The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 6
Prisoner TcIh Who Killed
"Sl.tirty" Davis.
Humored Hint Confession Involves
Niuiiticr ul Prominent County
Sent Men-More Arrest.
. Arc tlic hidden fuels in regard to
(lie long list of crime, midnight
inurilcrN, shootings mid lyiichlngs
tli it t were w common ntound Prltic
villc some 10 or so years ngo nbout
to Ik- told nud given the lliiht of
publicity? Ami nrc the men who
were responsible for those crimes
uhntil to receive the punishment to
which their dastardly deeds of
forme year have entitled them?
Thrr-c arc the questions thnt nrc
paramount in the minds of all those
who have henrd the Intent develop
merits In n case of lawlessness In
the vn'iiiity.of I'rincville
It in retorted that l.nrkiu K. HI
liott, who it under nrrcst and con
fined In the county jail for compile
Ity in the liurnlnir of the J. N. Wll
iliiuiHOii shearing plnnt and the
cuitliik' of u tulle and a half of Wil
liuinsou'.i wire fence, has "peached"
on his confederates not only in this
last deed, but has also told the
itutliurilien who were the uiurdcrcrii
of "Shorty" David, n wealthy sheep
man who disappeared some eight or
nine years ago and of whom not n
trace has been found from thut day
to this lilllott, so it Is reported,
has told who did the deed and
offered to take the authorities to (he
plucc where Davis' body nud that
of his horse nrc buried The devel
opments lending tin to this denoue
ment nrc interesting uud arc a fol
lows. Destroy Property of Sheep Men,,
On March 38 the shearing plant
and corrals together with other
buildings belonging to J. N. Wll
linmson were burned. A few days
prior to that event a sheep camp on
a tributary of the Ochoco nlxiut 15
mile oast of I'rincville, also owned
by Wlllintusou, was likewise de
stroy!. On Tuesday night of last
week n mile uud n half of wire fence
belonging to Williamson wa cut so
badly ns to completely destroy it.
The fence en tried four wircti tightly
stretched on posts u rod apart with
.staves between each post. Those
who did the work rode along the
fence and cut the wires on both
aides of each post.
About n juouth ago n sheep
camp, n large amount of hay, and
two houses belonging to the Mcin
tosh Livestock Company at Paulina
Were burned, nud at about the .same
time n fence belonging to George
Russell nt Post was badly cut.
These depredations committed
ngainst the property of sheep men
Indicate that the bitter range war
that was waged so fietccly u few
yearn ago between cattle and sheep
men linn not entirely died out.
Sheriff duds a qiow.
Williamson hired n detective nud
put him to: work to find the guilty
parties. Sheriff F.lkins also went
to the scene of the fire nt the shear,
lug plant and began to look for ev
idence. There they found part of
u bridle hanging to n post, ns
though a horse had been tied there
nud had broken loose.) Tracks
about the plucc indicated that more
than one horseman was present at
the setting of the fire, After col
ectlug what evidence he could find
Sheriff Klkins .started to town, tak
uir with him the broken bridle. As
ic Mopped nt the ranch of I.arklu
Uliott, IJIiiott's little boy snw the
iroken bridle ami exclaimed, "Why
pint's my papVs bridle." One re
port Is to the effect that Sheriff
Klkins replied, "Is thut so? Well,
bouuy, you run nud get the other
1art of It nud we will see if we can
isc It." The little chap ran to the
bab ntvH returned with" (lie! ufissirfg
part Of tbc bridle. The sheriff im
mediately arrested Klliott and look
hitli to I'rincville. 1 , .
Since bcltiKcoufiticl InJalUJllIott
him confessed to setting the flre.dild
cutting the icucc on the Williamson
place, staling that he was hired by
C Sam Smith, the cx-shcrllT, ahd
that Smith nud his sou were pres
ent uud had u hand In the deed.
Smith nud his sou were promptly
arrested and arc now in jail,
There Aro Other Criminals,
After disclosing these interesting
facts It In reported that Hlliott also
said, "Well, I'm not the only crim
inal In Crook county. There nrc a
lot others. I can tell you who
killed 'Shorty' Davis nud can take
J mi to where his body Is buried."
