r - ';'--ii uiiMijRiranp - , BY MISADVENTURE FRANK CIIAITKU I. Mjr Bam Is Keene Anthany Keene. 1 am a lawyer; sixty-four years U my age. You may see what kind of man I am by my portrait; not over pleasant with any one. George Klexmore and I were friends. He wa ny first client when I set up In Coneyford, a amall town Just large enough at that time, aa I believed, to keep a law yer of Ita own; there are couple of ua now, and we hare as much to do aa w need. Klexmore had just then come Into fortune and be did not know what to do with It. I prevented him from losing It, aa he certainly would hare done with out proper direction, (or he wa an easy- Oilnc man, of a credulous disposition, auch aa your needy adrenturer and ahlfty speculator lore to take In hand. Kor ev ery man that has money there are ninety nine who arc anxloua to spend It for him. "If any one ask you for money, Klex more," said I, "don't refuse him; send him to me. And he did so. with this re sulthe never lout a penny by thee good batured friend. lie had a great Yespect for me more than t deserved doubtless, lie seemed to think that whatever I did mnst be right, and I believe It was the sheer fotte of ex ample that kept him out of matrimony so loos; because I did not rare to take a wife, he thought It best to keep single. Hut the conditions were different. I am not an easy-going man. and marriage would have been purgatory for me or my wife, and the result must have been equal ly bad for both of us In either rase. Hut Klexmore had nothing to do from morning to night that might not very well be set aside to attend to the wants of some body else. lie saw that he ought to have aome other object in life than to eat and sleep and kill time that his life waa In complete In fact. Hut be still made pre tense of being content with a bachelor's 'Ulatence. One day I caught him alnglng his old song. "When a man' ainglt be lives at his ease, but In such a lugubrious strain that It would have mad ma laugh If it had not Irritated me. "That's humbug, llexmore," said I, "and you know It. A man's happlne eoniiits In making other people happy 'unless he's a lawyer. Yod're not a law yer, and you ought to be making some body happy. You'd be more at your ease It you bad somebody else to think about, tad somebody else to think about you." "IK you mean that I ought to marry, Tony?" he said, blushing l.ke a girt "That la exactly what I do. mean, George. There's little Miss Vaughan, who baa been waiting to be asked thee three years; there are dosens of girls to be chosen from." "Do you think she would have me)" be Interrupted eagerly. "Well, the best rray of deciding that joint Uto go and ask her this afternoon," aid I. The result of this advice waa that F lexmore married Mis Vaughan just six weeks after. Hhe was much younger than be, aa a (rife should be. A happier couple I never aaw. lie lived to please ber, and she. to please him that was the chief object of their live. A year after their. marriage they had a hlld, and a nice fuss tbey nude about It. Hhe grew up a pleaant little thing, shy and timid, with a clinging affection for lovable persons and things. I never saw, anything like the passionate attachment that existed between her and her sweet tempered mother. I'oor Mrs. Klexmore had never been a robust person, and well, to cut short a story that Is too pain ful to dwell upon, she died when little Laure was eleven years old. Klexmore was then sixty-two, but he was not too old to suffer. The. loss un manned him completely, lie took on like a woman; and be would have been lea a man If he had not, perhaps. "My poor old friend." said I. "It would nave been better to IK you live on an old bachelor." "No, no," be replie.L "After such hap piness an eternity of suffering would find me still a gainer." "You have your child your little Laure." aald I ; and then, to turn his thought from the past, I talked about the future, and what be should do for the child's welfare. Indeed the child's grief gave me almost as much concern as the father's. It was not a passionate out burst, that spends Itself like a summer bower and glre place to peace and smiles, hut a continued fruitless yearn ing for that loved one to come back who era gone forever. "You must have a woman here to coin fort brr," I said to Klexmore. lie agreed to this, and sent for his de feased brother widow, who had married again and been a second time left a widow, ns being his nearest female rela tive, and she came readily enough a woman of fifty, hard as