The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 01, 1908, Image 2

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Checker WJIIunelte Valley With
Branches and Feeders.
Guilty of Appropriating Stato Monty
to Private Use.
Salem, Ore, April 24. Otillty of
converting tu his own uso J2SS.000
of stnte school t jmis, wn:i the vorillct
rumlorrd against J. Thnrburn Koto
by i Marlon county Jury yesterday
nftornoon. Tito Jury ws out nit huur
ami ton minutes.
From what can bo lenrnoil It np
pears that tho Jury took tour ballots
tho first showing nlno for com let Ion
nud three for acquittal.
Sotttonco will bo Imposed by Judgo
Uuructt on Monday morning. Tho
penalty provided by law Is Impris
onment In tho penitentiary for from
ntlst tt tttttttti v iiar a n ml iv fliirt if
... ro.lmnd' .Apr,'J ,?3, T.w Kr,,d,.ro,a luuul tho amount of tho dofalcu
the Willamette Valley with olcctrlo tlon
Tho caso will, of course, bo np-
Capitalization of Orrgon'Ekctrlc ln
created to $10,000,000 to
Carry on the YVoik.
! I,
Ores! Ergiithman Drdvee It Neconil
Only to fengianu'e
llttston, Apt II 23. In nil Inter
view publlaho.l hero ttnliiy, Hlr Wll
Ham Henry Whllu. who w fr ""-;
ly 20 )oitrs tltu reputed designer
all llrltlah warships. coiiiinimU on
recent criticisms of tlio American
navy. After declaring Hint tho erlt-
Iclsms n ni uiifiiiiiiueii in inci, mm
tfum Subzer bad In a Few Minutes to Fruit CemmUslonen Raid Will Mako
Ujuiii the Town.. Owners Obev Law.
I (JnuuleThlH city wont on Oregon City J It. Hold, of Mil- aupplumeiitliig '! declaration by
record tonight nx heartily In favor wnttklo, fruit commissioner for tho '"", ,1Ml1 technical WMiwimuuu, n.r
more that I
think It Is
minutes tho sum of $3300, and In ltd- county. iiIoiik tuo tracks of tho Ore- v,tnl. ,l,lV0 known the American
illtlim svrurnil it in,tiiiti,ir)ilu nti. mill Wntnr Pnuitr .6 liullvvuv f'.mi. Itavy from lllO Start It Is Hot Utfll-
of na.mln all tho germs of boost KftE "XnhK thing "
posslblo when It sulMcrlbed In few JJri,caMlTrohBr,l. o? Clackumas 'ouM IIUu to say. ami I
lines Is tho avowed purpose of tho
Oregon Electric Hallway Company.
Tho original capltalltatlon of $2,
600,000 was Increased yesterday to
$10,000,000. Extensions to tho sys
tem woro authorised aggregating 301
miles. Work will be commeuced on
the first of theso lines thts morning.
Stockholders and directors of the
company met In tho hoadquartcrs In
tho Corbett building yesterday morn
Injr and authorized tho tiling ot new
articles ot incorporation,
Tho following now lines were au
thorized by the directors of tho com
pany at yesterday's meeting: Salem
to Albany, 18 mllos; Garden Homo
to Hlllsboro. 12 miles; Mlllsboro to
Tillamook. 57 miles; Tlgardvllle to
Eugene, 125 miles; Salem to Mill
City, 54 miles, and Albany to Cas
cadla, 35 miles. Total mlleago, 301.
With tho 50 miles already construct
ed by the company between Portland
and Salem, the construction ot the
now lines Just authorized will give
the Oregon Electric 351 miles ot
standard gauge railroad in tho state.
William S. Darstow & Co., the en
gineering firm which builds the lines
of 4ho Oregon Electric, haw assem
bled construction materials and will
begin work this morning on tho Oar
den Home-Hlllsboro lino. Upon Its
completion, attention will bo turned
to building from Salem to Albany.
It Is likely that nt least threo years
will be required to complete tho sys
tem of new lines mapped out by tho
stockholders and directors ot the
company at yesterday's meetings.
