A . t LOCAL BITS. '1'lii'ie will he mirvlccl Ml muni in the iiuncli next Stuitluy. Gtitiruu and 1M. 'llrostcrlidhs re iiuildiiK new puws for the Catholic olmrrli. Jiuk Kelley is tli best finliurtiinii 1n CukIu county, ho Alpha Aid ridne.i.s. Aimmul Sliirnrur Imilt a house on 111 hunwitlM(l on thu north or Aw buy bi.tte liiii week. Uln'ond Unburn wns III from tl.e Kobrt llro ' ranch nwar J5Mers Wcdm-ndajr with a load of liny A. vl. I,ri has built a luritc iIiitfotin itt the tear of his stoic on which todipluy hU farm iniichiti ury Klin for hutching fiam pure hri'it Indiun Riiuuor ilnckii. fi.25 per Hi-tuiiK W. 1 Dowiiiiik. IIciui. UrKon. .lot I I J. A. I'niWy, C. W. Richie, Oco. T. Sly mid M I' Hawthorn were huKMHMw viviior In lltsiid the firnt hull of tliu week. A fin tins of ladles' bnt.s the latent Mentions of the seasonwill urtive at the Merrill Co ' Mote in 'it wwk or 10 days. I.i"t Huckkiii-roan pony with suddle and br idl-i 011 ilusiTt. He Hum to owner anil receive icwunl. H.J OVMHTUUI'. Ktft.cn I coiners to Hcud are Mr. Unfit and laiily from Sokuiie. 'J'lwv at livitiK in the SNuuiorc cottage oil OiKon street. A. II. ('.rant hat hnd the poM fflk buililntft (Minted lioth inside Htitl out, which make a great tin KWVtmeiit 111 its Hpeiirauce. Kev. Geo Short wr'tes from Cal ifornia that since Koitut then, he hn iircatlv improve! in health and is now almost entirely lucovured, Mr. and Mrs. W. I), Sillers are down from their hoiuu.stciid ncut Qdell TUty have commuted on the homestead and will now reside here. Ni.-k Welder left for I'rliievllle Yue'.y niorrtiuK rts 11 dcUgatc from the local lodge of the Modern Woodmen to h meeting of Wood incii ttt the county .scat. It i getting; time to make garden .ami lite Heiid news stand can .sup ply tu with all kinds of mkN, in chilling onion sets. Alfalfa and clover need alto in stock. Dr. Turley reports a nine pound boy born to Mr. ntut Mm. W V Myers of I.nidlaw on Tuesday last The new Mil and heir has ken named Theodore Hills Myi:r.s. The Ladiee' League of the Pres byterian church will give a food ril at J I West's furniture store next S.iturdny nfteruooii.. Siintliir salon will be given every other Sat tmlay thereafter. The Indies of Ilcnd nud vicinity should not fail to examine the line of fine huts that will be on pale nt The Merrill .store in n few days. They will be here in time for you to r cure your Easter lint. A Mr. McGlnshau, nil hydro grainier in tiic employ ot tlie gov eminent. Is in these parti; measur ing thu How of the different streams. The first of the week lie wuh nt the head of Tumello measuring that stream. H. C. Kills has received n full supply of blanks from the Dcpirt incut of Commerce nud Labor to lc used by tho.se who wish to make application to the department to hccurc laborers, us outlined in The littlletiii two weeks ago. Nick Welder reports thnt nt the county convention of Woodmen nt I'riucville, Uend wns chosen as the. plnce at which to hold the next convention in 1911. Nick was alio elected 11 delegate to tlie .state con .vention which- meets nt Aslilntul in May. J. II. Onclll wilt have a building erected ut once on the northwest corner of block nine, at the inter .section of Wall and Minnesota sheets. The building will be 18x32 feet nud will be occupied, for u time nt least, by Mr. nud Mrs. Onelll as 11 residence. A fine line of Easter postal enrds nrc now oil display nt the news Htnud. Remember your distant friends by sending them one. II. II. Duvlos renched llcud Tuesday noon with his ntttomobilc, a 32-hor.scpower Rambler, having driven it lit from The Dalles. Since then every youngster In town has been his warm friend. Mr. Ell Hills, father of our popu lar .U. S Commissioner and future codnty judge, celebrated his ootb birthday Thursday. Numerous friends in the Hast remembered the date and event and mailed Mr. Hills tokens of their remembrance In the form of postal enrds, he hav ing received over 100 of these re-meiubruuccs. J. llttrrows and family ar rived in llcud Tuesday from Spokane to take up residence