The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1908, Image 6

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After thts 1 MM to Plexmoret
"Why on earth ilon't you marry Ml
"Do you think that she would have
roe?" be asked, with a composure thAt
showed that the Idea wan not unconlj-
ered. "She In worthy of a better man
than I am, and I hare no wish to mar
ry" "That Isn't much of a reason. You
hare lq think of what ta brat for your
laughter 4ud MUa lUIr)mple. Your Ut
ile one ought to bare a mother eome one
from whom ahe will be inseparable when
you are gone; and there'e not a aoul In
the world better fitted to take the place
v of a mother than that girl."
"She must marry Awdrey; that Is the
husband for that sweet girl."
"Dr. Awdrey!" I exclaimed in aston
ishment, for I had never thought of him
ax a marrying man.
"Ye. He lor her I know he do.
Who could see her and know her. and
not lov her? And he I an excellent
fellow. I wish he were a little llshtcr
and better looking; but I couldn't wish
Mm to hare a better hnirt. or a more
tumble disposition. lie's a fine man,
'"lie won't marry ber, for all that. It'a
as much as erer be can 'do to keep his
head abore water now, and fool aa he Is
.n worldly matter he wouldn't tie a
millstone round his neck."
"Miss Dalrymple Is not a millstone,"
Mid poor old Flexmore, warmly.
"I know that. She's a good woman and
would work herself III to helD her hus
band, or worry herself III If she couldn't,
Tba Is what Awdrey would not hare his
wife do, and the only way to prerent It
la to keep alngle. And single hell keep,"
"No, Keene, no; be must marry Ger
trude. I bare thought It all out. My
little Laure must hare a father aa well
f a mother when I'm gone and I don't
think that la Ion; hence, Tony, I shan't
ace aUty-four."
I tried to combat this notion, though I
myself waa far from thinking It Improba
ble, and then to turn the conversation,
I said:
"Well, to go back to what you hare
been thinking out what's your Ideal"
"1 wish to put Awdrey In a position to
marry Miss Dalrymple. I know be Is
oor, but f am rich. I would leare him
every penny I bare on the condition that
he adopts Laure as his daughter."
"1 see your notion.' There will then be
a second Inducement 'for him to make
, Miss Dalrymple, bis wife fn the fact that
the child I inseparable from her. I think
the Idea Is an extremely 'good one, so
good that 1 wish I had thought of It my
keif." "Vtry well, then; draw up a will In
accordance with It. Settle everything
upou Awdrey, subject to deduction for a
few smaller legacies that I will write in.
Let me bare the draft of It In a week at
the outside, Tony," be said eagerly.
I promised to do this, and went home,
turning the matter over In my mind. I
considered It from time to time during
the week, and finding no material objec
tion to the scheme, I put Flexmore'
notion Into legal form, with certain mod
ifications, and then took a rough draft
for bis Inspection.
"la your master at homer I asked the
girl who opened the door.
"Yes, air; he's In the library with Mrs.
Yeamc and Mr. Yeumes."
"Mr. Yeames? what Mr. Yearned I
staked the little maid, sharply.
"Mr. Lynn Yeames Is tils name, I think,
sir; a young gentleman,"
"Mrs. Yrame' son. I know him,"
salil I i and then 1 stood, rubbing my feet
oa the mat and wondering what on earth
brought him upon the scene for. No
good, I felt surr.
Mr. Lynn Yeames was the son of Mrs.
Yeames by brr second marriage. This
waa not much In bis favor, but the rest
waa much les to his advantage. I bad
been twice employed by Flexmore on bis
account; once to settle some college debts
which Mrs. Yeames declared she could not
meet, and a second time to stay an action
for breach of promise, threatened by n
townsman's daughter with whom be bad
got entangled. Fellows brought up by
foolish womtn on bad principles aro al
ways either getting out of scrapes or get
ting Into them, and I asked myself wblcb
purpose bad procured bis uncle the doubt
ful pleasure of this visit.
I shook myself together, and went Into
the library with my wits on the alert.
Lynn Yeames was at tbls time about
four-and-twenty and his looks would bare
deceived anyone but a lawyer. A sturdy
young fellow of average height, but very
thick-set. His skin was very fair, bis
eyes v(ry blue, bis lips very red ; his hair
was combed down on one side of ils fore
brad, and be bad a small carroty mus
tache. Most people, I believe, would
have been favorably Impressed with him,
ut I did not like him.
