The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1908, Image 8

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In combination, proportion nnd process, 1 Iood'.s Sarsapurilla
is therefore Pocullar to Jtsotf in merit, sales nnd cures.
t It is made from the best blood-jMirifyintf, alterative nnd
tonic ingredients by such original nnd peculiar methods as to
retain the full medicinal value of each nnd nil.
The severest forms of scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh, rhcu.
matism, dyspepsia, nnd debility nre cured every day by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by druinrists. ico doses i. Ucjjin to take it today.
trta-llelu In lahLt '
form. Hi"-! H.u.p.tllU It hiw 'l up In tin
"in lanuia raiwi nat.auix, at wan aa in u
ktuel li4M farm. Hartalalx hate MtaUVall lha I
Kahllilt A.
Weerltia (ilroiilti( In ataln) Well,
Mr, Ilrarketl, hat you ilral(ii anjllilnt
w lately Hill you woillJ Ilk lo alio
lluty Architect Why, yj l' lll a
nl'ju ornamental (lantl on III otitalHe
if sqr oIOc Jour, I'll abotr It lo ywu
If you with to obtain n et of (om
bMutllul wstor color pictures nrl
life lu, (fco, writs Ilia 1'nclfla Go
llorax Co., Albany Illock, Oakland
Cat,, and full Inlurmatlon will Im rrn
you touotlioi wild an llluatratttl ImkA
let (IvIiik paitleulata ot sometliliiK ol
Intaictt lo arerrona In ilia fitmiljr.
Malrlmanlal ronSdeit,
Mr. Willi 1 wltb I rvulJ flnl Mini
way lo ma a a lha balr grow on Hut tali
pot of mint,
Mr. Illllu Jton'l do It. Jobo, Tbal't
lb only ffitur you' cot Ibal tr
aim lo tmll.
N Cave WMIa Yh Wllu
AlUn' fixit Ke la a eerlaln eiiraror hot,
aalltif,rllualit.aillaii,Fliliift, HM
by ell lirutfglili I'llr.JV. I'uli'l arcxpl ar
lillMlltUt Trial t.arkea
flUK. AUJl...
A ll.n . OlmiUJ, U lloj, H. Y.
Tea Tl
H1(w-V I) i'ltink'a wedding a
larier affair than Ibo Hwerlclil'?
ll Yr. O l'llink'a hail fifty rii
trctlrea to watch the prrent. whereat
riwrrlriila' only had forty-four dttco
Uvea to watch tbclra.
TIppU Uall In Mralra,
Tti tip qutloa haa tcoiiii mirti a
nulaatirr In llcilro city that mm time
ago Uw goTrrnnnut of thi fmlrral ill
trlct anuounrnl that rabmrii, cargn
dorm, rucIlero, lc, who acvrptnl
tlx, wcxild It dlacharcnl. Unfortu
nalrly tli rniblte prcfrra to tip all
thr propl ratbrr lino to hear thorn
alii railed by th far from iwm
natnra that audi pMido apply to uoa
tlpt'lng Mruna.
and Quality
appeal to the WflMnformrd In eTory
walk of llfn nnd nro oaauntlal to per
manent auecraa and crrdltablo atand
Inic. Accordlncly, It la not clalmrd
that Hyrup ot Flea and KlUIr ot
llvntm la thn only rrmctly of known
valuo, but 0110 of many ruaiona why
It la thti boat ot poraonnt and family
laintlvi'a la thn fact that It clonnaon,
awrotona and rollnvna tho Intrrnnl
orenna on which It acta without any
diibllltallnc after ofTrcIa nnd without
having tn Incrcaio tho qunntlty from
tltno to tlmo.
It acta plcnaantly and nnturnlly and
truly an n liuatlvn, nnd Ita comonont
part nro known to and approved by
phyalclana, aa It la frco from nil
objcctlonablo aubatnncca. To K't Ita
bnnoflclal offveta nlwnya purchaao thn
Konulnn manufactured by tho Cali
fornia Klff Hyrup Co., only, and for
aalo by all loading druRxUta.
of the
in the land is not
always the
23 Ounces
la the rcstilt of
less. Does better
try It to see. Get
The baking will be
iigntcr ana tastier
lor the can.
to Itself
,n,.cuillprotrtlM lUM.juMurm,
.uurw vIAimi. i.t.vftittu... Mitii r
I (iff
, rinulo hy wnlUm, hrraaea orlta
tioiii by iiruoLle ir lirmnplly br rnalk
U I, II jwl Co., I.ow.11, Mate.
