i t NEWS OF THE WEEK la a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Headers. IIAPFENINCS OF TWO CONTINENTS l llasumo of the Loss Important but Not Lot IntoraatlnK Event of tho Past Wank. The Bnwmln ol W. I). Btovons liu p'cadod Insanity, "secretary Tuft will dollvcr tlio Mo mortal ilny utntloit tvt Grant's tomb, Now York. H President Jordan defends tlio Btan font fiwtilly find denounces Dm students' movement as n revolt. Congitwimmi French, ol Idaho, prophesies that no Immigration mens uio will ss congress thin session, A scoro ot persons were hint by n heavy wind In tbn vicinity ot New llostuii.ilowa, nml Msdlsnn, Illinois, Tho Isrgrat rlock In the world will lx put on a map factory at Thnmaaton, Conn. T..o dial la 88 feet In diameter. Plttahurg bankers ndmlt thnt tho psylng toiler mid niulltor ot lliu Km in. rs' Deposit National Imnk hnvo stolon $1,106,000 during tho paat throe years. Tho Ilrltlah house ol onintnona has tnis.nl a bill provldltiK that all clocka Ihi advanced HO minutes In order to use tnuro dayllKht by promoting early r la in. Tho general assembly of Virginia haa tdopted a resolution lemovlng JuiIko J. W. O. Illackslone, o( tho Eleventh cir cuit, from olllce on grounds ot Imtnoi allty and gross neglect ol ofllclal duty. Indana Democrats havo declared themsolves (or llryan. Rhode laland Republicans will send tinlnstructod delegates. Tramp are raining, much trouble on nil Psclflo coast railroads. Iowa Democrats have Indorsed llryan and the Nebraska platform. The Illlnola Republican convention has Indorsed Cannon and declared (or tarlfl revision. Admiral Kvaus has answered tho critics ol the battleships, saying tho armor Itelt Is not too low. Itallroad hnvo decided to attack tho rate laws of Illinois and Missouri um der Ilia Hupreino court decision. The condition ol Benator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, la raid to be very gravo and little hopo la held out (or recovery. A severe earthquake In tho City of Mexico greatly terrified the people, cracked numerous walla and stoppod clocks all over the city. Williams, Democratic leader of tho house, has offered to suppoit some of Roosevelt's ineaaurea If iio will sccuro couio Republican votes. The Htst department Is without do tails of the reasons for Kmporor Wil liam refining to rerelvo Dr. Hill as amawndor (rum the United BUtes to Germany. Ruef'a ball has been reduced from 11,118,000 to 171)0,185. Louisiana's state primary law has been declared unconatltutlcnal. Tho llect at Magdalrwa hay Is making rapid progioss with Its target practice I,t Follotto says Standard Oil and Morgan control tho money ol tho na tion. United Htates Bcnator Penrose Is critically III at his homo In Phlladol phla. Drury Lano theater, ono ol tho moat famous In (.ondou, lias been couiplotoly destroyed by lire. Six flremon wero hurt whllo fighting n tiro at Boventconth and Valonola streets, Ban Francisco. Ban Francisco police havo stoppod A play called "Millionaire's Revons.0," founded on tho Thaw caso. John W. Stewart has been appointed Unltod Htates sonntor from Vonnont to succeed the Into Benator I'roctor. Moro than a score of persons wore hurt by the derailment of an InlernrWm car on the Ann Arbor brnnoh of tho Dotrolt United railway. Following tho decision of tho Bu promo court on tho Minnesota rato law. It Is said tho validity of a number of fltato laws will bo nttnekod. China has invited Uio battleship Hoot to visit her ports. China Is very blttor against tho Jap anoao and tho boycott la crowing. A wind and ruin storm In Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama has dono great damngo to property. Tho annual lumber cut In Mlohlgan has dwindled to loss than lialf ot what It was In 18B8. Tho total of 1007 was 43,684,000 foot. BONFIRE OP CLOTHES, Chinese Declaro Boycott on Oapanoso floods Canton, Marsh 24. Tho greatest ln dlgnntlou provnlls hum oaglnat tlm gov ernment (or yluldlng In tho Japoneso deinatids In tho Talaii Matu caso, It being considered that tho govornmont's notion In this matter haa brought dls gnico upon this province. Tho Belt Government souloty of Canton has or ganlred several mounter Indignation meetings, at which resolutions wore adopted that the anniversary of tho re lease of the Tats ii Maru bo obsorvod as a day of public mourning. Tho resolu tions also declared n boycott agnlnst Japanese goods. Morn than 60,000 persons attended tho mass meetings