The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1908, Image 7

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9 I
k FT
SmKidP i
f $61
. w-
Pure Blood
fit corlnlii If you Inlco llootl'ri Barnnpnrllln.
TIiIh grunt incilioliio cures those oruptloiiB,
pimples ami holla tlmt npjKiiir nt nil nwiKOiw;
euros scrofula Boron, wilt rheum or eczemn)
adapts ltolf initially well to, nml iiIho cure, ilyn
popnlr. nml nil iitonmoh troubles; cured rhou.
nmllHin nml catarrh; cun-H norvouu trouble,
tloblllly nml Hint tired feulitigi
iSluantflbs-lorttioia wlioprtfrrmeillelne In i b
l fHrtn, lluwl'i Haraatiarllla la noir nut up In rht.m
alrd UliltUealM Hartatabe, ae well m In the usual
iqulit funn. Hareatab hare Idnntlrallr Itiit sains
curallt prupntlra a Hi lliiuM form, ImiMm seen
rhffut dote, eoiivenUne, Minionif, mi lni by trap,
pratlon, breaker;, or leakers, Dmi-ultta or prvmptlr
by malL (J, I, Howl Co.. lowll. Mm,
Mrs, 0, K Tltr. Ilnrllnlnn, VI,
Hi i " Tli caret nf a Urn rarin, to
nwh In ilu ami to llttU liallh 1" ill II
with, almntt a rnmpleta lirK
iViwm lilioal mnr anil thin no ttrtnath.
Utile tleep llnnd a Harttparllle
appetite, natural alatp. perfati htelth,
tlreoilh to da ill nt work,"
Am Kitttllali Vltc ( Hobart K. I,s,
(Irueral Itobvrt 13, I At was Indeed
full iYhliigton' equal ni a hero and
a gentleman and mucli hit superior as
Midler. It U only In Hi larger pollt
lent or aemlpolltlcnl sphere that tic
llnnd lower Mild tlicro icrlinps only
.ecatiiw bl opiwrtuultlr were no
mucti smaller. lmdon Tluiri Itorlow
of Trovelynn's HUtor
rTe Vitas Pun one) all fwtTixa flM
I flu ifllf nrxt I'r It. Kliae'a llrl
hllyi ftttloitr. He4 rut VltVCK lltrlM txlU and
letallt. lit. It. II. 11, liL, Ml ltl BL, riHUL,rB,
II Co Hi 4 iMpruve II.
I went to tli tbrstrr last nlgbf
Wlmt did ynu Beer
''("A ilnjr railed lUinlet.'"
Ilow wm itr
"fair; only fair. A rx1, tfrHr fx
tt would do It a world of good."
Washington llernld.
pure rtiurn in to id riAV
rAEOOINTMKNTU iunl4 In tur Bf
mm ol Itclilnf. 1111 nil. Jlllii( nr fiolrudlnf
riltliilo liil;ior uuuf Mfundvtl. too.
OnUIrl at III IVnclU.
"All tbat li llir null.r with on, ilr.M
M Ik rmlnfnt phrlriii( after a thor
u(b riamlnailon, "li lack of nutrition.
You don't tat tnoufli.
"I rat all I ran bold, doctor," aald
lb atlmuatrd ralltr.
Tllitn you nrttl to bar jour rapacity
tnlarcrd, and tbat'a a can for a auriron.
Plr dollar, pita. Uood moroluc"
Chlcaco Trlbun.
(IradMaUil from lln HlbU.
Octare llidntt tell a ator of an ell
darky In Klorlda wbo waa anxlom t
-atn to rrad, o that b could rtad tbi
lllbla. II aald tbat If b could rtad tbi
Illbl ba would want notblog !. A
frltnd of tb narrator tauibt blin tl
rtad. Horn tlm afterward ab rlalttd
hit cabin and akd hla wlf bow fcll
Illbl rtadlnr waa itttlnf on.
"I.awa, .Mlaa Kanny," aald thla ptraon,
"lit Jr' autllnly kin rrad (In, lli'a dotit
tot outrn d Illbl an' Into d awja
ptra." Indlanapolla ftwa.
I.ttrrarr Ilwn.
