fc r PERUNA EDITORIAL NO. 2. aaUuy xivmmJUUumBMijiu i Dr. ILirtmnn has claimed for many yean that Peruna is an EXCELLENT CATAMIH JIEMEDY. Bo mo of tlio dootor'i critic bavo disputed the doctor's claim a to tho eflloaoy of Fornna. ( Blnoo the Ingredient of 1'eruna are no longer a secret, what do the medi cal authorities say ooncemln tho remedlei of which Foruna i composed f Tako, for imtnnoe, tho Ingredient HYDItABTIB CANADENSIS, OR GOLDEN SEAL. Tho United States Dispensatory says of this herbal reraody, that It Is largely employed In tho treatmont of dopraved mucous membranes, chronic rhinitis (nasal catarrh), ntonlo dyspepsia (catarrh of tho stomach), clironio Intestinal catarrh, catarrhal Jaundlco (catarrh of tho liver), and In diseased mucous membranes of tho pelvic organs. It Is also rocommonded for tho treatmont of various forms of diseases poouliar to women. Another Ingredient of I'oruna, COEYDALIS FORMOSA, U ohusod In tho .United Slates DUponsatory as a tonic. V j OEDItON HEEDS is another Ingredient of Foruna, an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by tho medical profession for tho past fifty years. THE SEEDS ARE TO BE FOUND IN VERY FEW DRUO BTOREfl. The United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it Is used as K bitter tonlo and in the treatment of dysentery, and In intermittent diseases M A SUBSTITUTE FOR QUININE. OIL OF COPAIBA, another Ingredient of Peruna, Is claseed by tlio United States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and diuretic. It acts on tho stomach and intestinal tract. It aots as a stimulant on the genitourinary membranes. Useful In chronio cystitis, chronlo dye entery and diarrhea, and some chronlo diseases of the liver and kidneys. These opinions as to tho ingredients of Peruna aro held by all writers on tho subject, including BarUiolow and Bcudder. OP IIYDRA8TIB, BARTHOLOW BAYS It is appllcablo to stomatitis (catarrh of tho mucous surfaces of tho mouth), follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of tho pharynx), chronlo coryza (catarrh of tho head). This writer classes bydrastls as a stomachic tonic, useful In atonlo dyspepsia (chronio gastric ttttarrh), catarrh of the duodenum, catarrh of the gall duct, catarrh of tho Intestines, catarrh of tho kidneys (chronio Brlght's disease), catarrh of the bladder, and catarrh of other pelvlo organs. BARTHOLOW REOARDS COPAIBA as an excellent remedy for chronio eatarrh of tho bladder, chronio bronchitis (catarrh of tho bronchial tabes), BARTHOLOW STATES THAT CUBED, an Ingredient of Peruna, pro mot the appetite and digestion, increases the circulation of the blood. Uio ful in chronlo nasal catarrh, follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), increasing the tonicity of tho mucous membrane of Uie throat. It also re lieves hoarseness. Useful In atonlo dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), and in chronlo catarrh of the colon and rectum, catarrh of the bladder, proctorrhea, and chronio bronchial Directions. UILLSPAUOU, MEDICINAL PLANTS, one of tho most authoritative work on medicinal herb In tho English language, In commenting upon COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, says that It act on the pneumognstrlo and vaso motor nerves. It incroases tho secretion of the mucous membranes in general In the mountains of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Carolina, colllnsonla canadensis I considered a panacea for many disorders, Including headache, colic, cramp, dropsy and Indigestion. DR. BCUDDER regards It highly a a remedy In chronlo diseases of the lungs, heart disease and asthma. These citations ought to be sufficient to show to any candid mind that Fo rnna Is a catarrh remedy. Barely, such herbal remedies, that command the ntbuslastio confidence of the highest authorities obtainable, brought together In proper combination, ought to make a catarrh remedy of tho highest efficacy. This is our claim, and we are able to substantiate this claim by amplo potation from tho UIQIIEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES IN THE WORLD. Our Poruna Tablot Is Poruna With Fluid Romovod. fflTSSEEDS JZ . Ja for firth. 