He bad come down, it seemed, to spend
a few days, and be had. only been here a
Aty and was awfully bored already not
a doxnt billiard board In the place, and
not a light to be seen after ten-thirty.
lie wanted to know If there was any
fishing or-shooting, or any mortal thing a
uian might do to earn a night's rejxwe.
"There the plauo, Lynn, dear," sug
gested Mrs. Yeames, anxious to show oil
ler son's eeemplbnent.
"liar you beard anything lately from
Hit KiteV" I ked. Tola was the nana
of the Injured young lady at Oxford.
"If you plrae, do not mention the
name of that horrid, destgntug, worthless
person," said Mrs. Ycajiie.
"She's worth four hundred pound
more than she was, madam," said I ; "for
that' what I had to pay to make her
withdraw her action."
Mrs. Yeames flicked the dust off her
silk gown and looked decidedly uncom
fortable. "No new scrape, I hope, Mr. Lynn?" I
"Not exactly. What In the world should
make you suppose there was?" he asked
sheepishly, for It take very little to up
set the equanimity of thesa boisterous
young gentlemen.
"Why, seeing you herel"
"l want to find some shoothrgl That's
all I came for."
"1 can let you hare It, If you are pre
pared to pay. 1 hare a client who 'will
let you the shooting over two thousand
acres. Come to my olHco and I will ar
range it nt once."
I wanted to get htm away from there,'
for already I scented the purpose with
which he had been brought: and I was
anxious to let him the shooting which was
twenty miles off.
"Oh! you cannot go yet. dear, Inter
posed Mrs. Yeamea; "you have not seen
Laure. How Is that little darling,
George, dear?"
"Very well, thank you. She baa gone
for a walk with Miss Dalrymple."
"Misa Dalrymple? Who Is she? a gov
ernesa?" asked Lynn.
"Something more than that quite a
friend of the family a tnoit estimable
young lady. She waa a professional nurse,
but what do you think? It turns out
she Is the niece of the Earl of Dunorer!"
Tli.s change In Mrs. Yeames' regard
towards Gertrude was not surprising, con
sidering what a sycophant the widow
was; but nothing could make me believe
that In the past twenty-four hours she
had said not a word about her to Lynn.
"I should like to see the young lady
If she Is young," said Lynn.
"Ob, she Is, I assure you, ab-fceslvc-.
ly charming and pretty.". ,aUJPMrs,'
Yeames ; "quite superiah 1 I wffrfilly
must see her." HuBBSt,
"We'll go to the ofllce and ..itlaout
that" said I, rising: V "W '
We left Mrs. Yeames at her cottace.
and went on to my place of business.
Nothing was sold about my old friend
Flexmore until we had settled about the
shooting, when Lynn said, aa he took up
his stick and deerstalker:
"Poor old nuncky looks precious shaky,
should you? He's sixty-two, you know."
"His life's worth ten years' purchase,"
said I emphatically.
"Is It, though?" Then after a. pause
"I suppose he's pretty warm?"
"I would give fifty thousand for bis
estate at tbls moment."
"Who's this Miss Thingumbob the ma
ter was talking about?"
"Miss Dalrymple. She Is a particular
ly sensible young lady," I replied.
"Wouldn't mind ma trying the old roan
If she bad the chance, eh?"
"I hope not, sincerely."
"Oh, you approve of his marrying Miss
Dalrymple, do you?"
"Undoubtedly for bis own sake anil
the sake of bis child. It's the vtry thing
I have been persuading him to do."
He was not sharp enough to see that
my objecc.jras to pu, him on a wrong
scent, and'avrtgt bis suspicion from our
actual wish ami purpose.
"Well, If It U really to nunckr's Inter
est to raariythe girl, I bppe he may get
ber," said be, giving me bis hand'; and
we looked straight into each other's face
before saying good-bye. I read In bis
eyes, "Hut be slia'n't marry ber if I can
belp It." What be read In mine I can
not say.
Dullness took me to London, and kept
me there bard at It for a fortnight. I
bad scarcely time to think of old Flex
more, but 1 went straight to him the mo
ment I returned. I found a perceptible
difference In bU appearance; he looked a
coup'e of year older.
