The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 52
Bend-Shaniko Livery & Stage Company
J. It. WHNANDY, I'rop,
W, P Kolley, Ar,nt, Slia'nlko
Covered Stages between Bend mid Slinnlko
Livery mill Peed Slnblcs nl Shnnlko, Almlrns and Bcrnl.
Vo run our Hro to plense thu public.
Stacos lottvu ouch wny every day.
rIrs to nil pnrto or Central Oregon, Careful drlvars furnished
Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage.
At Hcnd,
A Conjpjctc Stock of
Kough, Surfaced and, iouIdcd
At Bend,
All Widths, Lengths and Tfhlckncsscs
Belirer4 at
Low Cost
Aojwbko m
m luis ef
Tte D. 1. & F.
Co., tr
m c s. 1. Co.
T. & O. I'l.OORING
custom pnno mill in connection.!
Central Oregon
Development Company
Ask for a Certificate
of Deposit....
Stnrt a time account with The Central Oregon Bank.
itiR & Trtut Company of Bend, aud moke your money
earn you something.
When you have saved sonic small amouut, or have a tctu
porary surplus, however larKc, you can tlo uothlng wiser than to
deposit in this strong bank and ask
For a Certificate of deposit
Your money will draw at least 3 per cent. Interest and will
be available, under ordinary conditions, at any time, as the Ccr
tificates arc readily negotiable by Indorsement.
These Certificates are issued for various periods, usually for
six or twelve mouths. They arc renewable.
The Central Oregon Banking
(& Trust JSompany
,,, si.ldl Lumberman and Timber Owner.
John BUM physician and Surgeon.
0. 0. Ooo... o,... ...Mayor oMlcml.
H. P.J. McDonald Merchant.
E.A. Sath.r Ser
. o ij...u.,. , 1.. ........ tinnier.
Answers Arncle that Ap
peared in the Pioneer.
Thought I'coplo Wanted Kim for Court-
ty Judge Present Indications Are
Just to the Contrary., Oregon, Marcho, 1908.
To the People of Crook County: llccaute
uf nu nrticle which appeared (11 the lat
coiy of the Madras Pioneer and Iwcause
I with to make my oiItloti plain to the
twople of the county I hae written the
following article, which are the exact
facta In t,be case a I ee them.
Crook county I naturally divided Into
thice separate part, the eastern and
southern, or Mock raising dlitrlct: the
wct central, or the great irrigated dl
trlct, and the north central, which la
primari!) devoted to grain rstaltiK.
I believe that every thinking matt will
agree that nothing would be more fair
than that each of these dlitrlcta ahould
have a representative In the next county
court The Irrigated district already
has Ita representative in Commissioner
Ilaylcy, of I.aldlaw; the alock raising
district will undoubtly be represented
by Mr. Hice of Hay Creek, (as there
aecma to be no opposition to him). Mow
la It not just and fair to every one that
the county judgeship ahould go to the
great grain railing district around
Immediately after I announced, my
candidacy for the office of county scliool
superintendent some of my friends came
to me and triad to get me to withdraw
from mv candidacy lor that position and
announce myself a candidate for the
office of county Juiyje. This I positively
refused to do. Uuring the three weeks
following I was importuned, by many
people from nearly all pari of the
county to rake the change a tated
abotctstllll refused: but when It be
came apparrul that the people from
Lamotita, CuUer and my home precinct
(Kutcher) were desirous tliat I come out
for county judge. I decided to iutcitl-
(Kutcher) were desirous Out I come out
gate the nutter and made a three days'
ment of discord into the count
judgeship contest an office which
Noithern Crook wished to go to
Mr. Iillloj Is to say the least an in
dication of bad faith. The Pioneer
article Is a strong presentation of
the facts In the ense, and' Mr.
Hlatichard will have difficult work
to disprove them. The meat of the
article is condensed In the following
"After announcing himself for
one office, to withdraw and come
out for another, not only makes It
anncar that he is a 'miscellaneous
candidate,' but there is an clement
of bad faith Involved In the tran
saction that twill and should operate
against him." -'
"The efforts of his friends in his
behalf for superintendent of nchools
has been wasted, because at rnnc
;illr. be has been encouraged to cn
And 'Thus Help to Build a
Prineville People Will Raise. $100,000
toward a Sum to Coax a Railroad
Into Central Oregon.
trip through the farming country around
Madraa during which time I met leas than
half a dozen men who were opposed to
my making the change, while almost all
with whom I talked Mere very anxious
that I should announce myself a candi
date for the office of county judge.
