The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1908, Image 2

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lekis ScriNs Charge n! Snbr
latiia it Perjury.
Declares Hit Testimony Wat Obtained
Through Misrepresentation
Wants to Changs Plea.
Ban Francisco, March 7. This morn,
ng at 10 o'clock Abraham Huet will,
thiough lila attorneys, Henry Ach,
Frank J. Murphy and M. 0. Chapman,
present to Judge Dunne a motion to al
low him to withdraw hla pica ot guilty
entered on May IS, and substitute a
pica of not guilty in the case brought
on Indictment No, 305, one ot the
French restaurant extortion caste. To
unmrt hla motion Ituef Trill file affl
davits ol a Mutational nature, the sub
stance ol which was given out teaight.
In filing the motion Kurt state that
the plea ot guilty was Improperly fend
Inadvisedly tendered and, that Use! W-
tendant is not guilty ol the olfeMO
charged, and that be waa iftdacsd to
enter the plea ol guilty by virtue si an
tagreement and qndrstBdfn. with the
district attorney, William II. Languon,
the assistant district' attorney, Francis
J. Heney, the rpecia) agent o the dis
trict attorney, William J. Bums, and
the financial lacker of the district at
torney in this proeeontlon, Rudolph
Spra&cte, and bocao ot the agree
ment and nndorstapding ot the judgo this department ot the So
J'perlor: court, Judge Frank II. Dunne,
O' that the pie of gallty should subee
"fqueotly.b withdrawn and the plea of
r ot guilty substituted, ana the cause
diisiiesed against the defendant.
.,1 ho motion also will state that the
dislricl attorney has heretofore content
ed to the withdrawal ot the plea of
guilty and that this pica was obtained
from tho defendant by fraud, coercion,
duress and false pretense. Tho mo
tion will be presented to the court on
March 1.
Death March In Celllnwood School
Led to Locked Door.
Cleveland, 0., March 0. Twenty
four hours after the disaster which
caused tho death ot approximately one
third ot the school children ot Collin
wood, the death roll numbers 104. Ot
these 1.37 had been Idcutlflrd at the
Lake Shore morgue, while 27 bodice
remain thcro in a condition ot mutlla
tlon probably forever beyond tcoogni
tlon. The work ot digging in tho ruins ot
tho Lako Vlow rolioot house in further
search for remnants ot children still
missing began with the break ot day.
Dawn found mothers and fathers wait
ing about the ruined building, after
having epeut tho night in an effoit to
find their children's remain si In the ex
temporised morgue. Little was brousht
forth during the day that would satisiy
their longings, and it was bcltoved last
night that all the bod lea Uiat can 13
removed from tho ruins havo been tak
en out.
The coroner's inqueat was begun yes
terday, when a number ot witnesses
were examined without, however, de
veloping any testimony that was be
yond mere opinion. An Investigation
conducted by tiro Colllnwood school
board, which lasted far Into the night,
brought forth these facts:
That one of tho inner doors at the
West entrance ot the school was closed
and fastened, whilo children were pil
ing np against it in the passage; that
the partitions In the vestibule narrow
ed the exit by at least three feet; that
the flame came first from a closet be
low the stairway at tho East entrance;
the closet contained lime and sawdust;
three little girls had been found hiding
in play in the eloeet earlier in the
morning; there was but one fire escapo
and its use was never taught as a part
ot tho fire drill.
James Wlthycombe 8o Detcrldes Ag
ricultural College.
Oirgon Agricultural College, Corvnl-
lis At a meeting ot tlio hah (J rani so-
Claim Land la Worth but 70 Cants
Instead o S3 Per Vero.
Klamath Falls The California A
Oregon Ijiml company and tho Oregon
clety In tho opera house, Dr. James Military Liind (Unlit company, owners
Wlthyrotnbo, director ot Mm expert- ot thousands ot aires In Klamath
ment station, defined tho Oregon Agrl- county, have brought suit through their
cultural college as a semi ludiiitilal attorneys, Noland A Smith, against
college, lie raid that at one tlmo Klamath county iclatlvo to lOOrt taxes
higher cdiicatlon meant training of the) on tholr lands. Assessor J. l'.,It val
Intellect exclusively and that this was tied them In WOO at $3 and fit per acre,
an extreme vlow, w pcolafly notlecablo I The companies oporvd l-ofura the
in Europe. Later many countries in board of niullailatlon, objecting to tho
Kuropo adopted tbo othor extremo, assessment, but tho board sustained
twining young men solely tor tho In-1 tho assessor.
