nMByngjjjjjj lplWIWlll"ft" V" ' ITTi It i ii m in " " " " rfMMK l " , l THE MILKING PAlL i malt Top Plr SeUnllfie Vitw nd Cornrron Sent Practice. i. While on an fcdltorlnl visit at Cornell university recently our attention ytm directed to n lot of milk imlls w Ith w lr tied orer tho top of each one. Pro fessor Pearson explained that In tho production of clenn milk everything tOMlblc should bo doue to keep dirt nd other (ortlcu material out of the lal1s before nnd after lullklnR. To fruartt ncalnst this tho milk palls used in tho dairy department of this Insti tution arc Btcrlllxcd nud covered wltll paper commonly known among gro cers nt tea paper. The manner In .which these palls nrc covered U shown in tho accompanying Illustration. In 'this mauner thty are carried to the dairy barn, nnd the paper Is not re moved until tho milker Is ready to oso It. - Another important factor In the pro duction of clean milk Is the chiracUr lf pall used. Professor Pearson epcaka -hlsbly of the typo shown In the ac companying Illustration. Wltll the hood covering part of the opening the amount of dirt that could fall Into the opening of the pall Is greatly reduced. This means keeping dirt out of milk instead of trying to strain It out A pall having a top diameter or four teen Inches has about 150 square Inches Of open epaco through, which dirt may V nOODSO TX1L AMP Nib COTXKTD WTO t vxTzn. fall Into tho milk. A pall with a top opening ten Inches has half us much space, or about sovcnty-Uvo square Inches. One vrlth n six Inch opening has nbout twenty-seven square Inches through which dirt may fall Into tho mlUcv -As most of tho contamination cdurs.from dirt falling from tho udder tindTMrroundin t parts when the cow Is being milked, the great advantage of reducing the top opening of tho milk pall Is plainly Been. Borne old milkers will protest that they cannot milk Into a small opening. We will not arguo tho question with them further than to say a few days of patient trial would probably be enough to convlnco them that they can tnllk into a smaller opening than they had thought possible. Certified milk dairies require n pall with an opening of about six Inches In diameter, hut In ordinary practice this Is uot advised. Any ono could use a ten Inch opening without Inconvenience, nnd If a care ful milker can uso a still smaller open lng so much tho better. American Ag rtculrurlst. THE VETERINARY. A flock of sheep became badly In fested with 8trongylus contortus, and tho writer tested the value of creosote la combating theso parasitic worms. A 1 per cent eolation of coal tar creo sote In wator was prepared, and each sheep was given four ounces of this eolation. Previous to tho uso of the creosoto the sheep had been dying nt frequent Intervals from the effects of the stomach worm, but after drench ing with creosoto no deaths occurred during n period of twelvo months, aft er which the history of tho sheep was not followed. n. Taylor In Veterinary It coord. When Hind Legs Co Wrong. It Is n very common practice to feed worklug horses Just the some grnlu ra tion when Idlo that they