All tho new lines planned will be
uniform with tho Portland-Salera
line, which Is standard steam rail
road construction throughout.
Moffatt & White, 5 Nassau street,
New York city, aro managers ot tho
srnfMct thst Is suprdvlng the capi
tal for the Oregon Electric opera
tions In this state. The executive
committee is made up ot the follow.
Ing New York capitalists: A. C. Bed
ford. Oeorgo Darclay Moffatt and
William A. White.
pealed to tho supremo court, when
tho case will bo tried practically
anew, for tho defense objected to
nearly nil tho evidence, saved excep
tions, and questioned tho ruling of
tho trial court on nil points ot luw
that go to tho foundation ot tho caso.
Attorney McCamant declined to
discuss tho verdict, but was very
plainly deeply disappointed.
Employers' Liability Law It Now In
Washington, April 23. President
Roosevelt today signed the employ
ers' liability bill upon receiving an
opinion trom Attorney-General Bon
aparte that the measure was consti
tutional. The bill makes railroads or other
common carriers, while engaged in
Interstate commerce, liable for the
Injury or death ot an employe If the
Injury or death results In whole or
In part from the negligence of any
of the oncers, agents or employes ot
the railroad, or by any defect or In
sufficiency In qulpment. This pro
vision Is made applicable to carriers
in the territories, tho District ot Co
lumbia, tho Panama canal zonn nnd
other possessions ot the United
It is provided that In any action
brought under tho provisions of the
bill the Injured employe shall not be
held to have assumed the risk of his
employment In any caso whore vio
lation by the carrier of any statuto
enacted for safety ot employes con
tributed to the Injury or death of the
employe. Any contract, rule, regula
tion or device to enable the carrier
to exempt itself from liability under
the act Is rendered void by a specific
declaration to that end.
Provision Is mado, however, that
the carrier shall receive credit for
any contribution made to the em
ploye or bis family in the form ot In
surance, relief, benefit or Indemnity.
An action for the recovery of dam
ages must be commenced within two
years from the date of the cause of
Ex-Supervlior Gallagher Blown Up
by Bomb.
Oakland, Cat., April 24. What Is
believed by the poltco to havo been
an attempt to assassinate James L.
Gallagher, one of tho main witnesses
tor tho prosecution In tho ban Fran
cisco graft cases, was mado shortly
after 7 o'clock tonight nt tho home
ot William II. Schetck, Gallagher's
brother-in-law. East Twentieth strott
and Nineteenth avenue. East Oak
land, whon a hugo bomb placed ou
tho porch exploded and tore away
tho whole front ot tho house. Galla
gher was up stairs with his wlfo at
tho time, and Mr. Schcnck was In a
.... II.. ...... t. IK.I eli.1 UMi.liivn .1 IllilPa
-tlon. of 125 to r. organized ' "' . "'.' rn 1 mo Com. ' '". ' " " ',. "7 , , , ..
merclnl club nt $1 anch. '""' """ '" ,u" " cutiiereiico wmi ".".':: "" .'IV.. " "..: .v.. Y.....
Not satisfied with r.iUIng that "luty.Krull luhpector A J liwU "' " U1 "''"'""." tV,
for boosting, tho meotliiK nnu 'n Attorney tiniiort l. """'" , """""" ". ?... ri
n r,yi?n, . Hodges, for tho imriiuio of carefully !'" UmIkiw tbo Charleston nnd the
iv mount
city so thoroughly tomorrow mom- ''OliiB plans fo forco tho owners of
Ing that tho figures will bo brought ulseaBod orchards to either spray
up to $6000 for tho year, nnd n com- their trees or cut thorn down,
mltteo wns appointed to do lK ". Mnrlon nnd Yamhill counties
I'l.l.. .....I.I.... I...--. fc I...... hnVlt lllti'Vtlil lh tmv " ftnl.1 VI IImI.I
backed up by financial attnnort. whs a' U ' "P tu Clackamas to do tho"1'"'' thing I want to say Is thai
primed nnd shot off thrmich. ho f- 81- " ' "trong and forcoful your nnipumiuing yarns nro quim
ment and management nnd all that.