nails, and stringy a an old crow, Hhe looked upon little Haure's distress aa unnatural In a child, and her morbid condition a the result of defective education; and she set about correcting all thl by setting the little Iblng to read aomo Instructive and moral hooka which no conceivable creature could lad Interest or pleasure In. After she bad been there three day Dr. Awdrey bad to be sent for. faure was feverish and coulda't "hold herself HP jrrasterly," Dr. Awdrey ordered ber to be wt to bed at oace, gave directions respeetiei treatment, and tent physic to I I a nwwrii nary iwv awurs. slY BARRETT Mr. Yearna had studied medicine from a shilling handbook that she carried with her aa If It were an amulet ; she diluted the physic and admlnUtrred dose when she thought fit. Utile Laure was very much worse when the doctor called the next day; and It was not long before he discovered the reason. He came down Into the library where I waa sitting with Klexmore. "Your child Is In a very dangerous con dition." he said firmly. "Heaven have merer unon mel" ex. claimed my old friend, clasping hta hand. "What'a to be done?" "She must have a proper nurse, to be gin with,' aald Dr, Awdrey. "I can get you one whom I can relv on Imnlleltlr. and who can do more than all my physic for the poor child. She Is In the hospital for little children at I.ondon. and I be lieve she would come at once It I asked her." "Then for mercy's sake, telegraph for her at once." When the doctor waa gone Klexmore In some embarrassment turned to me. "It will never work, Tony," said he de spondently. "The nurse will never h able to put up with Mrs. Yeame." ; shes turned the whole place topside lurry In putting thlnr In order. and left not a bit of comfort anywhere." "Yea, yes; all the thing that my darl ing loved she has parked away the lit tie trifiei with which she made these rooms so bright and pleasant. I can't bear to see the place altered; and thos trifle. Tony, I ml them I mis them." "Well have 'em all back again In twenty-four hour." "I asked ber to come and live here. How can I get rid of herr "Ikm't bother about that, George. You leave her to me. Ulve me full autho'rlty to art In your behalf, and stick to my direction." He gave me hi word most Imnresslvelr that he would. I went Into the sitting room and sent at once for Mr. Yeame, Then we had It out. Hhe waa a tough one to deal with, hut not nearly so tough aa I am. I tried to be polite, but I fear I Insulted her. Hhe certainly said I did. and went Into the library to know If ber brother-in-law would tolerate auch a want of respect on the part of a mere' at torney; and the question being nut direct ly to Klexmore whether she or I were to leave that bouse at once and forever, be replied that be felt convinced, taking all tb.ngs Into consideration, that he could better afford to to her than me. After that there waa nothing for the Indignant widow to do but to pack un and pack off which she did, happily, be fore ner lury gave place to more pruden tial considerations. CIIAITKU II. I expected to a comely, motherlr. middle-aged woman, and was taken alto gether by surprise when Nurse Gertrude presented herself In the person of a slight young woman of twenty-two or there abouts. , Of course I am no Judge of female beauty, but I don't think Nurse Gertrude at that time could be considered band some, or even very pretty. If I have any predilection, It I for large women with round, full figure; and I think I rather like a saucy eye and a nice little turned up noe. Now Nurse Gertrude, though by no means short, was, as I have said, slight and thin. Hhe bad a very delicate, fair complexion and pretty, dark hair, to be sure; but ber nose was long, and ber eye were by no means saner, but calm and deep and thoughtful. Her expres sion was cheerful, and she bad a pretty trick of blushing, but In repone her face waa full of Intelligence and solicitude. One could not look at her without being Impressed with the belief that she wa essentially a pure and honest girl, with a very earnest purpose, an amiable dis position, and a clear-seelo, rlgki-feellng mind. Her eye were so true and frank and loyal, that one was attracted to wards ber as to a friend who- fidelity and love could never be doubted. One thing struck me, and this was that In some peculiarity I know not what she bore a resemblance to Mr. Klexmore as I had known ber In her younger days. And this seemed also to have struck Klexmore, for more than once I saw him, forgetful of the table, looking at