The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1908, Image 6

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i1 '
I'or HnleDrlvliiK tcnni, woljibt
aioo! it no iivck niurimnicn'i. k.
Ij. McCann '
lolni vStcltll retimictf home
iWciliiouliiv iiftcnmoii fiom n IiuhI
Wlxch trip to PorlliimJ.
Ilium in insoii w nil lid iiir a new
ionic on Ohio Mreet to be occupied
by lilm iiinl Itlri bride
I.ihIIl'k who nre III need of n new
nil should exutnliic the very pretty
ind iitlriitllvt! oncn ut The Merrill
-o Nuton-
The r.ndleH' Library Club of
Iiiul will hold itn next rcirular
jui-eliiiK m ihc library room Tuti-
iluy iiltcriioon. llowiitd. miinitKi'r of the
1) ( ik l Co , In ut I'ortliuid mill
i.TiiLoiiiii on a bus iivhh trio. lie
Swill If Koiic nboul two weckri
K Tlu'ro will lie u twine lctwccu
IDcihI'x tt'HUlur ball (cum mid one
fcomiKwd d the mat r led men on
illlC 11111 llllllllllllll III. A I .7llllllll
I'hiliii I'niucU and wife arrived
In lleiid Wciliiriiluy evening nud
twlll luke iii residence ut once on
.tin hoiiH'Ulciid HoutheiiHt ol town.
It is liettiui! time to make unrdcu
and the lioud new. MiiiiiI cm up-
HIV VOII Willi llll KIIKItt oi Kceni, III
xlitdlut; onion nets. Alfalfa and
Clover M'til uNo In utock.
Alex D.ivis wut In Hcud Thurn-
day. Me Iiiul just iMiutCht 350 licnu
f ynuiij; cuttle in the HiMcr.i com.
try. which will de driven to hin
fundi at Klainuth Marsh.
l'crr. I'tdndextcr nud ltd IIwliwu
f II. 1...... ill.. ........ ar 4itl.r.
i.i .1. i I. II . l.-l
ay wiin uicir iiiiiunmuiici, uimik
IkiK with llicin u number of I'rinc
Jvillc people to lc present nt the
all iunie
The Indict' library club will clvc
Another tnlc of candy nnd Kpcorn
next Saliudav uftcruouital the J.
il. West fiirullurc More The pro-
ciciIh will be uted to meet the ex
focuses ol the public library.
I.nut summer the P. II I). Co
seeded otic nf their field, to alfalfa
with a nurse crop of oat 11. The
alfalfa made an excellent catch and
Lt comliiL' tin this Mirinu. In flue
Dunne. Tin- field lies to the left
Kr.i 1 1 it .... s r
1)1 llic 1u.n1 iciiiiiiiK iu mc v. ij
A larec bunch of cnttlc lc!onuIntr
to lolin Ryan navd through Ucnd
Wednesday evening on the way to
the home ranch nt The Toollct,
where they will be turned out on
the rnni!c. There were too Dead
lu the drove of yearling and two-
Audits Wanted! -16x20 crayon
'portraits .n cciitt, frames 10 cents
and up. sheet picturct one cent
nch. You can make 400 per cent
Ilproul or Mo o per wcck. untn
.OL'iic and samples free, I'stANK
tflW. V11.MMH Company, taoS W.
ll'avlnr St . C 1 eai?o. 111. 8
I. II. Wenaudv returned the Jai
ler part of last week from Montana
where he had been called by the
death of hit crntulmotlicr. and of
whose estate he was appointed ad
Jniiiiiitrator. Mrs. Wenandy re-
iinaiucu 111 Aioninun nun win icmni
Lto llcud n few weeks Inter.
The Wenandy stajcs nrc now
m,t ikiiik tnrougn ruusiroiiifliianiKo
i,. Hcnd, leaviiiK Shaniko after the
fi' tin arrives and reaching Hcnd the
lullowiiiK afternoon. This popular
IhtnRe company Is cnjoyitiK u brink
Miusinest and Is currying' a larrke
?vH" JrHFl I
J dandruffandr;
ere but outward signs ol the ell
done In secret by myrltds of dan
Jrull jcrms wpploj; tho life blood
olthelialr. Micro kills the pars
site, soothes the Itching scalp,
elves lustre to the hair and stops ,
It falling out. A single application '
Klves relief and proves Its ortk
Save ypur hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It Is a
dellghttu! dressing lor the hair,
free from grease and1 sticky oil.