What other disclosures he made is
not known, but It Is reported that
he I111H implicated 33 persons living
nt I'rincville and vicinity, some of
them prominent business incu nud
It is known, however, that Sher
iff Klkins and District Attorney
Mcticfcc took Klliott and drove out
into the country. When they re
turned they refused to talk and
would not sav whether or not they
had found Davis' remains or any
thing to substantiate Klliott's story,,
Their silence would indicate that
their search had not been in vain.
I'rincville is on the keen edge of ex
citement ns to what will follow.
Dynamite Plot Frustrated.
Another report is to the effect
that Smith has confessed every
thing and hns owned up to a plot
in which he and Hlliott were to
hayc dynamited Williamson's house
while he was asleep. This report
is not generally believed, however
Sheriff" Klkins and District Attor
ney Mcucfce hint that more arrests
will follow, nud the sheriff Is re
twrted to have said, "There will be
hell trapping next week."
It will be remembered that
"Shorty ' Davis was a wealthy
sheep man living southeast of
I'rincville who mysteriously disap
peared about eight years ago. No
trace of hint hns ever been found
nud it hns been generally btillcved
he wns murdered. At the term of
court Inst May n brother from
Greece appeared, proved his rela
tionship to Davis, nud the property
was surrendered to him. Davis Is
the man whom Klliott says the cat
tle men killed. Cattle men hale
with n dire hatred nil sheep ami
sheep men and if Davis was killed
it was in order to tid the range of
his sheep. The recent depredations
committed against Williamson and
other sheep men arc undoubtedly
Intended to produce the same re
sult. The question now in the
minds of everyone Is whether the
cat has: not at last becti let out of
the baft U no of the crowd con
fessing njul Whether the gang that
carried . things with such a high
baud a few years ago arc not about
to receive the long delayed but just
desserts for the crimes they com
mitted when the country was so
new that Inw and order could not
be enforced.
InSciUgate Tho 1 Bulletin's clubbing
offers It will pay you.
(lives Ellis a Mnjbrlty of
82 Votes.
llulletln'a Koport of Last Week Ui'
changed by Complete Returns.
Statement No. 1 a Winner.
The official count of the primary
clectioti returns in Crook county
shows that Kills won over Blanch
ard for county judge by 83 votes.
Kills polling 405 nud DIanchard
333. King, for treasurer, has a
stroncr lead over Tnlinsnn. Klmr's
vote being 430 and Johnson's 394.
for assessor uayton defeated Jones
bv .18 votes, white 111 thi- ranfnr
school superintendent Kord wo;i
over i,cninnn oy only 40. for
sheriff Klkins nolled fiifi. having
110 opposition. Coiiglcton received
the democratic nomination fqr
sheriff1, polling 175 to Stroud's 133
Rice won over Mav for the rcmihli.
can nomination for surveyor, nud
llu&tou over Gidiliiu-s for the dem
In this senatorial district, the
17th, Mcrrymau has won the re
publican nomination and Springer
the democratic. In the legislative
district Belknap and Ilrattaiu have
captured the republican nomina
tion. With nearly all the returns in
from the state Cake wins Dip rrnnli.
licau nomination for U. S. senator
by a lead of 3386 votes over Fulton
IltS victorv is accredited lnrirrlv In
Statement No. 1, as Statement No,
1 candidates have made a sweeping
victorv over the entire stall- IW II
S. representative Kilts has n strong
icau over twin Uccr and Shepherd
Wilson has won the republican
nomination for district nttorncy
over Myers but by what ninioritv
is not yet known.
Following Is the official count, In
totals, for Crook county;
I'ar County JuJr-
IUII. Mr( ., Kep , . ....
WiifM, Urm .. ... .
For MifiiU-
ItUln., KtL . .
(.ougltlim, Ibi .. .....
ttlrouit twm
. -4J
- J
. ... 1
. .161
.. S7
t'OfClrfk- "
Uiown. Drm ..
For Ttmiurj
J?"4"0- 4 f
Ihm.a, hrp
I'or Afor
rak. ...Mt
lourt, UtpM.C..
l. lul Ic lit! Ittuw.fc.
