The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1908, Image 8

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iTMW OTtMVrf WW'1 " '' MX in 'Wilt
- .v
. t
H. T
Timber Land, Act Jnne j tS:
" V 3 Land Office, MVcrlew, Oregon,
April r. no.
Notice is hereby cUcrt that la compliance with
Hir pnwUlona ol the Act of Cmigrces of June J,
I itf; enlltk.l. Au act fur the Ml timber landa
In Iiealatch4 CaUfuruut. lltegvu NewU, and
WaJSIugtou Territory." at eelendrd lu alt the
pulttelaiui atatrs by act of Augtut 4, J,
W alter V Kroger
erf I IriHptbtiTg county of (.ranilr. atatc of Mon
but ha. filed 1h llita office Iim sworn Male
aaeVlt N. accrue the pureh- of the h'lhWV
HKjWV i c $ Tp u , K u K W M
Jfml writ oli-r tt 10 show that the tawl
Jr I ire ealttat aw tta timber be atouc
tSMaTakulturai mimvi, and to t.Ubtiih
IwiMMbiuWUmlUiMt II C Klli L". h.
C aauiiUic -t h oitKr a (tend, Oreiou. ou
itouday, Ik Ui Uy of July, lyal
lie aMrac I hartc-e HrvJ Asekle
Paltce.J II tVnauly prank Daitwn alt of
Wera Oregon
Any ant! all persons claiming adveraely
'ire jve-Ucacri'Kd Untla are requested to
olelrrctrciau urn ihia uaVr on or before aaid
UUiLtyoflul) A
"iff J N W VTRnN Kcgulcr
60 YEAnS
Tnoc Marko
A nrnna ending a ikrirh and dctcrfptinn mar
tub-sir MMfrjim Mir c; rMi fraa wl,lier an
Invention l i4iably MlenlAliU. Cmiiiunlr.
rvmaMrtctlrrooit lei.lf.l. HaNDEOOa oiil'aieuu
a..t Int. IH-Imi aaafiey tut serumis pateuta.
I'aienta laaeu through jlunn A Co. receive
Octal (urfiu, vli bout chore. In the
Scientific Jhtitricatt.
A handsomely lllaitrated waeVlr. I'raeat dr.
enUtum of anr acieiituw tonntaL 1 ra, H a
trt loor nrtMHla,f i. DoracraJi Tnwpflwuni,
wn-t nif r x-a wwninifMm. u. v.
Wilt iho com me of aprine, rqulrTtla.
cojdicr and aee rats rtKularly appear,
to devastate the fitldf of growlnr eraln.
Karly In tho ataaon, when their natural
food Is acarce, their numbers may be
Breatly dlmlnlahcd by a ayatcmatlc war
fare upon them. Erery female killed be-
fore the ounir nro born, reduces the
number of peats at least ten later on.
U'oodUrlt" BoulTel Polaon Is tho mot
r-llait!e arid destructive ocent yet devlMl
for their extermination. It Is an abso
Jutely certain Instrument of death for
miulrreis. Kery kernel Is warranted to
kill. Climatic changes, dew, froet, or Ihe
rnolslura of the eortlt do not effect Its
strenctli. It requires no mlxlwr or prep.
(nation, and I aJwas ready for use No
other U to good. Dialers IU refund lh
I urt liuse price If not as claimed. k
he Ilojt Chemical t'oi, Portland, Oregon
There's news in Tbe Bulletin.
It i wiKwdtt! to b the best paper
U Cfools couatv.
i BJTd.!.
al rassT an " " Bi m smJI
We tay Residence and Business Property, Timber, Farm,ert Landi Water PQwer and Manufacturing Sites,
The Central Oregon Development Co
Timber Land Ad Jnt J, ;
Icpr1meiit of the Jutrrlor
I 8 Uud uffice. The lIlra. Orefon.
Kchrusry n, 19a
N'otlce U hertbr ilrta that
Mare I. KcdteM
orileu.1, County of Crook "late of Orejoti, h.
atolird to ourihateundrr the act of loaj(tcw
oljuutl. l aa eatcmlrtl hvact of AHeut a.
liS9, the nssWlt', M'WtUU and NWfc'iKJ'
mcn, r ns, an it.
Alxl will olfrr imxif to ihow that the Liad
ought U more ralualilr lor III timber or toue
llwn for agricultural purpoee, and to nlabliah
hrretaim to aaid Uud Ufure II. C I'.llu. V K
lurniuiMionrr, at hiaofflcclu liend, Orrgoa, on
llieeinuayoi MMytltyn
hhe Mnn a her witnmri Chartra II
Brown. ICtuirr NUxoiitrr. I red A. Iluuuell.