You buy a book and bop to reap
A profit quit rittntlrt.
Tb atyl may b a little cheap,
Hut th pr' right ipatlr.
Waablmton Hter.
Illranl Olory.
The younx man waa admiring ber beta
tlful and abundant balr.
"Wbat a wtatth of It ther laT bt
eictalmrd. "Wbtn you looatn It 1 aup
pua It drop to lb door."
"Jlutht" brok In the llttl aliter of
tb ynunr woman, "It dropa on tb
floor!" Chicago Tribune.
!)plrnbl Bnalar Krrnr.
"Did you ercr umkc a uilituke. doc
tor r
"Yra. one I waa called In by a pa
tient and dlngrioartt hla caao na atom,
icti arhoI only learned the following
day that ha waa rich enough to hare.
i(ndlcltla.H Dl Muakete.
ALCOHOLS rill nrr
IYomolcs DiftfstlonOimfi
ncss ami RrsironUtoi xke
OjiuMMaqiiix iwrllsinL
iWawyww nlff9
Apcrfrt trVmrdy forCOw
Worms ji,wBl$tonJ Jotrw
TtcStik S!utrt oT
For Infants And Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
nr m
fr At
Kxact Copy of Wrappar.
For Over
Thirty Years
Mnrlii ohHcrviilloim iimdiu'trt liy
I ho rnrnrxli' Iimlltuli of Vnnlilngtoii
during tho limt yivir Imllcnte Hi lit grent
oci'iin Ilncm uiny nnvu from il,(XiO to
l',f)00 mi itich voyngo by doing nhlo to
atcor tiimli atrnlgliliT x-ounR-a. bawil
I iijioii tho ih'w iiu'iiKtiri'iiii'iita of mag
J nolle (lccllmilloii, dip nml Intensity.
correcting errora of former chnrtH.
I Thla la only on of tint nuiiicroiia Itehla
of reaonnli oceupled by I lie Cnrneglo
Inatlttltv III 1IK17, ttiu work nf wlilcli
la (iiiitnluvd In the jenr hook notr ml-
llxlicd. lIiiK'dltloim Inivij Imvii iwnt t
every part of tho world, mid nlimwt
every hrniirh of aclenco turn teen lu
jvnditl, Among the practical result
1 noted aro a rnln meter Inreuted by II.
,1)0 ItoaalofT, which will automatically
.teat ami reglater the rnlnfnll by ths
I day, month or year; tho evolution of
barnyard fowl, with the iiromlne of n
breellng nchemc that will furuUh moro
and bigger eggx; the illacntery of K. 0.
Itennllct, Hint nil Ixwllly fuuctloua
thrlrn tMt UM)ii food that Ik the cloa
rt npprunrh to plain protetd; the
grafting of Il.tVKJ plant by Luther Itur
hnuk. and heveral mnguetlc vx)iedltloii
nto tho Far North.
Hanker CaniMn'a notice to chnlnnei.
of appropriation eomiulttei to hare
their bill ready to report by April IS,
prraogtn nil enrly ndjotirtiment of Coil'
griw. Aaldo from tin currency tdll
there la little IrgUlatlon of ImiKirtnucu
U'forn CougreM. Ho fur n the cur
rency tneaaurii la txtneerned, the lower
noun U'lniiK-leiwIy dlvldeil, and there
In little ioMlblllty of the memhera get
ting together on tlie Aldrlch bill. Thu
Weateni iiieinhera nre oiit)ken
ngnliiHt It, and It la nut U'llevol llMt
even HiK-nkcr OntiiHiu con bring them
Into Hue. (.'ongriiwlonnl convention
will In? held enrly till year Ix-cmiim of
tlm pretdentliil rampnlgu. Tor thl
rciimiii Congniutiiieii wnnt to get nway
from Wnnhlngton. A larne kt cent
have fencm to niatr In their dlctrli-t.
and they do not twaut to Iw coojted up
In Vnhlngtoii, hundml of mile from
tin "dear Miiple.M If a currency Inw
In to bo eiiactrtl they mny lc driven to
agree to unite plan In order to bring
Hlxuit nu early adjournment. The put
lie; welfare doe not riutr tlMtvUy
ihoiilil rcmnlu'lii Vahlngton.