dustrice, and in this manner ciowdcd The complaint filed states that lamia
out the humanities (torn the Uvea of .ml Joining will hot sell for morothnn 00
the great industrial muses. Anion-.tenia per aoro, as all land in that re-
cans, who thought tho inmuttlal phaso giau aro atlu, uncultivated and far
ot school training had been overworked, from tianspottatlon. Tho soil Is ol a
until it brramo a fad, have taken in- pumlco itouo formation, and whatever
termediato grounds by the introduction timber grow there has tcen removed,
ot Industrial colleges, In lieu of the i Thn 1007 valuation was 76 cents per
Kuropean theory ot
Singing America" 2.0 OO New York
Children Reach Safety.
New York, March 7. A special call
was sent into fire headquarters from
the public school on One Hundred and
Ninth street, between Amsterdam ave
nue and Broadway.
' The children wero marched from the
aolicol without panic or disorder. They
were assembled in the yard and aent
home. Parents who rushed to the
building were pierented by the police
from closing in the exits and rent away.
The firo was on the top floor of the
building, which Is five stories high.
The 2,000 pupils in the building were
engaged in their morning singing exer
cise when the fire gong rang and they
continued to sing "America" as they
marched out of the building. There
wai no sign ot panic at any timo.
Company Says Employe
Stolen Drass Models.
New York, March 7. The R. W.
Hilts company, manufacturers ot pro
jectiles, secured the arrest last night of
William Ester, a mechanic of Drcox
lyn, who, it la charged, has stolen the
brass models of tLo principal parts of
torpedce now in process of secret man
ufacture for the government.
Detectives engaged on the rata assert
that other arrests will be made of me n
who will be charged with offering for
ale to other governments secrets ot
projectile manufacture. The Federal
authorities would be interested in tho
prosecution, it waa said, though Just
how waa not made clear.
William Ksser waa held in 11,000
bail when arr.fgued In court lolay.
No reprcsen'atlve of tho government
appealed againgst Eeser,
Petition Czir for Mercy.
St. Petersburg, March 7. M. Tschai
kovsky, who is awaiting trial for revo
lutionary utterances, was visited today
by phyiiolans, who aro to determine
the state of his health. Mme, Tschai
kovsky will present to Premier Stoly
pin an English petition in favor of her
btuhand, signed by 300 leading clorgy
men and members of the nobility. This
la tho petition that Count Benkendorff,
Russian ambassador in London, de
clined to forward to St. Petersburg. It
will be followed hy a general English
IWegal Fencers Fined.
HehMM, Mont., March 7. JJnlfed
State Judge Hunt today imposed rather
severe peaaltlea on four well known
Nettbera Montana stockmen and ranch
ere who pleaded guilty to illegal feno-
log. The lines and imprisonment fol
low; Joseph sad Frank Laird, ton
eJaysand 1360 each; Nelson Bingham,
Jfej, hours aad f 900; James, Bingham,
48 hours and $100.
Contend Low Lumber Rata Will
vent New Construction.
Washington, March 0. Argument ot
the Pacific Coast lumber case was re
sumed before the InUrstato Commerce
commission yesterday. J. D. Kerr,
representing the Hill roads, frankly
stated that tho Northern Pacifio and
Great Northern have reached their ca
pacity for handling traffic. He said as
the development of the Northwest con
tinued, trafllc would grow Therefore
existing roads must Increase their ca
pacity or new roads must te built, but
he declared no new roads would be
built to haul lumber unless thoy had a
guarantee of a rate that would be re
muneiative. If the old non-compensatory
lumber rate is continued In
effect, money cannot bo procured and
railroad building will stop, he said.
31r. Kerr denied that the lumber
men would bo Injured by an Increase
They would still make a big profit, he
declared. The Booth-Kelly company
in Oregon, which Is not operated nnder
favorable conditions, could, on tho
basis of an advanced rate, still earn 31
per cent annually on Its Investment.
Some companies could make larger
profits, others not so much. Relative
to the arguments that lumber cannot
move Into competitive territory under
an advanced rate, Mr. Kerr showed that
the SL PmuI & Tacoma Lumber com
pany, of Tacoma, paid 65 cents Into
this district for years and made good
profita. This Is higher than the pro
posed new rate.
Petition Submit Argument Against
Increase for University.