Tnwnar Ytt lire In on of lh flooded
iilmrlia, ilo yuu? Nulling dry within a
mil of you?
Oulaom -(heat Srott, yet I My row
hi gun ilr. Can't (rt anything lo feed
bar. Cblrago Trllmii.
M.a.Mllna lit iMalMUKllaM
"No, I haren'l anything fur 7011," aln
he hard frlurd woman of the bom.
"Intteacl of attending jour tlm In loafing
around lha etloone and lading, why don't
011 t.y lo follow oui miful umiua.
"Madam," tald W reliant long, lining
hi Jadnl remnant of a bit forward and
erlng hr with a frown, "do I look Ilk
a o' d Id I. rich)"
Ill rarMllarllf.
"My btiabiiid baa'iucb a curlom fad.
Itr'a making a rollivtlon of fin allk urn-
'jrallaa itmana and doirna of lliam"
'That inutl l a prrlly ipnlr fad."
"Wll, of coin, I r don't know
how uiucb Ihry rot I blin."
Ikt l'rafaar.
Ilia youngral grandchild bto Dinagd
lo gal oataaloil of a prlluar ud Wll
trjllig lo rat It.
"I'ardon in for taking lh wsrda out of
your inoulli, tllitr onr," aald lb profrator,
haatlly Intarpoaing. C'hlrago Trlbun.
Hal al All.
"I wn lii-liI for four hour on a
firrjr txMt on night whu the mercury
waa down to trru,H
That wa dlalrraalng.
"Waia't It) Did you ever bar auch
an eapcrlf nmr'
"V.V-II, I wa hld for about that
lenctti of 1 1 m In our parlor tb other
lilcht, but It waa uot at all dlatrraa
ln." Ilouaton Poat.
Rflioaa ut III Tail,
Arlalldr wa lamenting th Ingratltud
of lb peopl of Atbrn, lo whoa xrvlr
b had lUrotnl lb t yran of bla llf.
'Hllll," b aald, "I want It dlallnctly
undrratood tbat I am not going lo mik
a nola lik an unappreciated pbllanlbrop
lat," Picking up on of lb current mara-
line b looked It orrr lo whether or
sot Tout Iwaon wa atlll tbrowlog flu.
Caller Your Hill boy lok tiactly
Ilk you.
Youngtler'a Mother Yea; but If be
loein'l get bla meala Jutl wben b want
Ibein be pula up eiactly lb tain kind
of far bla father 1W1
A aiaree.
"JIlMred," aald lb prudent mamma, "I
want you to treat Mr. Kelvbley, who
called on you lait eteiilng, with om
conaliUratlon and reapecl, II may not
Im particularly bandaom or attractive,
but li la nilble, well ronneeled, highly
ucceMfiit In biialntaa, and la regarded ai
one of lb coming men."
"I wouldn't mind hi being on of lb
coming men," aald Mia Mildred, "If II
didn't lak hlra to long lo go."
Tho Heal II Coald aajr.
Mr. Htnrvem How do you like tbi
chicken aoup, Mr. NewbordT
Mr. Nuwbord O cr la tbla chick'
an aonpT
Mra. Htnrvem Certainly. How dc
you Ilk It)
Mr, Nowbord Well cr It'a cer
tainly vory tender. rtilladclphla
1 m. Quality
most costly.
for 23 Cents
modern Ideas. Costs
work. You must
a can on trial.
