The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 20, 1908, Image 3

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!u n Conilcnscil Form fur Our
Busy Readers.
A Resumo of tho Lett Important but
Not Lei Intoroatlng Evonli
of tho Past Weak.
Tnrt'M enemies admit ho l practical
I; into ol the ntiinliiilim.
A meat lite swept tlio K)tt ol llahla,
llrlill, musing a l of 11,000,000.
Tlio town ol lllg Timber, Mont., was
three-fourths destroyed by lire. I.Oki
HKlUt 1400,000.
Japan Id tint on thf list of visiting
flint for th ttttlraliti licet, but
timy n luoluded later.
Four of tho moil Indicted for fraud
In tho Pennsylvania stale capltol scan
tlal Imvo been convicted.
Tho American Mllrshlp llrot tin
been ordered to leitvo Han Fiend
July 0 iioxt nml complets It vo)e,i
around the world.
Sack containing in.KOO In trol-J woro
Ulen (rum tlio aymaliir'a eafo on tho
trnlscr Mllwatikie, and thus far all
efforts to dlscutcr tlio thief Imvo fulled.
The pitnlilrnt ol tl e llntlp, Mont.,
Miners tifiion says 6.IIU0 won am out
of work, notwithstanding circular
which lure been trnt out by t e initio
owner advertising for nioro holp.
The It xbtiry Crpt work, of lloa
ton, employing 000 hands, have clocd
Prince I.uitKltl, ol Havarla, eel
hiatal hi H7lh birthday, lie I In
psrfccl health.
Mssschoets cotton mllli have mad
a ID per cent reduction In tho wage of
25,000 employe.
The fotti-t rvlro ha authorlifd 17,
H00 cuttle nnd ItV.'.AliO sheep to grsse
on the llluo .Mountain reserve thli
The American auto In tho New York
to I'arU race reached Or.mgr. Wyo.,
March 12. Tho woondcar, the Ilal
lti, m ut Cheyenne.
Union IVclflo aWkholder have
turnrl on llarrlman nnd sued hliu frr
the $40,000,000 I e made dealing In tho
it cki of other road with I'nlon Pj
clllo capital.
A conference was held lxtweeii Pre
Limit Knosrvelt and prnmtneot men
lookltu to l(vnHl" inlliDA't oi'., ex
mtlng lalr union and making all
im punt ton deal public.
(ienetal d'Amada, cnmtnAtulIng the
Frenrh tone In Morocco, ha ncvlvrd
a lettis from Mulal llnlld, I ho so
cllel aultMii of the Soilh, nnd leader
ol hi" army, asking that hoslllltlr Im
suspended pondlnic pojco nejotlailons
An inaann man tried to kill King
llsskon, of Noiway.
Klnir Alfono we received with much
cnlliuidssin at Itarcclona. .
Four negroes have Iw-en lynched In
Ml-sltslppl for Incendiarism,
Hanlh anarchist a e said to bo alter
the premier, nnd not tlio king.
The MnthriV comrre'S I In session
t the While House, Washington, I). 0.
The United Hallways company of Kan
Frauclioo la about to ko Into the hand
of a revolver.
Jupan ridicule tho Idea that naval
preparation nro be Inn made for an at
Uck on China.
flrrnt HrlUIn ha rent a note In Ja
pin advising arbitration of tho China. illllloultlc.
Thu president ha (enl to the sonaU
the numltmtlon of John McCourt to bo
ilMrii't attorney for Oregon.
l'ortland ha Ixtcn assured that a
nuiuUr ol cruisers and Uorpedo boats
will bo tent thero during tho rose ur
Kohtnlts ha been teleaod from Jail
and lie ami ltuof have patched up their
difference. In the remainder ol the
trial they will stand together.
Kin Alfonso will v 1 e 1 1 Barcelona In
dorlanco of bomb thrower.
Mayor Homo, f Chicago, hH taken
ll to keep nil aimrehUU out cf the
Dlitrlct Attorney Joroino, of Novr
York, ayo tho cliargoa ngnlnit him aro
In tho Now York to Tails automobile
raco Ihe Amorloan car I fur ahoad of
thu other.
The janitor of tho Colllnwood eohool
doclare ho fmtonwl tho door open ut
the flrttnlnrm of flro.