"I am glad to see you, Tony," be said,
holding my. band In his and giving It a
trembling shake from time to time. "1
am getting anxious about the will. I
can't last long, I know; and I am very
unsettled In my mind about many things."
"You shall sign the draft and that will
bold good In case of accident while the
copy Is being drawn up In form. We'll
settle that after dinner for I mean to
dine with you, George. There's game
cooking; I can smell it."
"Yea; we have bad a good deal of game
lately. Lynn brings something nearly ev
ery day."
"What, he came to stay a week, and Is
not gone yet?" 1 cried.
Plexinore shook his bead. "I ilon't
think be means to go away, either," he
"WJiat does he come hero for? Do you
know, George?" I asked.
"To see Miss Dalrymple, I bellere. He
Is (viylng her marked attention."
"I knew It t" I cried. "I saw what lie
was after.'
"Do you think be means to marry ber?
Is that what you saw?"
"Not but I saw he bad made up bU
mind to prevent you marrying ber J"
of marriage being mode to Mini Dalrym
ple by his uncle. I had not thought ol
Mm making love to tier hlnnolfi rnlhrr I
anticipated h.s taking some underhand
measures. In conjunction with Ids mother,
frt litlliil'lf, liMatliia suvnlstttl IiaSi ''jit
ft . j .us t. v sr iv IV sistttut-. Mtl iuu i .1
have not encouraged your nephew's vis- I J
Its. have yimi. (3e,iri-iM I nAeil. i-
"No; at the same time I could tint re
fuse to receive Mm. There Is nothing In'
hl liiilntl'lne I n.ull.1 tntr. nvnMtitlnii -rt I
Indeed, he has tried his utmost to make
Mmelf agreeable."
"I don't doubt that for a moment, ban
Ul... t It.. .. . L- 1.1. If ..I-..--... II
nun i lie vnii mnso iiuunrii pirnemu ll Alfellfit fur Unit
"' ' .7. .?.n '.: JlK . At ho Kaiutf. Kxper.ment Btntlnn
er out of sight. What effect ha. be mad "Vk , "" " """!'"
on MIm Dalrymple with hU agreeable '"" " K,,mr wr Tl Bnlns
way?" jwero T'l per cent more un till ration
"I am afraid she likes him. It Is only man npon ration or Kniur corn mem
natural she should be brighter and gayet ilnne. Fur every biuhel of Knlllr com
In his society. I nm very dull, and there mcnl niul 7.8a pounds of nlfnlfn liny,
are no visitors here none of her own age tho gain wn 10.SS imuiuIa, whllo ukhi
and then Lynn Is clerer and lively, h ic,iiiiP mm nwni nimw. tim uln n
Plays nicely, and sings well. too. lie li 7,,s ,,,, H,r , h , , ,
ivij 11,1.11. 1, r, muu iiv iviii
"We mut stop It at that
ZyJitK rttc3NfCZ?
Ail rsrv i) - TiNTlNsW O.
. iw. nc ii 7.S mmfa ,M,r iel. It la aliown
1.1 not m un- nl 0 wy K)m, MUi mlH whr
There's n 'cut entir miJ ,,mt t,u vMvt "trlmcMt
atnml Nxwt. U'ho fnrmnr alinulil nt A TFMDFDAIUPP UfiDtf Fl
twist ntiHo kimiiihii for Ms fiuniiv. ' ii-i'ir L.tuiroL nunnu
which i'ii n inlly M ilouu on n Very Say Poru-nn U n Valuable Nrrve tin
siiiult strip of In tul that litis bvn only!
modem li'ly iiiuiuiroil. Tills small ili-(
iiiiiiiiI for iimmiro Is dim to (In fact
Hint ln'iin (iliint rmitn hnvo on tlii'in
iwiliili'i rontnliiliiu Imctcrln which
Kiitlicr ullroKon from thu air. Wliltu!
benna iuhmI fiKHl inilllviillon, so llml'
llio Mill nmiiiul llu riKits inn K woll
trt'iilitl, which fnvora thu iluvi'lopnu'iil
Of tllO ll()lllll(H.
Illood Hrmcdy,
time to le Imt," said I.