"And the result Is that, In my op-
llnltlmnrn worn built.
"Tho first thing I want to say In
this connection U that )oti have
naval architects, In my Judgment, as
catmliltt as any In thn world. Tho
Dead In Ihreu Slates Number
At Li'iisi m,
forts of Tom UlchnnUnn. iimiiui-ir or argument that hundreds and norhatis
tho Portland Commercial Club, who thousands of homesvekers como from
this afternoon raised SG00 at. Elgin tho east through California, and,
for tho samu purpose He goes tu "tier traveling through thu southern
union and Lovu tomorrow. .portion 01 uregon nnu men tnroiigii
unite, i.tnn nnd Marlon counties.
Oregon Will Still Raise Hops.
como to Clackamas and hero aro con
fronted by tbo spectacle ot scalo-ln-
waiem Tne very low prices mat fested trees, hundred of acres of
havo ruled In tho hop market for tho them, absolutely of no value to the
Negroes tuttarad Mcst, Their Utfw
daunts Uollig to Hiacts Like
Uaru Hcutat.
Atlanta, (la., April 25. Itupuru
up to 2 n. m. Indloato Hint 335 pr.
sons wero killed and nt Itwmt 1000
were Injured In aturius of grenbirlo.
lunco which panned over auctions ot
Louisiana, Mlitslmilppt and AIiiImiiu
)iaterday. tlovernl tnwiu wuro al
moat totally swept away and the
property damage will run Into Urge
Inlon. you havo a fleet that, ship. figures.
for ship, comparing the ships do-1 Nearly 20 towns were struck lir
signed nt a given date and that Is'thu "twisters," of which thvro aveui
last fow years havo not caused many
Oregon hop growers to go out of bus
iness. Perhaps 2500 or 3000 acres
have been Plowed up In tho entlro
state, but enough yards aro left, tin-
dor favorablo conditions, to produce
a crop as large. If not larger, than
that ot 1007. Cultivation Is being
neglected or postponed in no mo sec
owners or to any one elso."
Newport Will Try to (lave Ships Stop
One Hour Of!" Yaqolna Uay.
Albany A movement la under
way hero for an nltomnt to havo tho
tlons, but In others tho growers aro bnttleshlp fleet stop for a short time
toning tno best caro of their yards, nrr Yaqulua bay on Its northward
Tho proportion of tho matured crop trip. Tho Idea was suggested at
that will bo picked will depend on Newport and Albany Is taking It up.
how money matters can bo arranged It Is planned to hnvo the commercial
In tho summor. A good many ot tho clubs ot Albany and other valley
small growers aro going ahead with cities attempt to sccuro this arraugo
their work in the hope that some- ment through tho Oregon delegation
ining win nappen uororo picking in congress it arrangements nro
f I ttiab In pnla Ihn rttfi lstf t rv h I att i en ml it n a ! at at at n.l it.., !... iu ......
rear room with his wlfo and four i.i .i, .,.. .m .. -.i 1 .. -1..-.. ... .1... .. ...n.i.. ..
U.V., nUv.. ...IS "... W M.W W KV.-I..O .VW ... ...V I.U1V .. '1WUIU llii
children nnd Dr. Guy Brown.
All escaped but ono boy, who was
hit In tho neck by a flying mlsallo.
That nono wns killed was little
short ot a miracle. Gallagher's hat
was pierced by a splinter, and taken
away as a souvenir. Tho house was
completely wrecked. Tho report was
heard all over Oakland and many
wmuows in too ncignDornood were
row money on their crops. Tho pros-1 Yaqulua bay nnd stop for possibly
poet Is n gloomy one, however, and It 'an hour. In tho event that arrange-
looks now as It tho big crop Oregon Unuuts nro mado, big excursions will
Is growing will only mako tho mar
ket worso.
Cruih Rock for Roads.
Astoria Tho county clerk has
purchased a now rock crusher, with
bo run from Albany nnd Corvnllls to
Newport nnd boats will take crowds
out to vlow tho fleet.
