Q ROADS ARE BLOCKED Blizzard and Snow Ties Up Mid dle West Tronic, TEMPERATURE GETS NEAR ZERO From Manttcba Through Minnesota and Wsst to Montana, Gale Car- rlei Cloudt of Snow. St. rani, April 2. A tcrlfic pile it blowing bcie today and la boating a cold wave down (torn the Xorthnest, according to tho United States weather bureau. Tho cold wavo -will causo a drop in teinpcrtauro to about lOfdegrooe abovo lero. Very low temperature- prevailed to day at most p luces in Manitoba and territories. It was two degrees below cero at Medicine Hat today and four below at Prince Albert. A dispatch from Grand.Forks, N. D., nays: "A heavy snowstorm, accompanied by wind, caused delay to trains In North Dakota today. The east bound Oriental limited ot tho Great Northern arrived (oar hours late and reported that the storm raged all the way from Great Falls, Mont. All trains from the East were from half an honr to two boors lato this morning. Tbe snow is drifting and It is believed traffic will be tied up west of Grand Forks. About a foot of snow has fallen here in the last 24 hours. It is report ed that the 800 line from Ardock west to Kerunare Is badly tied up." UPPER COURT TO DECIDE. Ruef In tha Grip of a Blizzard. Crookston, Minn., April 24. Tho entire Red river valley has been since last night in the grip of the worst blU xazd of tbe winter. PORTLAND'S ROSE CARNIVAL Asks That Judge Doollnjr Forbidden to Try Him. San Francisco, Aptll 3. With the views ot Judge Maurice T. Doollng, as announced from U10 benoh, that an im munity contract Is non-existent in law, illegal It entered Into by a district at torney and unenlotcenblo by a defend ant, indicating n prolwblo ndvero ruling on tho objection ot Abraham Hurt to further proceedings against him be cause of tho protnito ot Immunity mado him by the prosecution but afterwards repudiated, Ruf, through his attor neys, today made application to U10 State Supreme eoutt for a writ of man dato and petitioned tor a writ of pro hibition. Tho application and petition aro Identical witii tho ones dented yes terday by the District Court of Anneal. The Supremo court Is asked to prohibit judge uooung iroro continuing tho trial ot Kurt, and to Isauo a writ ot mandato ordering him to transfer the caso to another department ot the Su perior court. Assistant District Attorney Francis J. Usney this afternoon replied to the argument ot Frank J. Murphy, who raised tho question ot the Immunity contract before Judgo Doollng this morning and contended that through Ruet't reliance upon the promise made him, his constitutional rights wero in vaded when ho testified before tho grand Jury and that ho was entitled to be placed back whore he could attack tho validity ot tho Indictments. p!-ai' '- . - J-mi Be nnrrnir nrrtimn inmnvfn nr vitmnnnnm UKLUUN oIAIl litld W INItKfcdT PATIENQE IS EXHAUSTED. PRACHCE NEARLY OVER. to Great Preparations Being Mado for Floral Event. Portland, Or., April 2. This week the management of the Portland Rose festival, which will give a 150,000 cele bration daring the first six days ot Jane, inaugurated a campaign of pub licity throughout all sections of the country. The campaign consists ot the sending out by mail of 250,000 beauti fully colored and artiitio advertising "inserts," in which plan all the whole sale and retail homes, hotels, restaur ants, public schools, drag stores, etc., have been enlisted. Great demand has been made for theeo attractive In sert a'ready and they will be sent oat regu'a'Iy until the festival opens June 1. Or e of the fine features of the big Jubl ei will be the grand water carnival to be held one evening daring the week. Every individual, firm or corporation that owns a pleasure or business craft that piles in the waters of the Xorth west has been Invited to enter some craft In tbe magnificent decorative and Illuminated aquatic pageant. Capt. J. G. Speier, harbor master of this port, chairman ot the water carni val committee, has been in communica tion with many associations along the streams and rivers of this section that are Interested in water sports and most of them have assured him that they will be glad to participate in that evenL Quite a number of towns and cities of Oregon, outside of Portland, have come to the front to help make the fes tival a huge success. Some have ap propriated as high as f600 and $000 to defray the expense of building a fine decorated and illuminated float for the splendid night parade "The Spirit