bbbbbWz mM RMRlRninRniwmvwiit, FAVORS WATERWAYS KnsiviII Says linn StrtdjaLSS'S!! Bt IBKIYN. GiEAT VALUE IF THEIR POWER Lars Great Stress on Preservation of Our Natural Resources Against Monopoly and WaataN Washington, Feb. 27. With his hearty Indorsement In a special mes sage. President Iloosavclt yesterday transmitted to conaremi the urollm- Inary report of tho Inland Waterways Commission, recommending a gen cral policy ot waterway Improve xnont. The president proceeds to point out the connection between naviga tion of tho lower reaches ot a stream and control ot methods and preven tion ot soil erosion. Use ot a stream lor domestic and municipal water supply, power and Irrigation must also bo taken Into accounL He says deep channels will havo high valuo for national defense; uso ot water power will relievo drain on the coal supply; transportation by water In stead ot rail will conscrvo Iron; for est protection will prevent timber famine and perpetuate the remaining forest; Irrigation will sustain million-; and pure water will promote health. The work la national In cop. 'ihe commission recommends a policy for developing all commercial and Industrial uses of waterways at tho same time. To this end the work of the various departments con cerned ahould be, co-ordinated, that thero may be no delay. The cost will be large, but far less than would be required to relieve the congestion ot rail traffic, and the benefits will be largo also and will unite the Inter ests ot all states and sections. The president calls attention to tho great amount ot detailed infor mation needed to carry out the com mission's plan, but says beginning of worjc ahould not bo postponed till all the facts are obtained. The president says our policy hitherto has been purely negative obo ot repression and procrastina tion a ad frequent changes of plan and piecemeal execution have further hampered Improvement. In spite of large appropriations our rivers aro 1m serviceable than half a century ago and are leaa used. In Us report the commission first states the facta It has found. It finds that thero are 25,000 mile ot navigated rivers and at least an equal length, which are navigable or!Po after a period of 14 years from might be made so; 2.500 miles otithe time tho act goes Into force, and navigable canals and over 2.S00 miles of sounds, bays and bayous, which could be connected by lest than 1,000 miles ot canals parallel with Ihe Atlantic and Quit coasts. Theso waterwaya are In 42 states and development of rivers for Irri gation, power, etc, will make cer tain waterways navigable In the re maining states. Railroad Interests have been suc cessfully directed against mainten ance and development of water traf fic. Successful waterway Improvement must provide for adjustment of the relations of rail to water lines. Rail roads can so control traffic as to leave waterways Insufficient to sup port vessels and terminals, for they can so reduco rates on traffic for which waterways compete as to de stroy profits, and can recoup them selves with higher rates on traffic for which waterways do not compete. Waterway improvement will not re lieve rail congestion unless co-ordination la arranged to Insuro harmon ious co-operation JO SOmO Instances thO COftt Of nrvi in i-nntmi fi,,. o r,.. i.nn,nn. works to control floods and Improve navigation would be less than the loss by floods and drought. The annual soil wash la about 1, 000,000,000 tons, mostly tho most valuable part ot the soli, which pol lutes the water, necessitates dredg ing and reduces efficiency of river Improvements. Forestry, farming, mlulug and other Industries affect tho flow of streams for commerce. Wide variation in the level of riv ers hampers establishment of water terminals. Telegrspners