Tor tho (lrnt tinny In acventy yenn
the figure of the American eagle that
aurmount the nmee. the aynibol of au
thority In the national Ilouae of ltejv-n-Heiitntlvca.
left It etvli the other
day. When new of tho flight of the
bird became known to memU-ra by
tunny ;ol!tlclana It wn liiterpretetl m
tut III omen. Tho Ilonao mace la ono
of the moat prised iKMveMlou of thu
lower branch of Congrc. It ha done
aervlre for thrtviKXire j-enra nnd tcu.
The mow bu. with rare exceptlou,
Ihhmi effwtlvo In n-ntorlng order In the
IIouik'. A reprewntntlvo Bunpondcil
for violating the Ilouao nulborlty, nft
rr thu mare hud UH'ti displayed by the
aergennt-nt-aniiK, cannot retiuiuo hi
prerogative except by vote of hi col
'eagueH. Tho IIouko tuaco la fashioned
after the Itoinnn iimcx1. It hnudle,
tK'nrlng thirteen allver linnd. emble-1
nmtle of thu thirteen orlglmit Htnte.
I of ebony. Bunuouutlng tho handle
ltp 1htm A ..'
Flrat Landlady "IJy boardcri loar
iround the parlor ererr evening, much
to my annoyance. Doe our7"
Hrcond landlady "No. Indeed J Jly
daughter la learning jto play th
"Thr -Oreat White I'lagu,' my too,"
Hald the Injun chief. In a paaalon,
"la that wicked, thieving race
Tbat calla Itaelf the Caucaalanl"
Kii oi iii ri,
Wagner waa writing tb mualc of tb
"I Intend to produce aometblng," b
aid, "that will go thundering down tb
How well be aucceeded let th age
bear wltnea.
The lllatil Rail.
One day 1'rrey, aged 3, wai play
ing with tho toll of a big dog,
"l.ook out." aald a careful aunt;
"he'll bite you, dr."
"Oh, no, nuntle," he aald. "I'ne not
t the bltln' end. Harper' Weekly.
To aetr an object on tb earth' surface
100 mile away tb observer mutt b
0,007 ftet abore tbe levrl of th sea.
citr,lu Cruildt twit. Milloinuj4
rail rrv lilt nt oa rLllUoa. Contni and Vn
MrtvMkMllcliwl. Itxtrxwti C'Mtooata Urn-bimtlXtalL.
Tb that fruit Tr and Brrr Plant
Culoc In th Northt
192 Front St, Portland. Oregon
aaamB m a aw"
W WI aw
It la perfectly natural to rub the npot that hurts, and tvltcn tic muscles,
serves, joints and boned are throbbing nnd twitching wltli the pains of
Rheumatism tbo ttufTcrcr b opt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
txternnl application, in an effort to r;ct relief from the disease, by producing
rountcr-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on t!w real disease because it
Iocs not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is mora
than akin deep it is rooted nnd grounded in the blood nnd can only be
reached, br constitutional treatment IT CANNOT UK RUBBED AWAY.
(Rheumatism is due to rm excess of uric ncid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the eystcm of refuse matter which the natural avenues
jf bodily waste, the JJowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, cominj; in contact with the different acids of the body, forma
aric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of Uia
Ibody, and Kheumatlsra reU possession of the system. The aches and p.iins
tre onlv symptoms, ana though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they will reappear ct the first exposure to cold or
. lampncss, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity, Klieuma
! Sia can never be tcnnaucnUy cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift
I Tom muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling oa the nerves, causing
Inflammation and swelling nnd such terrible pains that the nervous system
it often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
Jcformed and crippled for life. 8. 8. Hi, thoroughly cleanses the blood ami
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
nauer jroa tnesysim. it warms ana invigorates tuc blood so taat insteaa
ol a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter In the a
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody Is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and pcrmaaeatly
cures Rheumatism. 8. 8. 8. is coa posed
of both purifying and tonic properties
just wbat is needed in every case of Rhea-
XlULUktfl. lb ITinUllllEI 2iV 'Vwatl, .m w wM.. UIIUUI lugiwnai, vnw m
sadc entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs aad
iarks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable Ubm
Irving to rub a blood disease away, but begin the nc bt S. S. S and wrjrtft
as about your case and our physicians will jfivc you any iaforsaatioa er
id vice dMtxed free of charge and will scad our special treatise on R1jbU.
aalism. It contains no potash,
fwrT'i Rfrda
arauis beat known and
the tuuat rIUblOKl arowB.