John F. Rtovens, ex-englneer of the
runninn canal, any tho hlg canal will
be of Uttlo vnltto n'ter It n flnlahed,
The Incident of the roliure of the
Japanese iteamer Tatsu Maru by China
lia not yet been settled.
uloooy Bianr at imf.n.
Thrao Montana Llfera Make a Mau
Dakh for L'bortv
lVer LoiIko, Mont., MiirohlO. War
Inn Finiik Cnuliiy, of tho Montanii
into iiunltimtlttiy, m hiiidilly vfoimd.
ol Hominy mornlriK and hi llrat aeM
not wnnluti, John ltohlnimu, wna kill
hI, mIiiii ih ico Illo convict, (iM)mo
Idiok, W. II. Ilayei and nnotlmr vfho
miiim la not itlvun out, mucin a dimli for
liberty In tho Miiiltwillnry ollho al H
o'rlnok. It I thoiiKht tint witrdeu will
llohlriKon'a thrnnt wna rut from ear
to iiir and thu Jiinlni vulu vfinovii'd.
Conlvy' tluont wan Klied and ho
UIiImhI Koveral tltiica In the shouldor
and Kroln Intforo hu wa ahlo to draw
hla revolver and ihoot two ol the
atinllant down. Convict llaye and
Hick were both shot down by Conley
alter tho latter had been wounded.
Ihn attack on tho priaon ntitliorlllt-
and a ubixiiunt effort to eirapo hat,
accordlnu to tho piUon authorltle
till aftorrKHin, leen Iuiik planm-d by
Itofk'nnil llaye, who were collmalr.
Iloth were nriiicd with ponknlvci, the
blade of which were aharpened like
raxor. Tlio Ihrrnoorivhta wero hroiiidit
to the oiltcn ol the Hnltentlary Humlay j
moiiiinK ly Itapuiy Warden Iiouiiirou,
to In) trlid for aotiio trivial Infraction
ol the prlon ruin, nnd Conley wa
altluir. to all In Jiidttinent.
The moment tho men entered the
oltlro d'xir Hock tiiinnl nwlltty upon
Hohinrnn, who yinn olorlnt; tho door lw
hind the men, and ipilckly ilrawliiK a
knife, lie Ix-unn alahlri( at I he deputy
warden' thlKtt. Itohlm-on wa iiuablo
to retieat or move U-foro hU throat wa
rut wide open and ho rank U the floor
At the ranio mrunrrit tint Hock at
tckr. ItotilliKitl, Have alio ptllletl out
a knlfo nlmllar lo that ol Hock ami
alerlrd for Conley. The latter rHrvat.
ihI to the rear of the olllce before the
oncomtiiK do'iierado. Ilvforo Conley
could diaw hi revolver, however,
lliyr I ail lahel hit thnat, cnltlSK
hi in from Ihn lelt iar lo a point under
the chin. The convict, felri( hi In
trnde-l victim Kfllliin away, iirepplrd
with hlrn and etabbed him revoial
time In tho ehouldrr and gioln.
AlthoiiKh blrejiuv terribly, Conley
inanngtHl to draw hi iron fiotn hi
rxvket and llrcl four llmo with the
weapon pirued aitalmit llaye' abdo
men. Aa Ilaye mnk to the Door. Hock
roihrd at Conley, who emptied the two
roinalnlnK cartildite In III un Into
liork and ho latter alro went down.
The third convict who had beii railed
to die "(wlpft," took to In hrU at
th tint ol lh Initio, but vraa iulckly
CHt-t irrtl and pin el In hi cell. The
ut.i'iltl- roltoo-d to kIvp nut hlr name
until Ihey had invmtlKatnl whrthrr ho
wa ronrrrinil In the plot or whether
ho IiaiI inindy hern rallnl U) the olllce
at tho mine time a the other two.
