The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1908, Image 3

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III n Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of Iho Loss Important but
Not Lou Interesting Events
of Iho Patt Weak.
Admiral Evan took iiu nuto rlilu
unit U fooling much Improved.
Tim boycott f Japnnoio goods liy
('hllirno lirnt vxloildod In Australia.
'I liti supremo court of Illinois do
t'lnri'n lliu n I' w local option law nlld.
Pcmnrolit street car striker
filoiu-il lliu oar burn iiiiU sovcrul nr-
tl'tilM Ul'lll IIIHllO.
I.loutonanl tloiicrnl l.tnovltch, who
miuiHKi'il (ho Itutalui. rotreut from
Mukden, Is dead.
ll'priHiiiiliitlvii Itnyner, of Mary
land, suy It In Hum to curb tlio
power of thu prvsldctit.
'I hi liidopundiiiicu league of Now
York I practically bankrupt iitul It
t editor Ihraiitcii milt.
King l.dwnrd nya of t tic dead
premier; "ll wn it fnlthfiil servant
if liU country. I nut truly sorry ho
llMH KOtlt'."
Tim llllnolt ituorrnry linn In
ntructrd Its delegate to vote for
llryuii niitl uso nil hotitirnbla humus
to urouro hi iiomliiuMon.
General MnunKr timber of tha
(Irvnt Nortliurii, enllinatit Hint thu
damage to Hint road !y tint bursting
of the llnutur luku dnm wm about
U) Aligclr will tnkn about 3300
iiinii of tlio battlcthlp fleet on a tour
of thu city. Then Ihcy will have n
barbecue luncheon mid aoo tlio wild
writ thow.
Wldeapread mill" nra canting
rant Joy to California farmer.
It la reported that throat have
been mudo on tlio It To of Abo Iluef.
Kuddrn wnrm weather It earning
great damage In Alnaka Iroiu flood.
Kour million nytter wero drttrny
m1 by ttrlklng fishermen at Cancale,
A bunco man who hni boon rob
bing women hna been arrested la
Four masked robbers held up a
fntlilonnbln rluli at Hot Hprlnss,
Ark., nud got nwny with $10,000.
All tlio regular army troopa In
llm vicinity of Hrnttln will parllcl
pule In thu of bntlleahlpa
at Hint port.
Mr a. Ileulnh llnwklna of l.oa An
gelee. hna now been ntlrcp 78 day,
and tbrro la npptirontly no change In
lnr condition
KlKht ronacutlvo wlncos In the
Kurd bribery trlnl testified that Hnl
iHchnr paid tlniiii money to votu fur
the overbuild trolley franchise
Homnn Catholic of the United
Jttntoa will mine n fund of one mil
lion dollar to educate candidate for
the priesthood nnd nld poor parishes.
An nttempt was made to aititstl
unto ovHuporvlsor Gallagher, of Hnn
I'rnnclarn, by blowing up hla homo
with a bomb. No ono wna Injured.
Hucalnn forces hnvn repulsed tlio
Kurda who hnd them surrounded,
Hnloon force worn generally suc
cessful In the recent locnl option
Two dry kllna of the Seaside I, urn
her Company worn destroyed by fire.
An $20,000.
A Ht. I.oul councllmnn hna beta
nnvlctcd of bribery nnd aentenced to
two yeurs In the pen.
I'nrtnvra In nn Idnho mine qunr
reled nud foucht n ruvolver duel, In
which one wna killed,
Knnsn court have quoshed In
dictment ngolnat II. II. Tuoker, the
nil compnny awlndler,
Tha hnuio hnn ordered nn Inquiry
Into thu pnpvr truat nnd a commu
nion has boon appointed.
Mlnlater Wit Ting Pang naya he
hnd nothltiK to dn with starting the
boycott ugalntt Amorlcun goods,
Superior Judgo Cook, of Snn Fran
elsrn, hna nakod to bo excused from
trying tlio California Sofa Oepotlt
T J. liyan of Snn Francisco, tettl
fled thnt part of $000,000 uaed In
the crooked ferry donl, went to poli
tician. Klorldn republican hold two aep.
nrntn nnd rival convention, ench ono
electlnR doloKntea to the nntlnnnl
Two more bodlen have been dla
covered In tlio ruins of Chnlaon,
MituH., mnldiiR thu totnl dentha by
tho flro 1C.