Ealom Kxtravagence and misrepre
sentations are charges against the State
university in argument against the rais
ing ot tho annual appropriation from
$ 47,500 to 1 1:3,000, filed with U10 sec
retary ot state.
The following statement suggests mo
tives stronger than "extravagance:"
Tho enrollment has Increased but 23
percent, while Increased appropriations
ot 300 per cent la requested; that tables
submitted by alumni are "pretended"
and false; that where tho students at
Industrial training' acre, which the companies regard as
fair. They havo refused to pay the
1000 taxes and tho land Is listed as de
linquent and will bo sold unless the
county Is restrained by tho court.
Big Copper Strike,
I Raker City A new, extrusive and
yttj Important copper strike has Just
been made In the (loose creek distilct,
about three miles southeast of the
Kaglo mountain property and 1)( miles
from U10 Poorman mine. The devel
opment thus far dono has nipped 40
feet cf ore and the full width of Uie
ledge has not yet been determined. It
Is thought that the ledgo will widen
to 70 or 80 feet. The dlscovotera and
owners of tho claim are C. O. Cox and
Frank Keating, of this city, and M. T
the university cost the state 1180 per, "", ol Minneapolis. Sample of
.1.- . --L--I- &.... Ilmni. A.hlli ImI Itt ,1.1. !. .!..
year, 1110 cvnunon rcnuuio receive oin, "" """
8 per pupil. The argumont states 'Ket copper values, and mining circle.
Immediate Protnsct of Settling
Veneiuelan Question.
Washington, March 4. Vcneiuela
has again derllnnl to nrliltinle the
questions In controversy whloli liavr
lon ponding for some tlmo Mwrcn
tho Castro administration and the
American government. This tlmo tin
refusal Is mudn spevlllo with reelect to
enoh ot tho qiieitlons siiarately and
dlffors from tho lat refusal to arbitrate
In that tho lefusal then was made a
to all quentlous ell bloc.
It whs explained at the Htalu depart
ment today that the piotvntntloii t
Minister ltussoll of enoh of tho llvo
piltils In dlsputo, with a request (or
arbitration, lYavrs no (omulAtlmi fot a
(iituin rep'etentatlon by Venesuola to
tho effect thnt alio ans not asked to ar
bitrate any ot tho questions scputattdy.
This would seem 10 clear up the situa
tion by making It plain thnt diplomacy
ran accomplish nothing further toward
settling thoeo controversies.
That this deadlock will bo made to
apear to the United Ktates senate
when It receives tho contents of the
flies of tho Ktate department resimtlng
Vritrtnela, Information fur which It
asked last week, there can Ixi no doubt.
In asking nihitiatlon of the differ
onccs, tint American government has
left open the question of tho machinery
of arbitration to be employed. This
government would havo been glad lo
liava the controversy go to The Hague,
Vailing In this, It Is lllovod any othor
duly appointed tribunal would havo
been acceptable.
Nearly 200 Children Rested In
School House Fire,
Disaster at Hubuit) of Clsvaland Des
olates Many Homst Teachors
Die With Their Flocks.
"the university has shown bad faith In
pushing this bill; university professors
with laige aularles have extravagant
aro considerably excltad.
Has Shearing; Record.
Pendleton A. T. Hill, who broke
the world's sheep shraricg record at
Ucardsloy, Aritona, is coming to Uma
tilla and Morrcw counties to shear this
spring. He will Join a shearing crew property (,orn rale.
TU. IK II111 - . .1 ..
at Ilepnner about March It). Hill
shearrd 325 sheep In nine hours at
Ib-atualey, breaking the former recoid
ot 310 held by Jack Wyr.n. ot New
Mexico. The ciew ot 30 men in which
Market Day Not Success.
La Grande La Qranda's first mar
ket day was not quite tho su-rcse that
was anticipated, at least fiom tho
standpoint ot thoso who brought live
stock lo bo auctioned. Prices offeted
in most cases weie so low that tho
owners preferred to withdraw their
Hut the merchants
of the city made avery effort, and wore
eminently successful, to gle the visit
ing farmers much more than tho usual
value for their money. Bargain
abounded In all the mercantile cwtab-
uiu woriea on mo record urcawoguay, JUhmenta. Hundreds of countiy io-
0,072 head in nine hour. '-, thronised the streets.
Wholesale Lumber Dealers Approve
Policy of Government.
Washington, Msrch 6. The conclud
ing feature of tho 10th annual conven
tion of the National Wholesale Lunibei
Dealer' asuociatlon was a banquet at
Uie New Wlllard last night.