Too Mary Fllnry Hulldlra; Are Con
siructrd in Arnarica
U'a'lilnuton, March 10. In a rutte
ment made publlo lait nhilit, Hlchard
I., Iluinphrey, enBlocor Incharcoof the
etroctural material laboritotle of the
icoierotiirnt, dlwuiMeii recent lire h r
ror and avert that (Ire trap bud
or woro than that which roil the Uvea
of o many school chthlrcn at Collin
wood, 0., oxlat In nerly every vlllai?o
and town and In many of tho large
Ilo nrire tho p"ne of law to pro
hibit the ntTiipatlon of anythlux except
n stiucture of the lilnhr-t the roilittlnt
l)l, erpivUlly whrn ll I tirol a a
school, theater or other itrocturw In
which pooplo aseinblo in laryo iiuin
bera. "It Is a matter of record," lje said,
"borne out by statistics. that this coun
try spcn'U ennimoii sum ol money in
providing eipilpmenls In fltihtltiK tires,
while forvlun rotintrles spend .their
money In bulldliiK structure which
nfler the greatest lealstanre to Ore. The
per capita lose In this country yearly
exceeds In, attalnst an annual loss In SI
of tho prlnclal cities ol Ktiropo of 33
conta per canltn. K.tlmstlnir the iop.
niatton nt mo country ai nu,iou,uoo
tho loss from fire here 1. 1740,000,000.
II wo had the same conditions that pro
vail In Kuropean cities our loas would
be but 20 no,nnn a year."
Jpan' Naval Hirorgth.
Toklo, March 10. Some reliable fig
ore aro now to hand (howlng tho pre
ent itrcnutli of the Jananeee navy com
ivirrd with II stroiiKth when tho war
brnko out. Detail are appended, but
tho total may lo briefly stated, vis s
Onn hundred nnd tllly sovon vecsels of
all descriptions, representing a tonungo
of "83,241! tons, before tho war,. and
201 vc-eo a and 615.082 tons at tho
present day. Further scrutiny of the
figure shows that Japan today possess
e moro than twice tho number of but
tloshlpa alio had befnro the war.
Portugal Not Involved,
Lisbon, March 10, Investigation In,
stltotod by tho t'ortugiico government
regarding tlio TaUu Marti incident
have elloltod from tho Ptkln govern
mont the omphntlo nsnertlon that the
selxure occurred on the high seas, and
that, thorefore, there waa no violation
of tho law governing Portugal waters,
.jji- ,
Friny Marnh 13
WnaliltiKtori, Miirrh 1.1 Heimtor
riillon toilny lutrodiici'd n ri)noltitlon
tllHclnirKliiK tho Intcratnlu com more"
coiniiiltico front further r.otiHldorn
(Ion of li Ih hill P'KiirdliiK Iiictciim'-iI
mllroiid niton, IiiivIiik become antla
fled that Clinlriimn Klkln I delib
erately tryliiK to amother thu mH
uro by rofiiHliiK to brliiK It to a vote.
KlkliiH, In ritiilllntloii, hud roml In
tho Honitlu a letter from Commla
dinner Kiinpp, which ho contended
wiin hoitllo to rulton'a bill, hut hu
lon'a report, which wna Inrloxed,
and whlili wna favorahlo to tho bill
na iiiiietiileil.
Further dobiito waa cut off whon
2 o'clock arrlvtiil, na that hour hud
been fixed for a net speech on the
currency hill, but Ciilton will prone nt
thu rniumlMlnu'H report mid rontlniio
IiIh flKht
Klltlti I not plioliiK fair III un-
falriiim will help Fulton, who I ile
tormlned to flKht to tho IiinI ditch to
Kit hi hill hoforo tho aonnto Ho
had nil naaiiriinco lonlKht, however,
Unit the aiihcniumltteo will report
hla bill tomorrow,
WnshliiKton. March 13 -Tho for
tification appropriation hill,
will soon be renorted to tho
will miikx ndequato provision for lu-t-rensliii
tho olilrleiicy of tho const
defense along thu Pacific count. It
la stated that I ho entire npproprla
tlon, save what la necessary for
iimlntiiniinco of defenses on tho At-
lanllr coast, will ho devoted to tho
enlargement and Improvement of tho
Pacific roast and Insular ilotunsc.
several million dollars In all. It la
tho Intention of congress to maku
tho fortifications on tho I'acltlc coast
In every wiiy cqunl to the defenses of
tho harhora on thu Atlantic.
