,. f -' , t 0 rlv ii 9zwj.kaiii aynnawweggs Timber Und, Act June J, llyi. NOTICE FOK ITBLICATION. Department of lae Interior I S Land Oflkt The Itelle. Orrgon. February . 19114. Notice 14 hereby given that Marv I. ktOficM rnrod County ofCrooa; Male of Oregon. Hi iplird to puribac, uudrr the act of lotigrr June j, 1711. xild by act of tuguat 4, j' the SHNWy. MH,W)( and NWKsHH y T 8. Ku It, W M And will offer proof la thaw that the tan I raisin itmor- vaUurdt tor 114 tluiber or He u fir agricultural purpo-et. and 10 nlihluli r.l.im 10 Mid land before II C ItllU. f a nun iwiuatr, at hl eAcc In Ilend. Oregon, on " .in day of May, lose. nhc naiuee at her wllneea. Char lea 1 rt.wn 1 lmrr XteongT, Pled A. Iluaiwn, .rrM KedfitM. aU erf Itcftd. Oregon Anv am' all i-rraou ciadwiiug adverady the atii lrimlceJ lariaaafe re!.! t Sle their 1 1 tint office tm or Imwc mM Mk 4y ul ' Mfi' C W MOOKIC. Rcgrtlcr. TlmUr Land. Act June j, itf. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tk Interior, I b Und Office. The Iralk. Orrgon, March j, tatr,. S Jt.ce U hereby gttca thai Walter J. Vandevcrt 1 Priueille, County frrook. Mate ef Oregon, a aj.itdto purchlK, uadat the act f Oem r I June i, 17. alcdrd by act of Aug U lite b.,!.Nl'.S.. NUKhKKtfctjeauU VV '. ol s aa Tp to b. R I H W M And will offer proof to thaw that th land wglit 14 wore valuable for lit timber or atone 1 a 1 i agricultural purpotea, and te e-tublMi .rlai.o t mm land Ufrc It C IflIK t' H inimlmuurr, at hUetfccc ill llettd, OrcgiMi, ou 1 i. omv of May. 9of lie nmrt hla ltnrw Michael Merriaon mcr .uwonitcr, W II stal. John MM, all Itcnd, rtgon Any awl alt prraott claiming adt4rHy the xc dncflbrd laud arc rnjtwMrd to f U tbtir v mi in 1I1U office en or Ixiure aald jih day uf I A ly9 .lomif C W MOORK. KMar OKIUNAKCI! ctUbUihluf; The Void U ar AatoctaUoa. Ik it otdalned by thcCemmoa Council sf the in .i lirml .tlon 1 There It hereby crealfal and elah- htd a free l'ublk I lUary In ttw Cttv of Iteud r m tube Lnown an The Ucwl Library Au- ttiOII Approc-il Marrli 14 190K II 1 j MiIxXM.l Mijor nil II C 1'J.US. Recorder rnol liy the Coinmon louncil March i if 1 luhal March to lJi 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAOC MAflKO Ocions COPYniCHTO ic. A -vona ftcndtng a hr1Hi and drcrli4lnii aiar j Kir JiM-critiu ctur u mi free whetlir an ! .niliHi l4n4aHr ittirnuhle 4nuuanlra llitiiatirirllrroiindaullaL HIKOoQOX onl'aicuu vnt frDo. Olnait aiiaiicy for erurlnir patantf. I'ikuii takeo tbruocb Muon A to. lacalra tltrut niAict, nil bout chares lathe , Sclctisific Jfttteiican. A lianil" tr-fr HlnnralM wrlit)r. Ijircett rlr. .ulMtl.ni if iircliiiloeli,uri.a. 'J r., 14 a ,rt li4irruontb,L UuM tiyall ndler. wMMtfe'saJteJtt l2Dna Wlf"W ' '. i Da II. - jumufciar jm CURE A LOCATION NOW IN OR We Have Residence and Business Property, Timber, Farm Desert Lands, Water Pqww and Manufacturing Sites, -... Reasonable Terms or Generous Discount for Full The. Central Oregon Development Co ' t Timber Land, Aci Juuej, 5;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. S. Ijind Jfflce, The Dalle, Oregon, October l, 1907. Notice la hereby glrcn that In compliance with Ihcprcnittoneof the Art of Coairr of June 1. 