A. Doctors Medicine Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is not i simple cough syrup. It Is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic qases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. """P I. iaJiX;;;"-,u IMkHWlL rnu. hai. Vittt, yers -1IIIUH g ! I ' I You will hasten rocovnry by tak ing ono of Ayor'a (Mile at bedtime. Til Mil.n I.ImII4, "Where ire nil lh honeymoon par tleT" exclaimed the rrKrtr he hurried lulo the alallou. "Ar I lie goner "Yes," laughed the station master as a pointed la the lurltx duves lu Hi waiting room, "far gone." Only One "BROMO QUININt." TfclllI,AXATIVK RIIOMO UUIKIMK. lwiW L, lh. .lnUIri. W. IIROVK. Vied a Wrl4aif ivOuraaCoMluOa Par, SH. Ml attlniiti Leok bre, lr, didn't 70a warrant lb hers you told rot 7etr 47 to be without fault! David llarow Ts. Ain't h Ctttlnian No, air, b la not. It la tartar. David llarun Waal, 1 don't Mt aa 70U bar aa reason fur com Italnloi' about tbat. II don't later far with anybody but biuitelf, doel U) Llpplncolt'a. fct ra m Bod Mi. Wtaala' nolhli trrplkbtimxlr l u l Uialr ahlWisj mlaf IB t4lMuj patlwl. l'll'l M. 'Km. Bald Bh--Tou iaa em to be fond atf bugging dlusloua. laid Ha Wall, w art eat to bla). Xou wottta an eueh daluitv eraa tar. re a. Vrtf aa J1 lrr DImm flw .rMMiif rrd lr In. Kit' Ur.- hUXKt. Ma4IWfKKKIllilalSiU..4 ImilH, lw. H.M.KIU.UU Ml naaut " ralnlasa I'aaavr. Ttitre l a prevailing opinion tbal aacer la alway painful from tb ba Innlnc, wbra It la really palnleea la tb majority of cases. It la deslrsott to ascertain bow far tbt public ought to be I Bit rod d In tb early lgua of cancer, with a view to tba adoption si arller dUgnoal and coDawjuently ar kr aparallon, tendon Koipltat. How's TMtf We offer One Han1itrolIrt He-aid for en? e al Clnb IBM tiaBot U tut-4 If HM'a Calarih Cur. . ...,,. , . - r.) CllgNTACO.,Toldo,0 W. lb aadaralia!. hT known t. 1. Ch.nar lor lb UM ., Ulltt Mm Ittlwilr honorable la all buUaett transactions o4 nn.nfl.ll bl 10 earrr out an obllga oq mad. bjarm. K A MAU Yhol.U Uruftlil., Tnllo.O Hall' C.l.ii.h Cur ! n lni.rn.llr, t- 1ngdtlrtlruntb Wool an'l murou iut n ol lh rlm. , TMlimonlali ; nl lr. rlf T rnia tr lil... Knl J t.7 all llniMlala. Tai Hall' r.mllr N1U lor ton.llllou. LIT anil l,l M. "Do 70U preach wllhout notea," qu rlttTa meinbtr of th cliurch commit tr ttint wa 4klni a paator to Oil a vacanc. "Wrll,M rtjolnrd the rxxt man with marry twinkle In hla eye, "I ooius tlma liar occa.lon to uan bank noti." The General Demand tt tho Well-Informod of tho World lis alwaya beon for a almplo, pluaaant and oinclcnt liquid laintlro reined of known valuo; a laxatlvo which pliyal clana could lanctlon for family uso bocMUUo ita component parti are known to them to bo wholonomo and truly beneficial la effect, acceptable to the nyitom ami iwntlo, yot prompt, In action, In aupplylnK that demand with Ita excellent combination of Ryrup of rig and ICIIxIr of Henna, tho Call fornla FIr Syrup Co. procood nloni: ethical linen and radon 011 tho inoriU of tho laxaUve for Its remarkable auccoia. That la ono of many reasons why Syrup of I'Iku and ICIIxIr of 801111a la Blvon tho preference by tho Well informed. To get Its benoflclal offeots alwaya buy the uenulno manufao turad by tho California Fig Byrup Co., only, and for ! by all loading dniBf lata. Price fifty conta per bottlo. r. n. u, No. P-OB I XRTHXM wrllUa to adrarltaef plaaa naatlaa hU papr. I htt m4 a tMt m at liti'i CUrrr I-mUmI (f h.l SalSt mi tit IbMl ll ) !! n IIHl rwl, II li iullf a mxl lilil iimmi. fj4-M(CMl. riTKilltlP, hHll.fi, UNITED