Thundiy, Mrch 12
Wiishlnaton. March 12. Tho Ml
ley Miihiiinrluo boat Inquiry waa bo
gun In earnest today liy n special
hoiisu committee. Ileglnnlng at 10
o'clock Uio committee continued Ita
work during tho greater part of tho
day Hoprvseutatlvu l.llley wns heard
at length He began his testimony
liv renillni: n tone tynewrlttvn state
ment, a niirt of which was In the na
turn of an adldavlt In which he out
lined hi chnrge In detail, Whun ho
had rompleted this formal presenta
tlon ho was .iietloned at length by
Itepresontatlvo Olmstcad of t ho corn
llllliuu, who w uviiiRiinii-u j
Chairman lloutcll to perform
Durlnc tho afternoon aesslon. Hep
resuntatlve lltchmond V. Hounon tesl
lifted that hu had neen approached
by n man representing tint Klectrlc
Iloat Co. who told him that. If ho
would support tho claims of that
lompnny hoforo congress, tho com
pany could bring Influunco to bear
upon ripoakor Cannon to have him
(llnlison) appointed on tho commit
tee on naval affair,
Washington, March 12. Ily n tlo
vote, a motion wns lost today In the
houso coinmltteo on military affairs
to report favorably tho Dnwe till!
creating n roll to Ito known as tho
volunteer retired Hat nnd placing
thereon, with retired pay. tho survlv
Ing volunteer olllcora of tho army,
navy and marlno corps of tho civil
war. K-tlnmtes Indicated that the
first year' operation of such a law
would cost thu government 1 1,000,-
Tho aen
WashlnKtnn. March 1
nto coinmltteo on military affairs to
day reported favorably a mil author
ising extra oftlccrs for tho army.
Tho bill reported would add CC1
officer to tho army distributed as
follow among the grade: Thlrty-Hlx
colonels, C4 lloutenant-colonols, 90
major. 1C2 captain, 144 lieutenants
nnd 12C second lieutenant.
Wednesday, Ma-ch II.
Washington, March 11. President
senate committee tias
ltoofovelt today
to tho senate, ra
fact that tho
found that the ohurges of participation
in tho Hrownsvllle riot, which caued
lit in to dismiss companies II, O and D
ol the Twenty-tilth Infantry, worn sub
sUiitlatcd, and asks the sensto to pa-a
.pntUI law extending 'or one year the
mo within which those v, ho e.tabllsh
their lunoceno tnsy bo rolnstatod
a bill will be Introduced.
Sonator I ley burn today sccurod the
passage through the senate of his bill
providing fot the survey of all publlo
land, .reserved and unreeorved, In Ida WMh-nRUm, March 7.-A rast of
ho. Oregon, Montana and California. I acsalon today of the houso was de
Under the ptosent system, the govern . toJ ,he con,,(i,n.tlon f private
mont only surveys land upon request , cl ,,, b,,u The yoninje, of tl,B day
actual settlor. Mr. Heybnrn say this inMin,iniiM ni i. i.i
system tends to retard development,
and aluo retards, Nurveja, as settler
don't llko to go on tmsurvey'd land.
Washington, March 11. Determined
and persistent uoeaulta on Uio postolllco
appropriation bill In the houso today
resulted In amplification of that meas
ure In many Important parts, despite
tho protests of Chairman Overstrcctand
the coinmltteo.
Tho letter carriers finally won tholr
long tight for $ 1,200 salaries, whon an
anwndmont by Goehel. of Ohio, grant
ing tho Mime waa adopted. The house
also allowed an additional 126,000 for
clerks In thlrd-clast oillre where the
salarlos of tho postnmtor range from
11,200, and 116,000 additional tor con
tract stations.
Altogether tho appropriations carried
by tho bill were Increased to tho oxtent
of 11,365,000.
Tuesday, March 10
Washington, March 10 Tho sera'e
toUy rutllltxl a iid made publio six of
tho 13 treaties negotiated nt tho Inter
riatloul i-onfrrencoat The Hague. Tho
conventions adopted aro thoo to which
no opposition had lceii made
The dual reports of thu committee on
military affairs, In relation to the
llruwrisvlllo affair, will Iw rnadn to the
sensU) tomoirow. Henator Warner will
prstcnt tho report of the majority ol
the committee sustaining tho action of
tho pr-ldent In discharging without
honor a battalion of tfie Twenty-tilth
Infantry on tho ground that tho negro
soldiers had done the shooting.