on ditch land. It Is understood that Mr. Borrows litis bought n forty just cast of l'ilot Iluttc. ,Mr. Ilur- rows nud Mr. DcArmoiid, with their liimilics, ennic in together, and llcud people arc glnd to ttcc them locating so close to our town. The cleaning up of the town, which was Inaugurated n't the suit- gestiou of the Ladies' Library Club, has been going on for the past week and hns made n great imprdvcnicut in the npcnraucc of Hcud. The Indies should receive due credit for starting this good work, ns '.should also the C. O. D. Co. for donating the use of n team and wagon with which to haul away the refuse. R. II. DcArmoud and family arrived in llend Tuesday afternoon nud will take up residence on h forty of ditch laud just enst of Pilot Iluttc. Mr. DcArmoud wns in this Miction two or three years ago. Since then he has Ikcii traveling through different partsof Washing ton but hns finally decided to locate here for the reason thst he believes, ns he says, thnt this country has the very brightest prospects before it. Dr. Coc cports the following births during the past week: To Mr. nud Mrs. Ray Gticriu, on the Ilnswell-Gucriu much, on Monday night, n daughter; to Mr. nud Mrs. W. ly. Graham, of Sisters, a daugh ter, on Saturday night; to Mr. nud ' ' Mrs. Andrtis, of I.nfdlnw, ft daugh ter; to Mr. nnd Mrs. derive, on Wednesday, n daughter; to Mr. nud Mrs. Jack Kelley, An Thurs day, n boy; to Mr. nnd Mrri. Stoltr.. north of Iiidlaw, a daughter. llcud is greatly improved in ap tienrniicc since the cleaning-tip dny, but there tire one or two places thnt are badly In need of rejuvenation. One of these is the vacant block just east of the Pilot Hutle Inn, which looks considerably like A dump pile pr garbage heap with tin cans and other refuse scattered about. That portion of the town is undoubtedly seen more by trav elers coming into Dcud than any other part of town, nud it should be cleaned tip nt once. Let someone get busy. Mr. nud Mrs. Oueill returned to Hcud Sunday evening after spend ing the winter in California. They nre both rent glnd to get back, and Mr. Oueill says lie believes Ileud has the brightest prospects of any place with which he is acquainted, rimes arc hard nnd wages low in California, and there is not enough work for those who nrc willing to work. In one community mni nrc working for$t.25 n day nnd board ing themselves lie says that the Deschutes river is certainly a great blessing for this country, and he never realized it so fully ns when he found that water wns peddled nbout the city of Los Angles nt 45 cents for five gnllous. Have you noticed thnt everyone who returns to Hcud is glad to get back nud re ports that Hcud has the brightest futuicofnny place in which they have been? An Inildlout Danger Olfe of llie wortt feature of kidney trouble U llint it It nil tiitldlous iliewc And Ixjfuf the ictim rralln liUdaiier tie timy lmc n latnl malady. Take I'oley'n Kidney Itemed)- At the flrt Ikii of trolibte at it correct IrrCKularltle sih! tutrents Ilrle.lil' ilitense and dia-lctfii.-C. V. Merrill. DrmtuUt. A NEAT SUM SECURED. unit of the doting exercUet of the term, iU. Arcflitiiicr and Id pupil unlttiH' with the patron In getting up (he pro gmiii, TIli program in rendered Mlowit: IlutlllineiiUl Solo iMcllwitt Ollde ,,,,.., Vmidcrheck Nellie ScogKUi. Recitation The Nlgi;cr' Mule .... , Jtiir.cs l'ulllfiin Violin 8olt My Dainty Udy ,...C Krkn John Moore. Tableau Itefore and After......,, I Myrtle Beoggln " ""' I John Itilwnnln I!clic!or Sextet The Old Oaken Iliickcl lUcltatloii Uncle J. IMtturdii Win. WrlglH AreiiMMler, I.everenz, Moore, Seosuln Dane' I'r rmyer ie HeoKKbi llatkct Social and Program near Gist Add $46.HO to Or Ran Pund. The Sunday chool at the Plainvlcw chool Iiuiih- near Gltt, Ore., gave n tmtket torlal lnt l'rlday evcninn. This IxiiiC the last day of Mr. Areiinmlcr' tchool, the program was contidcrcd a MlM Nell l'aiitomiiuu Itoek of Aur I'jMrliim Cobb Vocal 80I0 Hweet and Uiw , Myrtle Sjkk'"- Kecllnliiin Tlie Itot)tx.r and the Hook Afttut , I no bells .l'uttlaui Mlxeil fjuartet Old SongVc I)vc Air. Arthur Templctoii MIm Ilut'l Tem)ilto;i Alice Temrileton Win Wriuht Kccllnlloii The Haute' I'rey MIm J'lorentc Phillip lliiehelor Sextet Polly Wolly Doodle mnvnrilf, wnnlit All the Pay. Kecitatloii ltow Ru Arcnimlur, Moore I.evcrcn, Scoeiiin by Pave! ,.... .......II. A. acoggm Aluayin the Way.... .Ilnrcl 1 emjiicton After the to auction oil Vocal Solu program Mr. uil proceeded tlie batkctii. which were fine in both npjwurnnrc ami ipiaflty 0) ye eood thiuu thev coutnlnnl. Air. (int fairly blazed a an auctioneer, w curiiig far more than any one hail an tlcliMited. Tuentv-lhrec batkets uor old abrogating trie turn of f4G.H0. Thi mi 111 could ofcuurtc only liaie lecn to eurel tiy the hearty sympathy of all the bidder. .The Mint K-cured added to the amount retired at the latt oeial amwiiiti to f8i.. The fund I Intended to be uel to rHtreliaae an orxan for the ute of the dUtrlct. Stallion and Jacks for Service. I have two jacks, one eight and one coming three years old, which I am standing at the Haldwin ranch eight miles cast of llcnd, nt $10 for the season, beginning March 1; also one Ilainbtctouinn stallion, Kcvcti enrs old, $15 for the season. Colts from each can be seen nt the ranch. C. L. Katox. Head The Hutlctiit. It is conceded to be the best paper in Crook county. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Rocolvet Oonfirntulatlons Voli will iooii receive the conuratula. tlousof your friend upon your Improvrd iippciirnuce If Voit tvlll tajcu l'oley'a Kid ney lUmcdy ns It tones up the yaem and impart new life and vigor, l'olcy's Kidney Hvmedy tare backache, nervous i- exhiiiiMlon nud nil forms of kidney nnd lilndder tniulilrti Commence taking it toduy.- C, W, Merrill, Dnijjgl't, RELIEVING that all interests will be served equally as Well, we, the undersigned merchants of Bend, hereby agree to close our respective places of business at 6:30 p. m. oh and after April 1st, 19(58. SATURDAYS EXCEPTED. We also agree to remain closed all day Sunday and respectfully request our customers to lie gov erned accordingly. "T-T-- m . ! 1 urn . 1 1 I A. M. LARA &. C. CALDWltLb E. A, SATHER J. I WEST Every Farmer As well as every business man should have a bank account. Why? Because: Your moncy Is safer In the bank than anywhere else. Paying your bills by check is the simplest and most convenient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt it pays. j It gives you n bettor standing with business men. .Money hi the bank strengthens your credit. A hank account teaches, helps nnd encour ages you to save. This bank dous nil the bookkeeping. Your bank book is a record of your business. To those desiring Banking Connections with a well ' j estaoiisnea uanK, we extend our services. The Centra! Oregon Banking (2k Trust Company I DIRECTORS: John Stotdl Lumberman and Timber Owner. U. C. Coo Pliyiician and Surgeon. H. P. J. McDonald Mayor of Uend. E. A. Sather Merchant J. B. Heyburn Cashier i A FINK LINE OF I Rocking I Chairs I RANGING IN PRICK FROM $1.50 to $5.00 JUST ARRIVED AT J. I. West's " Furniture Store. Central Oregon Realty Company (Successor to C D. Brown & Co.) BEND, - OREGON DEMURS IN AU. KINDS OP Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Sp ecialty "ff We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us o.- write for further particulars. '.fj(L - ,-.r., tf 1 V" i at! SUOP A-ND 11ATIIS IH HOTSI, Hotel Bend HUCJH O'KANO, Prop. .MOST CENTRALLY I.0QATBD JIOTEL IN DBND. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. New House, New Furniture, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms , , Always Reserved for Transteut Trade. CORKR R Bond ap Oukco. STRUtm' Hariiss &. Saddles Summer R0bS and . , Dusters Harass Oil. Complete Lille of Oeneml irap Wbrk; A'. C HUItEK SliS, OJU5G0M E; C. PARK Importer and Breeder of v 4 PURE BRED Pblaiid China Hogs BMck LnnKsiian Chickens' Young Jstock Ut Sale, RICUMOND. - . ORRGON For Slti H,00 piats of small fruits. FoMull inforfflatlon,ad pric ad drfe'4 (5itQ I,. ti."WlKST. t