The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1908, Image 5

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    it r
local aVrs.
Court will open nt Priiluvlllv nV.'tt
V. 1). Hat ne.n of l.nlillaw Wnn it
plcnsniit culler in Hcnd lint HuttH
',ln'' . , ....
The C. ,0. I.) uiill will Ih'kIii
MwIiIk fruurilny mill will run for
bcvcrnl ucckn. , ,, ,
The nc wit Mauri will liu ve lis lit rvt
Shipment in strawberries this seiibon
Sutunluy or ftuuiliiy.
1'. Milo r.olUclllinow al Duvvii
lort, IoVn, his olil home, 111111
vwritcs to have Ills Hulk'li'ii M.11I lo
that plnce,
Ladies, who arc in need of ill nrw
nl hIkiiI(I examine the very pretty
mill attractive ones nl The Merrill
Co '8 StOIC,
J. II. Wetinmly left 'Vhnrwliiy
iiioruiii); for Bhiiiilko to meet Mis
Wctiauriy who in on her way in
from Moittuiin.
C. A. Clinpuinit nhri brhlc re
turned to Mend Snttittluy mid lie
jtnn housekeeping ut once Intlie
pleasant rooms oVcr the Cluipnmii
""ore. ,,,.
The Merrill Co. Ims A'Jlitq.llnc
of beautiful priiiK ""'I unhicr
hats for the Indies Have jou
made your selection? If not. do
ho before the best ones are taken-
Christian I'ttidcivor services on
Sunday, May ,v Subject, "Silver
J.iuliiK of Dark Clouds. " Lender.
Mlv Vura Muckey. 'Prcucliinu
IkjIIi uiorniiiK nud evvli)vr '' l,,tt
pastor of the M. v.. chUrelt.
Kciitration books for the June
election ure now oihmi nt the uew.s
stand, mid all those who did not
register for the primaries will have
mi oiM)ttunlty to rcctcr Tor tin
June election. The books will close
on May 15.
Mrs. Steele and daughter Anna
)wd Frank lltittcrworth hnve'ic
turut'd lo llcuil from their libntc
atcmls in the Si.stcrti country. Alter
ntteudiiiK to business mattcrn in
licud, which will take about u
tuotith, they plan to move else
', Miss Anna Johnson left tho first
'of the week for her homestead near
the Vatidcvcrt ranch nt I.uva. She
was accompalnrd by Mr.s A. A.
AldridKC and Miss Pauline Wicst.
II. II. Davics took the ladies as far
its the Vaudeyert ranch with lux
1 George Jones was down ftotn the
llomeMcnd Wednesday mid an
nounced thnt A daughter was btiniJ
o Mr. mid Mhr. A. I.. (ioodwillic
in Chicago last Sunday. Uncle
George Miys that C.riuiilinotlicr
Jones feels 10 years yottiiecr and
is very proud of the little grand
MaiiKhter. The Masons of llcud arc prcpir
in to iiiHtituten local lode in litis
plae The rooitis nvci the MtiUift
bttiUliiiK have bttiu rented and are
liciti converted into 11 hall. The
necessary paraphernalia and .sup
plies are lciuK ordered, and the
iMosotiM expect to open the local
lodgv in About kix or eight weeks
Coiiiniihsioner Ilayley recently
visited the Jones-Klnj; tiuif;litor
hood west of I.ava Unite to invest!
H;nte the route of 11 toad which wu
'petitioned for lust fall, but which
Was refused by the county court.
Jt is believed that Cointiibsionei
'llaylvys rcjiort will Ik? favorable
mid (lint the road will Ik." y.rnnuil
Pflcllk Horse liniment j prepared
tiprtssly lor the ncctii at horsemen and
ranclimco. II It poncrful and ptitc
(rating liniment, a remedy tor emeriti
cits. A toothlni embrocation lor the
relict ol pain, and Ibe best liniment lor
tpralnt and soreness. P Unequaled (or
curing the wounds and Injuries ol
UAKI1CD WIKU and (or healing cull,
abrasions, torea and bruise. I'aclllc
llorte It fully luarantecd.