17. cniltlrd. ' An act for Ihe&tlc of tlmlierlaoiU in lheiUlmf California, Orecon. Nevada, and t'ahlnnton Territory " a catcridcd to all the public land itatra by Act of Augutt 4, list Blanche Jl Orerton af nenl. county f Crook, llc of Ore (on.hai IhUdiy filril In thla office her worn utement Xi 4ooforthe purchate of the Id MVU.HSSU'U orbrcil.Tph, K l l, W M And will offer proof to abow that the land aoufht la more valuable for Ita timber or atom than fur agricultural purpowa. and te ettablUh hereiainf to mm! laud Ix-torc H. C. IHIH, V 0 CowMixtoner at Hand, Oregon, cm the loth day oi April. it khenamoaa rltnca4e4 Japb Hunter WVtlam II htaatt, Manon Y llnltmi. Jamea W (leertou, all of llend, Orrgou. J0I111 lltou of btt tet t, urrgon Any oixl all peraont claiming adrcrtely th above described Undt are rriualrU to file their ctauna In thltoifice oil rx before the aald lull day of April, 199 f7-aj C. W. MOriKK. Krglttrr Timber Land, Act June 3, Ivf. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DIIPAXTMK.ST OF Tll INrKWloW V. S. Land 0cc, The lallc, Orrgon. January 6, ismd Notice li hereby given thai Fannie Thorp of MUllaw. County of Crook Mate of Oregon, naaappuni 10 piircnate, linuer ine act or won areaanf Juac i. ia7, aaeatcudeil by act of Aug utt4 i. lhc8l'.NW! aud NlltfrtW),' Hec 1, Tpivrt. K ll.U M And wilt offer proof to ahoir that the land aought I more valuable for Ita Umber or Ion uuu isr agricultural purpo4ca, ami 10 ettamun her claim tu aakl la ml bvforcll.C UIU. If H. CmumikMoiicr, alhUofticc lu jicnd, Oregon, on itir ihh amy ui April, lyua. rHic nanm at llnr. 1 1'rMak .K. Havtou, lawM M I'atlon. lacolt C Thuru. Willlain 1 thorp. Jobn C htfUa, Wllluru U. Clark, all of itcuaur. iiregou Any and all rivrtona clalmlnar adveraelv the aiioveMHiHtii'eiiuiiioaarerHiurtiru 10 me incir daima In thla office 011 or before the aU 11th . . .. .1 . .: -.'., day of Apill, iya fr-aie c. XV MOOKK, XrgUtcr Timber Ijiud, Act Junej, lSj, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IH'I'ARTMHNT 01' Tllll INTHKIOR L b. Land Office, The Dallca, Orrgou. January 6, 10. Notice it herctiy given that William II. I'ludtcy ofllend County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, lia appuoi 10 purcnate, uiuier uichci or congrm oi June j ;Varitendrdbyact of Angul4, M. the KU K rxc l,,Tp 19 b,K 10 li. W M And wllf Oder prool lo liow tlut the land aotight it more valuable for ita litnljcr Mr toue than for tgrlcultiirat puriie ami o etHblili hia claim tu aald laud before Jl tfl'lIK, V M Coiiiinliiloiitr, at hUufflcc In lleiid, Orrgou, ou the 14th day of Aprlliyoa. He iiamra at till wltne J, M. Morrlaon, I) V Mclntoali, I'red Huuucll, I'.lmcr Nltwou ger, nil of licnd, Orrgou, Any and all peraoua claiming adrcrtely the olaiedcacribed laudt are requeued to file their clalmt in thla office on or before the aald Utliday of April, 10J1. 1 f;aii C W MOORK, Kegltter LADIES! ,Voa should have your calling cards printed at The Bulletin office.' The latest styles. There's, 2,liW5 la The Bulletin. awn a . f NEAR BEND, OREGON. P,ENDt CRQOK , Timber Land, Act June J, U;$. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, Lakcview, Oregon, January 14. 