hold yesterday ; buildings worn draped In mourning and 20 or more orators delivered denuncia tory sKoches. Among tho speakera was a lli-yenr-old, whore declaration against tho Japanese caused the greatest enthusiasm. A great number of thoso who had as aomhlod thereupon divot ted themsolvos of Jawneso-inado trntmorits, Including raps and hsndkerrhlcfs, and mado a lingo lionllro of them. Ono dealer In Jitjwnoso goods offered to sacrlflco his entire stock. Tho mooting recommended tho Im peachment of Yuan Bhl Kal of tho board of foreign affalra for weakness In yielding lo tho Japanese. OVEfl MILLION UNEMPLOYED EfTocIs of ths Hecont Panic In East and Houih. New York, March St. In a canvass of the country to asceitaln tho number ot.unemploycd men, dispatches luivo been received (mm many Industrial centers with reports of conditions, and from these It Is estimated that moro than ono million men are minus fobs. Tho reports Indicate moro than 000,000 unemployed In the chief cities and nearly 003,000 In the states outsldo the cities. That there aro more'unemployed men and women In Now York City today than at any previous tlmo In many years paat Is the bollof of union leadeta, charity workers and ittidenta of social conditions. Estimates of the number out of work vary from 100,000 to 600, 000. II Is probable that half of the latter number, or 260,000, Is about cor rect. Tho following estimate Is given by responsible lalor leaders; Carpenters. 10,000; tailors, 8,000; rockmen and excavators, 8,000; bricklayers, 7,000; laborers, 20,000 houiestnlths, 0,000; asphalt workers, ",000; paprrhangors, 3,000; painters, 7,000; rockdrlllrrs, 2,000; engineers, 2,000; pavers, 2,000; plasterers, 2,000; steamfltters, 600; sheet metal workers, 600; compositors, 2,000; pressmen, 1,000; miscellaneous trades, 20,000; unorganised labor, 145, 000; total, 260,000. DECIDES IMPORTANT CASE. Intarststa Commsrca Commtsslon'Has No Control Over Ocesn. Washington, Mnre.i 24. A decision was promulgated today by tho Inter stato Commerce commission In ono of the most Important rases It has been called upon to determine for soma time. It Is that ni tho Cosmopolitan Import ing company, a Philadelphia organisa tion, chartered under tho laws of New Jersey, against the Hamburg-American Packol company, tho North German Lloyd Btramshlp company, tho Wilson (Hull) lines and tlio Scandinavian American lines. The complainant's petition was Mod with the commission nearly a year ago, Botno tlmo sulwoqucntly tho defendants tiled a demurrer, attacking tho juris diction of tho I literal to Commerce commission. The opinion in tho caso, which Is very voluminous, was prepared by Commissioner Franklin K. Lan. In brief, and In effect, tho commis sion decides against itsolf. It holds that it has no authority over oceanlo transportation and thus determines Uio caso advorsoly to tho contention of Uio complainant. Robbsrs Mska Rich Haul. Reno, Nov., March 24. Throe rob bers, heavily armed, overcame Edward Hoffman and n companion on a road two miles from Hawhldo lato this after noon, threw thorn to the ground, and mado oft In tholr victims' two-horse rig, taking gold nml bank notes amount Ing to about $47,000 with thorn. The monoy was consigned to tho Coalition Mining company at Rawhide to Ixt used In paying miners' wages and to meet tho final payment on ono of tho proper tits puruhnsod last wook by tho Coali tion company. Tosses nro in pursuit. Hundreds Perish at Sea. Toklo, March 24. Tho Muttu Maru, a 000-ton coasting steamer belonging to Uio Yuson Kalshn lino, was sunk in a collision with the Htdeyoshl Maru, OOfl tons, at 2tS0 o'olook this morning two miles oft Todohokko, near Hakodate. Tho captain of the Mutsu M,Aru, a n jorlty of her 244 passongerr. and 43 of the crew porithed. DOINGS OF THE SIXTIETH CONGRESS Friday, March 27. Washington, Marsh 27. Tho Aid rich hill wns pntaixl by tho senate to day by a vote of 42 to 10, In the main a party vote. I'rovlous to tho taking of tho vote on tho Aldrloh bill, a voto was taken on tho Ualley stibstluto au authorising tho government, Instead of tho national banks, to Initio tho emer gency circulation (or which tho hill provides, Tho vote on tho aubatltute stood 42 to 13, and thli voto wss en tlroly partlesn, even La Follotto catt ing If Is vole with Hie Republicans. Tho bill has boon beforo tho senato since January 2. Tho voto was not reported until after 0 p. rn. and