Heady to 8tnke O.l
Monmouth Tho complete outfit for
broken. A post belonging to tho'a caPac',y ' 8 tons an hour, nnd a boring an oil well on tho Whlteaker
l ... . . I !fl.hnnn nnwpr hnllnr nn.1 ..nirlnA fnrm Ihrni. mllnii nrirlt. it
porch was hurlod 100 feet away.
Valuablo clews to tho perpetrators
of tho crime wcro gained today
through tho finding ot a silk hand
kerchlot In which It Is supposed the
Infernal machlno was wrapped.
In a search of the debris this morn
ing detectives located some wlro and
fuso and caps, which would Indicate.
Becoming 10 umoi wilion, trial a
bomb ot somo sort had been used.
Heney Had Wsrned Him.
San Francisco, April 24. "The
prosecution will certainly mako a
most thorough investigation ot tho
dastardly attempt to kill ono of the
most Important witnesses for the
stato In the bribery graft cases," said
Assistant District Attorney Francis J.
Heney this morning to tbo Associated
Press representative.
Mr. Henoy refused to stato whether
or not ho had any evidence pointing
to tho perpetrators.
I am satisfied that It was not the
work of a fanatic or crank." de
clared tho Assistant District Attor
ney. "Neither did the attempt upon
..' nr ..... t '
0-horso power boiler and engine farm, throo miles north of Monmouth
which It has directed bo taken to, has arrived and Is being unloaded
tho quarry near Olney. Tho smaller, nnd placed on tho site for thn well,
crusher now at tho Olney quarry Is Tho Indications for oil veins In this
to bo moved to somo point further I vicinity havo attracted tho attontlon
out on lino of tho road being built 'of experts for sovernl years past, nnd
to tho Nehalem valley. Both crush
era will bo operated all summer In
order that so much as posslblo of tho
now road can bo covered with rock
before tho rains of noxt fall.
Eugene Comtea; to Fiesta
Eugene Tho Eugcno Commercial
Club tonight decided to havo Eu
gcno represented at tbo Portland
Koso Carnival In Juno by ) ts men In
march nnd drill. Each miin will
wear a whlto sergo suit, white shoes
and hat and carry n lemon-yellow
and green umbrella buarln tho
words, "Eugene. Lano Cojnty." A
special excursion will be run from
Eufccno nnd n great crowd wll nt-
tend tho carnival.
much Interest among tho landowners
Is taken In tho outcome of thts work,
wnicn is backed by ample capital for
a thorough tesU
Commercial Club Elects.
Albany Tho Ilrowntvlllo Com
mercial club has assumed renewed
activity and has choson tho follow
ing now officers: Presldont, Ed Hot
loday; vlco prealdent, K. K. Whlto;
aecrctary, It. K. Richardson; treas
urer. II. Wayne fltnnard; board of
managers, W. M. Kuapp, it. W. Tripp
nnd F. M. Brown.
Wheat Track prices: Club, R4c
per bushel; red IluMlan, 83c; bluo
stem, 87c; valley, 86c.
Ilorloy Feed, $34.50 per ton;
roiicu, JZ7UIB; browing, ijo.
Onts No. 1 whlto, $36.50 27
per ton; gray, $26.
.Mlllstuffs Bran, $24 50 per ton;
the only fair comparison Is equal
to anything tho world contains. Next
to tho Drltleh navy 1 think your navy
Is the best In the world."
Bubonlo Plague Maaaa Appearance
at La (luayra.
Washington, April 21 An Atser
lean war veasol will be sent to Vene
zuelan waters, but her mission la to
bo entirely peaceful. The cloalng of
tho port
as a d
tu havu been nt least five.
Moat of those, killed wero nogroca,
wttoau cabins weru swept away like
au much paper.
Natchez, Ml", report" that of (4
pvraoua killed In that aectlou only
two weru w(i Ilea,
luteal reports from Amlto, a amall
town In Koutheaatcrn Iiulalaun, aay
tho town was almost entirely de
atroyed and thu estimates plncu (tin
number killed at belwnvn 25 nnd (9,
while nt load 7o weru Injured.