I'or Uurvtyori- " T,,,M,'" "
1'n.l.r. H.M.
I'or CommlMiotinJ'""""" "
Kitr, Krp. .r-..i;...
'or V. B. Hnlw
llilloa, Mt......:,.
vkr. Ktp
ChmlciUtn, 1bi".
, . it
Just a Little Shop Talk.
ANHVSl'Al'ltRthat is a newspaper "c that is alive, energetic aud
active U always anxious tube the first to report any important Item
of news. Uy doing to continuously kvpripcr worksttp the reputation for
Itself of being a nfc-y paper, an intcreitlrig publication, and the best one
In its field. In Hue with this statement, Tint mUurtlN wishes to call the
attention of 'thc'publlc to the very evident fact that it was the first paper to
report the returns of the primary election of last week. My delaying the
Imuc a few hours, this paper was able to give the returns from enough pre
clncU to determine wlio had received the nominations for the arious
courtly offices. ' That was the biggest item of news of the week, and Tint
MuuxriN gave ii,to jts readers just one week before any of the other
Crook county paper.
i Thai Tjtit MbiOtbis is recogitUcd as the leading ilewlj gatherer of the
county is ihown by the fact that candidates from Kemorld and Laidtaw
repeatedly pUoitcd to this ofticc to get the returns. In this issue we follow
up the good work of lsst week by-printing in tabulated Win the oflicial
count, by precinct, oftbe complete returns of the county.
TwocarsCgoTltit MuratrriNkccurcd similar "scoop" ou its con
temporutks In reporting thd returns of the general election, "and at that
time Inaugurated in Crook county the plan of gliug the Vsniiplete official
count by prcclncti On various other occasions this pajict has been the
first to chronicle ail Important news, item, as for example, tile time when
Uietuojruullihtthonictldcvcaamlhighuayiuen were arrested 'by Sheriff
Klkins at Sisters.
Which only gees to show that if you want the news when Mt Is news,
. you Warna Ue VtMr 'reada of T-kk
t 1
I'or V H KrptrMiiUIIrr
fill. ...
fittr, tttp
y.ii, r,F
Hlifplrrd. Mrp ..
For Jullroth -Miprtnit Court
Hun Hty ... . ..., ,
I'or Dalrr (n't I'ouri Lominl.loeirr
... s
ll.ll.jr M.p I M.....MUM . U-
MrH. Kriw ...... , . 144
I'or Kullroi't ComiHiuloiitr. iml Coii(. IM.I
Altthlwi, Krp iM
Colon, Krf , 1S1
Hamilton, Krp .......M
llurlhurt, Kp .. .
liiKk., Kp , -J
Whlllnr, Krp .1)
i'or M.'r pKiiiiur
llolratr, Krp ,. , ..
wiiim, n.p.
tttjmmu. Htt
HprltiKfr, lni ...
I'or KUtr KtprrMnUIIrr
lulkn.p Krp , . .,... ..
Ilr.lulii, Krp
Milki, Kp
I'or IX.Irltt AllofutT-
M)n, Hrp m
Wltwa, Kp. .,
...j a
Superstructure of New Courthouse
Will Co.t $37,000.
John H Shipp lus secured the
contract for the completion oftbf
new court house. The bids cillcd
for the rcmodelinir of the basement
and the work of the superstructure
The contract price for the com
pletcd structure Is $57,000 Mr
Shipp's bond was fixed nt $15,000
At least one wall of the fouuda
(ion will be removed and rebuilt as
it has been adjudged unsafe to put
a two-story building upon it
When completed the new court
house will be entirely of gray stone
of the same grade as that used in
the foundation. The structure 1
to be completed within a year from
John B Shipp bid $57,000 for
an nil stone building, being range
line work as basement, with gal
vanized iron cornice, clock and
tower This sum Includes the re
modeling of the basement for which
purpose $3500 was withheld from
Wright & McNcclcy for work re
jeeted by the county. It also In
eludes the repointmgthe basement,
rebuilding the steps, relaying the
concrete, cleaning the yard and
getting the building ready to move
into. Journal.