A movement line begun to relenao
llnrry IC. Thnw from tho Insnno uay
lum. Tho nrcnnil trlnl of Tlroy h, Ford
for brlbory hna beRtin In Snn Frnn
uIrco. A J.on AnRoles womnn hna alept
for 7f days and shows no algn of
I'retldont Alexia Mat Cowed Haytl by
Whnlnaala Murdar,
Port nu Prince, llnytl, April 21 -
While tlinrii hiivo boon many urreata
of millvea auapected of ayinpiitby
with thu latu revolution, nud polltl
cul prlmiiiura continue to bo broiiKht
In lu ImtchcH from Interior point,
lliem Imvii hiitin no morn nubile
'ahoolliiR here, Indeed, the gov
ernment duiilea thai any moru uxueu-
tlona hiivo t nidi ii plnco. Thin, how
ever, la Incredible, lu view of tho fact
that many poraon lire known to lmvo
beuu dragged from tholr bed nt
night mid that nil trucu of them hua
been loat
III thu execution of March 16 Inat
I'renldeiit Nord Alexia achieved thu
double pur poiio of obliterating na
iiiaiiy of thu foe aa ho could lay
hand on, nnd ntrlklng terror Into
tho luinrt of thoao who were beyond
hi reach. Hlnco then hi imiue nnd
Hint of hi ferocloua lieutenant, lien
or u I Jule Alexia Colcou, who per
aonally directed tho ahootlug of tho
lirlaoner. Iiicliidlng aomu of hi own
blood rolntlvc. urn mentioned only
lu whlapor. All llnytl tremble be
fore them,
Alexia hna made the algulflcnnt
atntement thnt, If ho I not permit
ted to end hi term of office unmo
IcHted, ho will, rather thnu auhmlt to
deioltlon, write hi nnmo on thu
ncroii or tamo in inu moon or nucu n
mnaancro it llnytl ha nut noon hIiioj
Iho day of l)enllnea, oncu known
na J en n Jncijuea,
No one doubt hi nblllty to carry
out thU thrente, which I underatood
to be Intended na n d torrent not
only to revoliitlonlaia, hut to any at
tempt nt foreign Interference In tho
nffnlra of llnytl.
Dettltutlon prevnlt on every
hand, rngged aoldler awnrm tho
atreels begging plleouily, nnd oven
oftlcrr. bodnitled In dingy gold and
allver Ince, beg cap In hand nnd aro
profuao In thank for n dolo of S
cent The anldlera beg becnuao
their pay, when they get It amount
to lea than 30 rent a month, and
whnt elan they nru able to lecure I
amnll A general receive 200
gourdea a month, equal to nbout$27.
ao that In order to tlvo ho rauat add
to hla Income na heat ho may. Him
llnrly nil government orflclnla who
nrn paid In thu debated currency are
expected to recoup thcmaolvc In
Homo manner
Oaath Lltt at Chaltaa Orowt LarM
flatlaf Fund Naadad
Ilotton, Mnaa, April St. Many
thoutnnda of people today walked
through tho ruin of thu fire which
ono week ago awept through Choi
tea. It waa nn orderly crowd, and
tho militiamen and policemen' on
guard hnd no difficulty In handling
It. llnnv of tho church tociruea nau
big out-of-door meeting In tho pub
lic aquaren nnd pnrka.
Ono morn body win found today In
tho ruin. It I believed to be that
of Captain Ilenjamlu F. Knowle. a
dram! Army veteran, inia manca
tho 1 2th body thu far found In the
The Konornl relief committee. In n
atntement today, declare thnt 13,-
000 pruplo wore inn do noinoirM onu
Hint 10.000 of thcao need not only
temporary nld, but mutt bo rehabil
itated, nt lenat to trio exieni or nuao
liilxlv ni4niinrv liouaekertilni: Ofllllli-
ment, which will Involve tho expun
dlturu of fully $400,000.
Usndt DIs; Float to Thraatsn Turk
ish Ports.
Home. Anrll 21 An Italian
niindron . under command of Ad
miral dronet, will set out for tho
purpose of tanking demands In Turk
ish water. Tho squadron comprise
1 1 warships and Includes the battle
ship lleglna Klenn. commnnded by
tho Duke of Abruiil Altogether, thu
vessel will carry G09S men nnd
their objectlvo point will be Asia
Minor, somo 700 miles away It ha
boon decided, If It I deemod neces
sary, nlso to occupy n amnll port un
til Turkey sees tho error of her way
and gives full natlsfnctlou. Mnro
energetic measure may thu bo
Tho diniculty hetwoon tho two na
tion nrlse from tho refusal of tho
Turkish government to permit tho
lnUatlon of Italian postofflcca
Navy Wants 0.000 Men.