vastly better,
or wc pay
Jaquet Mfg. Cek
Ilefrliieralitr lvrm,
Oirnaliiiuily tho Imik liouiM-wlfo nog
irla In kii-ji tnl mi llio wirnlii vmiIit
from tint In) In Dm rofrlcorulor. with
tin- ri-niilt Unit 1 111
pliuiit Ih-iiihIIi
I'liale iImj In
tin drip wii
atfatflli iu a 'f'liia
aBMaaaHaiaaBiM f ! WM I llirnri tin
! I lrli piiii ImHiu out
t nr hikiii, ih mm i
-A uiiy of Icllinit "ln'ii
-IV ll U nlmiMl full mill
TIU AMIU, nitla c m i t y I 11 K
Thin otorfliitvliiK of tho win In iiit I
iiontly iri'vi'iit"il by thf iiiiilrlvniiii
almwii in llio iHvuiiipiiiyliii; lllutrn
tlon, which tho hit tutor rnlla n "lofrlc
orator hIiimii." IUIoihIIiik from 11
brnckot ntlarlml to tlm rofrlKi-rnlnr la
a plrotcil "llonl" hIiIi-Ii n-tn In lh
wnale water bantu. Aa tho n-nlor In
tho liaaln liicrrnm-a tho flint cniiliinlly
rlm-H alao. When Hit wnti'r rorii ho
n priilclormlnVil lii'lulit n mnll prlijcot
Iiik arm (imif In contort with a prliiB
Ml, cnulng the latter to ring until
thn Imalti la withdrawn. Willi thl
warning tho hotim-wlfo know lutniitly
H'hni llio rofrlgrrnlnr nwla nttoiitlnu.
lira Kama
I'lck oror nnd wh 0110 nip of ilct
Add It grndunlly to vlcorouxly Ixilllni;
anltitl water nnd cook until tender. Al
low much more water than the rln will
nliaurb In order lo keep tho kernel" -.ei-nrnte.
When done, drain, allowing oil. I
water to run through It for n few aec
unda, Drnln ngnlu. Melt n level tublo
Ikiii of butler In a rrylng pan Jinl
eauio n Utile of the rliv nt n lime
hroniilng allghtly. rk-nN.n with mow
wit. If inveaanry.
Maralimallnr I'llllna.
I)ljM)lrn the ten)(ilifulit KiMderel
cum nrnblc In half n cup of cold water,
mid half n cupful pimdcrci! augnr and
IkiII until thick euiiiisli to form a toft
Imll Im-Iwu the tlnger when lro()l
Into liv water. Pour umui tho
while of an egg ticnlcii atltT, flavor with
n trnKiiiful of rn 111 tin nnd n few
driia of lemuli Juice olid iread on tho
enke with a knife tllpjxil In hut water.
r'rall I'inrli.
I'llt Into a don I the pulp and J llio
of eight good'Mxcil orange with the
Jilli-e of two lemntia, two Hail linnnnm
and n amnll cup grnuulatnl augnr
When tho ugnr I melted jiut In a lien p.
lug tnhlcMiuful m I mill plneuiile. Let
It aland a few minute Iwfore Murlug
fin n blixk of ln lu a punch bowl, Jtit
In' fore M-rvlug add a quart of ailll
norla or other charged water.
I'amteaa Chnt-olala Irlnic,
Melt half enke uliawit-tenetl cliooilntc,
add Ihrvo-quartcni cup ugnr, luuke 11
11100th pa ti- of cue teaMKiiful corn
atnrch nnd n little cold water In a cup
nml then till the cup with (Killing water
Cut thl In chocolate und lie aurc It U
lorfectiy HiuiMith Itofon Inking frmu
love. Timor with vnullla. II I licet
to make It lu a double boiler,
HaUeil llanmiaa.
Strip I mik one cctloti cf, tho akin,
remove the fruit. acrnK) It nnd replace.
roerlug It with the eklii. l'lnco lu nu
agate pan. allowing olio bnnann tor
each iM-roon, llaktt In n iiiinlcrntc oven
until the aklna nre dark and the pul,i
tender, Hllp the pulp ou to a acrvln,;
dlkh and ioiir round.
Hlft 11 pint of tlmir twlcu with a ten
HHnfiil each of linking onder nnd
nit, Ilent thrct- eggn, yolkH nnd wlilto
M'linrnte, and add to the yolka two nipt
of a wort milk, then atlr tlila llipiM into
llio alfled flour. Kent until aiuootli, mid
tho atlrfened whiten of tho egga, nnd
H)ur Into heated nnd f;reael wultlj
Milk I'roatliiK for CaUa
Ono nnd n half cupa nugnr, half-cup
milk, ono tcnupoim luttter, bnlf-tcniipooti
uiullln. Melt tliu butter lu n amnvpmi,
then ndd augnr and milk. Hull gently
without atlrrlng for thlrtiHMi mluute,
lleut until ttlff enough to nprend, (hcu
ndd flnvorlng nnd nprend over cuke.