The principal topic of discussion yes
terday was forest preservation. Tho
report of the committee on forestry do
dared that the lumber dealers realize
the Inevitable shortage in the timber
supply which must be felt in the very
near futuro and aro dome more nrob-
ably than any other agency to promote
the cause of forestry. The rerwrt de
clares that with alt the agencies at
work they are hopeful that our forest
will still bo preeerved. Repeal of tho
homestead law as applied to timber
lands is advocated, but the general for
est rercrve policy of the government Is
Miners on Non-union Basis.
Seattle, Wash., March 0. A cable
dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer from
Fairbanks, Alaska, says: Nineteen
operators on Vault creek, formerly
operating eight hours and paying 5
resolved to go on a ton-hour 5 basis on
March 10, and have 10 notified their
employes. Many men are arriving
daily over the trail and aro bolng sent
out to work in tho mines. More men
aro working on the nonunion basis than
over, many union operator) having
Joined the MIneowner' association and
prospects are bright for a banner season,
Restore Surveyor General's Pay,
Washington, March 0, The senate
subconVnittee on appropriations today
agreed it rostore to the legislative bill
tho provision Increasing the salaries of
suryoyorikeneral to f 3,000.
Morrow and Umatilla county shep
shear easier than the sheen of tho
Southwest and it Is ei peeled that Hill
will beat his Ailzona record with Uie
Heppner crew.
Sale of Bis; Qraln Farm
Pendleton The sale of the Coolry
farm for $13,000 Is ono of the largwt
real estate deals made during the pist
few months In Umatilla county. This
Is a big ranch In the Cold Fprlng coun
try that has Iwcn farmed by A. II. Coo
ley. The sale was mado to Arthur
Psndtston Wants Demonstration.
IVndletoo The diversified farming
plan of the O. It. A N. offclala lias met
wtlh (tin innrAval tit IIia f!nrnmrMitl !
association, which has splinted a 8cott ' Athena. Theia aro 1,120
committee to confer with the oillclals "ores 'n the faim and 600 acres of
having the demonstration work K'owlng grain is Included In the sale.
charge. This commlltoe will endeavor im !' remwer tas nau years 01 : expert
to Induce the Harriraan agent to ex
tend their instrnctlon lecture train Into
this country. An effort will also bo
made to have tho railroad pooplo estab
lish a modern experimental farm In
this county where It can be demon
strated that tho summer fallow Is a
wsnton waite of land.
Star Route Bsata Train.
Tho Dalles According to K. L Bolt-
on, of Klngsley, the pooplo of that sec-
enco in
growing grain In Umatilla
Wheat Club, 82o; bluestom, 84o;
valley, 82c; red, 8O0.
Barley Feed, t0 per ion; rolled,
OaU No. 1 white, $27 per ton;
gray, 127.
Corn Whole, $32.00 per ton; crack-
linn l W. n..r,l. ... .1 !.... I-(I.. I . CO. I J.I.OU,
with their nrwent mall service Tho . '' v,,?r mnthr, No.
mall from Tho Dalles tor that region
goes as far as Dufur hy train. A iwtl
tlon is being circulated asking that tho
mall bo taken fiom the Gieat Hotithern
and carried by wagon from Tho Dalles
to Dufur and thtn on to Klngsley, Tygh
valley and Waplnlta This inothod
would deliver the mall at Klngtley al
most 24 hours earlier than according to
the present method.
Report of Insane Asylum
Salem Superintendent It. K. Lee,
fileiner, of the state Insane asylum, In
his monthly report submitted to tho
governor states that the new wing that
is being annexed to the Institution will
bo completed within 30 days. He also
reports that tho new ward for tho crim
inal insano will be occupied during the
coming weK. The expense for the
keeping of each putiont for the month
was $12.37, or 42 cents per day.
Board of Visitors for Normals
Batem Govornor Chamberlain has
appointed the following board of visit
ors for the state normal schools In ac
cordance with the law passodatthe last
session of tho legislature i It. It. Turn
er, Grants Pass; J. M. Powers, Salem,
and J. A. Churchill, Baker City. Their
duties ehall consist of observing and in
vestigating tho condition of schools.
Two Killed by Railroads
Balem The number of accldonts for
the month of January, according to the
report of the railroad commission.
shows one omployeandonetrampkllled
and one passenger and one employe In
jured during the month,
1. H7
18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
$2021; clover, $1431o; client, $16;
grain hay, $14015; alfalfa, $1213;
vetch, $14.