her with the tendered Interest on hi poor old woe-begone face. "Oh, I see how this will end," said I to myself. "He'll marry that girl If she'll have Mm." Mrs. Yeame. like an old buxxanl that has missed it prey, hovered about the neighborhood, waUhlng the quarry with the Jealous Intention of preventing any other creature of her own specie clawing up what she bad failed to secure. Hhe took a cottage at the other end of the town and Joined a clique of ladle famous for their ability In picking to piece the reputation of a fellow-Christian. Meanwhile Nurse Gertrude fulfilled her duties with the calm ef-poaeIon of one 'conscientiously doing what she feels to be right. What she had come there to do, she did and a if by magic. With Dr. Awdrey'a help she got the tertt under In a week, and after that she brought ft smile back to the poor child' wasted face, which was of still greater Importance; for when on can smile, one can eat and enjoy food. Hhe gave little Laure something to love, and nourished ber fcsart wka kinds. That mi what he needed ; that was what she got. flhe had been craving tor love slue her moth-, er wa taken away, and must have died j without it, as surely as a piaut must die without sunlight. Hut how wns she to be weaned of this love-food In order that Nurse Gertrude might In time return to her hospital! Kiery day her appetite grew by what It fed on. All the dinging affection she had borne to her mother she uow exhibit ed towards Nurse Gertrude. The child luid recognised the IlkencM that had struck me; mother aud nurse alike, In soaie respects, were still of the miu type of woman and an excellent type, too. After a time It became obvious that laiture was not to be weaned and that to take away Nurse Gertrude would In flict the same terrible suffering the child had endured In losing her mother. There upon there were consultations between Klexmore, Dr. Awdrey and me. "It Is obvious that Nurse Gertrude Is rttr strongly attached to your child," said Dr. Awdrey. "She Is not unhappy here) she look better than when she came," saki Flex more. "Oh, undoubtedly h Is better," Dr. Awdrey agreed. "The confinement of the hospital and the air of Iondvn were telling upon ber In fact, I must admit that In recommending ber 1 waa Influ enced by the consideration that the change would be to her advantage aa well aa your daughter's." "If she would only consent to stay hert as a companion to dear 1-sure In any capacity, on any terms!" said Klexmore "Do you thluk she would?" "Go and ask her." said I. She waa asked; but Dr. Awdrey was the negotiator, for Klexmore had not the courage of a mou. And Nurse Gertrude acqu.esced eettlng aside all other con siderations for the sake of the child whose love had won her heart. Ho Dr. Awdrey put It; for my own part I could not sea what sacrifice she had mad In exchang ing a close hospital ward for a pleasant and airy house, end an Ill-paid slavery for a very remunerative position where she waa free to do Just aa she liked. No ; I looked upon It that the young lady, to gether with other very good qualities, had a very dear perception of her duty to herself, and that she foresaw aa plainly aa I did that sooner or later she would become Mrs. Klexmore. However, to stick to the facts of the case; that day Nurse Gertrude came down to dinner without the becoming little cap which had previously distinguished her a an official nurse; and If w had com to think her pretty In her cap, w were bound to admit that h looked still nicer without It her pretty hair drawn neatly up and colled plainly on her head. We have a flower show In our towt. once a year. The first llay la the best, of course, fad, the price excluding the poorer kind of people, ooly the upper sort are there. There was a rumor that titled visitor were staying with the Casely'a, and that probably they would visit the show In the afternoon; wherefore you may be sure that Mr. Yeame and her "superiab" set were all there In full feather. About three o'clock I saw Mis Dal ryraple cum In with Lanre; she never missed any occasion of giving pleasure to the child, or of taking It herself for that matter. Hhe waa plainly dressed; but, to my mind, there waa no more elegant young lady there. Mr. Yeame with three of her finest friend slopped tbem, and with the most distant patronising In clination of their head to Ml Dalrym pie, bent down to kiss taure, and ask after ber poor, dear papa. Then Mrs. Yeame, taking the child' band, led htr to a bank of cut flowers, asking ber whether she