Ask yourdruggliliorlree booklet.
number of pusMcnKcrs nud it cotjdly
iimoiihi of cxprpss.
' The Merrill Co. linn n flue line
of beautiful ftprlnu; ntd nutiithcr
bats for' the Indies 'Have you
made ypur sclcctlqn? If not, to
no before 'nip beat qncs nre taken.
Nothing nicer tlinu n rich K'ccu
lawn. White clover and blue kmsh
mixed Is the bent to line one part
blue uraRH, four parts clover by
weight You can uet the cleanest
and tKfit needs nnd nt rlht prices
at's. He nUo has a good
tunny difTcrcnt kinds of emdeu
seeds, nud lu Sweet Pens the
lcHt mixture money can buy and
only 5cts. an ox,
II. II, Davics took a run to
Prlucvillc with his automobile the
first of the week, being accompanied
by A. C. Lucas nnd M. J. Morrl
son. On the return trip Mr. Davles
claims to have broken nil records
between Princvlllc nud Ucnd, hav
Iiik made the rtlu in just two hours
of nciunl rtliiiiiui:. Uc made the
run from Powell Jluttcs station to
the Pilot Hutte Inn in one hour and
twenty minutes.
At n special meeting of the city
council last Tuesday evening the
decision of the council seemed to
be nvcrsc to the taking over by the
city of the system of open ditches
throughout the town. The matter
wun not finally decided, however,
and n meeting will be held with
the officers of the water company
In order that the aldermen may
more fully acquaint themselves
with the conditions Involved.
Mrs. Wilson returned on Monday
morning's stage from Silver I.akc
where she had gone to attend to
laud matters. She was accompanied
by Mrs. Walter Kccnc. At Silver
Lake they were joined by Mr.
Kccnc, who came in from the N'ar.
rows where he has n good position
in a store, W. II. Wilson aud
wife arc also in Harney county
about 40 miles from Hums, Mr.
Wilton having a fine position as
foreman of a large ranch.
The ball game last Sunday on
the local diamond between the Ucnd
and Prlucvillc teams was an Inter
esting exhibition of the national
game. Ucnd took the lead at the
first of the game and for about four
or Ave innings It looked tike a walk
away for the local boys. Then
Prlucvillc got up its nerve, began
to play better ball, the Bend boys
made a few bad plays nnd the score
finally showed in favor of the visit
ing team, standing at the close of
the game 9 to 13 in Prinevillc's
favor. There were no spectacular
plays made by cither teamjust an
exhibition of fair base ball from
start to finish, with the result really
in doubt until the last man was put
out. Special credit should be given
to Dr Spnttlding of Princvlllc, who
acted at umpire and whose deci
sions were nboIutcty fair to both
sides. , It is seldom one sees a
game so fairly umpired as that of
A Common Mistake
Many women mlttaVe kidney and
Madder troulilca for aoiiie IrrccuUrlty
peculiar to the cx. l'oley'a Kidney
Iteiiictly conceit irregularities and
make women well. MU Carrie Har
den, Howling (ifeen, Ky wrltei. "I
ulletcil mueli pain I ruin kiuncynmi
liladdrr trouble until I atarted to u
l'oley'a Kidney Reuicdv. The firat twt
tie gave inc urcitt relief, and after taking
the aerond twttlc I wai entirely well,"
C. W. Merrill. OruKKtH.
Will Organize Local Orange.
A. A. Bonucy ofTygb Valley is
in these parts organizing local
granges in the different towns.
One has been organized at Inldlaw
aud on next Saturday, April 25,
Mr. Bouncy will organize one at
llcud. A large attendance is de
sired and it is hoped that a strong
membership will be obtained for
the inauguration of this organiza
tion In this vicinity.
The Patrons of Husbaudry, or
"the Grancc" as it is commonly
designated, has allied itself in be
half of a new water law for Oregon
and intends to exert all the influence
it can to secure the passage of such
a law by the next legislature. The
grange is a strong organization and
will bring much pressure to bear iu
l)clialf of this wholesome law.