Washington, April 21. Antici
pating favorable action by congress
nn (hn proposition for 0000 addi
tional men for tho nnvy, of whom
30Q0 may bo obtained prior to July
1, Instructions hnvu been given to
resumu recruiting, which was aus
ponded somo weeks ngo, nt which
tlmo tho full quota hnd been at
tained. Tho dopnrtmont Is nnxlouH
In InWn mtvnntni!!! nf tho wllllllllUCHS
of young men to onllst, nnd tho ml-
vxrllanniKllla will lift thrnlllth llUbll-
cntlotiH which reach nvallabtu oung
Honor Grant's Memory.
Now York, April 21. Commemor
ating tho 80th nnnlversnry of tho
birth of donornl U. B. drnnt, n mom
orlal uorvlco wna hold tonight In
Metropolitan tomplo, nt which Bee
rotnry of Wrr Tnft. Andrew Cnrne-
glo and ox-Bccretnry of Iho Treasury!
I.osllo M, Hiinw mnuo nuurcsses, ami
drnnt Post of tho d, A. It. pronented
n national ting to tha church This
la tho church nt which donoral drnnt
during hla resldonco In this city at
tended worship,
1 if
Fruity, April 20
Vnahliii!ton. Anrll 2t
ment In favor of thu prealdent'H pro-
Kraiii for four bnttleahlp tonaumed
most of th mohbIoii of tho Huiintu to-
day Pile, of WiiHhliigtoii, opened
Hid debate, declaring Hint the AnIii-
tic Mltiiatlon nffectlriK tho Pacific
roiiHt wiih u menace to that aeetlon,
n m war cloud might quickly rl) waste their time on tho white house,
there over Home clash between Am- tho president had In n degree re
erica n and thu Japanese. Ho wanted cently lost hi Influence with tho
u fleet kept lu tho Pacific,
I Till, ho declared, wa a measuro
of pence, nnd not of war Ho came,
Im mild, from tho section of the conn-
try that mutt hn the storm center of
any conflict In tho Pacific ocean Tho
people of tho Pacific were lu fnvor
nr four huttlcMiip lie sent to tho today was unanimously recommend
vice president's lol a statement of ed to the housu for pnssago by tho
it vote of 102 editor attending a committee on election of president,
meeting In New York, which, he said vice president and representatives In
allowed 120 In favor of the four bat- congress. Though Introduced by a
Hoshlp nnd th preldent's policy for .republican, It had tho undivided up
iiuvnl expansion. port of tho democratic members of
While ho had never been one of tho committor, and of national pub
I bono who feared wnr, It should not llclty law association,
bo denied, h mild, that there wan on I
tho Pacific coast n peculiar condl- Wnshlncton. Anrll 21 Tho ro-
llon, nnd tho lime was coming whenlported purposo of tho president to.tho storm hroko last night tho two
the people of this country would and tho fleet of battleships now on bayous that run through Cleburno
ii'tvii to lace (lint conuition inei-n-
elflc const, ho added, had by Its op -
iHiiiimmim Miimun'ii uinnj nmuin, somite toiiuy wiieit trio nnvot appro
who had been reared In it different prlatlnn hill was taken up for con
way from tho people of the Prilled nldorntlon.
Htntes Thero was a possibility of n Defending the policy of sending
clnsh between those people mid thoto tho fleet of bnttlenhlps to tho Pacific
of the Pacific const ocean, Bfnntnr lodgo said great good
,., . , . 7 m , , , i ' nlroady resulting from tho long
Washington, April 21 The busl- cru,,0 nlu lt ,, teaching tho fleet
ties of the house proceeded today nt how , tnantnln Itself nway from
a rapid gait, despite the fact that the .hlpyards, by making repnlrs through
democrat forced six rollcnlll. wn mnchnnlra nn hnnril.
1000 pfiiMlon bill were put through,
tho In r gout batch of the slon.
A bill was passed providing -tor tho
protection of life on navigable wnter
during regnttn and mnrlno parade.