Msy Quit. Spokane, Wash.', Feb. 27. Rail way telegraphers of this division an nounce that tho union and nonunion men havo voted to strlko If the Northern Pacific or the Great North-J ern cuts are wage scale. Thoy claim tho companies are trying to make the men pay for the extra operators that will bo required If the Interstate Bine-hour law goes Into effept March 1. Tho vote on tho strlko question shows 95 per cent df the operators on both -roads will quit. They aro now averaging. $75 per month for 12 hours' work. Rsctamat'on Work In Nevada. Bait Lake City, Feb. 27. Tho Utah-Nevada Irrigation Company, will begin work promptly oh a darn and irrigation system in Eastern Ne vada near the Utah lino. The com pany plan to reclaim 230,000 acres of Jaid 1b the Meadow Valley, wasn.ikilied and one mjurod. DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS. Conspiracy to Scur Valuable Con ICtttlon From Government. Washington, Feb. 2S. Threo or- i - under Investigation since early In February, and which revolve around an Intontlon which la valued at moro than $6J)0,000. Tho parties arrested aro Ned W. Barton, third assistant examiner ot the Patent Otnco; Henry W. Everdlng, a patent attorney of rhlladelphla, and John A. llcuny, an InTentor of York, Pa. They havo been Indicted by tho Untied Slates government for attempting to de fraud the government and fur do- troylnc ptbllc records. Tho Indictment charges that fho thrco men, "with an Intent lo and destroy," carried away from the patent othco letters, specifications nd amendment relating to patents and unlawfully and willfully de stroyed them. Tho Investigation was mado upon Information that nn a result ot a conspiracy John A. lleany had been given a patent on an Inven tion for manufacturing filaments and electrodes for electric Incandescent lamps. The facts disclosed by tho Investi gation were ot such a character that they 'were presented to tho grand Jury. It Is alleged that through con nivance with .Ned W. Uarton, lleany and Kverdlng, outrlvallcd moro than 20 ot tho largest electrical concerns In tho country striving to get the same patent. All ot theso concerns had filed applications tor -u patent, but from time to time Uarton, It is charged, would see tho specifications and employ whatever he desired for perfecting Heany's Invention. To bo successful In this plan It was neces sary to destroy certain records and the aubstltutcs therefor. BLOW AT BRITISH SALOONS. Atqulth's Llcsnso Bill Raises Storm ot Protest. London, Feb. 28. Chancellor ot tho Exchequer Asqutth Introduced the licensing bill In tho houso ot commons. This Is tho principal gov ernment measure for tho present session of parliament, and involves vast money and labor. Tho capital Invested In licensed property In this country Is not less than $1,200,000,- 000, while over 2,000,000 people aro employed 1st the traffic. Briefly, the bill provides for the compulsory re duction within a specified period and on a uniform scale of tho number of regular saloon licenses throughout tho country. Tho bill proposes that this reduc tion bo effected within 20 years. Tho system of compensating those en tlrely deprived of their licenses Is to an end thus will bo put to tho vested Interests In licenses. The bold and drastic bill Is raising a storm of denunciation In tho op position pros. Mr. Ualfour gave his (Party a lead In a brief speech stlg- matltlng the measure as "robbery-" Tho tremendous strength ot the browing Interest throughout tho country will bo brought to bear In an endeavor to prevent tho passage of the bill. ADMIRAL EVANS HAS GOUT. Peruvian Physicians Report His Con dition as Not Serious. Lima, Teru, Feb. 28. Two Peru vian physicians paid an official visit to Admiral Evans on the flagship Connecticut and