tho gallorlrs wero practically empty. As paed, tho bill provldea fur not rnoro tnan $600,000,000 of omorgenoy currency to bo Isstiod to national bunks upon tho doposlt by thorn of stato, county and municipal bonds to bo ap proved by tho secretary of the treasury. The currency Is to bo Issued with a view of securing an equitable distribu tion of the currency over tho United Btatcs, and in accordance with the un impaired capital ami surplus o! banks In oaoh stato. Hanks are to pay for this emergency circulation or.o-lmlf of ono per cent a month durlmr tho first four months II Is circulated and after ward three-quarters of ono per cent a month. Tho bill provides that national banks shall not pay less than 1 per ront on government funds depo lted with them. As amended today, tho bill carries an Important change In hanking laws relating to Innk reserves. This amend ment provides that of tho 16 per cent reservo required to bo kept by banks not In reservo cltUe, four-fifths Is to bo kept In tho vaults 3f tho bauks, and of that amount one-Uilrd can br In the form of securities of the kind required. Wahlngton, March 27. The houre parsed 300 piivato pension bills, at tho rate of ten a minute. An urgent deficiency appropriation bill approprlstlng $3,000,000 for carry Ing on tho .work of the Washington naval gun factory was passed. Thursdsy, March 20, Wsshlngton, Msrch 20. Although the senato met today wlUi the Inten tion of devoting tho entire time of the session to the currency bill, tho ere dentlsls ot Senator-elect John Walter Hmlth, of Maryland, early becarno the subject of a dlpcusalon that conmined marly (our hours and destroyed all hepo of dlrjKMlng of tho currency bill beforo adjournment today. The result of the delate on tho pro priety of swearing In Mr. Smith was a vote of 34 to 30 In (avor of receiving his credentials and leaving the regu larity of his election to be considered by the committee on privileges and elections, and by tho senate later. Waihlngton, March 20. Moro shafts of sarcasm and invective wero aimed at President Roosevelt in the Jhouio of representatives today. In ono of the most scathing arraignments of a publlo olllcur evor heard In that chamber, Ileal), of Texas, charged the president with having been guilty ot "a dtigust ing usurpation of power," not only toward tho national legislature, but tho Judiciary as well. When Uio agricultural appropriation bill was read for amendment today, Macon, of Arkansas, endeavored to havo Ineertod as a new provision his bill prohibiting tho dealing in futures in agricultural products, but the chair sustained a point of order agalnrt it. Scott, of Kanras, In charge of the bill, expiessod his entlro sympoUiy with the proposition which, howevor, hs instat ed should bo acted on Independently. On a point ot order the several new stations wero stricken from the bill. Thoso stations woro proposed to bo lo elated In Texas, Ksnras, Virginia, Mlohlgan, Vonnont, Missouri and Indi ana, Wednesday, March 25. Washington, March 25. A good deal ot progress was mado by tho senato to day in disposing of proposod amond monts to the Aldrlch currency bill. It was evident throughout the sosslon that the bill will bo perfected in tho form approved by the finance committee, as no proposition that (ailed to receive the sanction ot the committee received any substantial support. The amend merits repoitsd by the commlttoo wore all adopted without opposition and then ono sonator aftor another offoied additional amendments which, oxcopt In the ones of ono proposod by Dupont and one by Lodgo, woro voted down, Washington, Maroh 26. In tho course ot a blttor denunciation of Uio president, on the lloor of the house ot representatives today, Btanloy, of Ken tucky, com pa rod him with Aloxandor Hamilton, whom ho designated "an obsouro adventurer," and both of whom, ho said, bad profound con tompt for tho constitution and display ed ovorlasting Impatlonco with its re etraints. Tho preshtont wan a man who relished glamor and who bocatuo Intoxicated by applause. On Uio other hand, he said, Mr. Bryan had the re spect ol tho country us a statesman and was trusted as a man. When Bcolt, In chargo ot tho agricul tural appropriation bill, today sought unanimous consent to limit to five hours further dobuto on tho bill, Hill mr. of Now York, objected. That ac tion forced tho houso to a vole, and It was agreed to conflno general do