.! : J1 Your Blood Needs purifying and your wholo system renovating in the Hpringr, na pimples, boils, eruptions, loss of appetite and that tired feeling nnnually prove. Hood's Sarsnparilla is the most effective medicine ever devised for the complete purification of the blood and thr complete renovation of the whole system. It will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better and give you the best possible preparation for the hot days of summer, as over 40,000 people have testified in the last two years. Today buy and begin to take Hood's Sarsapariila Usual form, liquid, or in tnblot form, onllod SnrnntnUn, 100 Doaca $1. About 100,000 net ar n in during th herring eeaeon by th bOO tithing mark of th Nethtrlanili. A uet lasts iboul lhrr eaeon, but owing to to frmn atormt mil othr nuin between 40, 000 and 00,OU0 new ntu art purchased lennally. Nw York, with 4,00O.nX) poputstlon, bad Imn sibling la 111 total to lb tbre yea re preceding IDOU at the rat or 100. 000 a year, l'bllailelphla. with a llltl lr tban 1,600,000 population, bad In creeeil at thi rat of 00,000 a far. fteedlae aaeriaaa, Mr. rilipun- Maria, here' tbat 123 you ay you need for a new bat. Ily tb war, XUrls, do 1 erer talk In ruy eleepl lire. Kllppua Tbanka. No. John, you otter do.- Oilraro Tribune. Murk la, Bqulun WLjr do tb call the Intrrurbon ran "llmltnir Hqusggs Hsceus audi a amall numbor of jopl who trarel on thm get to tbulr ileetlnatlon all?. Toledo Iliad. yruptffTgs octs Gentlyyot prompt ly ontlic bowels, cleanses u.e system effectually assists one inovorcommg UQoitual constlpQlion ftormnnontly. To get its beneficial ef-fectsi buy Tho Oenume. b nnufacturod bytlvo CALIFORNIA Jio Syrup Co. BCUJBrirACIHODRUOCHjrS'tOt.BOTTU. SAVE THE CARTON TOPS "20 Mule Team Borax" VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE M . IIIMW.W4 HltlHU W IH iII4h fin v.. . r... riciuo coeet soaax 00, eiud, eo. ITS FREE "SEND FOR IT NOW" Tb Ileal fruit Tree nl lUrrr Plant Caul In th NorthwMt J. J. BUTZER 102 Front at., Portland. Oregon r-T' ndj lb tl known and th mial rllabl d novn. ETwy p kaaelia tulD(t II th rputatlon of a houa who bmlntx (taudartU ai lh blihMlluthatrad. r.nf' ita a..u m 4isknt rira I ll il'l'llukl. It caaulid wluoj 4ta, muf anf 4 laU0M4tl Uont, ,lMtixl itUMUob tut l4iJltwr at.f lu tiruUM ( Vm.uU M FW r wifc iintiHiu m u. amdiMU. d. M. finny 00., oiroit( mioh. HBBaautTlSiI iiSi MTta Na t'latr. Heporter I euppo you don't know what tb Henator tbloki about thla tarlS rtfortn buetnretl Urnalor'a 1'rltat Hecretary No; no nor tban you do. I only know wbal be ssys about It. Il An, "How old. do you think tbat womsa ur "I wouldn't Ilk to say, but I'll Ut alt owm up to being errernl year younger than any other woman you caro to name." -Philadelphia I'naa, rilTlnar Staler Away, Little Kilty (entertaining biro) Mlo tl think a lot of you. Sir. Wellon. Klderly Suitor Do the, dearlel How do you know! I.lttl Kilty hbe y you'll be thi darUngMt old Dual ticket that rer hap pened. Ha Wad f m lr. "Wain't It awful r iclatmd thi spartmnt-hoiis flrl. "Tin furnace was entirely out Inat night." "I never noticed It," replied her chum. "What? Nerer nolle! It? And 700 aat In tb cold parlor for two houn with that young uiniu Who waa It, anyway!" "An old flame." I'raatUal Drrann.lratlon, Tacbr A to tbo old auprtltloni w bat Un talking aUaut, tby ar all irlixlKl. NoboJy Ufllf now. for In' tanr. tbat It bring bad luck to walk undtr a laddtr. Bbaggy llalrnl I'upll I do, ma'am. I walked und.r a laddtr one. Ind It fill 00 u. Kal ChIUns ivi. Callir ta tbat lb bt you can prom la ut wlf flftrtn 7rara oldr tbao I am, with a abarp not, tbln Up, and our dlpoltloni Kortun Tllr What mor do 70a ti pt? Did 70U tblnk you could gt a al awaiij lor iwifri A I.cbUUHt rraloa, Th rvprMvuUtlr part of th Mrlt lib rarllarutnt It practical paradox. -Vh7r "IltcauM It la a houa of commoai nd yt pmtIc among UgUIoturaa." Ilaltltnor Amerlran, IhI Colar. 