after consultation declared that Admiral Evans was suffering from rheumatic gout, but that his condition was not serious. It is believed that tho commander of tho fleet will bo ablo to direct tho movements of the battleships on their ,innrtr neit Hntnr.tnr aepariuro nexi Baiuraay. President Pardo gave an audience this afternoon to Rev. Mr. McOlee son, chaplain of tho Connecticut. Thero was a large attendance of sail ors and others at tho mass at the cathedral this morning, at tho con clusion ot which a breakfast waa given at the seminary. Another bull fight was given y6s terday afternoon', at which there wero 4,000 spectators, including 1, S00 officers and sailors from -the fleet. A banquet was given last night on board tho Connecticut. All the ships were brilliantly Illuminated. Illinois Miners May Strike. Peoria, 111., Fob. 28. Despite re ports to the contrary, ouo prominent rnnl nnerntnr ilfrlnr'l toilav that tho deadlock between tho operators and miners of tho Northern, Central and Southern Illinois field had not beon broken, and that the operators were prepared to hold out until March 1, when tne present agroomenl expires. Then tho trial will como, If nothing Intervenes and neither sldo recedes from Its announced determination. President John M. Walker has do dared that tho prospectx aro for a goneral suspension of work. Torpedo Boats Collide. Klol, Feb. 28. Two torpedo boats collided during tho courso of maneu vers today, Uoth vessols wero ser iously damaged and were dockod In a leaking condition, uno man was 1 rnRFIiDN STATF MM IF INTFRFST ... j- . i . , , LARGE CLIP kXPtCTEU. Eastsrn Oregon Wool Industry Looks -. Encouraging, rendition Tlio filing of the wool t-.. .Ia.- l I.. ..-, i . .. I- ... (1st step In what promises to be one ot procure signatures to tholr petitions charges against ho navy tbo best year for sheep and wool In the nm tinhorn In tho office of tho mado by Henry Houtcrdahl In a ro hbtorr of the state. Owing to U. mild fCretnry of stato or tho county clerk cent magaslno article. Tho charges winter .11 over Ea.U.n Oregou tho tauiu crop liiviui. w uv "7 u lno ,jrocl prjnmry RW and aro mak tho wool clip will aveiago higher than jnK inquiries as to dates. Tho last evertetnro. Ills estimated that the day for filing petition for nomlnn Eastern Oregon herds will aveisite nine tlons for offices to be voted for In pounds or more this tear, owing lo tho tho stato tit largo, or In any district constant Improvement of the grade ' hMn. muuuint-l-mvrhninffiii-miuM and prices will bo fixed soon. It Is K..;.l.t tK. n.l,... f... .t,..ln. .ill lw ol unices luciuurs staio ouicei, con thouKMo prlcor sheailng will bo KrclonR, omcM Jonl wlm about . S ceuU per hrad.aml thero Is oln. rci.resontatlJo. circuit Iu.Um a targe preference shown for hnd nnd uisitrlct attorneys. There pell shearing, owing to the fact that tho tlons aro to bo filed In tho office of machines Injure the loots ot the wool the secretary of state, by cutting too close to the skin ot the Petitions for nominations for of beep. Tho skin of tho machine shout flees to bo voted for In only one sheep being dipped extremely close, county must bu filed In tho office of sunburns badly and this retards tho county clerk not later than April saw tar IK iKa aarw1 rt anArnar vr growth of tho woo) for another year. Wool and sheep buyer are already on Uie ground, and there pramlfM lo be spirited bidding for wool and inut ton sheep all over this section. I-.wes which will bear a lamb this spring and halng a heavy fierce ol wool upon them are now worth 0 yer head in hattem Otegon. FARMERS HOLD THEIR WHEAT Orowsrs of Baker County Expect to Get High Prlcos. ... in,, n .1.