Preparing for County Pair.
The managers of the Crook
County Fair are taking hold of the
work vigorously and many improve
ments are being made in buildings
nnd on the grounds. One innova
tion of much importance tor tins
season's fair will be an expert to
judge the livestock entered for the
different prizes. The expert will
be furnished by the Oregon agri
cultural college, and it is planned
to have him, while making the
awards, point out the strong aud
weak points of an animal. This
will be a valuable lesson to stock
Yes, and a Little lictter.
The Demi Commercial Club has given
the nrintcr an order for s.000 ilx-paue
circulars which Mill be filled with matter
describing the rctources of ilend and
vicinity. It it planned to scatter these
among the tnulneu men and have oue
of them enclosed in cery letter that
goes out of town. Bcud IiulleUu.
If Iknd had n railroad it would
be almost as good a town ns Vale.
They have the hustle over hi that
section of Crook county. Vale
A. M. Drake Writes an In
terestlng Letter.
Describes Native Life on That Historic
Island 1 he Scene of Many Bloody
Campaigns In Ancient Times.
CAi-xt, haly, March 31. Miss
Wood nnd I have just returned
irom .t trio lit bicily with steamer
riends, ""havinir left Mn- Bmke
uerc in Capri during our absence.
Inking the evening boat from
Naples, we alled out past Capri,
remaining 011 deck till the last lights
had faded into distance, nnd awoke
in the morning as the boat entered
the harbor at Palermo. In a few
moments c had p.iss-d the custom
house and were breakfasting at the
Hotel De.s Palmes.
The island (at one time doubtless
connected with Italy and also with
the African coast) was tiilled Trin
icria by the ancients beca use of its
triangular hape, and ha.s nt each
of its corners a fine harbor.
Palermo lay at the western cor
ner, convenient to Carthage and
Africa; Meisiua on the northeast
efarutcd by a narrow strait only
from the Italian mainland; .nd
Syracuse at the southeastern cor
ner, the nearest point to the Greet?
What the sacred mountain Fugi
yaaa was to Japtu so was Aetna to
Sicily. Beautiful, majestic and even
threatening, it at times destroyed
large areas of fertile country with
thousands of inhabitants; but on
the other band, its lava and ashes
have constantly enriched the soil
and the internal heat so warmed
the earth that for tbom-ands of
years Sicily has been one of the
gardens oftbe world, supporting
millions of people.
The ancients believed the earth
quakes and eruptions due to strug
gles of an immense monster or de
mon confined beneath the surface
trying to liberate himself, liencc
the emblem or coat of arms oftbe
island is the design of a figure hav
ing a central bead with three legs
(one for each corner of the island)
sprawling out over the surface as if
trying to bold down the demon
imprisoned within.
Sicily abounds in history. To
appreciate and understand it one
must travel not only with guide:
books but as well with volumes of
ancient and modern history, myth
ology, aud numerous works of
reference. To make thfc story of
our trip intelligible, I will have to
recount some in condensed form.
Immensely fertile and almost the
geographical center of the Mediter
ranean, itscontrolwasof imperative
strategic importance to the respec
tive powers that rose s.nd fell on
the shores of that historic sea, and
its history since 1500 B. C. conse
quently involves that of all of the
borderingnations. The bat tlesfought
there olten changed the destiny of
Europe aud the whole wo rid.
Its history begins with the
Phoenicians encroaching oa the na
tive tribes. Then in 75 B. C.
came settlements by Athenian
Greeks, followed by Cortntbiaus
and others, more or less hostile to
each other, who scattered, their set
tlements promiscuously -along the
shores, driving back the Phoeni
cians. Then the trouble? began
Carthage sent armies toattsisther
Phoenician relatives, Athe ns like
wise to aid her colonists uud the
other Greeks theirs. For ce nturies
these wars were waged. At times
the Greek factions allied against
Carthage, then by turns one l jreek
faction fought the other, some times
allied with Carthage and somet itnes
uot. Iater came the Romans, who
likewise fought it out for centuries,
now allying with one faction of the
Greeks aud now the other, and
agniu against both combined until
they overcome both Greeks and
Carthagenlans. After the Roman's 1!
came Goths, 'Byzantines, -Saracens,
Arnbs, Normans, Germans, French
and Spaniards, each having its day,
until history becomes such a jum
ble that one gives up in hopeless
All this time Sicily, lying mid
way between the warring nations
was the victim and unwilling bat
tie ground and slaughter pen of the
nges. The number of people who
perished In these wars Is incon
ceivable. Carthage alone must
have sacrificed a million or more.
