The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1908, Image 7

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    Spring Medicine
The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
Is the host hucausu it docs tho most fjood.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
nnd lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, f;ives new
brain, nerve and digestive Htrcnrjth.
An une(iialed list of cures .10,366 tes
timonials in two years proves its merit.
Onrnlnhs-J'Hf iliMini nrr wwlklit
n alumiUta-t lal.lsl ntllwl HmmkU. a. .Mr 3 V (Im M IIuiii.I hit I
u a t. ...... I ti,.ut.,l .. Uji.alkU (. iJatil I 11 ataa . aat In Jl iil a 11 1 1 lira
rttr !.. h rtirll lrtiwfli lli tl'luM Vntmn K'n-I Hrirll In fail, ttiTiui
rurtiti l-M. wufftrf 4if lit, iminUh( ni (tumor hm, t a irtrl M-mM Mirt(Uf , II rurt
UIIIV. ttl.t
4 VI lb
I. HUiti.liam,
I hava tr
itttiT n l" I'J slirattiin. ltaj ft-rtifnU, a-asma, baa itu 4jtaal a a t.n.ral
huM Iif ilmaaial. lit miH (1; mall aiitlng faraVlus. II ils ma a.uulaa aallafao
0,1 lliJ lu. I.uall, Maai liuii fci f tlilt "
.,..j-j i Oftjr O0
That Is
Laxative Bromo Quinine
vsro mr would oven to outtr a ooim m our day.
Always remember ths full name, Ixik
fur tlila algnalute un every box. "iba,
Out ! tli Dim raal.
Alnsndrr tbt (Writ bail Juit aubduaO
"Anybody ran Liial a broncho," be aalil,
"but ll lakra a man to ut tht analflrt
n a Lie fourl'iir.l lUrll Ilk thla ou."
Itlng ihrawil, politic fellow, tht row
bora of lliat at allowed lb ltuprrlon to
Hi out that Ib.jr wrr afral.l lo trjr to
rIJa llir aavage braat, and Iba atilrl
ant hlalorlan bailrntd to couflrtu (bat
Mnl a DKarrfHl llraail.
"listen"! jou mix tn It k tliat I mora
cheerful than IhUJ" queried tlin new
hoarder lie xurcd aouiv of t tic 11'julil
Into Ilia coffee.
"Why. what ilo jou mean 1 tbulf"
yurrlril ttiv Imnlloily.
"Oh, iKithlni;," rrjtilnnl tlin n, b.;
"onljr tbla milk Mfliii to liBtv ttio
An llnilUh nwiarr bail Ibla dralb
notlra Iba otbrr dajr "At Htratforl on
Avon, ajf arrmtx 0r William Hbak
arir. Al rat."
Taklaaj la ! lull,
Tht nulutnobll waa guliif dftjr tnllrl
an liniir.
"Wr ara nntv jiaialnc tlirouili a bmu
llful irt of tbt rotintrjr," aboutcj tlii
cbantTriir In tlir (rent arat.
Th lourlat awnllonril iiottirr pint
of crlt atul dual.
-Il'ml" bn rjaculatrtl IwtwM-n
(iiilltia, "It aroma na ttiuusb tba coui
tj I pnirlnc tbrutiicli me."
naltlaa II All la.
Tba proarctiliuf wltnraa In tba da rear a
illt afaliut tba elt7 waa flflof la bla
"Nhw, Iban, Mr. Illatdain," aald hi
la;rr, "jou will ilan tall tba Jurj
wbfia jou wara Injurril.'
"On tujr knr. In mj fllnf, and rltht
In front of tba cltj ball," rapldlj anwr
nl tba wltnraa, frarlnf an objrrtlon on
Iba pari of tbt otbtr attotnt. Cblragt
Tribun. n
lb Haltallun Arm la ritalillnhrl la
fifty-two ruiintrlra add rolonlra, and
(rrarbra tbt (uil la Iblrtjr-ona Ian-fuafra.
There in nil evaporation from the Ixxly going on continually. Jay nml
nlRht, through the port nntl Klnnda of the nkln. Thfi in natuic'ii wy of
tunintnlniuK the projicr temperature of our nyjtcms anil preserving the soft
ness nml flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from impur
ities no trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause
becomes infected with humors and acidi, these too must be expelled, and
coming in contact with the delicate fibres and tissues with which the akin is
so abundantly supplied they produce Irritation and inflammation, and the
effect h shown by Hcrcma, Acne, Tetter, nnd skin affections of various kinds.