At Mcl.alli, Mlaa., eight nro re
ported to hnvo bevu klllud; at VI-
nr !.a iitmvrA !iirAtia of thrt
w" - -.... - .,..,. ...... ..,.,,.. .......a.. u...l
of what la believed to bo "-"" """ ", "". ...:.-.
plague there, hu mado It - - " - " ' I'Tmir""
for tho state departntont to,- ?..-. . - iM ' , : -
nt hand somo vessel to bn uaod 1... ",,..,",:.,:. ,,." ; ."
.......i. 1 t.u tiMi... 11..-. iriiiu iiiitih iihiiiik, i . wuvr
'.r "It.?JLil'VJnlS ?'u, Ilv dHsth. mm from n....'rsT ,0 h,m from thi;-nTKa,;7r:H,ou7,hoMornm..,;;)T,
,UUnderr,,ntodn W date Mr. Hum.II" l"",.Krlto7V
Ing tho situation at I.a nuayra, and ,, .. .... , ...
xpresslng the genera ball... that tho ,,, ,, ,,',.,,, ,,,, r
dlsensf. there Is tho plague. He says ,l0rl wlrM dwn , ,, jfl.oloul
tho enezulan Kovernmen today ,,,,, , rm u ,WM(,K
ntnclally announced Ihn existence of ,,r0UK, (Unirgla, but beyond torr.n.
n suspicious contagious disease at I.a , rnnil nrco,pll.hrd by hlkh
(luayra, tho nature of which hna not wmU wm, ,,rai ul-trloal dlaplaya
been determined. No simmers ar.lmi ,r0UI( ,imK0 or t) of ll(
touching at tho port, wmcti baa boon has broti reported In thn stato.
quarantined fur 16 days, and tho
traffic Is suaponded on ths railway.
Free Delivery for Orants Pats,
Grants Pass Grants Pnss may
soon havo a frco delivery system.
warned him more than three months KStWiulL SlI0,!i.f7iU!;.?
n-r. if,,, if ,. . . ..i ..1 .showing tho receipts for tho fiscal
would get him,' nnd at tho tlmo urged '"n"inB April 1, 1 son, to 110 over middllnKs, $27.60; shorts, country,
him to Tmove from oSteSl"00- ? ln ,n Increase of $37 60; city. $27; wheat and barley
him his homo mlsht bo blown u,ri12000 ovor ,n,t )"" business. Tne chop, $27.50.
Aside from this I havo nothing td.c,ty cancii has undor consideration Uny Timothy. Wlllnmctto Vnlloy,
say nt prcsont." ?n ordinance outlining 'thu number- $17 por ton; Willamette Vnlloy. or-
111K 01 nouses. inis increasu can ainary, $15; Eastern Oregon. $17.60;
only bo Justified by tho Incrcnso In mixed, $10; clover, $14; nlfalfu, $13;
Los Angelas Furnishes Entartilnman
tor Offlcera and Man.
f t 1h.mIm fftl A.ipII 44 I nm
Angelea continued today Ita long pro-l Hlchinond
.ran, nt .nlnrlnlnmiinl fur l. .ll. ' WnM at rtlfK l
ors and olllcors of tho American bat-,11 ''u,1' ?' V'lr population Injured
Reports nlio any that thu storm
struck Albertvllle, , lain thU alt
tirnnoii, doing much destruction to
life nnd properly. An unconfirmed
report from this aectlon gles thu
death Hit as from 30 to 36, with
scores of persons Itijurrd. A train
was sent from Birmingham tonight
rnrrylng phyalclsns and a aqund ot
stato militiamen to the district.
nnd Iiiuoiirlo, I.a ,
y thn atorm nnd nesrly
tleahlp fleet. Thirty-five hundred
bluejackets woro In the landing par
ties which camo aahoro at thu various
ports whero the four dlvlalons of tbo
fleet were anchored, and they pitched
right Into tho fun provided for them
with tbo cnthualaam of boys out of
Tbo sailors again wrro the guests
Winchester. Mlas. a amall town.
la reported wld out, though only
two peraona nro known to hnvo liwn
Mobile reports nine ilend at lint
tleaburg, Mlas , but this has not bean
Tno tornado that first appeared In
t ..11.11, I.A , appears to
Reveals Burnt' Methods.