It was only after finding out the
wishes of the people of tuy home precinct
and finding that there would t 110 com
missioner liom there, that I did decide
to withdraw from my candidacy for
county school superintendent and con
sent to mav.c tue race iov county juuge.
iKcaoi me a "miscellaneous'
If till makes of
candidate, then Plead guilty to being
I have not a,kcd and do not intend to
ask any man, who has promised his sup
port to any other candidate for the office
of comity judge, to support me for that
office, llowever, I should expect every
nun to vote for what he considers the
beat interests of the community iu which
lie lives. '
Aa to having "forfeited nil claim to
the support o( my friends" In the Ma,d.
ras country. I really cannot m:c haw I
have done that, as it la only lcoauc of
their asking me to make the change that
I consented to do so, aa la evidenced by a
numerously stalled petition in which
they not only asked me to withdraw
from tny candidacy far county school
superintendent and consent to become a
candidate for the office of county judge,
but In which they pledged me their sup
port for said Ul mentioned office,
Aa to my platform. I lime made no
promises to any one, neither lias any one
ivtkcd me to do so, but if bam elected to
the office of county judge, I shall, to the
bestof my ability, labor to give every
precinct in Crook coiiily a "square
deal." Very truly yours,
J, 1', niANCUARl).
The article that appeared in the
Madras Pioneer, in answer to which
the above letter has been written,
critlciied Mr. Ulauchard iu no un
certain terms for his "flop" in the
race for county office. The Pioneer
said that the change had becu vig
orously opposed by Mr. Dlauchard's
friends in that section, and main
tained that It was not only "ill-
advised but ill-timed as well." The
Pioneer points out that Mr. Dlau
chard has shown bad faith in
switching nbout for the reason that
he had usked for the county super
Intendency and was receiving the
unanimous support of that section:
and Mr. Ellis had been prevailed
upon to ruu for couuty judge only
after haviug been assured that he
would have the support of the
Madrrts section. The Pioneer as
serts that for Mr, "Blancllard to
abandon the superintendehcy an
office which Northern Crook very
much desiredand inject at! cle-
trr the race for the more attractive
office of county judge."
"That Mr. Blanchard should
now seek to intcrooe an objection
to his (Mr. Ellis') candidacy, say
intr in effect. 'You were supporting
me for county superintendent of
schools but I have decided that I
want to be judge, and want you
to transfer your support from Mr
Ellis to me,' to say the least pre
sents a most selfish attitude on Mr
Ulanchard's part."
"He has forfeited all claim to the
support of his friends iu this sec
tion, nnd for that situatiou he has
no one to blame but himself."
Let us examine Mrt Blanchard's
letter. His entire argument is cov
ered by two points, namely, that
Northern Crook should, he repre
sented in the county court, and that
his "flop" was due to the impor
tunities of Northern Crook friends.
He lays much stress on the argu
ment (hat each section of the coun
ty should have a representative in
the county court. It Is pertincnUo
ask how long has that been consid
ered desirable? Up to within two
vcars nco the county court was
comnosed. vear in and year out, of
men from only one section of the
county. And as far as Mr. Blan
chard's argument is concerned it is
rendered null and void by the well
known fact that Mr. tills Is a
broad-minded man and will treat
all sections of the county with fair
ness and will conduct an impartial
Furthermore, Mr. Blanchard
must be grossly misinformed about
the desire of his friends. People
returning from the Madras section
report that the voters arc incensed
nt Mr. Blanchard's vacillating pol
icy, and that be will poll but a
small vote in that section. This
sentiment was found so strong as
to be well-nigh unanimous. Jt is
the confident belief of everyone that
Mr. Blanchard has killed himself
politically by his flop. People do
not know where he will be found
by the time the primaries arrive.
In the minds of the people there
is a strong suspicion and that sus
picion Is that Mr, Blanchard's flop
was due not to the desire of fiiends
iu and about Madras but rather to
the importunities of the Prineville
politicians. These politicians have
threatened to defeat Mr. Ellis, and
Blanchard is their ready tool. That
is the suspicion that is lurking in
the minds of the voters.
Whom do the people want for
county judge a man who an
nounces himself for au office and
then sticks to that announcement,
or one who flops about, first alter
one office then after another?
, Inklings at Hst.
Oikt, Match 8. Alex Smith or Blatcr waa
buggy tiding out In the Olit country Dumlay,
Johnnie More, who Uvea on the nr. Turley
pUcc utar DUl.raiueuear toting hu houit by
nrconeiUylatwtl.,cauotby the pine com.
Ing uuolntol near the roof. Otbotu lMwtil
hiptxucd to be there anil knocked a hole iu the
roof nuit with a few bucket ot water put the Are
frank At nofj haa rented the Tutlcy place and
will wove there aoou,
Wlmer Broa. of Turaato attended the toclat
hop at the old achool houae at Gist Friday eve.