Y.vtij parkac baa bolilnd It th reputation
nt ft hxu wliua tiiulncaa ataodaxda ax ihm
bllbrat In tb trade.
r.rr" la 4 A...U wtn to WStr rrtn
t ftll M4wMt. It roauiM ftlevl f4w, mimf
fr Hfuf m lu niMM ft VMirMM u
rwwtt smiIi. UtJuU. ml. Bmi i K.
O. M. rinitr CO., Detroit, Mteh.
and qMarontd
t tzri r mruLi-i-.
Ix5 lfjun
A woman's "allm and willowy"
When the la swrtrt all teen ;
Bat when h I at ialddj r
Tbey rail ber "long and lean.'
Houston I'Mt.
C. Gee Wo
Tb Mil Vaon rtlUUa I
fiM T MJ3 hn.. a K.I ka.l k.l l.l.i
aaB-BPlBlJr7,ira Uecvtra4 a4 la all.
afJBiJBKjl( till ra-lkM.
Ym Can Set AMaft roM-Ca nHC
Writ Aliens. 01nlitl,U Jtoy.X. Y.,iora
rt aampl ol Allen's Foot-E., It enrta
iwtatlnt, botawolltts, acblogtrat. It nakta
low or llgbt thora eaar. A errtala cure lor
xirnt. inrrowlm ntltt nI l-anlorn. Alldruf
UUeelllL 2Se. Ioai aeotpt any tuUUtute.
m Eare.
Tbe stranger waa lookls; at tbe art
work of railway tracka tbat atouopollsrd
tb lke frost, '
"Tbey call this tax IHWt OatraJ, de
tbtyT" b asked.
"Yes," said tbe old resident.
"H'mpbl It looks more like tb 1114-
tU MarglasV" Cbiesis Tribaa.
All tha Mor'BrrTliB.
Woman of the House A big. stroag
aaan Ilk you going around begging I You
ought to be ashamed of yourself I
Tuffold Xnutt (touching bia eyes with
a grimy bandkercbltf) I ata, mum. It
Biortifles m 'most to death. Folka ginerV
ly treats m well on that account, mum.
Wo Tina for B.MIIs.
I Aa American speeding over the con.
(Inrnt of Kuropq, In his automobile!
asked hla chauffeur. "U'h-ire are wet" I
"In Paris," shouted tho man at tbo
wheel, and the dust flew.
"Oh, never mind the deyills," Irrlta
Had Xn,
"Going; to write a book, ehT
"Yep, thought I would."
"(long to tell about your early strug
gles t"
"Nope; never bad no early struggles;
didn't get married till I was past 40."
Houston 1'ost.
Firm Octobtr to Star. eoU r tb tumt tnment
mix of havluh. LAXAT1VK BKOXO OUL
NUiE etmort eaM. li. w. cmt on box. it-
Xet m ClreaaaMaea.
Enthusiastic Auditor (at tbe opera)
Didn't she do tbat aria dirbielyl
Boarding Houte MIaa Huhl Yea
ought to bear thai our graphepaatl
Deafness Cannat Be Cured
br local appllratlnnf , m tbty cannot rtaeb. tb
atMfeMd V"li ol tba car. IbertUimljroa
w.jrtorur tlratacM. hi4 tbat UbreouUaa
tlsualMBieillra. UealarM U nwol bj-m la
flamnl eontlltlon olbeaanroua llnj-erof Iki
Ku'laculan Tub. W ben Ibl tub la Inaaaawi
tou bat rumbllns; snumt or tciMrftet beae-
iQf.K u vara n I cat 11 t r nra. junrtf n
tbe result, and nnirta lb lnfl.mmtlon can bt
la poaltlv proof ' tkt nlltbllllr 4 til ra
tion ttt la . Kptclall.ta tlwtyt In atttndanc,
tnaiU pieapi 4 ctnti iinaiita. Ladr Hnd
at alwtri titwat,
Ktllabla I'alnltta Dtntltta. Oar ffaalttlta hi
itlUbllitr aa4 Ikviaaibnni It win tiimu.a.. utann
Btaa, Oood Wotk and Qultk Barvli.