- -,. , combine. amW the farmer, around Ilakor City Is now In exlstcnco nnd It Is practically Impossible to secure grain of any kind. Heretofore they have always been anxious nnd ready to sell but at tho present tlmo It Is almost Impossible for tho local deal- from $100 to $150 per acre. Tho pto ers to supply tho demand of tho pco- j Hoo of the packing plant at h1 In 11lin Pliw thn n va at rut IS I I. .. . . . , ,U U.n N...,, TiUU u, ..i. . "S-k- ...... m. .-,. The cause of this combine among tho farmers of this section of the,UM'4,v ""' """ country Is tho building of tho Kaglo Valley railroad, which will employ a largo number of teams In tho spring and tho farmera aro holding tholr grain In anticipation of tho great de mand and tho high prices when ac tive operatloes begin. Tbo build ing or the Snake River Rallroad.will also creato a strong market tor grain and many of tho ranchers expect to sell to tho contractors on tho Snake, J.", J.L,no. contractors osibh nnu av mu ruuruaus uuuuiui, 1117 HIVT aro almost sure to obtain n high price for their grain and to make money by holding It. Fruit Replaces Forests. Q rants Pass If the progress of clear ing up raw land and Improving It kep on at tho present pace, Josephine county, within five yesrt, will be en tirely cleared an 1 planted to fruit. As an instance of this work It msy b slat ed that one country store In Appleyate valley has placod seven grubbing ma chines within the last month. These mechanical devices dc the work of sev erat men, wiin greater ease anu less rx-1 penie. Within short distances of town wuete ntavy machinery may be ni. UUUKC 6U)(IUW I11 lUUMJIHIUI lfli In pulling stamps and brush. Clackamas May Gat Cannary. Oregon City If the present plans of tho members of tho Clackamas County Horticultural toclety aro carried out, Clackamas county will have still an other enterprise In tho shspo of a fruit cannery. A meeting ol the society was held last week. Mr. Rrltton, of East ern Oregon, addressed the meeting on the subltct and stated that he had made a careful examination of th fruit acre age of this vicinity and finding it high ly satisfactory, was willing to tho scheme. Pumping Out Red Boy, Baker City After lying Idle for months, tho pumps of the famous Ited Itoy mine have been started again and tho mine will soon bo in condition for operation. Tho monster pumps throw out about 600,000 gallons of water every 24 hours, and at this rate the mine will txf ready for operations in about 30 days. The Red Boy mine was one of the best producers of ivaitrn Oregon lor many years and It Is thouvht that it will agaln.occupy a front rank. Will Issue Pamphlets. Salem Tho secretary of stato has turned over to tho stato printer all measures to bo submitted nt tho elec tion Juno 3, and arguments for and against thorn, for tho purpose of hav ing thorn bound In ono pamphlet, which will ba sent to all voters throughout tho stato. This pamphlet will probably bo ready for mailing at tho ond of March, when It will bo sent to all valors whose names aro sent In by tho county clerks. Oregon Butter Sent East. Corvallls A carload of butter has been shipped by tho Corvallls cream ery to Philadelphia. Tho shipment comproncd 60,000 pounds and Is valued at above $160,000. It Is stor- ago butter, and tho movement Is oc casioncd by much Bast thaPn aro 0, tho product in the East tained on tno coast. FILING PETITIONS. Candidates for Office Havo than a Month Mora Salem Candidates for otnco havo tttrifsti ftnatt ft nwtttlt wf It wtttVK tsi 0Tot miliar with IhrdoUlU composed of moro than one county or In Judicial or prosecuting attor- ney districts, Is March 27, This class "" """i "A .E" . .W'V SLV.J. Tho secretary of stato will certify JK)rton , ,ho usol ,0 tha couty Ccrk by March 30. IU IIIU VUUMIJ Tho primary oloctlon will be hold Friday. April 17. Tho general election