"Do you think he Intends to marry
"Not unless he's sure she has money,
It your money were settled on her, he
whs In tlio leave, which idimild bo
cnrvfiilly snvttl during (hi jiriKiiw of
hnncstlng. An curlier rxH-riiiicnt at
Hid aaino station was tried tu deti
tlltnit Hut vnlliti iie nlfnlfn tmatltl-, fur
would. We will set his mind at rest on ,0gs. Thu hogs wero nllowcd to run
that subject. You must sign your will, ,..Hm . nifnlfll .,...,..,, .., ,.,.,-
, .. .....-
.and glre me permission to make Its pro
rations known to Dr. Awdrey. I wager
that we will soon put Master Lynn's nos
out of Joint."
1 took care to bo on the road about
the time Awdrey was starting on his
rounds, and when he came up In bis gig I
asked him to gtre me n lift as far at
tangly. He had to shift half a doten
books from the seat beside him to makf
place for me.
"What on earth are you carting your
library about forr' I asked
They're only hooka of reference. Going
along straight roads and up hill I can
glre the old pony the reins and do a bit
of work."
"You're burning the candle at both
ends; It's bad enough to alt up halt the
night orer your books. Families) don't
care for bachelor doctor. You ought to
marry I"
"Marry!" exclaimed. Awdrey with
grim laugh, and then he looked ruefully
Into the distance,
"Yes. marry," I repealed. "There's
MIm Dalrymple; you ought to marry
"What, do you think she likea me?
he asked, with eager quickness.
"I ilon't know who doesn't like you."
"Oh, In a general way," said he In a
tone of disappointment. "Well, suppos
ing she bad liked me well enough to risk
the chance of poverty, do you think It
would have been fair to take advantage
of her courage, knowing what an unlucky
beggar I am?"
"Hut you're not an unlucky beggar,"
said I. "Head that," and I put the draft
of old Flexmore's will Into his hsnd,
open, that he might have no hesitation
In glancing at It.
He Just ran his eye down the draft.
which could be read at a glance, for I
and wen fed n light ration of grain.
After ilcdiicllng Hie probnlilu gain for
the corn It wua found that during the
summer ench nrre of nlfnlfn pasture
orodiicul "Til xiiinli of rk.
!coii tint fue Wurom Hot.
The end gate fur n wagon box hern
Illustrated, nimwem the imrponc Ihm
of anything known for tin ill I tig corn or
anything which Is to ho soooihhI from
tlio wncoti box. The left figure shows
It cloned: being fnstened by n hook on
ench aide. When ready to unload,
loosen hooks, awing gate itowfi and,
na It Is MiipiKirliil by n chain on earn
side, you can statu! on It and com.
(loud Cnre of the Ssilille.
A manufacturer of saddles la credited
with thu statement Hint one or tlio best
of pollshc for riding saddle, ami Iri
dic la new milk. This should not Ixi
nibbed In I lie leather, however, until
the hitter has been cleaned with alight
ly warm water and soup. Hani-work-lug
stock middles) ran Ui kept In good
condition by thoroughly rubbing with
three part of palm oil and one of
neataroot uftur first washing with mai
mid water. Fur thu leather lining of
saddle that conies next to the liorso
them I nothing so good us nontafoot
oil. Tho salt which exudes from the
nnlmnl'ii body Is very hard on thu
leather. Vigorous and protracted rub
bing of the leather In essential, whnt
erer dressing. In used.
i .'' ' ,. iXUXtttFIIfll
: ' iiiflii
ggggggg j&rt&gsgsttbL
lgggggSr VSa-11
I'sliiat Cum mi ere I Ml 'rrllllier.
The pure nitrate of mxln, mnrliile )
itaititftli. miiMr.liliiMiilinl n t,t-.tiiiii1
Uiile, can bo til In tho garden, but '1'"' N, Y; '' Prr,,',onl ' t!
unle.s n iwrmti ha luid exK-rlenco ml jouny Ieopla Clirlatlan Toiniierant
haudlea thewj very carefully, rcsiilti
an npt to Ih' dlsnpiMilnllug or illsns
tnnis. Plant of which tho Irnf ot
stalk aro the edible portions must hart
I I a xi . JUi-i
WAOort-iiox seoor oats.
plenty of nitrogen, which Is mviiIIiiuW
In the guano and niilinnl manure.