Receives Congratulations
You will soon receive the cougratuln
tloiuof your frleudaunou vour Improved
nppcnrauco If you will take l'oley'a Kid
ney Remedy m It tone up the ayslcm
and Impart new life and vigor, l'oley'a
Kidney Remedy cures backache, nervous
cxlmiution nud nil forma of kidney nud
bladder troubles, Commence taking It
today. C. W. Merrill, Dniggls-i
There's newt in The Bulletin,
Aro lleng Hajerly tlorrowed by Hie
I'copie or uenu ana vicinity.
The traveling librnry froju tlw
urcgou J.iurary juomumKion lias
nrriyed, and the hooks 4fn now on
the shelves iu the Bend Free Public
Library and ready for the use of
the public, ncvcrnl hiivc already
taken advantage of thisopportiiL'lty
to get good reading nnd quite 11 few
books nrc being loaned each even
ing. The traveling library consists of
49 volumes and contains reading
suitable both for the child of seven
or eight years and the ndult. These
books will he loaned not only to
the residents of Bend but also to
the farmers iu this vicinity. The
complete list of books is as follows:
Dn.lrr llif I.IUr. , Alrolt
Tlir Young Tr.lWi. . .Atuhtttr
TIllMr lloir pamou. rtlucl'i Htiulil ll.l.Ulii
Th HpliUofllit rktiuol ... Iinitxmr
liim (ImI JiuiiIU luitiuni
ItuMtifOrauir HIMmii
Mofjr uf MkliltilhouJ Ha, lull
Hallway Clillil'tti .. Illanil
Mr Tiicktutiaii'a Mfffl II row 11
Zailoc I'liif - .. Ilumitr
l-irtuir Hlutlft liom Orrat Aitl.U Caily (t Drwty
Willi Ihr Hmpiraa Donagrr Call
Komnc of Animal Alliand Ccafla
.Cuupan Ai t ra
Vlctur of Kalainla .!)-!
Und ol th I.ouc Nlalil , .. OuChalllu
Mat jr'a Uafdrn aixl llow II Ultw , Ituuran
lluo.lfl rkhimlmaalrr . ....... . -l!jtl'lon.
H.iia. I'lrM Mfaurr I'lrld
ThcKaadaTaUa ... .. ...... l'taxr
Cou't i.f XIiik Artliur . . .. l'rut
Cranfirtd ....... . . . Caaarll
AncUM MM... .. ... Claar
Sky lllul -.. ('.onion (Connor)
IXritltr M.ttlMofthf Law lint
Out VtKiH A Tim Htorlfl. Ill,
riloiauimr KfpuuiK .. . imiurti
I'a-otlHOlffk Hrlht .. . Ilidr
Old Kama I'c Trail. ... -. .. Inmai,
(lood llr.llli. .If "Ut
OoM P.lalr . ... .. -John Mriliti
NaacyHUir . ... ... . I.anr
Know Qrrii Lafi
Conit1(lr IHt.makr luihllli
NrH-loor MoiUul... . .Iwl.
Annatiofa Oulrt 4clbtrhol Mardonald
Alitlf rfiiri - . . l ,11111
Itndlih Uiida. Ultrra aud Klnf MlUhdl
llrorira to Victoria - .
Th ft hltf Mlkut. . . M , lo(t
ThWaera ... . ...I'a-krr
Llhll'li.rrrrd ntnlty I'blllln
Our l.lllle l-a nam afoui In - likr
atwlcn Traa.uir ... I'ylr
Chtlilmaa AnffI -I'jrlr
Mr Llfr aaan ilkllari .KctiulU
In Cll' Commands , hlraui
atrani Nlorlta or Colonial liayt
Haat-lircfdliii - .
Malny tay iMrrralona
I alar.