Washington, March 10. Consider
ation of tho postolllce appropriation bill
was restimid by tho house of represent
ntlvee today. Although amendments
wrre In order, trie bill, when It was
laid aside for
(llniimind ol. had undergone no material
Anotiwoithy speech by Hamilton,
of Michigan, upholding the right of
"' ""' K" '. ""''
poratlons and sustaining tho president
In his stlttude toward them, was the
ft attire of tho days' procsodlrigs.
Other addresses were mado by Small,
of North Carolina, nnd Flnler. of Bouth
Carolina, each of whom attacked tho
propoRltion to Increase the pay for
ocean mall service on the ground that
It was but a subterfuge for a ship tub
idy. Monday, March 0
Washington, March 0. The senate
diacursed at length Henator Frye' joint
resolution providing for the carrying of
material for the Panama canal In
American bottoms only. Frye advocat
ed the adoption of the resolution, say
Ing that at least o.UW.OM) laurels ol
cement would be reoulrod in the work,
and that so lung a foreign vessel were
permitted toconp-to, It would be Im
poB.mie for the dometlc ship to par
Uc to , lhe t,Bnlporutlon btcause
0, ,K, .nnmnee both In construction
. ., ,. i. .i.i iu. i l.l.
wiwaaawtie oaisva mw
. uirvv in)"H ... . uuih .in), iiw
i these
.u.w.t. It.Ulah I. ..lift .1. fu hi,
.. Hit.-IM.V W. M. ... v-. ......
amendment by Foster, of Vir
providing that the restriction
should not apply to the Gulf port or
any part of die United State from
which veo-els of the United BUtea
could not be secured for the trado was
accepted by Frye.
' Fulton, of Oregon, and Uacon, of
i Georgia, sought to have the amend
rnrnt extendeI to the North PaclQo
nd South Atlantic const respectively,
but wrre uninccrstful.
Itrsolutioni of sorrow upon tho an
nnuiicement of the death of Itepresont
atlvo Adoiph Me)er, of Louisiana, were
adopted, and at 4:20 p. ru. the senate
adjnuri el as a fuither mark of respect
to hit memory.
The home was In session but a few
intimitis, adjourning at 12-.12 o'clock
upon announcement of Mr. Meyer'a
Raturrtsy, March 7.
Washington, March 7. mils to ea
tAhllrh invlngs banks, lntrodocel by
Henator Cartir, Knox and llurkett, to
day were conaldund by a subcommittee
ol the senate coinmltteo on poitollicos
and poet roads c- nslstlng of Senator
Caitor, Iturrona, Daukhead and Clay.
Por (master General Meyer was beforo
the subcommittee and outlined hts
"' rvs."ffl -. ....
, . .i.ii n,..
die tbe
ment, he waa not wedded to that meas
ure an I waa very ready to approve
cnviiilti en's or provision to be taken
fioin b-'tu the llurkett and Carter bills.
The committee and posmnMer ceneral
- tf. f .-?
'"" ".,....: U ,,. n.iinn.t
luks of the country at a nto of inter,
est 1 me enough to pay depositors 2 rer
cent and to defray all attendaut ex
tcnsis. HupMSiitatlvo Slemp, of Virginia.
Only Sevan daps Cima In
Washington, March 10. The raolfio
coast members of oongress have been
Informed that only seven Japaueeo, and
t lies not laboiers, have entered the
United State this year, which Is re
garded aa showing the effectiveness of
the now emigration regulation whloh
Japan has formulated and uudertaken
to enforce.
There Is an apprehension that some
Japanese laborers have entered th
country through Mexico, but it is learn
ed that Mexico la negotiating with
Japan for prac Ically the same regula
tions that havo been applied to the
United States.
Extra Session to De Oallsd to Qo
Over Tariff
Washington, March 0. Plan for the
revision ol tho tariff havo been agreed
upon by the Hepubllcan leaders, In
eluding Hoo'ovelt, Hpcaket Cannon,
Hem tor Itetcrldgo and Hcprcsentatlvea
Payne, Dslxell ami Bharman, tlio Uiree
latter being members of tho houso ways
and means ommlttce, who will frame
thu now law.