Ilnlf n teacup thin wnir crenm or rich
buttermilk, ono teiiHrMxm aodu illHsolved
In n kcnut teacup of awect milk, one ten
ipoon suit, one nnd ono-hnlf tencup-i
iiKiir, miulo Into u dougb with Hour n
little Ml tier tliuti when eggti nro used,
rinvor with uutiueg.
Hunt-)- rake,
IlnlfH-up honey, lialf-cup mignr, linlf
rup butter, ono egg, two cum Hour, ono
cup cold water, two tciu-pooufulii baking
powder. I'lnvor with lemuu or vnulll.i.
nrlildlo Cnkra,
Ono cup flour, ono cup npjilc, linlf cup
lugnr, half tenHpoonful boiln, pinch unit.
I Wot with wntvr until as thick as bono
and fry,
I' ' I l (Hill
'I J L I A tljo v
1- w ".
U - a .
Sibjacl Every Himo Lover Shoulr
Olvo Alionllon.
r i It X'lnn PrnfMar of Ifwtlcullure, Mahe
l!prlmntHIll"fl. Muarow,
Moat ol the Wrat la new country,
therefore It la not autprlalng that com
paratlvely few dwellings and farmaUada
within her boundaries nre aurrounded
by attractively arranged planting! of
tieot, flowera and ilirub. Kntutally,
tlm attention of moat cltlzorm of tbla
great commonwealth haa been confined
lo the one Idea of money-making; per
bap the place ha been mortgaged and
vvtf effort hua been bent to relievo
llil condition; or, tome may have tot
a certain atamlard ol money accumula
tion and have devoted their enarglos to
working toward thl goal. The roult
ol thrin condition lia In-en (hat of let
ting aa'de the real beautifying of home
ground aa a iccor.dary condderatlan.
Another vory prevalent reason why peo
ple neglect 111 la all-Important matter.
li found In the fact that icarcely one
person In a thourand itept alde and
give 1 the matter adequate thought.
Although one may appreciate; the at
tractive place of others, still the I dm
of making til own plate equally attrac
tive Is fsr from the Imagination. A
third class of people are those who
really love the touch which nature
given the home surroundings, but from
Isck of forethought snd systematic
planning tbolr enoils tall far short of
success. All of these classes of home
makets can profitably davote tome at
tention to this subject, commonly
known as "landscape gardening," and
Ita application to home of out country.
The ultimate aim of all landscape
gardening, whether conducted on a
email or on a large scale, should be to
preaont a pleasing picture. In other
words, landscape gardening may be de
fined as the art of arranging and group
ing trees, shrubs and flowera in soch a
manner tbat a picture of undeniable
beauty prevails from season to season.
It li not enough that the material
chosen for the plantings should give an
attractive display for a elngle season,
inch as the painter places upon his
canvas, but the selection should go
farther, pretexting material tbat will
give Increasing variety and alluring
beauty for each day, each week and
each month, .
From this statement of the subject
It Is quite evident that the landscape
gardener who wields the tools which
naturo placet at his disposal cccupies a
position on equal footing with the artist
who wields the brush In transfertiog
these plctnres to the cant aa. Yet it is
qulto poeslble for most of ui to play tho
rt ol the former, even though It te
a very limited manner. As many
painters ate Imitators to a gieat degree,
if one should Imitate the works ol
others In the arranging of plants, he
would be committing no unpardonable
sin. In fact, this latter method of
procedure Is likely to prove the most
fruitful means for the average person to
employ; at any rate, it will .serve ad
mirably for the purpose of giving an
Idea, of the kinds of plants to select and
the gtonping methods most pleasing to
the eye.
On the other band, it la nectttary
that the peison who Is to become the
amateur landscape gardener should un
derstand some of the prime essentials
and common sense roles ol this art.
Whete shall the flowers be placed?
Shall the trees and shrubs come In the
middle of the lawn or shall they find a
more appropriate location In tome
other polntT Is It good taste to make
walks and roads In cuiveil These and
many other questions naturally arise
in the minds of those who ate carefully
protpecting In this subject. It there-
fi re behooves us to get some working
Idea of these various topics. Every
home-lover should give ample attention
to this subject.