Charlea M KedC.l. all of lleml. Urraon
Any and all berajtia clalniluz adtcraelr the
ahovleerlbI landaarr rtoueatcd lo rile their
ctaiHialu thUulfircuuor Ulureaalddlr day ul
fH-mi c W MOOKK. KetUter.
Tla1er Ind, Act June j, iJ.
Department of the lutcrlor,
V 8 Land Office, The Ilnllce, Oregon,
March J, 17,
Notice U hereby given that
Walter J Vandceert
of Prlueellle, County of Crook, Male of Oregon,
haa applied to purcliaae, uuder I he .act of con-gre-u
of June J, ia;rt, aa ealriided by art of Aur
u.t4. iv the hKMf, XllUt'.! iw-s aud
ntiw 01 rec 79. iunprKimwi
Anu wiu oner proor to mm
that the land
ought la mure ealuuble
fur lla timber or atutir
than for agricultural purpo.t". and to etahllli
hiitlalm to mm laud hMe II. C lillK, l H
Lu.niiilMioutr, at hl office In llcud, Ifregou, oil
Ihenat day of May ly
llcliamiitihll wlinrawai Michael Morrlaon,
I 'mtr Mwunjr. W II hlaau, John lilou all
of Ikllrt. Oreion
Any and all ptrauna claiming adrrraely the
aliure tlociilnil Uudi arc rrqueatrd tu file their
ilalmaln thiaolliceonor befufeaald slat day of
May lyjrl
inrn .1115 t v.; MOOKIi, Htglrier
TlmUr Ijni), Art June J, is;
Department of Ihe Interior.
I' 8 tu.l orricT. The Dallca, Orefon
Fttruary r, ij4.
Notice ia hereby glrcn that
Kale . U'illlamwn
U I'rinrtllle, County of Crook, Hlate of Oregon,
Jial applied to pnrcliaw, under the net of Con
greaaof June j,, ia;a, aa extended by act of Aug
U4 4 in, the HWrfMI'if, WHhl'.ii' ami rilitf
allUlmii, f 17 1., K 11 I'. V M.and will orTr
proof to trow tltat the laud tough! la more ral
uable for tta limber or atuue thau fur agricultural
turpora, unit tueatablUli her claim tuankl laud
ff re the KrgUter and Keeelver. at The Dallra,
Oregon, ou the 6th day of May, viH.
blienamcaaa wltnraaea Sllchael O'Connor,
William I). Maaon, II A McDonald, lidwbrd
Murphy, all of The Dallca Oregon,
Aliv and all tjeraoua clalmiur ailveraelv tlir
above-deacribed lauda are rrnuralrd to file their
(iaima In tliia ofDce oil or twlure aaid till day r,f
r-.. 1 r v miiov it w.. i.t-r
Department of Ihe Interior
Mud Office at Lakcricw, Oregon,
March Jl, t.
Notice la hereby given that
John I' Jolinou
ol llcud, Oregon, Jias filed not Ice of liU Intention
Li make finaTcoiuiiiuuitlou proof In aupiwrt of
hi claim, ria llonmlrud J'utrv No. liviinade
KUAiii u iyo fur the UJinU'il, bi'KW),
rxv ia, n;ini ntc 14, 1 p 7j n, c y r, r i
Aud that aaid proof will lie made before V, V
Weati U. 8. Couiiulaalouer, at hla oflicc at Hllver
Lake, Oregon, on May 9, lyot.
lit names the following wltoeaaei to protc
his continuous rtaldcnc upon, and cultivation
or, me tana, mi Aieaanacr j rooee, wuitam o
Mayfleld, leaaa rllrult", John
Maatin, ail of
HtMiauu, tirrgvii.
i. H. WATaWf. VttUUt, ,
&easonabte Terms or Generous Discount, for Fuji Payment,..
Timber LanlAat June t, IS;
Department of ihe tutettur
I' H. tixl Office, The Dallca, Oiegon,
February tj I aA.