An extra session of congreri will be
called Immediately after the expiration
of the present congrcs next spring and
a bill will be drafted reducing some of
the high schedules in steel and Iron
and equalising others. If the Demo
int aro aucccs-ful In the national elec
tion next fall, President Hoosovelt will
call convrce Immediately alter the re
sult la known, thst tue tarifl can be
reviatxl by the Hepubllcan.
Senator Heverldgo, who presented a
measure providing for a tarifl commis
sion, hsd a conference with the presl
lent today. Later he conferred with
Hpcaker cannon and JiopriStniaiiTa
Payne. Dalwll and Sherman. Icdovol
oped that tho commission plan Is not
acceptable, and It wa sgreed that a
resolution shall be adopted by the pres
ent congresi directing the secretaries of
state, treasury, agriculture, commerce
and labor and director of tho census to
gather such data a will be useful to
congress In revising the tariff.
Henrescntatlve Sherman, with the
approval of Hpcaker Cannon, is circn-
Jatlng a petition among members of the
House wiilcb requests tue way and
means committee to lt during the sum
mer recess for the purpose of gathering
data to aid the members In framing a
now tail ft law. Many signature nave
already been procured and the commit
tee will alt.
Jspsn' Mlnlitar Pressnts Ultimatum
to China
Peklc, March 0. Japan' ultimatum
In the coo of tho Japanese steamship
Talsn Msra wu presented to the bead
of the Chinese Foreign board today, and
the board has tbe matter under consid
eration The Tatsa Mara was seised off Macao
on February 7 by Chinese custom's
cruiser on the chsrve that her cargo of
arms and ammunition was intended for
Chinese revolutionists, although con
slzned to a merchant of that place. Tbe
steamer Is now being held at Wham-
poa, on the Canton river.
The irreducible minimum of the
Japanese claims Is the restoration of
the steamer, as well a of her rargo,
and t e payment of a full indemnity.
Action is demanded within a "reasona
ble time." In case of default or post
p.nement, Japan, according to the
term of her ultimatum, will "take
Immediate action."
Japan oxtweta a reply by tomorrow.
She will not tolerate China's offer to
Investigate tbe case. Bhe insist upon
an apolrgy for the hauling down of the
Japanese flag on the TaUu Mara and
she will not accent mediation, atllrm-
Ing that China Is In error and that the
(a:ts are incontrovertible.
Uamn liayaehl, the Japan -to mints.
ter to China, In delivering the ultima
turn, made reference to Japan' sm
pathy for China In tho matter of con
traband traffic In arms and explained
that China could not expect medial I in
so long a ahe did not admit tbe parti
cipation of the Portuguese.
ClUi-n,' Commltto Authorize Addi
tional Expenditure.
San Francisco. March 9. The bae.
terlologlral reports of the Federal
health omcers state that Infected rata
we e found in nearly every district of
the city last week, only the Sunset and
Richmond districts being Immuno. The
greatest percentage of infection Is re
ported from the North district
and In the Wea'ern addition. In all
buildings where infected rata wete
found, wall and tlocrs were or ned,
and the places thoroughly futnlgited.
The oltlrena' hra'th committee na au
thorised the Federal health ollkers to
employ additional men, no limit being
placed on the number New gangs will
be oriratdted and an effort made to ex
terminate all the rata In the city within
the next 30 days.
Bonus for Fach Child
Sydney, N. B. W., March 0. Tho
Inorease ol population In tho common
wmiIiIi la nnt.iitntiilv iilnw. and the
legislators of Western Australia,' where
tho inhabitants number oniy iwo to ine
qua to mllo, have determined to take a
leaf out of the book of the French.
With a view to encouraging bigger fam
ilies, an amendment ha teen inserted
In the income tax bill by the stato leg
islative assembly giving an exemption
of (50 for every child up to the number
or nvo in me lamtiy oi a taxpayer.
Plvo children Is evidently the limit.
Furnace Got Overheated'
Columbus, O., March 0. That the
Are In the Colllnwood achoolbou-e
whloh cost the Uvea of moro than 170
children was due to an over heated fur
tufa In Ihn mihfttancA of a nartlal renort
1 made to State Flro Marshal Creamer
tonight by the three deputies who have
been Investigating the causes of the fire.