1 r rilggrc .tfLst'HlXVr " imfllslw it SsMssl rM.t)Uiltrilil! Mlllr.rajrrj'iSaxtfa atcuHnriDtm. aalata, I'ainma hataconA.lttKt utntuibrcauM) thrjr know thr? cttM itllxtu on. Don't titKil. ntnl wllhcliaap m1 rourauit. lyllM In buying afdt Mill out bjr couKlrnlloua an. irtutwuilhy llUUM. rarrj'a Saad Annual tflMPUlKK A4.IIM u.ruu4CK0ii9ir,U(. ITS FREE ,,4SEND FOR IT NOW T IU.I rnill Ttm and Hairy I'Unl Calaluat In lb Northwnt ! J. J. BUTZER 192 Front St., Portland. Oregoi SAVE THE CARTON TOP u4 oa Wrfir from "20 Mule Team Borax' VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE ,.., UliitiilM hUI.h at JM wtlalM lt avar rill aaaraaa rxcirio coait sosax eo , o.iia, cu BUN-WORBHIP AMONQ THE niDIANS. llst mTBJ ohoci at AIL lli'JWff liMBm? n aiBBisisisisasisrnirr m arnn rurnv v'sSsisisisVsV N MsisKrsism . A if ft WTA Ziitr L n u sbWViVH4 LflLttW Ar 95. V&KWK&- Sy v . - MHO Va7 ?USr ft'lm OHOES AT AIL ri,nicr.o. ron evenv MCMIltll arTNCFAMILV. MtN, eova, womch, Miaacs and children, atom. W. L. Douiflmm tnakoa ant aoHa mora E ,-., than any at liar mattufaeturar lit thm ., i AWSa) world, Scoavag thms hold thalr v8 mnmHtf fH ballar, wmar lajigmr, ana SCV "f of fir 91 me vttum than anyotharmv?. " Jtitlmitli. WQ- of fir a alar vahim than anyt "' mlioam Mia knarltl iotm v. W.L Oouilai $4 and $5 GPt Das Shots Cnol B Eouilltd At Am Pike "' IJTUII. W.I. WKiTuMm ai4 Ml1lmtl on lioitom. Tmttrttm MakalllMl. r"''1.' ' ahoodralrra rmjwUl. tlliuaa puilf-l Irnna fnoft lo nr tt of Ik wmIi. IUu itW(llof iiMiaMJikAllM. V. 1- UUlIilLAlii Hnaklu, Mm. . Improve Your Baking K C BnklnE: Powder will do It! Get a can. Try it for your favorite cake. If it dpesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. KG n&OUNCUj jSS!4fri VMjtAWv 'tS&iHiit' II r BAKING POWDER Pure, Wholesome, Economical, aVl ', ' WtMKHISKBVbll -W!lllU 'SBkH TV v 9iOiCH.BHBi S. 'ii iftW V lssb.lH INDIAN Hl'S-WOIWIIIl' AiinitiB the rmitsint of tlio lllnckfrvt Indian, who inco nininl over the territory of .MonlJiim mid Wjroniliic. on tlio past sldo of tlio Itocklca and b tMwti tlK Wllowntono and MUnourl rlvcni, iiimI who witu one of tlio inout rrnHntiii trlUii Hint tlic wliltu rn'o linn iwounU'tu'd on the nllnnt, tho wwmlilp of tho nun ntlll tnirrlvrt Anionic tlit Ulnckfifl, n among the more untied and dvllltrd lncii, un wnrnhlp wan tliocwitral jnrt of their rvllKoln. They Mlpird thcinjiclvpH to Ik tho children of tho Krent luminary, and It vn tho minimi! of motluTu to hold up thi'lr rhlldivu to lc blowd ly tlio U-itrim of tho rlslni: mm. Our llliutratlon lUiik-tini; wioli n fcitio Is by tho "onwlxiy nrtlHt." Otuirtcs M. Itusscll, and Is riiruilui-d from tho Illustrnttd Ixindon Nowk. CUAILACTEH W OLD SHOES. Cutinlrr lnillr mm Hi- Vra aind Itrtrlopa rnltinat M)lor" "Ologlitii" linve for yearn Ini-n tell Ine iMHinln' dUpnltloini hy the Ihiiiii in their tutulx. the llnrn on their hands, tho- contour of their facvn, their hand, writing and a dotcn or more other method. Now a new "ology" has como Into tho field, called "shoeoloCT "; ana hy It the ciihhler to whom you take your hoes can tell whether you aro "miiiare" or "crooked," levelhendiM or ratue hralne1, Milfllm, or nalnntaklwr. fkl mlnde.1 or stuhhoni and fto on ad Infini tum, says tho Coliimhun DlKpntch. fVilimitnn linit mm "ulioeoloc St. IIS I Darld Cniwaily, a pohhler who alo owns a mnall hIhhi store. Just aa a man'a hnndwrltlnu or his eye or thi way ho wtnni hi clothlns betray nwno rlinrneterlatle linrt of IllN nntlln. Kl docs Uio way ho weani his nboes out alttt tell Its story. Why It ta so, even to certain ex tent, Mr. Cawndy doesn't pretend to explain. Tho nhapo of the foot ha omethlne to do with tho way tho shoe wear out: the way n man walk ban a Kreat ileal more. Hut why tho honcut man walks ono way and tho illtlionp: mini wolkH nnother, or why the heels of chnniceablo men nr Inellnwl ono way and tho heel of atulitiorn men Inclined tho other, In n iniwtlon yet to lio nolveil. Tho man who wears his nolo oft across tho too will steal," said Mr. Can sndy, "Hut Just think of the women's hoc that como In here woni out that wayt" nald another. -Well, what of It? Won't women pilfer llttlo thlnpi quicker than n man? Thej tako llttlo thlnpi where n man wouldn't tako tho chance, because bo known tho value Isn't enough to nsk th