Notice la hereby glren thai
I.ewlaA Porur
of The llallra, County of U , Male of Oregon,
haa appliet to purcliaae. under Ihe ail 01 Con
ereuifjuuc t, iam, aaeatendnl bya.t uf Aug
ul 4. ir. the MiVMlV. P',81'l and i
hKU.hecii.TpiUh, K rj l! M
And will offer pmof to ahow that the laud
ought l more taluahle for lla timber or Moor
lhau for agricultural iiurpoaea ami tutilaUxh
hta claim 10 aakl land before the Kegltter ait-t
Kenlter al The Dallca. tlirzou. ou the :lh Oar
of May, lyu.
lie uamea aa hU wlluciwa. William t Main,
Michael Connor, D. A MeDonell, frauk Con
nolly allof The Dallca. Orrxou. Itauial llei.imr
of hciid, firegon,
AuyaiMall iwraoiia claiming adtelwly the
alnee-tlftcrlbed lauda are rraucaUd lu rile their
claimi In thia office on or before aki Jlh day of
aiay, luua,
iui4-uii C W, MOOKK Hrgltler
Timber Iand, Act of June iri
V. 8. Land Office, The Dallca, Oregon,
Much 4, A
Notice li hereby given that In coin pi lance with
Ihe prorlaioua oflhe Act o( Congtew of June J.
lij. eulitleil "An act fur the aale of Umber lamia
In Ihe ataueo! California. Orrgun, Nevada end
Waihluglou Territory," aa encoded tu all Ihe
Ruhlic Uud alatea by act ol Auguit 4, IS. the
illowlng named wraoua have, uti March 141I1,
is.4. (lien In Hi la oflice their aworu ataleiuenla,
Hadle Vaudevcrt
of llenir Crook County, Oregon, aworu alale
incut No 4jvoforthepunhacol Ihe M'.', Jmc
ji.Tpauh, k iiliWJl
Maude l- Vandeverl
of bend, Crook County, Oregon, sworn tatr
inent No 4V)i for Ihe nurchaae of Ihe MIL' rvec
Jt.Tpjoh. K II KW)1
That Ihcy will offer uroofi to ihow Ihat Ihe
tanda aouglit are more taluable fir the Umber or
alone thrrrou than for agricultural purpuoca.aiid
to eatabltih their claluia to aaid laudi Ixfure
II C. lillia, Ulilletl Malra Commiiilnurr at hit
oroceiii iieuu, Oregon, on June 11, ivt
They name the following wilnraaca Joaeph
N lluiilcr, William II hUaU, I'lmer Niewoii.
ger, Alauile K. Vandertil, riadlc audeert
t homaa W Vandeverl, all of llend, Oregon,
loh 11 liluaa, of Hiilera, Oregon.
Auy and fell tierauna clalmlug adreraely
Ihe alnvc-eleacrilied tamla are rcipicitcd lu file
their rlalma In Ihla office ou or before thcaald
lillulay of Juue, i'oH.
aprjjus C- W MOO Hit, Keglilcr
Timber Ijilid, Act June , 1171
Department oflhe Interior,
CM Land Office, The Dallra, Oregon,
February Jl, f
Notice l hereby s'leu that
ticorgc Donoliue,
of Portland, County of Multnomah Hlale ol
Oreuuii, haa ajiiillcit to purcliaae, under the net
ol lougrta of June 1. 17, ai ealemled by act ol
A lit 11 t 4, !'. Ihe hJih'.V'!;, HVM and HK'f
NVVJf. hecjo.Tp 19 H, K 11 1 W M
And will oflVr proof to ihoiv that Ihe land
aouglit li more valuable fur lla limber or alone
than for agricultural purponce, and to eataUlali
hla claim tu aaid laud bafo ell . I'.llle, U H.
Uimmiiilouer. at Ina office lu llend, Orrgon, 011
Ihe Hill day of May, 190.
lie iiamcaua hla wltnrxcii I'jauk l!. Dillon.
HolM-rlO. Htiirgeou, Jackaou C Tullar, all of
I.aUIUw. Oreauu.Jonii Uluaa of llend. Oievou.
Arthur 1', Douohuc of Portland, Oregon,
Any and alt pcreoaa claiming adveraely the
above-dcarTlbcd landa are rcnueated to file their
claims In this office oa or before said nth day of
May, ip.
mrs-ml C. W, MOORU, KegUter,
linai us your subscription.
Timber Mnd, Aet Juue a. I;s.
V. U. Land MSce.Thc Dallra, Oregon,
Match 11, ivV
Kallce la hereby given that
Carrie K McKay
of Hand County of Crook, Mate of Oregon lta
aplicd Ui purchase, umlir the act of kongrcMuf
June 1 lara aa eiiem!ii ny aci 01 AitauM 4, iaii,
the MM. SHU aud MiHAVU vc e.TpMtt.