will bo held Monday, Juno 1. Alfalfa for Catlls. Pendleton It It estimated that ths Increase In the alfalfa acreage of Uma tilla county this spring will amount to t least 10 per cenL In the Hutter , creek and Ucrmliton districts In Ihe West end ot the county and also In tho "? Pt ot the wmntjr active work In enlarging tbo alfalfa farm is now In progress, The raw land without vrsler Is worth but $10 to $28 per acre, while rtednl to alfalfa and under Irrigation It Is worth I'ortlami has stimulated the growing of alfalfa and the fuelling ot cattle In this ..,., . New Fruit Packing House. Milton At a meeting ot the Milton Fruitgrowers' union the following di rectors were elected for the ensuing year: J N. Sunt, T. L. ItsKtdalr, William Fofsjliie. O. K. Goods a and h. P. Jvnioo. Tho union Is In good condition and Its affairs havo been handled In a very creditable n anncr. u ,, , 0, ,,, unIon to bua . .i i... .n ,.... . .-., ... ..LI !.... ,1.. ".?.:. .'TV .ui uu ' !"" " ," K" ""?,!"' ' ,".,". The new building will probably bo a three-story structure and will be con venlenttly arranged for the handling of fruit. After Federal Court Pendleton The Pendleton Commer cial asocial Ion will send a d'legttlon to Waihlngtoa to fight for the Federal district hradqusrtrrs when tho data of the hearing with tho house judicial commlttre Is fixed. If the Oregon del- exstlon think It ntceseary, expressions frcm attorneys of Morrow, Gilliam, gherman and other Kaitexn Oregon coonOes In favor of Pendleton for the headquarters will be secured PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 81o; bturstem, 83c; valley, 81c; red, 70c, Barley Feed, $20 per ton; brewing, $32; rolled, $20030. Oats No. 1 while, $27; gray, $27, per ton. Corn Whole, $32.60; cracked, $33 60. , Hay Valley timothy, No. I, $17 $18 per ton; Eastern Ort-uon timothy, $20021; clover, $14015; cheat, $10; grain hay, $14316; alfalfa, $12(5)13; vetch, $14. Fruits Apples, table, $1,76(33.00; cooking, $1.2601.60 per box; cran berries, $811 per barrel, Vegetables Turnips, 76c per sack; carrots, 05c per sack; beets, $1 per sack; cahlmge, ll,lo per pound; cau liflower, $1.76 01.86 ; celery, $3,760 4 perorate; onions, 16030c pordot-n; parsley, 20c per dozen; peppers, 17Ko per pound; pumpkins. 101o per pound; rllhcs, 20c per doxen; spin ach, Go per pound; sprouts, 8c per pound; squaeh, 101&o per pound, Onions $3 60 per hundred, Potatoes $2.60 pr hundred, deliv ered Portland; sweet potatoes, $3,600 3.75 percwl. Butter Fancy creamery, 30036c per pound. Poultry Average old hens, 130180 per pounds mixed chickens, 12k013o: spring chickens, 1213o; roosters, 10011c; dressed chickens, Ho; tur keys, live, I4016o; dressed, cholco, 16 017o; geese, live, 0010a; ducks, 140 loo; pigeons, 76r0fl;sinabs, $l,o(J2, Eggs Fresh ranch candled. 22JKB 23c per dozen. Veal 760126 pounds, 7c: 160 to 200pcunds, 5(?0Ho. t.VH..v v.,w,VH. Pork Block, 76 to 160 pounds, 0U 07o; packers, 66o. Hops 1007, prime and cholco 4 60 per pound; olds l2o per pound. wool-ttstorn Oregon average beat IW ggg. - es4) mohair cholco 2903Oo par pound, OHARQEU ARE FALfcE. Expsrt Tastlfy Before Commlllat on Naval Construction, Washington, Fob. Sfl. Two ex ports In nnvnl construction Hear Admiral Converse, retired, president ot the board ot construction, and Hear Admiral Capps, chief of tho bu ruau ot construction and repair, were betoro tho senate- committee on ..i ..,.- ..,.i..