The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1908, Image 8

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" J' WSA
s-iaioWJuXKvc&aAisii tk kJK
Timber Land, Act June j, lays.
tf. 8. Und OfSe. Tile Dalle. Oregon.
February titt, loo.
Notice .Jereby green that--
Marten I', Ilodton
Of Bend, county of Crook. tUte of Oregon,
liat applied to purehtte. under the act ol con,
grew of June j. i;, a eatended by act of Aug
utl 4, iSw Lmtjondtand HHSWH beetteu T.
ipjus. Kui:. wi
And wilt offer proof to thow that the land
.ought it more valuable for lu timber or tone
Man for agricultural purutea and loeuNWi
hud mi to atd land before V. S Cemml.toor
li (. l-.lll. at hi oftce lu Beud, Oregon, on
! ; hCai of Mar. it-
lrnmenMwltnett. Wttttaw II. Staat.
Jyieph N Hunter, perey A. Waller. )"
tiv.non all of Bend. Of rjoo. Iob Wo. f
I r, ijrcgou
Auyaud all per" eUlinlg ""r 'b
., .',i..K-ii.iJ,if. wmMUd loaietbeir
i aiiiKin nut era on or before ukl rtbday f
!a. I -A.
nir- oil C. W. MORK. Rejrftler.
Timber Land, Act Jne j.
Department of Ike Interior,
I . Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
February Ji, iota.
tciutr l hereby g'en that
ftcorge Doeehae,
if 1-ortland. County of Multnomah. State of
urcgou, hat applied to purchase, nnder the act
oKongrettofJiine i. i7. a extended byeetat
Auriiti4, 191. meni:H..wo"j "iwi
Ntt'. See . Tp 19 rt, K K W M
aim! wilt off -r pruol lo tliow that the land
ought u uiore valuable for Ita Umber ue tbwe
lmu for agricultural nurpuM. and to eUMMi
iieuiinloMiaitnnoeiu.c n. v. wir., . .
i nimuiinncr. at lu.ofKe In Ik nd, Oregon, on
, u-.iiUy of May. lyon.
,t amc..hitwHari.,ct 1'iaok II. Dto.
I iwrvi, Murgron. JaekMii C fulUr. all of
. .law ilrc.ou. Joiiu Utoit uf Hind, Ungual
-ruarf Uoiiohoeuf I'MWUmt. OreM.
Any and all per"" tUiwiHg oeerwrly the
olJ , dc-iiiei unKrrrto,eatl t nirlheir
i iu hi tU Ji'.c "U or tjclire ad irtl day of
ipr i-- I C W MOOKH. HeglUer.
Application for Orazlne Permits.
NUTICK la hereby giu Inat all applKatwn
forperinlta to graie cattle, hone aud heep
wittlu the CaRcaIIK (WILLAMKITIO NA.
TIOXAL FORKhT during the reason of K
mutt be filed ill my olBce at fiugcnr, ore., ou or
b fore April 13. 1- Thle new divuion lucliKlcl
gruiiig diaricte I. . 3.4. J, 6. 7. 1.9and loot the
Caacade (houth) 'aticnal Fwt.t u ettaUitlied
i.l year lull infrtrniatRMi lu regard mtlie
cramig feealo be charged aud Uaut. form to be
j.eil in nuklug application wilt be furnUlied up
uu rcjuert C. K. HKITZ. buinlwr.
Timber Land, Act June j, 11.
V H. Land Office, the Daltee, Oregon,
February ;. .
police i hereby giren that
fatnea I'erguwn
urPenl,CouulyofCrilc,Hle of Oregon, bat
milled to purchaae, uuder the act of Cougrca
or June 3, i;, a extended be act 'Of Auguit 4,
Vsfj" the WtitfKK aud MK6VU of Kec I and
And will offer proof lo ihow that Ihe land
aoughtie more valuable for hi llmlier or atone
than ibrnnriSjItural puruwea. awl to e.UblUli
JiU claim o nld laJidUfxre If C Wl'. y
CnnuU.louer at Ueud, Orrgou, ou the rd day
orAprti, !
Ue name a III wltneaaeii vnariea w. urowu,
Fred A. Hunoeii. Jouu, r"r;
4 II
Mowmeray. . rmua wi n.M- w..w...
AwTaaVill veraoMJ claiming 4rely the
ubMrTWluit reouciled to Ble thtlr
rV.?y,.77l.iVWr.- nn or Lefcire aald urd day of
.J rwMi,
Eiaiinn lu .,,, w. ..- w
fal tut
"i "i-Tr
Have Residence and Business Property, Timber, Farm
Desert Lands, Water Power and Manufacturing: Sites.
