The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 20, 1908, Image 1

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Hh.N'II OKM.ON, 1'IUIJAY. MARCH 40, 1908.
NO. I ,,
i '
... V i Him. - V
Bend-SIianiko Livery & Stage Company
J. If. WtlNANDY, Irop.
W. P. Kalley, Apjahl, Shanlko
New Covered Stages between Beiul nnd Shanlko
Livery nnd Feed Stables n( Shnnjko, Mndrns nnd Haul.
Wo run our rigs to plcnsa tho public.
Stages loavo each way ovory tiny.
Rigs to all parts of Central Oregon. Cnroful drivers furnished
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
A Complete Slock of
At Bern!,
Rough, Surfaced nnd Moulded
At Bend,
All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses
Belircrcd at
Lew Cost
Any here os
Tbo Larts ef
Tbc D. I. & r.
Co., er
The C. S. I. Co.
Central Oregon
Development Company
Ask for a Certificate
of Deposit....
Start a time account with The Central Oregon Bank
in); & Trust-Company of Bend, nnd make your money
earn you something.
When you have saved sonic small amount, or have a tern
orary surplus, however large, you can do nothing wiser than to
deposit in this strong hank and ask
For a Certificate of Deposit
. 1
Your money will draw nt least 3 pec cent, interest and will
he available, under ordinary conditions, at any time, as the Cer
tificates arc readily negotiable by indorsement.
These Certificates arc issued for various periods, usually for
six or twelve mouths. They are renewable.
The Central Oregon Banking
(Sb Trust Company
John Steldl. . , Lumberman anil Timber Owner.
U. C. Coe , Physician ntul Surgeon.
H. P. J. (McDonald Mayor of Henri.
E. A. Bather Merchant.
J, R. Heyburn
... Cashier,
S. Government Takes
Up New Work.
Department ot Commerce, nnil l.nbor
Will Assist Partner and Others
to Secure Laborers,
The United States government in
taking up a work Unit will make
of it nn extensive lulor or -uiplov
incut uciicy, 1111 agency which will
extend throughout the entire coun
try and whose representatives will
1)0 found in every hnmlet. This
work Is to he done by the Depart
ment of Commerce ami Labor, ami
the agent- .scattered throughout
the length and breadth of the laud
will be those men in each township
who rc'xirt to the Ucn.irtmcut 01
Agriculture the condition of crops
during the urnwing season, or
"township corrtspomlcnts" as they
arc culled. The object is to bring
l be man who wants to work to the
man who desires to employ labor,
thus furnishing work to the vast
number of immigrants who come
to our shorts and also to Ihoic citi
zenn who arc out of employment.
II. C. Ellis of Bend has recently
received a letter from the Depart
ment of Commc'cc and Labor,
through the Division of Informa
tion, which explains quite fully the
plans or this new work, hxtracti
from this letter follow:
"The Division ot Information It seek
Ing to get into direct rotumunlcatiou
Willi alt of the farmeri within the United
State who may with to employ farm
labor or domestic, or who liaxr lauds
for sale or for rent, with n view to learn
ing from them what their ncesls are ami
the iletail of the Mine.
"I'or thr purpose of (retiring detailed
and accurate inlntiiistloii rrrtnhi blanks
arc used which will te gtadlyx sent to
thoe who may I intcrrstrd. For your
Information there it attached a ropy of
the 'farm l.atxirerr.' blank, and if you
need help of that description, tin Dlvls
Ion will be glad to have jmi Till (lout nnd
return it. Other blank of special In
tetrat to farmer arc thoe tclntluu to
the demand nnd opportunities for 'Do
me'tle' and 'Settler,' the latter being
iimn! by thine having land for sal or
for rent. Should you desire either of
tluwe blank the Division of Information
will forwanl copies on reuuest.
"Thcriivbiuii Willi pirated to have
you aid it by letting the farmer of your
(ouu.hlp know of It existence. It
object, what information it wUhea to
cure, and Inviting them to write to It of
their need. Should you t willing to
nld the Dlvulon supply of the iliffereut
blank will lie sent to you for distribu
tion among those who may have uie
for the Mine.
"In dealing with the alien we'inust
Include the unemployed dlUcu n welt,
for In the nvcr-wpulatril rils)riat many
who have become cltlfciitntc leunr.
ant of the opportuuille for licttcriiiii
their condition clv where n the newly
admitted alien.