of tbe Golden West." Work on these floats is already under way and new committees are being beard from eietf few days. The time )s short, so the management nrges those towns that desire to take part in the demonstration to communicate with the festival management at once. Commercial bed Ion from all parts of California will come here for two or three days ot the festival. A special basinets men's excursion under the auspices of the California state board ot trade, which will embrace organiza tions from all the leading cities of that commonwealth, lias already been ranged for. Vessels at Magdatena Bay About Coal and Clean Ship. San Diego, Cal., April 3. Wireless reports received Horn Magdalena bay stato that the record target practice ot 1003 for the Atlantic fleet Is practically at an end. The Vermont, tho last ot tho "Dig 10" to go upon the ranees. completed tho firing ot her 12-inch gnna yesterday and today was complet ing her record with the rifles In the secondary battery. Mostlot tho shins also have completed their torpedo prac tice, so that little remains to bo done at Magdalena bay but to coal and clean ship. It Is said that all of tho vessels will take on sufficient coal to cany them to San Francisco. In this nay the ships will bo open to visitors every day of their stay at tho various ports on tho cant. Daring coaling days all ships of tbe navy aro barred to visitors and practically ail of the officers havo to remain on board. The Connecticut, which brought Ad miral Evans to Ban Diego yesterday af ternoon, and which cleared again for Magdalena bay at 4 o'clock in tho after noon, was 240 miles south at noon to day and will rejoin the fleet late to morrow afternoon. The weather at Magdalena bay is re ported as cloudy and threatening, these conditions having prevailed for somo time. No rain has fallen in tho bay, but a few miles Inland it Is said there have been heavy showers. White uniforms were expected to be worn, but Dine baa been tbe pretcribed color nearly otrj day. CONDEMNS ALL PENDING BILLS. PLAN BIG FRUIT WAREHOUSE Growers Got Architect's Drawings Soon Start Work Milton Pinna for tho new warehouse and cold storage plant to lw rnutcd by tho MIH0.1 Fruitgrowers' union Imvo been received from tho architect, F. K. rinkenblner. ot Wall.. Wulla, ami pre parations sro being made to begin work. Tho building will invc 18. loot walls, with a full basement. Tho second story will be used as a box factory nnd (or storago purposes. Hnlfotthohnsoment will bo used for cold stoiage, tho re mainder for storago ot fruits and ber ries awaiting shipment. Tho plans aro now to construct tho bnilding ot concrete. Large shinning platforms will siu round It on two sides and ono end. Tho building will bo 40 feet wide and 100 feet long, with freight olovators at each end. 'It will havo a capacity of handling 1500,000 worth ot milt during a season. PAYS $25,000 FOR ORCHARD Dr. F. C. Page, or Medford, Buys 268 Acres In Ashland District. Ashland The papers have been diawn at Ashland In what It Is hollered Is the biggest orchard sale yet consum mated in tho history ot the Rogue River valley. Tho property Involved Is the orchard and farm ot County Commissioner Joshua Patterson, locat ed In Talent precinct, four miles north of Ashland. Two hundred and fifty eight acres was tho acreage involved In the deal, 130 acres being young orchard of four and five-year-old apple trees In fine condition, tho remainder being farm lands sultablo for fruitgrowing, but unplanled to trees. Tho consider ation in the deal was $52,000. Cuts Freight Rates. Salem Tho Oregon Railroad com mission has rendered its decision In tho O. R. A N. distributive rato rate, or dering a redaction in rales between Portland and points east of The Dalles. Tho redaction amounts to 3 cents a hundred nn first-class frolght to lllggs, 7 cents to Arlington, 13 cents to Pen dleton, 18 cents to La Grande and Ra ker City, and 10 cents to Huntington, with proportionate reductions to other points and on other classes of freight. Rates to Tho Dallo aro already low enough, owing to water competition. All the commissioners conuurred In the decision. MILLS RESUME IN BAKER. Improvement In the Lumbar Market Start Wheels Turning; linker City Ono oi tho largest Indus tries In linker City that was affected by tho incut uinlu Is soon to begin opera tions again nnd will lo employment to several hundred men. Tho Hoiilh Rukor Lumber mills Imvo leen Idle for tho Inst few