bate to four hours Instead of five. A plea (or homesteads for farmers of .120 acres Instead of 100 acres was mado by French, of Idaho. Tho romslndor of tho session was do voted to brief speeches by Griggs, of Georgia, who gave notice of an amend rneont increasing by $100,000 the ap propriation (or tho Investigation of soils; by Roll, of Georgia, who favored governmental aid to publlo roada; Kb lerbe, of Booth Carolnla, who also fa vored lncroesed appropriations (or soli investigation. Tuosdsy, Msrch 24. Washington, March 24. Upon the conclusion of Benator La Follette's speech on the Aldrlch currency bill In the senate today, a plan was decided upon by which Bonator Aldrlch will tomorrow move to tako up tho bill and continue Its consideration until It has beon dlsjiosod of. Aldrlch asked (or unsnlrnous consent to dispose of tho bill beforo adjourn ment Thursday, but to that propoeltlcn La Follotte objoctcd, on tho ground Uiat he feared debato would bo curtailed by such procedure. The colloquy which resulted In Aid rlrh'a announcement followed tho con rlualon of tho third and last Installment of La Follette's speech In opposition to the Aldrloh bill. La Follotto declared the statement that the Industries of this country wore controlled by leas than 100 men had been attacked as sen sational. Declaring that such was not the case, he said that he had been too conservative, and that In (act a much smaller number of men dominated the industries. Washington, March 24. Determina tion to conduct a filibuster on all occa sions whero opportunity presented it self, In order to force the Rebpnblleana to action en an employers' liability bill and other measures deemed necesslsry of enactment was announced by WM llamnis, of Mississippi, In tho house of reprerentatives'today during tho con aideratlon of Uie agricultural bill. He said he bad waited until today to see some evidences of nn Intention to trans act business which the peoplo wero de manding, but, finding nono, had reach ed tho conclusion that the tlmo wss ripe to forco Uio hand of tho Republican party. Tho Democrats cheered tho an nouncement. Monday, March 23. Washington, March 23. The senate today for the fifth time in the present session adjournod becauso death had robbed the body of ono of its members. The untimely death of Senator Bry an, who was familiarly known as tho "baby" of the senate, a title which he took prldo in, came homo to the senate wlUi more force than any which had precodod it. There was no other sub ject of conversation prior to and after the session than Uio (act that the mor tality record of the present session is greater than In any previous entire con great. Washington, March 23. A scene somewhat out of the ordinary was en acted In the houso of representatives todsy becsuso of a chargo made by Mann, ot Illinois, that Suiter, of Now York, hsd put Into Uio congressional Record what purported to be a speech delivered by him last Saturday, but which Mann charged was not the ono delivered. A letter addressed to Speaker Cannon from Representative Charles K. Little field, of Maine, tendering his resigna tion as member of congress, to tako effect September 30 next was read. After passing a number ot measures relating to tho District of Columbia, among them an amendment prohibit ing betting on horse races tat Denning ton's track, the house adjourned out of respect to the lato Benator Bryan. Saturday, March 21. Washington, March 21. Almost the entire session of the senate was con sumed with consideration ot the legis lative, exocutlve and Judlolal appropri ate bill. Tho bill finally passed car ried an appropriation of $32,045,031, tho amount added to tho house bill by tho senate being $042,718. Washington, March 21. Without being materially amended In any form, tho fortification appropriation bill was passed by Uio house today. During the closing debate Uie War department was orltlalaod by several members regard ing tho money spent on fortifications at Bublg bay, whloh, it was charged, was wasted, in view of a later recommenda tlcn that tho defenses at Cavl'e be strengthened, Criticism Ukewieo was offcrod to the eat I mates ot tho depart ment, which recommended an appro priation ot over $30,000,000, whloh it was said could not havo been expended within ten yoars. OF ONE OPINION. House Committee Votes to Forfeit Rsllrosd Land Grants. Washington, March 23. Two mil lion acrea of land In