K 1 it at
And will offer proof to allow that the land
ought I mure valuable for lla timber or almie
thau foe agricultural purpoaea, and In ntiMuli
hcretalin lu aalt land Iwfore the MegUter and
KrtrlteT nl 1 he IMlln, Oicgen, ou Ihe jnl ilay
of Juhc, 19
Hhe nameaai her wilueawa W I" Xandrvrrl,
Ilium T Vamtcmt Juaeph r. McKay, Prank
I' McKay all uf Iiriid. Oiejmi, Diiueau I, Me
Kay.of ISmiUh.!, Oieguu
Any and all rwraoua etalmlne adveraelv the
abovedcacrlbel landa are renueaiett lu file Iheir
ctaliua lu Ihla office on ur txfurc aaid Jtd day
of Jnne, !
PM C W MOOHIt, Kcgiiter
TlmWr Land, Act June J, Hit.
Department oflhe Interior,
t it Mud Office, The Ilallei, Orrgon,
Marih ir, lie.
Notice lihereby alveu that-
Kalpli I! hherwooil,
ofMedniond County of Crook, Male of Orrgon,
haa applied to puichaw, under the act of Con
greaasf June J, ll;a aa eilruded by act ofAu.
ml 4, 1W1 lilt and MI'UHU M. C V. TK
It, K II li W M
And will offer proof In ahow that the land
ought U more valuable fur lla Umber ur Hone
thau for agricultural purpoace, aud loeitaMlsli
hla claim tu aaid land before II. C, Ulll, f H
Coinnilailoucr at hla office III hold, Orrgon, on
Ihe lid day uf une, iv4
He naiura aa hla wllueaaea Michael J, Morrl
aon.of llend Oregon, ltd M Hwalley, Charlra
li. nwaiiry, iniii wi mnhhi wieguii, piepurn
lireenhalgh, t'rrd It. Hherwrul both id Ked
inoiui, iiietou, anil 11 jaiuea urcuutr, 01 mm,
Aiiyaud all p ranna claiming advcrielv the
alwve dearrltxil landa are rcluctiil tu file their
claims In Una office oil or before aaid Jnl day of
June I90S
apim9 C W M00HIKeKllrr
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Tclcuratn 1'orvtnrticil lo Any Part
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portlanrl, Prlnevlllc ami nil
Pacific Comt cllits.
Public Pay Stations
In Dank DiiIiIIiik ul Hcnil, at l.aitl
law ami Pott ell Unites.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County t-outli of Crooked
s-arr is.n-a
If you want n brantl new newing
machine, direct from the factory.
at a great reduction in price, you
should call at this office. We have
one for sale,
There's NUWS ia The Bulletin.
' ' "i p
Timber Mild, Att June J, l?,
U It Mml Office. The Dalles, Of rgon,
Match IJ lA
Notice Is licieby glvru that
lllhlfn l-uwttl
of hru.1. County of Crook. Wale of reeun. bit
applied tupureviax, umler Ihe act -f lotigre
01 rune t, 111 as rticaxlrti iv an ol aniui j.
IV(, the NSNHtt aiHl.NHi(SWHSreiJ fpaan
Hll II U M
And will eSr proof In sImw Ihat lhetan-1
nmlil Is wore valuaMe (or its llmlr wln
than fiir aalhvullnral lHpu44Mi, and Pieslabtlili
helcUlntftl aahlUkwlI'Me II L lillia. I' K
CowinixUiiier at I1I4 office In Ikm.1. Oreguu, on
IheMh ilay r,f tune, iwA
hhe nameaai her wilnravea lerey A Walrrr
lirwph II lluchbole lUll J Vt right, all af Heud
flregoii; Nlchotaa I'MihIi John It Hdwanis,
John II IMwardi.altiH'trrN. iMagau
Auy and all petwmi ctaiMtMf 4rvty the
alaive-lracrlle4 landa ore rwpwaird 10 AU
Ihatr ctalmaln Ibis efHec sat of be Me aakl Mb
day of June I1
I'fJJnj c W MOOKIt, Keglslir
Tlmlier Land, Act Juhc 1, !,
V H. Mud Office, The Dalles. Oregoi.
I'cbriMry nat, lya.