Washington, April 23. Tho cross
examination of Woodford D. Harlan,
formerly a clerk In the general land
oftlco, was tho featuro today In tho
Tornado In Nebraska.
Paris. Nob.. April 24. About 6
o'clock this afternoon a tornado de
stroyed the eastern portion ot De
port, a town 20 miles southeast of
Paris, killing W. It. Isbell. a drug
gist, and wounding several others.
The Isbell family was at supper when
the storm came.
Practically nil tho residences on
tho population.
alfalfa meal, $30.
Buttor Extras, 27Mo per pound;
fancy 2Cc; cholco, 26c; store, 16Hc.
Kggs 1.011a nnd commission off.
Fugene Will Own Wiir Plant
Kucono At n mnnlrlnnl Hertlnn
Raturrinv thn nrnnnaltlnn In iinrrhnn HV4 4P17C per dozen
the Willamette Vhlloy Company's Cheoso Fancy cream twins, 16 He
waterworks carried by C35 to 125. ? pound; cream brick. 20c; Hwlsa
and the proposition to vote $300,000 b 2,c. Hmburgor. 22Hc
bonds for n municipal wntcr nlant' Poultry Mixed chickens, 13c por
tho east sldo of town were dostroyed. carried by 607 to 171. Tho bonds '" fancy boos, 14 OH He; roostors,
bi luaai 2b or au Doing scattered over
tne country in fragments.
Oak Grove ,a town east of Clarks
vllle, on the Texas & Pacific rail
road, Is reported almost destroyed,
many bouses being demolished, but
without fatalities as far as learned.
Tho path of tho storm waa several
hundred yards wldo.
bo declured a holiday.
Revive Coaching In England.
London, April 24. Alfred O. Van-
dorbllt. whoso effort to revlvo inter-
Hyde-nonson-DImond-8chnelder land in rnnrhine in Knrinn,i hi, i.a..
fraud trial. J. C. Campbell, of San 0 sympathetically received, loft I.on
Francisco, attorney for Benson, drew ,jon this morning on a sorles of trial
frnm thn covernment'a witness tho iritia !. n,iv.,nn ...i it.. ......
fact that ho Often told nenson false-jnrcomnanleil hv a nmnii nnriv nf McMlnnwIMe Studies Esperanto.
hoods In order to securo evldonco for frinmu a hi imi ,,. McMlnnvlllo An Esnnrnnto Club
tho irovernment. Harlan admitted siiin thn hotel, whm-n thn nrr m has boon formed In this city with six $3.6004;
that undor the Instructions of 8ccrt made, nnd gavo tho Amorlcan ntcn(lr'or mombcrs, for tho study of common, $3.26
Bervlco Ageni uurns ne practically hearty send-off, whllo the police stop
domauded money from Benson, ln-ped traffic In PIcadllly In ordor to al
atead of Benson offering to brlbo low tho coach to gain a froo passage.
Mr, Vandcrhllt will make his first
regular trip on May 4.
weru voted at sovoral previous clec- "M 8c: fryers. Ib 20c; broilers, lb ,
tlons, but each tlmo tho election was- 22H026c; dressed poultry per
declared Illegal on account or tech- pound, Ic hlgbor,
nlcalltlcs. Potatoes 8oIcct, selling prlco, 70c
of thn el v n,l Thn f ?,,, .. ' lh. ,,,,V" ,",,", " mMl Prl,"'i'' b",n l0
L'.r ',,J. "."l.,h.0 L,"rS.or..,'? reaped to number of victims ami .