These impurities and humors get Into the blood through a deranged or
Inactive condition of the system ; the members whose duty It is to carry off
the waste and refuse matter of the body fail to properly perform their work,
and this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by
the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisons generated within the
system, dui poison? irom witltout,
such as I'olson Oak, 1'oiscu Ivy,
Nettle Knsh, etc., enter through the
open kucs and glands, and so thor
oughly do they become rooted In the
blood that they arc ever present,
or return at certain seasons of each
year to torment the sufferer. Halves,
washes, lotions, etc , cannot cure skin
diseases. True, such treatment re
lieves some of the itching and dis
comfort, and aids in keeping the skin
clean, but it docs not reacit the real
cause, nnd at best can lie only palli
utlng and soothing. A thorough
cleansing of the blood is the only certain cure for skin diseases. S. S. S
a gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely of vegetable ingredients
of the forest and field, is the proper ttentmcut. H, 8. S goes down into the
circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humor, thoroughly cleansing nnd
purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind, It supplies
to the blood the fresh, nutritive finalities necessary to sustain the skin nnd
nil other partH of the body, and rids the blood of ntiy nnd nil poisons. S. S. S.
cures Hccniu, Tetter, Acne, Salt Khctitu, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash,
and all other skin troubles, nnd cures them permanently by removing every
trace of the cause from the blood, Spccinl book on Skin Diseases and nny
modical advice desired furnished free to all who write.
l,nnii,rliU llmik.
C'oiiKlili'rnliln illlllinlty In friMiiciill)'
rjiiTli'iM(il In iiiil;lliu 11 iimr wliL. In
1 lump burner, ouIiik to the fsrt that
1 11 11 iiiiitiTiHi or
which tlin uli'k la
fnrilli'il la not atltll
clclllly at IrT In ell
ntilv It to Ih) mid
lly mnl tliriinsli
I lie burner tube. To
iiliilntii this dim
cully n Wyoming
mini tins itcalKiiiil
sn Implement for
ilrnwliie thu wick
i-Awr wick.
through the tube,
shown In the iMVoiiiiiiiiiylin: Ulna
t rat Ion. At our end U n tlneer piece,
nnd lit tint other, prong fur riiRnBliiK
tllo nick. In ualhjt tbo ilevlct' the
prouerd rnil of the Implement I tlirunt
tlirouxli tint tul.e of tint burner nml tbo
nul of the wick nllnrheil to the prolix.
A pull on tint liamlltt tlrswa tbo wkk
Into tbo tube, nfler which It can be
rend lly ptilliil thronch.
Suar MIIU Corn llrrad.
Sift loRelber one cup of Krnlinm flour
siiil tliriMt cups of Imlliin meal. Into
tlin-o cup of rwiur milk Mir a tnlibv
IMMiiifnl of melleil butter, n trnMMinful
of salt nml n tnbleaMHiuful of annnr
Add (hit irrnilunlly to the men I nnd
flour ml xl tire, llien fold In thnv e.l
iH'Hteu i-krn nnd n trnajiifnl of Imklnc
Mxln tbnt till Ixili illMolnit In n rill
of boiling water. Ileal hard for lire
minute, Hiiir Into n well creiiKiil
Turk's hi'ilil tin nnd link,. In n al,-nilr
ovu until a atrnw comes out clean from
tue inickfat p.irt of tlie lour.
I tuta umJ fu S. 8. &, ipilac and fall,
for Iba pail two jfart, wllb Ih mult thai It
tnllftlr iallt(J ci of a lm of Eima
wbKb Rijr dKlar waa uoalta lo (uia. Mr
aima, lowtr Uinta, ami. In (act, Iba klflMl
poittan of tnf wbol bodf waa aSKlnl, and
whin I flilt Wm 8. 8. S. lha UMm, ale ,
wai , but i (onllaufd Iba lmJr wllb
Iba Itiult ibal Iba dir, llcbla tiupllon an
llitlf dlupptaiad. I Iblok a frtal dal of
your nitdlcina, aa4 bata tKommtoJtd II lo
olbtia wllb food itautta. ll U lb bail blood
mrdUlna mad, and I can conultrtlouUr
rKomintnd II for tba cuia ot all blood and
kin aSKllooa. CilAS. 1I0KSTUA11.