Fruits Apples, $13 per box, ao
cording to quality; cranberries, $H11
per barrel..
Vegetables Turnips, 7oo per sack;
carrots. 05o per sack; beets, $1 per
rack; beans, 20c por pound; cabbago,
lc per pound; cauliflower, $1.70;
colery, $4 2504 75 per crate: parsloy,
20o per dozen; peppers, 17$o per
pound; radishes, 20a er doien; spin
ach, 6c )Hr pound; aprouts, lOo jwr
pound; squash, 101 Jio per pound.
Onions $2.50 per hundred.
Potatoes 40fi)5Po per hundred, de
livered Portland; swoot potatoes, $3,60
03.76 rer hundred,
Butter Fancy rrcamery, 8O035o
nor pound.
Poultry A verago old hens, Ho per
pound; mixed chickens, 13ia)a;
spring chickens, 1610c; turkeys, live,
14 0 16c; dressed, choice, 10017c;
geeso, live, 0010c; ducks, 16010c;
plgeonB, 76c0$l; squabs, $1.5002.
Eggs Fresh tanch, 1818o por
Vosl 76 to 125 pound. 0o; 125 to
160 pounds, 7o; 160 to 200 pounds, 6
Pork Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 7
7 lie ) packers, Bf3)0Jo.
llope 1UU7, prlmo and choice, 1H
Quo per pound; olds, l2o por pound,
Wool Eastern Oiegoti, average best,
lHfflSOo per pound, according to shrink-
ago; valley, I8($20o per pound, accord
ing to oneness mohair, choice. 2tf(j$
Vault Robbad Directly Undsr
Owner's Studf.
Kl Paso, Tex., Maioh 4. A dispatch
from uiihuaiius says:
Tho daring bank robber, who on Hun
day removed $2M,000 from thr vaults
of the Chihuahua branch ot the Banco
M Intro, took the money from a vault
directly under the study of Governor
Enrique. C. Crrol, who has a residence
In the uitpr stories of tho hulldlor.
The look to the document vault was
broken from thn Inside, and Urn cur
rency taken consisted ot notes already
Issued ami passing constantly over the
counter. The numbers are unknown
and Identification will be practically
A statement ha been Issued by thn
bank oillclals calling In all outstanding
I,v00 peso notes for redumption. Most
of the mlssli.g money was of this de
nomination. A large quantity of silver.
gold and bills ot small denominations
were untouched by tho lohtars. al
though they were lying in the same
compartment from which tho currency
was taken.
It Is believed that the robber had
accomplices among tho bank employes,
and that they wero concealed In the
vault before cloning time Saturday
afternoon The lock bring broken from
the Insldo ot tho vault suppoils this
Uieory. Tho bank watchmsn, thn port
er and two or tlireo men of unknown
antecedent have been arrested iind are
held In Jail, American detectives aro
here at work on tho rase, but If they
have a olew to the roblier tho authori
ties refuse to make It public.
Death Sentence Passed on Chicago
Chief by Anarchists,
Chtcago, March 4. That La urns
Avcrbuch, In attempting to asssaslnato
Uilol ol l'ollce Hhlppy, earned out a
commission entrusted to him by a group
oi unirago anarchiM was declared ny
Assistant Chief of Police Hchueltler Inst
night to have le n proven beyond a
doubt. Thndisrovery was mado Just
a tho pollen wern about to accept the
theory that tho young anarchist acted
upon his own impulso and thai tho at
tempt was not the result of a cousplr
aoy. The group of unarchlst also
plotted, according to Information In
the hands of the authorities, to essist
lnte Mayor Btisto sml Captain I'. D.
O'Brluti, ot the detective bnicau.
The principals In the plot havo not
yet been discovered, but It Is said that
Avrrliucli was picked to execnto the
order of death at a meeting ot anar
chists which ho attended last Thursday
Rush Work on Collier.
Vallelo, Cal., March 4. In an en-
draor to makon record for the Msre
Island navy yard which will result In
a battleship being constructed here,
work on Uiocolllur Prometheus, being
built at a cost of $1,660,000, Is bolnir.
rushed and will be completed by the
construction and repair department In
ten months. During February over 120
tons of material wero put In her every
week, tho progress mndo being 11 per
cent. The ship Is now pvor 38 jwr
cent completed, She will bo luunohod
In eight months,
Liquor Issue In Vermont,
Monlpollor, Vt., March 4. no
turns from tho 230 towns throughout
tho stoto which hold elections yestcr-
duy show thnt 20 towns voted for II
ennse, against 83 last year, Ono city,
Burlington, swung from no lloenso to
license, two others, Barro and Ht, Al
bans, ohanged from "wst" to "dry."