rccelvo when hard nt work. ThI Is wrong and Is iho cause of two diseases of tho bind legs, elephantiasis, or big let;, and Mack water. In the former tho horse that was apparently all right at night Will In the morning have ono hind leg swollen up three or four times Its nat ural stzo and very painful to step on. tu tho latter case the homo may start from tho stable all right, but noon goes fauio, first lu ono hind leg, then tud 6ther, then both. Tho muselos stiffen up, ho seems to loio all control of the hind limb nnd If forced to moro may fall down. Tho urluo becomes black ! bunco tho namo black water. In both eases tho trouble may be avoided by Changing tho grain ration, cutting out part of tho concentrated foods like' , corn nnd pals nnd Increasing tho 'amount of loos(mJiurf2pdu Illto bran. Vfc O'Connor has made a very acceptable donation to the library iu the orn qf a load of wood. ' It is a pity to see a person neglect in dicatious of kidney or bladder trouble (hat may result in Hright's.dieae when I'oley's Kidney IjUniedy v. Ill corrrct Ir regularities and strengthen these organs. Take l'oley'fc Kldiltiy-Kemedy at the rt sign of danger.- C. V. Merrill, Druggist, i. , ji .. Reracttibeffliaf. the news -stand-has a Jargesijptityof western grown 3Cd9 for pardefl and field. Gopher. Sare Rata and Prairie Dors annually devastate our fields of growing Brain. Theft number may be greatly diminished by Ik systematic warfare upon them. ISVcry female killed before the young are bora, reduces the number of pests at least ten later on. "Woodiark" Squirrel Poison is the most reliable and destructive agent yet devled for their extermination. It is absolutely certain in its action and every kernel ft warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy it strength. It requires no mixing or prepa ration, and is always ready for use. No other is so good. Dealers will refund the purchase price, if not as claimed. IIovt Ciikmical Co., Portland, Oregon For State Senator. To the people of the 17th Sena torial district of Oregon: Respect for yonr intelligence tud desire to serve your best in terests, impel Is roe to declare tny platform. I believe the Statement No t plan is the only practical way to accomplish the election of U. S. senators by the people, and is therefore the gateway to all other national reforms The people of Oregon are entire 'y competent to elect their repre sentative in the U. S. Sennte. Ore gon livestock breeders. Oregon fruit rotvers arc world famous. OrcgonS resources nrc uusurpaasscd. Let us make Oregon the greatest state for good roads, good schools, pure mods, honest weights and measures, honest political methods by intelli gent, systematic co-operation. I,et us advance every interest. Push tor Oregon. Pull for Oregon. O. SPRINGKK, Democratic candidate for State Senator. II. C. Ellis and Clark Rude left for Princvillc cstcrdny to look after telephone matters. They drove over in Mr Ellis' automobile Serious Results Feared You may well fear serious results from a cough or cold, as pneumonia and con sumption start with a cold. I'oley's Honey and Tar cures the most olistinste coughs or colds and prevents seiious re sults. Refuse substitutes. C. V. Mer rill, Druggist. For Sale. A few tons of baled wheat hay, one three-year-old Pcrcheron stallion, one pair fine driving horses; also 640 acres of land, with free water, iu lots to suit purchasers. All for sale cheap. Six miles northwest of Laidlaw. J D. Gibson. 