The Central Oregon Development Go.:
-I jjrTi..i,yaMHJ.WH.TTT4TJ - ' ' " '
! ! Ml I ' ' " I
TimUr Und. Act June j. iW
Department of the Interior
V. 8. Land Office. The Uallee. Oregon,
l-'ebruary n. iv.
Notice l hereby gieea that
Man, l ItHlfiebl
ofltend. County of Crook. Mate ofOregou. hae
avptle to purvbaie under the act ofCougiex
of June 1. 117. iiii'ibwh wiflwt..
1S. thJ HUNWjf, NUKhWK and NWSKK
And will offer proof to ho that the Und
awwbt ii more valuable Ine It ti.ber or ttooe
tlwu fr acHcultHral Mtrpoe. and to UMwh
hercUlm to uM Und before II. C. Hill. V. a
CunmiuKHMr, atliUoAceiM Uend, Oregon, on
the MM Ay of May. iv
be nanim a. her wUnee: CUaiUa li.
wn. lOwer NUonfr. rre.1 A. Ilaoarll.
Chrlr. P.oaeM. oil of Hem!. Oregon
Any and all pcrione rUlmlug adeer-ely the
abwikcrlbcl land are re)Mrrt W Ale their
clainw la IhU office o or bvlure aakl ttb day ot
May. i.
. C. W MOORK. Regieter.
Timber Land. Act June J. i7-
Department f the Interior.
V 8 IjIndOftee. The Ialle. Oregon,
March J, it.
Notice I hereby gieea thai
Walter J Vanderett
ofPrlnrrille, Coanty of rrouk. Stale of Oregon,
hat applied to Mrcfwr. under the act nl Con
grcof juuei, is,aextBiled braet of Aug
u.t4. it. thr-MluNKW. W8Kfteejlrf
WMNWU of MCJ9.TPK ft, K it IIW M
And will offer proof lo how that the Und
ought ie more valuable for lie timber or atotir
than for agrlenllural purtioeii. and to e,UMlh
hitctaim towiutlaiullwfice II. C. lilUi, I. h
CowmUaloiier, at liU offVe ia Ilend, Oreguu.ou
IbeeittitayofMay. ft
Mr amr. hi. dUumhii Michael JIorrlxHi.
Hmer NIwoiigtr, W. 11 hUaU, John Won, all
of Ileud, Oreeoa. ... , ...
Any and all trona claiming aoeerMiy lire
,La Arri,a tiut mtm rrtiurmlc! to llle their
claimaliithitoHHeonor before uid UM O-yof
lky iu9.
larnuiiS C W. MOOKH. KegWer
Department of lh Interior
lud OlBce at The IMllee. firrgMi.
March w. ' '
Notice 1 hereby gireu that
llarrttl llarnte
oflieud, Oregon, hat filed notice of her iulcntlou
to mate final fire-year proof in auppurt of
her claim, vi. Jlomeitead llntrr ho. i,IJi
made Fcla'ua.y it, ly.J. for the
tiWUtiWM twe 7i Milf.VIt!,' -Kec
Kec a and NWU
Aud that mid proof will lie made before II. C.
Ittli., V. h. Corauilwleuer, at ileud, Oregon, on
Aprils, 1 90S. .
nh- iiaiuea the following wltnttva to provr
her coutinuou. retidcuce upon, and eultituliou
of, the laud, vli George llatet, Tillie Hatet,
John I. Wet, Charlet J Cottor, all of llciid, Or
egon. rur7-ei C W. MOORIMJ-rfHer.
TlinUr Iind, Act June j, i7.
Department of Ihe Interior.
I. 8. Laud Office. The Dalle, Oirs,ou.
I'ebruary 21, I'M.
Notice It hereby glreii that
Kale l. Willtamton
of Prinetllle, Counly of Crook, Slate of Oregon,
hat applied lo tnircliawi under the act of ton
great of June j, i7, aa ealended by act of Aug;
..M 4. il. Ihe KwgNWf. , WHW "! blt'i
hWHe5.T 17 b.. K. II 1'. W M.anrtHI offer
proof lo.l-uvr that the land Mjugbt it-moreval
liable for It timber or atoue lluu for ugitcullurat
tmriwte, and lu eubllli her claim tu ui. Und
befofc the KegUtcr and Kccelier. at Thf Dalle,
Oregon, on Ihe tth day of May, iwn.