"The Division would thank you to
gUe the subject-matter ot thl letter the
widcit publicity ponlliIc m your town
ship, and would appreciate your cootwr
ntlon with it In It work to the fullest
extent -M3IU1c along the line nlwve
Mayor's Proclamation.'
Ily request of I he Ladles' I.U.
hrnry Club nnd other interested
hi the nppciirnucc and growth of
our city, I, n mayor of tho city of
Henri nnd by virtue of the author
ity vcted In me a such ollieer, do
hereby apxliit nnd designate
Wednesday, the 1 jth day of March,
(H, n a legal holiday, net apart
for the purMe of vlcunluu up the
city. Rubbish In till streets, nl
ley,, yrda ami vuottit lot must
lw cleaned up and notice given to
the chairman of tho meet com.
miltee, J. N. Hunter, who will
furitMi tram to haul Mine away,
II. I'. J, McDofMt.n,
Julius Wnllcncle the Vic
tim of Foul Play.
Reward of $250 Offered for Arrest nnd
Conviction of tho MurdererUody
Found with Fractured Skull.
lug ti of the town There are-vai-niit
lots, alleys and most of the
Nircets that need to be cleared of
the rubbish -that has accumulated
during the winter and the lutllc-i
concluded that it is time this work
is done A 'few days previous to
our last Fourth of July celebration
the different property owners inked
up the rubbish on their lots am)
then the towiisltc company donated
a team ami the services of n man
to haul the rubbish away The
improved appearance of the town
resultim therefrom was remarkable.
It is time to repeat thut work.
The club bus also kindly offered
to assist the men in fixing up the
rooms 01 the Haul Commercial
Club. This latter club desires cur
tains put up at the windows and n
few other Improvements made in
the room The Indies will do whrl
they can to help, and it Is needless
to say that their help will be gladly
The Indies' club also decided to
present a home talent minstrel
show. Several of the members
have seen this scheme worked in
other places and it ulvvuys results
in much amusement and entertain
ment for thtc who nltctid, licsides
milling a neat sum to the treasury
of those who promote It. The plan
is to have the young people take
part in n program of music, jokes,
songs, etc, etc., and to present the
"show about June 1.
The next meeting of the club
will be with Mrs. A. M. Lara a
week Irom next Tuesday after
Citlrcns of Silver Lake are much
aroused over n murder that has
been committed not far from that
place. The dead body of Julius
Wallcudc was found in the bed of
a creek near town last Friday. The
ncaci nod been mutilated and the
skull fractured. The young- man
was a rancher and dlsapearcd from
his cabin on the evening of Decern-
wr 27. nnil it wag feared nt the
lime that there had been foul play
in connection with his disappear
ance. Silver Lake citizens offer n re
ward of $250 for the arrest and con
viction of the murderer, and have
petitioned the governor, in behalf
of the state, and Judge Daly, in
behalf of Lake county, to offer
additional rewards. It is liclicvcd
that if a detective could be hired
and put upon the case the
guilty man could be apprehended in
a short time.
Inkling at Olit.
March 16. Itvtrybmly
wife pcnt Sun-
It is seen by the above that if a
farmer or any other employer de
sires to obtain help he can secure
the proper blanks front the town
ship correspondent, fill them out
and mail to the Department of
Commerce nnd Labor, which de
partment will do nil it can to se
cure the desired labor. The de
partment will undoubtedly lc able
to do n wonderful amount of good
by supplying labor to farmers nnd
others who are sometimes so hard
pressed to secure help.
Mr, -Ellis will have, in n few days,
a supply of the blanks referred to in
the letter to be used in making ap
plication to the department.
Library Club Takes up Civic Improve
ment Will Present .Minstrel Show.
The Ladies' Library Club of
Hcnd hns launched out Into n
broader field of work. At the
club's last meeting, held with Mrs,
V, V. Smith Tuesday afternoon, a
committee was npointcd to await
upon the mayor nnd petition him to
set aside a day for a general clean-
Redmond Item.
Kkomond. March M. Unite a oiim-
lion thin week to for as vunr itrirter it
concerned I how to make n readable
teller out of nlmoat no new and mill nut
Urllt Into the "yellow."
Ml Mil urn left Thursday for her
Home in Ilndalo, New York. She will
make the main part of the trip nfler n
two week' vitit in Wellington,
There it till tome lckncs around.
