow In New York
lliiffnln Hffni 1 . U.s.j.s InAnu fit
m?nli. tfd'l3r J," "n f"0'1 1 MT0 tho "now ,0" hcr" yostorduy. Todny iho
ls m " " V " " "11 IIVI1I JUBH'
ner1- . t.i, """"" WB,or """ ,hown "' hu snow Is nxMM
per and a probablo permanent suspen- dlsnppoarlng. At Jnmostown the
W0B .dopth was roportod nt 10 Inchos.