At the single battle of Hiracra 480
I). C. its army of .100,000 was en
tirely wiped out. Hardly one of
the dozen principal cities but, nu
destroyed sver and over again,
only in the course of years to rise
again from tbc ruins To avenge
the death of his grandfather at
Ilimcra. Hannibal some years
Inter took the city with terrible
.slaughter. Of the surviving popu
lation he tortured to death over
3000 captives, and then overran
the island, taking every city but
One can scarcely realize that the
Greek cities in Sicily exceeded in
power, wealth and population those
of mother Greece herself and that
Syracuse with perhaps a million
and a half inhabitants, for centuries'
was the mistress of the world As
a result Sicily, with its warm
winter climate, beautiful and
picturesque scenery, with Aid castles
and cities perched on the tops of
steep hills or mountains whose rim
rocks and precipitous sides largely
took the place of walls, offers un
usual attraction to tourists, and
especially to those like ourselves,
from a new country.
There is much food for moraliz
ing. For what good all this misery
i.'nd loss of lifel Had the people
ntlled together and respected each
others rights, all would have shared
a common prosperity and Sicily
would have been a nation and world
power today, instead of being sunk
in miserv. a sacrifice to tbc greed
of man jea.loi of their neighbors
prosperity, wnu wuo in uirn were
themselves to py the penalty.
In our two weeks we merely
skimmed the surface of things of
interest. Palermo, with some 350,-
000 people, now the principal city,
lies nt the mouth ot .t pretty vaucy
(called the Conco d' Oro "Golden
Horn of Plenty") surrounded on
three sides by mountains in fact
the whole bland is but a mass of
The city today presents .quite a
modern appearance, though one
encounters many specimens of me
dieval architecture and fine ex
amples of Moslem and Byzantine
art. Palermo's importance dates
from A. D. S78, when the Saracens
destroyed Syracuse and made
Palermo their capital, because of
its convenience to their African
homes, Some 200 years later the
Normans in turn overcame them
and during their regime greatly
embellished the city, utilizing the
best artisans of the world, both
Ktti-opean aud Saracenic. Amoug the
(icaauiui ftiruciurc ui iu riuik wen;
the ifreat cathedral of Palermo, built ill
1 170. which we visited the first moraine.
ami the old palace of King RonerwiUi
ill royal chapel the Cappella Palatini,
the most beautiful church interior in the
world. The walls of this are all in
colden mosaic, wonderfully toft in color,
depicting Bible scenes, from the creation
of the world down to apostolic times.
This mural picturing was so extensive
that it was called 'King Roger's Diblc.
Some of the scenes are very amusing,
particularly Noah pushing the animals
out of the ark, and the .creation of ISvc
as she comes forth out of Adam's aide.
Another of theve churches, also in
similar workmanship, was the Uaxtorana,
with its beautiful tower, and famouslapls
lazuli altar.
In the afternoon we visited anotker of
these churches, the cathedend at Mou
reali three tulles out. This enormous
building is finished iu the same manner,
huviug over 80.000 square feet of mosaic
tile also deplcttuginost of the Bible with
all the saiuts added. The whole e fleet
in rich soft colors defr descrintion. One
writer says the pictures seem as if
draped with white satin hangings with
embroidered silk borders; another calls
them tapestries in stone: but writers and
artists alike have given it up in despair,
and so must I. Au attempt to describe
one of these buildings would require an
entire chapter, ana tnen prove a uuure.
Connected with the cathedral Is a
large and beautiful cloister of an old
monastery, surrounding about au acre of
semi-tropical garden. There are 35
arches qn side supported by pairs
of white-marble columns with exquisitely
carved capitals, the alternate columns
(Continued ou page 4-)