?' "m""rnJ I?" .",,h,".. "m.?l nlorr.l. with thn proapect that
".;, h . .ii.,V1i t...Til .. ...n "'" ""l W'B bo conaldernb y swe led
night. Tho sailors' frolics aro really oy ntornlng
the moat Interesting featuro of thn. Moro tm'n 60 of tho item! aro ne-
fleets stay ot Ui Angeles. Thoif'groM, whoso log cnblns proved par-
sands of peoplo go each day to tlculnrly fatal to thn occupants. Ih
ChutM park and Agricultural pnrk ng easily torn to piece, whlln tho
to soo tho men at play. I weight of timber crushed tho In-
For tho olllcrs thorn were a num-' mates to death.
her of social nvonts, Including lun- Whnt nppeur lo havn been two
cheon to tho higher officers by (Ion- different tornadoes atruek In Western
oral Adna II. Ohnffea at tho Caltfor- Alalmma, ono claiming six victims at
nla club. Tonight tho Chamber of llorgun & Thomas' sawmill.
Commerce nt Dedondn, where Kiel .. -
fourth division Is anchored, gave a New Orleans, April 26. 2 n. m.
bnnquct at the Hotel Itedondo In 'At this hour tinlntvit rnnrt hnvn
honor of Roar Admiral Charles B. .swollen thn total number of tenths.
Hperry and oher oiilcers of Ihn dlvl- by tho tornndoes In Mississippi l.ou
slon. Tbo entire city, overlooking tho lalamt nnd Alnbamn to 226. Mlsala
sea waa Illuminated. slppl sufferod moat, but noor com
munications kept thn full extent uf
I lie disaster from becoming known.
ft... .I.....I. Il. . a ....
Nnw Ynrlr Anrll 51 l ,.rlni .' "" """ "' w" silUiieniy wonrii
now york, April z.. Hix prlvnto ilV nenriv inn ,..i.iiii,..i ui,. in
detectlvim nctod as u bodygtmrd for Purvis nnd Mcl.nurln, Mlsi., towns
Tnli rt II Innbnfi.H.a . a-S .. .. l. & a. m '
J"hn D, Fears Kldnapara.
Marshfleld Cleans Up
t fltauTraf Iftffl ThA Mrimtinsi rt anm
merco has Inaugurated a movement F.11ftncJ.ftm.n bu3r,n,K rrlc?' BrBi?,cr
for a "cloanup" day In Marshflold, 'ndr,r10(1; . now CMornlu, 6 06Hc
and the ladles of the Artistic Ncodlo- pcJ,pr"n.J; "W0,i' i4c.PJKTrn,,'
work Club havo agreed to take . Onions Job price $4 75 OB per
charge of tho work nnd nrrango for "" "q, u 7,nB iP"c,e; " 26W-6.0
a general cleaning up of tho olty.,,,orA ',1wr0BimB1r"C;,,rn ,,0r ''"I""1'
Thn mnvnr nn,l Mlv nmMl. .Ill rn . Apples Hclect, $2.60 por box;
oporato. nnd nrobnbly tho day will ln.nH' 2S cho,co ,'C5 ordinary,
per hundred; ; Willamette Valley.'john D. Rockefeller yesterday when not heard from up to ml Inlght.
buying price, 46c per hundred; East.ho walked with his two grnndchll- Tho first reports liidlcated
Multnomnh, buying price. 66c; dron, Fowlor and Murlol McCormlck, four-fifths of thu victims wero
Demand Thaw's Release.
Newburg, N. Y.. April 23. Coun
boI for Harry K. Tbaw today served
nn order of the supremo court upon
the superintendent of the Matteawan
Mschlnlats Strlkn
Mnrshalltown. la.. April 24, Ma.
chlnlsts In tho various shops of tho
tho now universal language J. C,
Coonor Is president. Arthur McPh -
lips secretary, Kato I.nntB treasurer, owes, $5 06,60; spring lambs, noml-
nna nov. o. F. Bwandor, Instructor, i
Fresh Fruits Oranges. $2,5003
per box; lemons, $2.7603.60,
Cnttlo- nest steors, $4.7606;
medium, $4.2504.76; common,
cows, best, $3,70 UH:
3,76: calvos. $4 0
Sheep Best wethers, $000.60;
m nr.
i rum ins nomo to mo i-utu Avonim groes, lint tho Inter reports showed
.uiihisi cuurcn 10 nuonu ino Kiistor.nn increasing number of whites.
survicu, ino gunrii wns maintnillea
on the return from church. In view
of thoao otrn precautions, It wns
thought that tho block hand threats
Meetings will bo hold weekly.