STATES NOW WEALTHIEST NATION, Trtmury Pljurea, Show that th Per Capita la In Uxceaa 0) Jl.JIO. 7ABT GROWTH OP FINANCEa Money In Circulation on Jnn. Op taat Waa Nearly 83,000,- 000,000. Major Al fnil It. Qiialffe, vault clerk nf tho I'nltoil Ktatea troANiiry, wlw hm tbarite of t'nele Hiun'a money, called my attention (lie other day to tho al moat Incmllhbi Krowth of the bualni-ei of the Tniiaury Depnrlment allien lit rnme Into ilm ai'rrhv, forty-two yean n(o, atxl lin furnlehed inn with aomr vi ry IntereatliiK nml rather etartllni rvrnpArlMin, write William I. Curt la, the Wnahlneton correpoiwlint. For example, the wenlth of tlm country, which, of eourac, ha kept pti wltb the tmiumctloiia of the treaaury, It three ami one.half tlmee-grenter to-dny than It wa In 1870. The total then wa f.tO,XVUllH,0X). The eetlmated total to-duy, Nanl uiKin the renini reportil a lid Infonnatlon received by the Axrl 1 ciillurnl Diimrtiiimit, the Keeretary of the Trenatiry and the Comptroller of the Currency, la 1107.101,711,017. The wealth per capita of cltltena ofi the L'nlteil Rtate, baaeil upon atmllar etlmate, haa Incroaaed from IT70.S3I In 1870 to 1110.11 In iWt, whtcb1 timkea the I'nlted Ktatr, with Ita enor tnon pojiulatlon, th rtcheat country In tLt world. Tlie money In circulation ha I nave a ed four-fold alncv Major Qualffe camt Into the treamiry. Thu total In 1!70 wa f07.VI2.7tM, while on Jan. 30, 100T, It waa r-'.OM.rH'A'JM. Tho clrvu totlon per capita haa aluioat doubled, notwltlmtandlnc tlie prenont morvy famliMy-and haa lncreaael from I17.M to tM during the laat forty-two year. I When Major Qualffe came Into the 1 eaah room we had only li000,000 In pildt today we have 7M,0a)0 to Cold coin In tlie treaaury alone, aot eon 11 tint that lu circulation and board-. Ml away. Uncle Ham' working capital on Dec. 14. 11)07, amounted to S,7(U!,D 1,401.31 all of which la hard caah. Of thli amount ll.703,S'Mt. In coin I held on depoalt to avoir the payment of f7&0,003il9 cll certltlcatea, $471,.ViV W allver certinoiti and Wia.nno treaaury notea outataiidlng. Tlie trxMA-' tiry reaerve. which In kept by law,' nmounta to IW),00O.0O0. l"he caah baJ apiv available to pay the current ei eiia- of the (overument on Dec. 14 wa t:U,7200.U3. I'ncle Kam dom not keep all of hU money In Waahlngton, although thr I a Rood deal of It hern. Tho remin der la acattiTed among the different mibtrcaaurlc. mlnta and national bank tlcpoaltorle a fotlowa; Tieaaury, Waahlngton ...II 7.1,07 l.M.1.70 HuMrraiury, New York.. a70,OU.T.ti:i7,K7 Kiiblrraaury, llaltlmore .. in,0'.,7,(U.'l.41 Hnbtrea.ury, l'hlladelphla. 18.IHW,8a).00 Hiibtreaaury. Hoiton 10.1CS.U7 IJK) Hubtreur7, Cincinnati.. 13.417SM0 Siibtreaaiiry, Chicago rAOCI,fJ.W Hiibtreaaury, fit. !oula... lH,tKXSW.40 Hubtreaaiiry, New Orlcan ,.M,03,WJfl) Hubtrraiiry, Bn Frnnclaco n3,4.10,a7U Mint. I'lilladelphla 3.M, 178,(11 1.7J Mint, Denver 370,007 10 Mint, New Orlran M,3l)'.,,S71t Mint. Kan Francis K,-tH3,TU 10 Am7 olllce, New York . , . 70.8.VH,3'.n 27 National bank 2t(l,UHI,IM.C0 Trea.ury I'hlllpplne laltnda 3,7l5K).W) In tranalt between ottlcea. 