When the roots or fruits nro to t
eaten, phosphoric neld sliotild x added
In thu Hlinpo of wood nshes or siiMt
phosphate. Ground bono la too alow Iv
Uvotnliig available.
meucv ncuopltig. It Is fasteunl to bot
tom of tho box with strap hlngnt which
should be sunk Into box and goto so
that It leave nniown surfara to acoop
orer. Tho gato should be nbotit thirty
Inches high nnd wide enough so that
sldo boards of sam- will fit over out
sldo of box' ns shown In right hand
MmI fur Layer.
One of tho bent fowls for making
bniM Inv Is tnnn iiuiit. tin, sun.
JlJj!!!?!W'?:'to ot '". ""!' -""er fcl.
M.o"n'i.hme'n,t"CI"lmf,,' ,UrD"" ' "" 0na U""x "Knt or "" n,,a "
"Great powers! Why should Flex- "'? "Ill niuiwcr. and It will bo found
more leave me all this money?" MUierlor o niiythlng cli that ran t
"Tliat you may marry the girl you ""! ""l'n o""". wntiilnlng it liirgo
love, and that his child may have a good i prujKirtlon of leau meat, I even bettr,
woman as well as a good man to protect ' provided tho fat portions nro removed
and befriend her."
He dropied his hand, and I folded il
the draft and slipped Jt bark In my
ocket. When I glanced at him again he
'roin tho hone.
It will be found cheaper than grain,
becauso It will mnku eggs. Ono reason
a las 1 lik liana 1 1 iis I .t l.j si.,...
was staring Into the distance, and there'"' "" "' "", '"''",' """ luvr
... ni.t..M ... i i..i. i.i. nnvo plenty of grain I that they n-
Mien Ilerala Fnrrell, 1011 Third Ave., j
AssodlMlou. Sho writmi
"l'eruna la certainly n valuable norm
nil blood remedy, calculated to build
up the broken down hrallh o( worn onl
women. I have found by potions! ex
perience that It acta a a wniulrrlul fe
Hotel of lost itmngth, misting tho
totnscli to Mslmllato and digest the
lool, and building up worn out tlues.
In my work I, bar, bad occasion to rrw
cotntnend It freely, especially to wo-men.
"I know of nothing whloh U Utter
to build up tho ilietigtli of young
mottier. in fact all the ailment rxtiu-
llsr to women, to I am pleased to lvo
It my hearty endoisament."
I)i. Hartnati baa prrocrlhrd Poruna
for many tbouund women, and ha
nsrsr fall to rocelvo a tnultltuJo ol
IrtUri llko Uio abovo, thanking him
for the wonderful bene (Its received.
Man-a-lln the Ideal Lnxntlvc
waa rnnTtttftfa nt f rta tiursf laatf of lit si
f)r iqulro n change, and meat Kupjilles tint
"Too late, loo late!" he faltered. II ,,'ful- tlw hena are fat, glvo one
I had only known this a week ago!" ouuw ot '" "'l'u czi nny, allowing
no otuer ioou ior n week or two, nod
"Well, what difference would that have
made? Trie draft was made out a fort
night ago."
He shook his head. "Don't you know
that Lynn Yeames Is In love with her?"
lie askeu. lie came to me and In a
watch the
result. Column's ltural
t'lranliiif Drinking Vessels,
L'uelenii drinking vemels nru doubt-
w.-. ..u IHIMU tlM HIV Bill, ,M M . . ,.
frank and loral manner told me that lis I '"" "' Inillleilllllo mean of spreading
had heard that I was an old friend of."1110 ,,f "ur conlnglou dlsunsen, audi
Miss Dalrymple; he asked m If I were roup. Itotip I u dlseinui In whlei
more than her friend If 1 Intended ta sllmo iicciimulnteit In tho mouth of tho
make her my wife. I knew what that J foul and strings out of their mouths
meant, and answered that I had no fa I when they ojk-ii them to drink. Noth
tentlon to marry ber. and that she was , ,, M1, , for ,,,, fow, ,
free so far as I was concerned. 'In that; i,,ov .n... ,i.ii, .....
caM.,'saIdhe.'I.luillmakel,ermywlfe.' )e. "11,u,0 ,u ,M' Muk Wi er,
And we shook hands on this understand- w,,lf" ' ,,cu I'artnkcn of bo thu other
ing. With my hand In his, be osked f , fowl. Till lend to thq fowl nil l.
bo might consider me his friend, and I coming quickly affected. A roup come
lUrlr lirers.