Of Interest to Farmers,
The following publications ot Intereet
to farmers and others have been Issued
by the Agricultural department ot the
Federal government and will be furn
ished free, so long at they are availa
ble, except where otherwise noted, up
on application to the Superintendent
ot Uocnmenta, Government Printing
Oflloe, Washington, D. C:
Bulletin No. 145. Preparing Land
for Irrigation and Methods ot Applying
Water. Proparod by tho agent of iril
Ration investigation. Pp. 84, pis. 7,
tigs, 33. Price 16 cents. This bulletin
gives descriptions of methods ot remov
ing sagebrush, of smoothng land, of
laying out fields for different systems
of applying water, and ol Uie different
systems of applying water. The vail
ous methods aro wompared m to coat
and eillclcncy,
Ilnlloltu No. 140. Curient Wheels:
Their Uso in Lifting Water for Irriga
tion. Prepared In the otllce nf experi
ment stations, Irrigation investigations.
Pp. 38. pU, 4, tigs. 21. Price 10 corns.
Drawing! and photographs ol a largo
number of wheels used for rasing water
from streams nro given, accompanied
b- iloHi'rlntlnn. atatsmontji of coat, and
discussions of clllcienoy. A general dis
cussion of tho tboory ot current wheels
Ib also glvou.
Had Ono of Her Oirn,
Mrs, lottakldt, who had been Invited
to attend th opening olon of tb moth
era' congreia, was sendlug her regrets
over the telephone.
"It's awfully kind ot you to aik me,
Mrs. Ondego," she said, "but I can't com.
I'm too busy looking after th children.1'
No old rvore exist mcrelv because the fleih In diacnacd nt that partic
ular spot: If thin were true simple deanlincM and local applications would
heal them. Whenever n tore or ulcer rcfuoen to readily, the blood in at
j fnult; thin vital fluid is filled with impurities and poisons which are being'
constantly discharged into the place, feeding it with noxious matter nnd
irritating and inflaming the nerves and tissues so the sore cannot heal.
These impurities in the blood may be the remains of some constitutional
trouble, the effect of n debilitating spell of sickness, leaving disease germs
in the Bystem, or the absorption by the blood of the fermented refuse matter
which the bodily channels of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause
may be hereditary, the diseased blood of ancestry being handed down to
posterity ; but whatever the cause, the fact that the sore will not heal shows
the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment There is nothing
Hint causes more worry nnd anxiety than nn old sore which resists treatment.
Jivcry symptom suggests pollution
and disease the discharge, the red,
angry looking flesh, the pain and in
flammation, and the discoloration of
surrounding parts, nil show that deep
down in the blood there are morbid
and dangerous forces at work, con
stantly creating poisons which may
in the end lead to Cancer, Local
applications are valuable only for
their cleansing and antiseptic effects;
they do not reach the blood, where
the real cause is located, and can
therefore have no real curative vrorth.
S. S. S. heals old sores by going down
to the fountain-head of the trouble
nnd driving out the poison-producing
eerms and morbid matters which are
keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of impurity from the cir
culation and mikes this life-stream purr, fresh and health-sustaining. Then
as new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, all discharge
ceases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue and heaithy flesh are formed,
and soon the sore or ulcer is well. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood puri
fiers and finest of tonics, just what is needed in the treatment, and in addi
tion to curing the sore will build up and strengthen every part of the system.
Special book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical advice desired furnished
free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, OA.
Mrs. Vlck-.Sron' ye flatbed.
-Johnny doean'l get tbat weak chin
ot hit from my tide of tb bouae!" she
"No, my dear," meekly responded ber
bnaliiad. "Johnny bat my chin, but be
Inherit bla mother' llreleu capacity for
keeping It la mot Ion."
Mother will Bod Mr. TTlntlow' Snothlsr
rrutth teirmiedr to u r their cbUdrea
lurlsg lb iMlhlag period.
Ilalhee Seanrl.
"I don't thank you for recommending
tbat young clerk," exclaimed the Indig
nant old broker aa tbey met In the ele
vator. "Wbat'e tte trouble!" queried tbe
Jocular banker.
'Why, you aald be waa aa aquare as
a dollar, and be Isn't square at all."
"H'm ! Neither I a dollar,"
CfTC a1- Vnoa Daae a ad an Xerraoa Dta-aaa
rl I O rnanDUr nrxl br Dr. KUaa-a Una
Kerraluaiofer. h4 fVrVllKE II trial botUaarkl
umUh. lit. 1L ILlUla. Id, Ml Area at, I-Ulaa.
A Capital Carat.
Monotony canaot be wrong.
Thl world each year tb letson trachea.