SnVnarac witntcti SIlchl OVonatr.
WllllauiO. luoi, D.A. McDonald, IMward
Mttphy.HafTbDnc Oregon,
Any nd ill ptnom cjaiaiing adrtW the
bo v.dtcri bed land are Yeouetted to le thtlr
rlalmdn thlt office nn or before laid ytlh dty vf
MJj&i?'' CW.00J,JvUUtU.
Terms or Generous Discount for Full
I -
Timber Land, Act June J. l!)
V. 8. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon.
October it. i7
Notie I hereby gi'en that in compliance with
the provtlonof the Act of Congirt of June J,
i;r entttleJ. "All act for Ihewle irflliuber land
IntheatatraofCillfunila. fHegou, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." at eateadol lo all the
puMK bind Hate by Act of Augut 4. I'-
Illaacbe II. Over too.
f Bend, county of Crook, tale of Ore
loa.luitbitiUy filctl im Him ufnee her inutu
auUMeat No. 44u bribe purclM of the IIS
N'W(, HSKAVS or See JI. Tp Mb, R II It, W M
And will offer trW to thow that the land
touabl I more mutable for lit limber or Mu
than for aincultural purpoa. and to 4ablih
herrlaim tuMMlUnd befoic II k l.tlit I' H
ComMitHHrat lleud, OreajoM.on the loth day
of April, loaa. '
Mm name at wltBev Jovtph f Hunter.
William II ntaau, Marion Y llorttou. Jame w
Overion. all of Bend, Oiegou, John Mom of nu
lei, iiieaoa.
Any aud all perwue eWlmlng adeejaely Uj
IWl aorwew mim are ivtwim vm .
claiHM la thtmouor before the aaM loth
day of Apr'). '
f7-j C. W. MOIRK. RtHler
Timber Land, Act June J, lJ.
U. 8, Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
January , t
Notke it hereby given that
fannlc Thorp '
of Labllaw, County of Crook Mate of Oregon,
hat apptUtt lo purehate. under Ihe act of Con
greet of June i. 17. at emended by act of Aug
u.t4. . the 8HKNWlf and NI'.!hWK bee I,
Ipiv. KUI!, W M
Aud will otlcr proof to tbow that the land
tmuhl I. wore valaaUc for lit Umber or ttoue
than for agrkutlural purpiie,nud to eatuhllth
h.r cUiui to uld land lietoicll.C. WH. U. 8.
ComntiMioiier.aliutoniee lu lleiid. Of rgou, 011
the lilh day 01 April, '
hbenawetat wllnettet I'rauk It Dayton,
1.111,1 mi. I'jiinn linjli c. Iliuro. William I'.
Thorp, Johil C. billet, William D. Clark, all of
l.iiKiluw, uregon.
Any aud alt permont claiming adrerwly the
above-demcribeit land are rraurttnl to file their
clalrat in thlt office ou or before the t-.J ijlh
day of Aplil, Vfti,
f;-ao C. W MOOKH, Krgl.ler
Timber Ijud, Act Juuej, lit.
U. 8, Laud Office, The Dalle. Orrguu,
January 6, 190,
Notice ia hereby gltcii that
William II. I'lndley
of Ilend, County of Crook, Hltle of Oregon, hat
applied to purchatr, under the act of Coiigrett of
June i. i7, aa titciidcd by act of Augutl 4, 19;,
the HWJi hec 11, Tp 19 H, R 10 IS, W M
And will ofler prool In thow that the
land tought it more taluable lor lit llmlier
or tione than fur ugilcullur! puti'otet,
and toe.UMUli hi claim lo ald laud before
11 r l'ltla. ir. K. CommUtiauer. al hit office In
Ilend, Oregou, on Ihe 14th day of April, 190.
lie namet aa hit wllnetteti M.J, Jlorrlton,
D, V. Mclntotli, l'rcd lluniitll, I'.fmcr Nl.won
gcr, all of Ueud, Oregon,
Any ami all. pertont clalrnlug mlvertely
Ihe above rtetcrtlied land are rc'ictcd to fife
Ihrlrclalm In Ihlt oilice an or Ufore Ilic.aU
Mill day uf April, 190,
fj an C. W, Jinom!, Hegl.ttr.
LADIESI You should liave
your calling cards printed at The
Bulletin office. The Uteat Style.
TJicxe'ttNiiWSiJiTU Bulletin.