Notice Is hereby given Ihat
Ms 1 ion I' llodaun
of llend. cuunly of Clunk, stale of Oregon,
nil annum lu uurcuaie itiuivr 111 an or im.
grcasorjune j, ilri, ai ssleiHled by act uf Aug
ual 4, ioi, ,ta jarHUaud HIHW' Hertlon 7
And will offer prunf lo show tltat Ihe la ml
aotight Is murr vsliuUe far Us liniWr or lmir
than furagrieullural purjioaea aud loeMslillili
hla claim to aaid laud liclufe U h, Comnilitioner
II. C Kills, al hla ( In fiend, Oregon, on
the ;ih day of May l,
lie nenire ai hla wltnrMcs William II Maals,
Joseph K Hunter, lerry A Walter, James
tirerloii, all of Heii.l Oreguu ulm IiIom of hu
lets Oiegou
Any and all pcranui claiming adiefaety Die
mnvtiiniiiiiii lainii are 1 uiiesicii lunteiiirir
ciaimaiuinisoiiiceuuor ociufe aalil
111 day of
May y
lilt lilt
jjy&gf ?th g 7jiai!Hrl
Will enjoy readiug The Bulletin,
INSTRUCT you, Submit now
Timber Mml, Att June J. Urt,
V, It, MoJ OfOce, Mlevtew. (liegvu.
Match it, ifX.
Notice Is hetel-y given thst In eNullanc with
the pfuvlsions oflhe Act of (.ongieM luuc j,
tlr. eulllletl "An art lor the aafe ullliuUr landa
In lliUleiirCallforuu Orrgwi .Nreada, and
UahlUlMtTcrrltury,"a ntn4t tu all the
t-it ,n ,airv UJ aci VI AHgWVl 4, Br,
UllllamA lialaa
uf Iwiul Cunlr of Crook, Male of Oiegmi,
haalbtstlay Al. In Ihla HIT Ms aula auie
mint No mm fr the puiilisM' l in HMnMU.
rtKXNwHofrlecil M
Ah.1 will offer piuul Is show I yi the land
ought Is wore valaable ff lit UmUr of tulir
IhaHfwraitlrulluialiMHpMM, aw.) td ealabllib
hrsctalmtaaaWllatut UHe II I libs, U. lC
lomiutsiUMcr, al hUofbrrln Hend lliegki.iua
M4ay, the tl day w( June. yat
Ur Har aa wlHer I J lloMn, I U
...-. r-v. -.H. 1,l,
tllumt J, sK
m neon iiregam.
Anyapdalt rwraona rlslmlng ndvrmly the
xeiw.i isuiliare ir.iuiiello file I hell
ttalnta In this office on othcsMf aaid let day ol
inn may J N WATMIN, Urgliler,
Timber Uu.1, Act Jnn it,.
Ikpatlmenl of lite tiiitrlar,
I' M Mini Office. The D.IUS, Oifgou.
Match I, tyA
Notice Is hneby given thai
I'led II MieiHM.I
ofKcdwoiMl, County of CrwMk. Male of Oregon,
basapidledlu purchase under Ihe aft of con'
grcMof Junei. Il), as eiten.lMl bract f Aug
rt K i J Irt WM "W U', hHMy " m" T'""
And will ofTcr prnnr lo show I lis I ,e land
tmightl.moravatuahl f8, . iimuV or atoni
sSrj.iri5!.r.;Jw '" ,k ""' en
lie uainra as his wtluraws Hlph It Hhrr.
"' ,II,u;rw,","u' ' ( Kr.liuund, life
sou III rlwalley. Charles Hwalley, both ul
ralillaw.Oirguu MlcliaelJ, Mwrlwii. William
I atidervril Mb u( llend, tltesuit.
Aliyandall rwtaoua claiming adveraely Ihe
alaeileaeillru landa ate Invested tu file Ihfir
MayiV ,,nU, " 0r M, mM 'h day rf
ntrrj ntu c y MooKli, MrgUter.
TlmUr Land, Act June y il;t,
U. B, Mint office, The Dallca, Otrgon,
, . , March it, 19.41,
Notice le hereby given thai -Henry
C liaruet
'I ' M'r,o,. I.)-,
And will ofltr proof In show that Hie
...Ml 1" "slIitMHHIslI IIUII)UCI nixi 111
I lit!,,iV u '' , " f "M land Ufor. I ,C
nils v H lomuilMioiicr. al his office at Iteml.
Oregon, on Ihe slh day of June, uo, '
i.iHfL..,,"i ""i. Iff0"! cUlinliig ailvrtsely
(he abpvs deacrl bed lands ate tniucaicd lo file
liV of j'tmeViVi. 0mCe" f '"'"'""''"'J "
, "WJL1? CW, MOOHIt, Hrgl.ler,
A fine line of fruits aud camlics
onlmndat the news stand. Da'
nanss, eocoanuts, orances, lentous,
cct. now iu stock.