Market Last Yesr's Wheat.
Bend Freighters nre very busy pound.
muw iiuuiiiik wuooi ironi ino jMnaras Wont Pnnlum
Hogs Best. $600.25: medium.
$6.7500; feeders, $5.2606.60.
Hops 1D07. prime nnd cholco. 4
OCe por pound; olds, lOlHo Por
i no Duj'oriuivFtii,vp..v w. ...u buiuiim .,. .hu ibiiuuo iiujio ui uiu. ""o ---. .v, .....u.un wool Eastern Oregon, nvernso
Tnaana Asvlum to permit Thaw to Iowa Central railway struck today, country. Thoro wns n quantity of .t ni. nn. nn...t '-' ji"
itlgn an -application for a writ of ha together with helpora and nppren-, wheat loft on hand last fall whon tho to shrinkage' Valloy 12O150 ac
beas corpus. Thaw will be brought tlcos. A reduction of 4 conts nn hour bad roada put n stop to hauling, bnt cording to quality '
Into court for a bearing: on tho qaos-, In the wngo schedulo caused tho It will all be hauled to the Shanlko Mohair Choice 20O20H0 per
tloa of hla sanity Jstrlke. (market this spring. .pound. '
cIHpro Oiiilewt Hanged.
Mnnlln, April 26 -Clprlnno Om-
ngnlnst tho children recently received ""K """ Ihlucur, nnd Alfronlnim
by Mrs. Harold McCormlck, their L,'V1'!!,'.'Z' """", ,"u",""! I1"1. """"J
mn.imr i1J(i i... .... "nl h'nders, wero privately Imnge.l
................ '""' 'iniii, mil no. Ill II ,, nrluiiti l.t.lnv, (lnwiMifll
iiitormniion coma boobtulued. pirv i ;.,i ' i ....... '.' ..,"" ,;.7,t
In Hiiinnr. Ferimitdex purtlelpnled Iu
thn ntlnrk on Levin mill nlilcd In the
22. killing of four policemen nnd th
Continues In Improve
Pnso Robins, Cnl Anrll
"Rear Admiral Evnns spent n very burning of thu inunli'lpul biilldliiKO
good night," until Surgeon McDonald l''nUMtltto Allien nnd Eporodnii llotn,
this morning, "Ho slept well, ntn 1iIh Principal lleiitennnt, wero to hnvu
wnll this morning, and his dlgostlon llllun bunged on tho samu ku1Iw
Is Improving. I nm certain tlmt tho "ovurnor (lonornl Smith grnnU'd
cotirso or treatment which la being '"em a ruprluvo for ono month.
iuiuiwuu win noro in ino not springs
Is doing him a world of good."
Tskn Orrhnra's Depos'llnn.
OiinnlMon, Colo, April 26. Dl-
nrlllat. aw D...l. r i
London, April 22. Sir Tlenrv .t.r.,cL."IK?...8'mc,',0,il.r,,..,"!l,,y r',n'"
Camnboll Bnbnnrmnn n 11,111.1. "" ""rny 10 t, jx III toil, lllior-
premier, dlo oTo o'einrk ..'. ,K,y, or Blnvo A,'n,lB' tnko n d.-
morn ns at hi. omclnl re.ldoncn i' po,M,nn ,,rom H""y Orchard, to b
0 SlnB.irZ Th. -Ji' ' !",1,",.0"t wV'' A.lnma Is placed on
iu no wning street. Tho end was tr la for thn vtiiiiii a.m.... rniiinn
was trial for tho filling of Arthur Colllna
,ui loiiuriuo. L'olo,