California and Oregon votted In the Oregon A Califor nia Railroad company, owned by the Central Pacific and controlled by K, II. Harrlman, will be subjected to suit (or recovery of title by the United States, If action tskon by the committee on publlo lsnds Is sustained by the house. The committee agreed to report favor ably without amendments a resolution which has already passed tho senste, empowering and directing the attorney Sencral to nrlng suits (or Uio recovery y the United Stales of the title to the public lands granted to certain Western rallrosd companies In cases whero tho conditions stipulated In tho grants havo not txen complied with such condi tions, (or example, as governed the grant of land to the Oregon & Califor nia Railroad company in the sixties. Under the grant the land was to be Uirown open by the company (or sale to bona fide settlors of the United States nt not more than $2 60 an acre and in parcels not exceeding 100 acrea each. It is charged that some of this lsnd was sold by the Oregon A California railroad In violation of the conditions named. The refusal of K. II. llarriman, an nounced by him at the Irrigation con grets at Bacrmonto last year, io sell any portion of Uie remaining 2,000,000 acres, led to the introduction by Senator Fulton of the resolution whlch.tho pub lic lands commltteo acted on favorably today. Chairman Mondell was author ised to draw Uie report of tbe commlt too, which he will do this week. ROOSEVELT'S PROGRAM. Undertakes to Cet New Laws Through Congress. Washington, March 23. President Roosevelt has determined on a legisla tive program the enactment of which will be nrged upon congress in a special message which he said today will go in this week. Each of tho measures to be proposed involves perplexing dlftVnl tles and each will have far-reaching effects on business and economic condi tions ot the country. Tho program is tbo product of Important conferences through which tbe president has been put in possession of tbe views of all In forests concerned. Likewise the atti tude of the leaden in both branches of congress has been made known. Its success depends upon Uie combined effort, which he believes can be brought to bear in behalf of the whole plan by thoso affected especially by some one of its feature. The program Includes: A declaration In favor of revision of tho tariff In a special season to bo hold aftor March 4, 1000. An amendment to the Sherman anti trust law so as to make Important con cessions to combinations of both labor and capital. Limiting the powers of certain courts in tbe use of the injunction in labor disputes. Passage c( an employers' liability bill. Passage ot tho Aldrloh financial bill. LABOR A8KS CABINET SEAT. Will Urge Congress to Create Gov ernment Department. Washington, March 21. At Uie con cluding session yesterday, of the execu tive council of Uie American Federation of Labor it was decided to urge upon tho house committee on labor the neces sity for the passage of the pending bill creating a department of labor, Uie had ot which shall be a member of Uie president's cabinet. It was decided to mako a vigorous effort to secure the passage of laws in the various state legislatures (or the abolition of child labor. A memorial of protest similar to the ono presented to congress yosterday is to bo sent to organised labor and the publlo general ly; It will be prepared by a committee consisting ot President Gompers, Secre tary Morrison and Vice President O'Con noil. Tho counoll was not notified that tho hill of grievances presented to Vice President Fairbanks yesterday was laid beforo the senate and referred to tbe commlttoo on judiciary. Indictments Are Dismissed. San Frnnoleco, March 23. Judge Dunne this morning dismissed Uie four remaining extortion Indictments against K. E, Bohmlts, with the recommends tlon that the rase be submitted to an other grand Jury, and announced that Thoodoro V. Halsey will be brought to trail for bribery as soon as as the court Is able to take up his case. Henry Ach, attorney for Abraham Ruef, was In formed by Judge Lawlor that he must mako a complete showing in the matter of affidavits in the immunity contract hearing by next Wednesday. Tillman Seriously III. Columbia, B. O., Maroh 23. United States Senator Tillman is seriously 111 at his home at Trenton, this state, suffering from a nervous attack due, it is believed by hla physicians, to hard