7-10 The candy sale piven last Satur day by the Ladies' Library Club was another pleasing success. The receipts amounted to $10.85. Personal If any person suipccts that their kid neys aie deranged they should take Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Drlght'a disease or ilia tcte Delayguestheillseasca stronger fqothoM and you should not delay tak irtit l'.lev'H Kidney Remedy. C. V. Meirill, Druggist. Library Grows In Popularity. The Rend Free Public Library and Reading Room is growing in popularity from d?y to day. 1 here is a brisk demand for the new Looks and many come into the room to read the current magazines to be found there. The equipment of the room is being improved, the latest purchase being a patent kerosene lamp which will furnish an excellent light by which to read. The original LAXATIVE cougli remedy For coh&IUV, coMif taroarjmd lump trouble!. tHo oputci.' Non-alcoholic Good foeveFbody.ifpId overy where. ' Th gonuln I FOLEYt&'IIONEY and TAR U la YelfoWpuckige, Kefuieubtitute. " Propared'only MW& Foley A Comp'anf, Ohlcssei FOLEYS HONEY-TAR Bend-Slianiko Livery & Stage Company J. II. WI3NANDY, Prop. W, P. Kolley, AfteM, Shanlko New Covered Stages between Bend aiul Shaniko AL.BO Livery nnd Peed Stnblcfe nt Slinnlko, Madras mid Head. Wc run our rigs tb plcnso tho public. Stages leave ohch wny ovcry day. Rigs to nil parts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished Special Attention Given to Express and Baggago. . A Complete DRY At Bend, Oregon. Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMHNS.ON SI 1 1 PL A P RUSTIC T. & C. FLOORING Reasonable bbadkd CKILING Lumber WINDOW J AM IIS fiVHrcrd at Prices WINDOW CASINO Y rj Qood HKAD BLOCKS imkmn O. G. DASKUOARD i ' . , , Grades STAIR TRKADS iPni!0! Dry WATBR TAULK bt J ' O. G. HATTINS ,r Stock MOULDINGS "c & S ' . P. II. I). PATENT ROOKING PBN'CK PICKKTS SUING LKS BTC, HTC. CUSTOM VUUD MILL IN CONNECTION.) APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. S. C. CALDWELL Hardware STOVKS, TIN and GUANITH- WARIJ. WINDOWS, DOORS. PA I NT," OILS and GLASS. LUBRICATING, CYL1NDKR, GAS KNGINK OIL, WOOD ALCOHOL. Lime and Cement. COAL OIL nnd GASOLINK. Turpentine . WHEN IN BEND, S.T.OP AT THE..PILOT BU1TE INN . Table alwaya-jupplled vvjth the bot tht Iho town iflfprdi. tl Jwrt-and CotjitoaI;flOtuB. Bund, Ojji&PN S tr rr TT The Bulletin Ciyes the News.' therefore Subscribe for ICi Stock of At Iknd, Oregon. OREGON Groceries DRIED and CANNED IMU'ITS BACON and IIAM.3. FLOUR PRINEVILLE nnd MADRAS. A full line of all kinds of provisions. t .BJiie Tar N0T10K I'H)ll I'UlUilOATlON if x i.Hilonu,Thllic,onii'. TO WHOM ir MAY I'ONCKMtll fun lint lilnlliiliiKuimr iHirauu'i ! !". 