The n w achoot houae at Olit haa been named
irnr. Artntmler. who haa been teaehlnsr the
Tlainvlew achool at UWt.wtll.aaaoouaa hit term
la out here, leave for the Suplee country, aabe
baa a contract to leach a achool there.
Walter Graham and Clyde Olat hare a contract
toclcarupioacreaoMaud for Mr. tUutgcon. ,
The Sunday achool. here at Olat haa received
Ita new oug book. Ho be ante to come aud
bclualn. Thete Witt be book for you. too.
it 11. lliitlion will atieak on local outl&u here
at Olat. en BatutdaV eitultig at ?jo. THU la a
dry locality now, aud accordluc to thla It will be
drier, and taeuct will tuctcaw the value of water
riht. ar
Joan More hai chanted hla rcudcivous Iroaa
OMtaSMers. I woaier why)
An enthusiastic mass meeting
was held at Prineville last Saturdav
evening to set the ball a-rnlling iu
the work of building a railroad in
to Central OrcAn. C. N. Ehrei
of Redmond seems to be the mov
ing aplrit behind this undertaking,
and he was in attendance at the
Prineville meeting.
The plan Is for tbepcopleof Cen
tral Oregon to raise a considerable
sum of money and contribute it to
the Portland ,x Eugene & Eastern
Railroad Company on the condition
that tue company extend lis line
Irom Eugene up the McKenzie
river aud over the Cascades to tln
scction While present plans are
in a rather embryonic state, it is
ccnerally considered that the plans
contemplate building the line over
the mountains to Keomonu ana
Bend with the terminus at Prine
ville. Prineville people hare naturally
fallen in with this plan and their
men of money agree to raise $ioo,
000, or even more, in case assur
ancc can be given that the line will
be built.
The Bulletin phoned Mr. Ehrcl
at Redmond for particulars In re
gard to this story, but be said that
the matter was not yet far enough
developed to warrant saying much
about It. He stated, however, that
he was working on such a project
as here outlined.
Redmond Items.
Redmond. March a Aa former class
mates we have been very much Inter
ested In occasionally seeing that "Wllia
Cathcxliaaan interesting story In the
current number of the Century" or "H.
K. Corbiu has an article in the February
IJlcetrieal Review" or something similar
The above is simply .introductory to
the fact that the bpoicesman-Keview is
conducting a contest in which we arc
glad to sec that-Mr. J. R. Whitney is
participating witn some practical ideas.
If similar tun
have friends of the
our attention to the
things happen and the reporter
does not learn of them otherwise we
shall be glad to
modest ouc call
lien Gotter has the contract for putting
un the new school building. This is one
aasurancc tluit we will havcagood build
ing. Kit Hatescame In Sunday from Tort
land. We arc sorrv not to have had an
onnortunitY to Interview hint with re
cant ta lifmsclf and the other members
ofthe Redmond aggregation who arc
iu tle metropolis,
Messrs. Kilts and Coe came in from
Bend Sunday evening. Wcsupposc they
arc looklng'forlaudor after other busi
ness. At the adjourned meeting of the
Water I'sera' Association held Satunlay,
officer were elected and some other
matter of organization were attended
to. A fuller report will be delayed un
til organization is completed. The next
mcttinc held at I p. m. on the
first Saturday in Apnl.
Another pig haa comedo town. This
time it ia a Uuroc Jersey, and may be
seen out at Mr. Park's place. It. is not
the beginning however of a mixed breed
of pigs, but the two will be kept separate.
Several Items would bear quite ex
tensive writing this week from one who
would let lits imagination run riot.
We prefer however to keep out that
class, so state facts as wc understand
Oarl Khret was In Prineville Satunlay
on railroad business. He did not talk
very freely for publication. He did not
bring a railroad back with him or even
assurances, so far as we could learu, that
one would be built this summer. He
says however that he is working on a
proposition that may lead to something.
it U rumored that the euintv saloon
bulldini! mav hj put to a good business
ti iwfnrp loner. There was a chance
for a dry goods box reporter to run the
matter down, but cropping duties forbid
the undersigned doing it.
It Is reported that school children
f rout the outlying, pAtta ofthe district
will be transported to school the comlug
year. Other duties have prevented our
button-holing tin; members of the schao
board for the ptupotc of vcrifybg
the authenticity of the report. Sc
what a chance there has been tliU week
for a good live pencil pusher.
Masquerade ball with prizes I adrcr
tlsed fur Redmond on St. Patrick s day.
The euchre club will be entertained at
the Hotel Redmond Tuesday evening.
Prank McCaffcry Is putting up a fcctl
barn which will be run by Mr. Covert.