There also wa discussed at length
,i. i. ...i i v
the report of tho Commissioner or
Corporation.- on the cnuso of fluetua-
lion In cotton, Thu vote on that
measure will be taken tomorrow
Thursdsy, April 23
Washington, April 23 'After ono
of the hardett fought legislative bat
tles of this session, tho house of rep
rpiontntlTu. lntn till Afternoon tiv n
voto of 247 to 8. passed ho Fulton
land-grant resolution without amend-
ment Prior to tho vote on flnnl
passage, Fordney's nmonitment was
voted down, 43 to 227. The resolu-
Hon will go to tho president by tho
end of the week and will promptly
bn signed by him.
Immediately thereafter sUps will
bo taken to Initiate suit against tho
Oregon & California llnlltoad
pnny to secure forfeiture of tho un
sold portion of Its grant For tho
time being. It Is underatotd, no pro
ceedings will bo undertaken against
lumber companies nnd other pur
chaser from tho railroad.
Washington, April 23. As tho Hon bill to tho senate It carries
senate wn nbout to conclude cnnsld- 1 1 1,G4C,649, an Increase of 17,579,
erntlon of tho nnvnl appropriation 031 over the amount passed by the
tilll tnany, Henntor riles, or wasn -
Ingtnn, proposed nn amendment In- On tho balllcahlp construction pro- car strike, which began In this city
creasing from two to four tho num-'gram tho senntn committee adopted jnt Monday, disappeared lato to
iler of new battleship to bo author- tho policy of tho house, making no night whon tho motorman nnd con
lcd (rhnngo In tho provision for two ves- ductors of tho Chester Trnctlon Co.
A spirited deboto occurred on tho eels. Tho president's message ndvo-'rcfused to return to work on terms
amendment for tho restriction of the, eating tho construction ot four bat- offered by tho company. Tho stnto
purchntMi of materials for tho con- tloahlps was not considered, as It wllco have tho situation well In
strurtlon of tho battleships nnd sub- was known that the committee was hand and thero was no serious dls
marlne bonis to thoto of doniMtlo unanimously opposed to that pro- turbanco during tho day.
manufacture gram. I 71,0 traction company resumed tho
Amendments to remove that ro-( Crwii.o of 20 per cent In tho pny running of cars within tho city limits
strict Inn from the bill wero defeat- of ,ho Olilcora of tho nnvy nnd civ- this afternoon, Thoy carried no pas
ed, llnln stlmntlng that slnco tho in- mnn ,,rofWMir nnd Instructors at. .oncers. Trnfflc was suspended at 7
vestigatinn nt tnc sicet trim some
Wrdnssdty, April 22
Wnatngtoii. April 22. President
Itoosewll will veto tho naval appro-,
prlatlon bill, should tho striate, na'
did the house, fall to mako any ap-
proprlatlou for tho two bnttlcshlps
which aro authorised In tho measuro.
Tho prompt announcement of this
fart to Honato lenders today I
gnrded a responsible for tho nn
nouncumenl by Halo that he would
propone nn amendment appropriating
$7,000,000 toward tho construction
of those ahlpa
",","''" "" !"' "':""", com in iho pny nt the enlisted rorce, t0 Philadelphia today nnd h red a
,'rn ..riniir'.'T.o'n ' "."3.90D; Increase of tho pny of number of 'buses, which will be
stiiiu per ton to inn 1 ir ton. professor of mathematics, construe-ipiaced In service, tho purposo being
tors' corps and civil engineers' corps to compcto with tho traction com-
Tho preside.. Mated hi. position ',V n social rtnmllng abroad wn
thi point emphasis. ' hw, d , the hou0 toJnv ,n the
AwM'irJfcouMO of tho consideration of tho
that the bill as pasaed by the houso
imvnl Increase Authnrl
ships waa made, but no
rled to mako tho nrovls
Such legislation as this, tho president
made known to hu numerous con
gressional callers, wits 0 travesty as
In effect Iveness, us well as hearing
nil the earmark of legislative leg
erdemain Intended to mako rldlce-
Ioiih his campaign for tho groutorl
vy linaed hla oblectlons to Dr Hill na
That tho president's quick and'A' " l.ndor Vc Misriln sVelv on ha?
vigorous action in to no errcciivo is
..- . .
evidenced by tho action of Chairman
Halo, of tho sennto nnvnl committco,
lu nnnounclng thnt nt tho proper
tlmo ha will propose tho $7,000,u00
Tuesdsy, April 21,
W'nHhlngton, April 21. Against n
united democracy, which denied tho
sincerity of tho republican majority.