- i ,... i......ti.,H ", " otwero r u '? ,ho T" tiearod In tho article and at tho con elusion of tho extomted refutation by Admiral Converse It was stated by H-iiutur 1'orklns that tho apologies ot tho committee wero duo tho offi cers for having called them to nn- . .. ji .I-,. wnviner inn cuininiiiew win emer ! on an Investigation ot any subject ex cept thoso embraced In the criticism ot the battleship construction, but, If other questions aro taken up. It Is certain no long-continued dlscucslon wilt bo permitted. It I likely that tho cntlro Inquiry will bo concluded before tho naval appropriation bill Is . . " up, MAY CAUSE WAR. Minister Warns Parliament of Dsngtr Ahssd In Europs. Ixindon, Feb. 20. The Macedonia difficulty waa raised In both homes ot parliament tonight. Sir Kdward Orey, secretary for foreign affairs, mado a statement In tho houso of commons on this subject, nnd l.ord Fllxmaurlcc, tinder secretary for for eign affair., did likewise In tho houso of-lord :hVg..l"ot both .,aYo awer sucn cnargen. uiinirmaii unio t'hlneso minister to tills country, r assented to this view and no mem-rrc,j yo.terday on tho Pacific mnll ber of tho commltteo took Issue. Iner Biberln, with a largo retlnun of This Incident at tho conclusion of Kretarle and legatltni and ron.u tho first day's proceeding Is thought i jftl muche numbering 70 persons to Indicate that tho Inquiry w lioinn brouttht with him iimw roitmiU for short. It has not been delermlned Mexico, Havana, Now York and Halt eriiitai ...-"Thai .h- Z,.,.t 'railroad, which ha caused friction Vr tn .b .mm.. ThS Jmi (""luslon law. Minister Wu said that k,& o:r?ssrwo.i ?h.u!rat j- r,;i. "0YrSttw..hnrCnc; cussing tho Macedonian question the1'"' " ,,'u wwrnnwol lth reference government was not far from thoi' ,n"1, Turkish question, which more than onco had led to an European war. They were rapidly nearlng a point, bo said, whero tho concort of powers must either Justify or stultify Itsslf, and, ir tho concert disappeared, It was Impossible to foretell what mis understanding might arlso. If Mace donia continued to bo neglected, ho added a a note of warning, It must sooner or later provoko a catas trophe. Sir Edward suggested that, If a Turkish Governor were appointed for a term of years and he was a man whoso capacity and character were recognized and accepted by tho pow era, tno wbolo question might solved. t, EXPEOT F EET AT HONOLULU. Enough Coal Balng Stored Up for Battleships San Francisco, Fob. 25. Advice from Honolulu of February 19 say plans aro already beginning to bo laid for tho victualling and enter. talnmont of Rear Admiral Evans' fleet, should It como to Honolulu. Tho addition of tho 20,000 men whom tho fleet mny bo expected to bring to tho population of Honolulu will quickly exhaust tho normal sun- plh ot fresh vegetables and Island fruits grown horo unless largo addi tions nro mado to tho area culti vated. Although thero has been no offi cial announcement that tho fleet Is corning here, thorn I n feeling of, certainty Hint It will, Thorn Is now 'Hon followed 11 deadlock thut Iih hero nnd on tho way to arrive with- neld up moro than six weeks, th In n few weoks fully 60,000 tons of .democratic organisation supporting coal belonging to tho navy. Thl,"vrnor lleckhnui, while tho re coal has nil born brought here slnro publican members havo been a a tho announcement was mado ot tho unit for Mr. llrndley from tho first sending of tho fleet to Pacific Tho four democrats who mado pos wntm. For tho ordinary purposes 'hlo an election havo persistently re or tho navy at this port, 4,000 or tusod to voto for Mr. Ileukhnm, nnd 6,000 tons a year I nil that Is noo,t-wioii they wero convinced Unit their od. Henco tho provision of 00,000 pnrty would unlta on no other mnii, ton hero now Is looked on a prnc- they withdrew their support from tlcally concluslvo that tbo fleet Is !sontterlng candidate and centered It coming. Will dvrti, Run Francises. 