Timber MdJ, Act J unci. !.
0. 8. Land Offlce, The IXillea, Orrgou,
October ji, iy7.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance wllh
Ihepiorlnlonioflhe Art of CoitgtcM of June f.
iM, enllllMl. 'Au act for the tale oilliiibrrUmU
In the tlaletot California. Otegon., ami
Waihlngton Tenitory," at eteui)tl lu all Ih
imbllc land atalet by Att of Augutlf, ''
Mary IL Colemaii
of Bend, county ol Crook, ttale of Oregon,
tut Ihlt Hy flle.1 In thlt oltWe her mnMlr
menlNotiio, for Ihe pmehtte !M!WW of
ec ii. Tp at X. K u II, W M &
Ami will orter piouf lo thow thai lh Ui
ought It more valuable for lit tlilr or none
Ihta for agrkwltaral puipotet. and to w'ablljh
her daiai to aakt land liefoie II C IBIU.
U. 8. CowiHiltMoucr al fiend, orrgvn, on the
otbdayol Apftl. yu-
hbenametat witneaiet Jepti V Hunter.
William II niaala. J aleirill. WHIfo"
an4Vvtl, W Kay XMIkluwn, John Hfott, all of
Mend, Oregon.
.-.... .if iimujii stAlminv advertelv Ihe
aW-4erUealtnda are irnuettnl to Me their
cVlmttnlhTt uc ou or before lh lolh day
f AprH, tot.
Jjl-aj C. W. JIOUKlt, Htgllirr,
Timber Und. Act June j. llJ.
I'. 8. Laud Office, The Dalit, Oregon,
January 7, l.
Notice It hereby given that
William Ledfvnt
of 1'rinrellle, Ownly of Crook, Hlate of Oiegen,
hat apt'lled to iiurchate. under the act of Lou
erettuf June 1, . at eitrmleil liy act of Aug
u.r4. L.. It IU(W.j- ail hWhHU Hec rt.
andnW,rtlt olnecii.TpMh, k 11 I'., W M
Ami will offer proof to, thow that the
laud Muight it mote valuable for lit timber r
.tone than for agricultural purtwKtaud lo ealab. hi. claim lo taldlaml befoie the County
Cleik at hlneville. Oregou, on Ihe loth day of
Atirll. tooi.
lie name at lilt wltHtttet John II. Keamtnf
Pllnevllle, Oregon. I'.eorge I Ream nf 1 11 tier,
Oregon: I'eterhegKllngu I Ileud. liivgMiii Mack
oiicuf Oiiinly. Otegon, Jo.epli iWmner uf
I'ltnevllte, Oregon
. . J I (l . ......a .I.Ii.Ihi biIh.,,.!,, 111.
Any anil an i,.ii ,wi,i.m, n....-. ...
aboveHletcrilKd landt are reyuetleil lu file thtlr
claim. In Ihlt oltke on or he lute aaM Ittli day of
April, 1909
jn-aj C. W, MOOHI!, Regl.ter.
Timlier Mnd, Act June jiI.
V. B. Land Ofbcc, I-akevkw, Orcguu,
Janutiy Jo, iyl.
Notice It hereby given lhal lu compliance with
Iheprovltloutof the act of Congrrte of June 3,
IMI entitled "An act for Ihe tale of timber landt
In Ihe Stale of California, Oirgon. Nevada, and
Wellington Territory," a ealeudcd to att Ihe
Public Mnd blate by act of Augutl 4, l9.
Vrdnk II. May
of Ilend, County ol Crook. Wale of Oregon,
ha filed ill Ihlt office bit worn ataleineiil No.
J071, for ihe purchtte of the bHHWJi, WS811J
And wilt offer proor lo how that the land
tought I more vluble for it timber or tioiie
than for grlcultuial imriiotc, ami lo etlablUh
hit claim lifcildUnd before JI. C. lailt, U. 8,
CommltJoneri at nit office ai'lleud. Oregon, on
Halurday, the JJth diy of April, lA
lie name ut w)(uettci Ktmrr Nltwonger,
Clwrle lirown. l'rcd Jluuiiell.Johu 8. I'annlii
tier, all oflieud, Oregon.
Auyaud ajt-pertou cUlmlng advertely the
borc-dcicribcd Und are rcuuc.lcd lo file their
claim In Ihlt office on or before ld jjth day of
npiii, iyu.
J, N. WAT80N, Keglittr,
InvetlKte The Dulletln' clubblut;
offer. It will pay you.