mouth, but tho wheels will bo set turning us soon as enough logs can bo brought down to Insure n sternly run. At tho tlino of closing don, Hie Oicgon Lumber cotntinhy had a ln-tfo supply ot finished lumber In the yatdf. nnd owing to tho loea.mod do nwiui fur lumber there has boon 110 ne cessity to run tho mill. Tho Stoddard Urol hers I.utnlier com pany has been running Its mill In this city all winter, turning out about 40, 000 (eet ot finished lumber eaoli day. Tho mill ot tho Oregon Lumber com pany at Austin has been runnlmi steadi ly all winter, turning out a llkn amount ot tho finished product. Lumber con ditions aro beginning to lmproo no nces uiy. Learn to Farm at School. Albany Pupils of thu seventh nnd eighth grades ot the Albany publlo schools will devoto tholr sparo tlino this spring to growing vegetables and flowers. They will engage In practical work In connection with tho new sttulv ot agriculture now required In the sev enth and eighth grades of tho publlo rcnoois 01 me sialo and will bo stimu lated to active efforts by a series of prises offered through tho arrangements of Superintendent A. M. Sanders, ot tho local public schools. ar- Avotd Venezuelan Question. Washington, April 2. For an hoar and a half yesterday, Secretary Root d If cussed with the senate committee on foreign relations treatlos resulting from Tho Hague conference. The com mittee decided to favorably report the general treaty providing lor the pacific settlement vi international disputes. The committee also heard Mr. Root's views on the two treaties providing for the- regulation or contracts and estab lishment of prizo courts. Contrary to expectations, the Venezuelan question waa not touched upon. Buffalo Bill Breaks Down. Chicago, April 2. Colonel William - F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) is seriously 111 hero at the Stratford hoot!, suffering mm a caaeral' nervosa breakdown. . j New York Chamber Advocates Com mission on Currency System. Now York, April 3. None of the currency legislation now before con gress, with the exception of the Lover lng bill, which provides for tho ap pointment ot a commission to Investi gate the currency and banking systems of the United States, will have the ap proval of Iho Now York chamber of commerce. Tbls was the decision to day when the chamber adopted the re port 01 its special committee to Investi gate and repoit upon pending legisla tion. It Is tho bo) lei of the committee that there Is little chance o' any cur rency legislation being enacted at the present session of congress. The committee's report recommends the enactment of a law providing tor the appointment of a corneals! ion to In vestigate the currency and banking s in terns ot the United States and other leading commercial nations and to re port such measure "as may bo found necessary to place onr currency and tanking rystcm on a sound basis, which is absolutely essential fcr the perma nent welfare and progress of the country." Shear Spsep With Machinery. Arlington Sheep-shearing will begin at Smylho A Smith's plant, flro milos south of here, this week. Sixteen shearing machines will bo used, the power llng furnished by a alx-horso power gasoline engine. Fottv thou sand sheep will bo sheared at this plant this seascn, and an average ot 2,000 head dally is expected. Sheepmen re port that tho sheep are in good condi tion, but that pasture la getting scarce. Tbls hsa been ono ot (he most success fnl limbing seasons known, but few lambs being lost from any causo. Tha Dalles Makes Good Brick. Tha Dalles .Mr. Llthcrland, a Port isnu nricx export, wnoeo opinion was To Examine Soils, Klamath Falls Through the Joint efforts of tho Klamath Water Users' association and the Klamath chamber cf commerce, and tho perrons! requests ot cltlrens ot this section, a soil survey Cf the Klamath basin will ho in-.de by a corps 01 sou exprru of the United States Department of Agriculture. It la very urgently desired by the people that the survey bo mado this summer. and assurances havo been received from Secretary Wilson that It will bo undur taken as soon as possible. Bis; Batch of Ateelhead Ergs Oregon Oily Superintendent Henry O'Malley, of the United Stales bureau of fisheries, reports that prospects aro good for a take of 2,000,000 stcelhrad eggs at tho Rogue river station, which he lias Just inspected. Superintendent O'Malley has just received 100,000 Rainbow tiout eggs from the govern ment station at Iialrd, Cat., and