could spell the label at tached. In the midst of this Instructive display of her own acquirements, there was a flut ter amongst the visitors, and word wa whispered that Mrs. Casely had arrived and had brought Iord Dunover with ber. And Ibere. sure enough, was Mrs, Casely with a tall, whlle-bilred, aristocratic old gentleman, coming right down upon the Utile party. There waa not time to get away from little !.ure and that horrid nurse Gertrude, when Mr. Casely met them and Introduced his lordship. Dun' our bowed stiffly, but suddenly catching sight of Miss Dslrymple, his face became Illumined with a smile of heart-felt pleas ure, and exclaiming, "What, Gertie, my dear, you here!" he took her by both bands and kissed ber pretty lips. Tutu turning to Mrs. Cnsely, he said : "Mrs. Casely, let me Introduce you to my niece a little democrat who almost shake mr clas prejudice, for she prefers Independence as a hospital nurse to shar ing the fallen fortune of her family." Then It wa known that Mis Dslrym ple was actually the niece of an earl. And she and Iiure sient a week at Casely Manor, where Mrs. Yeame and her "supsrlah" set had never been allow ed to atay longer than half an hour. (To be continued.) First A 111, A Washington doctor waa recently called to hi telephone by a colored woman formerly In tho m-rvlco of lilv wife. In great agitation tho durky ad vised tho physician that her youngest child waa In a bad way. "What seems to In) the trouble?" ask ed thi) doctor. "Doc, alio done awallrrcd a whole bottle of Ink," "I'll be over there In n abort while to see her," aald tho medico. "In the meantime, have you done anything for herr "I dono give her three piece o' blob tin' paper, doc," aald thetiegrena doubt' fully. Harper- Weekly, No Arctic explorer hare ever hau cold until they returned to civiliza tion. Then, one and all, they are pruatrated by severe lnfluewa. truuv-J VN-M1' . I -iJUJ'V V'W'?S SvJv 1'Unnlns, the llomeajrauntla, Hccnuso of tlio permanency of habi tation on n fnrm the greatest euro needs to bo taken In deciding uxm plnni fur dwelling, barns, lane and tree planting. Unlike the town resident who I here to-day and away tomor row the owner of a farm become at tached to til l)ome and can look for ward confidently to leaving. It to hla on and grandson after him. The site fur the house having been fixed the other buildings will group themselves to the aide or In the rear. Ill not to b expected that In the first few year r.fter taking up a homestead that the '-ecrs5r a aiiKLTxaxn hour. gardens, driveways, lawns and ahrub bory should b completed In all their details. Indeed for beat results It I well that most or this work be done gradually though having all the time A fixed plan In view. I,nud I not so valuable that am acre or two cannot be devoted to artificial Adornment. It la the rule of life to provide first for necessities, then for comforta And UnAlly for pleasure. Most of mir coun try I too new to rnnlt of much Atten tion being given to landscape gartlen I rig. The effort of the people have been directed to the acquiring of land and buildings. The Illustrations given herewith are Intended to offer sugges tion for Improving the appearance of tbo farm home without any consider able expense. The first show a farm home well ahclicjrj.'d by surrounding tree. The space Immediately around the bouse I clear to allow of circula tion of the air. The view from the front of the house I unobstructed. The second l an example of what may be. done Ira planning the home ground wm. rt-sx.Nta amvxv. not a model to bo followed In detail, but embodying mo general principle that may be adopted. Htralght lines and square plots so desirable lu the laying out of field are not tho most desirable for the homo ground. Curved line especially for the drlvewaya take away tho stiffness and add naturalness to the scene. In the Illustration the doiihlo driveway In front makes too complicated a plan for tho ordinary farm. A variety of tree and shrubs should be used around thu houso without having them too close to allow frro circulation of tho air and a view of tho roadway In front Mon real Hlnr. Farmer's Hath, All farmer do not feel able to af ford A bathroom and furnishing. Hut what clas of people need an ereultiK Iih tli more than a fanner after a busy day In tho dusty field? A good bath at night should bo a necessity that ought not to bo neglected, mid hus band and hands should haro a bath every night during hot months. Hut how? Well, get some empty oil bar