Sopreme Court finds Fatal De
lects In Indictment.
Seven Judges Unanimous In Holding
Thar Fact Stated Do Not
Constitute Crime.
Ban Francisco, March 10 Th) Su
preme court yesterday handed down n
decision denying the application of the
prosecution In the San Francisco brlu-ery-gralt
rase for a rehearing alter m
decision by the District court of Ap
peals in the case of ex-Mayor Eugene
K. Scbmltz, convicted of extortion In
the French restaurant casee. Without
a dissenting vote among the seven
justices, the court tustalncd tbe appel
late court in ita d Islon that the in
dictment upon which Schmitx waa con
victed waa defective In that it did not
aver that Schmitx was mayor: that
Huef, hi co-defendant, was a political
boss practically In cootrol If the city;
that as such they were in a position to
exercise power and nnduo Influence
over tbe policecommlssloner, and that
it did not show that Schmitx resorted
to unlawful means In threatening to
have liquor licenses withheld.
"Tho decision demonstrates," asid
ex-Mayor Bchlmtx. "that the highest
court in thn state believe what I have
always claimed, that I waa removed
from office and railroaded to prison."
"The contention of the respondent
that tbe appeal wu prematurely
taken," say the Supreme court, "hat
no merit. Tbe court la unanimous in
the opinion thst tbe District court of
Appeals was correct In Its conclusion
that the Indictment waa Insufficient in
that It did not show that the Injury to
the property threatened by the defend
ant wa an 'unlawful injury.' "
This decision practically nullifies
Ruet'a plea ol guilty to the same charge,
Invalidate tbe remaining four extor
tion Indictment against the ex-mayor
and Huef, and will enable Ecbmlts to
gain hla liberty on bail after eight
months' confinement In the county jail.
Message From Fleet In Pacific la Re
ceived at Penaacota.
Washington, March 10. About the
last place that the Navy department
expected to hear from the Atlantic bat
tleship flotilla for at least six months
waa on tbe Atlantic coast, yet this la
what happened. The Navy department
today received a telegraphic message
from its wireless station at Pensaoola,
which bad been In direct communica
tion with the battletbip fleet, a ment
remarkable performance, considering
that tbe wireless Impulse were obliged
to traverse the Gulf of Mexico, then
crocs overland the state of Texas, part
of Mexico, and again cross several hun
dred miles of ocean.
An additional dispatch received at
Penracola from Admiral Thomas, daUd
on board tho Minnesota at 8 o'clock
last night, Is as follows:
"Tbe position of the fleet at this
moment Is latitude 14.37 north, longi
tude 102.01 west"
Wireless Communication at Distance
of 2 80O Miles.
Ban Francisco, March 10. Tha bat
tleship fleet came Into direct communi
cation with Mare Island yorWrday. the
message being tha first this coatt has
received Irora tho warships. Cominnu
icatlon was bad by wireleea for a dis
tance of 2,000 miles, the messsge belntt
from the battleship Maine of Evans'
fleet. Yesterday morning the opeiator
at the wireless rtation at Mare Island,
In responding to tbe call of his Instru
ment, was surprised to dlocover he was
In direct communication with tha
Maine. Though 2,600 miles away, the
message was dear. Communication
waa soon cut oft on account ot other
stations Interrupting.
Rebuild the Cliff House.
San Francisco, March 10. Dr. Em
ma Merrltt, executrix of the estate ot
Adoiph Sotro, waa given permhslon
today by Judge Coffey to apply tba
$47,000 Insuianco money received after
the destruction ot the Cliff home to
ward the erection ot a new building.
The petition was opposed by Attorneys
J. F. Bowie and Joseph Mayer, who
represented lour of tho neirs. uowio
said the heirs be represented had no
objection to rebuilding the Cliff house,
but thought the heirs should have the
direction ot expending the money.
Mutiny In Caracas Falls.
Caracas, March 4, via Tort of Spain,
Match 10. An uprising occurred here
last night In a barracks, the soldiers
killing their commander, General Mesa.
The mutiny waa quelled only after sv
number ot soldiers had bees shot.
V .
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