these will be hatched and liberated from Clackamas station. Baking; Powder Plant at Poniard Portland Portland Is to be made the manufactiulng nnd distributing point for the Northwestern territory of the Hunt's Perfect Baking Powder com pany, of Minneapolis. The plant will bo built during the summer. William C. Rlgg, of Minneapolis, vice, president of the company, is at tho Hotel Port land, and la making all arrangements to locate a branch of tho concern hero. Senate Likely to Take Drastic Steps Agslnst Gaitro, Washington, Aptll 1 Tho long ex. netted eoirosnondenrd between Amer ica and VviU'iuela respecting pending American claims against tho latter country mis imbmlttid to tho sunnto yrstciilny, and la almost ceiUlu to 1 rente n profound ImpreKslnii, It will hir difficult to digest tho main of mater ial which Secretary Root has placed bofoio congress hut oven n cuienry In spection of tho documents iirnkrH It evi dent Unit negotiation have ienilnda critical plwio. The president's realis ation id the mot is shown by his trans mission ot tho matter to tho senate without uny comment regnidlng tho cnrreswiideiico, and reH'ulally Hecre- tiiry Root's sttung presentation of Iho American case, as sullldetit Instantly to enlist the attention ot rougtcM, All tho corrotpondciu-o and docu ments wero referred to the senate com uilleo on foreign relations, Mr. Root will nrpenr before thocominllKotodny, ostensibly to discuss some of tho trea ties negotiated at Tho Hague, hut It Is expecctd lie will takouplho Yeneiiielau affair nnd suggest somo action. Those mnuiliersof thocommlttco who have already familiarised themselves with tho situation havo arranged tenta tively a progiam which consists of three propositions, s follows: I'lace a piohlbltlvo tariff on Venrsu- elan coffee, tho exports of which const I tuto 45 per rent of tho entire fotelgu trade, nnd 00 per cent of tho cofleo be ing taken by tlm United Slates. Kxcludo all lniK)iiitlons of asphalt from jVo llertnitdes, the product of which Is taken almost entlioly by the United Slates. Anthnrlso tho prtaldenl to cxctclsn the genornl power tested In him to take whntover stos he may consider nccesj snry to treat with Venesuola In the future WEST MUST UNITE Important Legislation Ponding at National Capital, TEAM WORK WOULU CAKRY DAY Dry Fsrm Hotnostssd Bill, In Which Wast Is Greatly Interested, Anions; Measures, JUDQE 8AYH HE CAN DECIDE PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 838lc; blueslein, sought by Iho architect of tho city hall, '-JlBftT,i, ' J3?1 C . Ll1."' now in process ot construction, regurdl.85855 " 6io' l,8lH8e. ing brick lately burned hoio bv TheL Jnoy Feci, 120 per Ion; rolled, lng brick lately burned hoio by The Dalles Brick A Tile company, has made a report after a careful examination and declares the brick equal to any mado In this stato. Some nf tlm rlnir hrli-k dollvored in tills city by mhtako had ' been rejected by the architect, which lod to tho oxamlnntlou. Moves to Start Mines. Indianapolis, April 3. The first offi cial act of President Lewis, of the United MIneworkers of America, in assuming his office today, waa to send telegraphic invitations to the ooerators or the competitive field, consisting ot Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana ana Illinois, to attend a meeting in this city Monday, April 0. with repre sentatives ol the miners, to make an effort to agree upon a call for an Inter state wage convention and, If necessary, to decide upon a general resumption of mining operations in the field. $2S30 per ton. Ontv-.Vo. 1 white, $27(328 per ton. Corn Wholo, 33.60 cracked, 34 60. Hay Valley timothy, Ha. 1, $17 per tons Kastern Oregon timothy. llOCtl'O: clovor, $1416; cheat, $16; grain hay, 114016; alfalfa, 112613. Fruits Apples, $13 60 per box, according to quality; cranberries, $854 11 per barrel. Vegetables Aitlchokes, 7600o per dozen: asnarairtis. 83ilOe nnnml- lnn few days. Several good! 20c nound: rabhairn. 