410,78143 III addition o the working balance ami tlw rewrvc, tliero U n total of 1811,730,123 I" t10"'1 lu the vaulta at Waahlngton, of which 1033.033.070 I to eecure clrnilatlon of uatlonnl banka ami $178,200,1118 tj aecuro depoalta In na tlanal Iwiiika, An additional aum of $103,731, two I depoalted for almllar puriH)ma lu tho mibtrcasurles of New York and Han Frnnclmw, making n to tal of $013,487,318 of other people'" money In t'nele Sam'a charge. Flraiicr Trauafar Vllal Orarana, A paper "n1 before th American Aa aoclatlon for th Advancement of Hclence In Hi Unlveralty of Chicago reveal the fact that Dr. Blmou Flexntr of New York City ha ucceedod In tranaplantlng r terle from one animal to another no reaafully. The exerlmeiit bava thua far been confined excluelvely to the lower animal, but the favorable reault In thla field are believed to rolnt the way to a aucceaaful application of th practice to human being. Hhlp to Ua Ujrroapup, It I renorted that the Hamburg-Amer ican line, having bought the Herman right of the Hchllch gyrocope, Intend to equip all It North Bea and chamul. boat with tho apparatu. which It I ex-1 pitted will Veep tho hlp teady In the rougheat weather. Th g7roacop will be1" locattd at tb trn of tbt vL ' Women Worry fora than men, aayi Dr, McComb, ana ono reaton la tbat thlr nrrroi, ornlif tlona are mora delicate. True, and Hood' Haraaparllla li'luit (be nrra-bullder, ap-Iwtlte-clrer, and blood-purlfler they need. Indlfiostlon 3 Yonra-"! wa troubtrd with ttidlieatlon for tbroa jrar. I r4 of Hood' H.n.p.rllla and triad It AfUr lak Iriar a numUr of bottUi 1 wa complete); eurad." Mm. J, II. Ilil.Lir. DefluU), lo. flervoun, In Piln, No Appetlto fcl poor lillli fur rear, pain In ihoulder, bark and lilpi, with ronil.nl iadha, ner Toumm wd no.pptllln. Took llood'a Har aparltla. talnrd trtnrth and ean work ban) all dar, at brartllr and alvap wtIL" Ma. E. (lirraM, Mooi Lake, Hlnn. Rheumatlam-"Miai1rliMimatUmlnen uf D17 ankl, bat IIooil' H.r.p.rlll aoon vara ma prm.nnt relief. I raeoiamtnO jln'Kl'.H.ri.pullIa." Maa.A)Mllt.TCliiNaoH l.faretl,Col. Hood'a Hariaparllla la aold ererywhrrr In tte unial liquid, or In tablet form rallrri arentabe. 100 Doaee One Dollar. I'rr partdonly byU.1. Hood Coliowell, Mais II lMrprlt4 llr. "When my butbind waa In Hpaln faat year," ald Mr. Bwollman, "be eueceeded In buying la quit a lot of the king wine." "Wall, well," exclaimed Mr. Nu litcb. "the Idee o' buyln' acond-band win!" l'hlladelphla Irn. riltS CURCD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. rAZOniNTMKNTIt (iiaianuM In mi n 1.1 alltcblna, llllnd. Jlatdlna or I'rotrudlnf 'lit In le uoa;ior laouajr ralaodad. Me. Maalaat Dap. "Charle. dear," aald young Mr. Tor kin, "why do you call racing caleula tloaa 'dopeT I thought tbat w.t a ttiag name for a drug." "You're quite rig lit,' wa the aniwer. "Tb7 call It tbat bcaue all It gen erally geta you I a plena nt dream and a rude awakening." Waahlngton Star. rrautraaM Ilarrae. "Wall, what do you want?" lb proof reader aak4, la b yd tb Intru4r wltb laubt. "I'm Juit a loafln'," aired Ibe bypbriv And lb proofreader buttled bin out. Cblcag Trlbun. laaal A tired feeling one Ctn oter lb buay We. "Two wbto a budding ot tlbymtd It vtlth vla-a-vl. Oood Jud(( American a Judge are keenly dlt criminating. They roratur everything by the auccea It attalni, which meth od, oomldered In the light of the com mon experience of mankind, I cer tainly not a bad one. The high atand ard of Intelligence and dlicerntoent In thla country, where education la the rule and not the exception, render It difficult and urprltlng to find a genera) national auccewe not baaed on actual worth. Hence It waa that with th presentation o( 6t. Jacob Oil they cor rectly Judged It at onee, and decided that rare Intrlnilo worth only could be tlie aourco of it tiuoet. Th declaim with thm waa equivalent to an adop tion: and It I a raia thing to find a family without til. Jeoobt Oil In the llOUM. "I auppoee you bava bean pinched by penury T" "No, mum; th cop'a nam wa O'llrleu; be'a Irian." YOURSE Litry-Uy La.l Krwwtd to tmmti ....iiimw .it..,,. fi.iw. mt M. niM 11. .. 