19 Notice It hereby gl en that in compliance with llieprmldontofthe Act of Congrrw of June J, ia;, entitled, ' An act for the aale of limber Uud In the tlatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waihlngton Territory," eitcndnl In all the public land ttatca by Act of Augutt 4, ;. Allen W Wilcoium of Ilend. county of Crunk, Mate of Orrgtn, haa ihlliUy blcilliithltotMe fix aworn alatement No jh. for the pmchaie of the I SSWjj and nsn it 01 bee 4, 1 p i n, k it 1 And will offer proof to ihow that the land ought la more valuable for lit limber or alone than for agricultural purpiM. anal to e.tl.ll.h hia claim tu ukl land before I! rl. lommU ibHirrH C Kiln at hit ofce at IK ml Oregon, ou Saturday, the JMli day of Mrch. lyoi He lumn aa wilneue J N llmiltr. W II btaalt, J J llfrtfan, W A Watca, John Momi, all of llcud, Oregon Any ami all tieraont ctalmlug adversely the abure-deicribed laud are rrr)ucMrd lo Ale their clalmt lu Ihli office ou or before aald nth .day March, ty. jM-inr7 J. N WATMINegMcr Timber Land, Act June J, trS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT. 81 Land Office, The Aallra, Oregon, October Jl. iy7. Notice It hereto' given that In compliance with Iheprovlitoiiaoflhc Act of Cougrex of June 1, M, eutltlnl, "An art for the aale uf Umber lamia In the atUa of California, Orrgoii, Nevada, atnt Waihlngton Tcrnlory," at citemlnl to all the public land autra by Act ol Augualf, I tor, Mary 1'.. Coleman sf fiend, county ol Crook, (late of Orrgon, haa till day filed lu Hilt office her awurn lle mcot N04110, for the purcliK ofNWNW'f of seeai.TpMh. R11 J'.. Wl And wilt offer proof to thoiv that the land ought la more valuable for itttimtr or atone than foragricultural purpoMt; and lo tutabllah her claim lo uM land Ufere II C I0H, V. ft. Coinniiaaioiier at Ilud, Oregon, on the loth day ol April, ivoK. Hhenametaa wltneaaet Joarpli N Hunter, William II Maata. KImer f Merrill. William I Vandevcrt, M Kay WllklnMHi, John llloaa, all of iienu, urcgou Any and all uerixina claiming adferaelv the abuveecrtled laudt ale rauuvalcd lo hi Ihrtr claiua lu lint office on or before the 10II1 day wi April, iyi. Jjl at C. W, MOOKI!, KrgUlrr. TlmfJcr Mini, Act June J, ibyS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. HHPARTMI'.NT 01' THH INTIIKIOK I'. B. Iud Office, The Ihdlet, Oregon, January 7, pA, Notice it hertby giien that William Leitford of Prlneville, County of Crook, Mate of Oregon, haa applied lo purchaae, under the act of Cou greatof June 1, ;, aaoteudrd by act of Alig uatt. Dior. thrllSiNKU and NW'Nlii; sec it. aiidHl'r4l'.HfMX4i,TiM K nl.M'M And will offer proof to ahotv tlut Hie ...... ..I., f ..... C..1. !.! f li l...l. .. ICIIU H1UIII I, IIV1C ...IHNIIIF w, 11 iiiiiih:, 1,1 ttoitrthaii furagrlcdlluratpuriwiictaud toeatab Halt bla claim to tald laud before the County Clerk at I'rlucrlllc, Oregon, on the loth day of April, 10. He nainea at hit witnraaet John II, Urania of l'rlnetllle. llrreoil. licorire r Ktami 01 lleialrr. Oregon. I'etcrnegKllugolIleiid. Orcfton Mack imievui iiiisaijr, vinuiii JV"4U nuiillier Ol I'riueville, Oregon. Any and alHucraoue clalinluk' adteraelv the abocdicribed landt are reuueated lo file their clalmt In till office ou or before aald 10th day of Apr", iyo?- Jjl-aj C. W, MOOR I!, Kegltler, Iuciti-.'nie The Jlulletln'i clubblti" offer. It vyill pay you. :;",, rv-mssss . . f WMl'!1 . '"" COUNTY,, OREGON Timber Land, Act June 3, I;. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. !. Land Office, The Hallea, Oiegon, I'cbruarytl, if Notice It hereby given that t,corgc IKinohue, ef Portland, County of Mutlnomah, Mate ol Oregon, haa applied lo purchase, under the act ul Congrea of June 1. IM, aa ratendeil by act at Aiieuat 4, lv. the t)',HV)f . NKtfrlU'K audM'.S N W, lw jo, Tp 19 . R IJ H W Jl And will offrT Pfool In almw that the land ought la more valuable far lla Umber or aie-ur than for agricultural irtmava. and te eataWlah Mtctalmto Midland before II C Win, II K CuntmlMionrr, at tin office In Ilend, Oregon, mi the ith day of lay, He namraat hit wttnraaea 1'iank II lujtou. Roberto Hturgvwn, JaekMii l. TulUr, all of ltdUw. oreeou John Mwi of iMMd, Oitgtm, Ailliurl Honohueof IIMtlaml. OirgW, Any and alt twrMtia cUluilug ailwexly the almve daftihrci lauda ate teuueatwl to hie their ctaiMa In thlt offne on or before aald irth day of May, lyA. mnUn C W MOORK. Rrglaltr Timber Land, Act June J, llf. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Uml Office, The Haltra, Otrgc"l. l'cbrutry iat, lyot, Nelke It hereby glien thai Marlon I' Hodaoii of Ilend. cnunty of Crook, tlale nf Oregon, hat applied to purchaae. under the act ul Con grevaufjutie 1, it;t, aa eatendtil by act of Aug urt 4. Vl, lU jaml 4 and KHSWU beet ton 7, Tp jo H, K I', W M And will offer proof lo ahow that lite land ought It more valuable for lit Umber or atrntr than for agricultural purpoact and tocMabllalr hit claim to aald land before If H. Comuilaionrr II C Klllt, at hia ofr.ee In Ilend, Ofrgon, on the 7lh day of May. I'". He name at hia witnraaet William II Klaali, Joaepli N. Ilniitrr, Percy A. UalKr, Jamv Overton, all of Ilend, Oregon, John llloaa of hit ter, Oregon. Any and all pertona claiming adrerarty the abuve-dracribed lauda are reiucatrd tofilelhcir clalmt in thlt offke oil or before aald ith day of May. ly. mrf mt C W. MOOKIt, HtgUlcr. Timber TiiiiI. Act June 3, iKjt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t)ertuitul of Hie Interior I K Land Office, The Dallca, Oregon I'cbruary Jl, lyJ, Notice It hereby gitcti lhal Kale Wllllamwiii triinctille. County of Crook, Httte of Oregon, bat applied lo puriliaae, mull r the net of Con great of June t, iStb, aa'eatcuded by act of Aug iiU4.i9J, Ihe HVVIi'MtV, WMHliif and Hl HW'f hecJj,T 171., M, 11 1: WM.and will ofl.r proof to ahow that the land tough! I more val liable for it limber or atone than fur agt Icultutal uurpoict, and tu ratahliah. her claim In aald hiud IWure Hie HrgUtrr and PvCelvcr at The Dullrt, Oregon, on the Mh day of May, V hheiiamctiit wlliicMcai Mlchatt O Connor, William () Ma. oil, 1) A Mclxmald, Kdwunl Murphy, all ul The Dillrt Orrgou Any uml all iieraouttlainilnir advcraelvlhe aborcHleacrlbcd U111I4 arr rrijiicrled In file ihrir May, W fl4-mi C. W. MOOKI'.KrglOcr For Snle. Spritic wheat as cents a busfiel, Kood oats 40 ccnlK per bushel, ut granary, five miles north of Trail Crossing. V. C. Uarber, Culver, Oregon, 50.51 Don't read your neighbor's Util- Jetin, Subwribc Jor it yourself, KT Payment. Timber Lan I, Act June , It't NOTICE FOR PUBIilCtVl'ION. IHpailnicnl of the Interior f H. Land Office, The