1UH) nound lignite coal havo been. cauliflower. $2: colory. $4.60a6 nor cram; parsley, zoo per doxon; peas, loo pounu; poppors, suo Thinks He Hss Right to Say Whether Rates Are Just. Kiisms City, Mo., April 1. Judge Hnitli .Mcrhrrton, In tho federal court hero today, decided that ho lina full Jurisdiction over Itoth tho maximum freight and Iho 2-rent uspngrr rate rases, In Mlseouil. In other words, ho holds In favor ol tho railroads tnd spalii't tho state on the question on Jurisdiction. Ijist year the leglslattuo paned tho 2-rent law, and a minimum freight law reducing existing freight rates about 26 percent. All of tho main lino rail roads In Missouri Joined In an applica tion lor an Injunction last June from the Federal court nt Kansas City to prevent tho stato officials from rnforo ing tho law. Menntlmo a truco was ar ranged between tho railroads and the attorney general, under which the roads wero to put the 2-cont law In fores. The railroads agreed lo give tho 2 rent law n test for threo months, and asked ludgo Mcl'hrrson to give thorn that much time to see how tho law would affect their revenues. For soven months tl.o railroads have sold tickets at 2 rents. Now coinro the rourt with a decision holding that In enjoining tho slate officers, he Is not enjoining the state Itself, that he has a perfect right to go Into tho question nf whether tho rate fixed by tho statutes are remuner-athe. Washington, Aiull I. Thoro nto snv otal litiMttant lull ponding hofoin sennlo mid homo, or In their commit tees, of gieat Inttirit to the West, any ono ol which ran probably l asicd If Western fenntois mid rongrosmrti will get tonethei and mnko a milted cflott, Mot conspicuous nutuiig them at the pioent tlino Is tho 320-noro diy farm iioinestrad hill, n inenfliiro that means n great deal to tho stales Mestol Iho Mlfsourl'rluir, In many of which set tlement Is practically checked becmno tho best lauds havo passed to prlvalo ownership, nnd what remains launoL Iki iiiocrnlullr entered under theexliU lng Iioinestrad law. Another most meritorious nirasum hanging In the In'anco Is tho llorali bill, providing (mills for building schools, Installing sewei and wnter sys tems and making other municipal Im provements ( In towns Mtnbllthed on government Irrigation projects. This bill propos to doimtw to such towns all moneys derived from tho sale or town lots, a fund which, In most In stances, will li ample for Iho purjoee. Kseriri.oe has shown that towns en government pmjrcls have been slower of dovclopiiirnt'lhati'iowusnnCariy n't projects. Tho lallrr have grown ispld iy. Largo schools hvn bren erected; adequate water and sewer s)slms khatv Ikh-11 Installed, streets turn hern Im proved, etc., whereas In towns on gov- trniiirntiiorcti the clllirns hato been obliged to go down Into their own peck els In provide nnd maintain school ami property holders havo been cmnpellel lo lear tho'entlro oxpento of all clvlo Improvements. Tho national drnlnagn bill, which contemplates tho reclamation ol swamp and overflowed lands In all parts of the United Statts, stands little chancn of pHlng this session. Though It la a ininuiool great merit, there doe not seem to lm that Interest that Is essen tial to force tluoticlito bill of such mag nitude and Importanre, It Is difficult. to explain this lack of Interest, ton, for there Is scarcely a stain that ha not some I audi thst would Ixlxmcflttrd by a national drainage law, " There Is one bill that congress wilt certainly not pass till session, yet one tlutt should have been enacted long sgo- s blll'reprallng tho IlinUr and stone act nnd subtnslltutlng some mors prsc tlcablo statute providing for the dlspos nl of government timber. It has been- amply demonstrated that tho timber nnd stone act Is vicious and unjust. POPULIHTH NAME TICKET. ME88AQE BY PRESIDENT. Anarchy Rules In Hsytl. Paris, April 3. A dispatch recolvod here today from Port au Prince. Havti. says that the situation there is extreme ly grave and tliatcompleleanarchv pre vails. Tbe dispatch further declares mat American warsnlps are preparing v iana marines. Seeking Coal Near Dallas. Dallas-Hon. W. O. Brown will lie- gin the work of drilling for coal on his property in tho northern part of this city within a specimens of found In recent excavations, and the contour of the land at that plaro Indi cates the presence ol a large deposit. Mr. Brown Is convinced that tho pro ject will pay, and will loso no tlmo In making the preliminary excavations for sinking a suatt. University Data In Butlslln. University of Oregon. Kugeno A now bulletin 1ms Just been Issued from tho u ilversity office containnlg a brief historical sketch of the Institution, the names of all regents and tholr terms of servico, a similar chart of the officers ol administration and Instruction and tho names, residences and occupations 01 an me aiumni, Seek for Oil. Tho Dalles Artloles of Incoropratlon by the "Beavls-May Oil company" linvo been filed with tho countv clerk hero. Tho Incorporators aro George R. Beavls, Anna amy and vt. Harry J. McKay. Tho capital stock is $30,000, Tho com pany purposes to engago In developing oil lands In the vicinity of Dufur. Or.. Jat which place the head office is to be, poppors, 20o wi nound: md ishes, 30c per dozen: rhubarb, $2.60 percrnto; spinach, 86c rratoi spronts, 10c per pound, squash, lDfc pound. unions uregons, iiqj)4.zo por hun dred. Potatoes 80900c Jpor hundred, do llvered Portland. Buttor Fnncy creamory, 25(3)30o per pound. Poultry Average old hens, 1416o por pound; mixed chickens. 