No other l 10 food or helplufin to many
ways. ,fl It Islls 16 sallsly.weaulhorlze
All dealers lo rclund the purchase price.
' eTi tst sstrvie irr tiais
mk !
-S. l
11 & Jt
Waller Daniel will leave soon In
HiHJiitl 11 couple of months at The
If oii me 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 y lor i;ood lead
hiK nu ciiii iiUvaH find It at the
news Mnuri.
1'riink May Ims iiccedted h M)sl
lion with tlm m'rvt-ylim crew Work
ln oil thf Columbia Southern fi;-
It is ieK)Vled lltr.l n man by the
imitie of Kobliivin, living in the
vicinity of Muillus, has uiinounccd
hiiiihelf us mi iiiileH.'iiilcul eandl
dale for county jdde
Kev. I'll her 1 1 l.k-V hAs .hi-
uouiaid that he will m.tkc his
rci'iilm Hiisli r visit tn Crook i-ouuty
within 11 week fir two Further
autimiiju-ments will be made later
Tin- Demi public hcliooN ure out
011 11 picnic exuriou today with
dinner baskets, lish hIcm and lines
mid nlmiliir p.iniphirtialia. The
entire school, exception the nriinnry
K miles, are over tin the Tutuello,
but the little folks are picnicking
nearer town.
The advocates of loctl option will
conduct 11 vigorous i-ampiin from
now until the general election. Iv
tr liiiiiiLrin.iu will make a tour
Of the county lectuiliiti against the
midoii utn lecture is an iiiusuai-
eil one and he carries 11 stcreopticou
wttli him Mr .iiuiiicrtiniii will
lecture in Ik-mi on the evening of
May 59.
A. M, Lata has vnucthim; new
in the form of a smalt .xl ,K) ttint
N ptovlnft very popular with his
customers. The box Is iimde 01
strong pasteboard and is dividid
into sections like an ordinary ckk
cane, mid holds one dorcii cijs
The Uix is jxipular because it is
easy to carry, reduces the chance ol
breakiiKe to 11 minimum, mid nukes
nil error in count impossible.
' 2. I). 1'crcivnl has Ixjunlit three
lots in the First Addition to Madras
mid exiccts to build u cottage, on
them some time tins mi miner. He
in cleariiiK the ground now and un
title ready to build, as he expects
to have his house under way by
the first of AuKiist. Mrs. lrclvnl.
is still at the ranch, but they ex
pect to make final proof on their
homestead by June. Pioneer.
Kev. J. Anthony Mitchell writes
to The Hullctlii from Moid, where
the district prcsbjtvry was held,
that the invitations from the Ueud
Commercial Club mid the I) I &
V. Co. requesting the presbytery to
hold Its next meeting nt Ilcud,
were read before thai body. Many
wanted to come to Ilend, but the
dcciiiou. was deferred until later
when the ptesbytery has another
inectiui; in Portland.
The IUilfetiu has received from
A. M. I)raku front Italy a box of
heed of the fennel a plant that is
akin to celery and should be rown
about as celery This seed will be
distributed anions Ilend gardeueis
and n caielttl test KUin it to .see
whether It wiit do well here. Mr.
Drake writes that they left Capri
on April mid will work north to
Koine and Florence, but their nd
dress will still k Naples.
That was a close name of ball
Iwlwccu the married men and
Demi's regular team last Sunday,
The score resulted 4 to o not in the
married men's favor The bene
dicts Imvc Rot their ire up, however,
and swear they can wollop it to the
lKys. 70 Kve them an opportun
ity to prove their abscrtion another
game will Ik played next Sunday
mid the defeated team will "set up"
nu oyster; supper to lite winners.