The hotel barn is now in charge of '.. V.
B. C. Park.
Laldlaw Items.
LAiDjjaW,' March 6. P. V. Swisher
was called to Minnesota till week by
the death of his brother and lines of
hi mother.
P. K. Dayton made a busines trip to
Squaw Creek Wednesday.
P. N. Wallace is confined to thehoaa
with a very severe cold and grip.
J. If. Hosselberg has moved bis fatnih
to his south place again.
Pay Mudd Is again able t be In
The creamery association met last
week to arrange article of association.
J. J. Cowen I arranging to leave for
Orand Junction, Cotorado, where he will
be associated with his brother in the
real estate business.
1. 14. Couch is cutting stone for the
foundation of hi new house.
The wate .user under the Columbia
Southem'nstt Saturday to arrange for
cleaning out tin ditches for next sum
mer a Irrigation.
Prospects are good for a flour and feed
mill in the near future. Along witli It
will be an electric light plant.
Anthon Ahlstrom and Jake Peterson,
from Pleasant Ridge neighborhood, at
tended the recent creamery meeting.
The Reading Club have moved to tlia
corner rooms in the Rutherford build
ing, where they are very comfortably
Pleasant Ridge Items,
The D, I. Si. V, Co. has completed
Marge lateral east 'and north of Long-
untie, inis aicri win jjjjy v. r.
Hall with water, who has recently moved,
from Spokane and seUd on his land,
since la,tc winter.
George Couch, and Mica LImIc Plag
ium were visitors at the Sherwood farm
last Thuriday alierHOoa.
Trof . Thompson, teacher; ol thp Lald
law schools, visited bis farm over Surf
day. The Pleasant Ridge Sunday school l
being largely attended, having a regular:
attendance of from 30 to 40 each. Sun
day. E. n. Lockyear, who ho been laid up
nearly all winter by a kick from a horse,
is now able to resume his agricultural
duties. We noticed him plowing last
The Peterson boys have been kept
very busy pulling trees of Io,te,
Clias. D. Tarrctt, south of Porked,
Horn Duttc, has just completed hla.
house and will move thereinto, ttis week.
ft W.llalt reerntrr fileil boraeatead entrroal
a t&o-acrc tract of land adloluluc tU dtsch land.
We were nJeaaed to bear tnta tur aucn Be
liraard to hear thia for auc
wUt be of much benefit and imprttyt
rovairy. i
Dora, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. it. Lockyear on
March 3, a girt
There U contMerable enthuataara over the
idea ofoarBanday achool convention conilMlar
only of neighborhood achootsTU: Bend, lakl
law,Kcdmond, rteaaanl Rtdre, Ctlne Kalla and
the other one at Olat. WewUh our eorreapon
dent would Inform their aupcrlntendent of thia
news, also that the aevtral ach,ooU have content
ed to meet at the hberwood VroaA home SWi
day afternoon, Match it. for the purpoae of
making arrangement for he time of hotding
the convention, arranging a program for the
day, etc.
ease Vosberg could neither b found at home
or at church Sunday Wonder where he could.
have been toundl
Stere Grrenhalgh is firing Juniper this week.
We bare reeenUy received wont that the thin!
quarterly meeting ofthe Methodist church wUt
be held at Redmond on Monday evening, AptU
. It la eapected that ITctdlug Klder hkipnorlh,
will be there ta preach and to administer, th,J
Sacrament ofthe Lord' Supper.
11 II I . . mmm .
THaatd Items.
Tvxiin. March in The farmer are aetUrvt
busy In this vicinity. Spring plowing and aoma
seeding are being done.
The C 8. 1. Co. haa a crew dolmen at work;
cleaning out ditches preparatory to turning wat.
cr into the ditch.
Mr. Scogtln and daughter Miss Myrtle and,
Mr. Ceo. rulllam were Bend visitor today.
Some of our people went to the dance near
OUt last Friday night. They report having a.
good time as there was fine crowd present,
J, B. Wtmer wsa la Bend on business Sunday,
Lumber for the new school house at Redmond
la being buled front the lllghtower Smith taltl
near here.
There will be a basket social at Hie achoot
house near Cist poatomcc the 17th of this month
for the purpose of raising money to pay for their
organ. No doubt everyone who attends will
ban a good lime. They have announced "Come
one: come aU, come great and small and tuliitf
a bosket; girls, dont forget."
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends who so
kindly assisted us by their sym
pathy and aid during the recent
illness which resulted in the death
of our beloved husband aud father,
we wkh to extend our most heart
felt thanks and appreciation.
Mrs. Ei.u:n Oscoty axd Sows;
i Cat boo pagY krMtk at ThJ
1 m k-