Timber Un I, Act June j. Hj.
Dcpaitmcnt of the Inlcihir
V B. Lud Office, The DalUt, Oregon,
I'cbtutiy 17. 1'f.
NolW It hcttby given Ibat -v
LcwItA. IMitcr
of The Dallet, Counly of Waco, Male of Oieion.
hat appllnl lo tHirehate under Ihe att nl Ion
elratofjune t, etunded by act of Ang
u.rV.iiM.lhe bltKNII. HWhllff ami W
hHl?.beCJI.Tpi. KlJ KWM ,
And will offer proof l thow Ihtt Ihe land
.ought It more valuable for II Umber or tione
tl for agileultuial iii.wee aud laetlablUlj
hit citlm to wM Win.1 befoir tl KfiWiJ nl
hceelreralTh Dalle., oiegvn, on Ihe Jth day
of May. IV
llentmttatlilawtlnetMt WHitamO Matati.
Mkbtrl o Connor. D. A. Mf Ihenril. I'l.nk Con
nwlly, alt of The Dalle., Otcgvn. lainiel
of Hend.Oiegoej
ANyawtafl heitona cUlmlng ,,ff,y..,B
aho-4l,tMtlbe4 Ian4. ale rueel to file their
eUea.iHlh.omorbtlie aaM Jth "
HUt-ml C W. MOORK, HegiiKf.
Timber Land, Art unc ). 17.
U. 8. LihI Office. Mkeview, Oiegou,
I'ebfuary 4. 190).
Notice I. hereby gltcn that in compliance wllh
tlie.movl,lti. i.I the Act of Cougrtat uf June J.
Ii, eiillllnl. "An act for Ihe Mleort roberUndt
n the tal of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
IVa.hlngtonTeriltoiy," a. etttnde.1 to all Ihe
public laud ltc by act of Augu.t 4,
Almut Ncff
of Ilend. cmiulyiifCnKiW, title of Oregon, li
IhltiUy filed in Ihlt IBi 'lt .worn .Utemenl
Nojw. for Ihe pHreha. uf Ihe NI1(8W1, of
IHCM.TpilH. M lilt. WM
And will offer inoof tuthow lhl Ihe land
tought It mure vtluaMe for lit llmlier or tlmie
thin fo agricultural ititet. ami to nlaldlth
hit claim to aald land before II. C. Ittllt, U. rk
Oimmlttlouer, al lilt nflle In Ileud, Oregon, on
I'rlday. Ih 17II1 day of April, laut.
He name a wltuettet Vinl A lliinncll.
Charlet D. brown. lOmer Nltwonger. Jotcph II
IliickhoU, John lwlnore. all ot Ileud. Oregon
Auyaud alt proii claiming aiheraely tlir
aluvedetcilliedbiiMltarc teiile.trd lo III (licit
claim, lu thlt office oil tt before the tU i;lh
ilayofApllt. lyo".
fl4 a 10 J M. WAT80S, Regltttr.
Timber Und, Act June J. Ij.
IT. 8. Laud office, The Dallet, Oiegou,
January 6, 191111,
Notice I hereby given that
of Ilend, County of Crook, htalc of Oregon, hat
applied to piirchate. under the act of Coiigrett of
June 1. mil, at attended by act of Augu.t 4, tyj,
(he WjiNWjf, NW)j8W!f; nf Hec 11 and 8H)
Nl)( of Hteil,Tp,wHlK II K, W l
And will ofler ,prool lo thow that Ih Und
ought It more valuable for II llmlier or .lone
Ihaii for agricultural purport, aud
her claim tu aald land before - " " H. hi office In licnd, Oregon, oil
the Mill day or April, IV"".
Hboiiame at tier wltnttteai J. N. Hunter,
AndertoriL. Ililiitcr,. John lllott, William II.
Hlutt,llo(lliid, Oregon,
Any and .nil pertont claiming advertety Ihe
above-deKtlbeiltamU are requetted lo file Ihelr
cttlrut In Ihlt office ou or before mid 14th dy of
lAprll, fj"i.
f; alo C. W, MOORK, Rcgl.lrr.
Will enjoy reading The Bulletin.
INSTRUCT you. Bubtcrib now
mHWWWii: wmma&axt :ct ww
t .