0 tho rullimliiii lit 11I l.'ii.l., in nid l.tHT M. ftK I'AIIINV Mlofwlildi Indinlnl In ''iunl lf(lltil ni -u f IMllllllnili Wl.hVVW HttliifNim Ukil Mi ( vrtw M S nftunrNttM .NhWOINWlj lil No I l.ix Nil J l.ul Ma 4 . HI iul.NUJ ItW uf hM ( .ll HS f'l l i uf NWV Mil l.f KU'U itvt.,t-. 11 II W M Attrt 4HI.J 4.1 i If MM Iiki 11 ll iwm IN nu if I" ill: 4fr (ll.l hoi.i Muui ws Kim 4l Mim lj 4irt 4M nn 111 nni . X . ... " nlhllU 11 It IV l I if w Nt. ( HHU )WlHli( im no 1 I.M.Ni. , I. 1 l W( UHulHKU lrf Nil I l.ul .! I I.I N J MX N" u.r.siiw NvfNUl l.-i No I i.ui tl 4 x j . I.ol No I. t Ni J Ia No 1 Nu 4 , SIIV bl Sl(t lVf SofN SUM ifhUlf 4M 4IM iMUrt iM t i.ii MtM 4IM JUO" 441 (.ut 4U WJI VU U4M 4M 4l4 44M iJ ofbWU NHSi.fNX -l.li ".Kljvf Mil i;(l.fNt( 1.1.1 hit I JH.Su I hUui l 4 4f uu 4fJM ll 'I H W .1 KM 19 I .- n u 1 w.f .; . u N I Irf4 .Ni I M,.,fhi; xm.mvk'i w 1, l MtV- I l) b( hW ij 1 t,.rM HulNM tUMbr.NWU I.'. ..fHHU 1 U KliC M lt MfNI.tJ I Si.fhKW NW Nl.'i 4wi; IK S U 1 lot No. IM Nu 1.14 No I hufnWU IblNa I 44 I I J y It w M M H I C5 II It W M u I - Jlt5 M i.w liKWM wm iM Nu, I luINu 1 ihr NIK hu Hll kW iu Nhli f NIM IW Kt.M iw hiuplM tor lrnl fi ukl Uoii-f lh tto' Au.HH 14, IM. tl Mai, JTI 4l. yum- 11, liy.luMt.. 4ll. ami l4'h I tft, lii Hut ni-iitt). iiUiiuk ta 1 1 di.iiIIu t wH ImiMi liilllloii cfr.wf rt.l Ult.1 lufnih mi ii.ii .iirw, anil inn hit rii 11.1, .hi ti at uiiiuiirint ifu.ir, i u- (or In.r'ttluH w M -itmt liili.ltl, nt ihr (wMif iirnKaUy VtllMullii nrtl ll.lr iU MUill. IIh-U.lr rimatibiim fi,r.l. m twiir.li (lnt IIht lllll ,flll lil.l.l.l.uv . .tb,K..I I.. 11. a i.l uu l nl'iuicl ol (iUf n ruin4jr wild IM ! en lh ,riinit ul "iitiit tli.laii orihrkli'l on Itur 'nmit uf iriur i4niH Ulil.u on Ih (inuwl Ihuit Ittr Mm It mule aluabtc lor mlllrlal I ha II aglkullHtal N.raiva win iv rrr.iTTii aiii iiihcii lur rrpuii iu ihc uc ii lal Lb.l ItlavT at MaihintloM ll C C W aliMiMlt, K4Krr I.O tla II AKMImiK, Kirrnil 1. 1 W Mourr kWr 04 Ike ViiMmI Mat 1 aal iiAm ai The Italic, Oir.im, Hrit hy iial Thr hw imlUltu. buUiaknt at HcihI v lo, I. I iiutity llflKiu ai IH pakri tmbllahral ,arallh. lail'lm mtIiuIiM riuiug Uu4wi al uU. I put i.tir, lur at bail iimr ".UMrtiti.r Mrtk Ii firit liu.li kjIhiiiI'iI mailr Hot talcr than Uh I 1,11. 1 11, I V f ir HrgiiUr llic llil' nrrg 111 Maicli . lyl THE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Kxeal In Vocabulary. ItlillinmmttiMi. (Ul III alio Blwl rillllrnla. Jmlli Ifiualy an. Iittnl lit oitlinlii i-orriiill.m nf iril iiuiku, nun iu aim iiuinieiiiiriiiio tixli-lilnllil-4, Klala In Altinrimml fMt. .-t t. itlnaHiwiuvriiiili in 11a ronn 1 nliUalf Uil lilwij mill fa icinlilr rnililit lijr llm r-ru. Kicali n Ktjrmologln. 'lln-i pro 11111. llu nml arioiiiiiki, iiii'l riuUaly Ilia Ut imiiIIkiI lillolnwjr. 'llwjriiiiiiHitMiiliti. ml or rrun ilt lulu olfviuu ,n((. M.iia iu ..uuuaciaiiua Wlllull ll (il. cliil lur. iiiallliiif Willi llm iliarrlllrallr iiiarknf lutlur iiki in Iho oliimll,ki. 1. . 1 .""' ""i'iwiviMUIIIH IIIIIIQIHIU. llitaoluaila. ' Kxetli In DaOnitloni. Ucy are ilcur. ...m'. jv.ii.rn ;i';i 10. 111111 niu HIIUII III llm I'l.