A, A.
vas 111
ttouuey, state on,.iuUcr,
Ilcud Inst Saturday and
orcauircd n local grange of 1'nttous
of Husbandry. V W. Richardson
was chosen Worthy Master mul H
A. Griffin Overseer. The other
officers of the organization will be
elected later. The local grange
starts nut tjiuler auspicious circum
stances ami. n large mtmbcrshtp
will tiudoubtly be secured. All
those who can should join the Ilend
grouse, for it is n worthy orgnnirnv
Chronic Constipation Cured
One who mi (Tern from chronic constipa
tion is in danger of many dcrlous nil-
....... lu If.. Id. .Id fl.l.ln f Mu.ltud M....d
chronic coiutipatlou nU,nldi dlKeation
mid atlumlnlea tltu IUe mid IhmU, re
storing the natural nctinii of tloc
urKu. Coniiiiciice taking it today mid
you will feel Ixitternt oiicci t'oley's
Uriuo J,nxiititi does not unuscntn or
grie ami Is plcnsnnt tn tnktf. Ktfase
substitutes. C. V. Merrill, lrliHKl"t.
for tMlilHrtt taf, turt, 0 jlalaa
Social llntertalnment,
The Ilend High School Club en
tertained a few friends on Thurs
day evening, April 33. The pro
ginm was given entirely by the
high school students and consisted
of n few dialogues After the pro
gram 11 space wh given for n social
time. Cake and leniounde were
nerved and those present report a
vety enjoyable evening. Hollowing
is the program:
"No ruldler Wanted."
irufjk-kccr Juy .Mclteyiiolila
I'lral I'cildlrr I.yfe Kiclmntsoii
tjcroml I'rddler Steven Stclill
Third IVildl-r If. Toiidoka
"Wniiteil, nServmil."
MW .Marshal I.ylc Klcliardson
Mrs. Msrslial ,,..,,.Aulr Kunrr
Irluli C.lrl IIcmIc Donkel
natch Old Viir Mickey
Mm, lliinkrr (frnce Vaniicerl
I'rciMIe Hunker... Roy WlilUell
Uusrrcl of Sir Peter and I.mly Ttnle."
.Sir Tettr Otorgc Vamlevert
Udy Tcftile I'earl lllgliloner
Water Users Notice.
IiculrinhiK May 1 all jjcrsons
wanting to use water through hose
for sprinkling purposes, will notify
our collector and pay for same at
the rates following:
I,uwn Sprinkling, I Lot, per
mouth f 2 00
Sidewalk iSc Street SprinTcliiiK, in
business section, frontage of 50
lect, per month $t 00.
In order to supply enough water
for the demand and keep a safe
amount in reserve for fire protec
tion the water company has found
it necessary to make a rule that all
sprinkling through hose must stop
at 5:30 p. in In case this rule is
not followed the company will have
the right to turn off the water at
the street shut-off on any property
found with hose going after 5:30 p.
in. ami the property owner will
have to pay the costs of having the
water turned on ugnin.
Dcnd Wntcr, Light & Power Co.
Golds That Hang On
Colds that bans; on In Ihe spring de
plete the ayttcm, cxfiaiul the nerves.
Mild o-ti the- nay for t-criou HIiicm.
Take I'oley's Honey nitd Tar It cpiuk
ly stop the rouh and expel "lc cold.
It Is safe mid certain In results.- 0, V.
Merrill, DniKglst.
, The ubovc stylish suit is of
Nnvy llluc Panama, latest styje
Kiuionn sleeve Jacket, Pleated
Skirt, neatly trimmed with black
silk braid.
Pri'ce $2522
I would, be pleased to have you come in and see
just what tho "Palmer Garment" really, is.
4 General Merchandise
'The Best Sttoke"
-4 Dtllghtfal Liquid fmt PmwJrr.
Imnam a rart ttflntu, btoutu anil
vlilbt, it 1, ptrfttt aid bmaulf,
i'J ?,'"'" 'Jl' '" of tun, wind
ntf ffm, Mllmlnnlti Ian, unburn,
frttklri, tallautritit and Impmrftf
tlani tf in. ,(-, iOM,M a Malntp
Winging odor OMtluilmmlp In own,
faici so cts. oenur fate at owaoi.T
HoyTCMtMicateo.'. 6nVUNt,onk.
(Continued ft'Oiu agc I.)