Timber Mnd, Art Jane j. I '
I' 8, Land OfBr. Lak iw i'cgn
Noike It hrttby glveti that ih ""!' 'i. wllli
thepfuviaioittoflhr Act ofdatgir. Juue 1
itT. enlllle.1 "Au )l tor the atU vi n..l--e land.
iHtlietltletoICallrVrula.oiegon r . It and
WathlngUMi Trttllory," at etUadrd i. all the
puMK laud .late by act of Augutl 4 r ,1
Witllam A lUItt
of lenl, CfHinty f Crook, Mate ,.f Oregon
hat thlt day flleil lu Ihta atfkw hit ' in title
menl No. jHJ for thepuitbat ol tur ICnWlj,
likfeNU t of fwe . n i a, R 11 K W M
And will offer inwtl to .Ihhv lhal ihe land
Mwghl V ruofe valotble for Ma llmtai ue .tone
I ha 11 for tgireulluNil pO'V-. " " riablitii
hitettlMtiaaMIrl beiat II. f I fit. t! k
CuMMtUtkmar, at I tend . oivguii. on
Mmntty, in lit day of Juue, it.
lie n net a I. J ) .a I 1
llunurr. Allen Wikomtea. WIUuhu I V1W, all
of bend, Oreatui
Any awl all peiaoHt rbtUtllng advetwly lh
tUwie dxfllbeil Uw4t ate uamilrd ! a', their
etalmt In tbit olbta en or bekWe mhI 1.1 day ol
June. lot.
Httr7 an J. M. WATON. brglttcr
Timber Und, AM June J. i:.-
Dtpaitnttnt of lb Ittlntor.
I'. H. Uh,I Offiee, The lattU Ore gen,
Mtich i' f
Noike It hereby glren that
I'leilll. Mitiwuwl
of Rnlmmiil, CiMinlyof Cltwk. Male . f nreguu
bat apblied lu pureliate. uuder lb. 1 nf ,,,n
glet. of lunc i, iWt at cmtadtd by . 1 uf Au
11.1 4. ibH.the riHKM and 8MIWI, i.. T11 .
And will offer pinof la haw Hut 1 he land
tought It more valutble for Ht thal.r ur tlnuo
than for gtlcultuialimrMtai, and 1 r,t,(,,ii
hla claim loaaiillaiul t-cJoi 11. C I III., U H
Cominlt.loner,! hit Office In liltid, lueeou oil
the ittlitUyof May, ton.
He name at'.hlt witiir.a, Ralph I; Slut
wimkI. Mary Hhtrwood, lvth of. HtdNitiHl, Ore
uihi. lit M.Hwaltrv, ChaibM 8waller. U,th ..
Uldlaw. Oregon, Jllclta! J. Moiiltw. 11,1111
I' Vumluv.n, U1II1 of Ilend, Oregou
Aiiyandall tiertont ciilmlug adier.ely the
'wdreeribe.llaiiila H- fannettnl i HI their
rlalmt lu Ihlt office oil or Ufor Mid . ihdayul
May, 191A '
iur? mn
C. W. MOOKH. XegUlrr.
Timber Uml, Act June j, Hr4.
Deiailmeiil of the IiitHtur,
U. H. Und Ofllce, The Dlt. Oregon,
' . Match 14 '.
Nolle It hereby gireu that -Henry
C Ihirntr
of Ilend, County of Crook. Bute of Oregou. hat
applied to iiurchate, uiulrr Ihe an or rniigrrt of
June 1. I"?, at emended hv act uf Augu.t 4. ihoj.
Ihe Hj,8Wli Hec 11,'fp o 8, II 10 It, ' ' '
And will ofler proof to thow tint the
land aoiight It mrir valuable for lit timber nr
tione than fur agricultural purpoirt, and In
rttaUUli hi claim lo aald land Ufort r II L
Kllla, II. fi. Coiiiiiilttloner, nl lilt office at Ilend!
Otegon, 011 the Jlh day of June, tyt ' "':n"
lie flame, at hit wllnr.t; fainrt lily, i0f
te.l C. Uulnliy, Cort II. Allen, William ) Vtride
ml. JoTiul'eUrt, all of liend, Oregon. John W.
l'linlrr, ofl.o Augtln, Cal. ,
Any and all perton. claiming advtritly
the above dtKrlhcd landt are iciufir.l to flio
their claim In 011 or before Ihemald ilh
day or Juue, lyog, "'
upjiuj C. W. MOOHI, RrgUier,
A fine Mic of fruits and candies
ou hand at the uews stand. Ba
nanas, cocoanuts, oranges. lemons,
ect. now tu stock.
C, W. UOOUl, UtU;cr.