lullea, Orrgon I'ebmary 17. . Notice la hertby gtvtn that LtniaA foilcr of The Dalle a. County uf Waaco, Male of Oregon, liaivri In pnirhate, under the art ul Cun aleaaof jHue t, is;, aaeatelHteil by art of Aug uat 4, If-M. Ihe M1U.NHN, II'.HK); and hU )( ll.heCJI,Tpl4.. Kli ItWM And will offer proof to ahow that Ihe la wi atMght la more taliiaMe for Ita llmUr or U than lor agrtCHiturai t,ur-Mra ami leealaMtah hia (lalm lu aHl land liefmr the Megiitar awl M reciter at The iMllet, Orrgou, mi Ihe 7lh itay of May. f lie mmrt at hia wltueaaea WtllfamO Mawu, Mkhrint.oM.II A MclKHiell, I'lauk toat nolly. altof The Hallet. Oltgttu IMniel llrUing of Ilend, Oregon Any and all pveaona eitlmlng ailreraely Ihe aliotr-ilvacribcVI UHdeare rruuealr! tu hlr Ibelr cialmtln Ihltot&cc or Ufoic aald Mh day uf aiay, lyua, Mrs-mi i W, MOORI', Krglilrr Timber Mud, Act une J. 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U M. Iml omr, Lakcvlew. Oiegon, I'cbruary 4, P. Notice it hereby given that In rumpUinre with the provl.lontiif Hie Act ol Congrra of June 1, 11. entitled, "An act for Ihe Mlruf Umber lamia 11 IheaUteanf California. Orriroii. Nevada, and Waahiugfou Territory " a cilrndcil lu all Ihe public laud tlatea by act of Augual 4, l(i, Almua NelT of Ilend, roimly of Crook, atatr of "irciHi, haa till day filed in Ihl fHc Ida aworn atalemeiit Nojtfi. for Ihe tHirchaae of Ihe NHhWK of Hec m, Tp II H. K M I., W M And will ofTer proof Inahow lhal the land ought la more valuable for Ita Umber or alone than fur agricultural lairiamM, unit In eatabllah hia cltimtoaaid UtHlbefnrr II C Hllit, 11 K, CoininU.loiirr, al lila olflcr lu Ilend, oirgou. 011 I'rhlay, Ihe 17th day of April, iyna He nainet aa wltueaaea I'ml . Hiiliuell Cliarlra II lirowil. I lmrr Nlawaugrr. JuM'ph II IliickhoU, John iMaemore, all ol lit ml, Oregon Any and alt i"ei-ont claiming mlveiaely Ihe alMve detcrilied lamia air ieUMIeel lo file their daltnalii thl offtoe uu or bafuic Ihe Mid i;ih day of April, loua. fl ( J ,, WATMON. KegUlcr Timber Laud, Art June 1, lf. NOTICE, FOR PUBLICATION. niti'ARTMrNf- or tiik inthhiok U. H. J j lid Office, The Dallca, Orcgou, Jtnury6, ivot. Notice It hereby jflvcii I (Cat Jennie Audcrway ofjlriid, Cnunly ofCluok, Hlale of Oregon, hat applied lu purrlikac, under Ihe ait of Cougreta ul June 1, ika, aa eatcuded by act of Augual 4, ibuj, Ihe M'liNU , NU 'HWtj or Hec 11 ami HH, NKI, orHecu.TpjnH, hill!, WM And will offer lirnol la ahnw lhal lli lnn.1 ought It linnet alimlile for lit Umber or alone than for agrlnilturiil uurpoara and toeatahllah hir claim in Mid land before II c I Ilia, 11, M, Coinmlaaloiicral lilt ollic In Ilend, Oregon, oil the Mh day of April, iy Mienamet at her ulluctaeai J. N. Hunter, Aiulcrwii L lluiiier, John llloaa, Wllllaiu 11. Htaatt, all of llcud, Oregon. Any mil all iiermma claiming adicrarly the PliOVC-ilracrll'Cd lauda are rrouralr.t in ftl il..i. claim in thla inke oq or before tald ftlli day of April, if. ' ft-""' C, W MOORH. Kegitler YOU Will enjoy reading The Bulletin. It will rieKASK, I.NTI.RTAIN anil INbTKUCT j ou. BuUcilbc now TliWKTj' V Mli..1 1 IU97UUKUK' ancf ., Timber Uml, Act June 4 It? NOTICE FOK "PI'BLIOATION V R, Uud OBlce. Laktrfrw. Orgrn January , lyvt Nollcv la hereby glrcn