1231301 spring ohlckens, 1020a; turkoys, llvo, 10(2)170; uresnoil, choice, l(J20o; gooro, live, 8(5)1 Oo; ducks, 1017oj pigeons, 76o6i$l; squabs, $1.6002. j-.ggs JTosh rnnoli. Iho nor dozen. Veal 76 to 126 pounds, 80o; 126 to 160 pounds, 7a; 160 to 200 pounds, Pork Block, 76 to 160 pounds, 70 7a; packors, 6QflJo. Hops 1007, prime and choice, 46c tier round; olds, lQlWo por pound, Wml Kastern Oregon, average best, 1210o por pound, according to shrink- age; valley, lOlRo, according to qual ity; mohair, cholco, 26o per pound, uoscara usik ao per pound, Far Reaching; Legislation Agslnst An archists Recommended, Washington, April 1. Pollen and government war on anarchy will re ceive n great Imiictu If tho present frogtntn of President Hrxxovolt gH lirough, and thnio Is little room fur doubt that It will. Tho president wl I send a mi-sssgn to congress urging fur reaching legislation. Under tho oicsent Fcdornl law nil criminal nliens who havo not lieen in tho United Stnten thrco years mny bo denortod summarily. It I expected by tho department of coiumeico nnu moor uint more will no wholosalo deportations within a short time. Tho legislation will bo designed to bring within tho Fedoral Jurisdiction citizens of tho United States who prop agate anarchistic theories, Many Banks Fall. Toklo, April 1. Today's banking statement shows that during Msrch 10 tanks have olosed their doois, Tho Japanese government Is exorting itself to the utmost to rollovo the country's financial situation. Tho markets seem to hae been literally wrung flnanclultv dry. Failures, which wero at first con. lined principally to tho bunks und lsnr or commercial honsos nnd Industrial companies, nro now occurring dally among tho smallor tradesmen, Mnrrh has boon the worst month since tho stringency began, Organize for Boycott, Hong Hong April 1. Tho boycott against Jnpnneso goods, Instituted as a rosuit or the Tatsu Maru Incident, u spreading. Forty firms In Homr Knn announco thnt thoy will not toll .lap. aneso goods, All nlong the West rJvor tho lioycott Is being organlzod nnd meetings aro bolng convened to discuss Watson'and Williams Their Choice for National Officers. K bulla, April 4 lor president of the United States, Thomas K. Watson, ol Oeorgln. For vice president, Snmnel W. WIN Mains, ol Indiana. This ticket was nominated yrsterday by tho People' paily convention after two stormy sessions, throughout which the Nibraska and Minnesota delegn tlons, working In tho interest of W, J. Ilrynu, strove diaixratelv to hilmr about. an adjournment till after nominations had lieen mado by tho Democratic and Republican iillca. Honeleislv nut. numbered, and without any rhauco whntover of gaining tholr object, Iho Nebraska men fought drsiMimtnlv in n,n last, nnd, when Jay A. Forrest, of AU Uiny, N. Y mounted the platform to plnco Mr, Watson In iiomlnntlon, thoy withdrew from tho convention, nttetul od by tho Mlunosota delegation .' Confer With Governors. Indianapolis, Intl., April 4. John Mltoholl, ex prosldent of tho inlnois of tho country, Is ono of tho llvo Amil. cam selected by President Rocsevolt to bo special guests ot tho hlir rnnrW.tn.... of state nml territorial govcrnois to bo hold In Washington Mny 13. This con ferenoo, which will Inst threo days nnd tho rcailoim of whirl, will lu, f,t,i 1.. tho cost room of tho While Houro, will bo presided over bv Mr. Itnwvl u will bo tho first iiieotlng In Iho history of tho country of Federal and stato and territorial oxccutlyes, Will Fight Two-cent Law. Ohlcsgo, April 4. A combined nt taok on tho 2-oent nnssKiiun, ,n. 1. promised by tho railroads Hint operate " , '"" . Minnesoia nnu Missouri. It Is probnblo thnt tho suits will bo fllod next wook. Tho call for n confer eiico to moot, nt which olllolals cf tho Illinois roads will bo present, was Is- mo matter, k......Lsrt lm I 1 !,., 7"Ksr! 1. " Jiiifaiiisruss -tj