chance of bclnn caught. Look at tho shoplifter. "Now, a man who wears his shoes off evenly acroas tho bottom Is n pretty level-headed sort of n chap, lie doesn't go off half-cocked and when ho nays n thine you can pretty generally bank on It." Ilo thought It over before ho said It. "Hut when the shoo wears out on the outsldo of the ole look out for that mmi. I in Isn't a man of his wont Don't extend any credit to him, tiecouno you're liable not to got paid, noa nauio to be a pretty slippery customer In n deal." "How about thco shoea?" asked an other listener as ho hold up hU tor In spection. "I cau't tell anything about tho solea, because you'vo JiiBt had thorn monded. Hut I can tell by tho counter that you're changoablo In your nature. You're not n steadfast as you should be. Pull your shoo off,H ami ns It wnB handed to him ho said; "Now If you'll look down on that tdioo from tho top, or from tlio back, you'll sea that tho oountur la swung Inward. Tho man who breaks his counter down toward th inside of hi foot U changeable in his nature. It lon't wry marked In thM shoe, so you're not no lad." "What about the man who wears bl heel off on the outsider "Krery one ilotii that. It doesn't mean anything In 'shoeology.' Hut there arc men who wear their sumii out lujuarvly ou the back of the heel como down so hard they break tho counters down. All I've Rccii have belonged to sucwfuiful men." "Ih there any difference between Uio way fat men and slim men wear out their hoer "Not that l'vo noticed. They wcor them about tho samo as other txwple." In Rlflirfrne, It la fortunate that the various theo ries In regard to the training of tho young do not maku no very much differ ence, after all, and that tho little In dividual grows up. Bomehow, Into the mau or woman It wan intended to be. The Washington Htar has n story, told by n well-known Instructor who holds to the old-fashioned Ideas. He iwiyB. I place little de'iendcuce upon moral suasion. Good healthy boy under moral Hu.in!on hare too easy a time of It. They get out of hand. There Is a friend of mine who Is rcarlne a family of klx lioys with tho help of moral suanlon. The mild llttlo ehiip nrgued the matter the other night nt the club. "And do you believe." said I, "that moral suasion Is better than corporal punishment for big, Uisty boys like yours?" "Vck," Mild my friend. "And do you mean to say jou hav never whlpjiod your boya?" I asked. "Aa true as I sit here," nnswered my friend, earnestly, "I havo never id rue!; one of my children except In Mf -do-fen bo." Tho UrllWh Ilrred. Hrltlsh bred animals, whether they bo horws, cattle, sheep or even pigs, aro auperlor to all others In quality and stamina. There Is samo strange nnd admirable power In our soil which puts a atroneer fiber and a more on- during stump of excellence Into the nvo stock bred in our Islands than are found In tho samo breed or siecles In nny other part of tho world. London Times. A City of. llHppy llomca. Dublavln took n walk In tno ccmo tcry, where he notlcel on tho tomb stones, "Good Husband," "Good Wife," "Good Boiu" "It Is evidently hero that the happl est homes are fouud," ho reflected. Noa Lolsira. It Wiikii't Much, Dlgg You evidently don't smoke much. HIggs Wny do you think I don't Dlmrs I Inferred as much fnun thn cigar you're smoking now. Illustrated una. Bomo politicians bavo long Angers and short memories. Spring Medicine The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it docs the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An uncqtialcd list of curcs40,366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit. Snrnntnbs-Kor thMh' pr.f.r nir'Ilr,k n iMt form, not! nftrtinii la now pii dp n rhoro, il4 UHJ.U rkllaO HkrtAM. k wall k tha nkl li uM fiirra form, UaMaa vurvj i our, inr bi kf, orlaklNt. rill la now vit dp Hanklkbt hara Mtflti- rr h' jk infill WWmk isrfisssssssssssii rMj tha Bkm fotllt propartlaa tl.l liquid L.1MM vatwi or do. fonTanlar. m our, lbr blntf nti loaa lijr Wkorktloll. brakV 1. noi'j uj arnnaia ora.ni "j man. U. I. lluvJ 1.0 , ixiw.ii, ui, rln' I hr nartf lira. J. V. DM. If... - .... In A ..... ,n Vrnmn lltml'a KratrllU n fall, for (print: Inmnra and aa enrl Mood jmtln.ri It raraa Mmfala. itna , ha no aqual