7org I aball nrd torn tnomy to day." "What forr "Tbara'a a whit uli at on of tbi torta, and I want to attend It." "A wblt al? All right, Utira. A fw tllttr dollar will do for that, won'l tbrr prad of Knawlvdnw. Trachir (at nlgbt ichool) What la 1 aacrd cow, and why I It to called? Bbaggy llalrtd I'uhll "Sacrtd cow" h a corruption of "lck rtd cow," Ita tick nni tlng rauMd by a larg bump 01 Ita aouldra. Chicago Trluun. I.orallnar lllm. "Whtre'i th roan that'a at tb bottom of thi fux?" du.Midnl th policeman, forcing hi way Into th center of the x died crowd. "H'a there, all right I" Jd on Of thi eager apctatora. 'The other maa'a atlll on topi" Eavlroatucat. "Madam, your huiband doe not Mm to hat any organic Ito'iblc," aald thi phyalclan. "Land aake, not" aiclalmed Mr. Pneurltch. "Not lu tbta nlghtorbOod. Hut tb folk tbat lit next door to ui hat a graphophon that worrlea hlu nrarly to death," "OUCH" OH, MY BACK IT 13 WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY THK PAIN AND STIFFNESS 00 WHHH YOU USS SI JACOBS OIL THI8 WELL-TRIED. OLD-TIMS REMEDY FILLS THE BILL aOe.AU DtUC0UT3,a0o, CONQUERS PAIN THE LIME.SULPHUH SPRAY. Qood Provenllvo for Applo Scab and Lata Harmful Than Soma, A, II, Cordler, Kntomolmilit, Orrfon Kiperlment HUtlon, CurtallU, 1 ho lorloim rmultd In Iho form ol "llordraiu Injur" which ofton follow application of ltordcnur mlxturo rctt Jr It alinoat linporatlva that some mean" bo foiiml of toducltiK till Injur, or Hint lomo prny m illrcovorcd which nmy lrt tucd a n tuUtltulo for J(or dcniir. For the punt two or thrcuyi-nn I have oitfVFl,'altur winter apraylnif npplo uml pmr trM with 1 Into-nu 1 ftli tin nolu tmn, for Man J010 aculo, that the fruit upon tho prnyid trtoo wai I cm "acab by" than that upon tinaprnycd tino. Upon two illfforoutoccatlonii tlili winter application hm ilolayol until tho ulna, mil worn about to npon and 7hif0 tho upray, which wa nppllrd nt tho full tronitl, did conldntbIi Injury at tho tlino, lis docldodly bciioflolnl oflccl wiro nutlcoablo when tho fruit waa gathered. However tho Kcncrnlly Kod roaulU which fallow winter applies, tlona of llmo-iulphur are now well known and thli part of tho work re ipilrr no further comment, Noverlholo, tliro obicrvatloni iur geatod to mo tho ptobablllty that llmo aul'iur aoltitlon in lull t bo uird m n aiib.tltuto for Uordoauz inlitttte for atiinmrr applications nnd during tho pait year I have to mod It upon varl out plant for vnrlotif purnoaco. It la not propoird at thli time to go at alt into detail regarding thcao ex. rtrltuenta I wlah only to call atton tlon to gome of tho results obtained whloh aliow concluiluly that lime tulphur folutlons may bo mod as a summer spray without Injury to foliago and also point atrongly to the probabil ity that by its uo applo scab may bo effectually controlled without danger of Fptsy Injury to the fruit. Kumcleot work has not broa dona to justify tho statement that llme-iulphur Is rual to Itoidcaux as a preventive of this disease but tho results of theslnHlo season's work point so strongly to tills conclusion that I feel Justified In call ing attention to them, that growers who have suflrrcd lots from Ilnrdcnux injury, and others ho aro interested, may make comparative tests of tho twoa sprays tne coming season. In carrying out tho work the past soason it Ixestno ncccstary first of all to determine how strong a solution could bo used without Injury to tho foliago. This, again, mado It nccosury to adopt somo method of "standardlt. Ing" the spray. After considerable work We adopted what may bo termed tho "stock eolation" method of prepar ing the spray and adopted as a stand ard for the work a "stock solution" hsvlng a specific gravity of 1,27. (For determining tho apoelflc gravity of the solution while at work In the field no have found the sptclflo gravity hydro meter a very convenlont Instrument. It Is cheap, simple and convenient, and wo would recommend every grower who expects to use lime-sulphur as a aumtnor spray to obtain one.) This solution, similar to the Hex, Niagara and I'hoenlx lime-sulphur sprays upon the msrket, any of which would