1,n hnnin Imlnv tiv n vntn nf 1S4 to
..... u.,..v, .......,, .., .. . ....... .
110, passed Bponkor ennnon'a reso-
lutlon providing for nn Investigation
of tho pnpor tritBt nnd, In pursunnco
of Its provisions, tho sponkcr
nounced as tho committco of six who
will conduct tho Investigation Mann
("I), Mlllor (Kan), Htafford
(Wl.) Ilnnnon (O), Hlms (Tenn.)
""d llynn (N, Y.)
Fltxgernld created Inughter by ro-
ferrlng to tho apenker n "tho wholo
bUNlneaa" In thu houta. Ho inld that
'" " tm oino people, wno linn
written him about wood pulp, not to
"Wo will stand by tho president
to thu Inst ditch," ha humorously ro-
marked, 'nnd I expect wo nnd tho
president will go Into tho last ditch
i Tho McCall cnmpnlgn publicity bill
tno Tnclflo const around tho world,
y,n the basis of n discussion In the
Monday, April 20.
Washington, April 20. It Is tho
present Intention of tho houso lead-
er to bring up tho Fulton land-grant
rtolallon for consideration In the
tomorrow or cdne,day. and
mo uuiici is Kencrni mil n win pna
without amendmont. It la now evi
dent that tho democratic fllllbustcr
will continue to tbo end of tho ses
sion, but Inquiry discloses that the
democrats aro generally favorable to
tho resolution and will not under
take to make It a party measure.
Ilepretontntlvo Fordncy, the lead-
'"- reiireaenmuvo oi mo lumoerracn,
promised last wcok to withdraw his
objection to the resolution, but today
b declared his purposo of maklns a
fight, as ho said tho houso commit-
leo had decided to tablo Mondcll's
resolution. Tho committee ha
I reached no such determination, but
Intends to report this resolution so
mni mo nouso can give u jair con
Com-.sldcratlon. If Fordncy-opposes thi
Fulton resolution on this ground he
will get llttlo support
Wnshlngton, April 20, After con
sideration of less than two hours the
enato commlteo on nnvnl affairs to
day reported tho naval oppronrla-
tho Nnvnj Academy, and of 10 por
to equnl that of officers ot tho same
rnnK " ,no meuicnt nnu pay corjw,
'r Public works additional np-,
tro!!rl,lon wcr," '""don" ,foJ,0Wf"1:
"r'0'.: 2.00'.00.: ' us?,1 Bol!?d'
".; '"" .""""r, m
'"'",""",', '"rn""T"' ""n"on uuu ur'
ro-iul"'n' vwv,ww.
Saturday, April 18
Wnshlngton, April 18. Criticism '
.of lavish entertainment by rich Am-
f,r.tftn U. Ji0.?!! J,,"",.?. .rll:
uiplomntlc nnd consular
particularly emphasised In thnt con
met Ion.
Ah ono menns of counteracting the
effect of their ostentation It was
urged by ninny that America should
own Its legation buildings.
Tho chnrgo that Emporor William
---. ------- . - .-.. w
......,.. .. occujiniion 01 i;orcnestor nouse, ion-i--, -. . . . -i.-p. i defined
rntlon of tho ,,,, v Ainiinn.tor whiminw nnd. cd ch ,drt" ,n uch places la oeiinea
money car- nj' altlnr display of wealth In'"' .?"'" L1 ":."":
Ion effMtlVtf. iterlln bv Ambassador Tower, were C,P' BO nr. "" ,",""uA'i"""u":r
SffSplW""' th Vnr'U8 '"'"vSmlrava'caurSn
Tho diplomatic bill was pasbcd un-'strength gradually. Ho sleeps well
dor aiisnenslnn of tho rules. It car-."
rlad nn aggregate of $3. 520,383.