Mime distance lclovr, where the streatit
divided U'tween some rocks. When one
of our shawl clad lirlKgnndsof ttie morn
lug came lorwntil to meet us witlt two
mule mid n look of conqueror in Ills
face; Millie the confederates grinipt)
from the other, our hUxxl wai up,
and we would hae nailed knee deep lie
fore submitting to the hold ut). Despite
his protcsls we) hurried down stream
around the Und,, and by souie rather
skittish jumping, effected our erouing,
lo the uttei routing and discomfiture of
the .Sicilian force. Miss Wood, who la
getting (iiillc adept at Italian, liar
raugticd the croup, telling them they
were like littfe children to expect to do
Uncle S m' subjects In that way: where
upon they folded their tent like the
Arabs and silrtilly auraked away. I'rom
tile laceaol our ilmcrnu I tlie strapping
guide who apjxrarnl on the box with
liliii, there w 110 doubt of them having
Ikcii In flic deal. Notwithstanding on
reaching the station they were greatly
aggrieved at the maltness of our jwiir
iKiircs and demanded five frauccs extra
IficniiK tliey had brought a two horse
vehicle instead of one as ordered When
we stoutly refuted, they followed us
around threatening and gesticulating
until the train came, which we promptly
loatdcd for tafcly. During the trip
back to Palermo and hi the earrisge rblc
to our hotel we burst out Isughlng at
our aditiuturcs, prilling ourseUcsou be
hit! cipwl to Htoilian cliemes.
Hut pride Koeth before a fall, and can
dor forces tho confession tint our Sicil
ian osb driver stung ine with bad money
in making change, at the scry door of
tile hotel.
Human Filter
The function of thekiduevsis to strain
out the impurities of the blood which is
cduttautly passing through them.
I'oley's Kidney Remedy makes the
kldne healthy so they will straluout
all waste nutter from the blood. Take
I'oley's Kidney Kemody nt onco and it
will make you well. C. W. Merrill,
For Ladies.
Yon know what it
Thoroly well made.
The very best of
Strictly up to date.
The Palmer Garment
will fit you when you
put it on and it will fit
you just as well when
you lay it aside at the
end of the season.
If l cannot suit you from
the "Palmer Garments" I
hnvc in slock, I can show you
the full line ami order any
thing you may select.
wwii M -lBUa
Every Farmer
Becail5e: our money is Safer In the bank than
anywhere else.
Paying your bills by check Is the
Simplest and most convenient method'.
Vour check becomes a voucher for tht
tlebt it pays.
It gives you a better standing witii business
Money in the bank strengthens your credit.
A bank account teaches, helps and encour
ages you to save.
This bank docs all the bookkeeping.
Your bank book is a record of your business.
To those desiring Banking Connections with a well
established Bank, we extend our services.
The Central Oregon Banking (Sh
Trust Company
J6hn Stetdl Lumberman and Timber Owner.
U. C. Coe 1'hjsiciaii and Surxeo-i
H. P. ii. McDonald Mayor of Ilend.
E. A. Sather Merchant.
J. D. Heyburn 1 Cashier.
" '" ""I
Rocking J
Chairs I
$1.50 to $5.00 J
J. I. West's 1
1 Furniture Store. j
f- - r f
Central Oregon
(Successor to C.
Central Oregon Real Estate
.HA. A a M m MB M. ass as . I
i invBer and Desert Lands a specialty
F We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
further particulars.
Shop and
HUati O'KANB, Prop.
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always, Reserved, for Transient Trade.
Harness & Saddles
RobeS and
,( dusters,.
HarnVaMl. CompltcLihe of
QenerI Strap Wpfk.
As well as every business man should
have a bank account.
Realty Company
D. Brown (i Co. I
Bond and
Importer and Breeder of
. Pofid China Hogs l
Black LanRshan Chickens
Youhjr Stock for Sale. N
i' For Sale.
l- House aud lot. .block.!,, lot 2 ,
le( toWnsitc, tilily JM
'App1,to MillarUTriplelt. PrenveH,