undoubtedly do as well, Is 01 a dear, dark amber color, la without sed Iment, and as aUtcl above bad a spe- otflo Kiavity of 1.27. Analysis enowod that oU Kllon contained In solution n a terrlbl manner, wanted to know 2 38 pounds ol sulphur. why b did not answr. This was ths Durlnit the season of 1007 the'rn)lrJ i didn't bear yon for tb first "stock solutions of Imo-sulphurwito thre. t,mt aud tJ ,Mt ,m, , U(, used vsrlouily diluted upon tbo apple, bite" near, peach, plum, prune, qtilnco, chorry, grapo, potatoes and celery. The results obtained Indicate! Uiat liiuo-sulphur sprays produced by di luting 1 nallun of the stock solution with IS gallons of wntur may be safely used upon all of tbo above-named plants, with tho exception of the peach, unlets It may Ik early In tho spring, when very slight Injury was produced, tor uie upon tho peach each imllon of solution should bo diluted wlUi at least 20 gallons ol water. For the experiments with apple scab a block of 400 Yellow Now town tteea woro aeleotod, becnuso this vsrloty la particularly susceptible to this disease and because this block was known to be badly Infested. I Tho entiro orchard was sprayed with lime-sulphur for Ban Jose scale lato 1 In February. Tbo orchard waa then divided Into two plats. One plat was eptayed with Dordeauz mixture on Aplil 20, May 8 and May 17. The other plat waa sprayed 011 the same dates with llmesulphur solution di luted 1-16. Unsprayed trees were left as chocks In each plat. At picking time the fruit was care fully gathered, examined and separated into three grades ta show per oont of fruit absolutely (100 from scab, slightly scabby and Ittdly scabbed, It was tlion ngrodod to show por cent of fruit Injured by spray. The summing of results Is shown graphically In tho following table. Column marked A shows per oent of fruit free from scab; II, that showing onlv small scab spots) 0, that badly scabbed aud unmaiketaplo) D shows spray Injury, A B 0 D Unsprayed ....10.0 38.7 61.3 C llordeaux 40,1 3S.4 15.5 81.0 Lime-sulphur.. 70.3 15.3 5.3 0 It must be rememboied in Interpret 'ng these results that they represent only oat season's work on one variety Impoeelkl. "Do you find It difficult to dictate to your stenogrnpbsr?" "No, I find It Impossible." "Why, has ahs Isft your "No, sli ha tuarrlsd in." Hous ton I'osL Ml Ureal Oaportanllr, "If Ilurbank wants to be a pkllanthrop at a well ae a wliard," aald Itltere, mak ing a wry fate ok kle invdlelne, "why In thunder doren't he irolr a cinchona Iree that will product a bark from wblcb 1 taatelei quinine ran be inadsl'' Their Real Kanilleap. "Isn't It wonderful to not tb pro treee tb Japanrt bat mad la acquir ing our weatern cirllliatlon?" "Y until 70U hear what a wretched botch they make of It wbea they try to iwiar." MooVelr1. Wbliperlng Cuetomer (prodarlng natch) I cam her berauee I bat been told that you ar an honeat pawnbroker. Atuncular I'atrlarcb (wltb a depreca tory emlle) My friend, somebody baa tn trying to hat fun with you. A Sabelllale. Customer Will you glte m a copy sf "The Art of Ilelug Hsppy at Horn?" Librarian I'm afraid It's out, but I bat bore a little treatise cm Jin jlt-ra, which makes an excellent substitute for It I's Mele. Batphallratlr, "Does your huiband hold any elrtc ffice, raedemT aakrd the canvaeaer. "I ahould say be did I" answered th young matron. "He tb majestic grand sigh klllemakew of the Ancient and Illua trlous Order af Hpliterlactumbangar Sara In Hat Them, Mlffkln It Is said that aggrctelre. Impulsive pcopl usually bar black ye. Ilirrklns That's right If thy haven't got them at first they get them Istsr. DeafitMS Cannot Be Curod tr tare! appllratlnni, u tby eennot reach dixiiid ihiMIon ol the r Ibenlioaly tb on wariorur aiiiniH,.nillRil iiB.vuniuin llouel ruie4tee. peelnete U rtuiaS bj an In fletntd rondttlon oltbe taucoat llalDgoltbi Kueucblen Tut. Wben IbU tab le ISSibk: tou hate a rumbilnr oun4 or liieifct beer Inc. aad wben tl le entirely rioted, Deetaete li lb reeult. and unlf m the Inflammation cen be taken