Aftor hnvlng boon In continuous
pension slnco April 8 by resorting to
thn itrniftiii nf rnonsHlnir from ilnv in
................. ,, .... ... .-
tiny, tho houso nt 0:1B p, in., nil-
Jnurnod until 12 tomorrow, whon
eulogies will bo dollvorod on the
nn-'iato IVeprcsontntlvo Georgo 8mlth of
Thouitnd Horntlett, Clrcut Wracked
and Railroad Blocked
Fort Worth, Toxna, April 20, An
nthor rlxo of three feet In Clear nnd
Wettfork forced thouiniid of per-
non to flco from their home In
,lint Fort Worth today. Ho far a
kiiuwii, uiur iicrnuna novo loai ineir
lives. At lenut 3000 persons have
been rendered homoless and all
stream nro still rising.
Tho railroad servlco Is hodly crip
pled. Flvo hundred delegates to tha
Hlato labor convention aro weather
bound hero. A cloudburst In Park
or and Palo Pinto counties Inst night
will probably send the Ilrazos and
Trinity rivers two reel higher and
thcao stream aro now higher than
In 25 years.
North Fort Worth. Mineral City
and Cleburno aro almost completely
Inundated. Engineer Long and his
firemen wero found dead under their
onglno today. Their train loft tbo
trocK in a wasnout n milo north of,f0r reinforcement has aroused tho
Cleburno. Crops over a largo area
havo been destroyed and tho esti
mated loss will reach over half a
million dollars.
Cleburne, 20 mile south, was
struck by a wind storm of tornado
proportions, followed by a torrential
downpour of rain thnt literally flood
ed tho city. Within 20 minute after
hud left their banks. Hooding 600
or 600 house. A clrcu whoso tonts
wcro pitched In tho western portion
of Cleburne was completely wreck
ed. Two lions escaped, nnd prowled
about town for nn hour, throwing
tho pcoplo Into a panic.
Voyage From Ban Diego North Ono
Continuous Ovation.
los Angeles, April 20. Los An
geles sent moro than 100,000 of Its
citizens to tho ocoansldo today to
welcome tbo American battleship
fleet, wbUh steamed Into San Pedro
Harbor, 22 miles away, In tho full
radiance of a mid-summer sun, and
dropped anchor at 3:30 p. m. Tbo
16 fighting vessels and tbreo auxil
iaries, leaving San Diego shortly
after 6 o'clock this morning, had
steamed up the 100 miles or surf
beaten coast In single column for
mation, 400 yards apart and In full
vlow of thousands of persons who
gathered nt every vantage point.
With tho Connecticut loading and
with near-Admiral Charles M.
Thomas on the bridge, tho long line
of ships pointed within the break
water at San Pedro bay Just half an
hour behind their scheduled hour of
arrival. Tbo Connecticut, Kansas,
Vermont and Louisiana took berths
within the sheltered portion ot the
harbor, where they are to remain
the full seven days ot tbo fleet's
vltlt. while tho other 12 ship of tho
second, third and fourth divisions
reached out Into the open sea In a
lino nearly two mile long.
No Hope (or Settlement of Chester
Streetcar Trouble.
Chester. Pn., April 20. All hope
a committee of the strikers went
. Mayor
Johnson nt 6 p. m. gave
permission to saloonkospera to open
their plnces. contrary to tho advice
of Dcnuy Superintendent Lurab. of
the state police.
Mutt Protect Own Children.
Helena. Mont., April 20. Holding
thnt It Is tho duty of parents to safe
guard their child when In known
:'"'. i' V-i. 'iT- ..,, ;,.,7
od rovor8 ho dcctslon of tho
dUtrlct court of Sliver now county In
ah8otrBCutC"frS?nrX,0i SkXt IhS
h.?"u,i "' "J"ff
ft ,"",fJ.IlBf"WJ:
which had awarded damages for In-
Admiral Evans Imorovln,.
1n tlnl.toa Tint Rnrlnn Cnl
April 20. Tho seventeenth day of
'd, .,u,. .-. --.,, "r ,
Renr-Admlrnl Robley D. Evans' stay
.."". .. iJury to n chid. Allowing unattena-
left to tho Jury.
"t t'aso Homes not springs buowh.odiiivwuui. ...,...b ,"!v",;,,i:.
th M warrior, to bo much. lm- robbers escaped from the - Hrte-a
. . - Hi.innt ihui ttiA'inii n rnur vpik iii'ii himi inn uulgv
'8 apneuio is iii..ruv.8.
Warship for Anscortes.