Wbllo. W Va.
SlufTril Ham.
I'renheii thu limit, if noccHtnry. by
soaklus over nlslit In eulil wntcr. When
ready to coot, enter with freali, cold
water, and liittt alouly to I he boiling
iliit. Hluuner until tender, rvmoro
from the tire nnd cool In the water In
which It was rooked. Wheu tutllclently
cool to handle, remote the skin am
tht bone and ail tbo cavity with Muff
Ins. Tlo securely and sprinkle the fat
vtllh flno crnrker crumbs nnd sugar.
Ilnke for one hour In n hot oven. Servo
either hot or colli
One (junrfrr of a liouml of chocolate.
0110 and a half touuds of brown sues..
oiie-itiartcr of a ikjiiimI of butter, one
tumlilerftil of milk or cream. Cut all
together nnd let tbrm mrlf. Iloll for
twenty mlnutri, jwur on buttered
illshes and bc-fore itille cold cut In
until (ujunrew with a sbarii knife. After
Inking off the saucettnn nitd naif n tea.
"Htnful of iwenee of tnnllln. lie earn,
fill not to take the caramels oft the tire
until they are cooked. Test by drue
ping a little In cold water.
KlnillliiK llalrrlnl.
.Melt one miiukI of resin, ndd two
muuva of tallow, uml. while all are
hot, sllr thick with pine sawduxt.
While still u 11 rut rpread nlaut one
Inch thick Ukiii Utnnls thickly coteretl
with nwdiitit to prcti'iil sticking. When
cold break Into pieces nlxiut an Inch
sijunre. Olio of theMi plivts will eaab
ly Ignite with n mutch and burn long
enough nnd with a striig blase to lg
ulte uny wool tit to burn.
la poalllva proof f ! n Hibllllr calara am at.
Iltai, kiit la at, bpiclallita alwaya In attandanca,
urtag trampl and (amtteut titfaiiaa. Lad attaod.
anl alwara pi.l.
Kcllabla I'alnltaa Uantlata. O.r itauiitloa far
tllabllitjr aaa Hniuganfia I, wttl Kltblliliia, Clcaall.
ntta, Oood Work and Quick Harvlca,
I'alntaaa Hitraction, JO canta. Uilractlon Frit
vara pint, at billt na tdtid, full, l up,
Ileal I'lata Work Klbp your una kit arma
as imltM lb, I It li laipoMltla Is limit HI a a iU,
l tn Iba U iiumpi ai ttiaovf 4 whboui caulaf vau laa
allbit pila, tad a pill ll HuJ. If Iba pint au p.
ft dip ll lll look m If n4 ptifnim III walk af unill,ilo
paur fs4 ulUfidaillp, ttlib lap lopni,' npiiUotl la
Ibli aik lll itiuinU mlificllaa In mil tan.
Crown and llrtdia Work. Il'i a ibim la ipall
paur pt,Qiul apfifiunca aaa nila yaur alcrMUa nan
lb lack nl liflb la pigp.ilp million paal loo J, wbia a
biU caa ka fgpplul ikatwlll ciun as alKanUn wbil.
ttf r,wUt ebw paal fsad prspirip aaa lboiblp,
aua par isai an inpiaft a aipvaa srstiipusa.
A ballaw Isalk Ibal ll nsw u.tltH caa b all4 a4
rtawail as Ibil ll ll a.a4 fat ptabiblp a lllailai,
Ta Mcaia lb bin tarnlu aaa uual Mtaia tba
Eiaalaillaa fita in4 latltsd. Wbaa 4,.lia4 y
(la bail T. r. WU ar tap aitaaatl ,nla.
Our fore la ao oriaoliad that wt can do
your antir Crown, UrUaa and Plata Work
In a iy If nacaaarp.
k. I I 1 h. mi HaLiy
Choroid!) Illauo Slaairo,
Put one pint of milk In a doublo
oollvr, When hot ndd two ounces of
ttrntod eliocolntu or two hcpliig tea.
sKioufuls of cocon. Add hnlf a cup
ful of sugar. MoUten threw let el
tablesiiooufuls of com stsrcli with n
llttlo cold milk; mid them to thu hot
milk and chocolnte, stir until thick snd
smooth, turn Into the moM nml stand
iialdo to harden. Bertu cold with
Slrat llellrncr.