Our 1'olk being uullrtcri at preicnt,
Mr. Park, both enlor ami junior, hav
luu had bad .colli nnil Mr. nnd Mr.
Triilcr being laid up nt present.
Mr. IMucr ktlll continue to liniimvo
niiiiougn 0111 niowiy. mho nan quite a
ftcverc act back but It coming nloug
mcciy, now.
Mr. Minim Urionn with a threatened
attack of tuimllltW. '
Work on the new tchool lioiuc will
toon . begin, mott of the lumber nnd
klilngle being now on the ground.
II. J. Ili-nlnucr and Your Truly took n
near view of Hayituck Hill from the
t'nt on Tuowlny returning the wmc
new famine had
that week. Mr. Mvor of IivpIjihI
Colorado, who bought the Welch place,
being one of them, We do not know
how- many there lme been since then,
Mr, AtkhiMii it ninoiiL' thoc who nre
puiiiug ireea.
Prank Morrill I one of those whp
hnvo begun their second set of improve
ment, nu addition to the home now be
ing built.
Neighbor Del.orlmcr nnd Kolwy have
been working on n tagebnuli machine,
which we nnilcmtund Is now In working
order. . K. C. J'akk.
A Narrow Etcapo
Many people have 11 narrow escape
from pneumonia unit consumption tu
result of 11 cold that hung on. Foley's
Ilout-viind Tor cures roughs mid cold
110 matter how deep sintcri nnd prevent
pueumoiilu nnd consumption, ltefusc
iibitltutc. C. W. Merrill, Dmggltt.
Hand us your subscription.
eveniiiK we found that two
I ulrcoriy arrived in town
Prank Zumwall ami
day at Glit.
Clyde OUt it talking of going to Port
laud hi the near future. 1 wonder why?
Jonil Wilt, road tupervitor of lllack
llutte, hat a gang of men working on the
new road in the Cloc(i!ale country.
Thl road i very much needed in that
Miller & Xumwalt of Sitter have .old
out their talor.ii there, Stctru- Allinj!-
nam being the purchaser.
Johnnie More ami brother Alfred utr
clrariug ipiltc a tract of land for Otboru
I'rcutlM Van Tauell went to llif llv.
stack country tolay on buiiueas.
There will ben lMkct social at the
riaiuvlcw seliool lioutv at Olit on l'rl
nay eve, the 37111, for the nurmsc of
railing inixii to buy an organ.
SaitK)rl 1'lcldsof near I'riuevllle I lu
thl ncliihborliiiod doing some Improv
ing on hi claim.
Mr. nnil Mr. Cade nre in this vicinity.
Mr. Cade, being a school teacher of ex
perience, i here in the lntrrot of school
a her professional help was solicited in
the Clovcrrialc diitriet.
Oulte niiumlorof new people lu here
of late, some looklne over the eounirv
iilliri- ttuylng for a short time, and some
for the summer. Just watch C.lst. It
llll Imfllll tnr urn lii...M n .1...ll.l .....
..... - u. n. .....v ., ii.t,,t rami
fry ami people ate milling It out.
Lnldlaw- Item.
George I Simmon nnd C. W. Allen
hae gone to Portland where .Mr. Sim
limn is to take the receivership of the
Columbia Southern Irrigation (.0.
J. C. Tullnrnnri W. 1 Myer were in
I'rlncville the first of the week on bust.
J. I,. Couch has commenced the erec
tion of a new house on hi ditch laud.
J. K. Itenham hit purchased the stump
pulling outfit of C. W. Allen and is null.
iug all hi homestead trees under the
Swalley ditch,
Mr. C. T. I'iiikham and children left
for l'ossll last week. where they will look
after Mr, rinkham's mother' farm.
Mr. riiikhniu follow later.
Mr. M. Aubrey Is .reported very low
with lung fever.
I'. N. Wallace ha received order to
take 1111 the ditch work under tin- rr.
rclvcrslilp of Mr. Simmon. Mr. Murid
iistiiis over tiie company' book to Mr.
Wallace till week.
hdlin and I.lovd Itoot havi ri-lnriiril
to school since their tchool has closed.
Mrs. K. M. Ivc anddaughter of
Spokane arrived last week, to take up
iiicwT rcami-ucc on .iir. Jvc- nouu-stcad
ami are building thl week,
Kosland News.
HotwijD, Match 19 -J. V. Howard (s actlu In
clisrii or thr stage suilou 1elwteu KwUml u4
Mlvrr LtLc
1 t roots movril lilt family from the itsst
tatlou tuCrtMrut la.l .Mouilty.