Frequently a pullet starts laying be
fore tho others mid continue to lay
well all the year: nch una should be
carefully watched and her egg snvrd.
providing iilltclent slc was nttaliuil
before she begun laying. Other tail
let will lay a few egg In Hie autumc
and then cease mil II spring; the,
should, of course, bo discarded. Thus
Unit begin laying prematurely nru nol
desirable, a they should attain the
sUo characteristic of their breed bo
foro commencing, and then lay iiin
tlmiously during the rest of tho fall oiij
Keep Corn tlrr,
Irerluicnt have shown that cor.,
which I thoroughly dry will not be In
Jurd by nny degre of cold. Thl.
whllo Interesting, I not a comforting
na It would npjienr to be, for the rru
sou that soma confusion may result In
deciding when corn la thoroughly dry,
nnd further, corn nuco dry doc not
HiHSsiirll liifnli flllvmrtf ileie tf 1..ei
.i.i.-i t.. ,. ,i.t, n.,.....,i..l Only On "BROMO QUININE.
. , . in . . , ' . iTtiallsLAXATIVr IlltOJtO qt'lSIMR. Look
It will very likely take up etioiiah' li-r i!..innui.ot r.. w. (iniiVK. U.l ihs
liiolatnrn to render It liable to ilium "onuow louureawminun vr- w.
from severe frct-xtng.
(tverdld II.
Hespltsl Physician (to reassure him)
That snaks you s I not a real ons.
you know.
D.llrlum Tremens Patient -You s K
too, do you, doc? Ah, ha !
Urn AfriMlir.
Ha I bare mnd a discovery.
She And what I It?
"You have spent .'-00 for drvsce
(hi year and SSOO for liulsl"
"Well, what ilora that all iirorar
"That you are not my afUnltyl"
fonker Ktatesman.
An Arr nf l.nnd.
To ineiiNiiro an acre tlo n ring n.
Her Lnvlutf friends.
Nan Where do poor, dear Lll and Ih
Ausband she hss matisgrd to get at last
.1..I. .....1 ,,f it rmio. il.n ll.lnn.w l-.ln, . TC '" "" u"'7wiiw
. ..... . . . ... . .i ., -" ran Ther wont m any honeymoon.
Just I5U fi-et lietwwn them; Hit n piece sh' a wasp.
of colored cloth exactly In the mlddlrl '
of this. One aero of ground will ne Mo ars win nod Mrs. windows rvvithio.
four time the length nnd two and V&!2iffEf,'Sml'"lMthUn
one-half tliiu-M the width, or tho inpiiill
of 10 rod one way and 10 rod I lie
other, iiyklug the full acre 100 nqunre
rod. Keep the roo dry, mi It will not
C'ltllit unlshmenl.
Never punish a child for a first of
fense. When about to punish nlwaya
atreteh. A rod I 1(1 Vj lineal fit'l. An bo very sure that you lira punishing ;
acre I 4IU eijuare yard or -t.lie?
s.iiiire feet.
him for a fault and not simply bo-1
cause tho wrongdoing ha caused you
annoyance, Ilcuicmbcr Hint It I not
wlso to Inflict corporal punishment un
answered heartily, 'Ye!'"
"Confound Lynn Yeames I" I cried, un
able to control my exasioratlon.
"You must admit that he Kttd openly
and loyally," said Awdrey, "You art
deceived In blra."