Tor n ven I nuut with rnlRlus fnko
Ihreo H)uiuln, roait nice brown In
butter, ndil hot water and salt, nnd
cook. Within one hour of serving add
olio nml one-half cups vinegar sweet
ened with sugar, three-ipjiirteni cup
washed raisins, nbout ten (loners of
dotes. When done, remove meat,
thicken gravy with a llttlo cornstarch
dissolved In water and serve.
KHtoou-Mluuta Soup.
Put n quart can of tomatoes, a slice
of onion, a level tenspoouful of salt,
n hay leaf, n bhulo or miieo and n pint
of water or stock In a saucepan, bring
to boiling point nml add two level tea
spoonfuls of butter rubbed with four
tablespoonfuls of Hour stir constantly
until boiling, press through u sieve, ru
heat and servo with croutons.
Iliilrtln HI Jab.
Michael Callahan, a section boss for
flin Houllierii railroad, has s keen
Gaelic wit. One warm afternoon whlln
walking along tho rallromi trucks he
found a section hand placidly sleeping
beside the rails. C'allnhnn looked dis
gustedly ut the dellmiuent for a full
minute nnd then remarked:
"Hlitpe on, ye Inry spalpeen, slspo
on, fur ss long ns you slnpe you're got
s Job, but when jou tvnke up you nln't
got riotio" Mpplncott's llngnnlne,
IM Hi, till Ha; a .hai Sarr II,
While lltll.' Oertruilff was looking out
of s window during n thunderstorm
tin snw a flnnh of llgbtnlng play
along a telexrsph wire,
"Oil, msmtnn," alio exclaimed, "I
Just saw a piece of the sun fall down
from the sky!" New York Press.
Mntliar will find Mr. VlnilnVa Sonthlor
rrUilhbat rmnrdr l Uaulbt IbalrUilidroa
luilug lb lUilus HIluU.
I'rrfrrllr I'Uln.
With all the Impartiality of the pnr
llsnn, I'rof Price set forth the con
tentions of both Klltlcal parties regard
ing tht tariff, ,
At the clone of his talk he ws sur
rounded by the fair members of the
Woman's Current Krents Club.
"Oh, Prof. Price." cooed the fairest,
"thsnk you so much for your erfectly
lovely tslkl I understand sll about
the tariff now. It's Juit like a lover's
comparisons tht free traders are tbt
other glrlsr
Mol Dlaappotattd.
Aflam .awioi -Hliai got yoa so
siurh Inlrrratnl In tbat Ibrrt paprrr I
Job Hturkry I'm looking orrr tbla Hal
or s bundrrd mrn tbat owoi sll Iba
monry In Ibr country. I thought otrbby
my nanit would b tbrrr, but It ain't.
Wrll, I didn't much 'fpret to find It, no-,'
fWS-- HfP
SdKfc -Lbto ferSB ..J3w t- -W&xmZ
&j'&frjx ' msSissUYAJ'rm iX?i:;K m&m.
nTrZaA LTHI One Dose in
"z" v. nr - m u i u xv iicio. saves .
-"-r" -"- Nine.
- - i I -.-. JX
Pe-ru-na Tro-PL,
.vcnu Catching
'...... ................. ..
Tbrr la mot Calartb In Ihli arrtlnn of Iba
rounlrp than al) ui ir iliiraara pul trtrr,
anil until lb laat frw rrariwaa lu KMt-l lo ba
Inrurablr Fur a irral manp T'ra dnetnr
pronounrnt II Inral iiih and prraftll-l
bwal rriiirOlra. and bp rumtanttr falllnt lo
rur wllb lal irratn.nt, pronounrrl II In-,
rursbla Srlrtire liai pin,rii ratarrb lo b a
mtiatltull naldlaraa and Ihrrrliiro rKjullsa
email ullntiallrvatnirnl Hall aCalanhl ut,
.MAM..I. ... k.M I. I .k.AM ... V.t ...
osio, it tb nnlr rnt iiuiinnai cut on t a Ing Mstrrlal Trsdrs Conncil, 161 Wssh
matin, ii ta tairn inirrnaiir inniMra irorn 10 (niftnn Ht CThlraffn III wt tea
ilrol.atuata,totilill It aria dlr-tlT on Ih mglOU 01., COICSgO, 111., WIIIM
.. -.- . . .-.- -. - -..-..., ., .
i ann naiimiii iumr. oi tut apitara. I i ua
Many people peisiit In i fell ig on the itreet cars. Ir.suflJcItnlly prottoled
by clothing.