Palnlta Katractlon, 10 tantt. Katractlon ft
vkia tliitt al art trJiul. rlaita SI . f.
Ut Mai Workj-rtikaaa al lattk kit Vwaait
t audit It li Inpaullila I tiailr Ml a a aildtt,
1 aia tat o!4 mill ata emi4 wll.oumuili pa lit
allabttai r.U, inJ shit ll -Ilia. If tat rl ' '
h(Ur ll UI l- tlf en. f nfvlai III walk af aaitltatlai
y.l (vo4 iillifxioillr. Wllh a) to Jim' tlfilUoct In
tall wait will ...limit iiiiiicuta 10 tmf
Crown and Ufld.a Work.-ll't a tktat la laall
biUft (la kt iteall
Itar pt'it
iat itca i
! itpamace tn rala ytur atlitttloa float
tr nil- It trapttlf mailltttt )tal lata, ia a
ta kt tueplltS thai IU emit at aiiianfert kt-
tTii,lll tkt yaar tfi rrtrtitf ta4 tktrtVlr,
walls rawr itaas art laproTta Bsrsaa aftrnf uaa,
A kallaw laatk Iksl It atw auUss kt Sllit taj
crawasa! la iktt ll Is "I rvr fraksklf a lirstlatt,
Ta Htart tkt ktil leiullt taa aaasl ttrtn Ikt
Iiialattlta fiia sal latltt. Wksa .tslrti
(ta klre T, I, WUa or tar atntaal ttrrltt.
Our fare U so ortanUtd that wi can do
your entire Crown, Urldi a and Plat Work
In a day If ntctttary. Out of town ptcelt
can writ and arrant a far SBpotatmaata,
910 IT5
"wiRfr. "T
aassSsaaa rr. U
BaaaHL I I 1 i aia laaatW
a n globo upon which stnuds tho oiigle.
Ilcaldcnt Wnshlugtou Is divided Into
three ilUtlnet betb vld fnmllk hm
pto with nionoy nnd ixplo without
money. TIioko without money work
hunl to keep up iipiKuimnecs with
thoiw wlw Imvo money. TIkiso with
money work hard to myurc iwelal
recognition from tho old famlllos. Tha
old fiimlllc nro Indifferent wiunlly to
tliotio with money ami 'thoo without.
Tho hurdettt worked class of nil nro
thouo wIki, linvlus ntvvpted public
oilleo nnd removed their lares nml
pemite to tha iiatlontil cnplt.ul, rind
that the Hillary will not pay for tho
game. You know their women folk by
tho fuct that they wear ready mmlo
Kowiix. Your real Wnshlngtotilnn con
Hldeni tlm wearing of fnetory mado
gnnne.UB equivalent to sluklug to tha
lowest sartorial depths.
! i
Tho report of tho Civil Service Com
mUslon says Hint pnrtlwiu netlvlty In
tho clutwlflcd Horvlw has practically
censed, nud (piotes Hrynn na unylng In
his campaigns ho hud moro trouhlo
from tho liitluenvo oxertinl by railroads
over their employes than with thotw lit
tho service under a Itcpuhllcuu ndmlu
'stratton. Bomo Imvo a notion that bccmiBo tht,
Potomac river happen to dlvhlo tlio
crtpltul from Ylrglnla tbo cits In warm
during tho winter iiioiiths. Thin Is n
delusion. Often In tho tlmt week of
November tho wind sweeps across tho
town with tho Iclucss of a Moutreal
Na Mercury, Pelaona or DmraUttd-tlt Car
Without Optratlon.sw'VlitboullhaAlcloraknirt
no aniaraaita lu i-ra virrn. Aasaau, iiksi
rkrwit. NrrrauoaM. Karnxia fM.lllln
eioauwk, Llr. KJo-t ThmiIiIm tbo lxw MaAbwO.
hsuls IVmIbm 4 All 1'ilial UIksm.