"Yes," I replied, "for I did not think
he was such a clever rascal a he Is. Aw
drey," I added, after a minute' thought,
"you must forget last week,"
"Forget that I renounced all hope ol
making Gertrude my wife I Forget an
on In the fall very often when we gut
tho change In teir.Kiraturo nt night,
It Is- necessary Hint the drinking ves
ni'ls Imj kept clean and every fowl Hint
Miowa vlgn of ii cold should bo taken
nt oncu from tho liouso no that It will
not bo ioaalblo for her to uprcod the
What I had not foreseen was the means
be which Lynn Yeames precluded an offer
lleturned fa Use at Oita,
A Missouri farmer ha returned to
understanding made with a man to whom l" u of oxt'" fnn"' n ny
I gave my hand ns a friend I You don't ' ' inu ciienper nnu better ttinu
know me, Mr. Keene." I horses and mule. In nddltlon o hav-
"Oh, yes I do," said I sarngily. "Put Ing oxen for general farm work, lio
me down here. I might a well try to hitx trained n hull to run a treadmill
soften the Lord Chief Justice with a sigh j ,int ,,,, wnjt.r, chum butter and
a convert you from your principle, with ,1(w cf tllnt kll(, of work T,lla
rrxrr r a ,w,-Bl,, tv1
I added, a. I got to tho ground, and 1 1 - ?" t0 l'1"' ' '" "'
,rled to hurt him with my grip. "There I ." hU Icihikt awect nnd prevent
Avoid This Kind of Pall,
Tho tnw of th .trainer In n pnl.',eM cr 0,pr ,, f rf
where the dirt which foil Into the ;,, .,.,i .,.
......!.... I. Ill...l ... I.. .l.l..M .1 ..luifl". M .....M. Vl..l,
viN'lllliK in iiKi-ir ill un iiiiTi'll llirilllgll
by the succeeding strenm of milk I
not desirable. It use tend to In
crenso thu germ content of tho in I Ik
nnd Injure It keeping quality.
I'vo done with you ; go on," said I, Hut
a wo parted, I added, speaking to my
self, "Hut Pro not done with Lynn
Yeame yet, drat hi in !"
(To bo continued,)
him from doing damage with bin horn.
Other farmer nre watching tho experi
ment, nnd ''liore!ens forum" may oon
bo all (ho rage.
I'ar to Ilnl.e While Henna.
Common whlto benn nro n good
A Nnperlor Hurt,
"No wonder thin chicken I tough," , crop for tho farmer to grow, If they
growled tho city boarder; "here I nro grown under tho beat method,
pleco of rubber In It," Good-alzed need should bo planted
"Wall, thnt'H nil right, neighbor," ruther than wnall seed, nnd tho plant
drawled tho old fnrmor, "I advertised Ing should bo after tho danger of frost
automobile-kilted chickens, didn't IV j U past, m the leaves of beans will net
.Notes of fits I'nriu,
There I no oxciiw) for thu filthy bog
Tho moro succulent tho feed tho bet
ter It I for sheep.
He a good farmer If you nro going
to be n farmer nt all.
Clean and sort your seed nnd thu
Insure larger nnd better crops.
Water, pure nnd plenty of It, should
bo provided for the dnlry cow.
Young stock nbould bo thrifty to re
turn a profit. Keep them growing.
Tench tho boys to bo guntlo with tho
cows. It I better for tho cows, and tho
boya, too.
Llfo Is too short nnd feed too high
to bo miuniidcrlng either milking dnlry
beef Instead of gllt-cdgo butter,
Thu lluer the soil Is pulverized the
better It will retnln moisture, which
Is ono of tho uocciunry elcmnntH In
tho garden.
Cow compelled to drink from n
water trough coated with Ico will show
tho effect in tho feed bill and tho
milk pull.
Tho average farmer will find min
ing draft bar moro profitable Hum
raising roauvcro. It Hikes a born borco
lover to succt-vAfully ralaoJJie latter,
Atfpeailuir n Thirst far Knowledges
Caller I with you would tell me whal
the real difference Is between a Htrtillva
rlus and any oher violin.
Information Kdllor Well, sometime
It I a much as 13,000.
and Quality
Appettl to the Well-informed In every
walk ot llfo and nro essential to per
manent auccoss and crodltablo stand
ing. Accordingly, It Is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Kllxlr ot
Henna Is tho only romody of ltnown
valuo, but ono of many reasons why
It Is tho best of personal nnd family
laxatives Is tho foot that It cloanMB,
swootons nnd rollovca tho intornat
organ on which It acts without any
dobllltatlnK after effects and without;
having to Incroaso tho quantity fron
tlmo to tlmo.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly ns a laxative, and Its component
pans nro Known to ana npproYoa uji
physician as It Is freo from all
oujocucmHflie substances, to got its
boneflclul offocts always purchaso tlid
Konulne manufactured by the Call
fornla Fig Syrup Co., onbjsjiand to
saja oy an jainji urugnff ,
I H?