4 MMramCMCUMllXI III.K PACiric DiiiRinutiNO co. B. ITS FREE "SEND FOR IT NOW" Th lll rrult Trra and !lrry riant CUlot In th. Nerlhwwt J. J. BUTZER 192 Front St., PortUnd. Oregon IFSEEDS DtM.pntlfr ao'Utll abllltr.rarry'asaada arc In a cl.M br Ihem. aeiTt. I'tcmera hatatoaflJenca Inlhimlxeaut Ihrjr know they cautwrtllcdup. on. Don'l expcrl- Boot with tlieap kretla rourauit. Ir lie. In burins erdtMtitoiiltiy a coitKlcnllout nl tiu.twotthy liull.. rarn'a .d annual loeulA Ul'.K A.tJrwe 0 M.ritiktsCciioii,Uita. MADE FOR C SERVICE ond guaranteed absolutely WATERPROOF kauaJd (HIED SUITS. SLICKERS AND IIAI3 iuH352Slltkn323 m umr etuift fttftntM ttrntH Wf w w"n Waff? UFj mIH ! UwlJrjBBB7 22&&r vVywj mtm? Sk yff 1 WF LanMMl LIQUOR UNDER BAIT. In Eighty Oltlea of the United Stater Prohibition Now Rule. Under the atrong tldo of prohibition, which hua ao linprimnlroly demonatrat ed It power In Southern Htntx-, the "dry" area In America ha been dou bled In tho lat twelve montha. Eighty cltle lu aoi'enteen Htotca are now en forcing prohibition law on their 2, 200,000 Inhabitants, and of theee eighty munlclpalltle, thirty-three "went dry" In 1047. Borne come under general pro hibition atatutca, aa the Georgia cltle, but many of them have voted dry un der tho provllona of a local option law. Addition, to the Hat of dry cltlek during 1007 Include: Alabama Annl ton, lllrmlngham, lluntavllle, Mobile, Montgomery and flolma. California Ilerklcy. (Jeirgla Allien. Atlantn, Auguatn, HrtiiMwIck, Columbia, Macon and Bnvaiinah. Illluolt Champaign, Jackaouvllle, Urhana. Indian Territory Durant, Muakoit.ee, TuIo, Wagoner, MaxachuacttaHavcrhlll, Lynn, Wor ceater. North Carolina Aahevllle, Ilatelgh. Ohio Kat Uiitv. Okla hoina Outhrle, Oklnhomn City, Bhaw. nee, Enid. TcMieanen Clarkavllle, Jackaon, Knoxvllle. Vermont Hurling ton. I'artlcular watch he been kept on Atlanta to dlaeover Juat how the much dlacuMied Oeorgla law operate there This watch wai kept by the Atlanta Comtltutlun, which did not favor pro hibition, and that paper' testimony I believed to 1m? unblaned. In a epeclal atory thn Contlttitlon admit that the elimination of whUky baa "worked a revolution In the city4 worat quarter, and a 1 olmoat Invari ably the ce, the lwllce record nhow that the public la actually aavlng mon ey by the operation of tho "dry" stat ute. In Atlanta, on January 4, 1007 when the high llcenen law waa In ef fect, there were alxty-thrce jollce cate. thirty-two of which were connected wltb drunkenneoa. On Janitnry 4, 100H, Juat eight day after the dry law went Into effect, there were Jut seventeen police caeca In Atlanta, not one being for drunkenne. Thcau facta will I used In argu menta being brugbt to bear on Con grcM for legldatlon to make the Dis trict of Columbia dry and to forbid such Interstate commerce which will dump "original packago" liquor Inte prohibition territory. Harlan l'rophclr H.m War. Tbat there will eventually be a conflict between the yellow and the whit race tbat will ahak tbe earth la the opinion of Juttlc Harlan of tbe United Btati-a Bu prerae Court, a expretatd In an addreaa before tbe Navy Lgu at Waahlngton. II aald: "If I bad the opportunity I would vote for an appropriation of $50,- 000,000 a year for a period of ten year for a larger navy. There la no auch thing a friendship between nation aa between men. Nation make no aacrlflce to