out and thli tut rrilorfd tolti normal eonlltloii, lieerlng will b demoted tnreter, nlnereir outol ten are reined vr Caltrrb. trblrh le nothing but an Inflamed eondllten of is nuroni tuner. W ltUn Hundred Dollar for any ie of LXefoetl (caated breaterrbi that eaa not beurd br 1111' Catarrh Care. Send Sol T i CHENEY A CO. . Toledo. O. Sold b Pruesl't I5- Tele UeU'e ramlly nil forrocttlUon. Slas-alar Cffl. First Cord What make Prof. Craak- ftlgb ut tbat curloua dialect? Heoond Coed Tbat Isn't a dialect It's hi way of trying to convey tb Idea that a oki tb simplified epelllcg. Ha Hope, Sklttlewm You won't mind this stock ysrds smell wben you get need to It Ileer Ob, well, then I'll lit In hop. Voa err, I't been breathing It only about nine or tea year. Chicago Tribune, Ito hn win find Mr. Wtnetow Boolhlna Strop Ub.t remedr tout lot their eblldma auiiag in uauung perioa. j A Oeed riikmnes, X small boy who lives near a lake was flshlns and hla mothor had to call Iblru fit times to msk him hear, ssya th Philadelphia Telegraph. Finally, 'abt lsnded on him. and. sbaklns; him I - - They bate mad bread from peanut . nrai ror many year in upain. Xd bread la light and porous, but rather urpalat lb!, and It 1 eaten, only by th Uwer ileaeea. The jawa of a waip ar to powerful that th Intect can cut Its way through shell. The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes ; a new one quickly comes. It's the fHory of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer8 Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals, Askyour doctorabout It. " I fctd a terrible eoR and natblaa relleted me. I tiled Alert Cherry fectorel u II rromptlr broke op mr cold. ilorpM my didvoadtrtul verb lor me."-MB.), . lots, TVdede, Ohio. w: br J. O. Ater 0-. IWlU, Ale auavaelorer el SAIUPAIilLA, PILLS. BAISMOC. vers Keep tho bowela regular with Ayer'sj Pills. Just one pill each night. PUTNAM Color more roods bilxhtar and faaUr ana w tmjafia to tivi ponsae i towwdyleissnaasffileaiasiewaas. SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE BLOOD "When the blood la pure, fresh and healthy, the akin will be soft, ".moot) and free front blemishes, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu lation 1U presence is manifested by a akin emotion or disco;. These humors get into the blood, KcncrnUy because of an inactive or sluggish condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and carry off tho waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment nnd soon the circulation becomes charged with the acid poison. The blood begins to throw ofl the humors and acids through the pores and glands of tho skin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, ttalt Rheum and skin eruptions of various kinds. Eczema appears, usually with n slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there flown a otickv fluid that dries nnd forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, face, arras and legs, though other porta of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, crocks nnd bleeds : Uie acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which ore intended to keep it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and giving it a bard, leathery appearance. Acne mokes its appearance on the face in tho Z suffered with Eoiema for forty years and could find nothing1 to cur me until Z .triad H. 8. B. I funerea inlane ny and burnln iunrd inlanaolr wit. th thaltoh tules would 'fcW pustules wout form from wh owed a Its -r.iTJ 7A7.M i. "" ZJL' tM -- rrom which that C tnr X:il!m1iiSSxen sometimes causing baldness. Poison Oak. tbeixm wai len a; raw a a jc ana Ivy are also disagreeable types ol skits finriar X w itfieU? but Mum. The humor producing the troubia lonr T1 wbinl naaoB. B. B. A zouna a per 4i 1. T lies Seat our. Thra ha peter ba ear return o: rtatronni. Stookman, JTeb. U. jtu AVA-nn, s.s.s. PURELY VEGETABE because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of foreign matter nnd restores the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin affection. Doolc on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent Ires) to all who write. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIAHTA, CJb Knlarmatlral. "That forward Mtsa Klip openly ad vocates kissing g-ames. Hasn't she Berr?" "Well, encouraging osculation Is a thing wblcb does reo,ulr cheek." Dsl timer American. EtLs.-b uue. lit. . at. Vitae Rear M an terrene Ptemee eaeou eared trr. Mipri ur iore ad Sjt rHKKiitru! pomw a r.O.U.XIUe.1. xiiu, Ld, ett Area at, rui.!". Th Brat! "Papa, what'a tb ui of eejlng 'good by' when you're talking orer th tele phone 7" "No uee, I ruppoee. Tommy, (ictpt that It meant that the eontertatlon haa closed. I neter 01 It except when I am talking to your mother." Ther are, altogether, foralgn and na tit. 23,709 person tbat ar actltcly en gaged In bringing tb goep to India, while ten years ago then were only It, ISO a gain of nrarly 00 per cent. Tlwru Is Only Onm "Bromo Quinine" Thai Is Laxative Bromo Quinine UMS THE YtBRLO BVUt TO BVftC A BOLD fAf BMC BAT, .Vlwsra remember the full name. for this atgnature on rery box. MOt AT ALL ri".icse. rou sviry MIUBIR orTMr tAMILV. mX HOgC AT ALL VSlMa4y 8 SataTat'15r PfllCES. FOB SVIRY kBaat,p Q MCN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. . tr. L. lMW(t iffS ? etse 'wjtrM. Mvia Avar hiJi awaipay IK Umttmrt trmaf sieTiS W. L OihwIh $4 m4 $5 m rjes ShMt Cot 20 YEARS I pkl proolef t leUeVUhj ed el4M ir aniM bare I u. BpedalUu ejwer b atuodenc. unrUj eremrt ed ceeneeu aneettea. Lady attead aa tlvire frMu RtUbl PalaUa DoU. 0r lerMtdea Sir retleeUMt Uwt(liM4 U U tMtUUsed. OmaII neae, Oood Work aad Quick Bertie. "AND IT DIDN'T HURT A BIT" Felolee Detraction. M caou. Ktrctlon Pre vS.e fUM f en4e er er4ree rltu. ft eed ur. Beet Plee Work. lrlM tee' ttetk Sere keceae m innh iket li It laroMlU. le Sralr mil triln. Tkt UaeU ! ere reaev4wtUueat rwui Uthteet ttU, ui e tUie U Ittee. If lee title fit .' fettlf It U1 lk wU ut eerferai lu verk efautlMileg tear led MilArtoril. M Ilk at to yttn eirerltace la ikU verk vUl aureatee MtUftruee I ertry ctet. Crowo aad Bridie Work. Il't a ektae le U rr freotl eppetnare ea4 rel yeur lcMie Soat ikelttkefuetk t erepertr auUctte yomr reed, vtta a krlite eea be Mtelled uu U eeue tUceaUsrt - W.A.WISETr.? rsajM SaSjatt, TBM INS VUaMTeN, rMTUae, aaeM FADELESS DYES aroVbardy. OsmIOo ttyisnlsf. r,MWWWi)aM form of pimples and black heads, while Psoriasis comes in scaly patches on differ ent parts of the body One of the worst forms of akin trouble is Salt Rheum; favorite ToInt of attack is the acaln. -w.... j.w... . m. dormant in the blood through the Winter to break out and torment the Buffererwith the return of Spring. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. 8. It neutralizes the acids nnd removes the) humors so that the skin instead of being irritated and diseased! is nourished by a supply of fresh, healthy blood. External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc, while they soothe the itching caused by skin affections, can never cure the troubia THE MENTfflO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF vcrT8 I4ttsi 'fcfts SLICKERS. SUITS AND HATS or the man who put them to the hard est tests In the rough est weather. Get the original Tovrerie Rh Brand mod? since 1036 urtto rrtr re rrirAiiurta 4 town CO. eroM. v ?HU No. 13-OS 1 TTTHEK wrlltaf to adrrtltrpl It menuon ni papr- Look Sfio. SWA jrrrtrL rreewet ()vr"ISS mnd Bs Equilled At Anj Piles IN PORTLAND DOIHI WORK FOR THE BEST PEOPLE t.r.vUl k. ier had traredr tad tkemiklt. vktie yealeekt are Intreff4 ktyeed daacrietloe. A kelle taok tku It aev aaaltn be Slled tad crewai4 e U.l It It u.ed rr erebaklr a Uftdaa. T etret la rmlte tea Btrt etrtr Ue blkMIrUaeikUl. gttaUaatlet free tad lathed. Wkta dnlrtd ye eta kare T. f, WUe er ay aeneeal wrtlet. Oar (arc I bo orgaaleed that w can do rour eaUre Crown, Brldg and PUte Work la a eUy it oeceeaary. KO PIATE5 viA .1LL i 1 1 I s. a i Nn have Cy UjJ -XSrVSZ-JCW tsAJ JTxreWntsVy. 3o)fkcc4oJaavuk(vfeoludcoKo4iquAUy'wt m