Cleveland, O., March 5. I'ciiiicd In
narrow hallways, Jammed up against
door that opened only Inward, 170
children in tho suburb ol North Cut-
llngttood yesleiday were killed by (lie,
by smoke and beneath Jhe grinding
heels of their panic stricken playmates.
The awlul tragedy declined yester
day morning In the public school ot
North Colllngaood, ten mile east or
this city. At 10 o'clock last night 105
corpse wcio In Urn moigue at Colling-
wood, six children wei still unaccount
ed for, and all the hooplUls and ho'isea
fcr two mite around contained number-
ot children, some fatally and many lets
seriously Injured, Two Uaclier also
lost their lives In an effort to save their
All of His victims were Iwtweeti the
age of 0 and 16 years. Tha school
contained between 300 and 32ft pupils,
ami ot this entire tiumUr only alwil
80 ate known tu have toft the building
unhurt. It will bo several day More,
tho eiacl number of killed I known,
as the ruin may still contain othr
bodies and the list of falalltle may be
Increased by a numl-cr of draths among
the children who aro now lying In the.
hospital hovering between life and
The school house waa of brick, lac
storlee and an attlo In lelglit. The
number of pupil a more than norm
ally large ami the smallei children had
brill plated In an attic of the building.
The lo was but one lire escape and iht
was In the tear of tho building. Them
were two tal(ways one leading to a
door In front and the other to a door In
the rear, Both of thete doors cnrd
Inwatd, and It I said that tho tear doer
was licked as well.
When the llainet wero discovered tho
teacher tlirougluiut reeiu lo havo arlrd
with rouiage and sell poasrsslon and l
have struggled heroically for the safety
of their pupil and marshaled tho little
ones Into columns for thn "fire drill,"
which thoy olten practiced, Unfortun
ately thn linn of match In till ciorcUn
had always led to thn front door, and
the children had not been trained to
seek any other rait. Thn fire came
from a furnare situated durctly under
this part of Uie building.
When tho children reached thn foot
of the stairs they found thn flam
clo rpon them and so swllt a rush
waa made for the d or that In an In
stant a tightly parked moa of children
wa pllidaimliiit It.
After the tiro had practically liurnril
Itself out tho work of rescuing the tod
ies wa begun by firemen and rallied
employes from the take Shore shop.
Thn railroad company turned over ono
of It building near by lo be used a a
toiiiM)iry morgue, arid Ihlthrr ihe
clarred and broken llltln IhkIIm were
removed as fast is limy roil Id lie dug
from tho ruins. Within five hour
p-Bctlrally all had bevn returned. They
were placed In rows In the Uko Shore
Identifications were made only by
means of clothing and trliilot. The
tiro had swept anny marly all irsem
bianco to human features In tho urn-
I irlly ot illllnnce. Dlitraelivl mrvnlit
noon began to gather and the woikof
lilentllleatlcn of tho blackened and
mangled corf sea lfgari.
Tho growscmo task of (akin nut id
blackened tnrsoos and bit of human
remalna was one of horror. A lino of
rescuers waa formed, backed by half a
dozen ambulances, A the bodies woro
untangled from tho debris they weie
panted along to the stretchers, thoiiro
convoyed to the ambulances, where
they vu-in mercifully covered with
blanket and then taken to tho Impro
vised morgue,
Senator Proctor Dead
Washington, Maroh6. UnlUM States
Senator Itedlleld I'nutnr. nf vr.,,nt.
d ed at his apartments at tho Chain
p. "? .J!"0 )f-lNr a'tornoon, after
short illness, following an attauk of tho
grip. Tho senator's son, Governor
t'roctor. of Vermont, uni nt !,. h,l.
Sldo when tho senator nnum,! ihv.
Senator Proctor was 77 vcae nM. ti.i
senator had been III and confined to
his room at tho Chatnplaln apaitmonb
for about n week. Ills allmont was
diagnosed us grip, which later devel
oped Into pleurisy,
Ny York Spares Rod,
n Now York, Msrch 6, By a vote ot
21 to 17 the lioard of education defeat
ed the proposal to leliitroduoo coipoial
PunUhmvnt In the public ichools tl
the city.