aa a cn.rU tprtnt: mMHn It data u januloa tatUtae tlon lo aaj thla " I'nrrrlnar Maternal Iiaatliief. Tby look tisctly alike, soil you dress thruj eiactly slilc, lira. Illgbansgil," alJ (lie caller. "Hoar can you tall tbcm spurt?" "That lan't hard to do,' anurerrd tb mother of the twlna. "If I alap Johnny sail be eweira a blue strrak I know It's Dick." To Dual- In New Sheet. Alwafi ahake In Attcn'a Foot-XaM, a powder. It rurraliol, awtatlna;, aj-hlnr, awollen (eel. i urea rorna, liiitrowlng nalla and Ltinlona. At lldrne;t;lalaandalioealerra,Zr. Donta.reett inrauUtllule. Hra.lamalf.FllKE. Addrea Allan H.Ulmated, U Jlo,N. Y. Kn Wonder. Hike How folne th' jiolaccmln la b park look I rat An' phoy not? Don't atch wan hov' a nurse 7 Judge. )x vTn.1 r 1 11 aw rrra 'SSiJ'a- DOWMOf THE "WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION of forded by o SLICKER? Qcon -Light Purable Guaranteed Waterproof 3oo'i Eifrywhr) 4.fco at. c at aavra .LaiBaaaar Tlio ICIud Voit Ilnvo Always Hought has borno tho slna turo of Clms. II. Fletcher, nnd has been mndo under his pcmonni Hupcnmion lor over no yearn. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Junt-an-frooil" nro but Experiments, nnd endnnger tho health of Children Uxpcriuuco ngnlnst HipcrinieuU What is CASTOR IA Castorln Is n harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothlnpr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Rarcotio substance. Its nee is its piiarantcc. 1 1 destroys "Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea, and "Wind Colic. It relieves Tccthlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, Rlviitsr healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend. The Kind You Ha? e Always Bought Soars tho Signaturo of Cuzx7'&&& In Use For Over 30 Years. Tm ttfrrtv eosiHw, tt humuv TitT. nrw vontt m I Then llo Warn Mad. I n-u ,..,.v. .11. . . .'Why don't you give the devil hi, rUU"7n tiSiV nZ duel' bo snapped. 1 Ml can't, denr, replied his wlfej PNU No. 12-O8 "You'ro In such fine health now hell , , t M . . ' " " mar h,. tn -.) .rhll !.-.. I T7l,Kf,f rtllna; to daertla.r pleaua) Constitution. I ' nienllon title ppr. DID SORES TED AND KEPT OPES ifeY'IMTZRITIES INTHB BLOO0 Whenever a sore refuses to heal it ta because the blood is not pure and healthy, as it should be. but is infected with poisonous rcrtas or some old blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores arc persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held ia check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or oth-r part of the body. The place grows red and anpry. festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn ulcer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stunborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers ia back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can do any permanent good ; neither will rcmov- hce or rour yean' Btandlnc. it "g uie sore wiui causuc piasters or ma ldjo at nn uui is surgeon's untie maice a lasting cure. Ar nv rutrfirintif rvu-ut rts?tlit t4i1 wtnftt. xwM.fflio.edwitha.owonwr rzriir:ZM?Ui?jrzrz: lint but It : - -t; fa T."ryr "StTi YSSSm eveiy paticle of the diseased flesh wera iarmea nnout it bag II "Si 1" " Thn,ultti acn oway another sore would come, be 1Iobutctho1orcoa?inued cause the trouble is in the blood, and the ZSXXSStltir Sil sMOOJEr CANNOT 0E CUT AWAY. and after Uxlnsr it u vrliila X was ine cure must come uy a uionjagu cicaas- SSpit5i,.55rhl.u?? &'! 1S of tbe blood. In S. S. S. will be found now pur and noaitbjr xxom tzia 1 1, 1 , ssfeot ot a. 8. a., aud tnsro haa not a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. b nT. A'f? of th8 "oro lno It is an unequalled blood purifier one that lUUa.UWJUI. K uaacvujf iuui tuc unuwiwu nuu, Wost Union, Ohio. promptly cleanses it cf all poisons and taints. It gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. 8, S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, ana wnen a. a. a. has purmeu me Dioou uie Bore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drujr stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other dlcal advice foaselrc. We make no charge for the book or advice. So 5 5 PURELY VEGETABLE THC SWHT JTtiGHIG Cr ATLANTA,