Tb bird all tine tbe tame old tone;,
Juif at we make tb tame old tpeeche.
Watblmton Star.
Tho Kind You Ilnvo Always
turo of Cbns. II. Fletcher, mid 1ms been inn do uutlcr his
pcrsonnl Hupcrvlslou for over HO yenrs. Allow no ono
to decclvo yon in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-pooil' aro but Experiment, unit endanger the
health of Children llxperlenco against lixpcrinieuU
Castorla is u harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Rorle, Drops and Soothhiir Syruiis. It 1h lMensnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo
substance. Its a fro Is Its fpiamutee. It ties troys Worms
and allays Foveri.shiicss. It cures Diarrhoea, mid Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcethliifr Troubles, cures Countipatlon
and FIntuloner. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and iiourcls, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Sears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tc ihtu ooMeane, ee mumrav creter, Ntwvm,
m.Mafcnw, in&IAMIkTi
ISP V. JU Douftlam nakmm mntlmmHa mor -E
j- than ainjr othmr mmnufMetwa la th
J" world, Jfeuam ihmy hold "BJ
haa. IH botlmr,Mwar ongr, mnd
W. L OeuilH $4 Md $5 6ttt Uu Stat Cwt
a? a1 ,f -."I u uowiui umi ana pnet
na . nu ..-. !
Sal4T th. w
I want lo recommit S. S. S. la anf who ere
In ntti el a Itood purifierand especially t a
rm4r for torei arid obatlruteulcari. lolSTT
I bad my Its tally cot em lb (bars ed(a of a
tan el, and having oo a Mo woolen atockls
Ihtplaeawaibadlyooltofled from Ib dre. A
treat tor formed and for year no oo know
what I luflered with lb plac. I tried, ll
aramad lo me, ererythlns I had erer heard of,
but I (e no relief and I thought I would bar
to go through llf rlth aa anxrr. dlKbajftoa;
tor oo my Iff. Al tail I hrga lb bm of
S. 8. S-, and It wa hat a abort Una cutll I taw
that Ib pt( wa IrasTOTlnc. ItooUnoedll
nolll It reraoeed 3 tb poUoo from my blood
and mad a compltl and permanent car of
lha toe. ISO. ELU5.
SM nvy Street, Brooklyn, IT. T,
"Doctor, will my boy recover?"
"ItecorerJ Madam. It will take mors
than a fall off a trolley car to kill your
boy. He' tbe toocbeit little Imp tbat
run the jtreeta."
"O, thank you, doctor I Yon have tak
en tueb a load off my mind I" Chlcaj
There la more Catarrh In Iblaieetlon of lb
country than all ot .cr dlaeaat pot tofether,
ami until tbe laal lew yeara waa eu'poai to tn
Incurable. For a great many ycara distort
rrnnouocKl H a local dl-eaae and prerlt4
oeal remedlca. ami by eunaianlly lalilne t
cure with local trratm'nl, pronooneetl It In
cur tbla. Sell nre haa pro.en catarrh to boa
eoiiitltutlnnal dlaeaia and therelor reqolrti
eonitliuilonal treatment. Haifa Catarrh Cur,
manufactured b-r K. J Cheney t t o., Toledo,
Ohio. It the only ront'llutlmal ear on It
market. Hit taken Internally In dote IromU
dropa lo a teajpoonlnL II acta directly ontb
blood and raoeoua aurfarea ol th ttnu
Tbey offer on homlreJ dol Ur lor any cm 11
falla lo cure Bead for circular and Uu
Addreaa: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. Ohio.
hold br I'rurtt'ti.TV'.
Take IlaJl'a Family 111U for conatlpatlon.
"Tou haven't been back her before fof
thirty year. Hill? Ooah, that' a. Ion j
time! .What chances do joa ae that tar
prlte yoa tbe mott?"
"Well, to tell you the truth. Dare, what
I nolle mor than anything else la tbat
everybody bat grown old o much fatter
tban I bar."
Iloucht lias borno tho Blirim-
Signaturo of
Bt Eml!d At Am PiIm
. . .7 . 1-l..ill..i.
u lumpM on pouora. - -
P riJ31 &K& tt
laW',MLl aRj rf jtaffecMkt M1 U
XkW8 yS 8
Cra..... O 4allCaAl. . M N
B rt ifT I m
Or.VKffV- ,!
"" Jtsjuml.