8a n Francisco, Fob. 25, Ono of tho beneficial result of. tho nota tion for tho cleaning up ot tho city; nnd tho extermination ol ; rnH will )., iimiin sriisnt mis ween wnon mo Si" "nJlJ'tilliJ n0,1n C,"un.Vrl." will prepare tholr reports to their In'saFranctaco "" nlrnriylCri,,V,?tU' to tho consuls. Tho 'fedora! health' f. 0 ,,oCKy Mo tu n 1 loll 1'elo. hono officers will havo a roport prepared Company, ntUu 0 Alonl Th, T en LB " 'i?r.or ,Jw.h,e.7 wm how hltKi ?n, '..mod "Sro rroin T nrco pnrcnntngn nr infection among tho 10,346 rats caught Inst wcok. Dig Flsat st Frisco Han Francisco. Fob. 2d. From tirAftnnt fla-nrcta Itinrn will I, a KA .... ,-..-... .,,.. .. ,..,. ,,, wu uu Vc 'Ms, 1 not moro, holonglng to tho 1 United Htatos navy, assembled In Ban 'n? ?co Hn5r,,vllh 0 nrrlvnl of l,hJK;'?5 "" nfw"! Th "Pet ln :,. 11 VAiJE '"J S oTmg Z pairs. NEW MINISTER HERE tfu Ting hny Does Not Seek Oar lHtervenllBD, UNOS WITH LARUE RETIME Admits That Ihsro Is Horns Frlctltrt With Jspsn No Charge In Inclusion Laws. Ban Kranrlsro, IVb. 29 Wu Ting l.'nnir. fur llui Kiriiml Hunt niihiiliiltit - - ...---.. . - , Franc SCO. Iieslilos tlireo nouhowa Mini three aecrvtarlv and fli other nt Inches fur tho C'IiIiiimi legation at Washington and 2 young sttnlenu, who will enter various schools nnd college In tlili country. At tho Pacific mall dock, whm tho Hltturln made fast, shortly before 1 o'clock, n largo number of I' til nrto from tho local rolony wero mi ha ml with a brass baud to groet their minister From tho dock tho I11I11U ter tint! his party wero taken lo tho Palriiiount hotel, whoro a largo mini ber ot suites had hern reserved Minister Wu denied tha report that ho was tho bearer of nn appeal to Washington .asking this country to assist in preserving the Intemta of China In Manchuria and protpst- ing against lite aiicgmi aggrandise- mem 01 japan 111 inai iruriiicr. urn admitted "there was some local fric tion." Ho profrssod lo be Ignorant about !w:o-cnhlIrandmJntrnr .W. ? WILL NHOW TEETH. Japan Sends Cruiser to China to In vsstlgsts Salxurs. Toklo, Feb. S9. Tho Japanese ar mo red cruiser liliutnl sailed yester day from Hhanghal for Hongkong, where. It Is understood, alio wilt In vestigate tho solium on February 7 by tho Chinese customs cruisers of tho steamer Tatsu Maru. This movement I possibly Intend ed as a demonstration against tho Chlnesn officials, although tho for eign office denies It has such an ob- Jcct In view, adding that negotls 110ns nro proceeding ni renin ami that tho Japanese flag has boon re stored to the Tatsu Maru, Tho whole question of the seliurw of tho Tatsu Maru, which onrrlod a cargo nt arms nnd other munitions, now turn upon the character of Ihn merchant to whom tho arms wvr consigned. It I believed that ha Is a sympathiser of tho rovolutlnnlsts In China, for whom tho arms wero- , posiaiuiy intended. KENTUCKY ELECTS NENATOII, Legislature Elects Oovarnor Urad'ey After Mix Wssks. Frankfort, Ky , Feb. 39, Pour democrats, who have stood out front tho party machine, swung Into llm with tho republican member of tho general assembly yesterday', reunit ing In tho election of ex-davernor William O. llrndley, it republican, to the United States senate. Tho vice on tho republican chnlco. Union Men Hnfusml Mardon Washington, Fob. 20. Tho Presi dent tins denied pardons In tho case of P. D. I.enlliaii. M. J. Plunkctt. j0,0,;h shannon, w'llilntii Cutta and a. Edwards, members of n Inbnr unlon' ronvlcted son.., months ago of volutlug an Iniiinctliin limed by 11 Hn,,c" wurl" dgo " n Jo InU four months Imprisonment it ml, In soiiio cases, flues. New Clslms Bring Big Prless Mis Anualos. nni . Vnh go. Ad vices received tn this city today stnto ,iva ii-Luiveu 111 mis city touay mm" Hint tho two orlulnnl claims nt Hurt. Hun Bernardino rminty, whoro u enmp wus established six wooks UK". fowlmr n dlscovory of gold, havo "T "".,.,o.r-.a'0'0iJL0J.',''.V.r. 8"".? sS,T?oW- onol Hopklnu,