work. ANNULS STATE LAWS Sapfgn.8 (tart Sets Aside Kail- read Sate Statutes. ONLY JUDGE HARLAN DISSENTS State Csnnot Forbid Rssort to United Statas Court Affects Minne sota and North Carolina. Washington, March 24. In refusing to grant to Attorney .General Young, of Minnesota, a writ of habeas corpus releasing him from tho penalty impos ed by the United States District Court for the district of Minnesota on the charge of contempt of court In institut ing a proceeding In a state court for en force ment of the railroad rate law after the Federal court had prohibited such a course, and in affirming tbo decision of Judge Prltcbsrd, of tbe United States Circuit court for the Western district ot North Carolina, discharging from imprisonment James II. Wood, a ticket agent of Uie Southern railway at Ashe vllle, after he had been sentenced by Uie Aaheville police court to serve a term on tbe rocknlle on the chanre of collecting for a ticket on that road a greater price than was permitted by the state railroad law the Supreme court of tbo United Slates today added another to tho series of decisions which have rendered notable the present term of that court. In both cases tbe right of states to fix rates (or railroad transportation wss Uie isauo, arid both Involved conflicts between the Federal and Uie state courts. The decision in each case was opposed both to the states and to their courts. The opinion of the court in both cases was announced by Just lea Peckbsmand, with Uie exception of Justice Harlan, all the other members of the court stood behind htm in Uie announcement ot tbo court's finding. The court decided that by reason of the enormous pensltice provided In the rato laws by way of fines sgalnat tbe companies and imprisonment of their agents and employes, Uie companies, are in effect prevented from ever ques tioning tbo validity of these laws, as the ritk of confiscation ot property and Imprisonment of agents' In case the companies failed In their defense was too much to undertake in order to ob tain a Judicial decision of Uie quesUoa of such validity. The question of sufficiency ot Uie rates to enable Uie company to obtain some return to its stockholders for their investments baa for many years been held to be one for the courts to decide, as it would be a violation of the constitution of Uie United States to nx rates so low as to bo confiscatory, if en forced. The laws providing rates for trans portation of passengers and freight la the two caeca under consideration havo been held by the courts below to be so low as to be substantially confiscatory and should, therefore, not be enforced until after further trials. The courts had jurisdiction to make such-an order. MUST LEAVE IT ALONE. Federation bf Labor Loses Again ts Buck Stove & Range Company. Washington, March 24. American Federation ot Labor President Gompers and others ot that organisation were permanently enjoined from "conspir ing, agreeing or combining to restrain, obstruct or destroy" the business ot tbe Buck Btove A Kange company In a de cision rendered by Chief Justice Cla baugh, of tbe Supreme court ot the District ot Columbia today, making permanent Uie temporary injunction of Justice Gould against the federation in that case. The federation's counsel Immediately noted an appeal cto the District ccurt of Appeals. Today's decision bars the federation from In any manner calling the atten tion of the public to Uio business of the Buck Stove & Range company or tbe flatting ot that company on Uie "unfair 1st," and from stating that Uie com pany's products should not be pur chased either in Missouri or elsewhere. Dlsmonds In California, Orovllle, Cal., March 24. Havo dia mond mines been discovered in Chero- ' kee and Orovllle? This Is the question that Is on the tongue ot nearly every citlxen of the two cities today as the result ot tbe finding ot two diamonds In Cherokee, near Orovllle, and one in Uie latter city. Tho first two were found on the property being prospected in Cherokee by a company ot whloh M. J. Cooney la manager and the third was panned out by an Indian on a claim in Orovllle. Experts pronounce the stones) to be ot good quality. Profits of Sugar Trust. Boston, March 24. -The annual re port ot Uio American Sugar Refining company for December 28,1907, was Issued to Uie stockholders today. The profit and loss Recount shews set earn ings for the year 1007 of $8,749,981. K