They i tart oat perhspi In the heat of the day, and do not feel the nee J
of wrssps.
The rapid morlng oft he rar cools the body nndnly. When they board
tho car per In pi they sre rllghtly periplrlng:. When tlie bJy Is In this
condition It is (Sally chilled. This is rrpeclally true when a person Is sit
ting. Beginning a street csr ride In the middle of the dsy snd ending It In the
evening alroott Invarlsbly requires extra wraps, but people do net ob-erve
these precautions, herce they caUh cold.
Colds are very frequent In the fjpring on Ihii account, and ss the Bam
rnsr sdvsncts they do not dectesse. During the Spring months no one
should think of ri ling on the csr without lining provided with a wrap.
A cold caught in the tipnng is liable to ls-t through tbs entire Hummer
Grrat caution should be observed at this icaon against expoinre to told.
Daring tbs first few pleats nt dsya of tipring, the llalllty of catching cold li
No woni'er ao many people acquire mnacalar rbeumstlsm snd catarrhal
dliesits during this sesson.
However, In iplte of the greatest precaution, colds will be cinght.
At the sppcarsnee of the first symptom, Pernna should be taken accord
ing to directions on tho bottle, snd continued nntil every sjmp'xtm disap
pears. Do not pot it off. Do not waste time by taking other remedies. Begin
st to take Pernna and continee taking it until yon sre positive that
the cold has entirely disappeared. This may eave yoa a long and perhaps
lerlous lllnea later on.
Bad effect from Cold.
Mr. M J. Deutscb, Secretary Dalld-
1 hap oSr on bund ml dollar for anp caa It
falla lo cure. Srnd lor circular and trail-
Aillrr.- T 3 CIIKVKV A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bp llflinl'la. Tie.
1 aba 1111. amlly 1111 for romtlpatloD.
lakra a Hlflrrrarv,
"If a man loses bis xieketbook."
ild the morallzvr, "he thinks the chap
who finds It Is no better than a thief
If b doesn't return ILM
"Yes," rejoined the demoralizer, "but
If he finds some other reltow's pocket
book well, It comes like pulling teeth
to give It np."
liar Grltvaare.
"Mr. Cluialon," aald tbt caller, "you
msr atop my paper."
"It doran'l fit your pantry ahclrea, per
bapa, ma'sm," aald tbt editor of tht
Splkrtown lllliiard, tarcaatlcally,
"That hain't got nothing to do with It."
"You'vt found tbat you can borrow It
from a neighbor brrrafttrT"
That ain't the rraaon. nrltbrr."
"Poatlbry you don't Ilk tbt editorial
policy of tbs paper."
"No, air; I don't. My nrphrw waa ar
retted laat wrrk for atralln' s hog, sod
you didn't say s word shout It!"
II Aimed HUh.
To the uninitiated observer some of
the gymnastics performed In n game
of football are beyond explanation.
The story Is told of a halfback who
complained to his family about the In
justice or sllowlng football plajcrs to
wear head protectors.
"1 should think It was most neces
sary," said his mother, who had wit
nessed one game with many tremors.
"Iook at the front teeth your poor
cousin Frederick lost!"
"That may be," said her son, stub
bornly, "but look at me, laid up for
two weeks with a lame root Justfroin
kicking a fellow's nose-gear 1"
TITO Bt. Vltot Pane aad alt Krmai Dt-aua
rllo wnuaMBIIr curJ br Dr. KlIiWi Uirat
.if. firtursr. Hrad fur VllKK llltlal txvltU and
irvaOas. Dr. Ik ILKIInr, IA, m Arch bt, ltlUl'a.
Ill lda a( One.
Tht trsrhrr In Ibt Darktown school
waa hearing tht claaa lu geography.
"What la known sa tht (Irrat Divide)"
tht aikrd.
"Cuttln s big wstrrmelon 1" suiwrrnl
little 'Itastus with s grin that showed sll
hit Ivories. Chicago Tribuue.