rels, knock out one end and let oil evaporate, and your butli barrel I ready. Kill barrels at noon (half or more) with water, let sot In sun; nt night put n gallon of hot water In each barrel and when darkness tin fallen then toko n bath, and with thin itnuzo tMidorshlrt and drawer they are ready for bed. Their sleep will bo sweeter nml the work lighter on tho poor wash erwoman. Winter Forage. Tho question of winter forage and pasturngu I ono of tho greatest im portance 'In tho Koulhern Htntns, and Cnrlotou II, Hall, of tho Hurenii of I'lnnt Industry, was sent by the De partment of AgrJculturo early In tho year to mako an Investigation In sev eral of tho Gulf States. In hi reiort Mr, Hall says, amongst other things; "Tho production of Southern bay hat been a question long undet discus Ion. , ''SS &(!? 'P I Tli ".mount produced nnil the yield xr new linvo ImjIIi Inmmsed slrmllly nml cnomirnslmtlr dnrlmr the lnt few yearn. On every hand It la admitted that It I NXli kmIMo nml necessary in rniso nu mat is nccucu mr iioui consumption. Alfalfa,' Hermuda grass, Johnson grans, crabgrnsa and twHa furnish an abundance of hay of tho vrry best quality, This hay ran Iw pro duced much more cheaply than an equal quality can t shipped In from Northern ami Western Htatea. With better transportation facilities and an Increasing demand, tho production will become more and mora profitable. At the same time, with hay raised on the home plantations, and hence cheaply and readily Available, larger quantities Are being used In feeding thu planta tion stock. t-msrn Stills. Whenever milk la scarce In the cltle somebody come forward stul suggest that It be shipped from distant point In a fruxen condition. This Idea has been frequently aug grated during the past years, but It doe not seem, to he coming Into practical use. The latest suggestion Is that the frvsh milk should be froxen by ub. merging the sealed can In brine chilled far below the melting point of Ice. The milk would not only lie froxen, but. would be cnnlcd still further to a hard, dry Ice, which. It I claimed, would re main In the solid form After removal for a day or two before the entire mas would rlee to a melting point, the keeping qualities being tnudi su perior to that of milk which la merely froxen nt common temperature. The operating plan would be to es tablish a freeilng plant at the cnraiU" eric and milk stations, the frorsn product to le shipped In ordinary can, thus doing away with the present high cost of refrigerating cam. It Is claimed that froxen milk kept over a month In a refrigerator room showed no change In taste on thawing, and that the cream remained evenly mixed throughout the solid niAsa, not rising, a It would when milk I merely kept liquid At low temperature. Milk for frcexlng would need to tw In fresh, clean condition when froxen, rise It keeping erlod would be very abort after melting. If thl plan ever come Into favor, It would greatly Increase the romneiiiinn tn ihn ,...),.. ., .,.. plying milk In the great cttlea. -.... . v. -..,.-1 Skipping Cop, Vnr shlftfitnv Itr tmntfrv tn nii.Vn. the following sixes of coop are most whu ,,nM, ,ml rT,n ,Mr Mr" w"' generally used In the Wests Coop ! ,ro,:,,1 NoU'tnif. though, will ahould I J8 Inches long. 30 Inches . krtp.,bo ",n out of ,h"lr fw wide, 12 luche high for chicken ' """''''rtr, about this, I said one and ducks, and IB Incites high dr ,0 U" UM r ,U1 Afcer'1" "Village for turkey ami geese. L'so lumber1 "'WUT don't jou Arabs wear a cap es follows; Two br two foe n.r, ner iiosts. or 1x2 will answee le ,. cur cannot get tlirm, get 1x4 and rip them In two. Cut sU piece .TO Inches long , and nine- piece 12 or 13 Inches long for ' each room Nail the short pieces one At each end and one In the center of the long one, using ten penny wrought nail. Make three of these frames, one for each end and renter. Kor tbo Iwt- torn use half-Inch boards or lath, make the bottom light, using slx-'ienny nails. Use Wx'-'-lnch strip of lath for aide. ends and top, put them XV, Inches apart; the width of lath I ubout right I-euve two lath loose on top In center. or mnko a door of tlieni to open, In order to put poultry In and take It out Now nail n lath around the coop, each end and the renter, outside, tho three frame mailo first. This will keep tho luth from coining off and mako tho coop stronger. Kor broilers the coops ran t mailo 10 Inches high and 21 Inch' es wide. This will make n good, strong, J light coop.!'