U'lf do H Smith
l'oley'a Orlno UxatUe l the litit for
women and children. Ita mild action
and pleaaaut taitc inaket it preferable to
violent purgatlvca. auclt a pllli, tablet,
etc. Cures conitipatioti. C. V. Mer-tlll,l)riiKRlt.
jhshztt'J (Mfcztf
ryi WLMrjuSMBpiI
C.oplicn, Kagc KaU and Prafpr Ikf;i
annually dcvaitate our fielda of jcrowln
8 rain. ThHr number may ibe igrtt)y
iruinlshed by a systematic warfare. nj:m
thetn. V.vcty female killed before tlie
young are born, reduce the numbenof
icsU at lea It ten later on.
"Woodlarlc" Squirrel I'olson (s the tnot
reliable nnd destructive aent ycAlflvil
for their extermination. It is ahMflutely
certain in iu action and every kernel is
warranted to kill. Climatic changes or
moisture of the earth do notdetroy its
strength. It requires no mixing or prepn.
ration, and is Iwayjircndyforuse. So
other la so good. Dcalerswfll refund the
furchaxe price, if not as clatrotd,
lovr Ciikuicat. Co., PXttiUnd, Orrgoa
Francis-Harlan. 1
Mr. Philip A. Frtncts was unit
cd in matrimony d Mrs. Marie
Josephine Harlan Priday evening,
April 3, at Portland, Or., by Rev
Clarence True Wilson, pastor of
the Centenary Methodist -church
They were married at the residence
of,Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pigeon, 749
Kerby St., with only a few relative
and friends of Mrs. Harlan present
Mr. and Mrs. Francis will vise
relatives in Hood River for a week
aud then return to Bend and resid
on their homestead. Mrs. Franci
has a little daughter 1 2 years old wh
will come with thcrj; and possibh
a married daughter and her hu
baud will make tbeir home in Ucnd
An Insidious Danger
One of the worst feature of kidnct
trouble is that It is an Insidious diseam
aud before the ictim realises hlstUnKcr
he may have n fatal malady. Tak,
l'oley'a Kidney Remedy at the first slim
of trouble as it corrects irregulariticr.
ami nretcnis unguis uiseate and tlia
lietes. C. W. Merrill, DniKRist
Read The Uulletitt.
I have just received a full line of farm machin
ery and it is being set up as rapidly as possible
The line Includes:
John Deere Plow Co.
Walking Plows
Sulkey Plows
Disk Plows
Ajax Harrows
King Harrows
Disk Harrows
Kentuck Disk Drills
Dain Mowers
Lassie Rakes
Moline Mountain Wagons
Eyery Farmer
,ts .wellB .every 'business ,mqn sho,id a biiitk accqun.
Because! (Hir moncy is saer in the bank than
anywhere else.
P;rymg your bills by check is the
simplest and most convenient methoJ.
Your check becomes a voucher for the
debt it pays.
It j'.lvesyoii n better standing jytth 'ipsipess
Money in the batik strBj;tbonfiatrr credit.
A bank acrottnt lc.iah?:, ;tcjps and -encour- 'fl
"aV7- jv, v nvv. t docs,ll,thc7opkkccr)ing.
Vqpr bank Ijook is record of your Irasiness. 1
To those desiring Banking'Connccticms-with a well 1
established Bank, ivc extomi ourrservices.
The Qentrsl Oregon Bankmg ($b :j
Trust Company
.UohnCttetdl...... Lumberman and Timlier Owner.
U.C. Cot,... Physician and Surgeon.
H. P. J. McDonald , 3tayor of ISend.
E. A. Satner... . . .. ..... . ..... Merchant.
,J. B. Hsjfburn.. Cashier.
A line of goods that can't be beat.
Take a look at my machinery shed. You
find something that will interest you.
$1.50 to $5.00
J. I. West's
Furniture Store.
Central Oregon Realty Company
(Successor to C D. Drown & Co.)
Central Oregon Real Estate
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty
If We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We caa sap
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
further particulars.
Shop and
1UT11S t.v
Hotel Bend
New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms
Always Reserved for Transient Trade.
Harness & Saddles
Robes nd
Harness Oil. Complete Line of
Oeneral Strap Work.
Importer and Breeder of
Poland China Hogs
Black Langshan Chickens
Youag Stock for Sale.
Fundi are available to pay school wart
ranUofBendachool district No. laaail
interest will cease alter tkia (late.
Bead, Ore., April 10, 1908.
C S BBMinv rtath