pre- eerv frlendahlpa, and do not forbear to do certain things becaua they do not meet with tb approval of other nation. We refer to tbe people of Ait a the yel low race. There are 400,000.000 Chinese a atronj mentally and phyalcally aa we are. We bar no hostility toward them, but there will be a conflict between the yellow race and the whit race tbat will ihake th earth. When It come I want to ee thla country with a navy on both K-eana that will be atrong enough!" vwwvwvww In the agricultural dlatrlct of Italy wagp are only 30 cent a day for a man. and lea for womfcn and boya. Tbe threatened atrtke of marine engl neera at Honolulu baa been averted by the .acceptance of a proposlthn to arbitrate grlevancca. Tho International llrolhi-rhood ot Steam Shovel and Dredgeiurn haa In structed a reprreentatlve to vlalt the lath imia In the lutereat of the organltatlou, 111 Callfurula State labor convention bo passed rceolutloua atrongly condemn ing I'rvaldent Iloonevelt and Secretary of Commerce and tabor Metcalf for their attitude In relation to Japnueae. At th Scottish miners' conference ai Olasgaw It waa atated that want's had In creased by la Od a day, In bo mo Instances by 2. The average wage now Is 37 M a week, and It was determined that that bould be the minimum, Arthur W. Clark ot Itoxbury, Mass., former president and organlter of the grocery and provision clerks, ha been named a the New Kngtand orjanlrer of the Amalgamated Meat Cutter and llutcher Workmen's Union. Ou Jan. 1, 1007, there were 23,714 ct operative societies In existence In Ger many, with a totnl membership of 8.S00, 143, the corresponding totals for a year being 24,032 and 0,U3S,o37. The large majority ot these were credit associations, with an aggregate membership of over 2,000.000. On of the first fruits of the ralluaj aettlement In Hngland Is the action of tho Midland Ttnllway Company's order relating to Sunday duty. In a certain limited ente a tlx-day week Is estab lished t the grade required to work evei day a wek or to receive extra pay for Sunday duty, BAD BLOOD THE SOURCE OFJUUU DISEASE Every part of the body la dependent ofl tho Wood for nourishment nnd ettcngth. When thla life etrcam Is flowing through the system Jn n etate ol purity nnd richness wo are assured of nerfect and uninterrupted health; because pure blood Is nature's safe-guaru against disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various ways. I'ustular eruptions, pimples, rashes nnd the different skin affections show that the blood is in a feverish nnd diseased condition as a result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores nnd Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, nnd Kheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood I'olsou, etc, are nil deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse aa lonjj; as the poison remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive cdndition 6! the system, and torpid state of theJ avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form uric and other acids, which nre taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and microbes of Malaria into our lungs, nnd when these get Into the blood in sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Soma arc so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps tho dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Had blood is the source of oil dis ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sore to suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. 8. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE JffflftK slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely' harmless to any part of the system. S. S. 8. is for sale at nil first class kug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who writv THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm DlaeaaraBlaar lroprta. "Thla government la becoming more and more centralized every year," ld tbe student of politic. "Tes," answered Colonel Stltlwell of Kentucky, "It's getting so tbat tbe Btatea doa't do much more than fur nteh title for battle (hips and popu lar songs." Washington Star. A Wajr Oat. It was at a theater In Manchester, rbo king, aged and Infirm, waa blessed with two eona. He was pacing up and down tbe stage wltb a wearied, trou bled look, exclaiming aloud: "On wblcb of these, ay sons, (ball I bestow my crownT" Immediately cam a voice from tba gallery: "Why not 'arf a crows alece, guv vrT LAaJon Mall onqsx OIMIHO JVf.. e J,ut it me, Moq 0) lnf Vinoi tMj; Jttpon AZ pus X4)nnoo tjqi oj tstq stnoo III . HM '"ou. noX aqi 1MB eqj, -qnoJi ia oj Sam ,t(qx 1U?,I uqi JXat i.ll i.aq tn Cqi 'um noX X.BSOJ, W si ajti.jj -jjqio jo Juqimo XJllX u Jq l,lqM jJn sua sjq mqi '.Jdg 'IIY I9n PBJ . ''IXm inMJv.s iaeD ,IIV l"ft mC(Cj)ij))M! RHEUMATISM Is mott eslnfuL What's good) STJACOBS OIL Gives Instant relief. Rroovs the twinges. USE IT, THEN YOU'LL KNOW W 25e. ALL DRUGGISTS SOo. m&mmmmmm Premiums Given Away FOR CARTON TOPS OR SOAP WRAPPERS FROM "20 MULE TEAM" BORAX PRODUCTS "lO-MULB-TEAM- Boras. U. M. I aad 5 ft cartons. Iloraxo Datb Powdar (10 and tSe tins). VIoM Borlo Talcum IViwiler, Horle Spsnxka, Borie Acid, lloraiskl Soap lVwd.r, Vo-MuU-Tosa" Soap, Qumb ol Uoras Soap, lloraisid Laundrjr Soap, 'O-HuU-Team" Soap Chips. Send Tor 40-Page Catalogue of Valuable Premiums We Give FREE For Top and Wrappers from th atx "-MULE-Tfc AM" ProJueta. You will And many artlcUa of HouMhoU an.1 fanonsl u that you can obtain AUSOLUTtXY KKEC AU you bar to do U tu SAVK YOUlt TOl-S OK WHAlTEltS. AuJrrc PACIFIC COAST BORAX COtl Oakland, Cal. dlwJ H0t8 AT AIL VlJCfg JUlsSaV S ssssssTaTaSPRicca. ron svcitv saTasTw H SaaTEaV. td S MIUBin OFTHCrAMlLV, NKN, BOVa, WOMEN, MlSaiS AND CHILDREN. . IAM or aaae mtntfaoivrf In thm mm . JKS wyrU, tseaiM rjr fttM lvG avftaaMa. nt Utitmr, wj avwawew mI W. L BhIh $4 Mid $5 HI Efee SJwt Cwl .)rAJbiesr. W.-UDoUfbaaaaMSeaarioaytlampsiloa boltoor. Tiisie Km ahilwtllaita. ana permanently cures nioou cuscascs ot every kind. The action of S. S. S. is ao thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Kheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores Tb Orpl.nn, "rieaae, sir, will you glva a penny to a poor orphan?" "Certnluly. my boy J Ha your fath er been dead long?" "No. sir. He'a the orphan. Thli money's for him." WHAT CAUStS IttADACIK From October to War, roll, at 0 mot f roirwtt nu. of hdh. LAXAT1VK BKOUO QUI. NWgreKnmam. E. W. Cror on box. tU. Cmlorlo lijrpaallsm. Inquisitive Passenger How are thee car heated? Shivering Taawnger By sorrrstlsa, I think. Sometime Happens That Wsf. Throgslns Did you erer try auklag a comrade of your boy? Phogy Yer but it didn't work. I found be was too old for is. Chlcsga Tribune. Ilia System. "How do you dltpoae of your garb, age hercT" asked the atranger. wins was gathering data for purposes of publication. "We always throw ours In the garb age can," said the man with the chla heard, "but I don't know, of course, about the neighbors." ,Um tel Be Ea)W At hi hie. JlMTHUVHlf. ? U .BavwJ yK JEI 'aaX.X SBBW.aBSBSD Fat T aar jasBsar a vwii 'm jmv