. II. Hprague. lleaular Feed In or and Varleljr, Two things are essential to tho thrift of animals a variety In their food and rxtilarlty In Us receipt. Ono article of food cannot supply all tho necesxary sustenance, because It may lack somo of tho essential elements, and Is almost sure to have somo Insiiillclent quanti fied. Animals do not thrive as well when fed Irregularly as when they get their food nt certain season. Tho! moro regular the food Is supplied the better tho results. Iteualrliitf t.Ur lloor. Tako coal tar and sift rout n.lw. in'.... ... '.....;.' ..' ""' V,u I.V .. .1 I . . .. .. ". until tho thickness of slirf inntar. Mas- ter It around leaks. If used on slato roofs the snow and rain cannot blow In. This cement will harden llko a I itono and I apparently a ludestructl. ItlA it ntlUIVA,. ft .1,11 1 n I.I M .... .. i.v, ...., Muni,.,.., ,ur jinpur rooms and Improperly put on It eccm to bo there forever, Vaccinating CatlM, In Germany thu vaccination of rntit,. against black leg, a fatal disease, U a . a -. incoming general mux very eirocuv. us only thwa low. In five year, are re. P0" ' INDIA GlUr.KU IN LONlftjN, Overjoyed In tin tireeled In Oni. l.niiHiiHue nit Nlreel, Htnlklng solemnly In pit I re, with llm ncu!lnr ttttlt of Urn fnr Western In dian, nluim Vletnrlii strcut ycslrrdny nffortimm Cnpllnno Joo of I ho Httam Isli trltw. n ml. known llmirn In Vim- mver City, itnd IiIn tllllktim. whn mM0n ha .een referred In In tlm )n Mn( ,., ( umaxed mt wm, ,,y ,nr, tin familiar CM- ,,)(, dialect tl welcome, My th , iimlun Mali. 'Klahow-yah, tyhee tllllkiims, spoo nlku tumtuui chco-chahko) IllaUo sly ah I" II Mad smile broke over their stoical vtsagea, they laughed deeply and gut turally In their Joy, and with one voice exclaimed I "Na-wllkal Na-wltka, ttlllktimr What the Dally Mall representative aid waa merely, "How are you, chiefs? I guess you are tenderfeet (cl.ee dish koa), too j the homelund la far away," And what they replied "Yen, yea, com. radar They complained that In, the long Journey from VancmivVr to Montreal they Lad suffered terribly from the con Itnemeut, but In the "hylu canrem" (steamboat) on the "sknokuui clunk" (oceiui) their misery waa couiplele, They are waiting the pleasure of the "hyaa tyhee" (king), and to tell Ida ma Jlr that the Indian must hare free- , Horn to nan and limit in game in hi native wood aud stream nr erlh, The while man ha come with his "hy. , ackguu" (qulckflrerw), and ha driven the game far hack Into the mountains. They have called Upon the Hon. J. I. Turner, agent general In Guidon fur Hritlah Columbia, and he linn sjkrn cheering word to them. They are eager to return to the dis tant "Hlanles" (ramp), and every sun set bring a keener twinge of the helm web of the exile. To them the city I Inexpressibly vnst aud bewildering and Impressive but "Kla-ta-wahl Klata wahl" ("Ut It got") Is the chief of their thought. Their Interpreter said to the Dally Mali representative ycatrrday afternoon that tley have the utmost confidence, In the auecesa of their mission, upon which I they ere to report to great gathering .of the Bquamlsh, Cowlchan and the ICaniloops Indian on their return home. Ttib tleseel Sands, "I shall winter In the Kali a r a." aald a traveling man. "With a caravan I shall traverse under a blinding sun And w ndleij pUlw of snow while sand, ''' w "' Mohammedan attend. anti will wear any kind of shade over hla rye. "Against that daxxllng glare (ho backi of I heir necks will be swathed In v' -"-" W " HV i III uw wono a won,t iu lare, but neither tea nor turt',n wAtr anr circumstance ha a ' T,,e Koran,' the katd answered, 'rr,,lu ' Inie believers to shade their " tJinK " Koran Implicitly, w0 dwellers In Hie desert avoid Itkn I10'0" Mmn ,0 "f hendgrar. In con- ""J""" 'cr '"" I'lindiiesa among; us than among any othor people In the world.'"!) Angeles Time. Mr, Churchlelgh You ml no much no attending church moro regularly, Mr. WIoOh. no; I hnvo auhscrllr- "l lor ,wo aiiuitioiinl fashion maga- clnea. Mnhliiv th- (',i,ii, "Well, iinnn. I'll i.mrru .i. i. n -U. -1. WHU I-OIIIIIIIOU," "What1 that, my dear?" "Ho must glvu mo n wedding Jour ney abroad." "Oh, I'm sure he'll do that " "And I Insist upon going alonol"-. A. 1 ... . -. R M.u.iw , Cleveland I'laln Dealer. The Usual War, "Bay, pop, what' a rafllo?" "A ratllo, my son. la whom I hue nlnetcon chance on n diamond ring ?".? tno follow w'h ono cbanctj wlia If "Trntiaaa lit.. Ul llldn'l Mis Anrlhln., KllnBsssssssV'QT La1 bbIIv4bZmmbhS vugr oiar The secret of .ucce. U to aim Ulgt. land stick to It.