Washington. April 20. To gratify
tllO Wishes of tho PCOPlO of AnnC0rtC8 I
- in i-. ;.ii. 1 ..:
wwn,, vm wii w w Jiin uisarmtng me oru uu
of tho Atlantic, floot while In PugotiBlnnd. Tho troops are distributed
Sound, tho nnvy dopartmont has do- nround the coast, co-operating in a
cldod to send two cruisers to thnt.eerles of closlng-ln movementa tn
port for two days stay. I seising all arms.
Forces Surrounded by Hordes if
Angry Kurds,
Russia Pours Troops and Bupplls
Into Trant-Caucatla to Crush
Htbelllous Trlbas.
fit, Petersburg, April 21. The lat
est nowa received here of the bound
ary war that a Hussion detachment
had been Dennod In and waa calllne
anxiety of tho foreign offlco. It shown
that tho entire population of thi
district, composed of well armed and
warlike tribes, Is rushing to the sup
port of tho brigands who have been
attacked. The situation may becomo
still moro serious If tho Kurdish ban
dits who Inhabit Russian territory,
encouraged by the retirement of the
Russian troops. Join their Persian
klndrod and threaten the Russian
Associated Pi ess dlspatchoa setting
forth tbo gravo situation of tho Rus
sian detachment In Persia are fully
confirmed tonight by oOlclnl report
Grand Dukw Nicholas Nlcbolale
vltcb departed quietly from hero to
day for tbo Crimea, traveling Incog
nito In a reserved compartment of aa
ordinary coach, Instead of by private
car. Tho trip ostensibly I for per
sonal reasons and, lt I said, will be
of short duration, but the Grand
Uuko's departuro Just previous to
tho Imperial family reunion for the
Easter festivities and to tbo marriage
of Grand Duchess Mario Pavlano to
Prince Wllbelm, ot Sweden, In con
sidered an Indication of a more Im
portant object.
Despite diplomatic denials, Rnesla
continues to forward reinforcements
and munitions of war to the Cau
casus. An American traveler return
ing from that territory recently saya
that be saw train after train loaded
with soldiers, proceeding In a south
erly direction, and the railroad to
Kara la so swamped with military
store that It 1 unable to accept pri
vate freight.
Contumas Bodies of Victims
Injured Walt for Hours.
Vnlhntirnn. Atittralla. Anrll 11.
Two trains from Oallarat and Den-
dlgo, respectively, collided late last
night at Draybook Junction, aDour.
eight mile from Melbourne. 41 per
sons being killed and 60 injured.
The Uendlgo train, with two heavy
engines, crashed Into the rear ot the
Dallarat train. Flvo car of the lat
ter train were wrecked. The wreck
ago took flro and was almost com
pletely consumed. Many of the bodies
were unrecognizable when recovered.
The Dendlgo train suffered but llt
tlo damage, but the two engines were
piled on top ot tho rear coaches or
tho other train. Terrible scenes fol
lowed, many of tho Injured being
caught In the wreckage, and were
with difficulty rescued. It was a long
tlmo before doctors and nurses ar
rived on tho scono and in consc
aucnee Intense suffering prevailed
among the Injured.
Allows Establishment of Italian Post
offices and Settlements.
Rome. April 21. The threatened
trouble between Italy and Turkey ap
parently has ended as a tompest in a
teacup nnd, for the present at least,
thero will be no demonstration by
Italian warships In Turkish waters.
Indeed, It now seems likely that the
Incident will produce a better feel
ing between Constantinople and
Homo, leading to nn agreement by
the two countries on many differences
whltfh heretofore have been the cause
ot not a little friction.
Tho Turkish government has given
Its nermliiston to Italy to establish
postofflcee In the Turkish cities where
the other powors may h ve like In
stitutions, and In like manner has
met tho Italian demands with regard
to other questions that have been
subjects Of dlspuio.
Sheriff Sued for Reward
Spokane, April 21. A novel suit
for $12,000 from sheriff Shoemaker.
of Helena, Mont., has been started by
Detectives McPhee, Macdonnld and
Ilrlley of 8pokano. These detectives
captured Ed Frankhauser nnd Chas.
- - , l ft1
Mcuonnid, wno netu up inu uneuiai
Limited train nt Rondo, Mont., last
Dltsrmlns; Moros.
Manila, April 31. Detachments of
tho Twonty-thlrd nnd Twonty-flfth
Infantry, with tho constabulary and
armed launcl.os assisting, nndor com
mand of Major Flnloy, nro engaged
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