., tS'W?.n ."'l1 ,cv rr '" UllMowrr
Hmllh Co, mill the Utter iwit uflbls ecV. or Ills
Snt,ofiift wefU.
KnaUml Is at U.I about fret from the snow.
..Mr-. William iitMot inroufh unr lourn with
Mr, htllcrs unit tier llllle toy viiuuy aftcr
iiikjii, Mr. Atul tr.. lr.Hlrall. ih. I.. awh a....
J. U. Msitsu returned from trip to BeiiJ,
llio. ik)iur list cou 011 his iUrr I
I.11TI.11. lu yub ,11 ,11.
.UiC 11IUO IU.
Have You Rcgisfered?
If not, why not? It it your duly
niurltlcn lu take enough Inlrr
est In the election of couiilv mid
slate officers to register In time so
that you can rust your bnllot nt
the prlmai let nnd hnve n port lu
iiomhintlng good men to the dif
ferent offices. Do not delay, but
register nt once,
itcglstratiou lu tho IScud ami
Deschutes precinct is going or
ward altogether loo slowly. A. II.
Grant Is registration chrk for
these two precincts, ami will at
tend Ui thl nutter if you will but
step Into the Item! new stand ami
ask him, Itci;litrntigu to dale I
at follows:
jii:vi rrtKciKcr,
Republican ,
Democrat 3
Soclalltt 1
Tottl jS
Republican 16
Democrat.. i
I'rohlbltlnniit 1
Independent.. 1
Total,..,, ,, ji
ollw. He
gram astouu asltlsios
.fcMrhje?f b,J,U.'..,,,U. cowwtnee ttscblngut
the Howsit school Mod Jy.
li rje Audience Listen to
mcnls by Dr. Hudson.
A church full of people gathcrcl
last Sunday evening in the lknrl
Church to hear the address of Dr.
II. H. Hudson in favor of local op
tion prohibition. Dr. Hudson 13
Oregon field secretary of the Inter
national Reform Httrcau and is
making a three wee ks' canvass of
Crook county in behalf of local or-
tion. His address Sunday nieht
was a strong presentation of prohibi
tion argument, and he held the
close attention of his audience
throughout the evening.
At the close of Dr. Hudson' ad
dress Rev. House), pastor of the
M. I?, church at I'rincville, ex.
plained n Law and Order League
was being organised over the county
whose business would be to fight
for local option during the present
campaign and to look after such
matters as would naturally need the
attention of such nn organization.
The league desired that fjoo be
raised to meet the expenses of tho
campaign. Of this amount I'rinc
ville had pledged $250, and Rev.
Houscl nsked that Hcnd raise $ko
for the cause. A collection was
then taken which amounted, with
sums pledged, to so. L. P.
Wiest was elected tiresidcut of a
local law and order league.
Decisions on Contest Cases
Attorney Benson has receive.!
word that the laud office officials at
The Dalles have rendered n decision
in the contest case of J. I). Palmer
vs. Jacob X. Qulbcrg in favor of
Mr. Qulbcrg. This is the case that
was so stubbornly fought before
Commissioner Ellis about a month
ago, having been the longest drawn
out contest ever held before that
officer. A decision has also been
rendered in the contest of Lola D.
lirickson v.1 Cora II. Chapman
inow Airs, xmjck smith), the de
cision tit's time being iu favor of
Mrs. lirickson. Mrs. Urickson was
defeatcdon a former hearing butlater
was granted a re-hearing on the
grounds that she had obtained ad
ditional evidence upholding her
reasons for bringing the coutest
The result of the second hearing is
mat Mrs. urickson won at the
local land office. It is understood
that Mrs Smith will appeal the
case.- Attorney Benson handled
the cascs-for both Mr. Quiberg and
Mrs. Krickson; Attorney Myers of
Laidlaw for Mr. Palmer and Mrs.
Thousands Perish
Thousand pcrinh every year from eo- -sumption
resulting from ncolri. l'olcy's
Honey and Tar cure the most obstiuni
hacking cough and expel the cold frr
your system and prevents consumption
mid pneumonia. It has cured niauy
ensesof Incipient eoiiitunptioii.-rC. w
Merrill, Druggist.
Catbon.jiaper for sale at
Bulletin office; 5c a sheet.
There's uews la The Bulletin