Jutt Rcctlred from I'tllnt. Cbbva-Safa, Sue
ana ncuaei.
ir ton akb in lcreiv iont una v.
1)Uj.Vu auk iMSauuil'B.
UftxieanDOt mIL rie tot araMa blaak aai circa
lar, lnrl,a IrvnlalaalaiBi.
Uai4'lrskBl.,0ur Motritoa. Inka4. Oiasv
l'laaao Maalloa Tbla rlr.
bly screamed the American mlllloa-
ilre, "I mean what continent?" 1
taken ontanl tbla tub rrtiomt toltsnortnal
condition, hrarlntr will btooitroredforrvn;
ntnaeatc on I of ten are ra. ted by Catarrb,
which la nothing but an Inflamed condition ol
the murona aurfacc.
Ma will ilraUne Unndrtxl Dollars foranr
ruo( licalnesa (ranted brratarrli) tbat can
not be enrtvl br Iiall'a Catarrh Cnr. Band lot
circularr, frca.
Fold br Drursltta TV.
Ta.e IlaU'a ramlly nils f or conttlpatlon.
It Is predicted by a very modern archi
tect tbat tbe house of one large rooss,
a small kitchen attached and an enormous
Inclosed porch, with facilities for oataeef
sleeping baa come to stay.
Furnish Your Home
Without Cost
With rBKllirmB (l-ra rilKR tVr CARTON TOTS
and bOAP W hAlTElm rraaa
IhUiiOmIi lWVat D.aka. Iurae. Head Baa-,
CatalalBt. Mall IW. Iruuks. Cnlltr a4 Olid
CrnM, lUior Hirvp. IraitllD Haa. lotul aad Haw.
lai IW, (Xmis. IJiBbraTlat b4 lUl.Ur Uo4a,
. ftmtirt I'liMka Watrhee. I'balua. Klpt J oba.
talna. tha.
SialTH. rotia and 8ioua, at.. Clr aaj ntaratl
Wra, 1'aS Boiaa, LVMab aad llraak Sau, blaalcuet
OUaswara, Kaartaa, Yaaaa, SroonhoUara. Osltry
aai tUlad tlo.l.'.lwu Bob mabr, liaalk alala. Out
'aitnmiZ!u. Walolt. Alriaa,risklluiTaeklaI
IVula Oloiaa. Ttul VaMI- llabaU aad Viwlball
fliwla, OaaianU, rboaoTaiaa, Kaajca, Ualtara,
lbHtae. 4
ranltart, Hart. Curtails, Cutlarr. Lajaaa.
Sat Carrlaaaa, Made.
Sand for 40 paf rRtC ralalaua Httlati
var 1000 artlclta ! fKCC for pramlum.
PfttlRc CwM Berax Co., OaklaR., Cal.
You can f at a epltmtld petmlum for 1 00
Coupon v4u or Itas, rBrtntd by Carton
Top antkSoap Wrapper. J.
Hi. 10-08
HWT vrttlnr loadTortltartplaa
utauilun skis paper.
vs. Quality
In the matter of food you can't afford to
sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy
is right and good but inferior food products
arc dear at any price.
la economical not Cheap. Try
it. The best at any price or
your money back.
Pore and
iV,J.V,( '.VfafltfJU-dSag lv f 1
o ..AvstK? bV a
wwu' 4BW- tzjj '
aw tttttttfttti sjaelS
r rm..w, run v&n
mcn. savB. women. Miaaca and children
afaWJaVn aaUataaf ataafsjlbafaaM tLMMAAT SftatTaaf BaTaaUal ilsat afaVaal W
tsAaijMb th bmttmr, nrtutr axttSMtrV tttaef
kar arti of M-attVar vttraNt flttut attur oOiar ic j. "
" avhtM.ibrHraei'rev.afaiy. b
oJr-OA.tI,riO. W, U DavaTas aaiaa and trit It aurapad on boltom. '
fat aaAOtuiJgSat ZtSSuitSa.
Terjwaara. oaooa
-& fwru&iizrk.