-i hi .. nit 11 mumini iiiu Muiuimi It ktlililatam fit iii..ii.l...a 41.... .. m a -i .,x-, . ,,.,, nmj ui niu llllllll tliinaarn ltliialrulil Xxel In III ApDpdU whldi Ii a imckixt .i"iuii'iimiiii iim'hii Hllimiiltfii. KieaU u Workloc UloUonar, Ko iillwr lM,k 1 mliullua -i 111111I1 iimjYiiI hi. .u....n. ...... ... IH p., ii.i.ium.uiu III IHO Ikiiuo, almljr, Mliuul, or ollltv. iiriiiHiiiiii .ii 1. .,. ..11.. ... .!. ... .1 1 he international lion 2380 qiur to panes, 6000 illuatratlowt, 85,000 now wonla, rovlaotl Gnzcttcor of tlm Wor d, nnd a rovlaotl HloKranhlcul Dictionary, etc. It received THE GRAND PRIZE OIiaiiKBT AVfAi(D) nt tho Worll' I'uir, St. Ix)uln. 4 RRirrr .ma "t..i i t... 1.., .. , . rtfutiTO a.. V, T.Vr,:, 1u"""'on' "'" f,':.r..l.,i".?'!'!,l"(''.'!"!y. auo nuai.iuvu IHII1IUI, ' O.cVO.MEnniAMOO- PUULIiHINI, 8PfllNOFIEL0 Ma. 4 1 I,ADIKS! Ymt iMliould have yourcallltig cards printed ntTlic Hullclln olTice. The latest stvlen. ?wiTr-li:;i"i-iUiih -. - Read The UuUctiu. Mc. T'. it K lu 11 11 " 11 if " ;: H t J .1 SS U H M 41 l Mlt 11 V. 11 '' 1 4 m . 4 r h 5 i 1 h i. 2 5 1 r. ; 3 ' ': J " II '2 5 T u 11 " Z " h h fl l 11 11 " ' 1 : rf " z - - i nit 1 1. I VrttiKt 1 tWTUHAIUUll Mmuitty rnOFESaiONAL CARD8. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW b't'i'ici: in nNk iiuit.iiiNd, HltNl), UHltOON V. P. ilYKKs" Land nnd Irrigation Lawyer Ullll.AJV, OHIKION Piiittlcc In nil Ctifiitninml I)cwirtutrtit ul the Interior. u. c. cofc, M. i). Pliy.sicluli ailU Surgeon Ol'i'lCK oMu HANK ,1m,, III iHliilit tlclculiS?iic Connection DAY Tltl.ilijlONIt NO.,Jt lllt.NI), OltlKlOll dr. T.lTilctJFibLD dentist HIINI), OKItt.dN DIDvr IIiiiim, f. ni,tu4 11, m, OITlre In nl'l I'llot lliitte littrloMii(iil Co, HIiIk . ttHlte Hank. M. V. TURXEY,JM. D. I'lijjlclnn nnd Surgeon i 1 . HltNl), OM(lj()M FK.ANK H. CldtENMAN Attorney nt Imw, Will I 'r net Ice In All CotirlN. Hxoiui tl Hank HltNl), OkllCl) I " f- J. II. ilANIiiJ, I I I . AHSTRACIER of TITLES .SOTAIIV I'UIIMC I'll laiuiaMf, l.llr Imuiano, hmity IVhmI., Mial KMaU CPHri)rntH( rliiNMt'll I f . . OKI not rr SAW MLINO. lll!T WOltK t'.fAHANTHHD. rilri (rotti. ijj lo f i.ui. I.ratvc Mvta at Tine Trc lorr UI). lIAIA'dRSoN. IlkNil, Omiii'.os THE First National Bank of Princvillc. lUUbliitiril itm. Cpltnl, Surplus and Undivided I'ruflU, JI0O,(XH).()O 11,1' AlbH. Mill WHllKfllll r M llalilnin II liaMln tluM' kf riralilrii Ca,Mt AMlattnt Ca When Yon Paint buildings, inside or out side, if you desire the very best results nt the least expense you .should use & 11 in win -Williams Paint Calf (of Color oimjl A. SATHER! A Pull l.lnc of (Iraccrles. DrV (loods nud llnnh'vnrc nlwnys on iiiinii. HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Shoeing: and General Blactemilliingf WA(ION'ANI) PLOW WORK Plrst dlriSi Work Ounrnntccd. IiOMiciniT'iTTn r)litHl'ldoii niinn. Agents Wuntedt 16x20 crayon ivortralts ,o ccnta, frames 10 cents and ui), sheet nlcturcs one cent each. You cMi tnnkc .joo jht cent prow or 1.30.00 per week. L'atn lOKUe ana snmnleii' free. Piiank fW. Wll.rf.lM8 COMI'AWV. 1308 W:' iTaylorSti.Chlcaijo.III. 5-6 mmivm impimm9fmim!!i'i9