Ihtt In uueapllant wiim IheprovlaloiiaaMhe All of CMurrM of Jane l7. entlllnl, "An art for Ihe ul of timber 1h Hilhealateai.f Calllotnlt. Otrgon. Neia.U I Uaahlmieu Tetillory. aa mended to all I public raivl alalta by all or Augutt 4, l;l, WillUlu J Candle of ttriw). mualy tf Crook, atatr of Oig... hat Ihlt day flint In thla MttwufUMai fM N JubrUepuibMrrilllNW',M bat and N'SCU o bee J. Tp 11 ft, R it W m And will erler pltatf In ahow that httkl aought la rmwe ValuaUe Ita lit Umber tttmr Ibau lor agneuliomt purimwa and eataUUh hlatlalnilo wkl land Iwfur I -Cownilaalotwr II t, llllltal hi ufbee at Ik. OregoM. u I'rhlay. the tnbda) afMah ty llenameaaawliutaa I J IbHjan rf Is land, ore-mi Pail J Wlujbl, Mm II Hia. Jot. N. Iluut.r. Mm llalrt, ail of Itend m.g Any ami all paraoua rtalinini advtne , the above drxrlbrd lauda are rtaueMeil lu A Ihrir ejalma In Ihl; offlc on ur be lot the tab! . day of Martli, lyuA, Jtl mit t S. WAThOS. Keglvt.. Timber Und, Act Juw j, itfl, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. H, Unit (irr.ee, Ukrtlcw, Oiegeu JtMnary t, 1.4 , Nollte It hrreby given lhal In compliance ttn i IheprualaionaertheAttofCongmt of June ;7,eniltll,';AiiattforlliMreoflliHlrli i liilhralale.of CallfHrnla, Otcgou, Neia.la, . Maahliigtoii Territory," aartlemlrd lu li 1 iblk laud atatr by Act of Auguat 4, ii, Jttnr I ItfMat, ofportttud County of Multnomah. Male ofl' Rvu,naainiauy mm III nil nmce hi aa 1'!"!". if.,rVw ,ur 'be twuhaae ol the hit XWf. M UrIMTf hec 1 and afliauu . . . n Kit K MM ' ' ' " All. I lalll t.tfrr hini.r In .!. ..... .... --...... ......... .nl,.lnw ,wl ttm ,,Hiiier or ain llianforagrlciilluraliurtaia. and to rataUl .. lilaclaltn lu aal.1 lau.l lr.. it u il. ..i IMlullf la HIAI. .itlilal.U ,.. I. a,..., V .. .,11. . . ,. J "". " e1' "."itimiaar o II. C. Klllt at Ida offir u Ikml. nir.ou Hrilnrday, the ttat day of Match, l4 lleiiamcantwiliirtaet, I'aill M'llahf w 1 U111 II. hital., William luira. I0W1 Nl I,,,,.. Allen Mltcoiwu, Mllllam J. Cau-ili. ,M of 11 ,,.1 Ofegou ' Aiiyandall per ton a claiming a.lieraely tin fiSlI if"f fVc,,.l.'"U "lr. 'f'l1'"'". lo file lb. .r clalmt in thla office uu or before tald ilal ila .1 VlaifCH lyVft JiT-uifta J N M'ATSOK Krglilrr Tlmlwr Uml, Acl June j, 1I71, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V, fl. Und Oldce, LakeWctv, Oregon flltl lliaru i . at Notice It herrlorglrenlhiil In compliance mill the prmlaluii nfthe Act iifLVmei,..' J... "" l7. clillllcd "All art lor Ihe aafe r lluilvr laiuU .. . . "'Xi' eaieiiueii 111 u ii, public liiud alatf a by of Allgutl 4, ,,,, I'rank w McCailcry of Ke.lmoiid,luiHy of Crook, Hlate of Orruiui Ima Ihlt day filed ill thl. oltue hia awnrti ifa 1. meiil No jIiih for the puichate nf Ihe Nln, Nil wi.. NI.NKIJ hec,T.lH,K 11 liw" U ' And wilt offer proof lo ahow thai iic ,M toiight I more valuable for It, (, ,i"r ' re . " ', 1 V" iiii. .. iT i , v " t.uilllllla (mi r li S "".' ' '.''I "'"i-" l " 1 Oregon, on Moudlll. the mil ilavof M.,1. .."" '" ' li iibi,i aa bill .Ka.&u i . McCsTerv. n uf trdiniiiui. n .,.7. . '' """' AllUH.iil all a.dM... .1-1.-1 .. .1 J ,1 V.'"!" aitf auvcttcly lh alKjve-cjcacrllicd land are lcjuc"led to nit IliVir Mwi!, rjil, " "r U'a" ' A d.yj ul 1 " J. N, WATSOK, JUiUUr.