"TUC Dlrrdlrtalkabrarb omlooblar
lilt; ba orraa. Hat alt balka aad
aartbalblar. Ilrrrra- i
Kltclrlo llrkta. tire-1
ukirr nuuor. tHt ltr Ut n,bior.
nr Parlor, klrrlrle llrkta. rlrr
ur stars aad atrau brat. I laa walba
flDrnnun aaddrlira. Kra fooJa a jrr- I
UKtUUN lain. Ilatra. ti.&U aal (iou
ptr dap. -bciai talr or tat wrca,
l li AN. J. iiooui:, iivvrisior
No. 17-oa
IIKN wrlttna; toadrtlara pWaao
tuaiiiiiiu una papsr.
tisve found your medicine to be
nnmmaltv efficacious in getting rid of
bad effects from cokl, and more etpe
cially in driving away all symptoms of
catarrh, with which I am frequently
"The rrCcf Ptruns gives In catarrhal
tronblea alone hi well worth the price
per bottle. I have used the remedy for
several years now."
SpeKs of Conghuig.
Mrs. 0. K. Long, writes from At
wood, Colorado, as follows:
"When I wrote you for advice my
little three-year old girl had a couuh
that had been troubling her for four
months. Bbe took cold cattly, and
wonld 4heeie and have spells of eongh
ing that would sometimes last for half
sn hoar.
".Now wo can never thank yon enough
f tr the change you have made in our
little one's health. Before she btgan
taking yonr Peruna she luflered every
thing in the way of cough, colds and
rroup, but now she has taken not quite
a bottle ol Peruna, and is well and strong
as ahe list ever Dten In her life."
Pc-ro-na for Colds.
Mr. Jsrues Motrlion, 63 Esst 16tb
St., Patcrson, N. J , writes:
"I have given Pernna a fair tral, and
I find It lo b- jul what yoa ctsl" 'o
be. I cannot praise It too hi i I
hare used two buttles In my f-i r
colds, and everything Imsglnab I
can safely say tbat yonr medicine Is the
beat I hsve evei nssJ."
GlTlaar Hlaa a Tolaler.
"Nsggua," aald llorua. "you've teen
that atory of mint that's running through
one of tht magatlnr. How would yoa
sdvlst mt to wind It up? I want to girt
It s hsppy ending."
"Put sll the character In tht atory,"
anawtrrd Nttgut. "aboard an excursion
ateamer for s moonlight ridt. Send tht
boat out to tbt middle of tht lake "
"And blow It np."
A Ilungarlsn atudent who waa plucked
at a recent nomination st Klauaenburg
shot himself, but first winged sn usta-Iner.
Lost lha Coaarrllaa.
Mrs. Chugwslrr, in looking over Ibt
morning paper, had come scrota a Hat
that looked like thla:
"Joslsb." the s.knl, thowing it to bint,
"what doe thla nteanY
"It means," said Mr. Chugwater. "that
the line's out of order. Sams olJ story.
Csn't you seel
Of Small Vain.
The none of tht Dgyptlsn sphinx had
dropped off.
"Let It go." said the sphinx, speaking
for the first snd only time. "It wasn't a
(areclan noe. anvwnr"
rf if rf iff iff H iff
Price 2Sc and 60c
w PniCCS. FOR tVCnV XtaBSW-' Q BIatsm. . ' X
R jriisJlyr A. s
V,KTaV. XjfWtfeff
OS WZMMeZy ill
rpniccs. rort cvcrv
xrp Mr. L, Douglam Htakam mncf noli morm TCa
mmiPmSXjBO.ta.Oa and SV.BU sAeatar
than mny tUtw manufacturer in thm .
Jhmi world, booauam thajf hold their "TSc5
ahano, fH bailor, wear omrciis and
it V mm or araatar vaiuo than any otnor
" ahoaa ht tho world to-day.
W. L Douglas $4 tnd $5 GUI Cdge Shoes Cannot Ba Equalled At Anj Prtea
PI,AUTIUN. W. I. lv.iUtnm and prlcal aumpsd on boltain. Take STa Hnh.tllut.
Boa brtha Ivm tho deaUra rTrrpwbci. biur tnailr.! Irom factorr ;r VJ at tba worta. Ulna.
Uatsd Du.W Ire lu aiip tuidnaa, W. JU XIO UUUJl, Urucktva, Mass.
Color mora arooda. hrirhtsr and faster colon than anv nthar dva. OnalOa tuelura colnm ailtcuroel and cotton asuaUv urall
I and la Kuarantaed to Klva perfect results, AaK Ussiir, or we will aend pot paid at too a pacVajpc. write lor tree bookie
rtw5Wtodye,BlstoamdBBJjlooUrs. - - -"' t- . aTowroE DRUG COMPAITY, Qtecy, amwtas w